Author Topic: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"  (Read 82748 times)

Offline zoi lightfoot

  • Posts: 139
Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #30 on: November 05, 2008, 12:43:44 pm »
Yes Superdog did place the words with grace,expressing all that was felt .Sadly Martina your friend wasn't listening.I have a quwestion for you this time.If you have been reading up on Indian cultures for the past twenty years,how many of those books were written,edited and published by recognised and reputable members of the Indian Nations?
Why would your friend create an enitre insulting fantasy to get out of answering a simple question,which is "What are the names of the Abenaki elders and spiritual leaders who taught him?"That validation IS something he would need to claim the postion he does.To be honest given the fact he discribes a native woman with a son and a step son as,5'9ish with a beautiful daughter and as having a conversation with him that i am far too direct to ever entertain,I don't hold much hope for his "voyent"abilities either.

Offline Paul

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #31 on: November 05, 2008, 02:55:23 pm »
Hello again,
MatoSiWin, hello... Martina is only being responsive to all of your attacks on me. She is very much into her culture and her Father even taught her and her sisters and brothers the old German way and language, plus he was a healer from the old way in Germany and was very me she doesn’t remember the old German like I don’t remember my Canadian French...but with me, I was beaten by my Father because he thought that we were talking about him behind his back, that’s why I don’t remember Canadian French and Abenaki. 
She does put effort into what the old German way of healing and herbology, she is very good matter of fact. Superdog has his points though but these don’t apply to Martina, she heals like nobody you have ever seen, plus she is a Reiki Master, Teacher and Educator. She has studied Native American because of her thirst for knowledge of healing so don’t bad-mouth a Lady who wants to learn to heal others.

Zoi Lightfoot..., first of all if you are who you say you are where did I meet you because you don’t live in my mind!
You apparently have a mad-on over me that has excited your community and now you are directing your comments to Martina towards me.  I learned my Native-ness from my Mother’s side, her uncle’s Grandparents and social friends who moved from The providences of New Brunswick and Quebec into Vermont in the USA...there were almost a hundred old ones and young ones and all in-between Zoi. say that you are a lawyer, and you say that you know accused man has a right to know who his accuser is so please enlighten me Darlin since I have answered everyone’s questions to date honestly...who are you and where did I meet you that you have a problem with me???
If you can’t answer this then you are just abusing me and any one of the people off of my website...right
Love ya Darlin

Offline MatoSiWin

  • Posts: 57
Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2008, 03:28:58 pm »
Hello again,
MatoSiWin, hello... Martina is only being responsive to all of your attacks on me. She is very much into her culture and her Father even taught her and her sisters and brothers the old German way and language, plus he was a healer from the old way in Germany and was very me she doesn’t remember the old German like I don’t remember my Canadian French...but with me, I was beaten by my Father because he thought that we were talking about him behind his back, that’s why I don’t remember Canadian French and Abenaki. 
She does put effort into what the old German way of healing and herbology, she is very good matter of fact. Superdog has his points though but these don’t apply to Martina, she heals like nobody you have ever seen, plus she is a Reiki Master, Teacher and Educator. She has studied Native American because of her thirst for knowledge of healing so don’t bad-mouth a Lady who wants to learn to heal others.

Bad-mouth?  Show me one example of where I bad-mouthed anyone?  I simply asked a few relevant questions, based on a statement Martina made regarding being "very familiar with the native american culture", in her attempt to defend you, the subject of this thread.  I don't care about what anyone believes one way or the other, until they start selling it to others and attempting to profit on a culture that isn't even theirs to begin with.  However, if it makes you feel any better, I would object just as much to your attempting to sell and profit off of Native American spirituality or culture if you were a full-blood.  That's when I start to get personally concerned.  If a person is so adept at the old German way of healing, then why not sell that?  Why feel the need to claim all this Native American power?  I'll tell you why.  Because "the old German way of healing" doesn't sell.  But NDN beliefs and practices are appealing to all the  middle aged white folks out there who are struggling with their own lack of identity and their own distance from the Earth and her inhabitants, and they want what they don't have, so they will pay out for it.  These people are misguided... but people who cater to them and take their money are misleading.  Both are wrong, but one has an even greater degree of accountability.  For once, I would like to see someone who is confronted by true NDN people about what they are doing say, "Hey you know what.  You're right.  This is wrong."  Then change their actions and join in the effort to stop the selling of culture and spirituality, and to help get the message across that it IS possible to admire and respect a culture without having to appropriate it. 
This is a lesson that WILL be learned, either the easy way (by listening to THE PEOPLE", or the hard way (when the Spirits themselves intervene).  Many people have had their entire lives ruined because they mettled in things that had no real understanding of.  But that's OK.... those who feel "entitled" to use anothers culture as a way to line their pockets and feed their egos, are also entitled to face the consequences.

