Author Topic: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba  (Read 138060 times)

Offline susanh

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #30 on: July 27, 2008, 11:28:01 pm »
Thank You E-Indian



Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #31 on: July 29, 2008, 08:36:35 pm »
Susan, you and your family have my utmost sympathy. If this forum can keep just one person from falling into the clutches of someone like Brooke Edwards, then all the time and work will have been worth it. Thank you for helping.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #32 on: July 30, 2008, 12:29:22 pm »
You have my sympathy, as well, Susan. I was also taken in by an exploiter. The exploitation didn't last as long, and it looks like my family took less financial damage than did yours, but I know how it hurts. Taking action to get restitution, consequences and damages can be a very healing thing, and I highly recommend it. You did nothing wrong. You and your mother tried to be kind. You believed you were serving a greater purpose. It's Edwards who is the criminal here, and I'll be glad to see her face the judge.

Offline Prairie Fairy

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #33 on: September 07, 2008, 01:40:21 pm »
« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 01:45:23 pm by Prairie Fairy »

Offline MatoSiWin

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #34 on: September 08, 2008, 04:10:01 pm »
LOL!!!  She'll soon change her name to brooke "Four Sticks"

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #35 on: November 08, 2008, 03:16:34 pm »
I think I had missed the post on here that mentioned her MySpace page:   We should see if we can report her to MySpace for fraud the way White Ego Fraud has been reported.

Someone with her in their top friends tried friending me today, but I'll post about that in another thread.

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #36 on: July 17, 2009, 10:26:26 am »
Seems Brooke Medice Eagle is spreading out and now recognised as an elder here in the UK, I've just uncovered this:
sponsor our elder Brooke Medicine Eagle


^. .^

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Brooke "Medicine Eagle"
« Reply #37 on: August 21, 2009, 04:28:01 pm »
AIM letter on Brooke Edwards.


An Open Letter And Invitation To Brooke Medicine Eagle

from American Indian Movement in Asheville (AIMAsheville)

We, the people of the American Indian Movement in Asheville (AIMAsheville), invite you to our benefit for Leonard Peltier and First Nations People – this Sunday – 3pm til ? – at Spirits on the River.

We want you to come and join with American Indians and other people of good hearts who are coming together for the betterment of our People. People you claim to be one of.

We have questions for you regarding your actions. We have questions regarding your claims of heritage – not your blood quantum – your commitment to the people you claim to be a part. We don’t see that in your actions – we don’t see that on your websites – and we don’t see that in the lies and garbled nonsense in your books.

In your book you say that the Sun Dance and the Ghost Dance must become one. How dare you assume that you have the authority or power to influence people of non-native blood to affect this kind of change? How dare you be so arrogant to assume that you, one who cheats people of all races, has any kind of authority to change what these – people, these nations were given, protected, and then died for? How dare you trivialize White Buffalo Calf Woman by repeating an ego filled account of how Mother and her Children were or will be? Are you authorized or supported by the Lakota/Nakota/Dakota people? Is that your blood?

You say all “primary cultures” do this – how are you defining “primary”?

So there is no question regarding the above, here is the quote from your website and your book:

The Rainbow Sundancer painting reminds us that the Sun Dance is a dance done by men and women honoring the Light of Father Spirit, which gives us and our world the flowering of life from year to year; all primary cultures have such a dance that invites our ancestors' help in the new century's awakening of a renewed Earth, with the full flowering of Spirit in each individual. Here we see that to form the Rainbow Bridge, the Sun Dance must be blended with the Ghost Dance. These powerful rituals must now come together in one great ceremony, one eternal dance of renewal for Mother Earth and all her children.

Our time of awakening has come. It is the time for the new Ghost Dance, which in fact becomes the last Ghost Dance. This time we will be able to dance the vision fully into the ground of Earth and make it real. This book takes you with me on a journey toward that renewing dance of life, toward the bright new world that awaits us and All Our Relations.

You say you are Indian – you say you honor the ancestors – you do not.

