Author Topic: Ralph Oquendo AKA Dancing Thunder, Susqehannock  (Read 52823 times)

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #30 on: March 15, 2008, 11:28:52 pm »
And the picture below it....I don't see any natives there  :o Now there's a suprise!
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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #31 on: March 16, 2008, 03:07:22 am »
I know, I thought the totem pole look like it had Big Bird at the top, complete with acrylic paint.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #32 on: March 21, 2008, 11:28:54 am »
Dancing Thunder is also active in Germany.

From his website, ads with price tags (from the English language part of his site):

Shamanistic Teachings

May 24 till May 30 2007
Sunday May 27 will be an ‘open day’.
Valthe (Drenthe) - The Netherlands

€ 10 for those who only participate in the open day, coffee, tea and consumption orders (for soup, bread, etc.) included.

€ 495 inclusive sleeping in the building
€ 450 with your own tent, caravan or camper
€ 145 per child.

All teachings, meals and shelter and included in the price.
At the camping-sites there is no electricity.

Schedule of the Week:
Traditional Opening Ritual of the week by all Shamans
Thursday evening May 24 at 20:00 hour*

Teachings and rituals
Friday, Saturday and Monday; May 25,26,28
9:30 - 12:00 hour
15:00 - 18:00 hour
20:00 - 22:00 hour

Tuesday May 29
9:30 - 12:00 hour

Great Closing Ritual by All the Shamans
Tuesday afternoon at 14.00 hour.

*Thursday May the 24th you're welcome from 15.00 to put up your tent. Please take notice that no meals are served that evening but there will be a catering car for little snacks.   [...]

The Institute of Energy Work

is located in Valthe, near the city of Emmen, on “the Drentse Hondsrug???.

In this old Dutch landscape of forests, fields, oak-walls and nostalgic farms we will find a special feeling of peace. The Hondsrug came into being during the last Ice Age. Here you will still find the cairns, dolmens, cromlechs and many huge ‘travelling stones’.

This Institute is the place for special educations like energetic therapist, therapist of children and many workshops for personal transformation and development. Most of the Shamans in The Teachings, also participate in the training program for Shamanistic Healer “The Healing Practices of the World???.  

The Team

The Shamanistic Teachings is a non-commercial initiative and is possible thanks to the volunteers which includes the staff. Founder of this initiative is Kitty Haccou, who is also responsible for the Institute of Energy-work. Kitty is convinced that humanity, especially in these days, is in need of this Knowledge in the great process of transformation."

An entry in the austrian esoteric forum:
May 22, 2006, 1:16 p.m.
User: Ninja - moderator
Posts:  4.982

" 'Dancing Thunder Ralph Oquendo is medicine man and chief of the Susquehannock Indians in Florida. Since more than 30 years, he works as a healer, teacher, and medicine man and leads sweatlodges, spirit boat travels, and does traditional teachings on medicine wheel and healing. Due to his family background rich in tradition, he is a "man of knowledge". Dancing Thunder inspires by his magnanimity, fantastic humour, and his vast knowledge. His teachings base on authentic, traditional knowledge passend on by the ancestors. Dancing Thunder has been chosen to take lost knowledge back to Europe.'
Did you mean something like this? He comes to Europe on and off to do workshops."

This site is advertising seminars with Dancing Thunder in 2008:

"Dancing Thunder, medicine man and chief of the Susquehannock
The Medicine Wheel "The Path of the Hunter"
Part I and II: March 11/12, 2008
Part III and IV: May 31 - June 1, 2008
The medicine wheel is a symbol for the wheel of life which keeps on turning and producing new lectures, truths, and wisdoms on our path in life. Dancing Thunder teaches these traditional teachings and how the individual can discover his very own personal medicine wheel. In each direction, there are totems, colours, symbols, sounds, ancestors, and medicine. With this knowledge, every participant can develop their own spirituality. Dancing Thunder has much magnanimity, a fantastic humour, and a vast knowledge.

Dancing Thunder, medicine man & chief of the Susquehannock
Indian Evening
March 13, 2008
During this Indian Evening with Dancing Thunder, we will listen to the sound of the drum and travel into the spirit or otherworld. It is about symbols, totems, and colours of the visions we may meet. With colours we will paint our own symbols and totems on the ground. Then we will move within the energy
around them and merge with them. This way, they will become our own medicine which makes us strong.

Dancing Thunder, medicine man & chief of the Susquehannock
The Teachings for the Advanced
"3 Stone Ritual" & Spirit Calling Stone Ritual"
June 3 & 4, 2008
The Teachings of the Advance is for participants already having completed the four main rituals of the medicine wheel teachings and the healing methods programme. Since learning never stops, these teachings continue the wisdoms of the medicine wheel rituals. Part of the teachings is the de-animation, a very deep state of consciousness during which the body is in deep rest, i.e. is de-animated. By de-animation, one can do dream travels for very long periods of time. Dancing Thunder has much magnaninimity, a fantastic humour, and a vast knowledge.

