Author Topic: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"  (Read 118191 times)

Offline Superdog

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2009, 12:26:06 pm »
You dress up as Kiowa to sell your shows and flute cd's.  You tell people you're Kiowa.  You're website is inundated with pictures of you in Anadarko...being Kiowa is a selling point for your music.  You're selling yourself as Kiowa...let's not play semantics.

Offline The Flute keeper

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2009, 01:17:18 pm »
So how is it going in your sideo f the world? Having a hot summer there? Here we have snow.
So I dress Kiowa - I wish I could but no, my show dress is not tribal in anyway. Actually I make my own outfits and sometimes I just wear a plain ribbon shirt - you mention my site so that makes me believe you have seen my outfits. I sell flutes... YES, I do try to sell my handmade flutes but as far as I know I have never claim that I make KIOWA flutes... They are Native American Fashion Flutes and again, I do the best I can making these flutes. You can find better and I some even better looking than mine, but people buying them seem to like them. I do not sell Crazy Crow Flutes (good flutes I may add) just my own creations. ALL my shows are advertised as Indian Festival, and include Azetc dancers, Powwow dancers (some good, some not so good but they sure give their heart on the stage). I don´t go around selling pipes, feathers nor so called Real Beaded Items made in CZ Republic (like the lady who has set her own forum and advertises her store where you can buy pipes and all non Indian made goods). It seems that everything about me can be twisted to justify your want to be right ways. I f I dress like this, like that, my hair, my lack of it, my shirt, my music - have you listened to the CD I gave you? if you have you have noticed that mine is a combination od new sounds with Native Flute and many other hand made instruments. And as for the Anadarko pics, hey what can I say... a picture is worth a thousand words and I am not about to show where I come from with papers just to please someones ego. I tell you a cute story; Years backm Mother Theresa was traveling to Spain. At the Airport (Madrid) they asked her for her passport, she took out her Indian passport (from India) and she had no entry visa... so, what do you think it happen? well, the guy in charge had to call and ask his boss and his boss told him to let her in without any need for the visa... while she placing her passport in her bag, she took out her diplomant passport frm Vatican City... NO NEED for visa. The customs agent ask her why didn´t she show tha passport and saved him the trouble... she answered - I only use it only for special occasions... Have a good day and enjoy the weather there, it sure is nicer than in here.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2009, 02:07:12 pm »
I find your comments kind of odd....I got plenty of snow here too. 

but once're playing semantics.  You use Kiowa as a selling point and you're not Kiowa.  The pictures don't really tell any story.  Anyone can go do Anadarko.  What families do you know that live there??  Ever played for the Kiowa community there??

I've seen the vids of you on German television have a great speech about wannabe Indians in Germany....ever wonder how they get it so watching guys like you.  If you just played your music and took out your references to being Kiowa (including the outfit and bad dancing) I don't think anyone would have a problem with you.  But you don't and the problem exists.  It's not up to me to fix you know where the problem lies, but admitting it my hurt your pocketbook and that would take strength I don't see you having.  A big ego isn't a sign of strength, but a sign of insecurity.  You're not impressing anyone with it.  You don't have to please me...I could care less about ya, but I know good music when I see it and I won't be buying your music anytime soon.  Flutes are one of the oldest instruments on this earth...every culture has them in some form or another....even in classical music the two instruments that tie the music to nature are flute and drums.  Playing flute isn't a Native American phenomena.  It's the fact that you put on Indian festivals with non-Indians representing the Indians (including yourself) and you use that as a jumping off point to sell your own music...that's where the problem lies.  You're not being truthful....just little tidbits of truth surrounded by a fantasy that sells CD's.  You're in the same category as the Peruvian pan flute bands that dress up as North American natives to sell their CD's and give themselves names like "Cherokee Spirit".

Lies happen by omission as well....

Just callin' you out on the semantics play you're doing....that's all.  The rest is you talking a lot without saying anything.  You may want to consider a career in politics.


p.s.'re not Mother Teresa...that story has nothing to with anything.  Nice misdirection attempt.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 02:14:14 pm by Superdog »