Through the blood of the First Nations People you make your living. You collect money so that you can build your buffalo ranch – a nice cushy retirement home for you I believe. You ask for donations so you can put up your 150 thousand dollar prefab home on foundation with sewer and running water – Do you have any idea how many people don’t even have solid walls in their homes or enough firewood to keep them warm in the winter? And you ask for outrageous sums of money for YOUR home – when we have trouble raising enough money to send winter clothes and supplies to schools and elders.

You say on your website that you are going to have a sustainable community – with everything from organic gardening to raising buffalo and spiritual retreats – all at a price and all with the help of a chosen few. There are Indian communities all over Turtle Island that could use help starting programs to bring true Indians out of their despair and poverty. Not from your so-called healing center. Real earth people know that each region is unique in its resources, climate, and needs. So don’t tell us you are doing this as an example for Indian people to live by. Indian people know how to live – but our resources have been taken by the Euro man – big money corporations. We need to rebuild – and flowery nonsense words spoken to people who have a new calling every week are not the answer – for any of the many Nations of Indian People. Remember? Your people?

You say you are Indian – yet you take the money you get from people seeking answers – the rich ones – and you spend it on yourself – for your ego and your bank account.

You portray yourself as a leader – a “leader” in Indian way was described in many cultures as the First Servant of the people. You serve only yourself.

There are real people – with real needs – people whom you profess to be one – yet you have your talks and your seminars and you sell ceremony at high priced white-run resorts. You profess to have answers for the people who own gas guzzling urban assault vehicles and wear designer shoes assembled most likely by young children making less than a dollar a day. You hang out with these people because they will buy your bullshit – they believe your nonsense because they don’t know any better. Why would it be wrong to make money selling books and pretending you are something you are not? It is done all the time in the dominant culture – created and fueled by those that are raping Mother. Taking her lifeblood – killing the elements – destroying homes and lives – all in the name of PROGRESS! Whose progress – who is profiting from all of this wanton consumption? You for one – as you collect money for yourself disguised as some kind of service to our people.

I am not the only one that sees you as a fake and a liar. Your name has become synonymous for wanna-be, shame-on, and apple. Your books are used as an example of what to avoid when choosing written material to gain knowledge.

You say you are for the Earth and all her children – yet you waste resources by jetting across the country in order to sell your trash. You kill more trees and dump more chemicals into the bosom of mother with the printing of these false words – these lying leaves – not talking leaves as some of our ancestors called the books when they encountered them. Is your book printed on recycled or hemp paper? Do you walk to the places where you mislead the people?

How much money have you donated to the defense fund for Leonard? Where were you when they marched for Leonard?

How many times have you fought for our collective dignity by speaking out against the wrongful use of Indian mascots?

Where are you when the children cry because their daddy or mommy just came home drunk again – with no money – with no food? Where do you spend your money? On your ego and your select few followers?

Can you look our Indian Grandmothers in the eye and say you are part of our hoop? Can you tell them what you have been doing for the health and well being of the next seven generations?

Your answers are most likely flowered with half-truths and double speak and you would not be welcome with traditional Indian people – they see you for who you are and you know it. It is painfully clear to us that you don’t do any of the things you are bound to do as an Indian woman and you avoid any contact with those that would appose the harm you do.

Yes – we want answers. We know we won’t get them. We know we will either get ignored or you will issue some kind of statement saying we are racist against non-Indians.

 For those that know us – they will laugh and you will loose more credibility – and more people will know you for your actions and not those empty words you sell to make yourself prosperous. Our group is mixed with people who are committed to and have spent most of their lives as activists of one kind or another. We have AIM, LPSG, Earth First, Direct Action Network – and more. Our associations are many and we are respected because we all try to walk our talk everyday. We try to tread lightly on Mother – educating, sharing all that we have, caring for our elders, and trying to break the cycles of abuse and neglect.

We do require from the people we work with and associate with a certain amount of respect, sense of responsibility, and knowledge of Indian ways. There are many of all races that share common ground and they ask you now to answer for your lies and deceit. It is beyond most of us how you sleep at night – what kind of peace do you get from knowing you are cheating people.

