Author Topic: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha  (Read 133165 times)

Offline nemesis

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Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #90 on: January 08, 2010, 09:29:07 pm »
Hi, don't feel concerned.  I put my posts for others to see for warning.  I do have some trust issues, but so what.  I don't put my attention on it.  I don't let it rule me.  I am happy for all the experiences I've had, even the most traumatic.  It makes me me.  I do have some people who live away.  Here, I have my cats and dog.  :)  But it's of no concern.  My fundamental belief is that all things in/of life are for good purpose and reason.  While living it was not good, now, it is good. 

I have trust issues too.   ;)
In the end all we can do is to do out best to make lemonade from the lemons life puts our way and it sounds like you have done that.

I am very pleased to hear that your life is good now.   :)

I don't think the sigils attached to me were sexual.  I understand people using sexual energy in that way, I believe it is wrong.  Even if with consenting adults I believe any attempt to manipulate others and/or life is wrong.  What I mean by manipulate is not the same as the meaning of working to change something in life that could be or should be better.  I'm speaking of the direct intent to manipulate outcomes, or life events, or people and their choices.  It is a folly to believe we have such control, which is also the folly of the Jame Ray "Secret". 

I agree 100%

Of course it is wrong to try and manipulate other people by using magic. 

IME people who attempt to control others in this way are deluded and out of control in their own lives.  Some are just criminals who use  magic as a way to exploit people sexually or just as a cloak for their own depravity.

Often the people who get drawn into such activities are very vulnerable and need firm loving boundaries, not depraved abuse. It is very sad.

Offline educatedindian

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Got a request about Harley Reagan's call for an overthrow of the govt in 200 if Al Gore became president. Here it is, in full raging Tontospeak. Calls for violence bolded.

Also at
The Shooting Shaman Speaks...

I suppose some people will find it highly unusual that a "spiritual" man can also be such a strong Pro Gun activist. The reality is that due to my extensive background--including the periods of time in which I mis-informedly participated in government "Black Ops" through NSA and CIA--is what has brought me to this place: My stance for Liberty!

We stand at a moment of extreme crisis in this beloved land of freedom. Our united States Constitution is hanging by a silver tread on the horns of the "Clinton Bull of Tyranny". We--all pro freedom, pro choice Americans who are loyal to this Country and what it stands for--are now at the impact effect of the most unconstitutional President, Senate and Congress under which our nation has ever lived. We are in absolute tyranny. We must take strong affirmative and decisive actions NOW! We have been forced into an arena of conflict and oppression which is leading us on a continuing path of absolute One World Order Tyrannical Government at the hands of the United Nations "Demagogues" and international Bankers.

We must enter the arena of our Freedom Battle fully aware of many important things-- including the tools available to us.

This arena has within it 4 "boxes" or "Liberty Tools" within which we have a chance to reverse the Freedom Eradication Process. To help us regain our liberty and stand as an independent Sovereign Nation of Americans once again, we must ACT within these boxes intelligently and efficiently. In order to maintain and sustain our individual autonomous freedom we must be willing to emotionally assume authority for what we give, say, teach and share with others in our own individual world. We also must assume authority for what, when, where and how we choose to perceive and receive input data from all sources in order to formulate our mental conceptions, self-concepts and world view model of reality. We must have honest, valid attitudes and approaches in the face of tyranny in our move to take this nation back.

We must be willing to take responsibility for all of our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and sexual actions at all times, everywhere, in all matters. And last and most important to my People (the full blood and mixed blood Turtle Island Natives, for I am half-Cherokee and half-Irish) is that we must stand spiritually accountable for the future of the next 7 generations of our children! It is our duty, obligation and responsibility as a united people to insure the restoration and preservation of our Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights. I am now exercising my 1st amendment right in order to preserve the 2nd amendment right, for I am one of We The People.

