Author Topic: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf  (Read 122240 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #90 on: March 06, 2014, 01:37:35 pm »
I have attended most Pow Wows in the UK for the last five years, and I do admit I know very little about the American Indian ways but I am trying to learn... slowly. I don’t know all the Pow Wow rules and Pow Wow etiquette. But I would like to know if TTT is not of Cherokee descent or a true ndn how is she or her husband allowed to carry the Cherokee flag in the opening Grand Entry ceremony? This may be a minor thing but knowing what I know about them now and the truth about TTT it makes me angry every time I see it, and I do not think it is complimentary to the true Native American people who attend these Pow Wows.

At most powwows it's typically a military veteran or other honored guest leading a grand entry or carrying the flags. For some smaller gatherings there may not be such people available.

There are good powwows and bad ones, sometimes disrespectful ones, sometimes ones that were badly organized or the people running them might not have known about her.

One thing that could be done is to warn powwow organizers that she is not who she claims to be.

Offline loudcrow

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #91 on: March 06, 2014, 01:43:17 pm »
The flag these two clowns are parading around with can be purchased online by anyone and everyone. One does not have prove they are an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation in order to buy one. Being in possession of this flag means absolutely nothing other than it moves you to the front of the "Grand Entry" so you can look important.

I haven't seen anything at any Hobbyist "Pow Wow" run by Europeans that compliments Native Americans. For me, these "Pow Wows" are nothing more than costume parties where a bunch of Europeans run around pretending to be Native and twisting and distorting our culture. It makes me rather sad to see this as all I see is a bunch of people ashamed of being who and what they are so they dress up and pretend to be something else.

We are aware of Tanja and Francis asking for donations to bring her mother to the UK. Her mother is German and was married to an American man who is now deceased. No doubt she needs to be with family now. I can't wait to hear the explanation for her mother's accent despite having lived in America for many, many years. I do hope the three of them get together and get their stories straight before she, too,  is introduced to the public as being Native American.

Unfortunately, there are several individuals running around in Europe claiming to be American and Native American. I suggest you ask to see their passport. I've asked to see them myself and was told to "f??? off". To the best of my knowledge, the passports of every country report the place of birth.  One can also contact the enrollment clerk of the tribe an individual claims to be a citizen of to determine if said person is or is not enrolled.

I'm truly sorry you have been hurt by these two. You and people like you are why we do what we do at NAFPS..... attempt to prevent others from being hurt by predators.

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Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
« Reply #92 on: March 15, 2014, 02:39:56 pm »
The Billingtons are still are it, scheduled to be at a UK powwow. They posted this defense of themselves, filled with not just the usual lies but even more elaborate ones.

For the record, there is no criminal investigation of anyone at the forum I know of. My "criminal record" is made up of parking tickets when I was young. I wouldn't have been able to join the army or be a teacher if I had a record. Likely this is what a psychologist calls projection. Note Francis Billington defends at length one associate's alleged involvement in pornography and another accused of child pornography.

1. There is no "beaver clan" among the Cherokee.
2. Neither are enrolled. It is impossible for someone of entirely Euro ancestry like Billington to enroll.
3. DNA tests are very fallible. And what fraction does 93% represent? That would make her 13/14ths. A fourteenth? The divisions go from 1/2 to 1/4 to 1/8 to 1/16th.
4. And there were no US servicemen stationed in Europe after WWI, except maybe a few US Marines at an embassy.

The facts about Tonya and I

It appears that once again Tonya, myself and some of our friends are under attack from the dark side so here are the facts and the absolute truth.

Tonya is a member of the Beaver Clan and is Eastern Band Cherokee. In 2006 in order to stop rumors circulating about her Native American heritage she took two DNA tests, one with Gene Tree and the other with National Geographic. On both tests the mtDNA markers (93%) confirmed her Native American heritage although they could not specify which tribal links she belongs to. However the information we have from other reliable sources in the USA confirm her Cherokee lineage. The name Hountingwolf was given to her by an Elder many years ago and confirms that she did not name herself or adopt the name out of thin air. What may confuse some people is her German ancestry but during and after WW1 when many American service men and women among them Native Americans were stationed in Europe romantic relationships between the nations were quite common. Tonya was also able to get information from her maternal grandmother about her heritage. What cannot be denied is the accuracy of the mtDNA tests Tonya willingly undertook to prove without a shadow of doubt her Native American heritage which she is justifiably proud of. Including being proud of her German Father.