We struggle each day to try to come up with the resources we need to protect our families – our environment – our dignity. You fight against us – you take away from the resources that could be used to truly heal the people you say you are related to.

You cloud the issues and make it even more difficult for us to find the support our people so desperately need. How about sending some of that money up to Tom Porter and his total emersion school? How about sending art supplies and books for libraries to the children at the Cheyenne River Tribal School and for tribal schools across our lands?

Don’t tell us you have costs – don’t tell us you aren’t making money. We’ve heard all of this song and dance before. Your associates like Sun Bear and Wind Daughter (oh yeah we ran the Bear Tribe Medicine Society out of town) And in the course of confronting them we were able to educate the Christian community here in this area – those shame-ons are no longer welcome in WNC at any of the camps or retreats. The wannabes showed their true selves to the pastor that day – he heard their words but their actions didn’t match! Liars and cheats of any race or creed are not welcome when people see them for who they really are.

Just so there is no confusion where we got the idea that you were all about yourself - this is an excerpt from your website:

Help Needed
Dear Friends,
We are in great need of help at the home ranch which is held by Sacred Ground Int'l non-profit. Because we have not received a grant that was faithfully promised by November, we are now in need of money to simply get through the winter.
As many of you know who have been following the story, some of our family there are still living in tents in the freezing cold of Montana winter. Our first priority was to get housing up for them. In October we were promised a sizable grant to put up a lodge and handle operating expenses for the winter. Based on this and the grantors encouragement, we went ahead and put our resources into preparing water, sewer, power and basement for the pre-fab home. Due to an illegal transaction by a partner in his investment operation, this grantor cannot now come through with the assistance. This leaves us having spent our limited resources very differently than we would have if this had not occurred. Now we are in dire need of help to simply feed family, buffalo, and horses, and to operate for the winter. In the end the grant may come through, yet right now we are in immediate need of:
·                     $15,000 to sort, feed and care for our buffalo and horses.
·                     $25,000 for ranch wages and general operating expenses (food, heat, taxes, phone, etc.)
We also need a miracle of $150,000 to pay for the pre-fab home that is waiting on trucks to be delivered.
It would also help us very much to have:
$1000 to sponsor the donation of a buffalo robe we have had prepared for, and given to, a Crow Indian elder. He was surprised and thrilled!
I have been shown an image of 144 Rainbow Warriors each giving $1000 in support. Yet any small or large amount will help as many of you respond. Putting our energy together, we can make it happily through a long, cold winter, and get on with the beauty of our intentions there.
Send your contributions to Sacred Ground International, POB 78, Pryor, MT 59066. Be sure to include the foundation's non-profit federal ID# 81-052-1256 when you make a tax-deductible gift, and please also note BME on the memo line.
Thank you for your love, prayers and monetary support.
For the Sacred Ground family,


Offline Garnet

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Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #38 on: December 08, 2009, 09:03:10 am »
I live in the Bitterroot Valley. When I first moved here a few years ago, I found out that Brooke was living near Darby. I had read her book and thought she was legit. Now before I go further, I am part Oglala on my father's side. I have no idea how much because I'm a mutt. I'm out of touch with my family and my dad walked out on us when I was 6 years old. So I came to Brooke's book out of curiosity to learn about anything I could.

When I moved here I found out she was living at a place called Earth Heart. I tried to get in touch with her for a month. Finally she called me and said that I was welcome to come out and set a time and date.

I was in a deep depression because my mother passed on and I can say that at that time I was not thinking straight. I was alone and needed someone to help me find balance again. I thought Brooke would be that person. I met with Brooke, and she had a way of digging deep into my soul. I spent most of the time crying while she listened. Once I was done speaking, she began to tell me of her hardships and that she basically lived off of "love donations" and indicated that she needed a love donation from me, for her time she spent listening to me. She said that they didn't have much food and that she was feeling hungry. And said her partner was looking for work but not finding any in the area.