It is vital that we immediately remember and put to use the fact that our government is "the People." We are the government, of, by, and for "the People." In other words folks, We The People ARE the government! Though it is easy enough for an intelligent person to grasp this fact intellectually, it is time to USE this fact intelligently, taking it from Knowledge into Action.

Back to the "boxes" of Liberty...

The first Liberty Box we must use in the restoration and preservation of our freedom is the Computer box, via the Internet. The fact that you are reading this means at some level you already understand this fact. Using the Computer Liberty Box wisely is helping to protect all 10 of the Bill of Rights, especially the 1st amendment right, by shining light on the multiple Liberty Infractions committed by a criminal government. The Computer Liberty Box is and will continue to be one of the most important foundations upon which we rebuild and restore America. Therefore we must stand united with Angel Shamaya's and's project to bring to the gun community immediately! We need the vision of a unified nationwide collective of all gun owners (the collective vision of the many good people contributing to this project) to become a reality NOW. Let's dream together a united internet network of Pro Liberty and Freedom Advocates in our sweeping move to conquer this Bull of Tyranny.

The second Liberty box we must preserve is the Voting box. This involves one of many focused action steps this organization will bring forth. We must start demanding and pushing a Bill to be implemented immediately in this next election. A legitimate contractual agreement signed by any and all holders of public offices, from the top down, to the bottom up. For those who are uninformed or misinformed, a personal business contract actually supersedes even our Constitution. Therefore, anything a politician promises in order to get elected will be listened to and carefully recorded and placed into the contract which will be signed by the politician and the state attorney general and three citizen witnesses, selected out of the phone book at random. Therefore, the moment they violate any of their agreements we can, should and will fire them on the spot and rehire another employee who will honor their contract. Period! No exceptions!

We must reestablish immediately the reality that all elected officials are in fact, "servants" and employees of the People! In this way we can restore this country back to it's original state as a Republic and stop the Bull of Tyranny from "Gore-ing" our rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. We will not be "Gored" any longer! The Bull will fall into the Red, White and Blue cape of Liberty and Freedom as we deal out the coup d'etat with our swords of Justice. In this way we will force all politicians to become statesmen and therefore perform their duties as a "servant" of the People as was originally intended by the Founding Fathers of this country. Those who refuse to sign such a document, once highly publicized, will require further action we'll cover later.

The 3rd Liberty box is the Jury box. Currently, courts are held under a gold trimmed flag which is not the American flag at all, but is the governmental, Military Martial law flag. (another fact which is not well known) We must use the jury box to nullify illegal laws through the Jury Nullification process and through proper use of statutes of the Fully Informed Jury Act (FIJA). The Jury Liberty Box is a profoundly powerful liberty tool at our disposal which requires, among other things, the education of the people who find their ways to juries. Education on this subject is vital to our liberties, and you are encouraged to begin or continue your own education process here:

My brothers and sisters, if we do not begin immediately to use the 3 above boxes we will be forced to resort to the 4th and most Determinant of all the Liberty Boxes in order to preserve our Liberty and Freedom. This is of course the Cartridge Box. One of my teachers (who are called the Twisted Hairs Elders of Turtle Island) said, "passivity and complacency breed violence and Force regulates violence." Criminals are perpetrators of violence. Therefore, the People must become the "Force" that regulates them. The time for We The People to be regulated as if we are the criminals is OVER! The Cartridge Box is the tyrant's greatest threat to his/her game plan as it is the one sure thing which will avert all attempts at coercion and control--the favorite past time of the tyrannical people on our beloved planet.

May the "Force" be with us as we walk in beauty, down the golden path towards illumination, wisdom and eventually enlightenment, for this is the destiny of all Liberty Advocates--to walk the talk of a Light Warrior in these changing and struggling times.

In the way of my people, I have spoken. HO!

