Author Topic: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters  (Read 250931 times)

Offline E.P. Grondine

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Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #180 on: November 13, 2009, 02:32:41 am »
Where would the Lakota homeland now be considered to be? I'm not asking about Pine Ridge, but where were the Lakota most at home before the European arrival? That would seem to me to be their spiritual home, and where the Lakota will finally prosper.

They didn't call them the Bad Lands for no reason at all. Truly a horrible situation.

Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #181 on: November 13, 2009, 04:58:42 am »
Paul have you ever been to Pine Ridge or the other Lakota/Dakota reservations?
I live on my reservation life is hard here being Native is hard. We have a lot
of death here, in fact this week end five more funerals, we still have babies
who do not make it their first year. Many family have no food or for that
matter beds to sleep on. We wonder why people want to be like us.

Maybe you should charge $10,000 for a 5 day ndn retreat...  come live like an ndn for a week.. only $10,000...  learn what it's like... only $10,000 

?  I don't know ..  there's something wrong with the world.. with people..
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline earthw7

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Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #182 on: November 13, 2009, 08:43:14 pm »
Where would the Lakota homeland now be considered to be? I'm not asking about Pine Ridge, but where were the Lakota most at home before the European arrival? That would seem to me to be their spiritual home, and where the Lakota will finally prosper.

They didn't call them the Bad Lands for no reason at all. Truly a horrible situation.

Our homeland are North Dakota/South Dakota/Wyoming/Montana/Nebraska/Minnesota/Iowa/Wisconsin/Coraldo
Three canadian Province Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario. We have section in each of these states we are  a large nation with Lakota/Dakota/Nakota people. The Black Hills is our center and our heart it is were we belong
In Spirit

Offline earthw7

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Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #183 on: November 13, 2009, 08:43:46 pm »
Paul have you ever been to Pine Ridge or the other Lakota/Dakota reservations?
I live on my reservation life is hard here being Native is hard. We have a lot
of death here, in fact this week end five more funerals, we still have babies
who do not make it their first year. Many family have no food or for that
matter beds to sleep on. We wonder why people want to be like us.

Maybe you should charge $10,000 for a 5 day ndn retreat...  come live like an ndn for a week.. only $10,000...  learn what it's like... only $10,000 

?  I don't know ..  there's something wrong with the world.. with people..

Sorry can't do that then I would be like those kind of people
In Spirit

Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #184 on: November 13, 2009, 10:16:30 pm »
Paul have you ever been to Pine Ridge or the other Lakota/Dakota reservations?
I live on my reservation life is hard here being Native is hard. We have a lot
of death here, in fact this week end five more funerals, we still have babies
who do not make it their first year. Many family have no food or for that
matter beds to sleep on. We wonder why people want to be like us.

Maybe you should charge $10,000 for a 5 day ndn retreat...  come live like an ndn for a week.. only $10,000...  learn what it's like... only $10,000 

?  I don't know ..  there's something wrong with the world.. with people..

Sorry can't do that then I would be like those kind of people

Oh I know.  I was trying to make funny...  sorry. 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline flyaway

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Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #185 on: November 13, 2009, 11:13:35 pm »
I have read the whole thread with much interest. I to have been to Pine Ridge and Rose Bud. I had a very close sister/friend who was born on Rose bud and than taken away with her siblings. A few years back she found her mother in a nursing home at Rose Bud. "Eve" was not enrolled and lived in mainstream America, a very loving and wonderful lady. After Locating her mother she became enrolled, and she changed drastically, over night and it was not to the good. Within 2 weeks she moved with a Oglala man to Pine Ridge, she had only known him a short while, and she started to drink heavily.
 she becamed so much in despair that she tried to commit suicide. I traved to Rose Bud to try to find her and even went to Pine Ridge, what was in the Op yes it was like a third world country. My heart was so heavy, I cried because of the pain I felt for these my brothers and sisters, Grandmas and Grandpas. No food, water, heat, shacks to live in with no windows and yes many families in one room houses, Little ones running around, hungary and saddly so many are alcoholics, NDN's body CAN NOT tolerate alcohol. they have no tolerance.

I will say it was told to me that those in charge of ditribution of funds and foods are currupt on many REZ in this country, often leaving little for THE PEOPLE. I know this occurs with the CNO.
I have said it over and over, one has no right to speak about these things without knowledge or unless they themselves have gone to the Reservations and spent time.
 You want to be enrolled and or be NDN do more than be one in cyberspace or prance around a circle in your ragalia doing a dance of somekind, go visit the Rez. Did I find my beautiful Sister/friend NO, it all became to much for her, I visted her grave.