I wrote her a check for $100. I did this out of the kindness of my heart. She said she needed cash, and to come back tomorrow with cash and tobacco. So the next day I came back with cash and tobacco. Her boyfriend took the money and said Brooke was busy in prayer. Then he started to talk to me for the next hour and told me about how difficult things had been for them, and that they were trying to build up a center to help heal people. I thought that was a nice idea (at the time). I told him I wanted a chance to talk to Brooke about the things in her book, and learn from her.

Then he said that Brooke would do that, but I had to come and live on their land, work, and give donations to them. I said I would want to, being that I was not working at the time. I had received a large inheritance from my father's will the year before, and the biggest mistake I made was telling Sunny Baba about that. He asked me where I worked at and I told him I wasn't working and why.

Brooke called me the next day and said they would love to have me come to earth heart and stay for as long as I wanted. I packed some things and went the next day. I think one of the first things that happened when I got there was we sat down and discussed rules and donations to them. They were interested in how much money I could give to them and Brooke said she would accept weekly payments or a one time lump sum of $10,000 to stay for the whole summer and learn from her and get healed from Sunny Baba. She said they would appreciate the payments in cash.

Please remember I was not in my right mind at the time. I was very depressed and looking for anyone who would be my family. I thought I was doing a good service to the Native American people by helping Brooke. I had no idea she was not a real indian.

I went to the bank the next day in town and withdrew the money and paid her all in cash. Everything was going somewhat well. She was teaching me many things and I was pulling out of my depression. But then things took a strange turn mid summer. Brooke suggested to me that I needed a sex healing from Sunny, and that this would include things I prefer to not speak of here.
Her partner was coming on to me and she was turning her head. Apparently they do not have relations together as it is their belief. But she was OK with him being with another woman in order to "rid that energy".

This is when I started to wake up and see that this was all wrong. I stood up to them and told them that I was not going to do anything with Sunny and that it made me uncomfortable. They both really changed after that evening. They acted cold toward me.
I tried to talk this out with Brooke but she said I was inhibiting my own healing as a woman by refusing Sunny's help. She then started to chastise me over problems that I confided in her about.

The next day she went to town with Sunny. I walked up to their house and it was completely locked up. I got a feeling that they did not like me or trust me. I decided to get my things and leave.

When I got home into the real world that night, I sat down to check all of my bills. I had them set up to bill pay online automatically. Here's where the shock came. I found that someone had gained access to my ATM card and used it repeatedly making purchases and withdrawals for hundreds of dollars here and there. Despite the 10, 000 I gave them.

I called Brooke that night and we had it out. She denied everything I accused her of. When I told her I was calling the police, she said she didn't care and hung up on me.

An hour later, Sunny Baba phones and says they will refund me 1/2 of the 10,000 since I left early and broke the agreement. I told him that would be fine.

He sent a woman friend of theirs to my house the next day with an envelope. And after she left I opened it to find only $600. That's it.

I was afraid of these people and did not want to press anything. To be honest Sunny baba has two personalities. One that comes off as a gentle kind caring man and the other is very vindictive and intolerant. I wanted my dealings with them to end so I let it go.

I want people to be careful of these people. I found out recently that they have moved. Usually when people like them move away when their resources dry up so that they can find new ones in a new place.

I hope that something is done to expose them before someone else loses money or is hurt in other ways.

I know that Brooke says she's Crow, but there's no way this woman can be. She is a white woman with a suntan. Now she might be a little bit indian but as far as I know she does not look it at all.

Please understand that I will remain anonymous. To protect myself from being sued by these people who already stole a great deal of my money already. I am not healthy and up for legal battles. So please take my experience for what you will, and be cautious. Thank you.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 09:11:49 am by Garnet »

Offline ska

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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #39 on: December 08, 2009, 05:59:30 pm »
Dear Garnet,

I'm so sorry for what you have suffered at the hands of this woman and her partner.

You've already had to deal with some hard lessons, so don't beat yourself up about being taken in by this predatory behavior.  This woman has preyed on many before you and sadly, you may not be the last.  I give thanks for the wisdom that guided you away from her.