I am British of English, Welsh and Irish ancestry and have never pretended to be anything else. In September 2005 Tonya and I were made honorary members of the Blackwater Band of the Lower Muscogee Creek Nation. During a visit to our Tribal Chief in 2007 because I had to learn the history and some of the language of the Muscogee Creek I was made a full member of the Muscogee Creek Nation and given a flag to carry into pow wow’s anywhere I attended a pow wow in Europe. We are registered with the Muscogee Creek Nation at their head quarters in Oklahoma USA and you are more than welcome to check our registration with them. You do not have to take our words for it. The name Grey Wolf was given to me by an Elder in 1996 after I completed my first vision quest. In the intervening years I have been presented with two sacred pipes and four Eagle feathers, I would not have got these if I was not worthy of them.

New Age Fraud Forum. These spoof articles were written about us in2006. We have been called “Plastic Shaman” again to clarify matters I have never claimed to be a Shaman and the word itself has become something of a buzz word in recent years so please look up Wikipedia to find the true meaning of the word Shaman and what a Shaman is. Likewise I have never claimed to be plastic either, I am a real human being! I do not and never have worn Native American Regalia at psychic fares or mind body and spirit events. The only time you will see me wearing my regalia is at pow wow’s. These falsehoods were written in 2006 by a person we had met only once and knew nothing about us and was outed by the Muscogee Creek Nation when she tried to tell them lies about us., She has since gone to ground with her tail between her legs! We have the full support of our Tribal Chief in these matters. And the co writer was someone we had helped to relocate and reestablish themselves but instead of being grateful for the help and support we gave her turned against us. The New Age Fraud Forum has been sued on several occasions over articles written about people which were not true and even led to some committing suicide over what has been written about them. The founder of the Forum claims to be Native American but is not and he is very anti and, so we are told has a criminal record.

Mediumship and psychic awareness. Tonya has been under my tutelage for 9 years and more recently Mark DeVille. She gave her debut performance at Tidworth in 2013, followed by The Gathering 2013 and her third on stage performance at Tidworth this year. All with astonishing accuracy and her specialty is to bring forth animal sprits and animal spirit guides. She has not become a medium overnight but has devoted herself to study and training for almost a decade. My Mediumship abilities began at the age of 6 and a half (I am now 73 and a half) I have various certificates among them being an inter faith spiritualist reverend and a 6 year postal study course with Trinity College, Delaware to get my Doctorate in Divinity. So my correct title is Rev Dr and not Mr. All our certificates are recognized by various bodies as genuine, either mine or Tonya’s can be viewed at our home should you wish to do so.

Mark DeVille is not a pornographer, by coincidence there is a porn actress in USA called Destiny DeVille but they are not connected or related. In any event it is not illegal to buy, sell or distribute pornography in the UK. Mark maintains his reputation as an inter faith spiritualist reverend, teacher of psychic and spiritual awareness and serving spiritualist churches giving evidence of the afterlife. Mark’s Cherokee heritage can be traced through the 19th century Dawes rolls which he will explain to you in great detail if you ask him.

Amethyst Bed. I have personally studied the mechanics of this bed and there is no way it could possible burn anybody, the settings are just not high enough. It also does in fact contain real amethyst crystals. There are USA patented certificates that confirm it contains real amethyst.

