Author Topic: Joseph Cosgrove AKA Joseph White Wolf  (Read 48050 times)


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Re: Joseph Cosgrove AKA Joseph White Wolf
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2013, 04:52:04 pm »
Finally in January 2010 (by which time my cancer—which all my doctors say that is the most aggressive breast cancer they have ever seen—had metastasized all over the place) I found a clever and powerful shaman called Joseph White Wolf who could help me permanently. He said that Guy worked with coyote (trickster) energy so can disguise what he does. The breakthrough occurred when Joseph looked very carefully until he discovered a beehive-structure that Guy had installed in me. It looked beneficial at first perusal, which is why my healers before missed it. But it turns that buried in it was a festering curse that was feeding my sickness. After this was carefully and incrementally removed, my shaman changed my “spiritual address” so that Guy could no longer attack me.
I definitely feel better since then spiritually. But it is not clear if my cancer—which has snowballed into an uncontrolled state—will be able to stop in time.


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Re: Joseph Cosgrove AKA Joseph White Wolf
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2013, 01:06:32 am »
Finally in January 2010 (by which time my cancer—which all my doctors say that is the most aggressive breast cancer they have ever seen—had metastasized all over the place) I found a clever and powerful shaman called Joseph White Wolf who could help me permanently. He said that Guy worked with coyote (trickster) energy so can disguise what he does. The breakthrough occurred when Joseph looked very carefully until he discovered a beehive-structure that Guy had installed in me. It looked beneficial at first perusal, which is why my healers before missed it. But it turns that buried in it was a festering curse that was feeding my sickness. After this was carefully and incrementally removed, my shaman changed my “spiritual address” so that Guy could no longer attack me.
I definitely feel better since then spiritually. But it is not clear if my cancer—which has snowballed into an uncontrolled state—will be able to stop in time.

Sadly, Joseph White Wolf did not help her.  She passed in January 2012.  Her husband was Dr. Dean Howell, which she referenced on her website:

HOWELL, TRISHA (FIKE) Feb. 6, 1962 to Jan. 2, 2012 Born Patricia Bennett Fike in Anchorage, Alaska. She moved to San Diego in 1973, graduated from San Diego High School 1980. Trisha is survived by her husband Dr. Dean Howell and her mother Frances Thomas Fike. Her father William Jewell Fike died in 1979. Memorial at Clairemont Mortuary, 2 p.m. Saturday, February 4, 2012.

Offline yukotak

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Re: Joseph Cosgrove AKA Joseph White Wolf
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2013, 08:44:51 pm »
I met this man Joseph White Wolf in Sedona and was quite impressed with him. Then I searched his name and found this site. I was very upset to think that I had been decived. So the next time I saw Joseph, I confronted him about it and he showed me his identity card. It was issued by the League of Indian Nations of North America, North Bay Ontario chapter. I did some research on the Internet and called their chapter office. They confirmed that he IS who he says is. To get this ID card requires your complete family history and a long form birth certificate.

Their website is and their phone number is 705-472-0777. You can confirm it for yourself if you’re REALLY interested in the truth. The office is only open 2 days a week in the summer, so you’ll have to be patient about getting through.

It’s good to expose fraud, but those who choose to make it their mission in life have a serious obligation to be sure of the truth BEFORE they speak. So now I’m upset with NAFPS. I think you are doing a hatchet job on Joseph White Wolf with statements like, “There are other allegations of outright criminal wrongdoing that I won't post unless or until there's proof.” To make a statement like that and leave it there IS making an allegation already!

To call someone a fraud means that they are deceptive and dishonest. Just because someone believes differently than you doesn’t mean they’re a fraud. I ended up speaking with Joseph for several hours that day. My sense of him is that he’s far too gentle and kind-hearted to speak out against anyone, so I doubt he will ever post a response on this site. It’s just not his way. When I asked him what he was going to do about the allegations he said, “I tried to contact them to talk but they refused, so now there’s nothing else that needs to be done. I think they must be really angry people. I do what I do because I’m guided by Creator to do it, and I don’t have time to waste on that”.

