General => Frauds => Topic started by: sophia on January 11, 2007, 09:01:19 pm

Title: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: sophia on January 11, 2007, 09:01:19 pm
Does anybody know anything about this pair?  They are scheduled to do a "Native American style ritual" in the London (UK) area on Feb 1st:
We will offer prayers up to Great Spirit and Mother Earth which in the Pagan tradition honours the Gods and Goddess’s. Or, as we say Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon, Father Sky and Mother Earth. You will see during this ceremony many similarities between Pagan, Christian and Native American Spiritual beliefs and this is because all things are connected to the circle of life.
From: (

Sounds quite barf-worthy to me.  Haven't been able to find much about them on the web - "Grandfather Grey Wolf" has a website: (, which isn't very informative  (but which lists "Native American culture" amongst his hobbies!)
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on January 11, 2007, 10:58:48 pm
Does anybody know anything about this pair?  They are scheduled to do a "Native American style ritual" in the London (UK) area on Feb 1st

"Native American style"? In the same way that the tasty and nutritious snack cake made by Hostess is "chocolate-flavoured"?

Sounds quite barf-worthy to me.

I almost cried "Ruth" myself when I read this from Grandfather Old Hippie:

On this occasion I will not be wearing Eagle feathers.

One of the three principles of the Pagan Federation, quoted from London PF's own site (

The Pagan ethics: “If it harms none, do what you Will???. - a positive morality expressing the responsibility of Individuals towards the Collective (outer world and community).

Contact details are at the bottom of that page, should anyone wish to remind them of their own principles and that Native people do indeed still exist in that outer world - gosh, even in the UK - and do not feel honoured by hippies prancing about in "Native American style clothing" (remember we saw quite a bit of that at Glastonbury, Al?)
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Mo on January 12, 2007, 12:12:40 am
i've encountered this guy online in a yahoo group not too long ago. after being confronted he left in a huff. he claims his wife is cherokee (of course) but someone in england says she speaks with a german accent...go figure. i need to dig out what he said. fancies himself a great teacher..even tried to teach ndns about ourselves. not too much arrogance eh?

forgot to add..his name is Francis Billington

here is his yahoo profile.

here is his wife's website
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Mo on January 12, 2007, 12:28:49 am
ok here is his explanation (excuse) for what he does. his words are response to him is italics.

Francis..I hope you take these words as they are intended. I will be honest with you about my thoughts. You may not like them and as a result reject them and me or you may take them to heart and think upon them…your choice. I will write about what you have written here as it comes to me.

United we stand, divided we fall.
It is not blood that makes a Native American...
It is the soul....
Too many... With fire of Native blood... Walk ignored.
Do not say I am Apache or Kickapoo..
Do not say I am Sioux or Cherokee.
Say.... I am of the Mother Tribe...
This is the pain of our children...
To return from the stars without a home or community...
A tribe lost returns... Scattered in the wind.
Those who hear must unite and reap the seed of this return.
ONE tribe...ONE Earth...ONE Heart...ONE People.
Those with ears must build a fire and give thanks this night.
Be united with ONE soul.
Oh, my Children come home...
Teachers step forward without fear...
You are real.

Author & title unknown

Whomever wrote this poem I guarantee was not a native person to turtle island. We hear this so often as a justification from those who would claim whatever privilege in their minds they think comes from being indigenous. Substitute the word Chinese for native american and read it again. Silly yes? I love Chinese food, kites, fireworks, and admire their martial arts. I enjoy a walk thru the streets of china town in boston. But no matter how much I love and admire the culture…I will never be Chinese no matter how hard I concentrate! Yet so many claim exactly this with us.

I have smudged this prayer and it is good.
Francis Grey Wolf

Is this a seal of approval? I don't understand why you said this.

United we stand, divided we fall
Written in the spirit of love harmony and understanding
There are those who have Native American blood coursing through their veins who stand up and fight for the rights and privileges of their NA ancestors in the hope to right the wrongs done to them from 15th Century right up to the present 21st Century. And there are those who have no Native American blood in their veins at all but take up the cause of the Native American and help in that fight. Some of these non natives are quite rightly rejected as pretenders, "wanabees" "new age do gooders" or quite simply out to make a few bucks riding on the backs of the Native American. These are the stealers of culture, land, philosophies and a myriad of other unwholesome things that bring shame on both sides including shame on their ancestors by falsely claiming that they have Native blood. For the rest of the non natives who are the genuine article and speak from the heart and truly support the Native American through their words, deeds and actions they have to face suspicion, rejection and the accusation of having ulterior motives.

You are correct on this part. We have all seen many people of good heart of all colors and can easily within minutes spot someone who's ego is bigger than their heart.

I am writing this article because I truly want people to understand where I come from and what my philosophies are and where my spiritual path is. Unfortunately there are those of you who have misunderstood my intentions
And even think I am stealing my name from the Native American. But the name "Grey Wolf" was also used by the Druids and Vikings among others in days of old right up to the present day. Many years ago I was told by a Native American that "when we have no one to fight we start fighting each other" I did not believe him at the time but now I know his words to be true.

Since you have told us you had a ndn naming ceremony then yes, you took what you consider to be an ndn name. whether or not druids or Vikings also used such a name is irrelevant here.

It is often said that the Whites can never truly understand the native ways or their concept of spirituality, To this I humbly ask; teach me how to know, for as much as I learn and as much as I respect Mother Earth and the NA people who are so rich in culture and spirit I am still ignorant and your fear that I may misuse this knowledge stops you from teaching me what I am ready to learn. I have been privileged in my life time to learn the concept of Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun and to also understand that when the Creator Great Spirit created life on Mother Earth he gave everything his spirit "the two legged and four legged, the winged and the finned, the creepy crawlies, the trees, the rocks, and the plants" this I know and understand and was taught by great teachers among them a man whose name I will never repeat for he is dead to me but lives on in my heart.
I try to be humble and inoffensive this was taught to me also but when people insult me and offend me am I supposed to remain silent, when people misunderstand my intentions or what I wrote am I not supposed to reply, and when I apologize and then treated with silence am I not supposed to ask why my apology was not accepted, when some NA people accept me as an elder and others say I cannot be an Elder because I am not Native American am I not right to become confused? Admittedly I have a tenancy to act too hastily at times and fly off the handle but I am also patient and a good listener and ready to apologize when the need arises and not provoke an argument by making other statements which are hurtful and unjust in an attempt to avoid an apology.

You are trying very hard to sound humble but your actions are not that of one who wishes to learn. You wish to be seen as a teacher and healer. And no real ndn would call you an Elder. Our elders are within our communities and know the culture and are the ones we go to for guidance in spiritual and sometimes practical every day life problems. WE call them Elders, they do not call themselves such. I saw no one insult you unless you consider questions to be insults…another sign of ego that we should simply believe you because you say we should. In reality this post is all about you…your feelings…your needs…your wants. You just said we have every right to be suspicious of those who may have the wrong intentions but of course that does not apply to you. Truthfully the more you speak the more suspicious I get. Tell me mr wolf…how long would it take you to spot a phoney Englishman? Not long I am guessing. The same is true here.

For those who truly want to understand me and my philosophy of life I am ready to tell you a little, but please do not expect me to tell you all and bare my soul for some things are sacred knowledge and should never be revealed to friends or for that matter relatives.

Yet you ask us to teach you all things sacred to us. A double standard.

I will only tell you that spirit first came to me when I was laying in a hospital bed and dying, for those few brief moments when I went into spirit I was met by a great heavenly being who told me that I had to go back to earth because my life would change and my true destiny was to help people to connect with their higher self and to give them information and hope for the future. Some years later I met my first Native American and the first of my teachers, forgive me for not telling you his name, but like I said for to me he is dead now but lives on in my heart. Some would say he was a “medicine man??? and to me he was but I do not want to upset you or sound patronizing by calling him that because I know how some people can be sensitive about these issues. He told me that I must go on a vision quest. I had no idea what a vision quest was and no idea where I was going but he told me I would know when I found what I was looking for. How could this be since I did not even know what it was I was supposed to be looking for! But I went and wandered alone observing nature and noticing its wonderful colors, sights and sounds. I was becoming aware now of how beautiful and bountiful the flora and fauna of Mother Earth is and how when I half closed my eyes and let them go slightly out of focus I could see an aura around the tree tops. When the day ended I fell asleep on the bare earth, hungry, thirsty and feeling totally drained of all energy, I did not even care if I woke up in the morning or not I was so fatigued. During the night the spirit of a she wolf came to me and told me many things about the Wolf family and how she was shot by hunters but her cubs had survived motherless looked after by her sister wolves. I imagined that this was a dream, but knew that it could not be a dream for I could smell her, look into her bright yellow eyes and see my reflection in them, and even hear her breathing as she sat next to me telling me her story. The next day when I awoke there was no sign of her but a slight indentation on the ground where the fallen leaves had been disturbed where she sat. I found my way back to my teacher who told me I had been gone two days when I thought I had only been gone one and to this day I still have no idea where the lost day went.
When I told him about the she wolf he looked at me straight in the eyes and asked me if I spoke the truth. I looked him straight back in the eyes and told him it was. He then said “huh! Now you have your name you will be known as Grey Wolf. You will find a path of wisdom so long as you first become truthful with yourself, the more truthful you are, the more wisdom will come to you???  I told him I did not particularly like the sound of “Grey Wolf??? and could he choose a different name for me. He told me “I did not give you your name, Spirit did???. Ok I argued, if I accept the name what does it mean? “The teacher and pathfinder… you will find a safe path for others to follow??? Supposing I don’t want to do that I asked. There was a long silence before he spoke and then he said “You will, it is not for you to decide, somebody upstairs has decided for you???.

As its been said, no ndn I know would brag about a vision. This part seems very well rehearsed as if its been told many times. I even had a hard time reading it because to me and possibly others, its like eavesdropping on something very private. In fact I had to make myself read it simply to respond.

Since that time many other visions have come to me including the one where I saw my wife Tonya in a vision 5 years before we met, and even today I refer to "my friends upstairs" when recounting these visions. Sorry not to tell you more, but too much information in one go cannot be digested in the proper way, and probably give you indigestion.

I know you don't see this but…could you be more condescending? Truthfully Francis you come off as the superior white person sent to help the poor ndns survive. You DO see yourself as superior. Be honest with yourself. Its all here. Chosen by a higher power…sent to help the less fortunate…but of course you must only give us small doses of your wisdom since we are such simple creatures we could not possible understand one such as you. Come on Francis! How insulting!

And while speaking of my wife we have heard it said that she cannot be Cherokee because she has a German accent. Well I for one did not know that it was mandatory to have an American accent, and since she lived in both America and Germany from a young age flying between one country and the next and went to German Colleges and has a German father I am not at all surprised she has a German accent. If you know anything about linguistics it is quite common for people living in a foreign land to speak with an accent when reverting to their mother tongue. Oh! I know, I hear you say you have lived here for 20 years and still speak with an American accent but you are still speaking English so your accent will only vary by a few degrees. Try speaking German or French for over 20 years and your accent will change too. But you don’t have to take my word for it, you can ask any language expert, maybe later you can tell me what they said. Tonya has spoken on  the telephoned tonight and assured Linda-Lou and Deanna that she will tell them which Cherokee band she is from in person when we next meet.

I will not speak about your wife. I do not know her. It is your words I speak about.

Thank you for listening to me.
Now I hope there will be peace and trust among us.
I am not on the path of appeasement but hope for reconciliation.

If you cannot accept me as a true friend of the Native American who I see as my brothers and sisters I will understand but in return will you please understand that it will not stop me supporting the Native American people in my words, deeds and actions. I am proud of my English heritage and to pretend to be somebody other than who I am would dishonor my ancestors and I must respect them with the same love as I respect yours.

No one wants you to stop being interested and active in native issues, but you will never get along with native people so long as this attitude is present. I am assuming you wish for that connection. If so then listen to what is being said here.

I will not sell your culture or attempt to profit by it in any way but really hope to enrich it with my love and support. I did not choose this path where I connect so strongly with the Native American, for one reason or another spirit chose it for me and guided my footsteps towards the Native American people.

Our culture has survived thousands of years Francis. Do you really believe you can enrich it? Make it better for us?

I cannot argue with spirit.
Aho! I have spoken
and offer my love, light, and blessings.
Reverend Doctor Francis "Grey Wolf" Billington DD

Again, the long title..the letters after your name of divinity. None of this impresses native people. Many of us have degrees. I'm a professional person, speak several languages including my native tongue, am married with children, am an associate publisher, blah blah blah. What does it matter? Are you impressed with me? When I am with ndn people such things don't matter one bit. All that matters is my heart and what I do for Onkwehonwe..the people.

I do not believe you are used to people standing up to you. If you were as humble as you wish to be seen, none of this would have happened. You would not have felt the need to be impatient with a response or defend that which was not attacked. I am not meaning to be harsh although I am pretty sure by now you are quite angry with me. My only obligation is to speak truth. From this point, what you do with it is your responsibility. I leave you with one last quote from an aboriginal elder.

"If you've come here to help me, you're wasting your time.
But if you've come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together." Lilla Watson


Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: educatedindian on January 12, 2007, 02:57:04 am
"Developing Spiritual pathways, Celtic, Wiccan, Animals, Psychic/Tarot Readings, The Mystic Tarot, The Celtic Runes, Clairvoyance, Developing Insight/Intuition, Connecting with Spirit Guides, Life on other Planets, Myth and Magick,UFO's, Frying Mama's, Telepathy, De-Ja-vu. Free Dream Interpretations
Grandfather Grey Wolf is a registered Professional Clairvoyant, Writer of related Spiritual Subjects, Psychic Life Coach, Spirit Healer and Crystal Healer"

A *registered* and *professional* clairvoyant? Is someone handing out licenses?

Frying mamas? Did he mean crying? I'm guessing he doesn't mean cannibalizing your mother.

Ironically, one of the Pilgrims (Christian religious fanatics who were very anti NDN beliefs) was named Francis Billington.

I was also amused by the links, one to a "Wiccan inspired construction site."
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: cleardreamer on January 12, 2007, 07:08:28 am
Frying Mamas = mothers dropping acid together? Could explain the amalamated New Age weirdness.  ;D
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: cleardreamer on January 12, 2007, 07:11:30 am
amalgamated, even....shucks, my fingers are creaky tonight!
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on January 12, 2007, 08:23:21 am
Billington, quoted by Mo:

Some years later I met my first Native American...

He collects you guys...don't you feel honoured? What will he do when he's got the whole set?

I'm really, truly, not making this up. Here's his 'favourite quote' from his Yahoo profile page: you are only young once - but you can stay immature for life.

Many a true word is spoken in jest.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Ingeborg on January 12, 2007, 12:05:56 pm
he claims his wife is cherokee (of course) but someone in england says she speaks with a german accent...go figure. i need to dig out what he said. fancies himself a great teacher..even tried to teach ndns about ourselves. not too much arrogance eh?

here is his wife's website

I just had a look at her website. Apparently she had it done for her by a professional, and it is bilingual. As there are certain regulation for a German business site (although only the English version is a dotcom, the German site is an inconspicuous .de), they added appropriate info about the owner: Ms Tonya had her enterprise registered under her real-life name Tanja Fehlauer. Sounds perfectly Grrrman (as a matter of fact, the name 'Tanja' used to be quite popular here). It was registered with the city of Hanau which is in the South of Germany, quite incidentially in that part which had/has quite a few US barracks, and I think there used to be some in that city.

It could of course be a matter of lack of funds that the site doesn't seem to be upated all that often, but I did notice that Ms Tonya doesn't have any news on Peltier to break since the beginning of 2004. She also has something up re John Graham, and is using a text by a person of some renown here to ask for donations for Graham. I did find these two texts a bit on the meagre side compared to what it says in her intro: Lots of info on ndns....

The sites aims at selling 'ndn stones' (votever zis iss) and 'other esoteric articles' as well as 'Indian jewelry'. Please take due note that Ms Tonya, despite her being a Cherokee princess [sarcasm off], does her very best not to step in nasty substances here: she uses the term "Indianerschmuck" which can mean both jewelry ndn style and jewelry made by ndns, although the term does rather indicate the items offered are only ndn style as otherwise Ms T would be only too pleased to announce she is selling "indianischer Schmuck" (I'm sorry, but jewelry is 'Schmuck' in German ;D ). There are only very few items offered, and these are declared to have been 'made by a good friend of mine', without mentioning whether this friend happened to be ndn or not. Someone's seeking to have their behind duly covered, I suppose. If clients mistake the term for meaning jewelry made by ndns, now this is certainly not her fault, is it [once again, sarcasm off].
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Moma_porcupine on January 12, 2007, 06:40:59 pm
Mo , your very patient and reasonable discussion with "Grey Wolf" had me laughing out loud .  :o :D

I wonder if  he has any  idea how absolutely silly he sounds ? Like someone preening themselves in a mirror imagining they are the dressed in high fashion , when they are actually wearing a plastic grocery bag  and are badly in need of a bath  . In a way he might be right about his "helping Indians ". Even most New Agers have some common sense , and this guy might do a lot for making playing Indian look as foolish and unattractive as it actually is.  At least he isn't giving people of distant ancestry a bad name by acting foolishly and claiming to have Indian blood ,  though unfortunantly there is more than enough who do.   

(edited to add )

But then his wife is claiming a Chreokee heritage. Even if that was true , I can never understand why people who have some Native heritage which they are proud of, would behave in ways that would make their Nation ashamed to admit they even know them . I guess a lot of people just don't know better .
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Francis Billington on January 16, 2007, 01:00:15 am
Re "does anyone know anything about this pair?" Well yes, I am Francis Grey Wolf and in order to avoid any ill feeling or controversy my wife and will not be doing any ceremony for Imbolc or for that matter any other event. Further I add that neither my wife nor myself have ever been engaged in any fraudulent activity in the past nor to we ever intend to do so in the future, nor have we ever charged any fees or done any workshops involving Native American Indian culture, traditions or medicine. We were asked by members of “The Circle of Ankerwycke??? (A Pagan group) if we could do an Imbolc ceremony with a Native American theme which we agreed to do as so many people showed an interest in sharing. However since this has become an issue and upset people who do not want to share we took the decision not to go ahead. In answer to some of the things said about us I wish to make the following quite clear: My wife has a German father and a Cherokee mother and has been able to prove her Cherokee heritage but still has to go through the process of getting her enrollment card from the Cherokee Nation and those of you who have had the same problems in proving your Native American Indian lineage know just how difficult this can be. I am English and have never claimed to be anything other than English. I do not teach anybody about the Native American Indian nor do I attempt to teach  the Native American Indian about their traditions, culture, or spirituality for I am NOT a teacher but quite happy to exchange views and opinions with people and always ready to learn and listen. My wife does have an on line shop mostly selling crystals and list's the country of origin, size, weight and healing properties and occasionally jewelry bought from Reservations in the USA in order to support the residents of those reservations. We have also contributed towards water supplies, land for a hospital and schools and other Native American causes. We have the support of Native American friends in the USA who are fully aware of what we do and how we have been criticized for it by other Native American Indians.  My wife did have a German surname because her father is German and her first husband was German and took his name when they married, she now has my surname which is an English name. She has a German accent when speaking English, not surprising since she has lived in Germany most of her life and was brought up there as a child, a fact that one of the people who accuse us fraudulent activity cannot get her head around (“…go figure???). Since May of last year we have been the victims of a smear and hate campaign, had our web sites hacked into and crashed (a criminal offence), lies told about us accusing us of doing things we didn’t do nor ever have any intension of doing by two people whose only real issue with us is that they do not believe my wife has Cherokee blood simply because she has a German accent! I appreciate the time you have taken to read this and if you really want to know the truth about us and not listen to gossip or hearsay then I will answer all your questions truthfully and honestly. I have nothing to hide and firmly believe that the truth will always come out into the open….. Eventually.
Francis Billington
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Tonya on January 16, 2007, 01:09:58 am
[Barnaby's note: I've removed duplicated material and added formatting to make it easier to tell where Tonya is quoting someone else. It's late, so my replies will have to wait 'til tomorrow.]

Does anybody know anything about this pair?  They are scheduled to do a "Native American style ritual" in the London (UK) area on Feb 1st...Sounds quite barf-worthy to me.

I am Tonya, and first I want to ask you, Sophia, what gives you the right to post something like this in here ? You don’t even know us. You say you are a member of the Pagan Federation, but in this case you must know, that Pagans have ceremonies as well, and they always do it with good intentions. Nobody there will ask you, if you are “allowed??? to do ceremonies. And as a Pagan you should also know the code of honour and respect. But instead asking us about your questions, you have nothing else to do, than accusing us as “frauds??? in this forum. Second : there is nothing wrong for a British person, like my husband, to be interested in the Native American culture. I am interested in the Finnish people, so no big deal.

"Native American style"? In the same way that the tasty and nutritious snack cake made by Hostess is "chocolate-flavoured"?...

I almost cried "Ruth" myself when I read this from Grandfather Old Hippie:...

...hippies prancing about in "Native American style clothing" (remember we saw quite a bit of that at Glastonbury, Al?)