The Shooting Shaman
Harley SwiftDeer Reagan, Ph. D., D.D
AKA "Gunnie"

Offline nemesis

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Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #92 on: September 20, 2010, 09:46:07 am »
I just thought I would share this link which is to either a tantric massage and healing centre or to a brothel, depending on whether you believe that genital massage is a spirchul service or prostitution.  The Dakini / sex worker is "an initiate of the twisted hair shamanic path".


What I offer:

The sessions I offer are a bespoke service; no two sessions look the same. Whilst I have studied and practice Tantra, shamanic and healing practices which inform my work, the most important aspect of what do is be present in a heart centred and loving place, with the intention to hold space for your truth to emerge, and express itself clearly through your body.

Depending upon the session you have booked (see below), I usually begin by inviting you to talk about whatever it is that has motivated you to come. Then with the help of creative visualisations, tantra meditations, breath, movement, and sound we can start to get under the surface exploring the energy behind the words. We can then go to a deeper level still: whether through physical contact, shamanic journeying, role-playing or massage.

Welcome seekers of Dakini healing - a powerful sexual alchemy creating a catalyst for change.

Welcome seekers of heart centred honouring and pleasure - you will be seen in your divine masculinity by a Goddess.


My background:

I have been studying Tantra consistently since 2002, I run a peer network for people studying tantra and regularly lead groups, from beginners Tantra through to intimate massage for men and women.

My Dakini healing work is inspired by Baba Dez of Sedona Temple with whom I have attended a Dakini training in the UK. I am currently an initiate of the twisted hair shamanic path training to offer healing circles with John Hawken. I also have completed an extended Tantra 'deep diving' programme with Diamond Light Tantra; a 2-year practitioners training with Making Moves; Tantra massage training Enlightenment Intensives and other workshops with spiritual and Tantra guides in the UK.

Offline Twinkie_Slayer

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Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #93 on: September 20, 2010, 03:13:24 pm »
I just thought I would share this link which is to either a tantric massage and healing centre or to a brothel, depending on whether you believe that genital massage is a spirchul service or prostitution.  The Dakini / sex worker is "an initiate of the twisted hair shamanic path".


What I offer:

The sessions I offer are a bespoke service; no two sessions look the same. Whilst I have studied and practice Tantra, shamanic and healing practices which inform my work, the most important aspect of what do is be present in a heart centred and loving place, with the intention to hold space for your truth to emerge, and express itself clearly through your body.

Depending upon the session you have booked (see below), I usually begin by inviting you to talk about whatever it is that has motivated you to come. Then with the help of creative visualisations, tantra meditations, breath, movement, and sound we can start to get under the surface exploring the energy behind the words. We can then go to a deeper level still: whether through physical contact, shamanic journeying, role-playing or massage.

Welcome seekers of Dakini healing - a powerful sexual alchemy creating a catalyst for change.

Welcome seekers of heart centred honouring and pleasure - you will be seen in your divine masculinity by a Goddess.


My background:

I have been studying Tantra consistently since 2002, I run a peer network for people studying tantra and regularly lead groups, from beginners Tantra through to intimate massage for men and women.

My Dakini healing work is inspired by Baba Dez of Sedona Temple with whom I have attended a Dakini training in the UK. I am currently an initiate of the twisted hair shamanic path training to offer healing circles with John Hawken. I also have completed an extended Tantra 'deep diving' programme with Diamond Light Tantra; a 2-year practitioners training with Making Moves; Tantra massage training Enlightenment Intensives and other workshops with spiritual and Tantra guides in the UK.

   Seems pretty clear to me that it's an ad for a nuage whorehouse.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #94 on: September 20, 2010, 03:30:05 pm »
  Seems pretty clear to me that it's an ad for a nuage whorehouse.


That is how it looks to me too.

It is a growth industry right now and, as you can imagine, there are all kinds of dangerous organised criminals associated with this particular section of the industry. Gangsters, pimps and people traffickers do not decline to get involved with it just because it is nuage.  On the contrary the demographic for purchasing these kinds of services are very attractive to organised criminals.  Affluent, predominantly middle class, male and female, may be in influential positions in governments and local authorities, likely to also believe in crystal skulls, homoeopathy and any other BS, and can be lead astray and blackmailed with relative ease.