Offline The Flute keeper

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #33 on: February 20, 2009, 05:04:06 pm »
Well, well, well, what do you know... those reading this (besides you, I hope) would be able to see that you are just so full of hate that pours in the lines you write. Whatever I do, whatever I say it would be something you hate. Mr. Superdog, whatever your name is and whatever you hide from - you see, I give my mail, my name and all when I go out and say what I have to say... you in the other hand, like the rest of you kin hide with made up names... mine is The Flute Keeper (like it or not and by law it is) it was given to me - I was there when it took place and I know how it was so I did not get it from some overnight wish to become something like a superdog... keep it up, go for it... use this, and many other forums to dischage your anger and your whatever is that bothers you... at the end, if my music does not help you it seems that hating me helps you and it is much cheaper than the therapy you seem to need so desperly... sorry if my spelling is not that good and you are right, I am not Mother Theresa, but let me ask you Who Made You GOD to be so perfect and so eager to change us simple humans?... and one more thing, I have played in many places in Anadarko, in many tribes of the area, in many elders centers (CADDO; KIOWA; COMANCHE, etc.) I have done many workshops in there as well, at the High School, The Indian School in Anadarko, Gernomino High School, and many more... also I have done my workshops in many other tribes like the PAWNEE, and others in Oregon and California, so don´t go around thinking hat I just do this in Germany, Holland, Sweden, DK, UK and as far as Japan and Greece. I have been around in this show business and flute making deal for over 25 years and I don´t think I will make it for another 25 (age is a factor here). Have a good day, wherever you are and whomever you are.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2009, 02:08:17 am »
It's a good idea leave in DeCarlo's ramblings, anger, and bad English. Obviously his own words help hang him as much as anything anyone has said.

I for one would like to see evidence of his having played at these places. Some of it seems he made up based on what he thought would sound convincing, but didn't really know much about. For example, Geronimo High School is not on any Apache rez, it's almost all non-Natives who attend.

One of Mr. DeCarlo's critics provided me with a statement from Kiowa Tribal Enrollment.

Edit: Excuse my poor computer skills. The letter reads.


Kiowa Tribal Enrollment
PO 369
Carnegie, OK 73015
Ph 580/654-2300

To whom it may concern,
This is to certify that the name of Geo "The Flute Keeper" DeCarlo AKA Tdom Bah Toden Xkee
Date of Birth 12/16/57
is NOT shown on the current membership of the Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma..

It has also been verified that there is not a pending application on file for the above named person.

Verified by Lisa Koomsa, Enrollment Clerk.
Notarized by Matt D Boetgen, Notary Public
Subscribed and Sworn Before Me on 7/24/07.


I will also gladly forward it to anyone requesting or needing it.

Offline kosowith

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2009, 10:01:08 am »
Just wondering - does the "respected Kiowa medicine man" he says named him actually exist?  Or is it the traditional, "I can say what I want about my relationship to this respected leader since he has walked on"  We see so many of these people who claim they were given the rights to a ceremony and told to take it to the world, but it is always from someone who has walked on and it can not be verified.  I would think that if this was such a earth shakig event there would be a number of people who remembered the event. Has anyone ever checked that out?

Offline The Flute keeper

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #36 on: February 22, 2009, 07:13:08 pm »
Yes, he did and he was a respected man. Why is it that everything has to be on paper? I can tell you IT Took place, I was there, his wife was there and it took place. For as long as I know iz, I feel at peace and that is all it takes. One more thing, Geronimo School... I never said it was in an Apache Rez. Again, this is how things get started. I will leave this forum, I have said my peace and if my English was not good enough, sorry I just wanted to say (in my own UN-educated way) what I felt and for once give my point in all of this mess. If I have misslead any of you, sorry, I will keep on playing my music. You can listen or you can choose not to, that is what freedom is all ablut after all. But don´t go around joining a whole bunch of people who look for other to help them trow stones and then saying; but it wasn´t mine the one who did the boold sheding. If any of you have problem with my english (bad or good, sorry... you can always edit as you fits)
Have a good life and I guess I will heard from you in one way or another, for now I must go and keep on working.

Offline The Flute keeper

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #37 on: February 22, 2009, 07:15:25 pm »
Sorry, wrong pic.

Offline The Flute keeper

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #38 on: February 22, 2009, 07:21:12 pm »
It's a good idea leave in DeCarlo's ramblings, anger, and bad English. Obviously his own words help hang him as much as anything anyone has said.

I for one would like to see evidence of his having played at these places. Some of it seems he made up based on what he thought would sound convincing, but didn't really know much about. For example, Geronimo High School is not on any Apache rez, it's almost all non-Natives who attend.

One of Mr. DeCarlo's critics provided me with a statement from Kiowa Tribal Enrollment.

Edit: Excuse my poor computer skills. The letter reads.


Kiowa Tribal Enrollment
PO 369
Carnegie, OK 73015
Ph 580/654-2300

To whom it may concern,
This is to certify that the name of Geo "The Flute Keeper" DeCarlo AKA Tdom Bah Toden Xkee
Date of Birth 12/16/57
is NOT shown on the current membership of the Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma..

It has also been verified that there is not a pending application on file for the above named person.

Verified by Lisa Koomsa, Enrollment Clerk.
Notarized by Matt D Boetgen, Notary Public
Subscribed and Sworn Before Me on 7/24/07.


I will also gladly forward it to anyone requesting or needing it.

I am sorry, at this time I am on tour but I will try to bring you more like this.... then again, whatever I do YOU already have set your mind to what your think is the truth!

