Author Topic: Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council  (Read 194478 times)

Offline tachia

  • Posts: 141
Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council
« on: April 04, 2008, 06:15:36 pm »
giving the benefit of the doubt that the eagle mountain thread was begun with good intentions .. i see no problem with a thread centered on research et al concerning Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council .. it is always good to do research on any person and or organization that anyone even thinks might just not be on the up and up .. or on a person and or org that anyone thinks might be non-fraudulent but that needs more research from the members here .. .. the truth WILL come out in the process of researching etc .. ..

with this in mind, as the OP of this thread, i would like to respectfully ask that this thread REMAIN on topic .. the topic being Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council .. with NO flaming whatsoever of any individuals involved in the first thread .. there is simply no need to do anything other than discuss the topic at hand ..

i consider Ben my brother, and i feel sure that he would welcome the scrutiny of the members here, for i know that he has nothing to hide .. Ben would be in here himself but for the fact that he is out of town on a job site with no internet access .. and i would like to reassure you all that when he returns home this weekend he will be coming in here to answer questions etc .. at this point Ben does not even know that this is all going on in here .. .. ..

so .. let the research and discussion begin ..  :)

wado equa ..

[Retitled thread]
« Last Edit: February 21, 2009, 03:03:09 am by educatedindian »


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Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2008, 06:20:06 pm »
Met Ben at the Columbus ships protest in'92.. He has good vision and has worked very very hard for our people. Someone id go back to back with any day !

Offline marco

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Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2008, 06:40:27 pm »
My name is Marco.
I have known Ben Carnes for over 16 years and he is the real deal.
I would trust him with my life, in a heartbeat.

Research him if need be.

Might I suggest getting to know him yourself too and ask him anything you
need to know directly?

I have known him always to be honest, transparent and pure of heart.

I try to live my life that way myself as well. That is why I have called him peer,
mentor, and friend for so very long. I trust you to find out if you can do the same.


Offline Mvskoke.Lady

  • Posts: 8
Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2008, 07:03:24 pm »
Hey tachia, agree that any research done with good intentions is cool.  Especially since we know that Ben and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council will pass with flying colors.   It would appease me more to have that thread moved to the Non-Frauds section of this forum however and no demands, it would be the right thing to do.   ;D


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Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2008, 07:21:39 pm »
I agree with Mvskoke.Lady... can this be moved ? Bens name doesnt even need to be in this category.But if it cant then there will be plenty of good things that research will find ..

Offline earthw7

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Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2008, 08:09:15 pm »
gee missed another one,
what is with these people bring their fights
from other sites here.
Just because I person disagree with someone
is not a reason to post their rumors here
See what happend?

In Spirit

Offline tachia

  • Posts: 141
Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2008, 09:44:51 pm »
gee missed another one,
what is with these people bring their fights
from other sites here.
Just because I person disagree with someone
is not a reason to post their rumors here
See what happend?

earth ..
could it possibly be a tactic .. derailment of a valid topic because the topic is not going the way one had planned? .. lol .. ya didn't miss much, al got that thread locked down before anything really had a chance to escalate into insanity .. .. anyways your right .. no valid reason for such pettiness .. non productive .. which is why i began this thread so that we could all have a productive and respectful discourse on the topic ..

though some do know .. i would like to let all know .. that Ben will be posting in here on this .. far better for him to speak his own words .. he is currently out of town without internet access and does not even know about any of this being discussed .. i am old school i guess .. if i have a problem with someone i will first go to them with it privately before making my allegations public .. i merely think that Ben  should be a given the chance to stand up for himself in the light of these allegations .. shrug ..


Offline danielle

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Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2008, 10:12:31 pm »
 spoke to someone from Pine Ridge to have it confirmed that ceremony is being practiced by outsiders. i had doubts about this b/c i read an email last year on Arvol Looking Horse and concerns of exploiting..i don`t recall when it was published but do know that i read it last year...the need for people to heal and to stop exploiters it was a choice that ceremony be closed......Last info i got was that  ceremony was closed to all but their own tribal members.

i couldn`t get my friend from standing rock so asked another friend from pine ridge.i`m still waiting for a reply on another question raised but i`m going to add what i got so far.