IMO the situation with this kind of nuage adult industry enterprise and the growth of such businesses is akin to a cigarette that is slowly smouldering away from view, inside a mattress.  if nothing is done soon to deal with the problem the whole thing will ignite in a dramatic way with very serious consequences.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #95 on: March 29, 2011, 04:45:31 pm »
The Deer Tribe are providing all kinds of training courses in the UK at the moment

Detail View: Eagle Dance

Open to everyone

Place of Event:   Derbyshire Earth Heart, United Kingdom
Date   28.05.2011 - 30.05.2011
Facilitator   Elaine Casey
Contact Person   Gill Eakins
Prerequisites    None required

1-3 GW ceremonies & monitoring opportunities

Place of Event:   HG4 3DA Lime Tree Farm, United Kingdom
Date   13.08.2011 - 19.08.2011
Facilitator   Elaine Casey
Contact Person   Elaine Casey
Prerequisites    Apprentice

Detail View: Circle of Law workshop

In the Deer Tribe we have a system of governance based on Sacred Law. The Circle of Law is a unique tool for exploring issues from every direction on the medicine wheel. This is a resource that would be invaluable for the strength and resilience of our Lodge. If there is any major change required in the Lodge or a major disagreement, the Circle of Law is a means by which all implications and outcomes can be thoroughly examined and decisions made in alignment with Sacred Law. Sitting on the circle is a very interesting training and process as it requires stepping out of one\\\\\\\'s own opinions and beliefs and as on a healing circle, holding and speaking to the issue within the responsibilities of that direction.

Place of Event:   S18 4AL Unstone Grange Barn, United Kingdom
Date   05.03.2011 - 06.03.2011
Facilitator   Carol Youngson
Contact Person   Carol Youngson
Prerequisites    Apprentice

Detail View: 4th Gateway

Healing included

Place of Event:   S18 4AL Unstone Grange House, United Kingdom
Date   17.03.2011 - 20.03.2011
Facilitator   Janneke Koole
Contact Person   Mary Hoptroff
Prerequisites    4th GW/ BravoWhiteLodge

Detail View: Full Moon purification lodges

Open to all women

Place of Event:   S18 4AL Unstone Grange Barn, United Kingdom
Date   Every full moon
Contact Person   Helen Star Cave
Prerequisites    Please contact first for further information

Detail View: Keeper of the Fire training part 1

Place of Event:   S18 4AL Unstone Grange Barn, United Kingdom
Date   16.04.2011 - 17.04.2011
Facilitator   Pete Edwards
Contact Person   Pete
Prerequisites    Apprentice

Detail View: 4th Gateway

Healing included

Place of Event:   S18 4AL Unstone Grange House, United Kingdom
Date   09.06.2011 - 12.06.2011
Facilitator   Batty Gold
Contact Person   Mary Hoptroff
Prerequisites    4th GW/ BravoWhiteLodge

Place of Event:   S18 4AL Unstone Grange Barn, United Kingdom
Date   03.09.2011 - 04.09.2011
Facilitator   Pete Edwards
Contact Person   Pete Edwards
Prerequisites    Apprentice

Open to all women

Place of Event:   S18 4AL Unstone Grange House, United Kingdom
Date   28.09.2011 - 02.10.2011
Facilitator   Rose Fink
Contact Person   Pamela Hayes
Prerequisites    None required

Detail View: Resculpting

Place of Event:   S18 4AL Unstone Grange House, United Kingdom
Date   25.11.2011 - 27.11.2011
Facilitator   Sabina Tschudi & Johannes Schröder
Contact Person   Emily Terry
Prerequisites    Dearmoured