Shane Adams. After taking a second hand lap top in for repair thumbnail images of naked children were found. Shane was able to prove that the images were on there before he bought the lap top and charges against him were dropped. The images were category one which is the lowest category. Shane underwent various tests which proved beyond doubt that he has no interest in child pornography and is not a pedophile or abuser. He has never been put on any sex offenders register nor are social services involved, the 4 dvd’s found in his car were shop bought music dvd’s. Shane and Sarah have a 6 year old son who sometimes acts as Shane’s carer. This would not be allowed if Shane was any type of sex offender. He has a full enhanced CRB. (Again this is not possible, if he had a criminal record.)

The Mums Fund. Through this fund we raised enough money to get Tonya’s mum out of USA to come and live with us in England. Tonya’s step father who was the local Judge died 3 years ago which unfortunately left Tonya’s mum widowed with a very small pension which was not enough to cover her medical bills or cost of living, consequently her health was suffering and she was living in great hardship. We raised sufficient money through auctioning off items donated to the fund and by monetary gifts. My personal contribution to the fund was 800gbp which was enough to enable Tonya to fly to the USA and spend 6 weeks with her mum putting her effects in order, sorting all the legal things and packing all the personal items needed to establish a new life in England. Every penny from the fund is accountable and we have made no personal gain from this. We have a record of every transaction which you are welcome to view if you feel it necessary. We have been totally honest and above board about everything and have nothing to hide.

To those of you who have taken the time and trouble to read this, now that you have heard directly from source you know the truth. I feel compelled to write this so that those of you who have read anything about us published by certain individuals who are now being investigated by the police will not believe the lies that are told about us and our friends. If you want to know anything about us please ask us and not anybody else. Do not believe gossip, rumours, Forums or newspaper sensationalism! If you want me to name the people behind the lies I will give you their names privately. Because they are now being investigated by the police I, at the moment cannot name them publicly because I do not want to prejudice the investigation. However, rest assured they will be named and shamed.
Blessings of love and light.
Francis Grey Wolf

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
« Reply #93 on: March 15, 2014, 05:21:55 pm »
Whether you are authorized to perform ceremonies and therapies, I can not judge. This is concerned to the indigenous people who´s life and culture could be harmed and compromised by your behavior.

But I am very skeptical that you have got the required training and qualifications to treat people with mental illnesses and disorders adequately. In which way you treat people, who are seeking for help with your "Psychic Life Coach", is not apparent. I suspect that results in healings are equivalent to the ceremonies you lead: Incomplete, incorrect.

If you are in the context of psychology have a qualified education and graduate training with recognition by the state, you will (in cases  to psychology) understand the medical terminology, but only then. Without knowledge you will explain the facts, processes and illness with your current level of knowledge and the results are functionally wrong in generally.
The backgrounds are incomplete, they are misleading and aimed a considerable damage to the seeking persons that you can not really comprehend an d understand as a layman. Maybe you think you can see that you have helped someone, but you fall into your own trap build by your limited and false interpreted knowledge. But just the person who is seeking help, suffer from the damage, and they are often people who are mentally unstable. They must be handled by qualified therapists .

Well, you SHOW THE WORLD A DIFFERENT WAY TO LIVE , I hope your words and deeds can withstand the reality. Do you want a better world, so that other change their way of life for you will be feel better? A fatal desire. Or do you wish that you make through your actions yourself a better person. This means then, of course, that you take care and treat other cultures with respect. And that is not associated with the fact that you use ceremonies which contradict the cultures and their guidelines: As a non- authorized to perform ceremonies, charge for it, acquire qualifications that cannot be proved by any test.

Alone through your websites is unique to me that I make a huge bow for your help. Whether you are guilty or not of the accusations you wrote about, the trust you want, you cannot acquire by your spiritual works, not in my case.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2014, 08:16:25 pm by Sturmboe »

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
« Reply #94 on: March 19, 2014, 02:15:42 pm »

As educatedindian pointed out above, the Cherokee don't have a Beaver clan and it is not possible for persons of completely Euro ancestry to gain enrollment in an ndn nation.

While I suppose Billington's mention of "World War 1" is a typo (if not than he is more of a twit than a clairvoyant...), another aspect is that women were accepted into the US Army by a law passed in 1948, and the first group of women was admitted to a US military academy in 1976.

