Author Topic: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills  (Read 66975 times)


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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2015, 10:06:37 pm »
A reasonable voice:

Phillip Halfhill Hanson
June 19 at 10:16am · Edited
I've held back enough on this issue. But it's reached critical mass. Back when we were organizing and promoting the gatherings back in the 70s (and I'm one of the ORIGINAL FOUNDERS of the first gathering), we would have never, ever chosen the BLACK HILLS as a gathering site unless we were given permission by the LAKOTA PEOPLE. Now, you've all seen that the majority of the Lakota don't want the gathering there. You better wake up and smell the coffee! Yeah, you can say, "What do you know, Phil Coyote?" Plenty! A Group called the Christ Brotherhood sent out invitations in 1973 for the Wyoming Gathering. Those of us who had promoted the first gathering that occurred in Colorado in 1972 had not had any intention of there being a second gathering. But the Christ Brotherhood had invited everyone for the Wyoming deal to be HELD IN THE WIND RIVER Wilderness area, held sacred by the (Shoshone/Aprapaho). It became obvious that the tribes didn't want it there. So we redirected the gathering to PUBLIC LAND at South Pass, Wyoming. It all went smoothly, with 20,000 in attendance or so.The Christ Brotherhood nevertheless led their stubborn crew into the Wind River Wilderness area, They were arrested and went to Club Fed. We had warned them that something bad would happen. But they refused to listen. Too proud.
The Lakotas have made it clear they don't want a gathering on their sacred lands. So respect that. Otherwise, you're not being wise at all. Peace, Phil Coyote.

(my use of bolding)

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2015, 10:09:06 pm »
"Save" the Black Hills?! By trashing them?! Whoever thinks their appalling gathering doesn't harm the land has taken way too many drugs.

Since the 1960s hippies and activists have been different crowds. There's always been a bit of overlap, but basically the Rainbows are in the "drop out, tune in, turn on" camp - they don't blockade or do anything but think their drumming circles and drug trips will magically heal the earth. They don't do activism; that's a lie.

There have been a lot of comparisons to Sturgis. No one wants the bike gathering there, either. BUT, at least Sturgis takes place on paved areas, not in ecologically-sensitive, ceremonial areas. AND Sturgis bikers often arrive two to a bike, whereas Rainbows often show up as one or two persons per van.  Per person, the Rainbows are consuming more fossil fuels and causing more destruction. If the hippies want to help, let them go blockade the bike rally, or set up next to the invasive Man Camps and blockade the pipelines.

What? Not fun enough? Too hard? Too risky?

No, they'd rather be racist colonizers, violating the boundaries of the tribes and spreading lies.

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #47 on: June 22, 2015, 12:13:32 am »
A reasonable voice:

Phillip Halfhill Hanson
June 19 at 10:16am · Edited
I've held back enough on this issue. But it's reached critical mass. ....

In that Facebook group, Robin Denton the Rainbow Rapist is participating in the discussion. And they are allowing it. Until they are willing to kick people like that out, their words mean nothing.

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #48 on: June 22, 2015, 12:14:43 am »
And Denton is lying on his page and petition, saying that Arvol invited them. LIAR.

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #49 on: June 22, 2015, 12:24:04 am »
Other white Drainbows are claiming they carry eagle feathers. Time to call Fish and Wildlife on them.


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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #50 on: June 22, 2015, 01:29:01 am »
So, they get one Lakota to give them a "thumbs up" and they have the approval of every Lakota?  At least, that is the way it appears.

I don't know who Farron Blake Ross King is but I get the impression he is very young and extremely naive.  He says:  "We live in our tiny little "rez boxes".  These people live outside in accordance with the mother."

So, "these people" live outside ALL THE TIME, it that right, Farron Blake??

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #51 on: June 22, 2015, 01:40:39 am »
So, they get one Lakota to give them a "thumbs up" and they have the approval of every Lakota?

Well. that's the way a good part of the territories were 'bought'... So the Drainbows are good colonialists, very traditional, very entitled, and very full of it.

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #52 on: June 22, 2015, 04:08:04 pm »
Found some kid who likes to smoke pot and gave him some beads.

Offline browndiasporia

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #53 on: June 23, 2015, 04:07:50 am »
so this is gonna happen, disregard for native voices as usual :(
is there anyway that a post can be made with guidelines and rules to follow for the people that are going to attend? ex. no alcohol no new age sweat lodges no traditional clothing.

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #55 on: June 23, 2015, 01:43:58 pm »
They were told to stay away, and they spit in Native's faces. They've shown they don't care what NDNs want. Does anyone really think they're going to now listen to NDNs and stop doing their drugged freakout pretendian sweats? Or dressing however they like? Or smoking pot in fake chanupas?

The hippies who have respect, or who were able to learn and change, are headed to Michigan, or staying home. The only ones who are coming are the boundary-violating, criminal offenders who believe they are already the better Indians than the NDNs themselves.

Even though the fake Rainbow Prophecy - that hippies will replace the Indians and take over Indian culture and ceremonies - has been debunked as racist propaganda, they still feature it on their website and trot it out when people tell them they are not a real tribe.

If they cared what NDNs think, if they saw the Hills as sacred, they wouldn't be there.

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #56 on: June 23, 2015, 02:32:31 pm »
PRESS RELEASE Rainbow Family Of Living Light June 22 2015

"We call on all like minded Rainbow family members to boycott the Annual National Rainbow Gathering of the self-empowered Rainbow scouts and come home to California, Michigan or Shawnee. We love all of our Family dearly, as well as all First Nations peoples and we ask that you act accordingly with a peaceful, ethically motivated, self-evacuation of the site in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Please join the great majority of Family already gathering elsewhere."

Full statement:

None of them signed it, so it's still not clear who is in which faction. I assume this statement is from some of the older, founding Rainbows who have been speaking out against invading the Black Hills.

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #57 on: June 23, 2015, 06:38:55 pm »
More of the older Rainbows are urging their people to leave the Black Hills:

"What just happened to the Rainbow Gathering"

"Now the Rainbow family is in a bizarre argument with the Lakota, supporting the USFS against the sovereign custodians of the Black Hills. Breaking our own traditions to do so. I don’t know if you know this, but the Lakota never gave up the Black Hills. They were taken after a treaty that they refused to sign, paid for with money that they have refused to accept, and generally wrangled away from them in a process so disgustingly corrupt that even the United States Supreme Court said we had to give the Black Hills back. Which the government refused to do. Even the UN supports the Lakotan claim to the land. So why are we acting like the Black Hills are an American national forest? Is that what we want?"

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #58 on: June 25, 2015, 12:19:39 am »
Without going into the various other controversies in and around Cante Tenza, or the people who have been affiliated with them... I'm posting this here for the record as it explains a lot of what's been going on.

The stuff referred to above about someone's adopted nephew going off to do drugs with the Drainbows and setting up offensive deals behind their elders' backs? Here you go:


Lakota Grandmother Society Sanctions Rainbow Supporters
June 24, 2015 Strong Heart Warriors   

On behalf of the Lakota Grandmother Khahtela Society

from Cante Tenza Okolakiciye – Strong Heart Warrior Society

Contact: Mary Felicia 605-454-4421


Lakota Grandmother Society Sanctions Supporters of Rainbow Gathering

Pine Ridge – A traditional society of Lakota grandmothers today issued a strong sanction against a group of Lakota women and young people who have publicly supported the gathering of the Rainbow Family in the sacred Black Hills and endorsed hurtful public statements dismissing and neglecting the traditional cultural roles of Lakota elders.

One such statement said that elders are no longer needed and that youth, “must take control from the old people.” Statements like this create deep hurt and isolation among Lakota elders already struggling with poverty and harsh conditions of life on Pine Ridge Reservation as well as harm the survival of the Lakota Nation itself by the disregarding of the many years of experience and knowledge held by grandmothers and grandfathers.

Elders of the Grandmothers Khahtela Society from the Porcupine, Manderson, Pine Ridge, and Oglala districts as well as others throughout all nine districts on Pine Ridge are supporting sanctions against Lakota women who have facilitated the entry of the Rainbow members into the Black Hills as well as onto Pine Ridge Reservation while being openly dismissive of traditional Lakota protocols and societies that have worked to defend and preserve Lakota language and culture for decades.

The list of Lakota women ordered to appear in front of the Grandmothers Khahtela Society are:

Olowan Martinez

Misty Little

Autumn Two Bulls

Joanne Spotted Bear

Doris Respects Nothing

Lakota grandmothers are also disturbed by the public actions and social media postings of Lakota youth Leo Cordier, who has been openly critical and dismissive of Lakota elders and efforts by the Black Hills Treaty Council and Strong Heart to vacate the Rainbow festival from unceded Lakota territory in the Black Hills.

Mr. Cordier is serving as a so-called “Rainbow Ambassador” encouraging Lakota youth to visit the Rainbow Gathering. On Tuesday he took the lead in organizing a Rainbow bus to visit Pine Ridge to pick up trash. On social media he wrote, “NEED SOMEONE TO GET A HOLD OF KIANI, AND/OR LUCID. HERE ON THE REZ AWAITING THE RAINBOW BUS TO HELP CLEAN UP THE PARK AND TRANSPORT INDIGENOUS TO THE GATHERING AS WELL AS DROP OFF FOOD.”

But the innocent sounding trash pick-up was revealed as an opportunity to share drugs and recruit Lakota youth to the gathering. A concerned source inside the Rainbow Family reported, “By [Rainbow] giving tours of their buses and offering marijuana to young adults within the Lakota Nation, they have sown the seeds of distrust, rebellion and isolation.”

Many of the traditional Lakota grandmothers are a part of the small percentage of Lakota people who still speak fluent Lakota and hold onto cultural traditions. They are vocal in speaking out against the corruption within the Oglala Sioux Tribe (OST) Government and often face elder abuse in the forms of verbal abuse, neglect, physical assault, threats, and blacklisting from needed services like housing, healthy food, and funding for travel to receive medical care necessary for life. Despite these obstacles, these elders are the foundation for Lakota sovereignty and independence and critical to the survival of the Lakota Nation.

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Rainbow Gathering in Black Hills
« Reply #59 on: June 25, 2015, 10:14:36 pm »

Karin, the Drainbow whose blog that is, is spreading blatant disinformation. Her "Lakota who welcomed us"? - The few abovementioned young people who like to smoke pot (and at least one of whom was not raised in Lakota community) who are accused of setting up drug deals, and who have now been called out by the Grandmothers for disrespecting the Lakota elders, traditions and community.

Natives and allies have tried to post on Karin's blog to clear up her disinformation, and she does not let our comments go through. It's clearly a page for spreading propaganda and lies.