Detail View: Solstice weekend

Celebrations & Ceremonies

Place of Event:   S18 4AL Unstone Grange House, United Kingdom
Date   16.12.2011 - 18.12.2011
Facilitator   Elaine Casey
Contact Person   Pamela Hayes
Prerequisites    Apprentice

source: (scroll down)

Offline MsWilma

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Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #96 on: August 16, 2011, 09:24:46 am »
I couldnt work out how to start a new topic.
I think this crew belong here:
the names: John 'Thunderwolf'  Ardagh, Mukee 'Breezes Love' Okan, Batty 'Thunderbear' Gold, Kristin “Golden Ring Snake” Viken, John “Spinning Coyote” Kent, Peter “Mountain Dreamer” Thomas. lots of claims about Sundance, Twisted Hairs, Quodousha...
My head's spinning from trying to work out what the connection is with all of these people. I'm an amateur, and it seems that they come up on a few different threads here. Apologies mods- you may need to move this post.
I've been invited to some of their seminars (obviously I'm not going) but I'm trying to work out how to open conversation about it with the lovely people who invited me about it.
My friends that they've connected with here in Melbourne are very warm, well meaning, alternative white hippies. I'd say that they are intelligent, but maybe have never really thought about the concept of spiritual appropriation. Different cults have come and gone in the years I've known them and they've gone along, connected to the 'vibe' but not (to my knowledge) joined for a long time. I would say that they're open to experimentation but not necessarily sleazy.
Do I speak up? Or let em float on by???

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #97 on: August 16, 2011, 07:44:07 pm »
Speak up. Otherwise there's a good chance many of these people will be suffering from the worst kinds of sexual trauma. Basically these "sacred sex" seminars are people being told to insert objects up the anus as a group and telling them it's a supposed Cherokee ceremony learned by speaking to a crystal skull telepathically with people of 100 years ago.

H Reagan doesn't teach them any of this for their enlightenment. He deliberately goes for the biggest lies he can think of to weed out who is the most gullible. If you'll insert an object up your rectum in front of a crowd because he tells you it's spirchul, then what won't you do? And that's not even the crzaiest part. Other supposed cereomonies include having a group of males assault a woman, or having women wrestle each other nude. Again, any sexual pleasure is incidental. It's a good way to break down someone's resistance, make them the most pliant cult member possible. And chances are, they won't come forward for fear of ridicule.

Don't just speak up, tell anyone who will listen, including the local press. Try to get the press involved in an expose. This cult has been needing to be stopped for a long time.

If abusing its members for money, sex and power aren't enough, how about the prospect of the cult inciting a race war? Reagan is tied to all kinds of far right groups in the US, even calling for the overthrow of the US govt back in 2000 if Gore were to win the election. It wouldn't surprise me at all if his bunch is tied to your own local militias and extremists.

Offline MsWilma

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Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #98 on: August 16, 2011, 09:18:56 pm »
oh, nice. Since you put it like that, yes I do need to speak up- just unsure how to start. Thanks for replying. I havent found any reference to Harley Reagan on the two websites I've posted links to, just a lots of references to Chuluquai Quodoshka. The names I posted also come up on a number of other threads here, which was why I was unsure whether I'd come across the right group or not. They seem to have morphed a little....
Here are the blurbs from the Facebook invites:
Women's Day with Mukee Okan
Sunday, 2nd October 10am - 6pm


A day of women’s teachings and dreaming with a Goddess mesa — a table of power to reveal the mystery and wisdom of the feminine within your body.

As a single atom contains all the secrets of matter, the body contains all the secrets and wisdom of the Universe.
You have within your matrix, at the center of that matrix, the physical. It is dreamed into recognition here to be seen, and felt, as the holy temple that it is.
You owe it to yourself and to all with whom you come into contact this respect of the body that says: Touch me and you touch the Goddess. Touch me and you touch the earth. Touch me and you feel the moon. Touch me and you know the stars . . .
It is the greatest imaginings of the Great Creatrix, Wahkahn, for she knew that from you she could birth her most precious of all creations — human — and that within you all creativity, all actions of empowered imaginings, all fulfilments of imaginative creations, are yours for the asking.
But none of this can be accomplished if you do not have respect for your body, and the only form of that respect is worship.