In person he’s very clear about who he is: part Irish, part Mohawk and Algonquin. He also seems very at peace with that. He doesn’t identify exclusively with any one race or culture. I think he’s like many other people of mixed heritage in that he’s been forced to find his own path in life, and he’s chosen to spend it helping others. He confirmed that at one time he was a locksmith, but so what? He also confirmed that his father had been a trapper and is now an entertainer known as The Singing Trapper. So what?

In person Joseph is very humble and didn’t claim to be a “shaman”. He identifies himself as a spiritual teacher. He said people on the Internet had placed all kinds of labels on him, such as shaman and fraud. Perhaps the problem here is that he’s out trying to help others and he’s not a publicist. My opinion is that people need to stop exploiting him. If you are really interested in the truth you will remove him from your site and do the research. Of course, if you are more interested in the money your .org can get from donors than you are the truth, you'll probably leave his name on your site and never make that call.

I’ve given my testimony and that’s all I have to say in this forum -- because I don’t have time to waste either.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Joseph Cosgrove AKA Joseph White Wolf
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2013, 09:33:32 pm »
1. I met this man Joseph White Wolf in Sedona and was quite impressed with him.

2. I confronted him about it and he showed me his identity card. It was issued by the League of Indian Nations of North America, North Bay Ontario chapter. I did some research on the Internet and called their chapter office. They confirmed that he IS who he says is. To get this ID card requires your complete family history and a long form birth certificate.

3. Their website is

4. I think you are doing a hatchet job on Joseph White Wolf with statements like, “There are other allegations of outright criminal wrongdoing that I won't post unless or until there's proof.” To make a statement like that and leave it there IS making an allegation already!

5. To call someone a fraud means that they are deceptive and dishonest. Just because someone believes differently than you doesn’t mean they’re a fraud.

6. When I asked him what he was going to do about the allegations he said, “I tried to contact them to talk but they refused, so now there’s nothing else that needs to be done. I think they must be really angry people. I do what I do because I’m guided by Creator to do it, and I don’t have time to waste on that”.

7. My opinion is that people need to stop exploiting him.

8. If you are really interested in the truth you will remove him from your site and do the research.

9. Of course, if you are more interested in the money your .org can get from donors than you are the truth, you'll probably leave his name on your site and never make that call.

10. I’ve given my testimony and that’s all I have to say in this forum -- because I don’t have time to waste either.

1. You didn't say why you were impressed. Since you sought him out in Sedona, my guess is, like many others, he told you what you wanted to hear, lots of fluff.

2.Actually the LINA website does not say one has to be enrolled. Someone who is a descendant, as we ourselves said before, can get a card.

So ironically you just confirmed what we already said in our research.

3. Actually it's ironically you weren't careful with the facts.

4.Just the opposite, it's being careful NOT to make a false allegation. And it's also calling for further investigation.

5. The problem is Cosgrove is selling non-Native beliefs as Native. That is fraud, and deception, and it's done for money.

Were he to relabel himself accurately as someone of distant Native ancestry with no understanding of Native traditions selling Nuage beliefs, then he would not be a fraud.

6.Cosgrove has made absolutely NO effort to contact anyone here.
If you'd bothered to check, you know, actually do some research and know your facts, you'd see that frauds come here all the time to try and defend themselves. We welcome them. Often they can clear up unclear facts.

At other times, their own words are used to hang them, as Cosgrove has done by being exposed now as a liar.

And of course Cosgrove goes into the usual Nuage fluffy line, that somehow anger is a bad thing.

Come on, do you really expect Natives will never get mad given all the abuse done?

And clearly you're far angrier in your defense of Cosgrove than anything we've said. It's got you so angry you're almost sputtering. That's why you keep making these obvious mistakes.

7. Our opinion is that he needs to quit exploiting his distant Native ancestry and come clear about being purely a fluffy Nuage practitioner who gets people killed because he doesn't know how to actually heal.