Many years ago, I took the opportunity to travel to the Canadian province of Saskatchewan to learn from a Native scholar.  She had written a book about using traditional Aboriginal pedagogy to challenge and transcend Eurocentrism.  In guiding me through some independent study, she strongly advocated the writings of Brooke Medicine Eagle and Starhawk and I came to realize how strong her New Age influence was.  At that time, I was familiar with New Age exploitation of Hindu/Indian spirituality (the part of the world where I was born), but largely ignorant about the depth of exploitation of Native spiritual beliefs.  We went our separate ways, and I chose to keep my opinions to myself, as I saw no point in confronting her about her beliefs and disparaging them.  Sadly, there are strong currents of New Ageism and appropriation of Native cultures and spiritual beliefs in some women's communities, and in some academic traditions.

This woman who advocated Brooke Medicine Eagle to me is a well-respected Native scholar and educator in Canada.  I have come to see a strong tendency toward New Agism in some Native education in Canada today, particular in the way that "medicine wheel" pedagogy is being marketed and disseminated as "traditional". 

My point is that, if Brooke Medicine Eagle can be accepted as "traditional" by a Native scholar who has access to real Native communities and living, breathing Native traditions, then BME can fool anyone.  And I think that when she is promoted by Native scholars and activists, rather than just the usual assortment of hucksters and frauds, then it makes BME even more dangerous to those who are spiritually wounded, disconnected, or torn from their roots.

best, ska

Offline NDN_Outlaw

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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #40 on: December 08, 2009, 07:49:47 pm »
There are many NDN academics who were raised away from their own spiritual inheiritence. Many were foster children. In Saskatchewan there are now three times as many NDN children in care as there were NDN children in residential schools at their peak. We have Elders (I don't like the term) who now work within the schools and Universities. Sadly a lot of crap still passes for culture and is often taught in schools. There was a elementary school teacher who thought it would be nice if some Elder came and gave her students Indian names. It took a lot of coaching to explain to her and have her accept that Indian names were not just tossed about to amuse (confuse) people. It's rough when the educated need educating. It's been awhile. Has this "Medicine Eagle" woman been charged with anything yet ?

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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #41 on: December 16, 2009, 05:21:34 pm »
Dearest Garnet, I know of what you speak as truth.  After contacting certain people in the Hamilton/Darby and the NUAGE area of Sula, It is my understanding that they were forced to leave the area. They were forced to leave because of all the negative attention they were bringing to the areas and the area of Hamilton for one did not like their "reputation" being tarnished and the fact that bill collector's were up the ying yang. Hon just remember, that what you did, you did out of the goodness of your heart, and thinking you were doing the right thing. But Creator reminds  that you get what you give in this life and rest assured that both Brooke and Sonny will get exactly what is coming to them.

Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #42 on: December 20, 2009, 06:10:38 pm »
I"m sorry Garnet that there are such malicious people in the world who take advantage of a person's state of being.  I am glad you realized their scam before it was truly too late.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Garnet

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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #43 on: December 31, 2009, 01:23:26 pm »
Thank you all. Sorry I have not been back since I made my post.

I worry that the people they have moved next to will fall to their same shenanigans.

Offline Garnet

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Re: Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle and Sunny Baba
« Reply #44 on: December 31, 2009, 01:36:22 pm »
Has this "Medicine Eagle" woman been charged with anything yet ?

I have not. I should have. I was fearful of Sunny because toward the end of my dealings with them, his personality took a darker tone. They knew where I lived, and knew everything about me. I was worried they could have ruined me in more ways than one. I think the only reason they gave me any kind of money back was because I threatened to have the police review ATM security cameras. It is hard to describe here, but at the end, Sunny acted like he would do something to me, if I pressed it further. At the time I was a single woman living on my own.

If anyone else gets involved with Sunny and Brooke, they will not realize just how far down the path they will lead a person. They will extricate every possible thing they can about your personal life. And before one finally sees through them, it will be too late. They both are really good at what they do. They could sell snow in July. Really hope the next person they try to ruin will not let them get away with it. They need to be stopped.