Offline tachia

  • Posts: 141
Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2008, 10:59:37 pm »
spoke to someone from Pine Ridge to have it confirmed that ceremony is being practiced by outsiders. i had doubts about this b/c i read an email last year on Arvol Looking Horse and concerns of exploiting..i don`t recall when it was published but do know that i read it last year...the need for people to heal and to stop exploiters it was a choice that ceremony be closed......Last info i got was that  ceremony was closed to all but their own tribal members.

i couldn`t get my friend from standing rock so asked another friend from pine ridge.i`m still waiting for a reply on another question raised but i`m going to add what i got so far.

dani .. in case you had not noticed .. this thread has been moved to non-frauds .. and yet your still attempting to cast unfounded suspicions on a leader that is very well respected in ndn country .. ?? ..

what exactly are you attempting to say with this post? .. who exactly did you speak with on pine ridge and when? .. i would like to confirm your phone call myself, as i am sure others would as well .. this is my thread and unless you are able to back up your hearsay with facts, names, numbers etc .. i will simply have to ask you to keep your hearsay, innuendo, and petty attempts at character assassinations to yourself .. this thread will remain free of the drama, flaming etc .. .. if you have any valid FACTS (that can be verified), relating to this specific topic please do feel free to post .. untill then i am asking you respectfully to  NOT continue with the pettiness ..
thank you

Offline danielle

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Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2008, 11:15:05 pm »
i will ask questions...

because it`s non fraud doen`t mean comments can`t be made.


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Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2008, 11:20:19 pm »
Danielle, You need to stop now. You can still put your comments under the thread in Reasearch Needed. This thread was moved as it was started by tachiahawk and sounds more of a support thread. If you just wish to argue take it elsewhere.

Offline danielle

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Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2008, 11:22:14 pm »
Oh,i thought that thread was locked. i couldn`t see the reply button.

thanks,frederica...i`ll do that.

Offline danielle

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Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2008, 11:25:07 pm »
Danielle, You need to stop now. You can still put your comments under the thread in Reasearch Needed. This thread was moved as it was started by tachiahawk and sounds more of a support thread. If you just wish to argue take it elsewhere.
funny though...noone else but me was asked for phone numbers,names etc.

yea,you`re right this is a support thread,

Offline tachia

  • Posts: 141
Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2008, 11:36:58 pm »
i will ask questions...

because it`s non fraud doen`t mean comments can`t be made.

dani, by all means ask questions! .. questions are welcomed in any discussion! ..  yet i see no questions from you nor do i see you even open to discussion .. shrug .. all i see is more of the same from you, the same unfounded allegations, innuendo, hearsay (with no facts nor sources) and personal opinions that you were posting in the other thread .. dani, unless you can back up what your saying with the pertinent facts, it is nothing but hearsay and innuendo and your own personal opinion .. at the very least, you should know to be prepared with your research sources and all other pertinent facts before making unfounded allegations against anyone! ..

thank you


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Re: Clean Thread on Ben Carnes and Eagle Mountain Spiritual Council ..
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2008, 11:48:00 pm »
Lookinghorse put that out about 6 years ago . It split the Oceti Sakowan right down the middle . Ever hear of Leonard Crowdog Daniel . He started a Sun Dance in Texas. Crow do did. Now you can talk to the folks at Pine Ridge or Rosebudor Green Grass or Oglala.. Doesnt change the fact that Sun Dance is shared with a lot of non Oceti Sakowan people  . Here is the Looking horse statement .. and it will be follow up with a follow up statement from him .

Chief Arvol Looking Horse

Received March 15, 2003

I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, would like to thank all the People that attended this historic "Protection of Ceremonies" meeting.

