Author Topic: Betsey Lewis  (Read 102187 times)

Offline nemesis

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Betsey Lewis
« on: May 01, 2011, 06:43:16 am »
Here´s the interview:


I only listened to the 1st 20 minutes or so, but what a shameful farce!

That Betsey Lewis is a real piece of work isn't she?

It isn't surprising that she supports Kiesha and designs her websites as Betsey herself has written a bonkers book for children called Rainbow Eyes
R A I N B O W   
will delight children of all ages with its enchanting story and 16 beautiful illustrations about a little Lakota girl known as Dark Eyes who lives with her grandmother, a wise medicine woman.  Although Dark Eyes was born blind, she has an amazing gift--she communicates with wild creatures.  Find out how Dark Eyes saves her tribe to become legendary hero RAINBOW EYES.

This book is not available on Amazon and does not have an ISBN number, published by vanity publishers Author House

Betsey's latest guest on her blogtalkradio show is none other than Intl. Trance Medium Robert Goodwin on White Feather, who has his very own thread in the Frauds forum here.

Apparently they are unable to do any live psychic readings on the show.  I wonder why? Maybe he is afraid that people who know of his fraudulent activities will phone up and call him out on it?

Maybe Betsey should start each of her radio shows with a section responding to allegations of fraud / racism/ cultural appropriation etc.?

Betsey's inspiration and guidance is provided by the fraud Ed McGaa-Eagle Man.

Given her complete lack of care or concern for real native people, given her enthusiasm for supporting Kiesha and other frauds, given her own ridiculous book Rainbow Eyes, I am wondering whether Betsey deserves her own thread?

Offline snorks

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Re: Betsey Lewis
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 08:15:28 pm »
From the Book site:
(**** - mine)

The inspiration for RAINBOW EYES came from Betsey's rainbow vision in 1985 over the skies of Los Angeles, her love of animals, Mother Earth, her own intuitive experiences, ******her participation in Native American Sweat Lodge ceremonies and Vision Quests *****and her discovery of ancient petroglyphs on the Idaho/Nevada border.  She owes many of her beliefs to ****her mentor Author and Oglala Sioux Ceremonial Leader Ed McGaa--Eagle Man*****.

RAINBOW EYES was written for the new Rainbow/Crystal/Indigo children, who are being born now to bring healing energy and love to the earth.


A long time ago a tribe lived in a valley near the rumbling mountains, fish swam in the clear-blue waters and four-legged and winged creatures lived in peace with one another.

One day Grandmother and little Dark Eyes gathered berries by the river.

“Please tell me the story again,” begged Dark Eyes.

Grandmother began, “It was a cold night and the wind howled, but your mother and I were safe inside the tepee.”

“Wow!” said Dark Eyes.

          “It makes me proud you like the story of your birth,” said Grandmother holding her granddaughter’s little hands. “Your mother was weak, but very brave.  Before you were born she had a powerful vision of White Buffalo Calf Woman.”

          “What did she look like?” asked Dark Eyes.

          “Your mother said the beautiful woman wore white deerskin. She had  hair as black as a raven’s feather,” said Grandmother.

          “What did the woman say to Mother?” questioned Dark Eyes.

 “White Buffalo Calf Woman said your eyes would be darker than the night, but you would see and hear with your heart,” explained Grandmother.

 “What else did White Buffalo Calf Woman say, Grandmother?”

 “She said you will grow up to be a healer and you will talk to the four-legged and the winged creatures,” said Grandmother.

“What happened next?” asked Dark Eyes.

From her writing, it sounds like she channeled Brooke Medicine Eagle who wrote exactly like this in her two books.  Also, it seems Mr. McGaa is mentor to a number of folks.  I have several New Age books that mention his mentorship with various authors who are telling their new age version of sacred Native ceremonies.


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Re: Betsey Lewis
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2011, 11:34:08 pm »
AKA Jane B. Lewis

They talked in the interview about how this site attacks so many other "good, reputable" people, besides LG, and what a shame it is that you have nothing better to do.   ;D ;D

I think the real shame is that they have nothing better to do.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Betsey Lewis
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2011, 07:23:31 am »
I just hate the sound of her voice.  She has a hideous, whiny, voice that is not suited to radio and when she starts to opine about "all those negative people with sad lives who have nothing better to do that attack good people" and she is actually referring to real native people who are hurt and offended by Kiesha's scamming circus, it makes my blood boil.

Here's my idea for a book

The inspiration came to me from my intuitive experiences and my experience of researching blood drinking lizards (or should that be money grasping fake psychics?)



A long time ago a huge community inhabited a virtual world on the internet, radio shows and in the minds of countless newagers.  In this extraordinary world sharks swam in the clear-blue waters of the ocean (although the newagers imagined them to be dolphins) and all manner of shysters, pretendians, molesters and other creatures lived in peace with one another, and they all helped each other thrive and grow.  

One day Little Grandmother and little Cold Eyes gathered berries by the river.

“Please tell me the story again,” begged Cold Eyes.

Little Grandmother began, “It was a cold night and the wind howled, but your mother and I were safe inside the imaginary bubble of our own fantasised reality where nobody could hurt us with their tiresome insistence on things like truth, decency and reality”

“Wow!” said Cold Eyes

          “It makes me proud you like the story of your birth,” said Little Grandmother holding her Cold Eye’s little hands. “Your mother was weak, but very brave.  Before you were born she had a powerful vision of huge piles of dollar bills and a warehouse full of gold and diamonds.”

          “Just exactly how can I achieve my destiny in this respect?” asked Dark Eyes, with immense enthusiasm, for she was verra spirchul and understood that money was simply energy and that it was her birthright to have all this stuff, regardless of who it originally belonged to.

          “I see deluded people, vulnerable people, sick people” said Little Grandmother wisely, a warm smile lighting up her face and making her blond hair shine like so many gold coins in the sunlight.

etc. etc

edited to add

here's Betsey's youtube channel

WTF is that monstrosity in the background?  Why oh why do so many frauds, cults and pretendians love bad art? 

The channel has only one friend, tribeofmanycolors, which is no longer available as the user has closed their account.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 07:36:28 am by nemesis »


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Re: Betsey Lewis
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2011, 04:27:32 pm »
Nemesis, I love your idea for a book.  Please edit it before you publish to remove all reference to Dark Eyes (Ha!) or there may be a lawsuit. ;D ;D

What struck me about LG's interview with Betsey Lewis (I did listen to the entire interview, even though it was difficult), was that she seemed to be leading KC/LG many times.  There were a few times when KC/LG disagreed with Betsey, but mostly she just agreed with what Betsey said and elaborated on it.  Very interesting dynamic.  I am not sure who is copying who, but I definitely feel they feed off each other.  I agree with others that Betsey does not have the voice (or personality) for radio and is very hard to listen to.  KC/LG just tries to make herself out as such a martyr and that is difficult to listen to.  I would really love to hear an interview between someone who is totally impartial and is willing to ask the tough questions, but I doubt if that will ever happen.


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Re: Betsey Lewis
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2012, 01:05:07 am »
Betsey released a book in March which is on Amazon now:

It has two reviews so far and one reviewer is called Rainbow Woman.  Just look at the other books she has reviewed:

Angels, Aliens and Prophecy: The Connection by Betsey Lewis
5.0 out of 5 stars Wanting More, April 18, 2012
Angels, Aliens and Prophecy left me wanting more. The author brings up many thought-provoking theories on DBs (dimensional beings) and their connection to humans and our planet. I was impressed by Betsey's honesty as well as the amount of research and verification she took to connect the dots between angels and aliens and her own mystifying UFO experiences. Truly, DBs have been a part of our earthy experiences for eons and it seems they have a message for us. She includes many predictions by contactees and her own predictions, which left me feeling there is hope for humanity. The Afterword gave me chills--it connects the 1917 Marian vision by three children in Fatima, Portugal and the… Read more

Message for the Tribe of Many Colors by Kiesha Crowther
5.0 out of 5 stars Little Grandmother's Powerful Book, October 3, 2011
Little Grandmother's book, "Message for the Tribe of Many Colors" is a powerful, heartfelt book for our times--a must read for all who love Mother Earth and want to bring about the mass consciousness awakening. Little Grandmother's childhood was not an easy one, yet the lessons she was given show us that no matter what life hands us, we can rise above it through forgiveness, compassion and love. No doubt, Little Grandmother has been given divine messages by highly evolved beings.

Medicine Woman by Lynn Andrews
1.0 out of 5 stars FICTION--all FICTION!, November 1, 2010
Lynn is a wonderful fictional writer, and it's a shame she can't admit all her books are fictional stories. Close friends of her former Native American boyfriend, David Carson, known for his wonderful Medicine Cards and many other wonderful books, stated everything Lynn learned about the medicine way was taught by his grandmother in Santa Fe, not the fictional Native American characters in her books. Shame on you, Lynn, for deceiving so many people out there and shame on the greedy publishers who continued to publicize her books as non-fiction!

Isn't it interesting how that all works out?  I wonder if Rainbow Woman is LG or Betsey?

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Betsey Lewis
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2014, 04:50:49 pm » looks like she got her widdle feewings hurt.....bless her  heart

like all frauds she flaunts her white privilege, by saying she is ENTITLED to our ways

then she questions OUR nativeness? (by the way the non-natives here are transparent about themselves being non-native)

then like many other frauds she talks about how long she lived amongst our people ........ still dont make her an ndn .....and im sure her book sucks big time

i am really beginning to believe that twinkieism is a sickness

her entry here was pretty recent so im sure she checks this site pretty i would like to extend a special message to her

dear betsey,
F*** YOU!, you see absolutely nothing wrong with exploitation of us because you made a few ndn friends? do they know what youre up to? and of all people you support.... its little fraudmother? not the best path to credibility.....and for the record i never seen NAFPS asking for money either..........put down the crack pipe

love, mile high salute XOXOXOXO

PS, have a nice day  :) :) :) :) :)


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Re: Betsey Lewis
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2014, 07:56:52 pm »
Thanks, milehighsalute.  I stopped checking in on Betsey's website because it was too much like the David Icke forum with all the doom and gloom.  She really shows her ignorance and arrogance in her post in so many ways, doesn't she?  She also has that whiny, poor me, "what a martyr I am" attitude also.

What is NAFPS? Well, the group claims tp be American Indians exposing New Age fraud.  I'm not sure what NAFPS stands for, not even their website explains, but I guess part of it stands for Native Americans----. However, these people headed by Al Carroll are anything but registered Native America tribal people.
(Bolding Mine)

Betsey, NAFPS stands for New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans.  Really, you could find out what it means without too much work.   

Kiesha has been targeted by many groups claiming she's not Native American, she's a fraud, and that her own family has called her a liar. I don't know about Kiesha's past or her heritage or any about her family except that she is the mother of two children and she grew up in southern Colorado.
(Bolding Mine)

Exactly -- and you did not care to find out nor do you realize what a travesty it is the way she has lied repeatedly about her heritage.

Prior to my last interview with Kiesha, Al Carroll emailed me and wanted to question Kiesha on her background. I knew he was going to be rude and disruptive, and so I didn't allow it.  Al Carroll then proceeded to jump on his own website, NAFPS, under the name Nemesis and attacked me as a fraud because I wasn't  compliant with his request.
(Bolding Mine)

Oh, no, not Nemesis again!!  She is one busy poster hiding her identity!  What cheek!  (This is getting pretty comical.)

The characters posting on this thread clearly have been nowhere near the Sanctuary or Rain Queen Mother.

Anyone with any objectivity whatsoever will be able to pick up on the sly and cynical tone, particularly when reading posts by 'nemesis'.

This nemesis character is Toyin himself, the owner of that Ligali website.
(Bolding Mine)

Some time back, I listened to one of the interviews between Betsey and LG.  During the interview, I remember them laughing off all the "vicious, inaccurate attacks" online and saying that they just had to shake their heads at us poor people and that they would not look at the "negativity" online or acknowledge it in any way because they needed to keep their vibrations high and they would just send us "light and love".   Apparently, Betsey broke that rule because she has responded to this forum (but she does "pray for our enlightenment")  ;D ;D  Thanks, Betsey, much appreciated!

Betsey didn't do her research here:

Another Native American named Standing Bear was attacked by "NAFPS"  Standing Bear said this on his website,
(Bolding Mine)

Standing Bear is really Scarlet Kinney who has The Standing Bear Center in Maine.  This is the thread on our forum -- from 2006.

And Scarlet Kinney's website:

Betsey is really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.  She could not find the the comments by Scarlet Kinney on Scarlet's blog since it has been taken down (but, of course, she didn't realize that there is no "Native American named Standing Bear," but only Scarlet Kinney with the Standing Bear Center), but she found it on a blog from 2008 where they have done a "cut and paste" from Scarlet's blog.  The purpose of the blog only seems to be for attacking Al Carroll and they have not added to it since 2008.  I could not find out who is behind the blog, but I am sure that Al is familiar with it.***  This is a recent comment on the blog however (written by Alex Bruce on 7/11/13)  Mr. Bruce also repeated that comment in other places.

He is a clever person to fool people with his lies claiming to expose frauds. After a lot of research, he is a jihadist that was radicalized in Indonesia back in the 90's. The Islamic nation is very afraid of the Native American spirituality because it is so strong. He was sent back to America to cause harms to the Native people. He and his group are trying to disrupt the balance of the Native spirituality. Most of his group is unaware of his ties to Islam.

Wow!  I didn't know that.  So, does that mean that anyone on this forum is "part of his group" and "has ties to Islam".  I have never even met Al, nor have I ever even emailed him.  Yikes!

Betsey accuses us of being a hate group and cult-like and of picking up stuff off the internet that is not true, but she needs to take responsibility for her own actions because she has done a pretty good job of doing exactly that. 

*** Note:  It looks like John LeKay of Heyoka Magazine (seems to be out of business) is behind the blog.

NAFPS thread which started it:
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 03:33:46 am by Autumn »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Betsey Lewis
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2014, 05:43:19 pm »

Prior to my last interview with Kiesha, Al Carroll emailed me and wanted to question Kiesha on her background. I knew he was going to be rude and disruptive, and so I didn't allow it.  Al Carroll then proceeded to jump on his own website, NAFPS, under the name Nemesis and attacked me as a fraud because I wasn't  compliant with his request.
(Bolding Mine)

Oh, no, not Nemesis again!!  She is one busy poster hiding her identity!  What cheek!  (This is getting pretty comical.)

The characters posting on this thread clearly have been nowhere near the Sanctuary or Rain Queen Mother.

Anyone with any objectivity whatsoever will be able to pick up on the sly and cynical tone, particularly when reading posts by 'nemesis'.

This nemesis character is Toyin himself, the owner of that Ligali website.
(Bolding Mine)

He is a clever person to fool people with his lies claiming to expose frauds. [Bolding here is mine- Al] After a lot of research, he is a jihadist that was radicalized in Indonesia back in the 90's. The Islamic nation is very afraid of the Native American spirituality because it is so strong. He was sent back to America to cause harms to the Native people. He and his group are trying to disrupt the balance of the Native spirituality. Most of his group is unaware of his ties to Islam.