When a woman makes friends with, takes care of and falls in love with her feminine form, her body, something happens. Her innate body wisdom simply flows. Nothing else is as wise and as complex as the body.

Allow the wisdom of the body.
Be receptive to its rhythms.
As a woman, your whole body is an orgasmic wave, an orgasmic ocean. Body, emotions, mind, spirit, soul are different rhythms and wavelengths of the life-force energy.
Become deeply acquainted with your body wisdom.

$95 paid in full by Sept 10
$150 after Sept 10

One Day Workshop for Men with John Thunderwolf

Lover, father, husband, son or elder...
During this day of empowerment, we will work together to cut
through the facade of societal role models and expectations.
Through the sharing of our wisdom and stories, the use of shamanic knowledge and the practice of ceremonial alchemy you will reconnect with your deepest masculine self.
Become present in your body and express your passion as a sexual man.
Be challenged and freed to engage in more meaningful relationships.
Discover your joy and passion and express it without fear.

Facilitated by John Thunderwolf.

JOHN ThunderWolf began his shamanic training in the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path in 1985. He leads the Black Lightning Lodge in Canada.
John embodies the strength, confidence and wisdom of the masculine. He brings the experience of his rich and varied life as a professional classical musician, teacher, psychotherapist, father, grandfather and husband, together with humor and care, to help others to find their naturalness within their sexuality.
John also leads powerful inspiring programs for men. He has a vision of men returning to balance and finding their strength, power and beauty through ceremony and the community of the masculine. He brings the shamanic healing ways of the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path. He is also an international Quodoushka Spiritual Sexuality facilitator.

Saturday 1st October 11am - 7pm
Cost $150
SPECIAL EARLY BIRD PRICE $95 if paid in full by 1st September
Bring lunch to share 18456738188998

I feel really sad about the locals they've involved in promoting this stuff. They're fantastic people and I can see they're being used. They'll reach out to a lot of folk, because they have the trust of many through other events they've organised. One of my fears about speaking up is that I wont be believed or heard. This is a relatively small community, and lots of alternative workshops come and go without any major dramas. But yes, absolutely, if there is a risk of people being abused or traumatised I need to say something to someone. Any links to newspaper articles, etc, that definitely name this group would be great because I will send it on and do what I can.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #99 on: August 16, 2011, 11:31:42 pm »
oh, nice. Since you put it like that, yes I do need to speak up- just unsure how to start. Thanks for replying. I havent found any reference to Harley Reagan on the two websites I've posted links to, just a lots of references to Chuluquai Quodoshka. The names I posted also come up on a number of other threads here, which was why I was unsure whether I'd come across the right group or not.

You can tell by catchwords used by the Deer Tribe:
e.g. Harley Reagan usually gets called SwiftDeer or by his latest name, ThunderStrikes
DT sites also mostly use the abbreviation DTMMS (Deer Tribe Métis Medicine Society)

Sweet Medicine, Sweet Medicine Sundance Path, Sundance Path
Chuluaqui Qoudoushka, Qoudoushka, or just "Q"
Twisted Hairs
Body De-armoring
sacred sexuality, spiritual sexuality
Red Lodge, Black Lodge
(Black Lodge workshops will not be advertised openly; this is the DT martial arts system of courses. In the USA, this will also include gun training. Some German language sites advertise courses in martial arts announcing they will be credited to the so-called Gateway Process.)

Several DT members in Europe which they call 'Lodges', like e.g. Skwanesie L., Stardreamer L.

This Batty Gold has been mentioned in other threads here as well. His real name is Norbert Gold and he spent many years at the Deer Tribe HQ in the USA before he returned to Europe. I found a site which says Gold has been a DT member since 1983. He sold workshops in Germany and Austria and now apparently went to Australia. 