Same question for you. You don’t even know us, but you accusing us in this way. If you got nothing better to do, than to resort to witless and sarcastic remarks, then shame on you.

i've encountered this guy online in a yahoo group not too long ago. after being confronted he left in a huff. he claims his wife is cherokee (of course) but someone in england says she speaks with a german accent...go figure. i need to dig out what he said. fancies himself a great teacher..even tried to teach ndns about ourselves. not too much arrogance eh?

forgot to add..his name is Francis Billington

here is his yahoo profile.

here is his wife's website

Linda, you forgot, that this was your own group in yahoo, where we have proof, that you are very racist people, even having a vote on your site ( having a white slave ). Of course I have a German accent, because I am also part German and raced most of my years in Germany. If you would live in Italy the most of your life, and grown up there as a baby, then you would also have an Italian accent, when speaking English. My husband never said, that he was a teacher. Anyway, everybody is teacher and student every day, because you learn everyday, but you also know something, what other people don’t know. Where is your problem. And nor my husband or me tried to teach native people anything. Who is arrogant, when calling my husband “you are such a bloody Englishman???. Can I remind you, that you are adopted from British people ? And so I guess, the ones who gave you a home, you would call them as bloody English ?

A *registered* and *professional* clairvoyant? Is someone handing out licenses?

Frying mamas? Did he mean crying? I'm guessing he doesn't mean cannibalizing your mother.

Ironically, one of the Pilgrims (Christian religious fanatics who were very anti NDN beliefs) was named Francis Billington.

I was also amused by the links, one to a "Wiccan inspired construction site."

I want to say here, that there is a difference between unregistered and registered clairvoyants. That divides the real frauds from the true ones. And either you have such abilities or you don’t have them. And of course they have to prove that they really have those abilities, which comes naturally. You cannot learn to see or feel things.
What is this your concern, what he puts on his webpage ? And he wanted to bring people to laugh with “frying mamas???, but if you cannot understand jokes, then I feel sorry for you.

He collects you guys...don't you feel honoured? What will he do when he's got the whole set?

I'm really, truly, not making this up. Here's his 'favourite quote' from his Yahoo profile page: you are only young once - but you can stay immature for life.

Many a true word is spoken in jest.

And you think, you are being very smart to just interpret, what ever you feel like. What gives you this idea, that he would collect people like stamps ? That was a saying, and if you are honest to yourself, you should admit, that this was not a good joke.
And again, he can quote whatever he likes on his web page. That is not your concern or business.

I just had a look at her website. Apparently she had it done for her by a professional, and it is bilingual. As there are certain regulation for a German business site (although only the English version is a dotcom, the German site is an inconspicuous .de), they added appropriate info about the owner: Ms Tonya had her enterprise registered under her real-life name Tanja Fehlauer. Sounds perfectly Grrrman (as a matter of fact, the name 'Tanja' used to be quite popular here). It was registered with the city of Hanau which is in the South of Germany, quite incidentially in that part which had/has quite a few US barracks, and I think there used to be some in that city.

In this case all German Sites are inconspicuous, because they are using “.de??? which is just a sign for Germany. Like the one in the uk have “ and the American ones have “.com??? If you are able to look in the web page deeper, then you should know this. My real name was Fehlauer, because I was married to a German Guy with the name Fehlauer. And I know a native woman, who lived in Germany and married a German Guy and is still wearing his German name. I just forgot to change this. Oh what a big deal. And since the German Authorities could not accept the name Tonya, we made Tanja out of this, otherwise I would not be able to register the domain. And again this is no concern of yours, where I registered the domain. In matter of fact, I was living pretty long in Hanau. What is wrong with that I was living in a town with US barracks ? I did not choose this, but my former job was in Hanau, so I moved there. But if you are, who I think you are, then you of course should know this.

It could of course be a matter of lack of funds that the site doesn't seem to be upated all that often, but I did notice that Ms Tonya doesn't have any news on Peltier to break since the beginning of 2004. She also has something up re John Graham, and is using a text by a person of some renown here to ask for donations for Graham. I did find these two texts a bit on the meagre side compared to what it says in her intro: Lots of info on ndns....

Does this make me a fraud, when I did not updated my web page, because of sickness? Thousands of people have web pages, who are not updated.
And by the way, I was official translator for the Graham defence page, till my sickness, and if you are that smart, like you would like to show here, then you would see, that the donation button, went straight on their page. At least I can say, and I can prove this as well, I helped in a Native American issue, to free an innocent Native American person. What have you done to support them? Searching Web pages, just to call somebody a Fraud?

The sites aims at selling 'ndn stones' (votever zis iss) and 'other esoteric articles' as well as 'Indian jewelry'. Please take due note that Ms Tonya, despite her being a Cherokee princess [sarcasm off], does her very best not to step in nasty substances here: she uses the term "Indianerschmuck" which can mean both jewelry ndn style and jewelry made by ndns, although the term does rather indicate the items offered are only ndn style as otherwise Ms T would be only too pleased to announce she is selling "indianischer Schmuck" (I'm sorry, but jewelry is 'Schmuck' in German  ). There are only very few items offered, and these are declared to have been 'made by a good friend of mine', without mentioning whether this friend happened to be ndn or not. Someone's seeking to have their behind duly covered, I suppose. If clients mistake the term for meaning jewelry made by ndns, now this is certainly not her fault, is it [once again, sarcasm off].

How would you translate “ Indianer-Stones “ ? Of course it is Native American Stones. Since I have a German and an English page, I just wanted to translate the name of the page in English. There was never anything mentioned about an Cherokee Princess from my side. Stop your sarcasm. It is not always easy to translate different German words in English, so it can mean the same. This still don’t make me a fraud.The reason, why I didn’t mentioned the person, who made some of items, was his wish not to be mentioned namely.

And now I will say this again : You can try everything like posting about us in different forums, blacklist us, hacking our web pages, accusing us of fraud, telling lies about us, and even don’t get all the facts together.
We know, who we are, and I proved it. I know, that at least 2 people of this forum will search for reason to turn me and my husband down. But be aware, we will not give in. And we will still attend on Pow Wows, if you like it or not, because I have all the right to attend, and so has my husband, even he is not Native. We have been told from different Native American Tribes, that we should not give in, and we will not give in. You cannot hurt us, because you will never break our will.

To Mo ( or should I say Linda Lou ? ) I will say this :

We left you alone all these month since the last dispute and lived our life, so please leave us alone. This is Slander. Why can you not live your life before accusing others, which is not your concern.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Mo on January 16, 2007, 04:29:50 am
To Mo ( or should I say Linda Lou ? ) I will say this :

We left you alone all these month since the last dispute and lived our life, so please leave us alone. This is Slander. Why can you not live your life before accusing others, which is not your concern.

i am not linda. you should at least have gotten that much out of being in her group. i was not the one who brought up your name but offered what i did know. and that straight from francis. not heresay. you got arrogant and pissy when someone questioned you and as is shown in the post i made here which you have seen before, you see yourself as some savior of poor ndn people. you are going to save our traditions for us..whether we like it or not.
if you reread, tonya..i said nothing about you because i know nothing about you ..except of course what you just wrote. and this is MY concern as its each and every ndn person's concern. i want my children learning our traditions from REAL elders of our community, not self appointed elders who don't know us and will never know us.

whatever...i am not linda. so don't give her the credit.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Mo on January 16, 2007, 04:37:14 am
We were asked by members of “The Circle of Ankerwycke??? (A Pagan group) if we could do an Imbolc ceremony with a Native American theme which we agreed to do as so many people showed an interest in sharing. However since this has become an issue and upset people who do not want to share we took the decision not to go ahead.

sharing means it was offered by those to whom it belongs. sharing is not taking  without permission. if i take your car without permission, that is not is theft and you would not be happy. get the difference?  if they wanted something native american then they should have asked someone who is part of a native american community. why is that so difficult to understand?
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Francis Billington on January 16, 2007, 09:21:34 am
i've encountered this guy online in a yahoo group not too long ago. after being confronted he left in a huff. he claims his wife is cherokee (of course) but someone in england says she speaks with a german accent...go figure. i need to dig out what he said. fancies himself a great teacher..even tried to teach ndns about ourselves. not too much arrogance eh?

forgot to add..his name is Francis Billington

here is his yahoo profile.

here is his wife's website
If you encountered me in a Yahoo group could you explain just exactly how I !"left in a huff" and I most certainly do not fancy myself as a "great teacher" or try to teach ndns about themselves. I have the greatest respect for the ndns culture.  If you are going to write about me you can at least do me the curtesy of getting your facts right and since I have never insulted you I am at a lost to know why you think it right to insult me. Francis
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Tonya on January 16, 2007, 10:44:11 am
To Mo ( or should I say Linda Lou ? ) I will say this :

We left you alone all these month since the last dispute and lived our life, so please leave us alone. This is Slander. Why can you not live your life before accusing others, which is not your concern.

i am not linda. you should at least have gotten that much out of being in her group. i was not the one who brought up your name but offered what i did know. and that straight from francis. not heresay. you got arrogant and pissy when someone questioned you and as is shown in the post i made here which you have seen before, you see yourself as some savior of poor ndn people. you are going to save our traditions for us..whether we like it or not.
if you reread, tonya..i said nothing about you because i know nothing about you ..except of course what you just wrote. and this is MY concern as its each and every ndn person's concern. i want my children learning our traditions from REAL elders of our community, not self appointed elders who don't know us and will never know us.

whatever...i am not linda. so don't give her the credit.

If you are really not Linda, then I will apologize, but then you make it very hard for me not to believe that you are Linda, because you are using the exact quotes from Linda from her group. But still, even if you did not say something about me, you insulted and accused my husband, and this is insulting me.

Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Francis Billington on January 16, 2007, 10:52:17 am
Frying Mamas = mothers dropping acid together? Could explain the amalamated New Age weirdness.  ;D
Re "Frying mama's" Oh come on! where is your sense of humour? To me this conjurs up an image of mom with the frying pan cooking breakfast. So where on earth did the link with "acid" come into it. A rather silly attempt to dicredit me and since I have not insulted you why do you feel so free to insult me? Francis
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Francis Billington on January 16, 2007, 10:59:28 am
We were asked by members of “The Circle of Ankerwycke??? (A Pagan group) if we could do an Imbolc ceremony with a Native American theme which we agreed to do as so many people showed an interest in sharing. However since this has become an issue and upset people who do not want to share we took the decision not to go ahead.

sharing means it was offered by those to whom it belongs. sharing is not taking  without permission. if i take your car without permission, that is not is theft and you would not be happy. get the difference?  if they wanted something native american then they should have asked someone who is part of a native american community. why is that so difficult to understand?
Greetings Mo,
With your views about sharing you make it sound like I was stealing something! Well I am not a theif and you did not take into account the fact that my wife is Cherokee so exactly who do you assume we were stealing from. In any event we respect the wishes of you and other ndn's who objected to us doing this so we cancelled the engagement and can do no more than that to keep the peace. I would also like to know since we have never insulted you or harmed you in any way why you are so intent on hurting us? Francis
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Francis Billington on January 16, 2007, 11:25:30 am
Billington, quoted by Mo:

Some years later I met my first Native American...

He collects you guys...don't you feel honoured? What will he do when he's got the whole set?

I'm really, truly, not making this up. Here's his 'favourite quote' from his Yahoo profile page: you are only young once - but you can stay immature for life.

Many a true word is spoken in jest.
Hi Barnaby, sorry to to inform you that I do not collect guys and have no idea who this came from but it certainly was not me. Yes one of my favourite quotes "you are only young once...etc reflects my humour but not necessarily my philosophy and laughter certainly helps the world go round. Since I have never insulted you in any way I am at a loss to know why you feel so free to insult me. Anyway if no offence was meant, then none taken. Francis
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Francis Billington on January 16, 2007, 11:33:31 am
Mo , your very patient and reasonable discussion with "Grey Wolf" had me laughing out loud .  :o :D

I wonder if  he has any  idea how absolutely silly he sounds ? Like someone preening themselves in a mirror imagining they are the dressed in high fashion , when they are actually wearing a plastic grocery bag  and are badly in need of a bath  . In a way he might be right about his "helping Indians ". Even most New Agers have some common sense , and this guy might do a lot for making playing Indian look as foolish and unattractive as it actually is.  At least he isn't giving people of distant ancestry a bad name by acting foolishly and claiming to have Indian blood ,  though unfortunantly there is more than enough who do.   

(edited to add )

But then his wife is claiming a Chreokee heritage. Even if that was true , I can never understand why people who have some Native heritage which they are proud of, would behave in ways that would make their Nation ashamed to admit they even know them . I guess a lot of people just don't know better .

Mama Porcupine: You know nothing about me or my personal habits or the way I dress. My wife can prove her Cherokee heritage and has done nothing to dishonor or disrespect the ndn people. You make assumptions here which are very insulting and totally untrue. I would like to know why, with respect, you feel so free to insult us and tell such terrible lies about us? You do not know us, never met us, and yet you insult us! The negative energy coming from you beggers belief, and take that as an opinion not an insult, for I have no desire to insult you the way you insulted me and would prefer to live in harmony with people.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Miamowi on January 16, 2007, 12:18:56 pm
I wish to draw a clear distinction here between (OUR) a recognised Mi'kmaq and representative of The International Intertribal Council and Mohammed Ali,an Asian gentleman currently the recogised  MC of the Uk Hobbiest network.  

The Legal Department of the International Intertribal Council has been made aware of and is in possession of a statement made by Mrs Tanya Billingtons own mother,or persons purporting to be, that Mrs Tanya Billington is of Austrian extraction and genetic heritage.

Mrs Billington has been advised that theft of living relatives individual life stories tantamounts to identity theft.

And this is the position currently taken by our legal department.

Mr Francis Billington currently operationing under the puesdo name Greywolf, at the Bison Farm Hobbiest  Pow Wow in 2006,did confront two recognised Members of the Indian Nation(Female) and physically,verbally and racially assaulted both these recognised persons of the Indian Nations. In total violation of UK,Europen and International conventions and laws pertaining to race relations and human and civil rights.

This matter is currently before our legal department to decide what legal action may be taken.

We strongly advise Mr Frances Billington to re-establish contact with PC 3435 in Hallam of the Surrey constabulary to discuss any and all rights pertaining to ethic minorities within the UK befire he puts himself into a position of further slandering and libelling the individuals he so racially abused at The Bison Farm Pow Wow.

We wish to make it clear that the small minority of individuals opertaioning on the Pow Wow circuit within Europe that further threats,intimidation tactics,racial abuse and threats against home,family and well being against ex patriots of the Indian Nations living abroad will not be tolerated and legal action will be taken against those who commit outrageous acts of racism.

In the spirit

very sincerely  
Zoi Lightfoot.

Current Recognised Director and Legal Advisor to the IIC


This was dictated to me by Zoi Lightfoot....Linda..Mi'kmaq Nation.

Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Ingeborg on January 16, 2007, 12:35:25 pm
In this case all German Sites are inconspicuous, because they are using “.de??? which is just a sign for Germany. Like the one in the uk have “ and the American ones have “.com???
As your site is commercial, you should have it registered appropriately. And you are the one to be mistaken about the way these endings work.

My real name was Fehlauer, because I was married to a German Guy with the name Fehlauer. And I know a native woman, who lived in Germany and married a German Guy and is still wearing his German name. I just forgot to change this. Oh what a big deal.
Yeah, right, one 'just forgets' to change a surname, no big deal at all, people forget that all the time. No, under Grrman law, you were and are required to register a commercial site under your legal name, Tanni. Your legal name is the one mentioned in your passport and "Personalausweis" (ID card).
And since the German Authorities could not accept the name Tonya, we made Tanja out of this, otherwise I would not be able to register the domain.
Now, this is rich!! And not true! German authorities - since Grrmoney has lots of imigrants meanwhile - accept foreign names of all sorts. Provided, mind you, you can present proof that this is your legal name.
Anyways, you claim you had a mother with US citizenship and a father with German citizenship. Alright, in case one of the parents is of foreign origin and they want to give their children first names usual in their home country, German authorities can and do accept all spellings and names. Or how do you imagine a Muslim would manage to have his children registered as Ibrahim or Ayse in Germany?
No, Tanni, Hanau authorities insisted on the site being registered under your legal name. Your legal name is Tanja because you're German. When it comes to having a child registered at birth, non-German parents have more possibilites than German parents, so if you had a non-German mother, registering you as 'Tonya' would have been quite easy. This may be very different if both of your parents are German. Civil servants may reject names that sound silly, or will be a matter of ridicule for the person named.
What no German authority would have accepted though is: to register the site under anything but your legal name. So if your legal name was 'Tonya', no prob. Thank you for clarifying your legal name is not Tonya.
Let me emphasize: no German authority would have told you 'Sorry, dear, but you got such an exceptional first name and we're so bad about foreign names - could we possibly do the site registration under a name we're more used to?'

And again this is no concern of yours, where I registered the domain. In matter of fact, I was living pretty long in Hanau. What is wrong with that I was living in a town with US barracks ? I did not choose this, but my former job was in Hanau, so I moved there.
I personally don't care where people register their sites, as long as they don't b.s. people. As your site is commercial, this information is required under German law, and therefore I looked for it as I was interested under which name you run your business.
But if you are, who I think you are, then you of course should know this.
Dunno - who d'you think I am? Inquiring minds would like to know.

And by the way, I was official translator for the Graham defence page, till my sickness, and if you are that smart, like you would like to show here, then you would see, that the donation button, went straight on their page. At least I can say, and I can prove this as well, I helped in a Native American issue, to free an innocent Native American person. What have you done to support them? Searching Web pages, just to call somebody a Fraud?
Thanks once again, Tanja, for exposing what you are not. From the way you express things, an "NA issue" obviously is not speaking about your people, it's what have you done for them. Apart from that, those who need to know what I do and have done already know, and I'm not inclined to engage in a bragging contest with you.

How would you translate “ Indianer-Stones “ ? Of course it is Native American Stones.
I don't use the term 'ndn stones' in the first place. Apparently, despite having read quite a lot on ndn cultures for some 40 years, I seem to have missed information on this issue. But I'm always eager to learn. Can you please explain to me what 'ndn stones' may be?

It is not always easy to translate different German words in English, so it can mean the same. This still don’t make me a fraud.
Errors in translation don't make you a fraud. Selling dubious 'ndn stones', dreamcatchers, alleged ndn jewelry 'made by a friend' etc, and claiming ndn ancestry does.

The reason, why I didn’t mentioned the person, who made some of items, was his wish not to be mentioned namely.
Comes in handy, I suppose, that person's modesty. Why should an ndn producer of handicrafts ask not to mention their name?

We know, who we are, and I proved it.
No, you didn't prove anything.

And we will still attend on Pow Wows, if you like it or not, because I have all the right to attend, and so has my husband, even he is not Native. We have been told from different Native American Tribes, that we should not give in, and we will not give in.
There will be lots of powwows to attend, I agree - all in Germany, where you don't have to be ndn to participate. Just out of curiosity: which ndn nations told you this?
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Mo on January 16, 2007, 12:56:09 pm

If you are really not Linda, then I will apologize, but then you make it very hard for me not to believe that you are Linda, because you are using the exact quotes from Linda from her group. But still, even if you did not say something about me, you insulted and accused my husband, and this is insulting me.

once again...those are my quotes from the group. i don't use other people's posts without permission and credit given. i am not Linda.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Francis Billington on January 16, 2007, 01:35:06 pm
Does anybody know anything about this pair?  They are scheduled to do a "Native American style ritual" in the London (UK) area on Feb 1st:
We will offer prayers up to Great Spirit and Mother Earth which in the Pagan tradition honours the Gods and Goddess’s. Or, as we say Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon, Father Sky and Mother Earth. You will see during this ceremony many similarities between Pagan, Christian and Native American Spiritual beliefs and this is because all things are connected to the circle of life.
From: (

Sounds quite barf-worthy to me.  Haven't been able to find much about them on the web - "Grandfather Grey Wolf" has a website: (, which isn't very informative  (but which lists "Native American culture" amongst his hobbies!)

Sophia, maybe you should go to the source and ask me directly. It is also interesting to note that you were very selective when telling people about my hobbies and interests. What I actually said was "Native American culture and spirituality" something you seem to have so little off. I also like to ride horse and play chess (just for the record) I have not insulted you and wonder why you feel so free to insult me. Francis.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Moma_porcupine on January 16, 2007, 02:38:51 pm
Just so people don't get confused about what the advertiement was ,that Sophia posted a small part of ; (

Fabulous first time ritual in the Native American style conducted and choreographed by Grey Wolf and Tonya, herself of the Cherokee Nation.

We will offer prayers up to Great Spirit and Mother Earth which in the Pagan tradition honours the Gods and Goddess’s. Or, as we say Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon, Father Sky and Mother Earth. You will see during this ceremony many similarities  between Pagan, Christian and Native American Spiritual beliefs and this is because all things are connected to the circle of life.

After prayers we will all drum and stomp dance around the Yew Tree, so please bring a musical instrument with you if you have one or just clap your hands when you feel the Native American rhythms enter your body and lift up your spirit. In essence this is a purification ceremony to prepare you for the spring and is a joyous and happy one, however like all ceremonies there are a few do’s and don’ts which I would like you to observe.

We will be dressed in traditional Native American style clothing and if you want to wear such clothes yourself please do but remember to observe the following protocols.

