After using Asian shamanism in Thai Massage, Chinese Massage, Chinese Acupuncture and herbs I am quite impressed, almost 4 decades I’ve been sold. I never western medicine, don’t take the pills ever, never have.
Did you know the Chinese have been using the same medications for 4,000 years? I was astonished when I figured that out. They are a wonderful people. Kinda funny being told as a ikid they are atheists.
Another funny thing, I had my dna done, since they couldn’t place me in American Indian tribe with that, under any circumstances the next closest group was in Siberia literally. The Yakut a siberia tribe. Russia another “atheist nation” lol, clearly treats them well. Did you know that Russia had already given the Jewish people a home state? It’s totally true, look it up.
Yeah, legally DNA companies cannot violate sovereign nations without being sued.
Jack Forbes once wrote about Columbus and his log book. He said Columbus discovered America in a pub, when he was told Ireland was having Indians was ashore in little boats forever. About 1472 he sailed there to confirm. Lo and behold a few had just washed up alive.
Kinda funny selling the trip across an unknown expanse of water because the earth is round as an excuse. When in fact the sale to Spain was based on that trip to Ireland.
Fast forward 600 years later, the country of Ireland was turning Native American through DNA discovery, no shit, actually happened. World news for weeks, 12 years ago. In fact it was so controversial the Irish government paid for new testing for everyone and down the memory holes. Leakys family used to have a website just blowing the doors off the American narrative.
The whole purpose of negative feedback loop social media algorithms is to keep everyone in their countries controll. They ended up dialing it way back because it was augmenting reality too quickly, were almost back”Normal now”
What we had to do, I lost count how many twitter accounts I had to manage.
Hi earth7, I remember you. On another website that’s gone now. I’m the guy that produced birth certificates thwt showed parents 4/4 NDN and white children. Lots of them.
If you have grandparents born west of the Mississippi, chances are you’re 3/4 NA by blood alone, according to the national archives.
But yeah,
Chinese don’t care if you believe in their stuff, they encourage all healing.
Sorry I don’t edit, and English is a second language