However, there is new info on Tanja's background which she presumably made public herself:

Tonya Billington (Siegel)
Buseck, Hessen

Gesamtschule Busecker Tal, Buseck Schulzeit 1980 bis 1985

This entry informs us that Tanja B. née Siegel, attended a school in the town of Buseck in the German federal state of Hessia. This info is in congruence with another entry providing her DOB:

About this business
SACRED - EARTH WORLDWIDE LTD was formed on the 21st August 2009 , and are based in Osbourne House, 143-145 Stanwell Road. They are currently rated I and are considered to represent an above average risk score.

Directors Company Secretaries. Name, Date of birth, Date of appointment, Nationality. Ms Tonya Billington, 7th February 1969, 21st August 2009, German …

So Tanja Siegel finished school in 1985, at the age of 16, which points to a school leaving exam on a Secondary I level.

It is quite interesting to see this who-is check for her former website,

Creation date:
2006-09-04   (7 years)
Last update:
Expiration date:
2012-09-03   (expired)

Domain ID: D14468630-BIZ
Sponsoring Registrar: CRONON AG
Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 141
Registrar URL (registration services):
Domain Status: ok
Registrant ID: TB251-ABC
Registrant Name: Tonya Billington
Registrant Address1: 7a Budebury Road
Registrant City: Staines
Registrant State/Province: Staines
Registrant Postal Code: TW18 2BA
Registrant Country: UNITED KINGDOM
Registrant Country Code: GB
Registrant Phone Number: +44.1784457xxx
Registrant Facsimile Number: +44.1784457xxx
Registrant Email:
Administrative Contact ID: PS171-ABC
Administrative Contact Name: Peer Siegel-Gradenwitz
Administrative Contact Organization: WISLI World Internet Service Ltd.
Administrative Contact Address1: Wendloher Weg 11
Administrative Contact City: Hamburg
Administrative Contact State/Province: Hamburg
Administrative Contact Postal Code: 20251
Administrative Contact Country: Germany
Administrative Contact Country Code: DE
Administrative Contact Phone Number: +49.4067928xxx
Administrative Contact Facsimile Number: +49.4067928xxx
Administrative Contact Email:
Emphasis added by me

Tanja Siegel and Patrick Siegel-Gradenwitz?

Short name Peer Siegel Gradenwitz
Year of Birth: 1971
Director ID: 914740822

We may assume that Peer Siegel-G. is Tanja's younger brother. He has meanwhile also moved to Britain.

Here is another legend Tanja tries to establish:

Tonya Hountingwolf Billington's Education
Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main
Mineralogist, Mineralogy, Pharmacy

As a matter of fact, there is a Fachhochschule in Frankfort. The term describes a "University of Applied Sciences". However, this one does not offer any courses in Mineralogy or Pharmacy, so there's no effin' way Tanja could have obtained any such degrees there.

Traditionally, these UAS provided courses of study for students with an education at a Secondary I level plus an apprenticeship in a profession (3 years) plus a working experience in this profession of several years.
There are two different Secondary I levels, one at 'Realschule': , the other at 'Hauptschule': .
Considering this entry at stayfriends: , Tanja presumably did a lower Secondary I level which finishes after 9 years. Only good students will be able to do a 10th year to obtain a so-called 'qualified Secondary I' exam.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
« Reply #95 on: March 19, 2014, 02:27:05 pm »

I also found the following entry made by Peer Siegel-Gradenwitz re Sep 11:

{quote]Peer Siegel-Gradenwitz

September 11 also changed my life completely. At that time, I stayed in the USA with my mother. Not in New York, Virginia or Pennsylvania, but in the vicinity of Atlanta. We were just having breakfast when my motherÄs husband phoned from his judge's office. We were told to switch on the TV. I had just been working in the USA for one year and was supposed to fly to San Francisco the next day and fly back to Germany from there.
This was only possible several days later. But I was impressed by the solidarity: My mother has a rare blood group. So I told her to go and donate blood. Even an hour later, there were large queues  at the blood bank of people who wanted to help. Even my mother had to wait a long time. This was very moving. [...] [/quote]

So apparently this is the same mother whom Tanja sought help for as an illegal immigrant to the US. Married to someone in a legal profession? Yup, so effin' likely...

Offline loudcrow

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Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
« Reply #96 on: March 23, 2014, 08:47:42 am »
There is no Beaver Clan of the Cherokee Nation.

One must enroll with the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation prior to turning 20 years old. Tanja is older
than 20 so she simply cannot have enrolled with the Eastern Band since this thread was started.

No Nation will accept DNA testing results as proof of being Native American. One must submit genealogy records
that prove a direct bloodline to an ancestor listed on tribal rolls or other tribal records.. For example; in order to enroll
with the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma, one must provide proof they descend from one or more individuals listed on the Dawes Rolls.

I'm curious as to how and why Grey Wolf and Tanja are registered (enrolled?) with the Mvskogee Nation in Oklahoma.
Neither are Mvskogee and most definitely cannot prove Mvskogee ancestry. It is also illegal to be enrolled with two Nations.
Tanja cannot be enrolled with the Eastern Band of the Cherokee and the Mvskogee Nation.

Tanja's father is 100% German as were his parents.

Tanja's mother is either German or Austrian (maiden name Rossman). There are no listings for individuals with the surname
Rossman on the Dawes Roll or Baker Roll. Simply stated, Tanja is not Cherokee. She has been given amply opportunity to
provide documented proof of her claim of being American and Native American and after many years has still failed to do so.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
« Reply #97 on: January 04, 2015, 05:05:37 pm »
Ms Tanja provides some info:

my husband and I are affected. I am disabled and my husband is a pensioner and also not in good health. We live in housing accommodation and are on a very low income. Sometimes we cannot even have a meal everyday. So this bedroom tax really hurts us.

Presumably, business leaves a lot to be desired. But they are still doing several Nuage fairs offering Aura readings, faux ceremony etc.

Offline Night Eagle

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Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
« Reply #98 on: June 23, 2015, 09:58:48 pm »
O.K! I know this is dragging on but... I have just seen this on a facebook page and it has made me so angry.
These two people are pleading poverty and working whilst claiming disability benefits, when there are those amongst us who are really disabled and get no help at all. Shame on you both.

And what rubbish this is.
My husband and I are affected. I am disabled and my husband is a pensioner and also not in good health. We live in housing accommodation and are on a very low income. Sometimes we cannot even have a meal everyday. So this bedroom tax really hurts us.

Check this out proof


Offline AClockworkWhite

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Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
« Reply #100 on: July 26, 2015, 10:38:42 pm »
^ "Listed Occupation: AURA READER" ...................  :o
I came here for the popcorn and stayed for the slaying of pretenders.

Little Crow

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Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
« Reply #101 on: January 18, 2016, 03:47:54 pm »
Have seen them both working at NAF’s despite him saying there both on DLA and getting lots of money for nothing! For someone in a neck brace she seems very capable of lifting equipment and moving around a lot, I wish I could but hay ho not what I’m here for.
I heard him say Tanya now has proof of her Native American heritage via DNA and papers showing linage, does anyone know if this is the case? As she is still telling this to people at NAF’s and making money from her (so called) heritage does anyone know if this is the case? If this is not true I will be confronting them and the organizers of these events, I find this abuse of true Native Americans disgusting behavior.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
« Reply #102 on: January 19, 2016, 02:20:39 am »
I heard him say Tanya now has proof of her Native American heritage via DNA and papers showing linage, does anyone know if this is the case?

Of course I did not see any paperwork, but I suppose we might get a hint at the appropriate answer to this from previous posts in the thread...

Billington already in 2007 claimed Tanja was able to prove her lineage, and it wasn't true back then. So I'd assume it still isn't true now. I'll link a few posts for you in which Tanja's claims have been researched by us previously:

Quote from: Francis Billington
My wife can prove her Cherokee heritage and has done nothing to dishonor or disrespect the ndn people.