Eagle feathers are deemed to be Sacred to us and may only be worn by warriors or veterans and only if they have been given to you and not shop bought. On this occasion I will not be wearing Eagle feathers.

Men and women may both wear feathers but you should know the following traditions about wearing feathers. Pointing down means peace, pointing sideways means friendship, pointing straight up means war.

And finally, it is imperative that you all have a bloody good time, Wear bright and colourful clothes, and have lots of laughter, music, dancing, eating, drinking, jokes and clowning around once all the formal stuff is finished. We will be playing CD’s of Native American music which we know you will enjoy and really get into the spirit of the occasion.

Mitakuye Oyasin (we are all related)

Grandfather Grey Wolf

I'm glad you have reconsidered what you are doing and you have decided not to do the " Native American style " "ritual" " purification ceremony" that was advertised in the first link that was posted .

Francis , your post here sounds a lot more real , than the earlier conversation Mo posted , and I appreciate your effort to sound like yourself , and not like a New Age version of Tonto .

Just a heads up ; If one of the respected posters in this forum , even once , posted a public message telling about their private visions,  and ending what they said with  ,

" Aho! I have spoken "

If they did , no matter who they were , it would be a long while before anyone took them seriously again. If ever . It's a bit like walking into a Church wearing you wifes bra on the outside of your suit and tie . Except it's even worse ...

Sorry to laugh at you but you were very very funny .

You are publicly presenting  yourselves as knowledgeable and authorized to lead what is , misleadingly advertised as " Native American style" , " rituals" , "purification ceremonies , " stomp dance" , with "protocols."

No one was accusing you of anything, and I certainly never lied about you . All that people diod was to let you know what they think about your own public words , behavior , and advertisements . Who you might be privately is beside the point . You obviously don't have the decades of training traditionally required to lead " Native American style " , " rituals" , "stomp dances" , or "purification ceremonies". Is Francis entitled to go around conducting Catholic Masss , just because he has some English heritage ? Of course not ! Why is it that it is only what belongs to Indians that is up for grabs ?

Why you would assume you have a right to just make these  ceremonies up ? Why do you think no one else has a right to say  that you don't know what you are doing , and that your public behavior is really disrespectful and possibly dangerous . 

You might want to reconsider playing the victim ,and instead take some responsibility for your own public behavior .

Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Denise on January 16, 2007, 03:00:55 pm
Good Morning All,

Mo, thank you for making me aware of this website because it has been most enlightening.  I have read the messages and have had some good laughs, but at the same time filled with distain at the way these two people: Grey Wolf and Tonya tree you and especially Linda.  I DO NOT like it!  These people ought to be ashamed of themselves!!! 
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Denise on January 16, 2007, 03:14:55 pm
How can a person be "of the Cherokee Nation" and not be a registered member??  my daughter is Cherokee, but she is not "of the Cherokee Nation" because she is not registered....I am Mi'kmaq and Montagnais but I am not "of those Nations" because I do not have status yet......
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Francis Billington on January 16, 2007, 04:07:08 pm
I wish to draw a clear distinction here between (OUR) a recognised Mi'kmaq and representative of The International Intertribal Council and Mohammed Ali,an Asian gentleman currently the recogised  MC of the Uk Hobbiest network. 

The Legal Department of the International Intertribal Council has been made aware of and is in possession of a statement made by Mrs Tanya Billingtons own mother,or persons purporting to be, that Mrs Tanya Billington is of Austrian extraction and genetic heritage.

Mrs Billington has been advised that theft of living relatives individual life stories tantamounts to identity theft.

And this is the position currently taken by our legal department.

Mr Francis Billington currently operationing under the puesdo name Greywolf, at the Bison Farm Hobbiest  Pow Wow in 2006,did confront two recognised Members of the Indian Nation(Female) and physically,verbally and racially assaulted both these recognised persons of the Indian Nations. In total violation of UK,Europen and International conventions and laws pertaining to race relations and human and civil rights.

This matter is currently before our legal department to decide what legal action may be taken.

We strongly advise Mr Frances Billington to re-establish contact with PC 3435 in Hallam of the Surrey constabulary to discuss any and all rights pertaining to ethic minorities within the UK befire he puts himself into a position of further slandering and libelling the individuals he so racially abused at The Bison Farm Pow Wow.

We wish to make it clear that the small minority of individuals opertaioning on the Pow Wow circuit within Europe that further threats,intimidation tactics,racial abuse and threats against home,family and well being against ex patriots of the Indian Nations living abroad will not be tolerated and legal action will be taken against those who commit outrageous acts of racism.

In the spirit

very sincerely 
Zoi Lightfoot.

Current Recognised Director and Legal Advisor to the IIC


This was dictated to me by Zoi Lightfoot....Linda..Mi'kmaq Nation.

Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Miamowi on January 16, 2007, 07:18:56 AM
The Legal Department of the International Intertribal Council has been made aware of and is in possession of a statement made by Mrs Tanya Billingtons own mother,or persons purporting to be, that Mrs Tanya Billington is of Austrian extraction and genetic heritage.

Answer from Francis Billington
Since my wife is of German extraction I would like to see a copy of this statement

Mrs Billington has been advised that theft of living relatives individual life stories tantamounts to identity theft.

Answer from Francis Billington
No such advice has been given to my wife and she has not stolen anyone’s identity

And this is the position currently taken by our legal department

Mr Francis Billington currently operationing under the puesdo name Greywolf, at the Bison Farm Hobbiest  Pow Wow in 2006,did confront two recognised Members of the Indian Nation(Female) and physically,verbally and racially assaulted both these recognised persons of the Indian Nations. In total violation of UK,Europen and International conventions and laws pertaining to race relations and human and civil rights.

Answer from Francis Billington
I am not a violent person and did not attack anyone physically nor did I make any verbal insults. I addressed Ms Linda Lou over a racist article she printed in her Yahoo group and when asked for an explanation she slammed her fist down on the table and yelled at me “you are such a bloody Englishman??? so who is being racist here? And lets be totally honest about this, the only reason she lost her temper was because I exposed her  as being racist through the poll she ran in her Yahoo group and she did not like being confronted with the truth. I have never made racist remarks to anybody nor do I tell racist jokes. I do not want to cause Linda any stress but if her friend Liz (who witnessed the event) tells the truth and is totally honest she will know that I am telling the truth and if it comes to court I will call her as a witness.

This matter is currently before our legal department to decide what legal action may be taken.
I welcome this as an opportunity for Ms Linda Lou to explain why she has caused my wife and I stress and been telling lies about us since May of last year. Why after she committed a violet act against me and racially abused me I did not retaliate and why she has turned it around and accused me of being the abuser? Perhaps a court case will establish the truth.
We strongly advise Mr Frances Billington to re-establish contact with PC 3435 in Hallam of the Surrey constabulary to discuss any and all rights pertaining to ethic minorities within the UK befire he puts himself into a position of further slandering and libelling the individuals he so racially abused at The Bison Farm Pow Wow

Answer from Francis Billington
Actually I was the one who filed a complaint and contacted PC 3435 Hallan by telephone. Unfortunately I did not get any feedback from him so I assumed the matter had been dropped.

We wish to make it clear that the small minority of individuals opertaioning on the Pow Wow circuit within Europe that further threats,intimidation tactics,racial abuse and threats against home,family and well being against ex patriots of the Indian Nations living abroad will not be tolerated and legal action will be taken against those who commit outrageous acts of racism.

Answer from Francis Billington
I whole heartily agree with this statement as I am opposed to racism in any shape or form. However this cuts both ways in this case I was the one who was racially abused and not the other way around. Anyone who really knows me and knows my background will know why I am so sensitive about racial abuse and will not abuse anyone on the grounds of their race, creed, religion or culture.

In the spirit

very sincerely 
Zoi Lightfoot.

Current Recognised Director and Legal Advisor to the IIC


This was dictated to me by Zoi Lightfoot....Linda..Mi'kmaq Nation.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Ingeborg on January 16, 2007, 05:54:23 pm

A few more google results.

Googling for "Tonya Billington" brought several results. Ms Tanja apparently also likes to call herself "Tonya Hountingwolf [sic] Billington" or "Tonya Hountingwolf Fehlauer" (right, one might forget to change a name).

There are a few guest book entries coming up, like e.g.
Tonya Hountingwolf writes:
"Yah a teh [sic]", and that the site is great.
The guestbook belongs to the site of an Austrian band going by the name of -- Big City Indians. You'll love their outfits.
Tonya Hountingwolf, homepage:, writes:
"Hi Brenda, you have a wonderful page and I like to look around. I am like grandfathergreywolf a crystal healer. And I also make pottery and native american arts. Hope to talk to you again." (original language English)
A site selling nuage products in German and English. In their guestbook, "Tonya Hountingwolf" writes on Tuesday, 14 March, 2006:
"O-Si-Yo Udo and Ulrike, you have created a very nice page and I enjoy it very much. Thank you for your work. Greetings, Tonya Hountingwolf" (original language English)

"Tonya Hountingwolf" is also a member of a yahoogroup "kosorayshealing", posting with the e-mail addy "eagleeye0702@...". In one of the most recent postings showing up, she promises a poster: "I am sending out for your back and will send out loads of koso rays and healing energies." (original language English)

And then there's her yahoo profile:
The profile was last updated in March 2006 and mentions yet another e-mail addy: hountingwolf at

Ms Tanja says her profession is: "Minerals and Crystals".
In "more about me", she writes:
"Hobbys[sic]: Nature, Minerals, native american, animals, reading, play the native drum and flute, music, wilderness, plants, alternative medicine, fight for human rights"
Errrm, excuse me - fighting for human rights is a hobby? Well. 'Native american' is a hobby? Well. Please take due note that ndns make a third entry, just about in front of 'animals'. Don't you love it? I do [sarcasm off].

And then there is her favourite quote:
"Everything what goes round comes around [sic]"
Yep, many a true word is spoken in jest ;)
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: educatedindian on January 16, 2007, 06:07:27 pm
Francis and Tonya/Tanja,

I'm glad that you decided to call the ceremony off. It shows you have some scruples and ethics, and that we're not wasting our time in talking to you.

But it's extremely obvious to everyone that the two of you present yourselves as experts in something you don't know much about. You seem to believe in or be presenting vaguely pan NDN ideas, generic NDN, or vaguely "Native American" ceremonies.

Outside of the Stomp Dance, nothing your claim to be expert on seems to be of any one tribe. It does a real disservice to all Native peoples when you lump everything together, kind of like if someone took a Church of England service and a Hindu ceremony and mixed them together and called it "Indo European style" ceremony or culture.

Cherokee members correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Stomp Dance only supposed to be led by certain people, elders or teachers who've had a lot of training and whom the community and other elders consider qualified? Not just anyone claiming to be Cherokee can lead it or teach it.

Tanya/Tonya/Tonja, etc, by your own account you've lived nearly all your life in Germany. I seriously doubt any Cherokee elders anywhere would want you as a Stomp Dance leader or teacher, esp of white pagans in Europe. To start with, even many of the most traditionalist Cherokee are devout Christians too, and you know this (or should). They wouldn't want this mixed with European paganism.

Culturally, T/T/T is obviously far more German than anything else. Your speech makes that obvious, and I honestly thought you were a German who learned English as an adult. Your English sounds like a German speaker's, with distinctly German patterns of speech to my ear. Ingeborg's English is far better and more natural sounding to me, and she IS German.  

Much of what you've said here is simply "How DARE anyone criticize us?" Well, we're going to continue to, get used to it. If you knew more about NDNs you wouldn't be surprised by it, since you'd know anyone doing wrong gets criticized by their community. It's what NDNs do instead of calling the cops or throwing people in jail.

In your reaction to criticism you sound far more like Nuagers than NDNs, equating criticism with insults and "slander".

Let me suggest you do one of two things:
1) Either call yourselves a Nuage couple, one of whom claims to be partly NDN but doesn't know much, who are pushing Nuage ideas that falsely claim to be "generic Native American."
2) Or quit claiming to be experts and take some time (and I mean a LOT of time, five years at least) to simply listen to and learn from elders. That means no ceremonies and no teaching outsiders what falsely believe to be generic NDN traditions. Sheesh, T/T/T claims to be Cherokee, but you use a Lakota phrase as a greeting?

And as far as Francis's claim to be the victim of racism, since when is "Englishman" a racist epithet?

I'm interested as well in Zoi Lightfoot's account. So far ZL seems more credible than the Barringtons.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: sophia on January 16, 2007, 07:39:59 pm
Tonya:  I am not now a member of the Pagan Fed, though I was a member for many years.  I'm very well aware of pagan ethics, one of which is  to respect others' spiritual traditions.
Francis:  Please lighten up!  I was pointing out that you had listed "Native American Culture and religion" under the heading of "Hobbies"; that struck me as humourous. OK?

I'm glad that you've decided to withdraw from the Imbolc ritual. I know that the group approached you, but you should have turned them down.  Yes, there are lots of pagans interested in the Native American tradition (I've met plenty), but they need to be reminded that a peoples' spirituality and culture is NOT a hobby or plaything. (I've recently read somewhere that New agers taking Native American religion is no different from whites taking Native Ameican land.)  European Paganism has plenty of depths and paths and mysticisms to explore - it's much more than just Wicca!  Maybe I should start telling more people that.

If you think you're called to a certain spiritual path, then find teachers in that path, sit at their feet and start leaning!  And, no matter how much you learn, don't ever call yourself a teacher!
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Ric_Richardson on January 17, 2007, 01:31:08 am

In our travels, especially in Europe, I have met with other people of Aboriginal ancestry, who have lived most of their lives outside of the Aboriginal Culture of their Heritage.  While it is Honourable to want more of a connection to their roots, I believe that to understand a Culture, one must have lived a considerable amount of time, in it with others of that Culture.

I met with one such person, while in Germany, who was half Dine (Navajo) and half German.  He speaks both German and English and is an artist.  Even though he has made trips to visit with his family, in the USA and had some exposure to his Dine Heritage, he does not consider himself well enough versed, in his Aboriginal Culture, to be able to teach anyone about it. 

When in England, I was at a meeting, in which an individual described himself as a "Red Indian" who could trace his Cree Heritage, to Canada, but who has lived in England since he was a small child.  His particular sense of identity made it very important to make sure that everyone in contact with him, knew about this aspect of his Heritage, even though he did not understand anything of Cree Culture, other than what he had read about, in England, much of what was stereotypical.

I think that when someone knows that they have Aboriginal blood, it is natural to want to learn more about what this means.  I also believe that there is a danger of setting oneself up, as somehow knowledgeable enough to teach the Cultural ways, without having Lived in the Culture, for a considerable amount of time.

Especially since our Culture has suffered greatly from being pushed down, I believe that it is important to accept our peoples, especially when they have lived seperately from our Cultures.  It is just unfortunate, to say the least, that some of these people feel that they have some sort of Right to claim to be teachers, without having enough knowledge to really understand the Culture.

Just my two cents worth.

Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: NOVA SCOTIA MIKMAQS on January 17, 2007, 01:41:35 am
my question is......why would spirit call on an englishman to do all this native american stuff, when there are already native american people who are humble enough to carry on these duties?thats what im having a hard time understanding?and who is this mans teacher? is he another fraud?there are many who walk this earth, fooling people into thinking that they are some "magical healers", "shamans" and frauds.....only native americans who are the true na, can sense that one!!and another thing, why are these gifts cost so much when mother earth is providing them to us for free?isnt that this man has said he believe????or what any fraud believes whos gaining profit?how much for a sweat or visionquests?IM GONNA THROW UP NOW!!
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: NOVA SCOTIA MIKMAQS on January 17, 2007, 02:15:56 pm
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Mo on January 20, 2007, 02:45:18 am
Mr and Mrs Billington need to read this
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: dabosijigwokush on January 20, 2007, 07:49:00 am
does the name
The Blackwater Tribe of The Lower Mvskokee
ring a bell
thats whats on you addopation forgies
the real name is
The Blackwater Band of Lower Mvskokee inc. a 501 c3 club
a club and that is all
not native bye any means
adopation does not give any one the right to do any cerominys
or even be a pipe carrier
you have to earn the right and prove it to the elders first
contact these people ane see if they are recognized there first

Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Moma_porcupine on January 20, 2007, 04:15:30 pm
Thats interesting , this Blackwater 'tribe" has a representitvre to Germany . I wonder why ? (

Tvstvnvke & Representative to Germany : Larry D. Nichols "Strong Wolf"

I have no idea what the rest of this means , but it appears there might be some interconnections here that coud be investigated . Some of this is probably a whole other topic ...
%3Dmeetspiritguides.pdf+%22Grey+Wolf%22+%22Lightning+Bear%22&hl=en&gl=ca&ct=clnk&cd=1 (

The above link contains 16 pages of "teachings" copyrighted by Rev. Dr. Francis Grey Wolf Billington.


Contains chapters on

Understanding the Spiritual Realm
Perceiving the unseen
Beginning to Approach the Spiritual Realm
Channelling and techniques
Meeting your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels
Working with Nature Spirits
Honouring our Spirit Totems
Important Precautions.

Most of this hasn't got anything to do with Native traditons or beliefs and doesn't claim to . ( There is information on managing imaginary bumblebees in the brain , and using your imagination to find imaginary friends who if you are lucky , might not be imaginary, and might also be friendly ... )

This article does contain a seeming endorsement by a "medicine man" , who in the converstion posted by Mo is claimed to be "Native American ".

My medicine man gave me the name Grey Wolf because he saw that I work with the wolf spirits, but I also work with the bear, buffalo and eagle, and at different times will call upon the spiritual energies of these animals according to my needs at the time.
Ted Andrews whose book Meet & Work with Spirit Guides has been a major source of inspiration to
format the words of this workshop manual.
Pushican Lightning Bear who gave me inspiration through his own workshop manual, which helped me
to know that I was on the right path.
Little Crow who gave me the title The Bumble Bee for my meditation workshop manual.

I wonder if this is the Grandfather Little Crow mentioned in the two links below ? he seems to be active in Germany , and I notice some of Francis Billington's way of speaking is similar to this guy. Does anyone know who this guy is ? He probably wasn't born with the name "Grandfather Little Crow " . (

The above link has a picture of Grandfather Little Crow with its 400 years old drum ( Do any tribes on this continent use drums with handles ? This looks like a Tibetian drum , and I would guess it is .) (
Picture of a Tibetian Drum

Write up about Grandfather Little Crow , with what looks like a picture of him doing a Pipe ceremony .
He seems to be the inspiration behind something called the Little Paradise healing project . (

One of Tonya Billington's cached webpages has a link to the Paradise healing project . No idea if it is the same as the "Little Paradise Healing Project "in Mexico .
this is the project I am working and supporting, to create a healingcenter

Who they are
 ( (
The center will have a restaurant, snack bar, breakfast room, swimming pool, water-fall, and many other things. The healing part will house four medical and waiting rooms, four round houses holding 30-40 persons for workshops and talks. Nine homes will be for the trustees and others to live. Moreover, the center will contain a sacred sweat lodge and more. All of this sits inside a 140 meter stone medicine wheel with 360 stones and with beautiful gardens of palms and flowers.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Freija on January 20, 2007, 09:08:34 pm
This is interesting. Only yesterday a guy here in Sweden called me to tell me he had gotten an eagle feather from a Native guy called Little Crow, who visited Sweden last year. But this guy died shortly after he returned to the US according to him. He was in his 60`s.

Could it be the same guy I wonder?
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: educatedindian on January 20, 2007, 11:39:24 pm
Of course, build a center with a swimming pool and waterfall in their medicine wheel. That's more important than the needs of NDN communities. The people behind the project seem decent enough, but extremely naive. THis reminds me of so many projects, Nanish Shonte and every Bear Tribe and Rainbow Tribe site for white well wishers more than Natives.
I have my doubts as to whether "Little Crow" is NDN at all. He reminds me so much of someone Barnaby and I met at the first speech, an Englishman with a huge nose who tried to dress like Sitting Bull. Most site he's on are European, mostly in German or Swedish.

The Blackwater "Tribe" if I remember right was questionable in a couple other ways. Their "warrior society" had boys as young as eight, and seemed to me in some ways like a militia group, lots of anti federal govt talk.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: educatedindian on January 21, 2007, 12:05:43 am
Francis and T/T/T posted in their yahoo group, the usual Nuage empty platitudes, pat answers, playing the martyr, Orwellian language, and refusal to give answers.

There are the who say sharing is theft but I see it as a gift to be freely given to those who seek the knowledge you have to share; I was recently accused of theft and fraud because I wanted to share a Native American Indian ceremony with some Pagan friends of ours, and since Tonya is of the Cherokee Nation we have the right to share these things with friends in accordance with Cherokee beliefs. However we found ourselves coming under some very heavy criticism from a chat forum and through our friends in the Pagan Federation discovered that the original objector to us doing this ceremony wasn’t a Native American but a Pagan! And since she is not a member of the Pagan Federation and runs her own Pagan themed web site will in all probability be investigated herself. It was with the greatest of regrets and sadness that Tonya and I decided to cancel the ceremony in order to keep the peace and stop any fanatics invading the ceremony and causing problems. Apparently this was not enough for them because they continued to write into the forum accusing us of all kinds of crazy things.