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #100 on: August 17, 2011, 12:40:14 pm »
oh, nice. Since you put it like that, yes I do need to speak up- just unsure how to start. Thanks for replying. I havent found any reference to Harley Reagan on the two websites I've posted links to, just a lots of references to Chuluquai Quodoshka....

I feel really sad about the locals they've involved in promoting this stuff. They're fantastic people and I can see they're being used. They'll reach out to a lot of folk, because they have the trust of many through other events they've organised. One of my fears about speaking up is that I wont be believed or heard. This is a relatively small community, and lots of alternative workshops come and go without any major dramas. But yes, absolutely, if there is a risk of people being abused or traumatised I need to say something to someone. Any links to newspaper articles, etc, that definitely name this group would be great because I will send it on and do what I can.

The best expose of the Deer Tribe is here.

Reagan discusses his belief in a coming race war here and here.

Esowatch has an article on him.

Bullshido did an expose of Reagan also.

I'd also be happy to speak with anyone you think it would help, whether it's reporters, the authorities, or people you are worried may be falling for this cult. They'd also be welcome to come here.

Offline MsWilma

  • Posts: 37
Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #101 on: August 18, 2011, 12:57:16 pm »
hi again, thanks both of you for replying- yes, this sounds as if its the same group, Ingeborg.
Our usual home computer has just crashed and my internet access is suddenly limited. Frustrating.
There are some folk I'll email or pm. It would make sense to direct people here, as you suggest, Educated Indian.

Offline Ric_Richardson

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Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #102 on: August 20, 2011, 04:07:00 pm »

The Deer Tribe is not a Metis organization, and many of us, who are Metis, do find it very offensive that they attempt to use our peoples name to try to appear as if they are an Aboriginal organization.
Learn more about the Metis, by going to look at the non-fraud section, or check out information on the web about the Metis, who are very vibrant and still in existance in many parts of Canada and some of the northern USA.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #103 on: December 15, 2011, 09:58:59 am »
We had to remove this post due to the adult content. A screen cap is available from admin for your research.  Links were removed due to explicit photos.

nemesis here:
I am really sorry of the post caused offence, in retrospect I should have checked with the mods before posting the text.  Lesson learned.

I have no idea how you accessed explicit photos via the links as they have been dead for a long time.  I just checked the website and it is down, the archived version shows only text and a series of little boxes with red crosses in them where the pictures used to be, at least on my browser.

I am not sure what happened there but am very sorry indeed if you access such photos via my links.  I hope you know that I would never knowingly post links to explicit photos here.  
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 11:35:36 am by nemesis »

Offline nemesis

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Re: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #104 on: December 15, 2011, 10:37:33 am »
Also, I don't think that this has been mentioned here yet but an author called Amara Charles recently published a book called
Sexual Practices of Quodoushka: Teachings from the Nagual Tradition

Apparently she is a "sex and intimacy expert" - I think we all know what that means

Her FB page is here

I notice that on her website here

She is leading women's retreats to discover the "divine feminine"
Travel to the enchanting ‘Land of the Long White Cloud‘, New Zealand, for our special Women’s Retreat where we will delve deeply into the mystery of our Divine Feminine Nature. In the exquisite sanctuary of the Mana Retreat Center we will nourish, heal and rejuvenate our bodies, minds and souls. Together, we will embody the beauty and grace of our natural feminine power.

Find Your Voice
Through ancient matriarchal teachings that explain how you can use the cyclical flow of your feminine fluidity, you will untangle blockages and learn to access the reservoir of your hidden resources. Through chanting, meditation and feminine spiritual practices, we will invoke our true voices so we can listen, clarify and strengthen our path with heart.

Join Amara Charles, Shyena Venice and special guest Sharman Okan for a delightful journey you will never forget. Enjoy the spirit of this gorgeous land as well as premier accommodations, spa treatments, fine food and remarkably friendly people. If you have always wanted to visit New Zealand, or long to bathe in the tranquility of your feminine beauty, this is the way to do it.