Offline The Flute keeper

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #39 on: February 22, 2009, 07:22:42 pm »
one more I found

Offline kosowith

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #40 on: February 22, 2009, 07:42:42 pm »
I am sorry, but I do not understand what your pictures are meant to prove.  I have a picture of myself taken standing beside the Dali Lama, but he would not remember me or know who I am if asked.  I am just one of the millions who have had their picture taken with him.  Also, as far as the newpaper articles they are too small for me to see what they are saying and that has nothing to do with your naming or relationship with anyone.  What I was saying in my post was that it seems that it would be a simple thign to have people who were there when you got named to end the controversy.  I know that at home it takes an extended group to take part in a naming, so based on that there should be a number of people who could verify this event for you.  I've been to several namings in different areas in Oklahoma and the have always been rather large extended family events, and the naming took more than just, "'we're going to call you "new name" now".  We do give nick-names without a ceremony and they are usually meant to bring someone back down to earth when they are getting too full of themselves.  I guess there is much about your post that I do not understand.  Do you lead people to thing that you are Kiowa or not - Do you dress in what most people would call a pan-indian outfit to promote yourself or not?  I remain confused.


Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - Claims to be Kiowa
« Reply #41 on: February 22, 2009, 08:13:36 pm »

In his own words:

At 0:56 the Interviewer asks:

Q: Are you a real Indian?
A: My tribe is Kiowa.
Q: Kiowa?
A: Yes. We are in Oklahoma. Is pretty much the border with, uh, Texas.

Other videos linked further up thread.

Offline Elke

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #42 on: February 22, 2009, 11:19:36 pm »
So how is it going in your sideo f the world? Having a hot summer there? Here we have snow.
So I dress Kiowa - I wish I could but no, my show dress is not tribal in anyway. Actually I make my own outfits and sometimes I just wear a plain ribbon shirt - you mention my site so that makes me believe you have seen my outfits. I sell flutes... YES, I do try to sell my handmade flutes but as far as I know I have never claim that I make KIOWA flutes... They are Native American Fashion Flutes and again, I do the best I can making these flutes. You can find better and I some even better looking than mine, but people buying them seem to like them. I do not sell Crazy Crow Flutes (good flutes I may add) just my own creations. ALL my shows are advertised as Indian Festival, and include Azetc dancers, Powwow dancers (some good, some not so good but they sure give their heart on the stage). I don´t go around selling pipes, feathers nor so called Real Beaded Items made in CZ Republic (like the lady who has set her own forum and advertises her store where you can buy pipes and all non Indian made goods).


Do you speak of me?????????????

Sorry-- I never sold catlinite pipes---- just some of brass- reproductions of an engraved original used in the 1700s from the Iroquois people- trade items at that times and surely no holy things....
I never sold feathers from birds of pray- just turkey- yes to some NA people this is also a feather to pray--- but it is legal....
Yes, I sell Replicas made in Europe beside original NA made items....--- For every item, the buyer will get a correct provenance(No, I don't need to sell my stuff as what it is not-- my customers know that- and they come again....)

I don't have an own forum on my side- I never run one in my lifetime....

Or don't you speak of me?????????????


Offline Elke

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #43 on: February 22, 2009, 11:35:05 pm »
I feel sorry that I again have to go to your webpage--- I search for your new stuff...

I didn't ant but I found that:

"Gastro aus der Indianerküche----Schwein am Spieß mit Fladen, dazu Feuerwasser, Wein und Gerstensaft"

"Basteln mit Indianerin"

und dazu...

Sponsoring von einer Bierfirma....


Sagt mal-- aber seid ihr wirklich sooo auftrittsgeil, das ihr euch selbst sowas antut?

Da der direkte  Hinweis auf der HP stark vermuten läßt, das es sich bei einem Teil Eures Programmes um ähnliches wie am Bostalsee letzten August handelt.........
finde ich die Aussage:
"Basteln mit Indianerin"
------------------------ich nehme an , die Rede ist von Jackie-----------------
doch als seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr gewagt!

Hey guys-- we have 2 real Indians out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ma, wat bin ich froh, das der Veranstalter sich bei mir nicht mehr gemeldet hat.... puhhhhh--- meinen Ruf kann ich mir auch selber ruinieren!---- muß ich aber Gott sei Dank ja nicht!


Offline Elke

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #44 on: February 23, 2009, 12:20:09 am »
What I really don't understand---- at your 8th edition of your "letter to the world"... Why are you writing against the people- you want to sell your flutes to....

I mean--- all that people, that want something from you (that you show your enrollment or the supporting groups like red clouds etc) are bad guys--- why?-- because they don't behave as you want?

I don't understand that.... really....

when you want to protect your NA culture- as you always say....
and when all that somehow feather decorated German guys you don't like would be not there----

you wouldn't have anybody there you can bring to the stage or you can sell  a flute to....

or in other words:

Why do you go to German powwows than-- as that one 2 days ago....

and when you have a problem with me--- why didn't you even speak with me....

I have a copy of the paper here, from Kiowa Nation, as it was posted here....
So- no problem- I don't write things here that I can't verify---