8. Why would we? All the evidence you provided confirms our research.

If you were truly interested in the truth you'd quit defending an incompetent fraud posing as a Native healer, and you'd actually do the research you falsely accuse others of not doing.
9 .  ::) What money would that be? If anything, we LOSE money, all of us. We are all volunteers. No one is paid anything. And the website is given to use for free by others who believe in what we do. Before that, we paid for the site ourselves every year for many years.

But you would know that...if you had bothered to do your research and were truly interested in the truth.

10. IOW, like Mr Cosgrove, you're going to stomp your feet like a kid on the playground and stick your fingers in your ears while going "La la la, can't hear you." Very immature, and it does not help Cosgrove one bit.

Let us know if you grow up, and then we'd be glad to talk.


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Re: Joseph Cosgrove AKA Joseph White Wolf
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2013, 11:13:25 pm »
In person Joseph is very humble and didn’t claim to be a “shaman”. He identifies himself as a spiritual teacher. He said people on the Internet had placed all kinds of labels on him, such as shaman and fraud.

Not only does he claim to be a shaman, it is a registered name:

Registered Name

General Information File ID   495747
Description   Trade Name
Status   Active
Address 1   PO BOX 3652
State   AZ
ZIP   86340-
Business Type   COUNCELING
Domestic Begin Date   7/1/2010
Registered Date   7/19/2010


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Re: Joseph Cosgrove AKA Joseph White Wolf
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2013, 11:28:58 pm »
Called to follow the Shaman's path, Joseph's gift of healing and teaching manifests itself through his ability to work in Dream-time.  His wisdom has been a great inspiration to many people.

Joseph will be your guide during Sweat Lodge, medicine wheel, and other ceremonies.There are those who come to Sedona to experience indigenous teachings, and Joseph is one you can count on to be authentic, he is a true healer and Shaman.

This is from the About Us page of SedonaQuest Adventures, listing only two people - Joseph White Wolf and Jim Law. Good bet that Joseph had something to do with this description.


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Re: Joseph Cosgrove AKA Joseph White Wolf
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2013, 11:51:39 pm »
And just once more with the "shaman", in this video he is introduced as a "Native American Shaman" by the woman interviewer he is shoulder to shoulder with. He does not object, clarify, or change her description of him.

Offline yukotak

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An open letter to Al Carroll & NAFPS
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2013, 05:02:02 pm »
Dear Mr. Carroll,

I took your response to heart and did my research on you and your organization. I had a lot of reading to do, so it’s taken me some time. Here is what I have to say to you and all others reading this site. Know this  [lots of cloying irrelevance and condescending racism deleted]

You asked me why I was so impressed with Joseph White Wolf. [rambling deleted] I first met Joseph sitting beside a trail in Sedona at sunrise [irrelevant fluff delete] I started seeing Joseph by the trail two years ago… always in the same place, always alone, and always in prayer and meditation.  [rambling sanctimony removed] but it impressed me.  We eventually spoke to each other and became acquaintances.  I never paid him a single penny and he never offered to perform any Native American “ceremonies” for me.

Perhaps you’re thinking that I have some burning desire to participate in Native American ceremonies or discover some secret knowledge that only Native American people possess?  If so, you’re very sadly mistaken.  The vision quest, the sweat lodge, the sun dance and the peyote church have no allure for me...[more rambling]

[yet more rambling and more than a few lies]

I’ve found no anger at all in Joseph’s heart.  Nor in the Navajo half of my son-in-law’s heart.  Nor in the hearts of most other Native Americans I’ve had the pleasure to know over the years. But I’ve also been to Pine Ridge and San Carlos and I definitely saw it there. In my experience anger over the past isn’t a universal trait among Native Americans, it’s specific to some individuals and tribes… and the suffering on those reservations where it is strongest is truly heartbreaking.

Did Joseph tell me what I wanted to hear?  I’ll leave that up to you to decide Mr. Carroll.  What Joseph told me was that the day is coming when all the people of the world would sit down together at one table in prayer and ceremony and true brotherhood with each other. He said that this day would come because the Creator wants it to be so. In saying that he allowed me to believe that Native American culture had something beautiful to offer the global community… something far more profound than anger, casinos, tax free cigarettes and trading post trinkets. Do you think he was he lying to me? 

[yet more rambling]

 You accuse him of not being true to the fundamentalist teachings of Native America. I find that funny, because someone from the Westboro Baptist Church recently told me I wasn’t a true Christian. It happened when they came to Prescott to protest homosexuality at the memorial service for 19 fallen firefighters, none of whom were homosexual. The good and righteous  people from Westboro Baptist really just wanted to use the memorial service to get attention from the media.

You speak of using people’s words to hang them. Is that what you really want to do? Hang people? How will you hang me Mr. Carroll… now that you have heard a tiny bit of my story?  I’m sure a man a clever and witty as you will find a way. Have it your way, but keep in mind that when you set yourself up as the judge, jury and executioner it’s not justice, it’s a lynching. Perhaps in my case you will recount all the abuses of Christianity. I’m well aware of them. It was inevitable that Native American people and the rest of the world would meet. If you truly love Native culture then you should be grateful that it was the Christians who came first and not the Wahhabe fundamentalists, for they believe in conversion by the sword. If they had come first there wouldn’t be a Native ceremony happening anywhere in the New World today.

[yet more rambling and sanctimonious condescending racism]

I see you’re a history teacher and that you claim to be part Mescalero Apache. Then you should know that the Mescalero part of your blood line is guilty too. As I understand it the Apaches were a peaceful gathering and hunting culture when they lived in the North, but once they arrived in the Southwest they soon became a warrior culture focused on raiding and the taking of slaves.
It’s my understanding that this warrior culture reached a point where it was considered unmanly for an Apache male to work for a living because honor lay in taking what you wanted from your enemy --  and the enemy was anyone who wasn’t a relative.  Mr. Carroll, you should know that it was the Apaches who attacked and destroyed the peaceful Zuni village of Hawikuh in 1672, killing hundreds and enslaving ALL of the survivors. Would you say that was an Indian-on-Indian attempt at genocide? Sure sounds like it to me. What the Apaches had to learn the hard way is that it’s just no fun being a warrior if you can’t keep up with technology and it’s your people being massacred.
As a history teacher you should know it’s a myth that Cortez and his men conquered the Aztecs alone.  In reality they had tens thousands of willing Native allies -- people who were eager to help because they had been brutally abused by the Aztecs and wished to be free of them. I agree with history’s assessment of Cortez as an evil man only interested in gold, but it was actually the genocide that the Aztecs were perpetrating on other tribes that ultimately allowed the Spanish to prevail in that instance. When the human sacrifices finally stopped, the sun didn’t change its behavior.

I see that you are also part Mexican. As I understand it the Mexicans and Apaches absolutely hated each other. So perhaps there’s a war of self-hatred going on inside of you Mr Conner. If Arvol Looking Horse has been unable to heal this for you, maybe it’s because deep down inside he really does believe in racial purity. I don’t know him so I can’t say.  I suggest you talk to Joseph White Wolf, for he shares your genetic imperfection and has managed to overcome it.  Better yet talk to God, for all things can be healed through him.

Do I mind that Joseph White Wolf gets paid for the spiritual teaching he does with others?  Absolutely not.  In fact, I wish there were a lot more people like him. You’re a teacher Mr. Carroll, and you DO get paid, don’t you?  If you feel that strongly about not charging money for teaching, perhaps you should set an example and offer your own classes on a donation basis.  It’s my belief that the world needs forward looking spiritual teachers at this moment far more than it needs another backward looking history teacher trying to twist the story to suit themselves, which most them do in my experience.  I see that Arvol Looking Horse has some books and DVD’s for sale as well, but it’s not place to judge him. In fact, my religion forbids me to judge on God’s behalf.

The only thing I agree with you about is that some people are being lied to by other people who claim to be spiritual. It’s part of their journey together and their learning process. It’s not my place to interfere with anyone’s learning process. 

[more rambling]

So perhaps the greatest fraud of all is that which is being perpetrated on Native American children who live on those reservations where anger over the colonial past is still rampant -- and the suffering from alcoholism, poverty, domestic  violence, obesity and diabetes is absolutely astounding.  If the “genuine” full-blooded healers you claim to be protecting really had special powers, the rate of alcohol abuse wouldn’t be the highest, and the average life expectancy wouldn’t be the lowest of any group in the U.S.  Perhaps what’s really going on here is similar to what’s happening with Muslim clerics -- they’re afraid of losing influence and control over their people.

If your website is any indication, each new generation on the Pine Ridge Reservation is inheriting the anger of their parents by being told that their victimization is somehow special and they must never join in prayer and ceremony with the larger world community.  They’re being told their ceremonies are the one true religion. Interesting… because the Wahhabi  fundamentalists of Al Qaeda have been taught the same thing.  Fundamentalist Christians believe it too, but please don’t count me among that group. Perhaps the modern world and the technological experiment that started with agriculture will collapse one day as fundamentalists everywhere seem to want, but if so I suspect we’ll all go together, so maybe it’s best not to hope for that.

At the end of the day, after all your heat and noise Mr. Carroll, have any of the people you label as frauds on your site ever been arrested or gone out of business? Or have you only made them more famous?  In all my searching I couldn’t find any evidence that you’ve actually accomplished anything of importance.

[yet more rambling and Nuage fluff]

It’s my prayer that what we’re seeing in Al Qaeda, the Westboro Baptist Church, at Pine Ridge, and on your site is the last dying gasp of fundamentalism.  The only race I choose to belong to is the human race, because that’s the only way forward into the future.

[bizarre mix of childish insults, condescending racism, and Nuage fluff]
« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 10:47:38 pm by educatedindian »

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Re: An open letter to Al Conner & NAFPS
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2013, 05:18:19 pm »

WTF is this person named Al Conner?


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Re: An open letter to Al Conner & NAFPS
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2013, 06:37:04 pm »

WTF is this person named Al Conner?

She obviously did not do the "research" she said she did.  Bless you, Yukotak, and good luck. 

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Re: An open letter to Al Conner & NAFPS
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2013, 07:59:36 pm »
I couldn't read the whole thing. My head hurts. But I would suggest that if you are going to "educate" someone, at least get btheir name right!

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Re: An open letter to Al Conner & NAFPS
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2013, 08:42:31 pm »
I cant believe this woman wrote this racist piece like she was not talking to
Native People, She dont even claim her Japanese blood she is an american
what a shame, My people are still very much alive and we do not claim to have special powers
what is wrong with this woman all she is doing is spread sterotypes

So perhaps the greatest fraud of all is that which is being perpetrated on Native American children who live on those reservations where anger over the colonial past is still rampant -- and the suffering from alcoholism, poverty, domestic  violence, obesity and diabetes is absolutely astounding.  If the “genuine” full-blooded healers you claim to be protecting really had special powers, the rate of alcohol abuse wouldn’t be the highest, and the average life expectancy wouldn’t be the lowest of any group in the U.S.  Perhaps what’s really going on here is similar to what’s happening with Muslim clerics -- they’re afraid of losing influence and control over their people.
In Spirit

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Re: Joseph Cosgrove AKA Joseph White Wolf
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2013, 10:53:47 pm »
I can believe she is really that racist. The church that she grew up taught her all kinds of bigotry about who is and is not "civilized" and that's the filter through which she sees the world, in spite of her own ethnicity.

It's been a long time since I've seen someone so tangled up in knots, filled with racist hatred that she fails to mask with fluffy sentiments.

I removed a lot of the fluffy gibberish. It was pretty revealing that she refuses to call Cosgrove by his actual name, and that she felt the need to try and spam by starting a new thread

Of course, since she was utterly unable and unwilling to deal with several basic facts:

Cosgrove is exactly what we said he is, and she confirmed that fact, but is stuck in denial.