As I have noted on this forum, there are so many fake tribes out there with chiefs, clan mothers, it is nauseating and they are raping our culture. I met some of the "chiefs from these fake tribes and they have no "inkling" about our traditions, culture, language. How can there be state recognition if you have to have 200 direct linkage to the original rolls. I do not believe it is possible! I also do not believe having an enrolledment card proves anything, if you know who you are already. You are chasing the WIND!!!

We who are clay blended by the Master Potter, come from the kiln of Creation in many hues. How can people say one skin is colored, when each has its own coloration? What should it matter that one bowl is dark and the other pale, if each is of good design and serves its purpose well."
~Polingaysi Qoyawayma, Hopi
Walk with the Sun; Dance with the Moon; Sing with the Stars; But always...Run with the Wind. -
Snow Owl, Nevada. December 8, 2001

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Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #186 on: November 14, 2009, 12:51:30 am »
Did I find my beautiful Sister/friend NO, it all became to much for her, I visted her grave.

I am so sorry about your friend. Thank you for your words.

Offline Paul123

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Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #187 on: November 14, 2009, 01:20:41 am »
@ flyaway, et al,,

Thank you for your story,
I have been so embarrassed over the posts that I made about this that I don't even want to post this request to say,,,
I'm sorry

I will not post for a while, please give me time to recover from my shame...

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #188 on: November 14, 2009, 01:28:50 am »
You want to be enrolled and or be NDN do more than be one in cyberspace or prance around a circle in your ragalia doing a dance of somekind, go visit the Rez. Did I find my beautiful Sister/friend NO, it all became to much for her, I visted her grave.

Good post flyaway.  It seems a lot of people want to be this kind of an Indian.  They live all their lives as a non, and then they all of a sudden recently discover their so called heritage.    Its such a joke.  A lot of them actually think that dressing up in buckskin and feathers and dancing in powwows is gonna actually make them more Indian.  What a joke.  Then you have the other kind, that learn a little on the internet, or read a book, or meet a real Indian one time, or spend a weekend on a reservation, and then they think that they are all enlightened and wise all of a sudden.  And then they take it upon themsevles to try and teach others about Indians.  These people are so easy to pick out.  Its so insulting to meet these people.  

If these people want to learn, then thats ok.  But they should learn to keep their mouth shut

Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #189 on: November 14, 2009, 03:47:57 am »
Flyaway, Diane, Earthw7, everyone.. everyone.. everyone..  I don't know..  I mean, I know how your stories affect me, but I don't know, can't know, can't imagine or even pretend to know or even have a clue as to how it affects all of you when these 'stories' are your every day in and day out lives.. 

I can't say..  what I feel of that.. 

But, today, I learned something.. I learned what it means to be proud of where you 'come from'.  You, your peoples, have withstood..  I mean, how many peoples have withstood the invasion of another peoples, mass genocides and forced cohesion and yet.. have survived.. still carrying the traditions forward.  What I understand and feel of this is not pity..  in light of what I see, what you have all shown me.. I can say I am honored to have known such a people in my lifetime.  And I think these 'wannabes' and fakeflakes, and the majority general population are the ones to be 'pitied'..  because they have missed out on learning about a peoples who are beyond measure ..... incredible in strength, fortitude, passion and belief.

It just amazes me to know that still.. to this day... you have kept your center.. even in the horrendous conditions and hardships that have been brought on you.. you are still who you are.  And I am proud to know you.. even when I know that I do not know you at all.

I am so sorry for the crap you've had thrown at you.. and yet, I am so ... without words to convey how I feel.. see..  from long ago before white man came.. the people who held the traditions and lived a way of life.. to now..  and there you are.. you have carried it forward through all this time.. through all this strife, grief, hardship, torture, through EVERYTHING...  You should be proud of who you are, and I know you are proud, and I feel that today, I have learned why you are a proud people.  You've earned that right. 

Thank you. 

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #190 on: November 14, 2009, 03:21:48 pm »
Oh, I had meant to add, that after all that.. all those years..  anyone coming up and thinking they can just take your culture and beliefs.. or pretend they are you..  those people are so wrong..  how a drop of ggg ma's blood can somehow make someone think they are ndn.. and just have a right.  They should be more than grateful that you all took the pain and abuse to have that culture to share with them, and yes, it should be up to no one else, who to share, give it to, but to those who have carried it forward.  You are the only ones, imo, who have the right to make those choices. 

But you don't need me to tell you any of this.  I know that.  I'm just stating what I've learned since coming here. 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline earthw7

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Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #191 on: November 15, 2009, 03:25:58 pm »
I guess the thankful and a little shocked because so many people
just want to abuse our culture and way of life.
A woman ask me this summer after my son died how do you do
it go on with life. I told her I have prayer and family and with that
comes laughter. Our way of life is living
In Spirit

Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #192 on: November 15, 2009, 08:23:58 pm »
She laughed?  What kind of sick freak....  !! 

I'm so sorry that happened to you!! 

I remember all too well my mom's pain (and my dad's) when my brother died..  any sick freak who would laugh at anyone's way of dealing with grief doesn't deserve the spit of being spit on. 

My family doesn't have religious/spiritual beliefs, so there was no prayer.. just family. And my mom said that 'life is for the living' ..  we need to keep living..

But to have someone laugh?  I'm stunned..  perhaps I am too naive.. as I have no way to understand anyone laughing at another's grief.  I think that's bordering on evil to do that. It certainly isn't human. 

I am sorry for all of your losses earthw7..  may peace find you and yours in healing. 

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #193 on: November 15, 2009, 08:30:31 pm »
A woman ask me this summer after my son died how do you do
it go on with life. I told her I have prayer and family and with that
comes laughter. Our way of life is living

DUH!  Sorry..  I understand.. I think you are saying that 'laughter' comes with prayer and family.   :) 

That is a good way.  Sorry for misunderstanding.. 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Diana

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Re: Federally Recognized Indians, Descendants, Wannabees and Exploiters
« Reply #194 on: November 19, 2009, 04:42:25 pm »
This is a letter from Indian Country Today, frauds supporting other frauds. This is also why I cancelled my subscription three years ago. ICT is like Wikipedia, it is not a reliable source and you constantly have to check the facts because they don't. Click on the first link and you can watch the web cast of the senate committe. My bold.

Reply 170

Similar story rings through
Story Published: Nov 15, 2009

Story Updated: Nov 12, 2009

Watching the Webcast for the hearing that occurred on Nov. 4 entitled “Fixing the Federal Acknowledgment Process,” hosted by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, I was struck by the same story that my own people face.

One of the most striking testimonies, and one so familiar, was that of Anne D. Tucker, chairperson, Muscogee Nation of Florida. I felt her words and they stirred my heart deeply. Her words rang out the voice of so very many non-recognized Native American Indian descendants from all across this country. The ton of paper work, the Jim Crow mind set, the burning of records; these are descriptions of our struggle to be heard and remembered.

The way in which Tucker described her peoples growing sense that the system and the process would never work; she was not only saying it for Muscogee Nation of Florida, she was saying it for the Saponi people and all the rest of the non-recognized Native American descendants from the eastern shores to the Pacific, from Alaska to the Midwest and all points in between.

Non-recognized Native American descended people are among the most at risk for completely losing their identity. We so often hear about the plight of the reservation people, but how often do we hear about the plight of non-recognized Indian people? When you see these mixed-bloods do not heap more derision upon a people that have suffered. Do not think of them as “wannabes,”“thin-bloods,” “little-bloods,” or “hobbyists.” Do not think of them as “twinkies,” ”new agers,” or as “culture vultures.” They have been through enough and they still struggle with their identity and reviving their cultures.

Instead, strive to offer support to them for they are your brothers and sisters sharing a common history of colonial devastation and assimilation. They may not all look like you and, in fact, many may look African or European, but they are Native American descended people who are constantly denied their history, identity and religious freedom. They do not have reservations or access to the types of funding that federally recognized tribes enjoy. They are the poorest and most oppressed in Indian country. In fact, this segment of the Native American population is the most beset upon ethnic group in the United States today. What other ethnic group can claim that their 1st Amendment Freedom of Religion is contingent upon being federally recognized?

There are certainly problems and devastating conditions that exist on reservations today as has always been the case, however if you look at non-recognized Indian people that do not live on a reservation they too deal with poverty, lack of education, lack of health care, alcoholism and drug addiction.

They have the added burdens of identity crises and access to services all the while being derided by outsiders as well as federally recognized Indian people that fear their numbers. Say a prayer for these people and lend them your support for but the grace of God you could have been born among them.

– Scott Preston Collins
Saponi Nation of Ohio
Euless, Texas
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 04:45:53 pm by Diana »