Author Topic: hello. my name is Carsten. (another racist meltdown thread)  (Read 57351 times)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2013, 11:26:20 pm »
Ah, and the ultimate racist parting shot. You wanted to help the poor NDNs. And now you're mad that everyone saw right through your lies and attempts at forced-teaming. And everyone should be so sad you're flouncing out of here. Sure you wanted to help. You wanted to learn how to be a more effective fraud.

Offline earthw7

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2013, 12:16:39 am »
I guess i am not surprised by his behavior I feel sad that people
would go though so much to steal another people culture and then
claim everyone is being mean to them. I have been Lakota since the day
i was born i can not take it off like a skin and be anything different.
people sometime hate me for my skin color and who i am and yet
people will want to steal the very core of who we are. I wonder because
being indian is hard as our elders tell us.

In Spirit

Offline Carsten

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Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2013, 01:02:45 am »
I want to say i am sorry for being so upfront with you
but after i seen all the post about you I see you as the fraud
who is defending two frauds.

so I am fraud then ?

its obvious you do not like me inhere.   I think its a shame you wont just relax a little before jumping to conclusions . 

I cant argue with logic like that. 

think about it however.   did it it make sense if I was a fraud to even join here. 

you know  I really do not care enough about this so just have a nice life I really wish you people the best.  :)

im out of here , for time being I need coffee.  . 

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2013, 01:27:18 am »
Frauds join here all the time to try to fool us. It's just another day for us.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #34 on: April 05, 2013, 02:22:53 am »
He did not even acknowledge that what he was doing was wrong :(
In Spirit

Offline Carsten

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Re: Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #35 on: April 05, 2013, 05:54:45 am »
Frauds join here all the time to try to fool us. It's just another day for us.

did you even bother to read the post you guys dig up from the net. 

if not then please do so again.   the one on spiralinear  is about me asking if anyone knows about nomad .  why do you think that is ?

could be I wanted to at the time make sure he was legit. 

it could be that I actually  was not inhere to "fool you"  but offer assistance  with information about a person ,   and eventually maybe if need be others from my country. 
« Last Edit: July 21, 2021, 10:00:12 pm by NAFPS Housekeeping »

Offline Carsten

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Re: Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #36 on: April 05, 2013, 06:50:00 am »
He did not even acknowledge that what he was doing was wrong :(

I happen to not agree with you on certain things. that does not per automatic make me "wrong".    like idea that white people cant be permitted to take part in ceremonies.  I would love to discuss this issue  because it does have my concern .

I wrote this in the post ,  the one you found too ,   so its a honest interest in getting discussion started places where there might relevant people to discuss this with .

Offline Freija

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2013, 08:15:48 am »
"Hejsan, Carsten! Jag är från Sverige och vill gärna dela med mig av mina tankar!"
I am fully aware of all the exploiters and frauds coming to our countries. And I know of Jordan and Marianne, I spoke to them a few times. He had quite a bad reputation here, he charged for ceremonies.

I know how easy it is to get sucked in to the lies of the exploiters. I´ve been there! And I am sure there is stuff out on the Internet that I have posted, or old brochures with my words in them, that would make me cringe!! At that time, I didn´t know better.

So I would never come down on anyone having “done wrong” in the past. When the truth hits you – and it will, eventually - it´s tough! Realizing you´ve lived a lie, maybe built your life around a scam and also – most likely - probably informed/taught/told other people these lies. It´s hard, it´s like getting out of a cult and to avoid that pain, it´s easier to crawl right back to the frauds again. Because heyyy, they love you!  ;)  Since you´re talking about spirit – I, personally, believe that at this moment, standing on this crossroad, is the first time spirit finds you and asks you to choose….

I have a hard time figuring out why you are here. At this forum? Maybe you are at the crossroad and the truth is too painful right now? (Giving you the benefit of a doubt).  There are many Native Americans in here. Some of them I know IRL, some just on the Internet. Most of them have patience, understanding and forgiveness beyond belief!  Not once has any of them ever come down on me for the crap I did back in time. Not once! They just kindly guided me in on the right path.

So – if you want respect and truth, start again. Stop defending yourself and listen. Admit that you´ve done things that are wrong, but that you are willing to change. It´s all about attitude. Trust and respect have to be earned. And if it hurts like hell to face the truth, see it as your personal Sundance. It will be worth it!

PS If it´s easier for you in Danish/Swedish, send me a PM
« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 08:44:19 am by Freija »

Offline Carsten

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Re: Re: Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality
« Reply #38 on: April 05, 2013, 09:10:22 am »
now I a am a racist then ?  I am not talking about ALL native americans.  just one place I do know a little about from various sources. 

listen.,  I am sorry if I am not as a non native English speaker able to use the correct words or write as a enlish person would do.  it is actually hard for me to write in english.  and use the language to its full extend. I speak better and read better english though. 
I am a old punk for god sake.   sigh.  its simply the most wrong you can ever say about me that I am racist. 

here is maybe your target more than me .

Offline Carsten

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #39 on: April 05, 2013, 09:18:56 am »
"Hejsan, Carsten! Jag är från Sverige och vill gärna dela med mig av mina tankar!"
I am fully aware of all the exploiters and frauds coming to our countries. And I know of Jordan and Marianne, I spoke to them a few times. He had quite a bad reputation here, he charged for ceremonies.

I know how easy it is to get sucked in to the lies of the exploiters. I´ve been there! And I am sure there is stuff out on the Internet that I have posted, or old brochures with my words in them, that would make me cringe!! At that time, I didn´t know better.

So I would never come down on anyone having “done wrong” in the past. When the truth hits you – and it will, eventually - it´s tough! Realizing you´ve lived a lie, maybe built your life around a scam and also – most likely - probably informed/taught/told other people these lies. It´s hard, it´s like getting out of a cult and to avoid that pain, it´s easier to crawl right back to the frauds again. Because heyyy, they love you!  ;)  Since you´re talking about spirit – I, personally, believe that at this moment, standing on this crossroad, is the first time spirit finds you and asks you to choose….

I have a hard time figuring out why you are here. At this forum? Maybe you are at the crossroad and the truth is too painful right now? (Giving you the benefit of a doubt).  There are many Native Americans in here. Some of them I know IRL, some just on the Internet. Most of them have patience, understanding and forgiveness beyond belief!  Not once has any of them ever come down on me for the crap I did back in time. Not once! They just kindly guided me in on the right path.

So – if you want respect and truth, start again. Stop defending yourself and listen. Admit that you´ve done things that are wrong, but that you are willing to change. It´s all about attitude. Trust and respect have to be earned. And if it hurts like hell to face the truth, see it as your personal Sundance. It will be worth it!

PS If it´s easier for you in Danish/Swedish, send me a PM

thanks.  I am sorry to hear that ,   I will prefer Danish if you can over the PM. 
will be after coffee .  and a little sleep.  but I would very much like to talk about these things , 

Offline Carsten

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #40 on: April 05, 2013, 10:46:21 am »
Jeg håber det er sendt som PM , har lidt svært med at se hvordan det virker. 

tak for dit indlæg.  det var faktisk rart nok nogen ville lige tage sig tid til at finde ud af hvem jeg  er til at starte med. 

jeg er ikke på en crossroad som sådan men ved enden af en cirkle.  jeg var nødt til at opsøge mange new age behandler af flere grunde , en af dem er at en dag skrive bøger og holde foredrag for at advare om netop faren ved det.

jeg er meget bevist om at i det miljø er det hele en gråzone.  der er ikke noget helt authentisk at finde her.  men der er nogen som er mere autentiske end andre.   

jeg har også  været igennem et rent helved  men på grund af sygdom.  det er ikke underligt man først falder i kløer på healer og tarot oplægger osv.   dem har jeg mødt mange af . 

også lidt med vilje betalt for sessioner fordi jeg skulle faktisk helt ærligt bruge de erfaringer sener hvis jeg skulle begynde at skrive om de ting sener i livet. 

nu ved jeg godt at de ikke bryder sig så meget om at jeg åben vedkender jeg har brugt svedehytter og det er rigtigt nok ikke den rigtige måde at lære de ting på ,

det er også noget som jeg ikke synes er korrekt ,  da man må aldrig tage penge for de ting.

aller først for at du ikke er i tvivl.   jeg betragter ikke svedehytte som noget shamanistisk.   jeg ved også godt indianer ikke har shamaner.  alle de core shamaner  og de ting har jeg altså meget imod at bruger svedehytter i kurser og tager penge for det.   jeg har enda ringet til flere af dem og sagt de skulle lade være. 

jeg er lige så sur på new age verden som jer her inde på sitet er .  jeg har altså også masser af grund til det. 

men det er ikke noget kulturelt for mit vedkommende.    mit problem med new age verden er at de udnytter alt og alle.  og tager penge fra syge folk eller uvidene folk og måske skader dem. 

der er flere ting jeg godt vil fortælle dig om af lidt mere personlige og dybere reflektioner  men nu ville jeg holde det kort første gang. 

jeg vil også godt diskutere det emne om hvide kan få lov til at lede svedehytter og deltate i ceremonier .  det har oprigtigt min interesse  det emne.  men det bliver lige sener. 

jeg er nemlig også nødt til at forklare en del af mit livs sammenhænge først for du kan se det store billed i hvorfor jeg er ledt igennem livet på den måde som jeg er.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #41 on: April 05, 2013, 01:46:34 pm »
This is not the place! This is a site for Native American frauds which there are many.
The right to my spsirituality it is not up for debate, not with me i attend only closed
ceremonies where non Native are not welcomed because they like to take what is not
their, Plus they dont follow the strict procall of our people and do thing in a very
strange way making up things as they go, They dont know the stories or whys and how
which every step you take at a ceremony has a reason. In order to do a ceremony
like a sweat lodge it takes 8 years of training before we allow a person to pour the water,
what you took one class.  :o
No this not up for debate with me.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 02:19:15 pm by earthw7 »
In Spirit

Offline earthw7

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #42 on: April 05, 2013, 01:56:51 pm »
"Hejsan, Carsten! Jag är från Sverige och vill gärna dela med mig av mina tankar!"
I am fully aware of all the exploiters and frauds coming to our countries. And I know of Jordan and Marianne, I spoke to them a few times. He had quite a bad reputation here, he charged for ceremonies.

I know how easy it is to get sucked in to the lies of the exploiters. I´ve been there! And I am sure there is stuff out on the Internet that I have posted, or old brochures with my words in them, that would make me cringe!! At that time, I didn´t know better.

So I would never come down on anyone having “done wrong” in the past. When the truth hits you – and it will, eventually - it´s tough! Realizing you´ve lived a lie, maybe built your life around a scam and also – most likely - probably informed/taught/told other people these lies. It´s hard, it´s like getting out of a cult and to avoid that pain, it´s easier to crawl right back to the frauds again. Because heyyy, they love you!  ;)  Since you´re talking about spirit – I, personally, believe that at this moment, standing on this crossroad, is the first time spirit finds you and asks you to choose….

I have a hard time figuring out why you are here. At this forum? Maybe you are at the crossroad and the truth is too painful right now? (Giving you the benefit of a doubt).  There are many Native Americans in here. Some of them I know IRL, some just on the Internet. Most of them have patience, understanding and forgiveness beyond belief!  Not once has any of them ever come down on me for the crap I did back in time. Not once! They just kindly guided me in on the right path.

So – if you want respect and truth, start again. Stop defending yourself and listen. Admit that you´ve done things that are wrong, but that you are willing to change. It´s all about attitude. Trust and respect have to be earned. And if it hurts like hell to face the truth, see it as your personal Sundance. It will be worth it!

PS If it´s easier for you in Danish/Swedish, send me a PM

Ah my friend thank you for saying the words in a right way, I get so upset when i try to explain and no one listen,
I will be doing lecture on the Whitestone massarce today and i dreamth all night and woke up with tears in my eye
I could hear my grandma screaming Ina! Ina! as they shot her and to think she was only nine years old but she lived
so I could be here today. I just dont think people understand what it is to be native today. It is grief, it is always having
to forgive and always looking to have that compassion and on some days it is gets hard. Thank you again for reminding me
to be compassionate.
In Spirit

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Re: Nomad Winterhawk
« Reply #43 on: April 05, 2013, 02:13:26 pm »
i agree non-natives should take part in any ceremony......they have no business even having interest in our ceremonies....where im from most of the time they close the road in and put cops there not allowing non-indians into rez but many white people try anyways.....arguing with the tribal cops how they "come out of respect" with cameras in thier hands

im not really racist until it comes to holding onto whats mine......and our religion is about all we have left

Offline Freija

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #44 on: April 05, 2013, 02:24:24 pm »
Ah my friend thank you for saying the words in a right way, I get so upset when i try to explain and no one listen,
I will be doing lecture on the Whitestone massarce today and i dreamth all night and woke up with tears in my eye
I could hear my grandma screaming Ina! Ina! as they shot her and to think she was only nine years old but she lived
so I could be here today. I just dont think people understand what it is to be native today. It is grief, it is always having
to forgive and always looking to have that compassion and on some days it is gets hard. Thank you again for reminding me
to be compassionate.

Aawh, it hurts so much to read about your grandma.  :'( None of us non-Natives can ever fully understand, and we shouldn´t even pretend that we do. And how you guys hold it together, trying to be patient and polite in the middle of all the culture vultures is nothing but a miracle. It says a lot about your people and other Native people!!

We all need to blow off steam and many times it is necessary and totally called for!! This was just one of my calm, balanced days  ;D so I wanted to give my Scandinavian neighbour the benefit of a doubt.  :)   
Thank you so much for your kindness!