In relation to spiritual beliefs the Cherokee beliefs are very similar to those of all Native American Indian Nations and are with few differences as follows

[Followed by the usual list of Cherokee truisms cut and pasted from the net.]

Basically the Pagan expression “If it harms none, do what thou wilt??? sums up everything written in italics above and as we see great similarities in all spiritual beliefs of different nations, and what the objectors had forgotten or failed to realise was that what Tonya and I sought to do was bring everybody together in the spirit of love and rejoicing in our respect for Mother Earth and the Creator and make a prayerful, happy and dancing ceremony for Imbolc (Spring) with lots of drumming and which everybody was looking forward too. Of course, Tonya and I replied to the forum in a very loving and non- confrontational way,

[Al's note: A quick check at their posts in here shows that to be one huge lie. They trolled for several days with lots of angry shrill accusations, trying to shout down anyone who dared criticize them.

The members of NAFPS were kinder and more patient with them than they deserved.]

but the more we replied the worst things became so we have now both decided it is best if we ignore them,

[Of course, how blatantly racist of them, "Ignore the NDNs."]

we do not want their fears, and lack of racial and religious tolerance block out our spiritual intensions [SIC]and it is for this reason that Tonya and I will do a ceremony for our Pagan friends at a later date but it will not be publicized and the news will be carried word by word only to people who can be trusted.

[In other words, they have no ethics or sense of responsibility to NDNs. Hiding ceremonies so no Natives will know of them has been a tactic of other Nuage exploiters, like the Deer Tribe for example.]

Interestingly enough, while meditating last night and asking spirit for the right thing to do both Tonya and were given the same message but I was also told that two of the people who had really laid it on thick in criticising us would come to me for help before the end of this year. Of course I will give that help,

[Talk about pompous.]

it is not in my nature to do otherwise for everything is circular,

[Including the reasoning of a white exploiter like Billington.]

the Moon around the Earth, the Earth around the Sun, the Sun around the Galaxy

[Wait a minute. Didn't he ever take a science class? Those orbits are ELLIPTICAL.]

 and what goes around comes back around to the sender good or bad. Work in the spirit of Love and Light for we are all related and connected to Mother Earth and love will always triumph over hate.
Grandfather Francis Grey Wolf"

Yes, what goes around does come around. You will face your Creator for your exploitation, lies, lack of humility, and contempt for Native people. What Francis has shown in here is shrill hatred of Native traditionalists, no matter how calmly we talked with them. What he has shown in his own yahoo group is an aversion to being truthful with his own followers.

We will continue to post the truth about you in here and keep track of your exploiter group on yahoo. The only thing your attempt to shout down your critics has done is backfire badly. Look at the number of views for this thread and how investigation exposed further ties to other characters.

Moved to Frauds.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Sue on January 21, 2007, 09:19:32 pm
Educatedindian wrote

Al's note: A quick check at their posts in here shows that to be one huge lie. They trolled for several days with lots of angry shrill accusations, trying to shout down anyone who dared criticize them.

Not the way I see it. Having come across this, one of the first posts I saw when joining, I have followed it through.

All I saw was you hounding these people, not the other way round. I saw you all mock them, acuse them of all sorts of things although you don't appear to know them, and worst still, set yourselves up as some sort of policing outfit. I cannot believe one of you set about googling them, sieving through everything you could find about them and republishing it all and putting your own slant on everything.

I didn't see one 'angry, shrill acccusation' coming from them but I sure saw that and worse coming from you all. How many of you would stand up to scrutiny if I Googled you I wonder? You say you are doing this to protect the public but how many members of the 'public' even use this site. I am horrified to see that you all. I have watched with horrified fascination at it all.

My advice to you all is...Show a little compassion for your fellow man and learn how to behave towards others, even if they don't meet with your expectation.

Laudable though your intentions may be, this is NOT the way to act and make a difference. Be aware also that written accusations without proof are libelous and the law does not take kindly to this activity.

I am not saying that some of the things you have said are inaccurate for I really don't know, but why are you doing this in such an awful evil way.

I joined this site following my very recent discovery that a few generations ago my family were Blackfoot. I still have family in Canada and I was sooooo proud of it all. I told everyone of my wonderful ancestors and tried to find out more about the sort of people they might be. After all, I still had some NA blood in my veins.This is how I found your site.

 I cried when I saw postings calling people like me wannabes. Yes I did wannabe! I wanted to hold up my head and be really proud of the genetic material I still carried. Now, I just feel deep shame at how a race of once noble people have become so tainted with hatred.

I will pray for you all.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Moma_porcupine on January 22, 2007, 04:49:17 pm

I don't see how it is either unfair or irrelevant to search out information on line to see how it matches up with claims people make to gain the public trust , attention , prestige and often money  . When you say we sieved through everything we could find , it implies we left out some important parts . Do you mean there is information on line , that any of these people has spent decades growing up in a Native community , learning the cultural norms and values , or that any of these people are endorsed as competant teachers , by Native Elders who are recognized as such by their community , but out of maliciousness we neglected to publish this redeaming information ?

I never came across anything that would have given any of these people more credibility , and anything that was on line and posted in this thread was posted with a link to the original article , so people can read the whole article in context and draw their own conclusions . I think your accusation that anything redeaming was sieved out is both untrue and unfair.

There was however things that WERE sieved out . I can't speak for other people , and what they fmay have found , that they didn't post , but I consciously made a point not to link to the thread on lightning bear , because all Francis said in his acknowledgement was he was inspired by the guys workshop manual .  Unaware as Francis obviously is , I hesitated to hold him responsble for making such a poor choice in mentors . I also didn't make a big deal out that Tonya and Francis credibility was considerably diminished by their both saying in their posts that Francis is not a teacher and doesn't claim to be , which is shown to be untrue , by the 16 page workshop manual of "teachings" written by Francis .

If people think what gets posted in NAFPS is mean , they might be suprised to see some of what doesn't get posted . Most of us try to make our point as gentley as we can .

What possible difference would it make if we knew these people personally ? Sure maybe they are nice to animals , and make good cookies and there might be a lot of other admirable things about them . The same is true for any human being , no matter what else they may have done . But those things aren't the issue . The issue is the exploitation and distortion of Native cultures and identities .

You object to our posting the on line evidence of this , but when someone who does know these people, reports an unverifiable personal experince , you object to that too, .   

If someone claims to love American Indian ways , but refuses to listen when knowledgable Native people tell them they are damaging these ways, who exactly is it that you imagine should "police" this ? People in China ? It sounds like you saying Native people shouldn't have the authority to protect their own identity and culture .

It seems like you just want us to shut up and let people use , borrow , distort , degrade and exploit however they want to , and if we say anything then we are "evil" and lacking in "compassion" .  (Al edited out some of the nastier names you called us .)

Sort of reminds me of that bible story where two women are both claiming the same child and the judge offers to cut the child in half . It is obvious right away who the real mother is , because her first and only thought, is for the wellbeing of the child . The other woman isn't that concerned if the kid gets cut in half .

I don't think the criticism here , is in anyway directed at people who "want to be" more atuned to the responsibilities that come with some distant Native heritage . It's directed at the people who want the dramatic and sensational parts of American Indian culture but who wannagrab this with no real sustained commitment or responsiblity. It is these people who create the negative feelings , that get expressed in the word "wannabe".

Although you say you have some Blackfoot heritage back there , your social loyalties sound like they are with the non native social groups who are committing these exploitations and not with the Native communities who are trying to protect themselves  . If this is the case , then yes , maybe you are a wannabe . But from what i have seen , being a wannabe wannagrabit is usually more about behavior than BQ , and you will usually not get called a wannbe unless you are behaving like one  .

It isn't just Native people who get hurt by people exploiting Indian culture or identity or Spirituality for money or attention and prestige .

I think perhaps you are naive of the very real damage done by people who enter peoples lives claiming to be someone they aren't or claiming to know something they don't , and using the ignorance of most people of true Native cultures to get away with this deception.  This damage is also imposed upon these peoples children , families , friends and communities Maybe we should start a thread for people to share some of the real life stories of how they have been affected by this, as , it seems some people are having a hard time understanding WHY this is a problem .

Just what i have seen with my own eyes , I could write a chapter in a book . The damage is no trivial matter . Yes , people are human and sometimes there is some misdirected anger , but for the most part people posting in this forum do their best to be fair and stick to the facts . I can't say the same for people like you , who defend the rights of exploiters to continue on unchallenged .

Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: educatedindian on January 22, 2007, 05:35:36 pm
Sue: "Not the way I see it...I didn't see one 'angry, shrill acccusation' coming from them"

That's an amazing bit of williful blindness on your part, Sue. The Billingtons spammed us with 11 posts in less than two days, filled with statements like these:

"If you got nothing better to do, than to resort to witless and sarcastic remarks, then shame on you."

"we have proof, that you are very racist people"

"You cannot learn to see or feel things."

"I feel sorry for you"

"That is not your concern or business."

"And you think, you are being very smart to just interpret, what ever you feel like. What gives you this idea?"

"You can try everything like posting about us in different forums, blacklist us, hacking our web pages, accusing us of fraud, telling lies about us"

"This is Slander"

"you make it very hard for me not to believe that you are Linda"
"But still, even if you did not say something about me…this is insulting me"

"The negative energy coming from you beggers belief"

"one of the people who accuse us fraudulent activity cannot get her head around (“…go figure???).

"Since May of last year we have been the victims of a smear and hate campaign, had our web sites hacked into and crashed (a criminal offence), lies told about us accusing us of doing things we didn’t do nor ever have any intension"

Tell me, Sue, what do you call all of that except shrill, angry accusations without proof?

We at NAFPS were amazingly patient and kind to them. Take a look again, and the harshest comment anyone had for them was to say they looked silly.

Back to what you said in your post:

"How many of you would stand up to scrutiny if I Googled you I wonder?"

Happens to me all the time. Doesn't bother me at all.

"how many members of the 'public' even use this site."

Do a search and see for yourself. We're a resource used by museums, activists, and academic websites as well as the general public.

Or you could just look at the number of views, more than 400 for this thread alone.

"this is NOT the way to act"

By your own words, Sue, you have some distant and recently discoved NDN heritage.

Do you realize how arrogant, if not racist, it is to come into a forum of mostly Native people, activists, members of band govts, etc, many raised in their communities, and tell them how you think we should act?

"Be aware also that written accusations without proof are libelous and the law does not take kindly to this activity."

All the proof's here, you just choose to be blind and not see it.

It's sad to see, Sue, that like the Billingtons and other Nuagers, you toss around the empty accusation of libel or slander as a cheap smear tactic.

"I am not saying that some of the things you have said are inaccurate for I really don't know,"

Actually you did, over and over, even though the evidence to the contrary was right in front of you.

"I joined this site following my very recent discovery that a few generations ago my family were Blackfoot. I still have family in Canada and I was sooooo proud of it all. I told everyone of my wonderful ancestors and tried to find out more about the sort of people they might be. After all, I still had some NA blood in my veins.This is how I found your site.
I cried when I saw postings calling people like me wannabes. Yes I did wannabe! I wanted to hold up my head and be really proud of the genetic material I still carried. Now, I just feel deep shame at how a race of once noble people have become so tainted with hatred."

It's really sad to see how you dishonor your ancestors with such condescending racism, Sue.

"Once noble people"? You don't see that as belittling or racist? Most NDNs would. The distant ancestry you have has not overcome the prejudice you've been taught about NDNs, that we should live up to some stereotypical white standards to define who is and is not NDN.

And you obviously seem to have been influenced by Nuage ideas about NDNs, that criticism equals "hate".

Pray for yourself, Sue, that you may truly understand your heritage instead of whites attempting to portray it as Noble But Vanished.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on January 22, 2007, 11:43:58 pm
...nor have we ever charged any fees or done any workshops involving Native American Indian culture, traditions or medicine.

Billington on his mailing list, quoted earlier by educatedindian:
There are the who say sharing is theft but I see it as a gift to be freely given to those who seek the knowledge you have to share...

What a short memory you have, Francis: here you are "sharing" on eBay the day before writing that you'd never charged any fees (

6 or 12 month in depth Psychic reading/Clairvoyant and Spiritual guidance

Grandfather Grey Wolf is a Fellow of the Association of Professional Clairvoyants, absent healer attuned to Sokaisi and Koso Rays, Crystal Healer and Psychic Life Coach. His spiritual pathways follow the Native American Cherokee Philosophy's and he has appeared on Television and in magazines. He has many testimonials affirming the accurancy of his readings and uses Native American Vision Quest Cards combined with information coming directly from his Spirit Guides.

Starting bid £10.00    

Buy It Now price: £15.00


You don’t even know us, but you accusing us in this way. If you got nothing better to do, than to resort to witless and sarcastic remarks, then shame on you.

You don't like my tone. I am insufficiently respectful. How ironic.

What gives you this idea, that he would collect people like stamps ?
His own words, of course.

I have my doubts as to whether "Little Crow" is NDN at all. He reminds me so much of someone Barnaby and I met at the first speech, an Englishman with a huge nose who tried to dress like Sitting Bull.

I can't quite picture him and it's driving me mad; did he say or do anything memorable? I bet a pound to a pinch of horsesh*t that this holiday resort for newagers is where the Billingtons made a donation for "water supplies" and "land for a hospital and schools". Oh, look at that: (
We make a very big "thank You" to the following friends of  "Little Paradise", whose support, personal commitment and engagement helps to develop the vision to reality:
Tonya Hounting Wolf and Greywolf from London, Great Britain,  for their donation.

Looks like in return 'Little Crow' gave the Billingtons lessons in humility: (
A message to all Native Tribes around the world...The Elders need to come together for the sake of all the people; they need to be introduced back to their spirit.

Just a final word of warning for Francis Billington. In the original ad for your "Native American Style" ceremony, you implied that you are entitled to wear eagle feathers. I think that is almost certainly not true. Firstly you may be breaking the law if you possess parts of any species scheduled under CITES or the Wildlife and Countryside Act. Secondly there are likely to be Native people serving at military bases within easy driving distance of Staines. Many of them have earned the right the hard way to wear eagle feathers, and I think they would take a very dim view of anyone mishandling them.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Mo on February 12, 2007, 04:30:20 pm
My wife has a German father and a Cherokee mother and has been able to prove her Cherokee heritage but still has to go through the process of getting her enrollment card from the Cherokee Nation and those of you who have had the same problems in proving your Native American Indian lineage know just how difficult this can be.

yes i can imagine how difficult it must be to prove cherokee ancestry, especially when BOTH parents are german. this was sent to me recently.


Hello lovely people,

I have an extremely difficult problem which I must
solve by the middle of April. Please help me if you
can. The case: my mother has lived in the USA since
1989 after she married an American (who was before
with the Army in Germany). After she moved there, it
turned into a disaster and he "seized" all the papers
of my mother (passport, identity card, etc.) and
burned all the documents in front of witnesses. Since
then my mother has had an "illegal status" since she
never obtained new documents. They have been divorced
since 1996 and she got lucky and married a very ill
American who needed care. Unfortunately, she is
illegal since she could not request a visa without
papers. And she is afraid to appear before the US
authorities. Her only valid document is an American
driving license which expires in May and cannot be
renewed without a Social Security NUMBER! Now it took
us years to finally get a German passport. Now the
question is whether she should remain in the country
and get everything in order or rather with the valid
driving license drive to Canada over the Niagra and
then travel from Canada to Germany,
obtain a visa and then travel back to the USA. Both
options have a high risk with them that will not help
her ill husband. The people in the Consulate advised
against (naturally) a "Canada solution". He
recommended we consult US Immigrations lawyers in the
USA. Are there such lawyers in Germany? Which would
you advise?
It is important the risk be as small as possible. She
does not want US nationality but want to be able to
enter the USA and live with her husband. Property and
the house belong to my mother there, otherwise they do
not have much money. She is a kindergarden teacher,
has an occupation that is sought. And she has a
husband who naturally appears during visa requests as
a sponsor. Please help us since a possible "Canada
solution" will have to take place before the middle of
April so she can still use her valid driving license
(instead of passport) to depart to Canada. Thank you
for your assistance. My email address is:


Thank you, and greetings

would love to hear mrs billington's explanation of this one.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Ingeborg on February 12, 2007, 07:22:07 pm
Yes, it should be very interesting. I don't believe the story T/T/T told there in 2005. How could a person get married without any documents on her hands? How could she own a house? And what about the need to present a Social Security No to renew a driving license? That would automatically transfer all housewives who never held a job or self-employed persons into pedestrians, I suppose. Also note that the posting says: her alleged mother wants to be able to enter the USA while she is supposed to be living there since 1989.

I assume T/T/T's posting in that forum indicates that she has problems with telling the truth and that one should be thinking very hard when she as much as gives one the time of the day. However, that posting does blow quite nicely the legend of a Cherokee mother, and in her own words. So if T/T/T and FB or their followers keep checking this site, the legend might get changed once again to a Cherokee father.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Mo on February 13, 2007, 12:27:30 pm
from their yahoo group:

There is an outfit that revels in the name of "New age fraud forum"
who are watching everything we do with a critical eye and ready to
pounce with the most spurious and stupid statements about us or anyone
else who crawls up their noses. They have a habit of twisting what we
say rather like naughty children at school and mostly target anyone
who has an interest in Native American spirituality or culture who, in
their ill considered opinion are not entitled to get involved with
anything to do with this subject either because they are not Native
American, or are Native American but they don't believe they are. Well
spies can run in both camps and some of the things they have said
about us are so stupid and ill informed you would think they were
written by some peevish little girl thowing a tantrum and throwing her
toys out of the pram! They are radical to the point of being anti
religious and rascist and have no true concept of spirituality,
tolerance or what it means to walk side by side with others of
different beliefs or faiths. This Forums main fear is that people like
us are selling their culture and yet they do nothing themselves to
protect it and when they hear that we have contibuted funds and given
other support to Native American charities and causes they refuse to
believe it. They even monitor our websites but since everything we do
is given freely and not for profit and our web shops only sell the
genuine articles from recognised Native American suppliers and our
other products which are not Native American always state the origin
they are wasting their time. I mention all this because they made the
mistake of trying to contact our Elders for confirmation about Tonya's
status and quite rightly they were told that it is none of their
business where she belongs and that goes for me too..
Understanding. Forgiveness. Tolerance. One Universal Great Spirit, and
all paths lead to the Creator no matter which path you follow.
Love and unconditional blessings to you all
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Miamowi on February 13, 2007, 01:51:17 pm
oh dear oh dear oh who is sounding peevish! pot calling the kettle black i think! Sticks and stones and all that jazz eh?

I am certain that no matter how much Mr Billington likes to think he can appropriate our history,our customs,our spirituality there is just no way he can do this for the simple fact he is not a native...only a Native American "born" can understand this. And only a Native American "Born" would understand why one just cannot mix up Native American customs,spirituality,crafts etc with those from other "religions" like witchcraft,wicca Druidry(is that the right spelling,you get my gist anyway). It would be as bad as us Native Americans going into a Jewish/Christian/Catholic/buddhist/ place of worship and combining the whole lot together and saying..well you have to accept it guys cause you know I am right!(and i have to say I borrowed this analogy from a very dear friend of mine)   

As for being radical, hmmmmmm,well I thought being radical was to be a sore thumb thinking outside the mainstream. I see no radicals here, I see a whole group of Native Americans defending their race and spirituality

Anti-religious and racist eh? do I see a non native attacking verbally a whole race of people who are in fact defending their spirituality and race!  Or is this the actions of a man who has a bad case of verbal diorhea

"things we have said being stupid and ill-informed"

Well, poor Mrs Billington and Mr Billington....only things the members on here have seen are those written by the happy couple.

And is it ill-informed and stupid to understand our own culture and spirituality.

Oh, and we do absolutely nothing to protect our culture,well blow me down with a feather...guys...we are doing something majorly wrong somewhere...I reckon we ought to get a few mig fighter jets and bomb the blazes out of people who take the "bleep"

Given freely and not for profit eh?...guess that means Mr Billington does not get paid for giving Pyschic Readings in Regalia on TV? On a THursday morning folks if you are really really interested!     

Spies in both camps eh?! always wanted to be one of those James Bond girls!

Have a good day all


PS: This IS Linda Lou for the spies who are watching..... :P
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on February 13, 2007, 04:50:55 pm
Heh. Thanks Mo: obviously hit a raw nerve or two. It's always entertaining to watch newagers lose their cool when you deflate their self-importance or hit their bottom line.

from their yahoo group:

"...everything we do is given freely and not for profit..."

*cough* That memory of his is getting worse.

...guess that means Mr Billington does not get paid for giving Pyschic Readings in Regalia on TV? On a THursday morning folks if you are really really interested!