Offline martina

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #33 on: November 05, 2008, 06:04:01 pm »
hello MatoSiWin ,
I have had enough now, I hope that no spirit ever comes and teaches you a lesson, I do not sell native american healing, I do not sell german healing, my healing has always been free to everyone who needs it. You dont know me or my knowledge so dont judge it. The way you talk about people is disgusting. You can not bring your point across without using bad language, respect and politeness should be important regardless what background you come from, because you and Zoi Lightfoot abuse this site to share your bad language.

Hope you will THINK before you reply again!
Love martina

hello Zoi Lightfoot ,
If you have ever met paul what is the reason for not telling paul where and when you met him, is this all just a big game to you. If this conversation was important to you, you wouldn't make such a big secret out of it. Your vocabulary is very disgusting. I hope you didnt learn this from the native americans. Why can you not bring your views forward in a better manner. Everybody can share their experiences, good or bad, but do it in a nice way. Learn from it. But dont drag other people down at the same time. 

Choose your words wisely next time.!
Love martina

Offline MatoSiWin

  • Posts: 57
Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2008, 06:23:31 pm »
I was referring to "Bear Paw" selling ceremony as evidenced by the pricelists posted previously, unless you didn't understand that by quoting Paul, I was responding TO PAUL.  I even brought the subject back to him being the original subject of the post.  Not everything is about you.  Sheesh... did you even bother to read what I said?  Bad language?  Where???  I went back and re-read my post, and don't see anything.
As far as Spirits coming and teaching me a lesson, there are things I do to avoid just that from happening, such as not claiming knowledge I do not truly have or charging a fee for people to benefit from any claimed powers.  Again, I am not saying YOU do that... re-read what I said.  It was a general statement, and there is no reason anyone should find it offensive as there is evidence of this happening with other plastic "shamans" and their followers in the past.  See:

I am more than capable of bringing forth my viewpoints in a respectful polite manner, and as a general rule, that is what I do.  If I were to get truly mean and nasty, as you say, believe me, it would be glaringly obvious, and I would do so in PM, as I don't aire personal issues in public.  But that will not happen in this case, because I have no personal interest in you.  I simply spoke of my feelings regarding those who... ahhh forget it.  You obviously don't read what I say anyway, and what you do read, you assume is an attack on you, so what is the point? 
Reminds me of that old Carly Simon song... "You're so vain... you probably think this song is about you."
« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 06:32:10 pm by MatoSiWin »

Offline MatoSiWin

  • Posts: 57
Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #35 on: November 05, 2008, 06:43:00 pm »
I did go back and re-read my first post in response to Paul, and apparently I was under the impression that Paul AND Martina were both into the German healing thing... I stand corrected, I can see where the part I said about the "old German ways of healing not selling" seems as if I am referring to you, Martina.  I was referring to Paul, but realize that is inaccurate as I read too quickly and when he said "he was a healer from the old way in Germany and was very me she doesn’t remember the...", I mistakenly grouped the "like me" with the preceeding words rather than the following words.  Either way, my point regarding calling something healing or spiritual "Native American" and then selling it for monetary gain and guru-like ego boosting being WRONG still stands.  Nothing you can say will change that.  And not all things are a matter of opinion, regardless of the wasicu teachings you and many others no-doubt were raised with.  There really is a clear delineation between right and wrong in some circumstances. 

Offline martina

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #36 on: November 05, 2008, 06:52:17 pm »
Thank you for apology,
but from my view its like you think that only your way is right. We do different things but it dosent mean that i am wrong or that your wrong , there just different. 

Offline MatoSiWin

  • Posts: 57
Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #37 on: November 05, 2008, 07:48:05 pm »
I was only apologizing for my misinterpretation of what Paul meant by "like me", not for anything else I said.  And it's not MY way that is right.  In some things it is absolutely OK to do things differently, but in other things, such as selling ceremony, it is wrong, period.  Not just because I think so.

Offline wyrdbrew

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #38 on: November 06, 2008, 12:28:31 am »

She is very much into her culture and her Father even taught her and her sisters and brothers the old German way and language, plus he was a healer from the old way in Germany and was very me she doesn’t remember the old German

Oh?  What's his name?  I have friends in Germany, both Germans and Americans that are living there that could verify that for me.  If he's "renowned" then he shouldn't be too hard to track down.  What part of Germany? Which old German language?  What dialect? 

Offline zoi lightfoot

  • Posts: 139
Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #39 on: November 06, 2008, 12:27:09 pm »
Paul: Abenaki elders names please.
Possibly the name of your lawyer because for someone who doesn't want to insult,your not doing too good.and here is another mindblowing thought for you I HAVE NEVER visited your site .
Martina do you seriously want to keep butting into a matter which Paul could solve by giving the names of those elders who must have taught him to do what he does,or do you just want to keep on attacking indians who question what goes against the grain of every diverse cultural belief they hold?

Offline martina

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #40 on: November 06, 2008, 07:46:26 pm »

Oh?  What's his name?  I have friends in Germany, both Germans and Americans that are living there that could verify that for me.  If he's "renowned" then he shouldn't be too hard to track down.  What part of Germany? Which old German language?  What dialect? 

dear wyrdbrew,
I hope you understand that I will not expose my fathers details without his permission. This matter has nothing to do with my dad.

Offline martina

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #41 on: November 06, 2008, 07:57:13 pm »
Ps My SON,is not very happy being discribed as my "beautiful daughter" either,but he can fight his own fanstasy story please.

Dear Zoi,
I have never and I will never attack indians. I do respect ALL indian cultures. You are the one who talks about battle and attacking, so please do not twist my words. Why need a lawyer if you can fight your own arguments. I dont care who you pull to bits, I dont like the way  you do it, and i'm sure after Paul you will find someone else to critisize. I wish you all the best for the future.


Offline martina

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #42 on: November 06, 2008, 08:17:00 pm »
hello MatoSiWin,
Suprise Suprise. You can not even apologize. Please could you let me know your meaning of "Wasicu Teaching", none indian teaching, because there are different meanings for this word. I do not want to change your views of this discusion.


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #43 on: November 07, 2008, 02:05:20 am »
Paul AKA Anke,

The post you did as Anke was deleted. It was spam, identical to the last post you wrote to me. Would you explain why you have two IDs in here now and why you are spamming?

More importantly, would you put aside the show of hurt feelings and playing victim and just answer the questions put to you by myself and others?

Barbara Little Star Simeroth is leader of the Cherokees of California, a heritage group that teaches people with distant Cherokee ancestry, and also helps people who believe they are Cherokee trace any possible ancestry.

Why you claiming you know a Cherokee on the other side of the country is supposed to convince us:
1. Your claims of being Abenaki
2. Your claims of being a medicine man and psychic
3. Your claims that selling ceremony and phony versions of Native beliefs are somehow OK

Why these references are supposed to convince us is not clear at all. You don't even know her name, but she's supposed to vouch for you? I suspect you don't know her very well.

The same with your "shaman" friend who is actually a Christian minister (or perhaps lay preacher). I doubt you know him very well either, esp since you misrepresent what he is. 

Incidentally, Black Elk was Catholic, and much of the book was actually Neihardt's words, not Black Elk's.

And to Martina also:

Could you put aside the show of hurt feelings and playing victim and answer what you've been asked? Any personal arguments, you need to take to private emails.

Offline Anke

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Re: Paul Moore "Bear Paw"
« Reply #44 on: November 07, 2008, 07:04:31 am »
sorry for the mistake i made,but i have some problems with the english language and that s the reason why it went wrong yesterday.I read all the things about Paul (Bear Paw)in this Forum and it makes me sad.I know him and i he is one of the most wonderfull people i ever met in my life.
If some or all of you have knowledge about healing or healing energy you also should know that the way you talk about  Paul is far away from respect.Love and respect are only 2 things wich are very important.Think about and listen to your heart.
love and light to all of you