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Research Needed / Re: Gail Tremblay
« Last post by Sandy S on Today at 07:08:11 pm »
I think it is fair to say that The Evergreen State College totally enabled her. I'm a grad, and I'm really disappointed in the institution now.

I need to update this. One person associated with TESC has made clear statements about the art fraud that Gail Tremblay perpetuated. I don't have any public urls for this.

As far as I know, the TESC admin as a whole has not made any public statements. All they have done is disappear almost all mention of her from their website.
Etcetera / Re: how did we miss this one?
« Last post by Sparks on Today at 02:32:16 pm »
this is why i am in favor of possibly expanding board to a few new topics

one being arts/music/cinema

and one being scholastic/activism

I agree. By now we have threads on dozens and dozens of frauds in each of these two areas.

I would also like to see two new boards about books (recommended and not recommended).
I skimmed through his book A Life Most Magical: A Story of Faith. He is a racist and a conspiracy nut.

Looked into his genealogy records further. It is very likely that his South Carolina ancestors were involved in enslaving people.

Frauds / Re: Ronald Lee Paulson AKA Warren or Warron Big Eagle
« Last post by Sandy S on Today at 02:17:08 am »
The address listed on his registered sex offender registry page is owned by his wife Debra Jean Big Eagle (Deborah Paulson).

Parcel search:
Frauds / Re: Ronald Lee Paulson AKA Warren or Warron Big Eagle
« Last post by debbieredbear on Today at 12:21:49 am »
Paulson is out of prison and on the road. He's a predator and still claiming to be Indigenous. I expect he'll show up at pow wows.
Etcetera / Re: Vianne Timmons — University president to take leave …
« Last post by Sparks on February 18, 2025, 09:30:36 pm »
Incident involving Vianne Timmons is latest high-profile case of apparent cultural identity fraud:

Some more news items from that period:
MUN president Vianne Timmons apologizes, takes temporary leave, as Mi'kmaw claims scrutinized
Board of regents striking Indigenous roundtable to discuss issue
Ariana Kelland · CBC News · Posted: Mar 13, 2023 7:58 AM EDT | Last Updated: March 13, 2023
Memorial University president steps aside in latest 'pretendian' Indigenous controversy
Vianne Timmons has often cited Mi’kmaw ancestry in her CV and official bios, but a CBC probe was unable to find any evidence of an Indigenous ancestor
Author of the article:By Tristin Hopper _ Published Mar 15, 2023
Vianne Timmons removed as president of Memorial University
Board of regents made announcement Thursday afternoon in MUN's Gazette
Ariana Kelland · CBC News · Posted: Apr 06, 2023 11:46 AM EDT | Last Updated: April 7, 2023
VIANNE TIMMONS: 'These have been very difficult weeks' — former Memorial University president speaks out about firing
'I had never imagined that my 32 years of university administration would end like this'
Author of the article:Contributed, PNI Atlantic — Published Apr 28, 2023  •  Last updated Apr 28, 2023

This is how it began:
Walking the line
For years, Vianne Timmons claimed on her CV and professional bios that she was a member of an unrecognized Mi’kmaw band. She says it didn’t open any doors for her. — By Ariana Kelland and Katie Breen — Mar. 8, 2023

On Feb. 22, 2019, Vianne Timmons walked onto stage holding an eagle feather — gifted by a student — with her newly awarded Indspire trophy resting against her hip.

“I’m sad that I wasn’t raised knowing it but excited that I have the opportunity to learn more and ... my father did not have that opportunity.”

The president of Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador says she has always been careful to make the distinction that she has Mi’kmaw heritage but is not Indigenous — despite accepting an honour that Indspire calls one of the most prestigious awards by Indigenous people, for Indigenous people.

In the past, she has publicly aligned herself with Bras d’Or Mi’kmaq First Nation, an unrecognized band. The membership was cited repeatedly in her CV and biographies for multiple appointments, including a national advisory board.

Now a CBC News investigation is raising questions about the clarity of her claims, the amount of research the top academic has done herself about her ancestry, and what doors — if any — have been opened for her as a result.

A follow-up: [April 11, 2023]
CBC News NL - Newfoundland and Labrador: (5:17) "Vianne Timmons out as MUN president".

Her biography at MUN (under the heading 'Past Presidents'):

Her Wikipedia article contains several links to news items and a 'False claims of indigeneity' part:

Finally, there were other issues, too:
Etcetera / Re: Buffy Sainte-Marie denies she misled public about Indigenous ancestry
« Last post by Sparks on February 18, 2025, 01:49:21 am »
From the overwhelming flood of Internet posts about the artist, I think this announcement kind of crowns her public downfall:

Buffy Sainte-Marie stripped of prestigious Canadian honor — FEBRUARY 8, 20255:15 PM ET
The Canadian government has stripped Buffy Sainte-Marie of one of the country's highest honors, after a 2023 news report found she had fabricated claims of Indigenous ancestry.

The Oscar-winning singer's Order of Canada termination was publicly shared on Saturday in the Canadian government's official online publication, the Canada Gazette. Canada's governor general, Mary Simon, signed off on the action on Jan. 3, according to the notice.

In an email to NPR, a representative from Simon's office said the governor general "does not comment on the specifics of termination cases."

But the government's termination policy states its decisions are, "based on evidence and guided by the principle of fairness and shall only be made after the Council has ascertained the facts it considers relevant."
Research Needed / Re: Circe Sturm
« Last post by Sparks on February 16, 2025, 10:43:32 pm »
See also:

There is now an addendum with two links there. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice that when I started this topic two days ago:

My Initial Response to TAAF:
A week ago, I received a letter of accusation from the TAAF. I responded on the morning of February 6th with the letter linked below. I am still reviewing the allegations they have publicly made against me and will respond in full once I have an opportunity to do so. In the meantime, I wish to note that there are several errors, including in their genealogical research of my paternal grandmother’s line.

TAAF Letter to Circe Sturm 2-4-25.docx
Response to TAAF 2025-02-05.pdf

-Circe Sturm, February 14, 2025

Please note that educatedindian has quoted from that PDF (and posted the link to it) in his recent posts.
Research Needed / Re: Circe Sturm
« Last post by educatedindian on February 16, 2025, 09:33:48 pm »
It's from her page at UT Austin.
Forgot to include that in the original post. I added it.
Research Needed / Re: Circe Sturm
« Last post by Sparks on February 15, 2025, 04:11:00 am »
The big problem is when a professor or scholar claims to speak as an insider when they are not. Her response:

Interesting, and puts the TAAF exposure in a very different light!

Is this from a private letter, or has she responded publicly somewhere?

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