He's a failure as a healer  in addition to being a ceremony seller.

And his very limited success is due to precisely telling fluffy minded people what they would like to be true.


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Re: Joseph Cosgrove AKA Joseph White Wolf
« Reply #28 on: September 11, 2013, 02:22:12 pm »
I read Yukotak's entire "manuscript" yesterday, apparently influenced by Joseph Cosgrove -- and, as sometimes things have a way of doing, something about it kept in my mind as not adding up.  I came back today hoping that I would be able to pinpoint the area, but unfortunately it was part of the "fluff" that Al deleted.

Maybe someone here can help me in filling in what I am trying to recall.  She said she had not seen Joseph Cosgrove in a while, but I cannot recall whether that was months or longer.  This thread was started in late May 2013 and she first posted in early September 2013.  She said she had read our posts, confronted him about the charges, then checked out his identity card, and then posted here in his defense.  She also said he told her he had tried to contact us.  This all happened in a relatively short period of time, a period of three months.

I also found this interesting.  He has changed his story online, which is what Yukotak said he told her:

Today I offer myself not as a Native American, Irish, French or any other race/religion or culture but as a loving friend and teacher of what I have learned along my spiritual path of life... My teachings of love don't represent any certain tribe or race but have come to me by way of spirit in watching and listening to my plant and animal friends as well as great spirit... People have chosen to call me many things but I choose to be known simply as "a spiritual teacher."

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Re: Joseph Cosgrove AKA Joseph White Wolf
« Reply #29 on: September 11, 2013, 09:46:25 pm »
I read Yukotak's entire "manuscript" yesterday, apparently influenced by Joseph Cosgrove -- and, as sometimes things have a way of doing, something about it kept in my mind as not adding up.  I came back today hoping that I would be able to pinpoint the area, but unfortunately it was part of the "fluff" that Al deleted.

Maybe someone here can help me in filling in what I am trying to recall.  She said she had not seen Joseph Cosgrove in a while, but I cannot recall whether that was months or longer.  This thread was started in late May 2013 and she first posted in early September 2013.  She said she had read our posts, confronted him about the charges, then checked out his identity card, and then posted here in his defense.  She also said he told her he had tried to contact us.  This all happened in a relatively short period of time, a period of three months.

I also found this interesting.  He has changed his story online, which is what Yukotak said he told her:

Today I offer myself not as a Native American, Irish, French or any other race/religion or culture but as a loving friend and teacher of what I have learned along my spiritual path of life... My teachings of love don't represent any certain tribe or race but have come to me by way of spirit in watching and listening to my plant and animal friends as well as great spirit... People have chosen to call me many things but I choose to be known simply as "a spiritual teacher."

It does seem like Yukotak is in much closer contact with Cosgrove than she claimed. Either she or another follower keeps him closely informed of everything we do and say about him, or Cosgove does so himself.

I certainly take Cosgrove no longer presenting himself as a Native healer as a very helpful and hopeful sign.

And it certainly shows Yukotak's claim we have no effect to be false. There are plenty of other signs obviously...

Let me make this offer to Cosgrove, publicly, and either he or the followers of his who keep him informed can tell him...

Mr. Cosgrove, I think if you no longer sell any ceremony claiming to be Native, then you are no concern of ours.

When someone does the right thing ethically, we move the thread to Archives and mark it NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN.

Let me ask the forum as a whole, this latest action of Cosgrove's plus what else could get him moved out of Frauds?

I'm a bit concerned that much of the rest of his page still gives the impression he's selling Native healing. If it were to reflect that he now simply says he's selling his own ceremonies, or specifically New Age and not Native ones, then he could be moved out of Frauds.

I had planned to respond to Yukotak's looooong rambling attacks today, especially since she has some truly bizarre racism that needed to be taken apart point by point. But I don't want anything to distract from that, so I'll wait a while to see if Cosgrove responds and is willing to change more.