I am really, really interested in that. Which channel?
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: frederica on February 13, 2007, 07:50:31 pm
Probably on the Comedy Channel. Cudos to Mo on this. What doesn't make a bit of sense is if her mother lost her documents in 1989 why wait over 15 years. It would seem that for a destroyed passport you would notify the place where you obtained this. I would think Germany keep records of issued passports. The ones here are good for 10 years. The Social Security card may vary with the State. They do not use them for ID here for Driver's Licenses. And it depends on how old you are to be without one. They started issuing these to newborns about 30 years ago. I really wonder what the bottom line of all this is. frederica
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: loudcrow on February 15, 2007, 10:07:13 am
This has to be the most fascinating thread I have ever read in this forum. First of all, this is the first time I have ever known anyone
who has been accused of being a fraud, to post to the forum in an attempt, although feeble, to defend themselves. The evidence that
has been presented here is overwhelming and points to a guilty verdict in my humble opinion. For a while, iI did find myself giving these
two the benefit of the doubt. but the more they posted and the more evidence (words from their own mouths!) appeared, I found
myself in a state of shock and could not believe they would insult the intelligence of the Native American community.

I've done some investigating of my own and will share what I have uncovered:

1. The word "hount" is German. The English word is "haunt". Perhaps one of our German members can verify this as I am not
    a German speaker myself and know you cannot always rely on Internet translations. If I am mistaken, I apologise as it
    is not my intention to present false or misleading information.

2.  Pushican/Lighting Bear/John Colbert/John Corbett, etc. appears at various esoteric venues in Germany and professes to be
     a Comanche Medicine Man. Please recall the "teachings" where FB refers to this individual. Being the curious type, I telephoned
     the Comanche Nation. They are quite familiar with this man and have assured me he is not an enrolled member of their Nation and
     definitely is not their medicine man.

3.  I contacted some individuals in Germany who have knowledge about and/or work on their Little Paradise Healing Project.
     (Please forgive me if I don't have the correct name for this project.) The man who goes by the name Little Crow is
    actually one Solomon Ben-Ami and is of Jewish/British extraction.

4.  I contacted the Blackwater Band of the Lower Muskokee regarding the certicates FB has so proudly displayed on his
     website. They have informed me their tribe (which is actually a clan) perfomed a wedding ceremony for this couple
     because they had been led to believe T/T/T was American and Cherokee. Although they would not go into any great
     detail, they told me their was an incident in the UK between this couple and some recognized Native Americans. T/T/T
     was asked to provide them with proof of her being part American and proof of being Cherokee. When the proof was not
     presented, they had no other alternative other than to revoke their Honorary Memberships and have since turned their
     backs on this pair.

Because the people I have spoken with are "innocents" in this case, I will not reveal their names on the Internet. If anyone
doubts my words, please contact the aforementioned yourselves for your own personal verification.

The facts and their own words speak for themselves. Neither of them have proven anything to anyone that shows us, the
Native American community, to be in error or to be ill-informed. Quite the contrary.

Crow with a loud voice

Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Ingeborg on February 15, 2007, 11:10:33 am
1. The word "hount" is German. The English word is "haunt". Perhaps one of our German members can verify this as I am not
    a German speaker myself and know you cannot always rely on Internet translations. If I am mistaken, I apologise as it
    is not my intention to present false or misleading information.

Errm, the internet was not quite wrong, but also not quite right. There is no 'hount' in German language (the German word 'Hund' and the English 'hound' go back to the same root), the equivalent in meaning of the English 'haunt' is 'umgehen/verfolgen'. I assumed that Ms T/T/T intended to go either by the nick of 'Huntingwolf' or 'Hauntingwolf' and failed to look up the correct spelling, and also, in case of 'Hauntingwolf', was not too sure about the meaning of the terms, as both 'haunt' and 'stalk' can be translated as 'verfolgen'.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Miamowi on February 15, 2007, 11:22:55 am
I am not an expert by any means but I do know that to some degree Austrian German speakers have a different way of talking German.

I happened to find this web site with Hawk Hounting.

As her mother is Austrian maybe this explains the spelling.

Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Miamowi on February 15, 2007, 12:17:19 pm
 ;D that the same as Elvis saying..aint nothing but a hounddog ;D ;D
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Ingeborg on February 15, 2007, 12:59:04 pm
I am not an expert by any means but I do know that to some degree Austrian German speakers have a different way of talking German.
To a degree, yes. Sometimes to a greater degree so that Germans, Austrians and German speaking Swiss people have coined the phrase of "the common language which divides us". However, the 'Duden' is the same for all German speaking countries (and includes entries of 'exotic' sounding words used in Austria and Switzerland), and there is nothing like 'hount' in there. It would also be a most unusual spelling in German (the 'ou').

I happened to find this web site with Hawk Hounting.
Oops - I'd put that down to 'great minds think alike and fools do seldom differ' ;)

As her mother is Austrian maybe this explains the spelling.
I don't think so. Mr B himself mentioned his wife went to school in Germany, and the differences between Austrian and German dialects are largely not in spelling but in the use of altogether different words, like e.g. whereas we say 'Tomate' (tomato), the Austrian say 'Paradeiser' (from 'paradise apple), our 'Kartoffel' (potato) is 'Erdaepfel' (earth apple) in Austrian.

.is that the same as Elvis saying..aint nothing but a hounddog
Yep - or as in the 'Hound of Baskerville' (shiver). English language today uses the word 'hound' in a more limited way, my dictionary says it means  hunting dog or villain, and in idioms like 'ride to hounds' and 'hound down'. On the other hand, we've also given you the term 'Schweinehund' /shvinehoont/ ;) which used to be the term for a dog used to herd pigs.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on February 15, 2007, 04:36:43 pm
This has to be the most fascinating thread I have ever read in this forum. First of all, this is the first time I have ever known anyone who has been accused of being a fraud, to post to the forum in an attempt, although feeble, to defend themselves.

Oh, there have been others. Scarlet Kinney's ( my favourite.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: educatedindian on February 16, 2007, 03:48:26 pm
It's pretty amusing how the Billingtons' hysterical angry denials only increase the number of people who see critical information about them. Also pretty funny to watch them prove themselves incapable of being the spiritual and ceremonial leaders they imagine themselves to be: People as immature as them would never have been entrusted with leading ACTUAL Native ceremonies. Then again, outside of the Stomp Dance, everything they do is Nuage, not Native.

Their memories are getting more bizarre. When did they ever say "none of your business" about their alleged elders? They wouldn't even say what tribe the alleged "elders" allegedly were from.

So obviously the Billington's OWN followers contacted the alleged "elders" and got a hostile rude response no actual elder would ever give.

Since they're monitoring this site in the manner most Nuage frauds do, desperate to shout down criticism by making up very silly lies about us (Hint: Try reading the About Us section.), let me make this challenged that I know they'll see:

Name your alleged "elders" and ask them to defend what you do. Any ACTUAL elders would gladly defend people they've taught. Only frauds would hide or be as rude and hostile as you're claiming yours are being.

Crow, thanks for all the research you did. Quite a first post. There's more on "Lightning Bear" in here. He's one of the more bizarre ones.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Miamowi on February 20, 2007, 05:51:40 pm
EducatedIndian..did you get a reply to your challenge?

I found an interesting article today with regards to Cherokees...seems the official ones are hunting down the non-official ones.

Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: tawodi on February 21, 2007, 12:33:45 am
Siyo to the forum.  I am an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation.  Though I do not now live in Oklahoma, I never make a trip up without going out to the grounds.  The advertisement for this supposed "stomp dance" is one of the most sickening things I have read and I thought I had pretty much seen and heard it all when it comes to glut of pretend Cherokees.  The stomp dance is sacred just as much for WHERE it is held as it is for who the leaders are.  And nothing these people wrote about what they plan to do is anything but the most grotesque form of disrespect and mockery. 

Though I sincerely doubt Tonya has any proveable Cherokee blood, that in fact isn't even an issue as far as the authority to lead a stomp dance.  Blood cells and brain cells are NOT interchangeable.  "Indian blood" or the everpopular "Indian in my heart" drivel make me laugh.  You need an "Indian mind"!  One that has spent years learning what you have to know to be a caller.  And if you somehow have convinced yourself that your "blood" is enough, I have a proposition for ya.  How about you let me perform a triple-bypass on you!  After all, my great-uncle was a Cherokee doctor.  MD, that is.

I'll be in England in April for ten days, GW and T.  Do you have the courage of your convictions to try to defend your actions to a real Cherokee in person?

Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: loudcrow on February 21, 2007, 05:36:28 am
I am not holding my breath waiting for FB or T/T/T to come forward with proof of her being American and Cherokee.
This will not happen in our lifetimes. It is abundantly clear T/T/T is 100% German, has a German passport which
indicates a birthplace in Germany and obviously thinks we are blooming idiots because we don't buy into her
fairy tale(s).

I haven't quite figured out what the story is with FB. I am assuming they ask for identification when
going for a marriage license in the UK, so I think it's safe to say FB should know darn good and well T/T/T
is German born, German raised and probably never stepped foot in the USA. Indeed, that explains her
German accent. So tell us, FB, have you neglected to check out T/T/T's story yourself, is this wishful
thinking on your part, or are you living in LaLa Land too?

I neglected to mention the people I spoke with concerning this pair said a differant story was relayed to them
from T/T/T. My sources say T/T/T claimed to have been born on a reservation in Georgia, has no American
birth certificate but does have a piece of paper from an elder documenting her birth. Curious minds need to
know how she managed to get from Georgia to Germany without the birth certificate which is needed in order
to obtain an American passport. I'll answer that for you, T/T/T. It didn't happen. There are no Cherokee
reservations in Georiga. Never have been. Never will be. You HAVE to have an American birth certificate in
order to obtain an American passport.

I am also puzzled about the post T/T/T made in reference to her Native American mother having problems
with US Immigration and Naturalization. How does that work exactly? I'll tell you how it works. Her mother
is not American! That's how that works, T/T/T! Or do you have an explanation for this? I would certainly
like to hear it and would like you to know I have always been rather fond of soap operas.

Another mystery is how her mother manages to work without a Social Security Number? How does she
pay taxes? I'm sure the IRS would like to hear about this.

Tawodi is quite right. The fact this pair would take it upon themselves to combine Pagan, witchcraft, etc.
with the Stomp Dance is positively vile. Neither one of them has the necessary training to be a caller,
dancer, etc. and, no doubt, could not answer any questions about the Stomp Dance should they be asked.
And since when is a non-Native permitted to lead a Stomp?

FB, you may have convinced yourself T/T/T is American/Cherokee, but you have not, for one minute,
convinced the Native Americans and Americans who view and post on this forum. I understand your need
to protect your wife and family, but please don't play us for fools in the process.

By the way, FB and T/T/T. one checks with the Tribal Enrollment Clerk of the Nation to find out if someone
is enrolled, has applied for enrollment, etc. They don't check with the elders unless they are asking something
like, "Do you know so-and-so?" Furthermore, I have never heard of any elder telling someone "it's none of
your business" when asked if someone is known to the Nation and/or is enrolled or not.

Quite rightfully, this pair has been placed in the Frauds Section. If you want to "save face", give us some
verifiable proof T/T/T is American/Cherokee, FB. Wake up and smell the coffee! This forum is not a
Yahoo Group and is viewed and posted by honorable members of the Native American community and
their non-Native supporters. The real supporters. The ones who stand by our sides through thick and
thin and aren't making a buck off our backs. The ones who don't run around bragging about what they
have done to help our people. Until then, you two are right where you belong .. in the Frauds Section.

P.S. Ingeborg, do they really teach "Crystal Healing" in the Universities in Germany? That must have
been that "Crystal Healing 101" class I neglected to take!
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Ingeborg on February 21, 2007, 01:00:41 pm

do they really teach "Crystal Healing" in the Universities in Germany?
Where did T/T/T say so? I must read that with my own eyes to believe it :D
I suppose she took that course at the same university she did those on kaos rays - errm: koso rays at.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: educatedindian on February 21, 2007, 01:32:47 pm
T/T/T claims she was born on a reservation in Georgia? Pretty amazing, there hasn't been one in the state since the Trail of Tears. The Cherokee rez is in North Carolina. The CNO tribal lands were all allotted almost a hundred years ago. (I realize you know this, Loudcrow, but the Billingtons' European followers almost certainly don't.)

I suppose some of the would be Cherokee tribes could have bought lands, but I don't think any of them have been around since before the 70s. So unless T/T/T is pretty young...

And it wouldn't be a rez anyway.

I haven't heard anything from the Billingtons and don't expect they will ever have the courage to.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: loudcrow on February 25, 2007, 04:19:53 am
This is the post T/T/T made to her group regarding her studying crystals in University in Germany I presume.

Hiya all,
here is a little about Crystals. I have still so much
information' s about crystals. These I got and studied
in different courses from the University. Hope you can
use it somehow.
Love and Hugs
There are various traditions and lists of Birthstones
These are
from several different lists and sources

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
--------- -

Birthstones by Month

January - Garnet, Emerald, Rose Quartz

February - Amethyst, Bloodstone, Onyx, Moonstone

March - Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Jade, Rock Crystal

April - Diamond ,Opal, Quartz, White Sapphire

May - Emerald, Sapphire, Agate, Chrysoprase, Beryl

June-Pearl or Moonstone, Alexandrite, Opal

July- Ruby, Carnelian

August -Peridot, Sardonyx, Diamond, Sapphire, Jade

September-Sapphire, Agate, Moonstone, Lapis Lazuli,

October-Opal or Pink Tourmaline, Tourmaline,
Jasper,Zircon, Aquamarine

November-Topaz or Smoky Quartz ,Citrine, Pearl

December-Turquoise or Blue Zircon, Blue Topaz, Lapis
Lazuli, Onyx ,Ruby

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
--------- -

Birthstones by Zodiac Sign

Capricorn 12/22-01/19 - smokey quartz, ruby, onyx,
jet,Ruby, Agate, Garnet, Lapis Lazuli, Smokey Quartz,
Amethyst, Aragonite, Tigers Eye

Aquarius 01/20-02/18 - Turquoise, Malachite,
Aquamarine, Moonstone, Garnet, Moss Agate, Opal,
Amethyst, Rhodonite, Rhyolite, Aventurine

Pisces 02/19-03/20- Amethyst,Opal, Moonstone, Quartz
Crystal, Sapphire, Bloodstone, Aquamarine, Turquoise,
Bluelace, Agate, Calcite, Carnelian *

Aries 03/21-04/19- Jasper, Ruby, Bloodstone, Diamond,
Citrine, Agate, Aventurine Bloodstone, Jade

Taurus 04/20-05/20 - Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli,
Carnelian, Sapphire,
Turquoise, Amber, Emerald, Aventurine, Diamond,
Jasper, Bloodstone, ,Jade, Satinspar

Gemini 05/21-06/20 - Citrine, Rock Crystal, Tigers
eye, Agate, Rutile Quartz, Chrysoprase, Pearl,
Emerald, Aventurine, Unakite, Citrine, Apatite

Cancer 06/21-07/22 -Olivine, Emerald, Moonstone,Pearl,
Ruby, Agate, Chalcedony, Hematite, Sodalite,
Moonstone, Carnelian

Leo 07/23-08/22- Quartz crystal, Diamond,
Agate,Tourmaline, Sardonyx, Onyx, Peridot, Amber,
Labradorite, Amazonite, Carnelian, Jasper, Bloodstone

Virgo 08/23-09/22 - Carnelian, Agate, Jasper,
Sapphire, Jade, Citrine, Sardonyx, Amethyst, Amazonite

Libra 09/23-10/22- Emerald, Aventurine, Jade,
Sapphire, Opal, Lapis
Lazuli, Peridot, Sardonyx, Moonstone, Chrysoprase,
Amethyst, Bluelace Agate, Sodalite

Scorpio 10/23-11/21- Garnet, Bloodstone, Ruby, Jasper,
Aquamarine, Topaz, Tigers Eye, Amethyst, Unakite,

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21- Topaz,Jacinth, Snowflake
Obsidian ,
Sapphire, Amethyst, Turquoise, Pearl, Sodalite,
Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, Chalcedony, Aventurine


------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
--------- -

Ayurvedic Birthstones

January- Garnet



April- Diamond









Birthstones by Day of Week

Monday - Pearl, Rock Crystal, Moonstone

Tuesday - Ruby, Emerald, Star Sapphire

Wednesday - Amethyst, Magnetite, Star Ruby

Thursday - Sapphire, Carnelian, Cat's eye

Friday - Emerald, Cat's eye, Alexandrite

Saturday - Turquoise, Diamond, Labradorite

Sunday - Topaz, Sunstone

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
--------- -

Birthstones by the Chinese Year
Each Year in the twelve year cycle is assigned an

Rat- Emerald

Ox - Lapis Lazuli

Tiger - Ruby

Rabbit - Sapphire

Dragon - Ruby

Snake - Opal

Horse - Topaz

Goat - Sapphire

Monkey - Tiger-Eye

Rooster - Topaz

Dog - Ruby

Pig - Moonstone

------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
--------- -

Birthstones by hour of Birth ( adjust for Daylight
savings time if you need to.)
* Hour of Birth* *Birthstone*

1 (midnight until 1 am) Quartz
2 Hematite
3 Malachite
4 Lapis Lazuli
5 Turquoise
6 Tourmaline
7 Chrysolite (Peridot)
8 Amethyst
9 Kunzite
10 Sapphire
11 Garnet
12 (noon until 1 PM or 13:00) Diamond
13 Zircon
14 Emerald
15 Beryl
16 Topaz
17 Ruby
18 Opal
19 Sardonyx
20 Chalcedony
21 Jade
22 Jasper
23 Lode
24 Onyx

I also found this exact wording at:
I am assuming they took the same University classes or is this plagarism?

Croud with a loud voice
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Ingeborg on February 25, 2007, 12:03:40 pm
This is the post T/T/T made to her group regarding her studying crystals in University in Germany I presume.
Thanks very much.

Hiya all,
here is a little about Crystals. I have still so much
information' s about crystals. These I got and studied
in different courses from the University. Hope you can
use it somehow.
Love and Hugs

Please take due note that mentioning the name of this university is carefully avoided. I am quite positive we got more than just one university in Grrmany (sarcasm off). Apart from the traditional ones and those founded more recently, also quite a number of colleges and polytechnics have gained the status of universities meanwhile - not mentioning those we got when ex-GDR joined.
As the B's monitor the forum, some additional info, just to spare us another fairy tale about the way things work over here: there are institutions doing courses on homeopathy, but it couldn't have been one of those since they are not allowed to go by the name of a university (if they did, they'd have their premises closed down and their butts in a lawsuit faster than they could spell the term 'university').

The only serious possibility with a 'regular' university I see is a course in anthropology. My bets are on some nuage outfit calling themselves a university (not all that legal, they should prefer the term 'academy'). T/T/T's avoiding further info about this alleged university of course may evoke a certain impression, and we may have a guess at whether this is completely coincidential.

The lists T/T/T supplied are nothing much to write home about anyway. There was quite a fad about this a few years ago here, and the issue got covered in many mags.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Ingeborg on September 07, 2007, 01:51:07 pm
T/T/T Billington has got a new website at:

This is the information put down in the impressum:

Sacred - Earth Ltd
Director : Tonya Hountingwolf Billington
Company number : 6232617, registered with Companies house in Cardiff
7A Budebury Road
Staines, Middlesex
TW18 2BA, UK
Tel : +44 ( 0 ) 1784-457410
Mobile : +44 ( 0 ) 7725-193628
E-mail :

The Welcome text:


Welcome to Sacred Earth Online-Shop for Healing Crystals, Gemstones, Minerals and Crystals. Also Native American Indian articles, Giftware and much more.
We are also very proud to present our Universal Fleamarket.

    * Healingstones
    * Gemstones
    * Minerals & Crystals - and accessories
    * Native American Indian articles
    * Gifts
    * Esoteric articles
    * Books
    * Music/Albums
    * Nature products

      We pay attention to the original makings, with the Native American artifacts and we only use the original accessories, which are used by Native American people. All artifacts are handmade. We want to make sure to keep the Originality and to support the Native American makers.

We are now also offering Aura Photography and Aura Interpretation with Psychic Readings.

Please contact us if you are interested. Party Bookings also available.


Contents of the site:

 Books (4)
 Esoteric (4)
 Flea Market (2)
 Minerals Crystals Fossils (53)
 -   Jewellery (5)
 -   Mineral specimens (7)
 -   Quartz Points (5)
 -   Special power crystals (1)
 -   Tumbled stones Healing crystals (34)
 Native American Indian (2)
 Nature products

In the book section, there's the following offers:

Books for everyone    

 The Lemurian Effect - by Francis Grey Wolf Billington    The Lemurian Effect - by Francis Grey Wolf Billington
11,72 EUR
Shipping time:    2 Weeks

 Brave Eagle by Francis Grey Wolf Billington    Brave Eagle by Francis Grey Wolf Billington
14,68 EUR
Shipping time:    2 Weeks

 The Angel Bible by Hazel Raven    The Angel Bible by Hazel Raven
19,08 EUR
Shipping time:    3-4 Days

 The Crystal Bible / Judy Hall / Bestseller in the UK    The Crystal Bible / Judy Hall / Bestseller in the UK
19,08 EUR


The esoterical corner
 Emerald Pendulum    Emerald Pendulum
22,04 EUR
Shipping time:    3-4 Days

 Original Incence sticks Nag Champa    Original Incence sticks Nag Champa
2,59 EUR
Shipping time:    1 Week

 Set Fragrance Oils in Velvet Box / 12 different Oils    Set Fragrance Oils in
Velvet Box / 12 different Oils
31,93 EUR
Shipping time:    3-4 Days

 Variety Pack Incense Sticks / Floral    Variety Pack Incense Sticks / Floral
6,04 EUR

Another business operated by T/T/T:

Tonya Hountingwolf Billington

Pharmacist, Crystal Therapist, Minerologist

Managing director

(This may only be viewed by a registered user)
TW18 2BA Staines, United Kingdom

Status    Freelancer
Wants    I am looking for different people, who working in the same type of work, like Crystal healing, natural remedies, esoterical, herbs and Plants to build up my network. Since I have lots of areas to fill, this could be the
possibilty to work with us.
Haves    I am offering high quality Minerals, healingstones, esoterical items, Books and Native american art
Company    (This may only be viewed by a registered user)
Industry    Online Shop, Esoteric, Minerals, healingcrystals
Additional current companies    

    * (This may only be viewed by a registered user)

Universities    Degree in Mineralogy and Crystal Therapy
Interests    I am a Nature and Animal Lover, Crystals, Drumming, Native American, In my private time I am an Activist in different organisations for protecting animals, environmental issues and human rights ( especially native
american rights ), laughing, discussions with friends, reading, devolping spiritual matters
Confirmed contacts    Peer Siegel-Gradenwitz
(More contacts may only be viewed by a registered user)
Premium Groups    ---
Groups    ---
Languages    German, English, Cherokee Tsalagi

I am a Crystal Thrapist and Minerologist. Also I am from the Cherokee Nation.

In my Shop you can find Minerals, Crystals, Esoterical items, books and native american items.

Also I am doing Crystal Healing and distant healing.

My webside will be edited every day and there will be more and more Crystals and Items in it. If there is any Crystal you want, but cannot find it at the webpage, then please don't hesitate to contact me, because very often, I either have it, but it is not listed yet, or I can get it.

I would still like to know which German university offers a degree in 'crystal therapy'.

Here's a forum the Billingtons are quite actively participating in. The URL goes to a thread about how members got their name. Please take due note that our comments regarding the subtleties of German and English language re the words hunt/haunt have been taken up meanwhile and were included in the legend in May 2007:

Members Names
PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:29 am

Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 9:26 am
Posts: 282
Location: Staines, Middlesex, UK    
Hiya all,

I really like all the names, and how they came.

Ok here is mine :

The word hounting is really not a real word, but it is a mixture, between hunting ( since I always chased animals - not to hunt them, but to watch them ), and haunted ( because I always felt / sensed / seen things, what other people could not understand, and it was a little haunted to them ) and howling ( since I love the sound of the howling wolfs )
The wolf is one of my power animals and also I had different experiences with wolfes. That is why I am now
Tonya Hountingwolf

The name was given to me from some of the tribal elders. So it is my real name now ( after I had many difficulties of registering this name with the authorities. )

Love, Light and Hugs

Another reply by T/T/T:

 Post subject: Re: Members Names
PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:01 pm

Very good guess then Plur.

But I also have a second name, which is Eagleeye.
So my real complete name is : Tonya Hountingwolf Eagleeye Billington ( sounds silly I know )

And the name Eagleeye was also given to me from tribal elders. Actually it was my first name I was given.

I had 2 exeriences with eagles.
One was where a huge eagle was landing right in front of me. And I tell you, I was scared, because then you really could see how big it really is.

And the second one is, that I was able to make a sound like an eagle and very often, just a few minutes after this, there were 2 eagles coming and circling over me.

In our culture the eagle is the most sacred animal, because Eagle can fly the highest and is with this the closest to spirit, but still the Eagle can see everything what is going on on the ground.

Just a little insight.

Love and Hugs

my real complete name is : Tonya Hountingwolf Eagleeye Billington ( sounds silly I know )
I almost fell off my chair laughing - Adlerauge!!!!!, that's a name used by children here when they play ndns and cowboys. Since you claim to be fluent in Cherokee - what's your alleged names in Cherokee language?

No, Tanni, your real complete name is Tanja Billington, geschiedene (divorced) Fehlauer, geborene (nee) - well, whatever your birth name happened to be. Not that silly twink job you give us, complete with more than just one mis-spilling. I do wonder, since DH Francis claims to be clairvoyant - doesn't he 'see' he should do a spellcheck for you whenever you post/publish something? I do admire all the imagination that went into justifying the mis-spilled 'hounting', but a simple spellcheck programme could have avoided you the trouble of thinking that hard. Perhaps you shouldn't put so much time into remembering more and more details from your former life in Atlantis (cf onebigcircle forum), but have a look at your grammar book.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on September 08, 2007, 08:28:50 am
From that site:

We are also very proud to present our Universal Fleamarket.

I think that nicely sums up the whole new age phenomenon.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Ingeborg on September 08, 2007, 12:57:55 pm
From that site:

We are also very proud to present our Universal Fleamarket.

I think that nicely sums up the whole new age phenomenon.

It does indeed... Did you have a look at that *universal* fleamarket? - It's Tanni selling two pairs of jeans, how's that for universal? Buyers can feel proud to be almost 'a$$ to a$$' with a real genuine fake 'Tsalagi' when wearing them.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: sylvia on September 27, 2007, 07:19:07 pm
Message moved to a new thread
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: RoseBlossom on October 14, 2007, 10:15:20 pm
1. The word "hount" is German. The English word is "haunt". Perhaps one of our German members can verify this as I am not
    a German speaker myself and know you cannot always rely on Internet translations. If I am mistaken, I apologise as it
    is not my intention to present false or misleading information.

Errm, the internet was not quite wrong, but also not quite right. There is no 'hount' in German language (the German word 'Hund' and the English 'hound' go back to the same root), the equivalent in meaning of the English 'haunt' is 'umgehen/verfolgen'. I assumed that Ms T/T/T intended to go either by the nick of 'Huntingwolf' or 'Hauntingwolf' and failed to look up the correct spelling, and also, in case of 'Hauntingwolf', was not too sure about the meaning of the terms, as both 'haunt' and 'stalk' can be translated as 'verfolgen'.

Hello, I came across this forum by chance. I am an ex-member of a forum that these people frequent. I went there and never really fit in, there was some issues I had with a member and I just decided to leave. It's totally not my cup of tea there.

I found this thread to be quite interesting!

Regarding "Hountingwolf" she gives an explaination here:
(edit, nevermind Ingeborg posted it from OneBigCircle)
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: RoseBlossom on October 14, 2007, 11:55:48 pm
I remembered this post of her regarding Pow Wow edicate and thought it might be helpful to post it here:

I'm curious if anything said is true and legit or if it's all BS (re: the Pow Wow, rituals, edicate, etc--some like no cell phones make sense, but some others?)...

Edit: Why is T/T/T used to refer to her?-- I can't find the reference in this thread.
And if case people didn't catch this one yet: (October 04. 2007 01:29:21) --so it's recent.

Grey Wolf's Pictures
Pictures from the wedding, the pow-wow, and others

Hiya everybody,

I just feel, I should also post some of the things I learned about Pow Wow, and I want to say before I start, that I learned long time ago, that there is no right or wrong way of doing things, there is only the spiritual way.

And I want to add, that those are some of the Pow Wow Rules which we are using, but this doesn't mean, that all Native nations are doing this in the same way, because it is hard to find "Pow Wow Rules" which will suit all the nations.

The reason for writing this here, is that I realise, that more and more people are interested in Native American Spirituality, and with this also interested of going to Pow Wows. The most Native nations are very happy to know, that more and more countries in the world are performing Pow Wows to keep the traditions alive. But some native nations are also aware, that the proper Pow Wow etiquette must take place, to not disturb our spirits, warriors, anchestors - our church.

So lets start now with the general rules :

A Pow Wow is one event where you may see Natives across the globe, gathered in one place with a common purpose - the celebration of their heritage.

After Grand Entry the pow wow will be in full swing and you will see the most outstanding dancers. Breaks between some dances will give you time to look around or to see some Native American craftwork.

1.) If you are in a hurry, don't go. When you enter the grounds ( sometimes called "Stomp grounds" ), you are on "indian time". Forget clocks, time and schedules. Be in the moment in every sense of the word.

2.) Take folding chairs to sit on. Stake out your spot ouside the arena markers. Don't sit in someone's elses chair, or in a spot, that is marked with someone elses belongings.

3.) The temperatures can get extreme. Now don't wimp out. Look at what the dancers are wearing, and the heat they are dancing in. They don' have summer light regalia.

4.) If you take your pet, be sure it stays on a leash. Also if you take your pet be considerate of others and take your pooper scooper as well to clean up any messes it may make.

5.) Mobile Phones, as a courtesy, should be turned off when you are near the arena. If you must take a call, excuse yourself from the arena area. Mobiles phones ringing during a song are considered rude and the singers may take offence. Please turn them off when you are near the arena.

6.) When you attend a Pow Wow, it is important to remember that you are a guest, and an observer of ancient ceremonies and tradititions that have survived every possible adversity.

7.) Under no Circumstances is Alkohol or drugs allowed on Pow Wow Grounds. Alkohol is the greatest curse ever visited on the Native American, and it will not be tolerated.

The area for dancing and ceremonies is called the arena, and it's boundaries will be marked by a circle.It is common to see teepees and lodges set up on the grounds. These are not open to the public. Pow Wow participiants live in the teepees during the gathering, and they are, in fact, their homes for the duration. Respect their privacy. Many dancers will be happy to have a look if you ask them for permission.

Once the dance arena has been blessed with sage and prayer, it becomes spiritual and sacred ground. Do not walk across the arena, and don't allow your children to run into the arena.

If you see a dancer's feather fall to ground DO NOT PICK IT UP!! It is a sacred artefact and must then have a prayer song to bless it and be retrieved. Also the ground will be cleaned and blessed with smudging and prayer.

If you see a lost feather, or yourself drop a feather , do NOT pick it up. Notify the nearest Head Man Dancer or Arena Director immediately. If you drop some part of your Regalia, DON'T PICK IT UP. Dance in place beside it until the Arena Director picks it up for you. You will probably be asked to give something for it's return to you. All dropped atricles belong to the Arena Director.

When an eagle feather is dropped, is Pow Wow is stopped, and a special ceremony is performed to pick it up. This is like a falling warrior.

Pow Wows are non-profit and depend upon donations, raffles, blanket dances etc. for support. Donations are encouraged as a way to honor someone.

Feel free to take Photos with the exception of the flag songs, prayer songs or honour dances. If you see a dancer, who is especially striking, ask if you may take a picture.

A dancer's clothing is Regalia - not a costume or an "outfit" and is a prized possession. Some Regalia has been handed down through generations, and is priceless. When a dancer decides to "come out" in a particular style, the Regalia reflects the spirit and customs of the people being honored. This is no small desicion, and a "coming out" ceremony for a new dancer is cause for great celebration.

The regalia is handmade, usually by the dancer, friends and family, and every article has a special meaning. It takes years to collect the items until the Regalia is complete, and this involves no small expense. DO NOT EVER TOUCH a dancer's Regalia without permission. The Regalia is an expression of spirit, and has been prayed over and blessed. Honor it, the person wearing it, and the living history it represents.

So my family,
this was the first part of the Pow Wow Trails, and I hope this can help you understand, why it is so important to know the do's and the don't s before going on a Pow Wow.

And I hope, this is still interesting to you all.

Next Part of the Pow Wow Trails will be something about the different dances and the names of it.
So for everybody, who is interested watch out this space.

Puh, this was a lot what I wrote.

Love and hugs
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Moma_porcupine on October 17, 2007, 01:10:34 pm
Hi RoseBlossom and welcome
I'm curious if anything said is true and legit or if it's all BS (re: the Pow Wow, rituals, edicate, etc--some like no cell phones make sense, but some others?)...

This sounds like the same basic information, I've seen on a few websites about powwow etiquette .

When you enter the grounds ( sometimes called "Stomp grounds" )

The Cherokee Nation website explains that powwows are not the same thing as a Stomp Dance ; (

What is the difference between a pow wow and a stomp dance?
Pow wows began in the west with Plains Indians. They were tribal gatherings where people would gather to celebrate and renew family and tribal ties.

Modern pow wows began to gain momentum in the late 1940’s and 1950’s. They evolved from tribal to intertribal celebrations. They are often times held for competition with prizes
being awarded for performance.

The Stomp Dance is a religious, or ceremonial dance which is private to those who practice traditional ceremonies.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: crazyeagle on October 17, 2007, 03:30:14 pm
This was written by T/T/T on a US Immigration site

Hello lovely people,

I ahve an extremely difficult problem which I must
solve by the middle of April. Please help me if you
can. The case: my mother has lived in the USA since
1989 after she married an American (who was before
with the Army in Germany). After she moved there, it
turned into a disaster and he "seized" all the papers
of my mother (passport, identity card, etc.) and
burned all the documents in front of witnesses. Since
then my mother has had an "illegal status" since she
never obtained new documents. They have been divorced
since 1996 and she got lucky and married a very ill
American who needed care. Unfortunately, she is
illegal since she could not request a visa without
papers. And she is afraid to appear before the US
authorities. Her only valid document is an American
driving license which expires in May and cannot be
renewed without a Social Security NUMBER! Now it took
us years to finally get a German passport. Now the
question is whether she should remain in the country
and get everything in order or rather with the valid
driving license drive to Canada over the Niagra and
then travel from Canada to Germany,
obtain a visa and then travel back to the USA. Both
options have a high risk with them that will not help
her ill husband. The people in the Consulate advised
against (naturally) a "Canada solution". He
recommended we consult US Immigrations lawyers in the
USA. Are there such lawyers in Germany? Which would
you advise?
It is important the risk be as small as possible. She
does not want US nationality but want to be able to
enter the USA and live with her husband. Property and
the house belong to my mother there, otherwise they do
not have much money. She is a kindergarden teacher,
has an occupation that is sought. And she has a
husband who naturally appears during visa requests as
a sponsor. Please help us since a possible "Canada
solution" will have to take place before the middle of
April so she can still use her valid driving license
(instead of passport) to depart to Canada. Thank you
for your assistance. My email address is:


Thank you, and greetings
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: dakota33 on April 04, 2008, 04:41:46 am
They are still at it
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on April 04, 2008, 08:37:14 am
Hello and welcome. I daresay they are still at it but your report is a bit sparse. What can you tell us about them?
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: zoi lightfoot on April 04, 2008, 11:23:55 am
Francis and Tonya Billington huh? Well done to the NAPFS member who correctly identified this couple as the focus of my statement made directly to the union of autonomous groups.charities and sg's (NNN)in Oct 07 which somehow ended up on this site.

Francis Billinton quite likes racialy abusing,spitting at and even threatening legal action against ex pats who challange his wife Cherokee heritage,yet for some reason they don't appear to want to face a recognized Indian attorney who personaly knows all the peoples these two wastes of space claim to support.

What the IIC members personaly think of the Billintons is of little relevance to me,I draw the line at anyone putting their hands on or getting abusive and making threats against members of the indian nations residing overseas.

On a recent trip to Florida,Tonya Billington repeated she was 'Cherokee' to Turkey Talbert and others who made the same request for identification documents the ex pats based in Europe had. To my knowledge the Billingtons did not get abusive towards Turkey Talbert as they had the ex pats,which included a member of Turkey Talberts own Band out here.

The reality is this ladies and gents,there is a sizable intertribal presence of recognized peoples in Europe and internationaly which is gathering in unity and strength as each day passes,who form the bulk of the ethnic minority presence identified as the International intertribal community.People like the Billingtons have a limited life span in terms of validation before they get on my legal radar.Games over as is the show,we are slowly getting to the point when folks like these will find themselves in european courts charged with violations of race relations laws.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Kevin on April 04, 2008, 11:58:19 am
Somehow I missed this thread. "want to say here, that there is a difference between unregistered and registered clairvoyants. That divides the real frauds from the true ones." said by tanja/ tonya - now that has the be the best line I've come across in a long, long time. What a classic! Someone send me a registration form so I too can be a registered clairvoyant. I still find it hard to believe some of these people have actually convinced themselves of all this, it is truly amazing. 'Have registration, will divine', that would look quite sporty on a calling card I think - 'call Bill Spirit Talker for immediate help'  at the bottom. I bet police departments have stacks of clairvoyant registration forms on file, all eager to be called to help locate missing children
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: TimberlineWarrior on April 04, 2008, 01:14:22 pm
He quotes;
It is often said that the Whites can never truly understand the native ways or their concept of spirituality, To this I humbly ask; teach me how to know,

Why should we?
Since the 1920s people have come, entomologists etc and asked to record/film/note/etc the rites and ceremonies for prosperity. At the time this was granted in faith and innocence. But these so people went away and copied these rites and ceremonies and sold for profit.
So what makes you so different that we should teach you? Your track record certainly says not to.

^. .^
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: zoi lightfoot on April 09, 2008, 09:37:04 am
Latest update,Lets all welcome Mr and Mrs Billington who informed me via e mail last night (or at least a Francis Grey Wolf did) that he had seen what I had written on the NAPFS site about them and that it was basicaly 'one sided and untrue'.

Mr Billington further goes on to request an informal meeting between myself and them only in a cafe somewhere in London UK,as 'they' have been threatened.

Now for the benifit of all Mr and Mrs Billington,let me explain how this works indian style,which 'relative on this site will recognize.I don't do private asides except at the request of a judge to step up to the bench.I gave you Mrs Billington the opportunity to meet with me face to face two years ago when you claimed your mother was hiding from the FBI in Germany because she was a veteran of Alcatraz.A false and deeply offensive claim i wanted you to explain directly to me face to face.
I will remind you both you refused,the incident at Bison Farm took place a matter of weeks later,whereby the claim from ex pats has been that you Mr Billington were not only abusive but racialy abusive.
I did not get my legal qualification out of a crackerjack box.Nor was I put on this earth to do anything but protect indian interests on Indian terms and conditions.
As the focus of your angst and need to blame for the claims and writings made by you Mrs Billington(which caused such disgust and outrage ammongst Indian peoples here in europe and home)has been Linda Lou Flewin then I insist that you and she gather up all your paperwork(inclusive of your current birth cert as requested Mrs Billington...or passport will do) and I will meet with all three of you.
I do not want to hear any rubbish about not meeting because etc,either you want this settled once and for all or you do not.
In case you are wondering I post this on this site because a lot of folks have expressed some very serious concerns and those concerns need answers.As I stated in my direct response no more games,I want answers end of.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: crazyeagle on April 09, 2008, 01:57:33 pm
I would be delighted to attend the meeting. Please let me know the time,date and place.

Linda Lou Flewin
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Welsh Lass on April 18, 2013, 10:02:36 pm
Can anyone advise me if there is an update on this pair please? they recently traded at an event in the UK, marketing themselves as 'Tribal Elders' and Tonya produced some sort of Cherokee ID card? Do such things exist or is this just the same nonsense continuing?
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Epiphany on April 18, 2013, 10:32:20 pm
Can anyone advise me if there is an update on this pair please? they recently traded at an event in the UK, marketing themselves as 'Tribal Elders' and Tonya produced some sort of Cherokee ID card? Do such things exist or is this just the same nonsense continuing?

Cherokee Nation, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians - all have some form of id card for their citizens.

And there are also frauds out there using fake cards.

Can you tell us more about these two?
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Defend the Sacred on April 19, 2013, 12:44:39 am
Real Elders don't go to other countries to sell ceremonies to white people.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Epiphany on April 19, 2013, 02:48:54 am
Real Elders don't go to other countries to sell ceremonies to white people.

That quote says it all.


Some notes for the name discussion on Tonya:

*She was Tanja Fehlauer when she married Francis W Billington, May 2005, Surrey England.

*Here ( she is quoted as saying:

The wolf is one of my power animals and also I had different experiences with wolfes. That is why I am now Tonya Hountingwolf.
The name was given to me from some of the tribal elders. So it is my real name now ( after I had many difficulties of registering this name with the authorities. )

But that does not match what Tonya Hountingwolf Billington wrote here:

I was positively surprised how fast and easy the change of name was. Also all offices accepted the deed poll. No problems what so ever. (

Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Welsh Lass on April 19, 2013, 10:53:02 pm
Is there anyway one can identify a fake ID to the real thing?  This thread is quite old, maybe she has proved her lineage now? I don't know, but I have an issue with people trading off of false spirituality, just to make money.  I need to be sure that they are genuine.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: loudcrow on April 20, 2013, 03:21:51 am
Mr. Billington is British. It is utterly impossible for him to be a Tribal Elder of ANY Native American
nation! Mrs. Billington is German and doesn't even possess a U.S. Passport ... much less a
legitimate enrollment card for any tribe. Also, Mrs. Billington is not even old enough to be a
tribal elder! I would be very interested in hearing more about this. And yes, each tribe has
enrollment cards. If they are claiming to be Cherokee, I suggest you check the website of
the official Cherokee Nation and see if the card you saw matches the one(s) in their possession.
You can also contact the tribe they claim to be members/elders of and ask for information about
the legitimacy of their statements/card(s). I'm betting it's as phoney as Mrs. Billington is!
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Ingeborg on April 20, 2013, 11:31:43 pm
Is there anyway one can identify a fake ID to the real thing?  This thread is quite old, maybe she has proved her lineage now? I don't know, but I have an issue with people trading off of false spirituality, just to make money.  I need to be sure that they are genuine.

You need to be sure they are genuine?
Unfortunately, the Billingtons are about as genuine as a 3 quid banknote.

You might want to read the following posts in this thread (excerpts below):

« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2007, 01:09:58 AM »

Of course I have a German accent, because I am also part German and raced most of my years in Germany. If you would live in Italy the most of your life, and grown up there as a baby, then you would also have an Italian accent, when speaking English.

And since the German Authorities could not accept the name Tonya, we made Tanja out of this, otherwise I would not be able to register the domain.

I have met a lot of people from binational families who grew up bilingual, and migrants who grew up bilingual: none of them speaks their 'other' language with a German accent.

This is an excerpt from a post made by Tanja Billington – she is inquiring here on behalf of her mother who, according to Tanja's words here at NAFPS, is supposed to be Cherokee:

Reply #44 on: February 12, 2007, 04:30:20 PM »

I have an extremely difficult problem which I must solve by the middle of April. Please help me if you can. The case: my mother has lived in the USA since 1989 after she married an American (who was before with the Army in Germany). After she moved there, it turned into a disaster and he "seized" all the papers of my mother (passport, identity card, etc.) and burned all the documents in front of witnesses. Since then my mother has had an "illegal status" since she never obtained new documents.

And this refutes some more of Tanja's B.S.:

Reply #59 on: February 21, 2007, 05:36:28 AM »

I neglected to mention the people I spoke with concerning this pair said a differant story was relayed to them from T/T/T. My sources say T/T/T claimed to have been born on a reservation in Georgia, has no American birth certificate but does have a piece of paper from an elder documenting her birth. Curious minds need to know how she managed to get from Georgia to Germany without the birth certificate which is needed in order to obtain an American passport. I'll answer that for you, T/T/T. It didn't happen. There are no Cherokee reservations in Georiga.

I also remember having received personal correspondence which said that Tanja spread the story that her Cherokee mother sneaked through the siege lines at Wounded Knee II with Tanja as an infant on her arm. According to Tanja's profile here:

she is 44 years of age – this means she was born in 1969. WKII, however, took place in 1973. Oh, a baby on her mother's arms in 1973?

Regarding the Billingtons recent activities, I found this:

Saturday 18 May 2013 – Sunday 19 May 2013

The Medicine Music Festival 2013

A whole Weekend of Healing Sounds and Workshops
Performances and Workshops by
* Tim Wheater * Jayson Stilwell * Barbara Meiklejohn-Free *
*Neil H and Tom Brennan "SoulWeavers" *
* Mathew Callow *
* Tonya Hountingwolf *
* Nina Dungay *
*Olaf Nixon* Gong Master
* Lyz Cooper, Soundworks&The British Academy of Sound Therapy *
*Elizabeth Whiter and Chakra Dancing*

FABULOUS food, Sound Healing and Music Exhibitors, Therapies, Treatments, Drums
Entry is £12.50 per day £20 for both days
(children under 16 are ½ price but must be accompanied by a full paying adult)
Workshop tickets are £5 per session, available on the day or in advance.
(Performance and Workshop schedule will be published soon.)

This is Tanja Billington's website:

We are doing Aura Photography with a Psychic Reading from the Aura Photo
      on following events: 

Sat 20th & Sun 21th of April 2013 10am-17pm: Natural Living Health Expo
LC2, Oystermouth Road, Swansea 
Info: 07810 766366 or e-mail:
Sat 27th of April 2013: Aura Photography @ Evolution Shop, Exeter
117 Fore Street, Exeter EX4 3JQ. For more info:
call Dudley on: 07966 912094 or 01392 410759 or email:
Sun 28th of April 2013: 10am-17:30pm: Crystal Cradles: Body, Mind Spirit Fayre

Since when do aura photography and readings belong to Cherokee traditions?

I also found this on her website:

I want to address something here which is very important to us:
The White Buffalo. And we wish to help here also in connection with a registered Charity, where we are members of. “Viisions Life Force Foundation” located in the UK. Please go to:

I had a look at that „foundation“ and will start a new thread on them. They are cooperating with a few frauds and plastics like Adam „Yellowbird“ de Armon and Bennie LeBeau (we've got threads on both persons already).

Another site recommended by Tanja Billington:

My Spirit Sister Lozen Brown Bear and her beautiful craft:

When you look at the site, „Lozen Brown Bear“ is selling ndn craft without imprint and without proof she is enrolled. LBB claims Apache, but no band, no family names are specified and the „about me“ section of that site has no contents.

LBB also does „Tarot & Spiritual Readings“. Among the items she sells are: medicine bags, medicine wheels, Apache dream catchers, smudge sprays, goddess sprays, smudge fans, talk sticks.

LBB has a profile at linkedin:

Lozen BrownBear
Founder and owner of Dream Spirits, Teaching and Sharing Native American Spiritual experience
Greater Chicago Area
September 1992 – Present (20 years 8 months)
Owned by Lozen Brown Bear, Native American Artist.
Since 1992... Lozen often has provided lectures and workshops to help understand the Spiritual connection to the art. As it is more then art to her.

The lady seems to have three problems: a) truth, b) spelling, c) making an honest dollar. 

So, why isn't Tanja able to see those people for what they are but is cooperating with them? Because Tanja is not Cherokee, she is white and has a lot of wrong concepts of what being ndn should be.

Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Ingeborg on April 21, 2013, 03:10:55 pm

We already got a thread on Viisions Life Force Foundation:

And another one on the white buffalo ranch in Arizona the Billingtons promote:

Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: loudcrow on November 27, 2013, 09:56:06 am
Warning: Will probably cause your ears to bleed!
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: Ukeman on February 16, 2014, 10:02:29 am
I had the misfortune to meet this rogue on the psychic circuit way back in the late nineties.
He is a con man, a bigamist, thief and fraudster.  What more can I say?
My warning to you all is to steer well clear of him!
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: two moons on March 02, 2014, 01:39:54 am
After reading all six pages and contacting a moderator for the truth of these two people, I promised myself I would not comment, as I know them and I admit at first, believed the lies that were told to me.
I could not believe what I read and felt very foolish by being so taken in by these two FRAUDS there is no other word for them. I wish the people who posted on this thread could see the false grin that is permanently on her NOT Cherokee/German face.  Everyone thinks they are so nice and genuine people but we know different. I cannot keep quite any longer I have seen it and heard it and wish someone would stop it.
What has made me so angry is finding out that she is playing, I repeat playing, at being a medium now and she is going to mislead people with her false readings and lies. This is not right and she should not get away with it.
Link provided
This link shows a recent flyer of one of the venues she attended as a so called medium.
I have attended most Pow Wows in the UK for the last five years, and I do admit I know very little about the American Indian ways but I am trying to learn... slowly. I don’t know all the Pow Wow rules and Pow Wow etiquette. But I would like to know if TTT is not of Cherokee descent or a true ndn how is she or her husband allowed to carry the Cherokee flag in the opening Grand Entry ceremony? This may be a minor thing but knowing what I know about them now and the truth about TTT it makes me angry every time I see it, and I do not think it is complimentary to the true Native American people who attend these Pow Wows.
Oh I almost forgot, TTT mum has come to the UK to stay so I believe, TTT put a page o Face book asking for people to donate items to be auctioned towards the cost of bringing her mother to the UK (AND THEY DID) she has just  got back from America after six weeks.
Who but her would have the nerve to ask people to pay for her Mother to come to the UK.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: educatedindian on March 06, 2014, 01:37:35 pm
I have attended most Pow Wows in the UK for the last five years, and I do admit I know very little about the American Indian ways but I am trying to learn... slowly. I don’t know all the Pow Wow rules and Pow Wow etiquette. But I would like to know if TTT is not of Cherokee descent or a true ndn how is she or her husband allowed to carry the Cherokee flag in the opening Grand Entry ceremony? This may be a minor thing but knowing what I know about them now and the truth about TTT it makes me angry every time I see it, and I do not think it is complimentary to the true Native American people who attend these Pow Wows.

At most powwows it's typically a military veteran or other honored guest leading a grand entry or carrying the flags. For some smaller gatherings there may not be such people available.

There are good powwows and bad ones, sometimes disrespectful ones, sometimes ones that were badly organized or the people running them might not have known about her.

One thing that could be done is to warn powwow organizers that she is not who she claims to be.
Title: Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
Post by: loudcrow on March 06, 2014, 01:43:17 pm
The flag these two clowns are parading around with can be purchased online by anyone and everyone. One does not have prove they are an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation in order to buy one. Being in possession of this flag means absolutely nothing other than it moves you to the front of the "Grand Entry" so you can look important.

I haven't seen anything at any Hobbyist "Pow Wow" run by Europeans that compliments Native Americans. For me, these "Pow Wows" are nothing more than costume parties where a bunch of Europeans run around pretending to be Native and twisting and distorting our culture. It makes me rather sad to see this as all I see is a bunch of people ashamed of being who and what they are so they dress up and pretend to be something else.

We are aware of Tanja and Francis asking for donations to bring her mother to the UK. Her mother is German and was married to an American man who is now deceased. No doubt she needs to be with family now. I can't wait to hear the explanation for her mother's accent despite having lived in America for many, many years. I do hope the three of them get together and get their stories straight before she, too,  is introduced to the public as being Native American.

Unfortunately, there are several individuals running around in Europe claiming to be American and Native American. I suggest you ask to see their passport. I've asked to see them myself and was told to "f??? off". To the best of my knowledge, the passports of every country report the place of birth.  One can also contact the enrollment clerk of the tribe an individual claims to be a citizen of to determine if said person is or is not enrolled.

I'm truly sorry you have been hurt by these two. You and people like you are why we do what we do at NAFPS..... attempt to prevent others from being hurt by predators.

Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: educatedindian on March 15, 2014, 02:39:56 pm
The Billingtons are still are it, scheduled to be at a UK powwow. They posted this defense of themselves, filled with not just the usual lies but even more elaborate ones.

For the record, there is no criminal investigation of anyone at the forum I know of. My "criminal record" is made up of parking tickets when I was young. I wouldn't have been able to join the army or be a teacher if I had a record. Likely this is what a psychologist calls projection. Note Francis Billington defends at length one associate's alleged involvement in pornography and another accused of child pornography.

1. There is no "beaver clan" among the Cherokee.
2. Neither are enrolled. It is impossible for someone of entirely Euro ancestry like Billington to enroll.
3. DNA tests are very fallible. And what fraction does 93% represent? That would make her 13/14ths. A fourteenth? The divisions go from 1/2 to 1/4 to 1/8 to 1/16th.
4. And there were no US servicemen stationed in Europe after WWI, except maybe a few US Marines at an embassy.

The facts about Tonya and I

It appears that once again Tonya, myself and some of our friends are under attack from the dark side so here are the facts and the absolute truth.

Tonya is a member of the Beaver Clan and is Eastern Band Cherokee. In 2006 in order to stop rumors circulating about her Native American heritage she took two DNA tests, one with Gene Tree and the other with National Geographic. On both tests the mtDNA markers (93%) confirmed her Native American heritage although they could not specify which tribal links she belongs to. However the information we have from other reliable sources in the USA confirm her Cherokee lineage. The name Hountingwolf was given to her by an Elder many years ago and confirms that she did not name herself or adopt the name out of thin air. What may confuse some people is her German ancestry but during and after WW1 when many American service men and women among them Native Americans were stationed in Europe romantic relationships between the nations were quite common. Tonya was also able to get information from her maternal grandmother about her heritage. What cannot be denied is the accuracy of the mtDNA tests Tonya willingly undertook to prove without a shadow of doubt her Native American heritage which she is justifiably proud of. Including being proud of her German Father.

I am British of English, Welsh and Irish ancestry and have never pretended to be anything else. In September 2005 Tonya and I were made honorary members of the Blackwater Band of the Lower Muscogee Creek Nation. During a visit to our Tribal Chief in 2007 because I had to learn the history and some of the language of the Muscogee Creek I was made a full member of the Muscogee Creek Nation and given a flag to carry into pow wow’s anywhere I attended a pow wow in Europe. We are registered with the Muscogee Creek Nation at their head quarters in Oklahoma USA and you are more than welcome to check our registration with them. You do not have to take our words for it. The name Grey Wolf was given to me by an Elder in 1996 after I completed my first vision quest. In the intervening years I have been presented with two sacred pipes and four Eagle feathers, I would not have got these if I was not worthy of them.

New Age Fraud Forum. These spoof articles were written about us in2006. We have been called “Plastic Shaman” again to clarify matters I have never claimed to be a Shaman and the word itself has become something of a buzz word in recent years so please look up Wikipedia to find the true meaning of the word Shaman and what a Shaman is. Likewise I have never claimed to be plastic either, I am a real human being! I do not and never have worn Native American Regalia at psychic fares or mind body and spirit events. The only time you will see me wearing my regalia is at pow wow’s. These falsehoods were written in 2006 by a person we had met only once and knew nothing about us and was outed by the Muscogee Creek Nation when she tried to tell them lies about us., She has since gone to ground with her tail between her legs! We have the full support of our Tribal Chief in these matters. And the co writer was someone we had helped to relocate and reestablish themselves but instead of being grateful for the help and support we gave her turned against us. The New Age Fraud Forum has been sued on several occasions over articles written about people which were not true and even led to some committing suicide over what has been written about them. The founder of the Forum claims to be Native American but is not and he is very anti and, so we are told has a criminal record.

Mediumship and psychic awareness. Tonya has been under my tutelage for 9 years and more recently Mark DeVille. She gave her debut performance at Tidworth in 2013, followed by The Gathering 2013 and her third on stage performance at Tidworth this year. All with astonishing accuracy and her specialty is to bring forth animal sprits and animal spirit guides. She has not become a medium overnight but has devoted herself to study and training for almost a decade. My Mediumship abilities began at the age of 6 and a half (I am now 73 and a half) I have various certificates among them being an inter faith spiritualist reverend and a 6 year postal study course with Trinity College, Delaware to get my Doctorate in Divinity. So my correct title is Rev Dr and not Mr. All our certificates are recognized by various bodies as genuine, either mine or Tonya’s can be viewed at our home should you wish to do so.

Mark DeVille is not a pornographer, by coincidence there is a porn actress in USA called Destiny DeVille but they are not connected or related. In any event it is not illegal to buy, sell or distribute pornography in the UK. Mark maintains his reputation as an inter faith spiritualist reverend, teacher of psychic and spiritual awareness and serving spiritualist churches giving evidence of the afterlife. Mark’s Cherokee heritage can be traced through the 19th century Dawes rolls which he will explain to you in great detail if you ask him.

Amethyst Bed. I have personally studied the mechanics of this bed and there is no way it could possible burn anybody, the settings are just not high enough. It also does in fact contain real amethyst crystals. There are USA patented certificates that confirm it contains real amethyst.

Shane Adams. After taking a second hand lap top in for repair thumbnail images of naked children were found. Shane was able to prove that the images were on there before he bought the lap top and charges against him were dropped. The images were category one which is the lowest category. Shane underwent various tests which proved beyond doubt that he has no interest in child pornography and is not a pedophile or abuser. He has never been put on any sex offenders register nor are social services involved, the 4 dvd’s found in his car were shop bought music dvd’s. Shane and Sarah have a 6 year old son who sometimes acts as Shane’s carer. This would not be allowed if Shane was any type of sex offender. He has a full enhanced CRB. (Again this is not possible, if he had a criminal record.)

The Mums Fund. Through this fund we raised enough money to get Tonya’s mum out of USA to come and live with us in England. Tonya’s step father who was the local Judge died 3 years ago which unfortunately left Tonya’s mum widowed with a very small pension which was not enough to cover her medical bills or cost of living, consequently her health was suffering and she was living in great hardship. We raised sufficient money through auctioning off items donated to the fund and by monetary gifts. My personal contribution to the fund was 800gbp which was enough to enable Tonya to fly to the USA and spend 6 weeks with her mum putting her effects in order, sorting all the legal things and packing all the personal items needed to establish a new life in England. Every penny from the fund is accountable and we have made no personal gain from this. We have a record of every transaction which you are welcome to view if you feel it necessary. We have been totally honest and above board about everything and have nothing to hide.

To those of you who have taken the time and trouble to read this, now that you have heard directly from source you know the truth. I feel compelled to write this so that those of you who have read anything about us published by certain individuals who are now being investigated by the police will not believe the lies that are told about us and our friends. If you want to know anything about us please ask us and not anybody else. Do not believe gossip, rumours, Forums or newspaper sensationalism! If you want me to name the people behind the lies I will give you their names privately. Because they are now being investigated by the police I, at the moment cannot name them publicly because I do not want to prejudice the investigation. However, rest assured they will be named and shamed.
Blessings of love and light.
Francis Grey Wolf
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Sturmboe on March 15, 2014, 05:21:55 pm
Whether you are authorized to perform ceremonies and therapies, I can not judge. This is concerned to the indigenous people who´s life and culture could be harmed and compromised by your behavior.

But I am very skeptical that you have got the required training and qualifications to treat people with mental illnesses and disorders adequately. In which way you treat people, who are seeking for help with your "Psychic Life Coach", is not apparent. I suspect that results in healings are equivalent to the ceremonies you lead: Incomplete, incorrect.

If you are in the context of psychology have a qualified education and graduate training with recognition by the state, you will (in cases  to psychology) understand the medical terminology, but only then. Without knowledge you will explain the facts, processes and illness with your current level of knowledge and the results are functionally wrong in generally.
The backgrounds are incomplete, they are misleading and aimed a considerable damage to the seeking persons that you can not really comprehend an d understand as a layman. Maybe you think you can see that you have helped someone, but you fall into your own trap build by your limited and false interpreted knowledge. But just the person who is seeking help, suffer from the damage, and they are often people who are mentally unstable. They must be handled by qualified therapists .

Well, you SHOW THE WORLD A DIFFERENT WAY TO LIVE , I hope your words and deeds can withstand the reality. Do you want a better world, so that other change their way of life for you will be feel better? A fatal desire. Or do you wish that you make through your actions yourself a better person. This means then, of course, that you take care and treat other cultures with respect. And that is not associated with the fact that you use ceremonies which contradict the cultures and their guidelines: As a non- authorized to perform ceremonies, charge for it, acquire qualifications that cannot be proved by any test.

Alone through your websites is unique to me that I make a huge bow for your help. Whether you are guilty or not of the accusations you wrote about, the trust you want, you cannot acquire by your spiritual works, not in my case.
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Ingeborg on March 19, 2014, 02:15:42 pm

As educatedindian pointed out above, the Cherokee don't have a Beaver clan and it is not possible for persons of completely Euro ancestry to gain enrollment in an ndn nation.

While I suppose Billington's mention of "World War 1" is a typo (if not than he is more of a twit than a clairvoyant...), another aspect is that women were accepted into the US Army by a law passed in 1948, and the first group of women was admitted to a US military academy in 1976.

However, there is new info on Tanja's background which she presumably made public herself:

Tonya Billington (Siegel)
Buseck, Hessen

Gesamtschule Busecker Tal, Buseck Schulzeit 1980 bis 1985

This entry informs us that Tanja B. née Siegel, attended a school in the town of Buseck in the German federal state of Hessia. This info is in congruence with another entry providing her DOB:

About this business
SACRED - EARTH WORLDWIDE LTD was formed on the 21st August 2009 , and are based in Osbourne House, 143-145 Stanwell Road. They are currently rated I and are considered to represent an above average risk score.

Directors Company Secretaries. Name, Date of birth, Date of appointment, Nationality. Ms Tonya Billington, 7th February 1969, 21st August 2009, German …

So Tanja Siegel finished school in 1985, at the age of 16, which points to a school leaving exam on a Secondary I level.

It is quite interesting to see this who-is check for her former website,

Creation date:
2006-09-04   (7 years)
Last update:
Expiration date:
2012-09-03   (expired)

Domain ID: D14468630-BIZ
Sponsoring Registrar: CRONON AG
Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 141
Registrar URL (registration services):
Domain Status: ok
Registrant ID: TB251-ABC
Registrant Name: Tonya Billington
Registrant Address1: 7a Budebury Road
Registrant City: Staines
Registrant State/Province: Staines
Registrant Postal Code: TW18 2BA
Registrant Country: UNITED KINGDOM
Registrant Country Code: GB
Registrant Phone Number: +44.1784457xxx
Registrant Facsimile Number: +44.1784457xxx
Registrant Email:
Administrative Contact ID: PS171-ABC
Administrative Contact Name: Peer Siegel-Gradenwitz
Administrative Contact Organization: WISLI World Internet Service Ltd.
Administrative Contact Address1: Wendloher Weg 11
Administrative Contact City: Hamburg
Administrative Contact State/Province: Hamburg
Administrative Contact Postal Code: 20251
Administrative Contact Country: Germany
Administrative Contact Country Code: DE
Administrative Contact Phone Number: +49.4067928xxx
Administrative Contact Facsimile Number: +49.4067928xxx
Administrative Contact Email:
Emphasis added by me

Tanja Siegel and Patrick Siegel-Gradenwitz?

Short name Peer Siegel Gradenwitz
Year of Birth: 1971
Director ID: 914740822

We may assume that Peer Siegel-G. is Tanja's younger brother. He has meanwhile also moved to Britain.