This Voices of the Divine Feminine Retreat has come about through many years of dreaming together with Sharman Okan, and a number of elegant adventures with Shyena to New Zealand. We did our first and only retreat together many years ago in Wirunii, Australia. It was called Mystic Rapture, which is precisely what it was. It was a fully spontaneous event where we co created from our different traditions from the deep affinity of our spirits. It was a full immersion into feminine ceremonies of initiation from the Shamanic, Taoist, Tantric and Buddhist lineages we carry. Voices of the Divine Feminine will thus be a reunion continuing what we began seven years ago. It’s going to be a sublime experience of ceremonial chant, meditation, deep reflection and joy opening the space to discover the true vibrations of your natural voice.

this mishmash of different traditions (or more accurately a distortion of different traditions) is fairly typical of the grooming and recruitment workshops run by THB networks

I'm not saying that that is what these are, but I can't help but notice that many women who get involved with Quodoushka seem to end up working in the sex industry, even if they call themselves "Goddesses"  "Dakinins" "sacred sexual healers" "intimacy coaches" "sexological bodyworkers" or some other euphemism for what is basically a newage sex worker.

The facilitators for the above events are

AMARA CHARLES is a Master Quodoushka Teacher and has been an apprentice of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path of Turtle Island since 1987. She has traveled teaching Spiritual Sexuality workshops internationally for over twenty years. She is the author of the best selling book ‘The Sexual Practices of Quodoushka’ as well as ‘Sexual Agreements’’, ‘Aching to Open’ and ‘Touch for Two’ Amara welcomes you to find your voice at the her Voices of the Divine Feminine Retreat in New Zealand.

I don't really need to comment on this as we all know what this means.

SHYENA VENICE Golden Eagle is an intuitive spiritual healer and teacher. Master Bodyworker and gifted musician, Her teachings are based on 20 years of practice in the ancient Taoist White Tigress and Shamanic traditions of spiritual sexuality. She is also the Musical Director of Touch for Two’ and CEO of SYLK, the Natural Premium Lubricant for women.

her FB page is here
and her FB friends are VERY interesting, they include
Adinatha Tantra - this is hte FB account for a senior MISA (Romanian thb network) member based at the Natha Yoga Centre in Copenhagen - possibly Adina Stoian?
Niki Faldemolaei - Recently arrested on charges of participating in a criminal syndicate, keeping a house of prostitution, receiving earnings of prostitution, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Anastasia Tantrika - Owner and Founder at London Tantric Temple (newage brothel)
Baba Dez Nichols - newage pimp, founder of the Sedona Temple (brothel) and friend of many MISA agents
Crystal Dawn Morris - core staff member of the Temple of One (Phoenix Goddess Temple / newage brothel)
Gypsy Lynn Edmondson - currently facing criminal charges re the PGT police raids
Bear Bearcloud - pretendian with strong links to the PGT and Sedona temple
Jade Lotus Tantra - international network of newage brothels

Plus countless newage sex workers and crystal skull merchants

Both of the above women teach and advocate "White Tigress" training which basically is where women are taught that it is good for their health to fellate multiple men without barrier protection and to swallow.  

Anyone who is interested can see a video of a "sacred sexual healer" / newage sex worker describing the oral sex aspects of the White Tigress practice here (very explicit discussion but not images)

Interestingly the woman in the video recently appeared in the Daily Mail in a story about her 3 way polyamorous relationship here
Please note that she calls herself a "sexologist" - yet another euphemism for newage sex worker

Anyway, back to the white tigress practice - apart from the risk of vulnerable, impressionable young women being abused there are very real risks of throat cancer associated with this practice and of course risks from STIs.  Not that reality ever stopped newage exploiters of course.  
« Last Edit: December 16, 2011, 10:52:05 pm by sky »