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Frauds / Re: Teo Alfero - Castaneda disciple - very active
« Last post by Sandy S on October 22, 2024, 05:20:13 pm »
Some reviews of Teo Alfero's book The Wolf Connection:

I too am a Carlos Castaneda devotee so I love your take on wolves.

This was an impulse buy. I thought it was a science book, but it's more scientology. There is some science in it, usually from outside sources (actual experts). The author expends a lot of text on out-of-body experiences and praying to trees.


His "wolves" are actually wolf-dogs and he usually does not make that clear.

Teo Alfero is a manipulative salesman. He's taken two common activities: animal rescue, also canine therapy for humans, and packages them with Castaneda cultic practices and claims of miracles.

He's charms government agencies and scores big contracts.

The ongoing "studies" including A Rich Exploration of the Experiences at Wolf Connection. Claremont Graduate University, 2018, Piper T. Grandjean Targos (I've not found a url for this) read like puff pieces, ads for Teo Alfero's operation.

Animal assisted therapy can be easily found without cultic Castaneda content. Life skills, journaling, time out in nature can be found without cultic Castaneda content.

Youth, incarcerated people, those with PTSD etc. absolutely do not need Castaneda.

If I could speak directly to a funding agency, to researchers doing ongoing supposed studies, I'd tell them that they are charmed by a conman. No matter how much money/time they've spent, they need to cut their losses and walk away.
Frauds / Re: Teo Alfero - Castaneda disciple - very active
« Last post by Sandy S on October 20, 2024, 12:53:32 am »
According to Teo Alfero's recent book Transmission, this is his inner circle:

Amy Harris
Jen Ziegner
Nicholette Routhier
Lauren Jane Heller
Stefanie Menack
Wendy Cirello
Erin Kinney
Janet Douglas

I did a second skim through the book. All these women have their own new age businesses also.

Some commonalities include belief that Teo Alfero is a shape shifter. That he knows what each person's "trick" is which apparently is what they do wrong. This can include him claiming that someone always plays martyr or that another purposefully lives in confusion. He told one woman that she does the "morbid bonding that happens through drama".

Alfero does the common cultic technique breaking down of person in order to manipulate.

The women believe they are not actually from earth. They develop delusions: one is a "modern day Kukulkan priestess", another is a "Medicine Woman" blessing corn fields.

Alfero micro manages how the woman talk. He told one woman that she used the word "just" too often and that her power was diminished each time.

He has the women divulge lots of personal information.

The women believe they "energetically signed up to have Teo as my teacher". He breaks them down, has them do practices that space them out such as fast alone in a "dark retreat" for several days. They then are trauma bonded to him further.

"luminous egg"
"shifting my assemblage point"
"show them your transmission"
"safety is an illusion, Sovereignity is the antidote"
"energetic jump"

....... all of this is Castaneda cult speak that Teo Alfero now uses and expands on.

Frauds / Re: Teo Alfero - Castaneda disciple - very active
« Last post by Sandy S on October 19, 2024, 09:39:37 pm »
"shamanic lineage traced back to ancient Mexico"

In this podcast Teo Alfero states that he started Wolf Connection as a stealth way to bring his shamanic Carlos Castaneda work to the people. He says for the first 15 years or so he mostly kept the shamanic claims on the down low, all while maintaining an inner circle.

Alfero sales patter includes claims that he he teaches the higher level goodies.

He is new age verbose and exhausting to listen to. Lots of references to Castaneda terms such as "assemblage".
"Medicine wheels" are created on his retreat land.

One of the most striking spaces (and in many ways, metaphors) at the sanctuary that exemplifies this is the Medicine Wheel

Participants stand in and alongside the wheel's directions, reflecting on past difficulties to move towards a stronger future. The Medicine Wheel itself is drawn from Native American culture and its presence at the sanctuary is an enacting of the protection of cultural heritage, particularly of the five tribes living in the region prior to European occupation, namely Tongva, Tataviam, Chumash, Kitanemuk and Serrano.