Here is another legend Tanja tries to establish:

Tonya Hountingwolf Billington's Education
Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main
Mineralogist, Mineralogy, Pharmacy

As a matter of fact, there is a Fachhochschule in Frankfort. The term describes a "University of Applied Sciences". However, this one does not offer any courses in Mineralogy or Pharmacy, so there's no effin' way Tanja could have obtained any such degrees there.

Traditionally, these UAS provided courses of study for students with an education at a Secondary I level plus an apprenticeship in a profession (3 years) plus a working experience in this profession of several years.
There are two different Secondary I levels, one at 'Realschule': , the other at 'Hauptschule': .
Considering this entry at stayfriends: , Tanja presumably did a lower Secondary I level which finishes after 9 years. Only good students will be able to do a 10th year to obtain a so-called 'qualified Secondary I' exam.

Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Ingeborg on March 19, 2014, 02:27:05 pm

I also found the following entry made by Peer Siegel-Gradenwitz re Sep 11:

{quote]Peer Siegel-Gradenwitz

September 11 also changed my life completely. At that time, I stayed in the USA with my mother. Not in New York, Virginia or Pennsylvania, but in the vicinity of Atlanta. We were just having breakfast when my motherÄs husband phoned from his judge's office. We were told to switch on the TV. I had just been working in the USA for one year and was supposed to fly to San Francisco the next day and fly back to Germany from there.
This was only possible several days later. But I was impressed by the solidarity: My mother has a rare blood group. So I told her to go and donate blood. Even an hour later, there were large queues  at the blood bank of people who wanted to help. Even my mother had to wait a long time. This was very moving. [...] [/quote]

So apparently this is the same mother whom Tanja sought help for as an illegal immigrant to the US. Married to someone in a legal profession? Yup, so effin' likely...
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: loudcrow on March 23, 2014, 08:47:42 am
There is no Beaver Clan of the Cherokee Nation.

One must enroll with the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation prior to turning 20 years old. Tanja is older
than 20 so she simply cannot have enrolled with the Eastern Band since this thread was started.

No Nation will accept DNA testing results as proof of being Native American. One must submit genealogy records
that prove a direct bloodline to an ancestor listed on tribal rolls or other tribal records.. For example; in order to enroll
with the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma, one must provide proof they descend from one or more individuals listed on the Dawes Rolls.

I'm curious as to how and why Grey Wolf and Tanja are registered (enrolled?) with the Mvskogee Nation in Oklahoma.
Neither are Mvskogee and most definitely cannot prove Mvskogee ancestry. It is also illegal to be enrolled with two Nations.
Tanja cannot be enrolled with the Eastern Band of the Cherokee and the Mvskogee Nation.

Tanja's father is 100% German as were his parents.

Tanja's mother is either German or Austrian (maiden name Rossman). There are no listings for individuals with the surname
Rossman on the Dawes Roll or Baker Roll. Simply stated, Tanja is not Cherokee. She has been given amply opportunity to
provide documented proof of her claim of being American and Native American and after many years has still failed to do so.

Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Ingeborg on January 04, 2015, 05:05:37 pm
Ms Tanja provides some info:

my husband and I are affected. I am disabled and my husband is a pensioner and also not in good health. We live in housing accommodation and are on a very low income. Sometimes we cannot even have a meal everyday. So this bedroom tax really hurts us.

Presumably, business leaves a lot to be desired. But they are still doing several Nuage fairs offering Aura readings, faux ceremony etc.
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Night Eagle on June 23, 2015, 09:58:48 pm
O.K! I know this is dragging on but... I have just seen this on a facebook page and it has made me so angry.
These two people are pleading poverty and working whilst claiming disability benefits, when there are those amongst us who are really disabled and get no help at all. Shame on you both.

And what rubbish this is.
My husband and I are affected. I am disabled and my husband is a pensioner and also not in good health. We live in housing accommodation and are on a very low income. Sometimes we cannot even have a meal everyday. So this bedroom tax really hurts us.

Check this out proof

Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: loudcrow on July 24, 2015, 11:17:10 pm
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: AClockworkWhite on July 26, 2015, 10:38:42 pm
^ "Listed Occupation: AURA READER" ...................  :o
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Little Crow on January 18, 2016, 03:47:54 pm
Have seen them both working at NAF’s despite him saying there both on DLA and getting lots of money for nothing! For someone in a neck brace she seems very capable of lifting equipment and moving around a lot, I wish I could but hay ho not what I’m here for.
I heard him say Tanya now has proof of her Native American heritage via DNA and papers showing linage, does anyone know if this is the case? As she is still telling this to people at NAF’s and making money from her (so called) heritage does anyone know if this is the case? If this is not true I will be confronting them and the organizers of these events, I find this abuse of true Native Americans disgusting behavior.
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Ingeborg on January 19, 2016, 02:20:39 am
I heard him say Tanya now has proof of her Native American heritage via DNA and papers showing linage, does anyone know if this is the case?

Of course I did not see any paperwork, but I suppose we might get a hint at the appropriate answer to this from previous posts in the thread...

Billington already in 2007 claimed Tanja was able to prove her lineage, and it wasn't true back then. So I'd assume it still isn't true now. I'll link a few posts for you in which Tanja's claims have been researched by us previously:

Quote from: Francis Billington
My wife can prove her Cherokee heritage and has done nothing to dishonor or disrespect the ndn people.

Further research on Tanja's background and claims:
Quite an interesting entry – someone found an inquiry in a legal advice forum where, in 2005,  Tanja Billington asked if there was any way for her mother, a German citizen, to obtain a legal stay permit to enter the USA, while otherwise Tanja B claimed her mother was married and living in the USA. This is Tanja ruining her own story about her Cherokee mother....
some more of Tanja's background, including her birth name and her brother's name.

Errm, wait a minute - what's that Billington said?

Tanya now has proof of her Native American heritage via DNA

This is nothing but a piece of rubbish. DNA cannot tell the ethnic affiliations of one's ancestors.
But I always wonder that such an acclaimed clairvoyant as Mr Billington never seems to see what's going to backfire really badly on him...
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Little Crow on January 19, 2016, 05:53:45 am
Thank you for your quick reply I don’t like the idea of anyone using their heritage for self gain and to dress in regalia to talk to spirit, read auras and perform ceremonies at a NAF’s is not on and I felt this was sick let alone disrespectful to her “heritage”. This is why I asked and reading though all this it does make me question their integrity. And yes Francis clearly said in front of a crowd almost gloating that he and Tanya were getting DLA which is free money for nothing followed by the thing that got me the most “we are non profit now but what goes in the pocket stays in the pocket” yet she states it’s all for a Native American charity so more lies, disgusting. I think that’s why she’s wearing a neck brace now for sympathy, yet can still manage to dance, lift and move around freely. How would I go about finding out if this DNA was correct, though I have to say the paperwork looks handmade, but I don’t what to publicly out them without knowing for sure can I use extracts from this forum?
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Ingeborg on January 20, 2016, 12:40:28 am
How would I go about finding out if this DNA was correct, though I have to say the paperwork looks handmade, but I don’t what to publicly out them without knowing for sure can I use extracts from this forum?

Regarding the use of our research: the forum is public, our research may be used freely.

The other issue is somewhat more difficult. I'm not an expert regarding genetics and English is my second language, but I'll try my best...

There are several companies selling DNA tests. Some, or probably most of them advertise their test with the argumentation it could tell the client which ethnic affiliation(s) they had, and at least one company also includes a religion by claiming they could establish whether a client's ancestors were Jewish, or Vikings, or German, or Scandinavian.
Of course this is something the tests cannot do. E.g. where is the difference between Viking ancestry and Scandinavian ancestry, what is the difference between the two of them? Vikings were Scandinavians, too, albeit just one goup - but a social, not an ethnic group.
Persons of Jewish heritage can be found in most or even all European countries. However, their being a religious entity, their genetic make-up does not differ from the one of persons of other faiths in the same country or region. (Interestingly enough, the Hungarians, Estonians, and Finns, although speaking a non-Indo-European language, do not differ genetically from their European neighbours, either.)

The test usually establishes the client's mt-DNA, i.e. the so-called haplo group every human inherits from their mother, as it is passed in the female line. This on its own does not allow to come to any conclusion regarding the client's ethnic affiliation or descendence.
Some time ago, I read an article that in tests in Iceland, they found mt-DNA which had definitely haplo groups found in Native Americans. But this is the most that can be established from knowing a person's mt-DNA: that somewhere in the line of that person's ancestry, a native woman came into the family. You cannot tell of which nation this woman may have been, nor even the region she originally came from - and last not least: the ancestor passing this mt-DNA may have lived centuries ago (as was most probably the case with the persons found in Iceland).

So if Mr Billington brags about a DNA test having confirmed Tanja was native - that's BS. It only means that at the beginning of her ancestral line, the female involved was a Native American. This does not make her ndn.

According to our research, the Billingtons at one point in time apparently had duped a Creek heritage group into believing their claims and that heritage group seems to have given them a honorary membership or adopted them honorarily; they may even have obtained membership cards. Again, this does not make Tanja a Native. Plus that this group claimed descendance of Creek ancestors, while Tanja says she is Cherokee.
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: earthw7 on January 20, 2016, 01:02:43 pm
As a native person i can tell no tribe has allowed DNA to be a part of enrollment Plus there is no europeans on the rolls because you have be born in america, if our own people go though this when they are in the military and child is born overseas it is hard to get them enrolled.
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Defend the Sacred on January 20, 2016, 07:34:36 pm
Some time ago, I read an article that in tests in Iceland, they found mt-DNA which had definitely haplo groups found in Native Americans. But this is the most that can be established from knowing a person's mt-DNA: that somewhere in the line of that person's ancestry, a native woman came into the family. You cannot tell of which nation this woman may have been, nor even the region she originally came from - and last not least: the ancestor passing this mt-DNA may have lived centuries ago (as was most probably the case with the persons found in Iceland).

So if Mr Billington brags about a DNA test having confirmed Tanja was native - that's BS. It only means that at the beginning of her ancestral line, the female involved was a Native American. This does not make her ndn.

Actually, it doesn't prove there were any distant Native American ancestors in Iceland, or in this person's line. It means there are DNA sequences that turn up in Northern, Arctic populations, probably tracing back to a prehistoric tribe of people wandering around waaaaay up north, and then different groups headed in different directions and settled the landmasses they wound up on, millenia ago. We're talking about shared prehistoric ancestors who predated any of the cultures in question.
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Little Crow on January 20, 2016, 09:02:19 pm
Sorry to keep on just need to get this right, DNA even though the paperwork states she has Native American DNA or origins this would not prove Native American heritage just a DNA connection to a Native American family member somewhere in her direct past? So she could not say she is Cherokee German then? Or even indigenous Native American & German?
 What about GW and his adoption into the Backwater Band of the Lower Muskogee?  The membership card he shows everyone does look real, but how real is real in his case. I did read on an earlier post it was fake. I must admit I have never trusted GW but always thought better of Tanya such a shock
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Diana on January 20, 2016, 10:26:24 pm
@ Little Crow, the blackwater band of the lower Muskogee is a fake tribe and no more than a culture club. We have a couple of threads on them here. Also the real Muscogee (Creek) Nation has denounced them as fake.

One of our forum members Bonnie Singleton (now deceased) contacted the Muscogee Nation and spoke with a Joyce Bear Historic Preservation Officer, said "The Muscogee (Creek) Nation DOES NOT recognize the Blackwater Band of Lower Muskogee or any other State recognized group as a legitimate American Indian tribe".;wap2


Sorry to keep on just need to get this right, DNA even though the paperwork states she has Native American DNA or origins this would not prove Native American heritage just a DNA connection to a Native American family member somewhere in her direct past? So she could not say she is Cherokee German then? Or even indigenous Native American & German?
 What about GW and his adoption into the Backwater Band of the Lower Muskogee?  The membership card he shows everyone does look real, but how real is real in his case. I did read on an earlier post it was fake. I must admit I have never trusted GW but always thought better of Tanya such a shock
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Ingeborg on January 20, 2016, 10:51:58 pm
Sorry to keep on just need to get this right, DNA even though the paperwork states she has Native American DNA or origins this would not prove Native American heritage just a DNA connection to a Native American family member somewhere in her direct past? So she could not say she is Cherokee German then? Or even indigenous Native American & German?

She cannot describe herself as "Cherokee German", or even "NA & German".

As far as I understood this haplo group matter, the mt-DNA is inherited in the female line. You have the same haplo group as your mother, she has the same as her mother did, and so on until the first female in that line who also had that haplo group. This means the person who was the first female in a line may have lived several hundreds or even several thousands of years ago. We're not speaking about a "family member somewhere in her *direct* past". Direct line - yes. Direct past - no way.

Furthermore, while Tanja has maintained her father was German and her mother Cherokee, she blew this with her inquiry in that legal forum in which she clearly said her mother was German. So where's any "Native" genetic material to come from?

What about GW and his adoption into the Backwater Band of the Lower Muskogee?  The membership card he shows everyone does look real, but how real is real in his case. I did read on an earlier post it was fake. I must admit I have never trusted GW but always thought better of Tanya such a shock

The Blackwater Band never was a 'tribe' or part of any 'tribe', all they said on their website was they were 'descendants of Mvskoke'. This is a far cry from a statement like 'We are Mvskoke'. They also had neither state nor federal recognition, and they were not claimed by any recognised Mvskoke nation either. So we're rather speaking of a heritage club. Their website is down now and they seem to have stopped activities.

However, NAFPS discussed them, you will find the respective thread here:

As you can see from the thread, Billington was never *adopted* into the Blackwater Band - all he received was an *honorary* membership.

You will also find this post in the thread whose poster reports that the Billingtons lost their honorary membership with the Blackwaters because they assaulted ndn persons in Europe:

Nope the Blackwater Band is not officialy recognized by the Federal Gov,yes Francis Billington and Tonya Billington were given 'honorary' membership by the Blackwater clan.Yes the Billingtons assaulted members of the Indian Nations residing overseas and their 'honary membership was revoked as a result and yes Tonya Billington still falsely asserts she is Cherokee.

Francis Billington also cooperated with and supported a fake Comanche plastic shaman by the name of John Colbert aka Pushican who also falsely claimed to have been in the Star Wars films. Billington even covered Colbert's behind on this when Colbert's involvement was being questioned by fan organisations, writing a confirmation on Colbert's behalf:

"... My professional name is Frank Billington-Marks ...
During my time in the industry I worked as a Prop Maker and Set Dresser first on the Star Wars film "The Empire Strikes Back" followed by "Return of the Jedi" as a prop maker ..."

Billington continued contacts to Colbert even after Colbert had been sentenced for sexual abuse of a young woman who was a minor at the point in time the abuse happened (further details - warning, it's no easy reading! - in the thread on this - errrm: person:  ). Colbert is deceased now, but before his death, fan organisations established that he never was involved in any of the Star Wars films. A fake from head to toe. What can we say? - Birds of a feather, perhaps?

Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Little Crow on January 21, 2016, 02:38:55 am
It gets worse, you can’t trust anything they say, I’m in shock.
Thank you for clearing up the DNA part with Tanya, she has only ever said to me it was her grandmother that was Native American and she feels drawn to the Cherokee spirituality, but she can’t prove her or her grandmother is Cherokee but has DNA evidence proving her and her grandmothers Native American heritage , she describes herself  to others at NAF’s that she is German Native American Heritage and try’s to honor her ancestors by living Native American spirituality, Something that seems is not true.
GW however states she is Cherokee German and so is her Mother and having all the paperwork and records to prove it, though I have never seen them only Tanya's DNA record. This is why I started to question and yes GW would get very aggressive when questioned why Tanya was saying different to him, now I know why.
The Blackwater Band is no longer in operation, says it all, though I would have loved a headed letter saying they kicked him out and why.
I’m so angry with them, him more than her Tanya just seems delusional, I feel so suckered in by them.
Yes he has said to me he was involved in films including star-wars.
This is a great help, I feel so shocked by all this, but thank you for your advice. 
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Ingeborg on January 21, 2016, 04:05:06 am
It gets worse, you can’t trust anything they say, I’m in shock.

I'm sorry you feel suckered in by them, and at the same time I'm glad we were able to provide some information and facts for you.

Thank you for clearing up the DNA part with Tanya, she has only ever said to me it was her grandmother that was Native American
That's actually a new turn in her legend - it used to be her mother.

she describes herself  to others at NAF’s that she is German Native American Heritage and try’s to honor her ancestors by living Native American spirituality, ...
Tanja still hasn't learned that there is no 'Native American spirituality', no generic one, but one for every nation. Also, it's in no way honoring native ancestry to go and mix native spirituality with Newage garbage like selling healing stones which she called 'Indian stones'.

The Blackwater Band is no longer in operation, says it all, though I would have loved a headed letter saying they kicked him out and why.
As far as I can remember, the story behind this was that some ex-pat Natives living in Europe went to confront the Billingtons at a European powwow and our most talented clearvoyant (another thing he did not foresee...) flew off his handle and did not stop at verbal injuries.

I’m so angry with them, him more than her Tanya just seems delusional
I don't think she's just delusional. If you reread this thread, you will see she came up with lots of explanations and weaseled along (and around) the questions raised here. My impression is she knows quite well what she does and who she is and isn't.

Of course, living in England makes it easy for her to claim she speaks English with a German accent because she has lived here so long (how she could believe any English person could take her 'Vee heff vayz' accent  ;D  for a Native American one escapes me). But according to her legend, English was her first language, being born in the States - just no certificate to prove this, since they allegedly lived about half a mile short of the end of the world and the USA weren't civilised enough to have any civil authorities in the vicinity to register births and deaths. She don't say... Just HTF did she ever manage to get out of the USA with her mother, or get a passport without one? Easy - she showed her German birth certificate.

Tanja also claimed (or still does?) her mother took her to Wounded Knee II as a baby of a few months. Only thing is: WK II took place in 1973 - Tanja was born in 1969 or 1968.

In other words: she has tried serving us a number of lies, and got busted with every one of them. I do agree she was delusional regarding the assumption that she could pull the wool over our eyes, but she had to realise soon enough she was running out of eyes...
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Defend the Sacred on January 21, 2016, 05:06:22 pm
The, "I was born waaaaaaay out in NDN Country, in a (tipi, hogan, cabin, under the stars) so I don't have a birth certificate" line has been used by criminals trying to hide their record from new victims. There are predators mentioned on here who have used that kind of story to try to hide their past and true origins.
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: loudcrow on January 21, 2016, 06:13:11 pm
Tanja's mother (Veronika Rossman Siegal Griffin):

I am hoping Ingeborg will provide us with a translation :).

Little Crow, I am wondering if you are the same man who  gave Francis the name "Grey Wolf"?
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: loudcrow on January 22, 2016, 03:43:19 am
A link to photos of Tanja's Cherokee grandmother:
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Little Crow on January 22, 2016, 05:12:00 am
I came across this forum when I was looking into Tanya and GW, joined to ask questions but I’m not Native American nor have I ever said I was and not being Native American I don’t know the truth of DNA or Heritage, so I’m asking, yes I have been and go to a few powwows and enjoy the atmosphere camaraderie but I have a Celtic family tree. The name Little crow is my Celtic name not Native American so no GW name was not given to him by me.
I meet them about five years ago at an event and believed what Tanya said at the time, until GW started saying other things not matching I said I would like a headed paper from the black water band as I could then copy this to give to others its more proof to give to organizers of events along with a link to this forum as I feel they have lied about so much now they need to be exposed, as I have said earlier they are giving everyone a bad name.
If as I was told by Tanya it was her grandmother who was native American looking at the picture link sent she served as a nurse so would not be hard for her to prove her heritage as she would have birth records, work records, just shows it’s lie after lie so glad I found this forum.
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Ingeborg on January 22, 2016, 05:34:57 pm
Tanja's mother (Veronika Rossman Siegal Griffin):

There's nothing much to translate. Apart from ads for the site's services, the info provided on Veronika Griffin is just:

Veronika Griffin attended the school Schuldorf Bergstrasse - Europaschule until 1962.

Schuldorf [school village] apparently was a model school, taking up services on May 3, 1954, and combined kindergarten, residential school, primary school, special school, mixed ability classes, three forms of secondary education, vocational school.

Judging from the year the school started and the year Griffin finished, I assume she will have attended the Secondary Modern branch of it. Although nowadays this school goes from grade 5-9 (with an optional 10th grade and a qualified sec modern certificate), back in that time, Secondary Modern only provided schooling from grade 5-8. In those days, English was an optional course, no compuslory subject at Sec Modern schools.
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: loudcrow on January 22, 2016, 11:45:03 pm
Thanks for the translation, Ingeborg. As I suspected, Tanja's mother, Veronika, went to school in Germany.

Tanja's maternal grandmother is the one in the photograph. Her married name was Hermine Rossman. I am not
sure what her maiden name was but will do some digging when I have time and see if I can come up with it.
She was born in 1920 and died in 2009.
Title: Re: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf
Post by: Defend the Sacred on January 23, 2016, 04:24:34 pm
The tangent on "Celtic", "Indian" and pretendian names has been moved here: