Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828327 times)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #990 on: February 27, 2011, 01:06:50 am »
Good post. Thank you for talking to them :)

Offline Superdog

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #991 on: February 27, 2011, 03:34:38 am »
I just signed up on the new forum and got in, as I was banned on the old forum. I posted a simple question so we will see how long I last.

TOMC forum is back up with Chiron's thread still in tact.


Offline goozih

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #992 on: February 27, 2011, 03:42:29 am »
It seems there was a major backlash because "Kiesha" was ending the forum and many people were upset and spoke up about the actions of the "Tribe ' moderators . The forum was started by the people on their own, independent of Kiesha. They were very open and did not ban me and didn't seem to want to waste time on discussing Kiesha .
« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 03:59:22 am by goozih »

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #993 on: February 27, 2011, 03:43:54 am »
The forum is still up, but not linked from the page.

There's a thread here discussing the end of the forum.  Seems Kiesha's shutting it down...she gives various reasons...having new messages, concentrating on travelling and doing her work...writing her book..etc.

Here's her message.

Announcement: A Heartfelt Farewell to the Forum!
I would like to say a gracious thank you to all who have participated in this wonderful Tribe of Many Colors forum since it began, and especially to those who have helped me by volunteering countless hours to facilitating and moderating the forum. So many have given so much time and effort into getting this up on the web and creating such a lovely place for people to connect and express their feelings. It is with great sadness that I must announce that we are now shutting the forum down, so that I may better focus on the intense work ahead of me during this year. There are so many things I must give my full attention to this year that I find it impossible to have my energies pulled in several different directions. Although the forum was a beautiful place to connect, it did require so much time and effort by many people to keep it up and running. I would like to particularly thank Bear John, Steve, Francesca, and the Moderators who generously spent endless hours creating and monitoring this space so that others might have a beautiful way to connect. Thank you from my heart for your amazing contribution! :bouquet:
This year has already proven more intense than the last couple of years that I have been working in the capacity of shaman and light worker. With new energies flowing at an intense level and my work calling me in many different areas, I will be focusing on my travels to spread the message with all brothers and sisters around the world and finishing the book that will be coming out this year. As many of you know, there are many changes in the world happening at this pivotal time on our planet and we are all in a heightened state of being. Great changes are coming to our world that require our inner and outer attention. In order for me to concentrate on what is most important, I too must learn to let go of some things that are not as important as others. The last two years have been a huge learning process for me too! Every day I am learning new lessons and refining how I work in the world, and how I must focus my energies in order to do what I came here to do! Toward this end, after much inner contemplation---I have decided that in place of the forum, I will be providing a live broadcast every month for all to join in that will bring the global tribe of many colors together in the most positive and essential way. These free 20 minute broadcasts will allow us to come together to focus our healing intentions for the planet on a regular basis; longer format broadcasts will be interactive, exploring new dimensions of the message, and will feature Q and A. Imagine if you will, thousands of people all over the world tuning in together to meditate and pray for the waters, the animals, a particular area of the world, to create something beautiful. One person’s attuned heart can do such good; if we join our love and our prayers together, what great good this can do. This is exactly what the purpose and mission is for the live broadcasts. Together we will not just be talking about joining our energies to create a better world, but literally doing it together. We can remember how powerful we are and what an unstoppable force of good we can be when we bring our light energy and love together. We are the ones we have been waiting for. We can be the change we want to see. We are the Tribe of Many Colors. I look forward to seeing you during the broadcasts every month -- you can find the specific dates and times on my website,

See you there!
Love Little Grandmother


Looks like she's replacing the forum with her weekly webcasts (why have some place where people can question you right?...control everything....)  Interesting, but not totally surprising...


Offline Superdog

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #994 on: February 27, 2011, 04:10:48 am »
From reading the thread it seems the choice to shut down the forum was a sudden one.  Happened on the 24th and she literally only gave the mods a few hours notice.  Most of the messages are very nice farewells, but there are definitely some people who feel upset at Kiesha for various reasons regarding the shutdown and one for not answering any real questions. 

If you follow goozih's thread on the new forum, that explains all the answers where they keep saying she has nothing to do with that forum....she doesn' just happens to carry over a lot of the people from the TOMC forum.

For now the TOMC forum is still up...i think it's gonna last another week.


Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #995 on: February 27, 2011, 04:11:46 am »
Looks like she's replacing the forum with her weekly webcasts (why have some place where people can question you right?...control everything....)  Interesting, but not totally surprising...


Exactly.. what she shoulda said was that the forum is providing too clear
a place where people could see her real wish for full control over people
and what they think and say.  Every time a simple question ended with
the questioner banned had to start to give people more pause as to
what the deal is with her..

So.. to not ban and leave open all those questions that would put her
out of business.. or ban and have the money flow trickle to a stop as
people withdraw due to the censorship/dictator atmosphere of the place..
or.. just close it with some excuse the most gullible will fall for..

I can't imagine the "follower made" forum could last that long as truth
will begin to seep in there.. and KC will probably threaten law suits or
"curses"..  ?  

Interesting tho..
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Offline Freija

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #996 on: February 27, 2011, 10:24:21 am »
For now the TOMC forum is still up...i think it's gonna last another week.


Not even a week


Oops, is up again.  :)

I noticed on the TOMC FB-site that some people supported Native Americans,  saying they understand why Ndn:s react the way they do. I was quite happy to see that post - the comments were nice and polite, not involving Kiesha in any way or form.  The whole post was pulled. (!)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 08:59:48 pm by Freija »

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #997 on: February 27, 2011, 09:49:51 pm »
Here's something new on the page...

"Tribe of Many Colors --all rights reserved and copyrighted 2011"

Copyrighted now??  Is there still anyone doubting that she is a business?  Close the forum and copyright the name....hmmm....

I'm actually starting to feel bad for some of the followers that are getting the cruel awakening they are now and I wish them the best of luck.  She's been misrepresenting herself from the start and it seems that her inner camp is rather business savvy, to the detriment of those that believed in her. 



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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #998 on: February 27, 2011, 10:21:35 pm »
It seems there was a major backlash because "Kiesha" was ending the forum and many people were upset and spoke up about the actions of the "Tribe ' moderators . The forum was started by the people on their own, independent of Kiesha. They were very open and did not ban me and didn't seem to want to waste time on discussing Kiesha .

Why were you banned from the original site, Goozih?  I read your comments on the new site and they were very respectful and courteous.  I was amazed at the comments written on the new site about how they distance themselves from Kiesha (although they were still the same people as on the old site).  They acted as if they had nothing to do with the original site and referred you to the old one.  Their comments that "they don't know and don't care" about Kiesha's background (or her many lies), and that "by their fruits ye shall know them" were a little weird.  They seem like a bunch of good-meaning people and I had considered joining the site myself, but as someone else mentioned on this site, they just don't care.  They are all into forgiveness (of whatever faults Kiesha may have) and being non-judgmental.  They still speak of Kiesha in loving terms and refer to themselves as the "tribe".  I do feel sorry for them that they just won't admit that they were misled by this false prophet. 

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #999 on: February 27, 2011, 11:18:40 pm »
The new site is the same people. I'm glad they're getting away from Kiesha, but there's still a whole lot of pretendians and appropriators there.

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1000 on: February 27, 2011, 11:30:03 pm »
It's pretty likely that Crowther's claim of a nosebleed and vomiting at Palm Springs were yet another attempt to solicit sympathy. OTH it may have been (or she may have unwittingly revealed) some psychosomatic guilt, as well as simple nervousness and fear that her hoax was being uncovered and is now revelaed to large numbers of her followers. (And it certainly shows her claim that no "real Indians" were opposed to her was an obvious lie.) Probably the ones at that conference who were most shocked were the ones who aren't on the net much and had not yet heard about her lies or that she's been exposed.

No doubt the conference also had plenty of types like we've often seen online, people so desperate to believe or so deluded that they frankly don't care she's obviously not what she claims to be. But Crowther's camp is so desperate for control they keep shutting down forums, and that is alienating even many of them.

(That it's out now that Crowther and Ferraro are a couple, that is romantic partners, is an interesting twist. Like pretty much all of us here I think, we have no problem with her being gay. NAFPS has long had gay members and we kicked out people before for gay bashing. But since Ferraro is now her romantic partner PLUS business partner says even more that she is the real power behind the throne, perhaps the Svengali pulling Crowther's strings.)

I've said it before and it's really simple: If they want to end the protests, drop all claims of being made a "shaman" by this seemingly nonexistent Falling Feathers. Drop all faux-NDN claims. Apologize. Pay reparations. Finally be honest, and just say you're one person with your own (albeit unoriginal and flaky) entirely self created vision. It probably would shrink her following by half, but at least it'd be half as many as those now who are being unfairly manipulated, cheated and abused. The longer she persists in obvious lies the more she will see a slow decline in her following instead. And if she's an emotional wreck now, how much worse a state can she get over time? And will that continue to manifest itself in this extreme control over her followers?>

Offline goozih

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1001 on: February 28, 2011, 07:12:02 am »
Hi Autumn, I was banned from TOMC forum for saying there was inaccuracies in one of her videos or in other words "Lies". I knew I would be banned.
Any way the TOMC forum is officially down.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2011, 05:05:31 pm by goozih »

Offline Superdog

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1002 on: February 28, 2011, 03:28:14 pm »
It's pretty likely that Crowther's claim of a nosebleed and vomiting at Palm Springs were yet another attempt to solicit sympathy. OTH it may have been (or she may have unwittingly revealed) some psychosomatic guilt, as well as simple nervousness and fear that her hoax was being uncovered and is now revelaed to large numbers of her followers. (And it certainly shows her claim that no "real Indians" were opposed to her was an obvious lie.) Probably the ones at that conference who were most shocked were the ones who aren't on the net much and had not yet heard about her lies or that she's been exposed. >

If it's true, (just hard to believe anything that comes from her) then from my point of view it comes from messing with these ways as she does.  She's opened herself up to this kind of sickness.  No one did it it to her....she did it to herself because she didn't listen and pay attention to the voices that are saying what she's doing is wrong.  I would say she herself is in need of some healing and it all begins with admitting the truth and humbling herself.  Everything you do comes back on you...this is just an example of that and the fact that she misinterprets it is a clear sign to me that she hasn't heard anything.  It should also be a warning to any other overnight "Native American shaman" of what awaits you down the road if you continue on the same path Crowther currently follows.


Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1003 on: February 28, 2011, 04:09:45 pm »
If you're not used to desert air, you can easily have a nose bleed. As for vomiting, perhaps she had
a bad case of nerves not knowing what to expect with the protesters. 

Or, it was a lie put in place "just in case" .. something to use if need be.. to bow out of the appearance,
or drum up a bit more funding.. or.. to try and set the stage up to pretend she is so fragile/sensitive to
angry/negative energies.. and hence, either gain deeper loyalty from followers, or have them flocking
to her aid in one way or another..

A manipulator like KC doesn't leave things to be.. they are constantly trying to manipulate and shape
every event of life to suit their need. Either by creating complete falsities, or by taking something as
simple as a case of dry air nose bleed and nerves and manipulating it into something grand to further
the agenda..

Not saying that her own guilt and apparent mental illness couldn't be a cause of such illness.. it could
very well be..

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Offline Yx Chebel Yax

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #1004 on: March 01, 2011, 08:37:35 pm »
Global Moderator
The new site is the same people. I'm glad they're getting away from Kiesha, but there's still a whole lot of pretendians and appropriators there.

Just noticed  that in the new forum, the continuation of TOMC (Tribe of Many Colors) the moderators have locked the possiblity to make any further comments to the post "Is Kiesha a Native American". They do as they did in the previous forum: no criticism is allowed to continue. Must be stopped.
 I know because we were banned in my family in the old Forum "Tribe of Many Colors". We have the same IP-number several family members. My daughter asked about the autencity of Kiesha ( if she was a real Native American etc) and as a source used Al Carroll and his article that she found to be very substantial and trustworthy. They removed the link to his article and then banned her for trolling.
What to say ... the story is repeating itself. That is not the way in a modern society.. where free speech and questioning is normal before taking a decision/stand on what to believe in or not, the healthy form of a democracy.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:17:26 pm by Kathryn »
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein