Author Topic: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"  (Read 72269 times)

Offline Paul

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #60 on: November 08, 2008, 02:26:53 pm »
Hi again Zoi,
The Chief in the State of Vermont can say whatever she or he wishes...when my relatives came down to the USA the Abenaki were not recognised on that side of the border and my relatives were a community among themselves.   Zoi, and yes...Chief Francis and his police did stop the prove a point and I will look it up for you.
Here Zoi, I did find the article(s) that I are a real pain Lady...I have spent forever to prove you wrong on this Darlin,I knew it was Chief St Francis that Elders talked about....  I find it hard to believe that an Abenaki Chief has not heard of her own Father Zoi...

And to the idiot that said that it is convenient that my relatives are all died... I wish to God that you were a man in front of me now...maybe someday My friend.

Offline Paul

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #61 on: November 08, 2008, 04:09:20 pm »
Hi again everyone,

I ask you all too please direct your questions to me since I have German Ladies such as Anke and Claudia responding now...and no, I didn’t ask them to.what I said for a Chiefs name is invalid when I have prove it just
I can handle as you have seen most anything...except when someone attacks or makes light of my Mother and her relatives being conveniently dead and not here to valid date my life....
Remember, the German girls have to take awhile to read the interpretations so please stop all of this is a whole day to read a simple paragraph, so put yourself in their place, they are speaking in a foreign language...OK!!! 
They may buckle-under like Claudia because of belief or trust when she said you know your beliefs...maybe it is her lack of understanding of what you are saying, or belief in what you are saying is right...IE: the bit about Zoi saying...  the Chief said that it isn’t so...well it is so!!!!
Anke is a pit-bull, and would have you all for lunch if you were in front of her. Claudia in her own language would cut you all a new butt-hole if she knew what you were saying...and I respect them so much...But you can pick on Martina because she is a Warrior...
As for me, have free...because I have answered everyone, and I will always validate my birthright of Native Abenaki...
Love ya all at lot, and Please don’t attack my relatives anymore or else I won’t forgive so easily.
Aho to everyone and have a sparkling day

Bear Paw

Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #62 on: November 08, 2008, 06:05:28 pm »
Chief Homer St Francis,is the Chief YOU refer to,he sadly passed away several years ago.His child?,is the very same one you show such disrespect to at this juncture.That being Chief April St Francis Merill,of Swanton Vt,not Springfield some three hours away from the Abenaki Nation,I am sure if you were to ask them directly,they would also tell you,that while some Abenaki left Vermont to go to Canada,the Vermont Abenaki never left "Missisquoi"
Also they would further inform you that the Abenaki do not have a reserve in Vermont,but they are State recognized having fought for over 40years to obtain that.
Let me be clear,NO ONE has insulted "your" relatives, furthermore no one knows who they are,you have been asked to give the names of the persons who taught you Abenaki ways to warrant being promoted as an Abenaki Shaman,because like it or not,people are paying to see an Abenaki Shaman/clairvoyent.
This forum has the right to know if the Abenaki Nation themselves accept and confirm your position as "Shaman" and/or in doing so validate the paid clairvoyant practises you meld it with.
It is not my business how the Abenaki do or do not respond,except to say I will uphold whatever the Chief of that Abenaki community determines.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #63 on: November 08, 2008, 06:29:07 pm »
you are a real pain Lady...I have spent forever to prove you wrong on this Darlin,

You know, the condescending, sexist, faux-endearments aren't winning you any points, either.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #64 on: November 08, 2008, 06:34:38 pm »
Remember, the German girls have to take awhile to read the interpretations so please stop all of this is a whole day to read a simple paragraph, so put yourself in their place, they are speaking in a foreign language...OK!!! 

How unfortunate you picked persons having so much difficulty reading English correspondence. A paragraph in an entire day, and even a simple paragraph at that? Okay then, we will be writing very slowly since we know they cannot read fast (in German translation for your sidekicks' convenience: Wir werden auch ganz langsam schreiben, weil wir wissen, daß ihr nicht schnell lesen könnt). Does Claudia e.g. know you just called her somewhat stupid saying 'if she knew what you were saying'? Claudia - he thinks you're so thick you don't know what we're saying [Claudia, er schreibt, daß du so doof bist, daß du nicht weißt, wovon wir reden!] As to who may be a pitbull or whatever, let's get past bouts of national stereotyping, Paul, and be polite: the ladies don't know what you're saying about them, and it's not nice to be talking like that into their faces, even if they don't grasp enough of the conversation.

And oh my, oh my, Paul
.. the German girls ...
- you're associating with minors?! If these persons are of an age that doesn't merit the term 'ladies', this does not sound too good for you, now, does it? Or was that another bout of condescending sexism and mysogynie on your part, Paul? A clairvoyant should have foreseen this does not go down well.

Their age and their apparent and unfortunate lack of language skills probably considerably contribute to their falling so easily for your tales: they simply don't catch what you're telling them. This does shed a somewhat strange light on you. Speaking about this: weren't you claiming clairvoyance? And you didn't pick up one of your conversation partners here is not English? Oh well.

Guten Abend to you, too, and have a very nice evening at that.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #65 on: November 08, 2008, 06:43:59 pm »
Thinking more on the "girls" and "Darlin'" stuff...

For a man to presume to repeatedly direct terms of intimacy at a woman he is being hostile to is a boundary violation. It is also an act of attempted dominance, with romantic/sexual overtones. To me this is a serious red flag, and bears watching. "Creepy" is about the mildest thing I can say about it.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 06:59:19 pm by Kathryn NicDh? na »

Offline Claudia

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #66 on: November 08, 2008, 07:16:39 pm »
Thank you for the translation, but I  understand  the conversation very quick.
 I don't know what Paul think above my englisch.
Have a great Weekend.

Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #67 on: November 08, 2008, 07:27:48 pm »
If you ask for my personal opinion about the Darlin routine,then yeah its way too familiar,but then again I could also take it that Mr Paul Moore has actualy publically threatened me with violence in the form of this friend Anke,who is unfortunate enough to be discribed as a pitbull.I could respond childishly with the "bet my friends have got bigger teeth than yours routine" True,but achieves nothing except my descent into stupidity.Mr Paul Moores own words speak for themselves he has said as much,and Ladies deep respect but i think we know what thats about huh?.
Then this is just my personal opinion.I have no arguement towards Claudia,she clearly stated her position and she knows mine,which she says she will respect and therefore i show her the same curtosy.I am however disgusted that her friendship could be trashed so easily and so disrespectfully by Mr Moore,but that is a matter for her to determine not me.However given how he speaks of a Chief from his alledged nation...I am sadly not suprised.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #68 on: November 08, 2008, 07:45:16 pm »
I could also take it that Mr Paul Moore has actualy publically threatened me with violence in the form of this friend Anke,who is unfortunate enough to be discribed as a pitbull.

Yes, the addition of threats of bodily harm to the mix of misogyny and forced intimacy is particularly spiritual. Very enlightening. I hope any women who have considered going to him for readings or ceremonies take note of his words in this thread.

Offline LittleOldMan

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #69 on: November 08, 2008, 08:57:49 pm »
If I may, I would like to tender a comment or so.  Normally I am content to just read and watch and I only post when I feel that I can contribute in some small way.  If I am correct in my interpretation of what I read so far this person Paul Moore is preforming for money and he is adding some sort of Native American ceremony in conjunction with some non-native cultural activity.  He is claiming to have been taught by some Native Elders of a tribe from which he claims descent.  He has not been forthcoming with his bonafides as any normal lecturer would.  Simple, If you apply for a job and claim am MBA from Harvard would you not be prepared to show your diploma.  I know I sure would.  Bet that Educated Indian has a PHD somewhere on his wall.  Zoi correct me if I am wrong on this but as I understand it Native American spirituality is an every day lived in walk.  Everything that one does is flavored by this fact.  I may be incorrect in this but it is also not evangelistic in it's practice but it is not exclusionary for some one who is or becomes a part of the culture.  One thing I continue to wonder about.  No where have I ever found in my relationships with my Native American friends where it is ever all right to mix ceremony.  If he is so doing then this is wrong.  Would a Southern Baptist Pastor be invited  to say  Sader at a Hasidic Jew's  Passover I think not.  I have also been told that ceremony incorrrectly done with a impure heart can turn around on the preformer.   Thank you for allowing me to express myself on one of my pet peeves.     "LittleOldMan'
Blind unfocused anger is unproductive and can get you hurt.  Controlled and focused anger directed tactically wins wars. Remember the sheath is not the sword.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #70 on: November 08, 2008, 10:42:44 pm »
Thank you for the translation, but I  understand  the conversation very quick.
 I don't know what Paul think above my englisch.
I wonder whether you do understand the conversation, since, in your next sentence, you say you don't know what Mr Moore thinks of your English. For your convenience, here's a translation of his above posting:

Quote from: Paul
Remember, the German girls have to take awhile to read the interpretations so please stop all of this is a whole day to read a simple paragraph, so put yourself in their place, they are speaking in a foreign language...OK!!!
They may buckle-under like Claudia because of belief or trust when she said you know your beliefs...maybe it is her lack of understanding of what you are saying, or belief in what you are saying is right...IE: the bit about Zoi saying...  the Chief said that it isn’t so...well it is so!!!!
Anke is a pit-bull, and would have you all for lunch if you were in front of her. Claudia in her own language would cut you all a new butt-hole if she knew what you were saying...and I respect them so much...But you can pick on Martina because she is a Warrior...

"Denkt dran, die deutschen Mädels brauchen ne ganze Weile, um die Interpretationen zu lesen, also hört mal mit dem Ganzen auf.... es dauert einen ganzen Tag, bis sie einen einfachen Absatz gelesen haben, also versetzt euch mal in ihre Lage, sie sprechen eine fremde Sprache...OK!!!
Vielleicht knicken sie ein wie Claudia, weil sie glauben oder vertrauen, wenn sie sagt ihr sollt über euren Glauben im Klaren sein.... vielleicht versteht sie einfach nicht genug von dem, was ihr sagt [...] d.h. das, was Zoi sagt.... der Chief sagte, es ist nicht so.... naja, es ist so!!!
Anke isn Pitbull, die würd euch zum Frühstück verputzen, wenn sie euch gegenüber hätte. Claudia, in ihrer eigenen Sprache könnte die euch ein zweites Arschloch schnitzen, wenn sie nur wüßte, was ihr sagt.... und ich respektiere sie unheimlich... Aber ihr könnt auf Martina losgehen, die ist eine Kriegerin..."

As an aside: for writing in his native language, Paul has quite some difficulties expressing himself clearly. Or what did he smoke before writing that contribution?
Anyways, a man speaking about women friends in such a language as Paul used above shows that a) he doesn't know what real respect is, and b) doesn't respect you, or Anke, or Martina in the least. The performance he's doing here indicate he's a poorly educated mysogynist sorry little ar$e trying to take advantage of you, Anke, and Martina.
In translation:
Ein Mann, der in solchen Worten über Frauen spricht wie Paul sie oben benutzt hat, zeigt damit, daß er a) nicht weiß, was Respekt ist und b) daß er dich, Anke und Martina aber in gar keiner Weise respektiert. Die Vorstellung, die er hier abliefert, macht nur deutlich, daß er ein bildungsfernes, frauenfeindliches kleines Arschloch ist, das dich, Anke und Martina ausnutzen/benutzen möchte.

Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #71 on: November 09, 2008, 12:55:04 pm »
Little Old Man,good to hear your voice again.the real problem here is the Abenaki Chief of the very community he claims to come from (least the only one in that vicinity)is now madder than hell with this guys attitude.Direct questions were asked,first by me in the form of "who taught you to be Shaman,specifically,of the Abenaki Nation,as any such training has to come from a recognized and current elder at the time.He has consistantly refused and avoided that question to give their names.Even those who have passed away are remembered and succeeded by the next generation of elders.
He speaks of Grandparents,Aunts and Uncles,now deceased but still no checkable names to validate his claims with the Abenaki.I very much doubt there is anyone on this forum who has no problem "naming" thier relatives and/or teachers.(regardless of race)
For this reason the current Abenaki Chief,"April St Francis Merill" put two direct questions to Mr Moore via myself in this forum,and that was "Who is your Chief?and What is your tribe"Mr Moore elected to go off on the tale of cops and res indians instead making reference to a "Chief St Francis".Yes is is a checkable incident that does exist as i stated in the relevent post.Chief Homer St Francis IS the Chief in question relating to that incident.He passed away some seven or so years ago,Chief April St Francis Merill is his child and the current Chief.Some one who he has disrespected to a level which does and should begger belief of all traditional peoples regardless of Nation.
People are not just paying to see a clairvoyent,when they sign up to his shows...there are hundreds out there who have a better grasp of the routine.They are paying to see an Abenaki clairvoyent and thats what has realy got the Abenaki mad,coupled with the fact he refuses to identify himself to them.Result,they don't beleive he's Abenaki and this guy is stupid enough to threaten an attorney,with someone he discribes as a german pitbull,also stating another who has not said so directly to me,is going to "tear me another asshole"For what exactly?" following the directive and lead from someone who would be his Chief should his claim be valid?.
Neither of these ladies have made direct threats to myself or anyone on this board,I cannot speak for everyone,but personally my arguement isn't with them.But if Mr Moore is the Indian he claims,then you would think he would know way better than go sic ing his europeon friends on a native woman.We can all behave like we are in the playground when the mood takes us,unfortunately for Mr Moore,I don't scare that easy.

Offline LittleOldMan

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #72 on: November 09, 2008, 01:32:44 pm »
Zoi: Good Morning.  I know zero of the Abenaki, their culture, or spirituality.  I do understand when a person is attempting to evade answering due to possible purjured statements or false claims.  For many years I have run into this type of person on the powwow trail.  Full fledged card carrying tattooed members of the "Wannabe Tribe" they are.  I market life insurance for a living, personal lines, so I must in order to make a living be thoroughly versed in reading people.  I do not like what I see.  Back after while.  Grand kids here.  "LOM"   
Blind unfocused anger is unproductive and can get you hurt.  Controlled and focused anger directed tactically wins wars. Remember the sheath is not the sword.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #73 on: November 10, 2008, 08:53:12 am »
Let's see...

In his last several posts Mr. Moore has managed to be:

1. Sexist and condescending towards women.

2. Issue lots of angry statements weirdly mixed together with phony endearments.

3. Continues to hide behind relatives and exploit their alleged tragedies in a dishonorable way.

4. And to top it off, has issued no less than three not-so-subtle threats that he clearly wanted to be interepreted as violent threats.

"Tear you a new butthole"
"I wish to God you were in front of me"
"Maybe someday my friend"

(We'll leave these threats up because it shows your lack of character and hangs you far worse than anything else you've done).

Add these to the earlier empty threats of a lawsuit and the laughable claim he was getting us charged with "terrorism" for the "crime" of "making him change his routine."

Threats like these are all comical, since at his age it's not only very unlikely he could physically harm anyone, the threats make him look as ridiculous as if Clint Eastwood were to try and play Dirty Harry again.

Eastwood has stated publicly he has sense enough not to try. Moore can't resist the urge to make himself look like a fool and prove, yet again in so many ways, he doesn't have a clue about Native traditions or what makes someone an actual elder or medicine person.

The Abenaki would never entrust their traditions to someone so unstable and loony. No Native people anywhere would. You know it and we know it. Only a few Europeans don't know any better.

Mr. Moore, all your bluster still won't get us to change the subject, namely:

You have repeatedly lied about who you are and what you are.

You don't know a thing about Abenaki or any other Native tradition.

You are making your living unethically and offend the real Abenaki by doing so.

That includes you lying about and exploiting the memory of an Abenaki leader who has passed on. You are the only one here insulting the memory of the dead.

Incidentally, we are receiving a report, still not confirmed, that you were born in Britain. So were your parents. Explain, if you can.

Offline Paul

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #74 on: November 10, 2008, 10:59:02 am »
Good morning everybody,

I have just a few things to say and then you can have a nice day.

•   1  Only once did I get upset or lose my normal cool and calmness, and that was when I was told that it was convenient that my relives were dead...I don’t think to be convenient because I love them. I found it very easy to apologise to Superdog for misdirecting statements to him instead of who it was meant for...but I get no apology for what this person said. I have no idea if this person is a male or female. The statement still stands that I said because I meant no physicalness in it, but I would let the person know what I felt.

•   2  I have a right to be who I am be my birthright and nobody has a right to change my direction in life...which brings me to a little story about when I was a boy walking through the woods with my Grandmother.  As we were walking I kicked a rock and she turned to me and asked me if the rock wanted to move, and I answered, I don’t know...and she said go back and ask the rock. So I sat for a long time and finally I heard the words “no??? clearly in my mind so I shouted out no, the rock didn’t want to move. My grandmother then said: don’t ever move a thing in our world without asking its permission first.

I feel that all of you are showing disrespect by trying to move me in my life, and i also feel that you are trying to make me conform to your rules as if it’s your game...well this is my life, my path and my birthright to be my Abenaki Grandmothers Grandson Paul Moore “Bear Paw???.  Do you have any idea how many hundreds of thousand or more Native Americans that are just too busy to be involved with a chief or a cultural structure...plenty!  Yet, they are Native Americans.  Is it your aim to strip everyone in this world of their birthright when they have a right to it?
How many Christians in this world do not go to church and how many do not have a priest or a parish...please relate this last analogy to Native Americans! This same statement can be made of every race creed and denomination.
There were no organised Abenaki cultures back then my friends, because the Abenaki were drive back across the Canadian border when they came to Vermont.  All of the men worked in the stone pits and a lot were brick masons and the women all worked the farms during the day.
This lack of Abenaki band or tribal structure and no bearing on them because they celebrated life among their own family structure!

They showed by example how a person should live in respect of all and everything in life; I cannot remember a day of my life were I didn’t see all of those adults around me not praying in meditation or I live my life in the same fashion.
The old ones meaning great aunts and uncles and Grandparents showed young ones how to dance with our Spirit and how to walk through life seeing our Spirit. They also showed the kids that would listen how to heal through Spirit...which I use daily to great success, just like my Grandmother did.
There is not a morning of my life where I don’t give thanks to everyone and everything in my life...yes, I even give thanks to this website of your because it is showing me something, maybe it’s showing me how not to be!
I have not lied once to this website, and as far as being a feminist I almost rolled on the floor laughing, because you have no idea how ridiculous that must sound to anybody that knows me...I am the total opposite my friends.  As far as using the word “Darlin???...I use that word hundreds of times a day talking to friends that are adult, or children...I use that same word with my wonderful Wife and Daughters... That is a respectful word for me to give to anyone.

•   3  I have never defamed Chief Homer St Francis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said that my Uncles and Aunts talked about him a lot but in a good way...they said that we, meaning Abenaki, are finally going to be recognised...I personally have never met the great man but the relatives knew him I guess.  I respect everybody.
Since you like to spend time researching on the internet Educated Indian you ought to be able to find the part I said about his men stopping the governor, I found the search I posted in seconds about Chief St Francis...everybody on this website seems to take a statement a twist it around to suit their own purpose(s). 

As far as my being English or being born in England, all you have to do is listen to my voice once and you would know that I have a North-eastern..New England USA/ Canadian accent...

Have a Sparkling day all of you