Bernard Red Cherries - Northern Cheyenne Nation, Northern Cheyenne Arrow Priest and Elk Society Headsman
Tweety Little Bird - Northern Cheyenne Nation, No. Cheyenne Elk Horn Scraper Society
Lee Pedro - Southern Arapahoe Nation, Southern Arapahoe Rabbit Man (Holy Man)
Dave Chief - Ogallala Nation, Lakota Spiritual Leader
Dave Swallow - Ogallala Nation, Medicine Bundle Keeper
Kevin Horse Looking - Ogallala Nation, Medicine Bundle Keeper
Floyd Hand - Ogallala Nation, Medicine Bundle Keeper
Silo Black Crow - Ogallala Nation, Medicine Bundle Keeper
Sam Moves Camp - Ogallala Nation, Medicine Bundle Keeper
Chris Leith - Prairie Island Dakota Community, Medicine Bundle Keeper
Gaylen Drapeau Sr. - I-hank-to-wa (Yankton Sioux) Nation, Medicine Bundle Keeper
Gaylen Drapeau Jr. - I-hank-to-wa (Yankton Sioux) Nation, Medicine Bundle Keeper
Ambrose Little Ghost - Spirit Lake Dakota Nation, Dakota Spiritual, Leader
Calvin Medicine Bear First - Assinoboine Nakota Nation, Nation, Spiritual Leader
Leonard Crow Dog - Si-c'an-g'u Rosebud Sioux Nation, Medicine Bundle Keeper
Roy Stone Sr. - Si-c'an-g'u Rosebud Sioux Nation, Medicine Bundle Keeper
Ned Medcalf - Si-c'an-g'u Rosebud Sioux Nation, Interpretor/advisor
Leon Red Dog - Hoh'-wo-ju Cheyenne River Sioux Nation, Medicine Bundle Keeper
Steve Vance - Hoh'-wo-ju Cheyenne River Sioux Nation, Medicine Bundle Keeper
Francis Yellow - Hoh'-wo-ju Cheyenne River Sioux Nation, Medicine Bundle Keeper
Jacob Sanderson - Cree Nation Canada, Medicine Bundle Keeper
Kevin Ta-c'an - Sioux Valley Manitoba Dakota Nation, Dakota Spiritual Leader

On March 8th and 9th, Spiritual Leaders and Bundle Keepers of the Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Nation, Cheyenne Nation and Arapahoe Nation were called together to discuss the protection from the abuse and exploitation of our ceremonies. The meeting was held at the Cultural Center in Eagle Butte, South Dakota, hosted by the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. I would also like to acknowledge the financial donation from the Prairie Island Dakota Community.

Discussions in the meeting included the molestation taking place in ceremony, indecent mockery, mixing of new age beliefs, charging for ceremonies and death, which was never heard of before in our ancient ceremonial history. There was also discussion of the use of other 'medicines' (drugs) in and around our ceremonies. When the White Buffalo Calf Woman brought the Sacred Bundle, she instructed that only those with a pure mind and heart should touch the C'anupa. The ceremonies in question, in reference to all the Plains Tribes, were the I-ni-pi (Purification Ceremony), Wi-wanyang-wa-c'i-pi (Sundance Ceremony) and Han-ble-c'i-ya (vision quest) Sacred Rites.

We put out notice in the newspapers, native radio stations and also contacted people through the phone. I offered prayers for the safe journey of the People to this very important historic meeting. Those that could not attend, I acknowledge their prayers for a good outcome for our concerns.

After long discussion and testimonies of the concerns and issues, it was decided that it would be up to me, as the Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe to make a decision. It was good to feel the beginning of a Unity amongst our People. This has been my concern for many decades, especially now, when we are facing an oncoming war. We need to stand strong with our ceremonies!

I will state what the decision is and also explain the reasons. I will state the protocols to our Seven Sacred Rites, which were passed down to me when I became the next Keeper at the age of 12 years old. These protocols are traditional knowledge passed down through our oral history and need to be brought back to strengthen our 'Ho-c'o-ka' (our sacred alters) once again.

I will also address the areas that I cannot be involved in. My responsibility is the Seven Sacred Rites. It was decided, from March 9th, 2003 and forward, there will be no non-Natives allowed in our sacred Ho-c'o-ka (our sacred alters) where it involves our Seven Sacred Rites. The only protection with this decision in Government law; is that only enrolled members can carry an eagle feather. In all the Seven Sacred Rites, there has always been the understanding of earning and a requirement of an eagle feather while participating in these Rites. The eagle feather stands for Indigenous knowledge and guidance in our spiritual ways.

The Wi-wanyang-wa-c'i-pi (Sundance Ceremony): The only participants allowed in the center will be Native People. The non-Native people need to understand and respect our decision. If there have been any unfinished commitments to the Sundance and non-Natives have concern for this decision; they must understand that we have been guided through prayer to reach this resolution. Our purpose for the Sundance is for the survival of the future generations to come, first and foremost. If the non-Natives truly understand this purpose, they will also understand this decision and know that by their departure from this Ho-c'o-ka (our sacred alter) is their sincere contribution to the survival of our future generations.