Wow!  I didn't know that.  So, does that mean that anyone on this forum is "part of his group" and "has ties to Islam".  I have never even met Al, nor have I ever even emailed him.  Yikes!

Betsey accuses us of being a hate group and cult-like and of picking up stuff off the internet that is not true, but she needs to take responsibility for her own actions because she has done a pretty good job of doing exactly that. 

*** Note:  It looks like John LeKay of Heyoka Magazine (seems to be out of business) is behind the blog.

NAFPS thread which started it:

 ::) ;D So I'm a jihadist now?! That gave me a big smile. It made my day.

Add jihadist to the list, along with Nazi, commie, CIA there anything I haven't been accused of?
I really know how Obama feels...My students are always bringing these crazy charges up, and they have a good laugh at these.

For the record, I was in TX in the 90s, except for 99 when I was starting grad school at Purdue. Didn't go to Indonesia until 2008. If I'm a jihadist I must be doing a pretty poor job...

Except apparently I'm also busy being Nemesis. Lewis is easily confused. There's years of dozens of posts of RQM's people convinced of their own conspiracy theory about Nemesis.

Glad to hear Lekay is out of business. I would've thought the millions made from selling bad crystal skull art would keep him solvent. Any idea what happened to him?


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Re: Betsey Lewis
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2014, 12:18:45 am »

 ::) ;D So I'm a jihadist now?! That gave me a big smile. It made my day.

Add jihadist to the list, along with Nazi, commie, CIA there anything I haven't been accused of?
I really know how Obama feels...My students are always bringing these crazy charges up, and they have a good laugh at these.

For the record, I was in TX in the 90s, except for 99 when I was starting grad school at Purdue. Didn't go to Indonesia until 2008. If I'm a jihadist I must be doing a pretty poor job...

Except apparently I'm also busy being Nemesis. Lewis is easily confused. There's years of dozens of posts of RQM's people convinced of their own conspiracy theory about Nemesis.

Glad to hear Lekay is out of business. I would've thought the millions made from selling bad crystal skull art would keep him solvent. Any idea what happened to him?

Thanks, Al.  I am not sure LeKay was behind the blog in question, since his identity is hidden.  There is so much "cut and paste" on the site and a lot of it from tallsoldier77 A/K/A John Martin, that I am beginning to think that he may have been behind it.

According to Wikipedia, LeKay is very much involved with his art.  They said that the links to his website and to the Heyoka site were not working effective 11/27/13.

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Betsey Lewis
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2014, 06:15:14 am »
lol jihadist  :o  ;D

gotta remember those ramblings are from the same guy who called al a rapist and a pedophile and had "proof" which proved to be nothing but his delusions........what do you expect from a guy who defended yeagley?


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Re: Betsey Lewis
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2014, 12:00:20 am »
Not only was I attacked about my connection to Kiesha, but they also attacked my spiritual teacher, Ed McGaa "Eagle Man," who is a registered Oglala Sioux Indian and a well-respected author. Ed is also a beloved ceremonial leader who danced in six Sun Dance ceremonies and  was a fighter pilot in the Vietnam war, flying 110 combat missions and received 8 Air Medals and 2 Crosses of Gallantry. If NAFPS can accuse me of anything, it's defending Kiesha Crowther and my teacher Ed McGaa, people I believe who are making a spiritual difference in our world.

Ed McGaa is the real deal, and he believes all people, "The Rainbow Tribe" should be able to take part in American Indian ceremony. Eagle Man has been repeatedly criticized for his belief that all should be privy to ceremony, not just American Indians.  How can we ever evolve spiritually if we don't share in ceremony and spiritual beliefs?

In one of her Blog Talk Radio interviews, Betsey and Kiesha lamented the fact that NAFPS attacks "good, reputable" people like Ed McGaa, Betsey's spiritual teacher.

Here are the two NAFPS threads on Ed McGaa:

Betsey referred to Kiesha in the same way she referred to Ed McGaa, as "the real deal".   :) :)