Further research on Tanja's background and claims:
Quite an interesting entry – someone found an inquiry in a legal advice forum where, in 2005,  Tanja Billington asked if there was any way for her mother, a German citizen, to obtain a legal stay permit to enter the USA, while otherwise Tanja B claimed her mother was married and living in the USA. This is Tanja ruining her own story about her Cherokee mother....
some more of Tanja's background, including her birth name and her brother's name.

Errm, wait a minute - what's that Billington said?

Tanya now has proof of her Native American heritage via DNA

This is nothing but a piece of rubbish. DNA cannot tell the ethnic affiliations of one's ancestors.
But I always wonder that such an acclaimed clairvoyant as Mr Billington never seems to see what's going to backfire really badly on him...

Little Crow

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Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
« Reply #103 on: January 19, 2016, 05:53:45 am »
Thank you for your quick reply I don’t like the idea of anyone using their heritage for self gain and to dress in regalia to talk to spirit, read auras and perform ceremonies at a NAF’s is not on and I felt this was sick let alone disrespectful to her “heritage”. This is why I asked and reading though all this it does make me question their integrity. And yes Francis clearly said in front of a crowd almost gloating that he and Tanya were getting DLA which is free money for nothing followed by the thing that got me the most “we are non profit now but what goes in the pocket stays in the pocket” yet she states it’s all for a Native American charity so more lies, disgusting. I think that’s why she’s wearing a neck brace now for sympathy, yet can still manage to dance, lift and move around freely. How would I go about finding out if this DNA was correct, though I have to say the paperwork looks handmade, but I don’t what to publicly out them without knowing for sure can I use extracts from this forum?

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
« Reply #104 on: January 20, 2016, 12:40:28 am »
How would I go about finding out if this DNA was correct, though I have to say the paperwork looks handmade, but I don’t what to publicly out them without knowing for sure can I use extracts from this forum?

Regarding the use of our research: the forum is public, our research may be used freely.

The other issue is somewhat more difficult. I'm not an expert regarding genetics and English is my second language, but I'll try my best...

There are several companies selling DNA tests. Some, or probably most of them advertise their test with the argumentation it could tell the client which ethnic affiliation(s) they had, and at least one company also includes a religion by claiming they could establish whether a client's ancestors were Jewish, or Vikings, or German, or Scandinavian.
Of course this is something the tests cannot do. E.g. where is the difference between Viking ancestry and Scandinavian ancestry, what is the difference between the two of them? Vikings were Scandinavians, too, albeit just one goup - but a social, not an ethnic group.
Persons of Jewish heritage can be found in most or even all European countries. However, their being a religious entity, their genetic make-up does not differ from the one of persons of other faiths in the same country or region. (Interestingly enough, the Hungarians, Estonians, and Finns, although speaking a non-Indo-European language, do not differ genetically from their European neighbours, either.)

The test usually establishes the client's mt-DNA, i.e. the so-called haplo group every human inherits from their mother, as it is passed in the female line. This on its own does not allow to come to any conclusion regarding the client's ethnic affiliation or descendence.
Some time ago, I read an article that in tests in Iceland, they found mt-DNA which had definitely haplo groups found in Native Americans. But this is the most that can be established from knowing a person's mt-DNA: that somewhere in the line of that person's ancestry, a native woman came into the family. You cannot tell of which nation this woman may have been, nor even the region she originally came from - and last not least: the ancestor passing this mt-DNA may have lived centuries ago (as was most probably the case with the persons found in Iceland).

So if Mr Billington brags about a DNA test having confirmed Tanja was native - that's BS. It only means that at the beginning of her ancestral line, the female involved was a Native American. This does not make her ndn.

According to our research, the Billingtons at one point in time apparently had duped a Creek heritage group into believing their claims and that heritage group seems to have given them a honorary membership or adopted them honorarily; they may even have obtained membership cards. Again, this does not make Tanja a Native. Plus that this group claimed descendance of Creek ancestors, while Tanja says she is Cherokee.