Dancing Thunder, medicine man & chief of the Susquehannock
June 6 - 8, 2008
Sweatlodge rituals
This traditional Indian ritual brings unqiue experience. It is a completion of the medicine wheel as well as an experience in itself. It is also the authentic way how one shares knowledge and wisdom in a tribe. Sweatlodge rituals are done under a motto, as e.g. Deer Lodge, Three Eagles Lodge, Bear Lodge etc. Dancing Thunder teacher the knowledge with a great humour and carries us with his voice and his drum."

Blue Star, healer ¬ medium
Women's meeting
October 11&12, 2008
During this women's meeting, we will discover the enormous potential to which we have access. We can use the energies of moon, earth, water, and fire. Contents will also comprise outdoor and indoor rituals, talks, dance as well as our femininity and beauty.

Blue Star, healer & medium
Women's initiation
October 14&15, 2008
During this weekend, we will go again through our own process of coming into being. We connect ourselves to the water, we dive in to transform the moment of our conception. We will unite in a beautiful initiation ritual of femininity into a sisterhood of human being. We discover to be the source and our connection to all beauty. We learn how we are connected to the phases of the moon, how to use moon energy and to make moon medicine ourselves."
This site repeats the above personal info on Dancing Thunder, so I won't repeat it in length (another aspect is that frequent typing descriptions of his 'wonderful magnaninimity' will make me freak out...)

There's two additional paragraphs:
"Dancing Tunder has published the CD 'Full Moon'. It is a recording of drumming and voices basing on the traditional medicine wheel of the Susquehannock. The CD can be obtained at

I meet Dancing Thunder for the first time in Holland in 2004 when I was invited to a workshop by Wai Turoa-Morgan. This workshop taught sacred knowledge. I was at once fascinated by his way of teaching and the fact that he lives exactly what he teaches. Since then, I learned many things from him in teachings about the medicine wheel, in sweatlodge rituals, and during spirit boat travels. I am adopted by the Susquehannock and have the name of 'Holds Blue Fire'."

Here's the site of a person claiming Dancing Thunder as a teacher:

Amara Yachour
Body - Soul - Centrum
57520 Langenbach
She offers:
"Clearing, coaching, family constellation, family councelling, hypnosis therapy, Indian [as in: Native American] Chakra healing (Personal Totem Pole Process©), life councelling, partnership councelling and therapy, radiesthetics, organisational constellation, reiki, shamanism, dream work, vision quest"

Apparently, Amara has been on TV, as she mentions to be known from two private-owned TV stations, an offers courses in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. She also says: "From now on, there will be a cooperation with the book 'The Secret'" which made me wonder how one cooperates with a
book.... She promises: "... and I am there for you as a trainer to coach you so that you at last will be successful". We may suspect that if and when a client does not become successful, the remedy recommended may be another course and another...
Amara describes her trainings:
"Apprenticeship as a bank clerc, several additional trainings in marketing, bookkeeping, rhethorics, design. Then a complete turn-around. Trainings in the field of anti-stress, studying Lenormand cards on my own, became a Reiki teacher, shamanic training over several years, training as a hypnosis teacher [...]
I want you to leave happier than you arrived. Your success is also my success. I see your potential and we will work from there. Step by step, until you master your life successfully."

Listed as 'Further trainings' are the following qualifications:
"Training as a seminar leader Autogenic Training and muscle relaxation, training as a Reiki teacher, shamanic training (2 years shamanism according to Michael Harner), another two years' traning with an indigenous shaman (Ailo Gaup), Dancing Thuner, Galsan Tschinag [sic], Wai Turoa Morgan and
others) [sic], workshops with Brandon Bay's 'The Journey'."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #33 on: March 21, 2008, 01:02:33 pm »
Wai Turoa Morgan claims to be a Maori elder and shaman. From her photo, she's mixedblood at best.

In fact one site lists her only as "of Maori descent."

I don't claim to know much about Maori traditions, but at least some of what she sells is not Maori.

You send Wai your birth-day month and year, photo and you decide where you want support or help, send this via email Then the mentor programme starts with the first step, Wai will send you your medicine wheel (a chart based on the four seasons your birth date month and the current year) the chart will last one year.

You are welcome to respond to your medicine wheel and ask for any clarification (to make things clear) Wai will answer very briefly.

Words of wisdom from the Andean Shaman
For the shamans of the now
Follow your own footsteps
Learn from the rivers the trees and the rocks
Honour the Christ the Buddha consciousness
Your brothers and sisters
Honour the Earth mother and the Great Spirit


Apparently she believes in and is influenced by quite a few frauds herself.
Kia ora (greetings) from Te Waimatao (Wai) Turoa-Morgan known to many of you under the following: Whaea (mother) Wisdom teacher, matakite/shaman of New Zealand....

Wisdoms of grandmother Waynonaha Twoworlds sent to me via emails
All the knowledge of your future is within you.

Master Astrologer Robert Hand once said that Neptune is a higher
Octave to the Moon; both bring dreams or fantasies, ideals or illusions....

Mayan anthropologist and priest Carlos Barrios reports from that tradition that we will become increasingly aware of the in the new era of the Fifth Sun that starts in 2012, according to the Highly sophisticated Mayan calendar. a rarefied element, ether is the underlying medium from which the other four elements (earth, air, fire, water) arise to create matter. Ether transmits waves of energy in a wide range of frequencies. As electro-magnetic beings, we each vibrate at certain frequencies according to our level of consciousness, self-awareness and according to what desires, thoughts and feelings we are holding. This vibration is transmitted via our etheric bodies, which connect us with all life force and attract that energy back. certain frequencies according to our level of consciousness, self-awareness and according to what desires, thoughts and feelings we are holding. This vibration is transmitted via our etheric bodies, which connect us with all life force and attract that energy back....

According to Mr. Barrios this is a crucially important moment for Humanity, And for earth: Each person is important. If you have incarnated into this era, you have spiritual work to do balancing the planet.

He says the elders have opened the doors so that other races can come to the Mayan world

Also done the Indigo Children hoax to at least one person.
First of all I would like to say thanks for the writings you did about Indigo Children. Recently I discovered I'm an Indigo Child as well. All the time I knew that I was one of The Rainbow Children, being here with a very special mission, but I never could believe it myself. But now a few channelers (one of them is Wai Turoa Morgan, a Maori Medicine Woman, the other one is Steve Rother and The Group) told me I was, so now I really have to believe what I already knew inside....


Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #34 on: March 21, 2008, 11:48:44 pm »
Yes, I think so, the Australian Aborignals play or blow it. Has a real deep distinct sound.  Here who the Alabama group is a member of the Pan American Indian Association.  They are out of California.                             They are listed under religious organizations in Flordia, but no website.

 Rosalind Ojala? That's a Finnish name. My grandfather's SAA holster maker who was from California had the same last name. I remember pop telling me he was a Finn.


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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #35 on: March 22, 2008, 12:05:57 am »
I think it was referring to the Yadaki=the Didgeridoo. That's Australian.  lol  Don't know a Rosalind Ojala. Who's that?

Offline Zia

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #36 on: March 22, 2008, 07:32:07 am »

Did you mean something like this? He comes to Europe on and off to do workshops."

"Dancing Thunder" lives here in Holland, in Zaandam, where he teaches a kendo class, I think since about 1985 for there is a Dutch book about kendo co written by him, published in 1985.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #37 on: March 22, 2008, 10:10:31 am »
Did you mean something like this? He comes to Europe on and off to do workshops."
"Dancing Thunder" lives here in Holland, in Zaandam, where he teaches a kendo class, I think since about 1985 for there is a Dutch book about kendo co written by him, published in 1985.

I suspect we're speaking of a very important and significant aspect here.... {sarcasm off} Now, wouldn't you prefer being refunded a plane ticket from Florida to Germany instead of a 2nd class train ticket from Amsterdam or s'Gravenhage or Zaandam?


Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2008, 10:33:23 pm »
I think it was referring to the Yadaki=the Didgeridoo. That's Australian.  lol  Don't know a Rosalind Ojala. Who's that?

 She is the woman in the link you posted that I quoted. "Pan American Indian Association'


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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2008, 10:58:37 pm »
okay, that group was from California, didn't read the names, too taken with the Big Bird Totem Pole.

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #40 on: March 23, 2008, 03:51:07 am »
okay, that group was from California, didn't read the names, too taken with the Big Bird Totem Pole.

 That ugly thing does look like it was stolen from a 1950's Warner Brothers T.V. show set. It accents the stupidity of her actions and organization though.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #41 on: March 23, 2008, 08:29:12 pm »
The bottom figure on that pole disturbs me too. Looks kind of like a cross between a knockoff of a tiki that's at bars with a Hawaiian theme, and old racist Sambo dolls or lawn jockeys that mocked Blacks.

Offline danielle

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #42 on: April 03, 2008, 09:40:19 pm »
Power object..........Dressing up like an Indian? Ok,i`ma read these long post now. I gotta see this.

Offline danielle

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #43 on: April 03, 2008, 10:05:54 pm »
the Susquehannock were from pa not fl
the river still bears there name
That`s the river that goes through Harrisburg,capitol of Pennsylvanis.

Susquehannock are not Algonquian speakers as many think,they`re  Iroquoian speakers that inhabited the region that is now Hunterton and Blair counties in Pennsy.

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: grand sachem and chief
« Reply #44 on: April 04, 2008, 04:35:14 am »
A spirit boat journey is   shamanic journeying from upper NW Coastal tradition as well as Siberian....probably got it from Harner or disciple as far as i know. Susquehannock in Florida and Holland????? Don't think so....