Please understand the Wi-wanyang-wa-c'i-pi Ceremony is not only taking place in the center (Ho-c'o-ka) with the dancers. Cremonial participation also depends on all the supporters on the outside of the arbor who should be in prayer. From the gate, to the cook shack, to the fire-keepers, to the supporters around the arbor, to even the moon camp, all people are still a part of this sacred ceremony.

There should be a preparation of 'Han-ble-c'i-ya' (vision quest) before you become a participant of the Sundance.

We shall go back into this ceremony with the proper protocols before and during the ceremony itself. Only those that have had the dream or direction through a ceremony, in concern of someone's health, should be dancing. Dancers should be secluded from outside participants, as to not be contaminated by other people's energy or thoughts. There should be absolutely no food or water during this four-day ceremony. If there are health problems, you should choose a person to finish your commitment. This ceremony is supposed to be for those that believe they can fulfill all required four days of the ceremony.

Han-ble-c'i-ya (Vision Quest): The vision quest should be only for Native People that have had the dream or vision. This Rite is also for the young men and women that reach the age of 12 years of age.

I-ni-pi (Purification Ceremony): Those that run this sacred rite should be able to communicate with Tun-ca-s'i-la (our Sacred Grandfathers) in their Native Plains tongue. They should also have earned this rite by completing Han-ble-c'i-ya and the four days and four years of the Wi-wanyang wa-c'i-pi.

The other four sacred rites of the Hun-ka ka-g'a (Making of a Relative), the Ta-pa kah'-g'o-ya (Throwing of the Sacred Ball), Wi-yan is'-na ti (Womanhood Ceremony) and the Na-g'i glu-ha (Keeping of the Spirit Ceremony), should be only handled by legitimate Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Oyate (People).

It was also decided only legitimate Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Oyate Medicine Bundle Keepers should handle any other ceremonies that are connected to our Ho-co-ka, such as the Lo-wa-pi and U-wi-pi ceremonies. There should be no price tag allowed to participate in any of our Sacred Ceremonies. The only protocol needed for a ceremony is to o-pa-g'i, meaning to offer your C'anupa or offer tobacco that has been prayed with, in which the Medicine Person accepts or not accept if he is not able to assist.

Medicine People do need to survive, and if people wish to give a monetary or any other gifts after they receive their help from ceremony, giving it from their hearts, I see no problem with that. We have to have faith that the Grandfathers will provide for our needs to survive in this modern society; whether the gift is money, blankets, food or anything that represents how much they appreciate the help. Some people can afford big gifts, some people cannot. It all balances out.

My position is only for the Seven Sacred Rites. I cannot dictate to our Medicine People who they allow to attend and support these Rites, in reference to non-Native People. I cannot dictate who they choose to doctor in their ceremonies. I cannot dictate where they travel to doctor.

I have my own personal feelings on who should be Keepers of our Sacred C'anupa (Pipe). The C'anupa is very sacred and the Keeper should first be given a dream and be of Native decent. This issue should be further discussed in our future meetings. The reason for my feelings is that I am aware the C'anupa has gone out to the International community and has been for sale. I know that most non-Native People do not understand the important protocols or have had the Traditional background to carry this sacred item properly. I am aware of women in their moon and men with blood on their hands (to take ones life intentionally) have been allowed to touch and carry the C'anupa. These serious situations were never to be allowed. I offer thanks to the non-Native People that have returned the C'anupa to our People, after I privately shared my concerns with them. I acknowledge their true sincerity in assisting our Nation to protect the survival of our Traditional way of life on behalf of our future generations. They have helped us bring back honor and respect to our sacred Ho-c'o-ka and C'anupa.

There was also discussion of only the Plains Tribal members to participate in the Ho-co-ka of the Wi-wanyang wa-c'i-pi and the Han-ble-c'i-ya Ceremonies. In the early 70's, Chief Fools Crow and my father Stanley Looking Horse decided to allow other Native Nations to participate in these Rites. Their reasons were based on the fact that most Nations have lost their ways through assimilation or lack of Teachers to teach their Indigenous ways. They honored and understood the unity of the First Nations People when different Tribes came to the aid of the Wounded Knee Occupation. I cannot undo their decision out of respect for our Chief and Elder. It has also been in our history that our Ancestors have respectfully shared our ceremonies with other Indigenous Nations.

The original teachings were that the Pipe Carrier should make their own C'anupa. There was an understanding of the sincere spiritual energy and the traditional values passed down through our bloodlines. All the values of compassion, love, honor, respect and truth are molded into the spiritual life they are creating. I hope that one day the future generations will again pick up this important protocol.

I would like to invite all our Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Nations to the next ceremony when I bring out the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Bundle. The dates in the fall will be announced. During this time we will place the 12 honorable compassionate men to assist in taking care of the concerns of the Sacred C'anupa. We will also discuss the protocols of the need to have a good mind and good heart to be a member of the Societies that will carry out these decisions in a respectful manner.

There will be another Protection of Ceremonies meeting to further discuss and address these serious issues in the future. This meeting will be sponsored by the Cheyenne Nation.

Once again, I thank all those that have offered prayers for these very serious issues to be discussed and handled in a good way.

In the Sacred Hoop of Life, where there is no ending and no beginning!

Mitakuye Oyasin,

Arvol Looking Horse,
19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe

follow up statemnet:

Received April 26, 2003 Chief Arvol Looking Horse,

Received April 26, 2003


Since the statement of protecting our ceremonies, there have been many issues that have come out. Many people reporting on one another, many people arguing for the participation of non-natives, many non-natives telling me that I am a dictator of these ways. I see this as good and bad, because I now see since these reports, there is a much bigger problem then I ever knew in concern of the violations. Even more reports of deaths, charging, molestation and mixing of other beliefs, this must stop! These violations are affecting our children's health, many of our children ending their life with suicide. They do not feel that
ceremonial energy that was meant for them.

The People in these hoc'okas need to become stronger and connected with our children's needs to survive. This Bundle is our way the Creator gave us to help us survive with spirituality. It is all about transferring spiritual energy for health for your loved ones and thinking of 7 generations to come.

These prayers also go out to the world, for all Mitakuye Oyasin

I don't like the division, but again when was the last time we really united. I would rather see our people, even if there are only a few, unite strong and understand what this all about, to stand with me for these ways to be protected, so this Bundle can stay for our future generations. These sacred protocols were always there. The teacher is the Grandfathers.

There was nothing new in my statement. The only thing that changed was allowing other Native People whose Nations come from this same ma-co-c'e (land) to participate in Sundance and vision quest. Their Ancestors understood the values and traditions of ceremony in the connection to this Turtle Island. I have known in our history that we shared our ways with other Nations with respect. Our people would intermarry with other Native Nations, they would become a Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Oyate. It was the same when our woman married another Nation's man, because we have the same teachings and bloodline to this ma-co-c'e.

I have heard native and non-native people fully understand my statement, yet many are misinterpreting the statement, because they don't want to see the truth and how it affects them. Many have wanted me to re-explain what all this means with the decision. The decision was based on many years of the Elders coming to me with dreams and concerns of what is going on. I waited to make another statement, to allow time to bring things out and open the eyes of the people to look at what is happening with our sacred ways. Just how serious these things have become, has now been revealed.

I will explain the things that people have been questioning. First, I understand that there have been people at the meeting that are talking about not agreeing with my decision. I announced my decision in Lakota that has a much larger meaning. During the meeting, that was taped, Sam Moves Camp stated that I make a decision after all the issues were discussed. Yet I am getting word from non-natives that they have talked to some Men at the meeting and they were told that they did not agree. Yet no one said anything after I spoke.

These Men are only a few. I guess they have learned how this affects them after the statement went out, so they backed away. Some of the people getting back to me are reporting the misuse of their friendship with these Men and other Men that call themselves Intercessors. They have questioned how they could agree with this decision even when they do these violations themselves. I still stand by these Lakota Men and have to work with them. I don't feed that negative energy. We are the Buffalo Nation and I will not report them, it is up to these people to correct these things themselves. The Buffalo teaching is to stand around one that has fallen and help them stand, these ways belong to them, even if they have become lost. The other need is to establish our strong Societies again to deal with these matters. Those Society men who are compassionate and walk in a respectful manner, yet strong in their energy with spiritual guidance to correct these violations in an honorable way.

