Author Topic: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle  (Read 194284 times)

Offline bearheart

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #75 on: March 28, 2013, 07:10:14 am »
Well, of course it is the biggest fraud buster site Roy Glass has ever seen. Isn't that what this site is about? Bringing the Truth out. And the truth is Roy Glass is not what he says he is. He is a scam artist.
 I believe, everyone on here would very much like to see your CIBD card since you mentioned it. The last pic you sent to everyone on facebook was somewhat blurred. But then again your wife is an excellent photographer, Right? So perhaps that was intended. She does take pictures of orbs that belong to your family members and brings you to the people you feel they want you to help. Right? Or maybe not?
 But back on subject; Are you Cherokee? Were you born in Oklahoma? (your birth cert. says not) Are you a member of the 'Bird' clan ? (I thought Cherokee's did not tell what clan they were from) Were you nominated for a Grammy? (anytime) and were you ever contacted to be on the David Letterman show (careful how you answer) Lets start out with these few questions first, then we will move forward to the big ones. (the charity frauds and the money you have taken from people who trusted in you)  Think you can give us proof of these things? Are do you really have something to hide?
  We will see -- We will see

Offline roy glass

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #76 on: March 28, 2013, 01:17:05 pm »
I am Sharon Brickle Glass, wife of Roy Glass. I am posting under his name because after several attempts, I have not been approved for this site. The claims submitted here stem from my husband's refusal to have an affair with a woman named Diane. She came to my husband for spiritual help and somehow got the idea that he and she would be together. She called him constantly asking questions about the culture and began following him to events, asked could she paint his drum, made regalia for his sons, started wearing regalia to events, etc. I believe that is called stalking. She realized that her fantasy world did not exist when she saw us together and realized that our marriage is strong. That is when all of this began. This site is just the latest tool she is using to try to hurt us. I love my husband, I support him and believe in him 100+ %. Enough said.

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #77 on: March 28, 2013, 01:18:33 pm »
Medicine Flower! I am the one who started this research post. It is about how this man claims to be a carded Cherokee Holy/Healer man and how he scams lots of folks out of money! So, as I and others have asked, you and others, do you have anything to offer that proves his claims?

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #78 on: March 28, 2013, 01:28:57 pm »
This is in reply to you Diane , I have been a member with NAFPS for several years. It seems since I know alot about this situation. This is a personal vendetta between you your husband and Roy. You are not really concerned about any fradulant claims on of him not being ndn, you want to hurt him and his family. That is not what this site was created for. Roy Glass does not go about harming anyone. you are angry with him because he wouldn't have an affair with you.
Please do not waste our time on here trying to discredit someone for a personal vendetta. He is respected here in Qualla and other Reservations. What makes you better than him , you are a follower of the pow wows and dress in your feathers and buckskin, does that make you what you claim to be ?? So you really have no room to talk here. Look within your own self in the mirror..........

It sounds as if you have fallen again there medicine flower. Here is a quote from you about a similar man " I know this man personally, I took a  medicine class  in 2009 in Hickory nc. . You are correct that he preys on Women and their money. I almost lost my marriage of 30 years because of him. I am Cherokee from NC and met him because I owned a Native American gallery.
He Claims to be a cherokee medicine man from Okla."  People only see what they want to see. By they way, who is Diane? I have not seen any posts by a Diane.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #79 on: March 28, 2013, 01:41:10 pm »
I read the whole post who is Diane? None of this makes sense to me
Anyone who makes public claims to be a medicine man is just plain wrong we do not do that,
plus all a person has to do is tell who their family is from the rez and if they can say yes
he is our relative them we know it is done all the time in indian country, You do know that right
« Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 03:22:08 pm by earthw7 »
In Spirit

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #80 on: March 28, 2013, 02:12:43 pm »
Has anyone researched the murder he was involved in? Claims he drove some woman to the hospital after her husband shot her, no it was him but the husband is serving time. I do not trust either one of them & yes he is a FRAUD!!!! I pray that someone puts a STOP to him and his bs soon!!!

You better provide proof of your very serious accusation and fast. I will give you two days and no more.

If you don't, your post will be permanently deleted and you and any other ID you try to come here under will be permanently banned.

This forum will not be used and abused by spammers, trolls, and mudslingers to plant any old accusation or smear without proof. The more serious an accusation one makes, the more one must be prepared to back it up with evidence.

This is the only warning I will give to you or anyone else trying something similar.

Right now I'm going to start deleting all the BS distractions that perhaps 5-6 people have wasted all our time with. I'll keep them archived elsewhere for reference.

Minus all the distractions there are still several areas of concern:

All the evidence shows Glass is lying about being Cherokee and carries around a fake CDIB card.

He falsely claims to be a Grammy nominee.

And most important, there are still the claims about Glass taking funds intended for charity. That's the most serious, but other than the claim we have yet to see proof.

Anyone needing to prove or disprove this, you'd best contact the Cherokee Boys Home and others.


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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #81 on: March 28, 2013, 04:06:06 pm »
Here is some info from links posted earlier, saved here in case the originals are ever taken down:

JONESVILLE - Donald Edgar Glass, 66, of 541 Bobby Faucett Road died Oct. 24, 2000, at Spartanburg Regional Medical Center.

A native of Union, he was the husband of Georgine Etterer Glass and son of the late Frank and Lenora Howell Glass.

Survivors in addition to his wife include Roy E. Glass of Buffalo



Mrs. Georgine E. Glass, age 72, widow of Donald E. Glass, of 541 Bobby Faucette Rd., Jonesville, died Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2008 at Regional Hospice Home of Spartanburg after a long illness.

Mrs. Glass was born in Garmish, Germany, Jan. 27, 1936.

Surviving: Roy Glass and wife Sharon of Union

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #82 on: March 28, 2013, 05:55:18 pm »

This "Chikasha" was visiting the pages multiple times a day and staying for long periods of time which is both unwelcome and quite obsessive.

Would you like to see the screenshots instead--screenshots of the visits to Tumblr and DeviantArt including the one I have JUST now. Visit #84 from the same IP address
The same IP address, browser information, latitude and longitude--coming from the very account you're using here.

Stop lying.

Only the moderators and admins can see the IP data on this site.  You are guessing, in an attempt to intimidate.

As for your creepy claims that this is one person's "vendetta" - the concerns about Glass have been brought up by quite a few people, most of them men. As far as I know, no one by the female name you give has even discussed this with us.

However, we often hear those kinds of slurs against women when a man has done something wrong, and he wants to shift the blame. While occasionally stalkers can be women, your story sounds to me like the type of misogynist fantasy that supporters of wrongdoers attempt to promote, hoping other misogynists will let them off the hook. I could be wrong here, but attempting that kind of slur on a woman we probably don't even know does not reflect well on you or your attitudes about women.

Whatever did or didn't happen in these people's personal lives changes nothing about the other claims that Glass has made, most of which are inconsistent and seem to me to be untrue. Please feel free to prove us wrong, but attacking people that most likely have nothing to do with any of this is not a good tactic to attempt.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #83 on: March 28, 2013, 06:53:15 pm »
Both "Mimi" and Ms. Glass IMd me.

Mimi ranted about Glass supposedly confessing to the murder to several people. And yet somehow no one ever went to cops, DA, or press in a high profile murder case that sent someone to death row 13 years ago.

Pretty obvious Mimi did not care the slightest about the supposed injustice, not even bothering to name the case. She's banned.

Ms Glass gave the information. The case was the murder of Judy Southern by Jonathan Binney.,6611158

Binney was facing child molestation charges at the time he broke into Southern's home and murdered her. He confessed, was found guilty, apologized to the victim's families, had plenty of fingerprint, forensics evidence vs him. The best his defense could come up with was claiming he'd intended to break into the to commit suicide.

Glass's sole link was to have been present the night the murder happened. No evidence, and no motive. If there were any, there's been 13 years a man's been on death row you needed to speak up about. If there were anything to it, why didn't Binney or his lawyer seize upon it?

Ms. Glass said in her Im that there was no money made in the charity event for the boy's home.
ETA: There are still accounts of others saying he collected elsewhere for the home and the home never got anything.

Essentially, once you strip away people throwing a lot of mud, Glass is a musician lying about his ancestry and award, with the donations matter still unresolved.

Offline wolflover

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #84 on: March 28, 2013, 06:59:20 pm »
I was at a Pow Wow in 2011 and Roy Glass asked me, as well as many other vendors for money for the Cherokee Boys Home, he also stated at this same Pow Wow that any money that he received for his CD;s was going to the  Cherokee boys home. The boys home was called and they have never heard of any one named Roy Spotted Eagle or received any money from said person. Although not surprised that Roy and his wife Sharon and their followers have been on here telling lie's to everyone,  because they have no truthful answers I must say that I am glad to see that NO one is believing the lies. The statements made on this sight against Mr. Glass I have found to be nothing but truthful, they can lie all they want and say this is about revenge but it isn't, unfortunately this is what the Glasses do when confronted about their lies and deceptions, they do their best to draw the attention away from the true issues and we all know what those truths are: birth place, Cherokee, what is his true culture, scamming people for money, performing fake healing ceremony, even saying he healed a woman with his flute music etc etc etc? and lets not forget him using his Cherokee card as intimidation against many true natives, as I am one of those TRUE NATIVES...enough said...

Offline bearheart

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #85 on: March 28, 2013, 07:21:09 pm »
I agree this site is not for bashing and airing personal grievances but anyone that knows Mr. or Mrs. Glass knows full well that they will turn any statement or fact around to serve their purpose of avoiding the truth. He will not give direct answers such as to the question---Where were you born----He states---I was not born in Tahlequah, Ok---no one ever said he was---his FB page clearly states he was born in Stilwell, OK yet his birth certificate states he was born in SC.  I have a tendency  to believe recorded public documents.  I feel these will give us the true picture. This investigation is not about whether or not he is a christian and not about his or any other persons spiritual beliefs. Neither is it about personal vendettas.  This is strictly about the facts     1---where were you born---if it was OK, show me that Birth Certificate   2---Are you of the Cherokee Nation in OK as you claim---if you are show me documentation so we can have it verified   3---When were you Grammy nominated---show me a link or documentation with your name on it so it can be verified    4---- Did your ancestors specifically named by you walk the Trail of Tears-----I think I remember a post by you saying your Uncle was hung in 1858 right after he reached OK after walking the Trail of Tears---the Trail of Tears was from 1831-1838---there is a 20 year difference here, something just doesn't add up    5----It is a known fact that you have stated the proceeds from your CD sales went to the Children's Home of Cherokee, NC, as a matter of fact, this statement was used by you and others under your guidance as a selling tool, also you collected money from known vendors at one Pow Wow specifically earmarked for the Children's Home------Show us proof the Children's home ever received any money ( I will help you with this one, interviews were made with 1-Tiffany Reid, HR and and member of the Boys Club, Inc. Board, 2-Matt Hollifield, Director of Boys and Girls Club, 3-Monica Lambert, Administrative for Children's Home, 4-Chris Weatherford, Director for Cherokee Children's home, 5-Nancy Maney, Manager for Tribal Enrollment, 6-Anita Johnson Lossiah, Attorney Generals Office for the Eastern Band Law Clerk------A QUOTE FROM THE LICENSED INTERVIEWER STATES "NONE OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED HAVE HEARD OF OR HAVE ANY INFORMATION OF THE SUBJECT----MR GLASS----BEING A MEMBER OR MAKING ANY KINDS OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO----THE TRIBE----THE CHILDREN'S HOME----OR THE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB" ).  IF THEY DID NOT RECEIVE THE MONEY YOU OR OTHERS COLLECTED FOR YOU, THEN WHERE DID IT GO?   Now, these are some simple questions, Mr Glass, please answer them directly. This should not be difficult if you are telling the truth. I have done my research and I know the truth, but you deserve a chance to respond and I welcome that.  Once these simple questions have been dealt with to everyone's satisfaction, we will move on to the harder ones. Once again this is no place for grudge matches or excuses, simple straight forward answers are all that we ask for and will be appreciated.

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #86 on: April 01, 2013, 12:24:59 am »
I've notice that the statement of Roy Glass being "3/4 Cherokee, Western Band, Bird Clan" has come off of his facebook page. Also on his music page, the year for the Grammy nomination has been deleted although he has never been nominated for a Grammy.

Offline wolflover

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #87 on: April 01, 2013, 04:48:17 pm »
Just saw that the 3/4 Cherokee is indeed back on his page!!!!

Offline MattOKC

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #88 on: April 02, 2013, 05:59:25 am »
Bill Miller's one of my best friends. I can just ask him in the next day or two if you like.

Offline ChikashaTruth

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Re: Roy Glass, AKA Roy Spotted Eagle
« Reply #89 on: April 02, 2013, 12:27:56 pm »
Please do Matt and let us know.