I stated the only Government protection of our ways is the Eagle Feather Law, because we are dealing with non-native participation that do not honor our spiritual laws that are in place. This only law is when only enrolled members can own this sacred item for ceremonial use. The feather represents knowledge and you have to earn this for any part of our ceremonies. I realize that during the 1900's many of our people were taken away from their families. I have participated in providing a healing ceremony for adoptees.

Many are even full bloods and can not find their families. We can still find a way to provide our people in recognition of their right to their identity. Those that know their lineage can still prove their bloodline, our intermarrying with other Nations is not that old that it can not be found. In the mean time, we need to continue to focus on the protection that is available now. That first teaching of bloodline came when the first Keeper was told by Pte Skan Win that the Bundle must stay in the bloodline and passed down through a vision or dream from the Keeper. So it is the same teaching of our Native Bloodline with the ceremonies.

My position is the Keeper of the Bundle that consists of the 7 Sacred Rites I am being responsible to remind the Oyate that these ways are being violated. Even to a degree that in 1979, when we were bringing out the Sacred C'anupa, we received a warning in ceremony from the Grandfathers, that if these abuses continued, they would leave. We decided to put away the Bundle for 7 years from 1980-87 and get the word out that we were warned. We could be just another Nation, with no identity, no cultural language, no cultural way of life and we could probably loose our reservations and Sacred Sites.

Pte-Ska Win told us her spirit would stand upon Mother Earth in the future, these signs have been coming every year since 1994, with the births of the white buffalo calves. This is a blessing, to see the reminder that the Bundle she brought is still here for us, but yet it is also a warning. If you remember she came the first time when we were having a hard time of starvation, the buffalo disappeared, because we forgot the buffalo teachings of honoring the Creator in the way we walk. We have forgotten these important teachings once again.

I stated that I can not dictate to the Spiritual Leaders who they allow to attend and support ceremonies, who they feel they need to doctor or where they travel. This was to only remind that the white brothers and sisters, they can still attend and pray with us at a ceremony, if the Spiritual Leader allows this. Again it is the hoc'oka, the center, where our Oyate stand, that needs to be protected. This is also a reminder even with our own people, they need to prepare their life to stand in that alter and learn these protocols of a drug and alcohol free life. They must have a calling that is be interpreted in ceremony, to at least begin to learn the language and not give in to English. The language is very important in communicating with the Grandfathers. When I attended the UN Indigenous Day with representatives from Indigenous Nations from around the world, they discussed the criteria to maintain our voice in the protection of our Sacred Sites and cultural identity.

All agreed it was to maintain the language. Don't give up your ways because you don't know how to speak yet. You can learn as you go along and this sacred language will come back for your Tiospaye.

We are the only Indigenous Nation in the world that has opened our sacred ceremonials, of the alter, out to the public. Now we are seeing the abuse and violations. Anyone can read a book or get close to our ceremonial people, then go out and practice our ways without proper protocols.

Racism is when a race is not given a right because of color of skin in American Society. These sacred instructions were given to our People's Society, as many other Nations were given their own. If that were the case, then all the other Indigenous Nations that protect their sacred ways would be racist. Our Nation's protection of these sacred ways is prayers of strength for all Mitakuye Oyasin. Indigenous People understand these boundaries of protection. Iktomi is always there to trick us. It is our responsibility to protect the life of our Lakota, Dakota, Nakota, future generations. This gift belongs to them, from the Creator.

I would like to remind you of a time when we can all gather at the Sacred Sites, with "all Nations, all faiths, one prayer", no matter how we believe in the Creator, of World Peace and Prayer Day, June 21st.

This is a time when you find your own individual connection to our Unc'I Maka (Grandmother earth), from your heart, your own sacred site. We need to give thanks and offer our prayers for her to heal.

In a Sacred Hoop of life, where there is no beginning and no ending!

He-c'e-tu-ye-lo, Mitakuye Oyasin,

Chief Arvol Looking Horse,
19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Pipe

notice"We are the only Indigenous Nation in the world that has opened our sacred ceremonials, of the alter, out to the public."

all he is after is the stopping of the abuse . And if you in anyway are saying Ben Carnes is abusing then

Perhaps you are wadeing in waters that will go far over your head Daniel sir