One of his many catch phrases is "expand your energetic capacity"

Our NAFPS thread here is an important resource. Teo Alfero is running a sophisticated operation that is expanding, not waning. He maintains an inner circle, hopefully some of those people can eventually break away and go public. And any agency thinking of giving him grant money can now know there is reason to think again.

I would not recommend this for youth or anyone. Alfero himself says all his work is a stealthy way to teach cultic Castaneda.
Frauds / Re: Teo Alfero - Castaneda disciple - very active
« Last post by Sandy S on October 19, 2024, 07:37:29 pm »
This Contract (“Contract”) made and entered into on 1st day of July, 2024 by and between the
County of Los Angeles, hereinafter referred to as “County” and Spring Evolution Inc., DBA Wolf
Connection, hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”. Spring Evolution Inc., DBA Wolf Connection
is located at 29063 Aliso Canyon Rd., Palmdale, CA 93550

The total funding for the full term of this contract; two fiscal years, is TWO MILLION

The Contract will be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026, with the option of two annual extensions through June 30, 2028. The Total Contract Amount (TCA) is $2,400,000, $1,200,000 for each Fiscal Year (FY), fully funded by Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) – Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) revenue.

From a Yelp review:

Just a fair warning: It is really a new agey type of retreat and wasn't particularly comfortable for me because I really just wanted to meet the wolves

Frauds / Re: Miguel Rivera, Minnesota Mens Conference
« Last post by Sandy S on October 19, 2024, 07:20:33 pm »
Miguel Rivera is also on the board ofTeo Alfero's Spring of Evolution Inc, dba Wolf Connection.

Teo Alfero

Frauds / Re: Teo Alfero - Castaneda disciple - very active
« Last post by Sandy S on October 19, 2024, 07:05:26 pm »
Sign in to view photos of Teo Alfero here and in prior post.

One of Alfero's coaches in grifting is Rich Litvin

Rich Litvin sells things such as:

Go beyond The Prosperous Coach Approach and have clients knocking on your door… Full Price: $10K. Early Bird: $5K

Alfero says he comes from a wealthy family. He likely has lost a lot of money to coaching schemes and is now intent on profit.
Frauds / Re: Teo Alfero - Castaneda disciple - very active
« Last post by Sandy S on October 19, 2024, 06:00:44 pm »
"He grew up in Argentina after his Italian parents immigrated there."

Dog News The Digest of American Dogs Volume 29, Issue 27 July 5, 2013
Frauds / Re: Paul Edward Driskill AKA Qwo-Li Driskill
« Last post by Sparks on October 19, 2024, 05:45:39 pm »
Frauds / Re: Paul Edward Driskill AKA Qwo-Li Driskill
« Last post by educatedindian on October 18, 2024, 10:42:27 pm »
Worth reposting the article in full, and definitely makes him a fraud.

The alleged mistreatment was by Associate Professor Qwo-Li Driskill, who recently made headlines of false claims of Indigenous identity.

“(On) my first day grad students let me know of the ongoings within the department,” Gomez said. “Driskill’s aberrant behavior is abusive primarily toward people of color students.”

This account aligns with other graduate students, such as Ariana Berenice and Shaina Khan, who reported similar mistreatment in Driskill’s class.

In an open letter posted over the summer, graduate students of the OSU Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies program, wrote about their experiences with Driskill to bring attention to the issue.

Berenice, a second-year Ph.D. student also in the WGSS program, spoke about needing Zoom accommodation that had previously been made for others. Berenice said that Driskill would often deny these requests without giving reasons as to why.

Perplexed by this behavior, Berenice started speaking with others in her cohort about Driskill’s alleged mistreatment while trying to remain vague about who was being described.

However, most students would often guess–unprompted–that Berenice was inquiring about Driskill.

The more Berenice spoke about the issue of disregard for support for students in Driskill’s classes, the more concern started to surface.

Some students who came forward chose to remain anonymous due to fear of retaliation.

Part of the grievance letter states, “Rumors have been spread that accuse us of transmisogyny and prejudice based on race and ethnicity. It seems that the louder we get, the louder these accusations get. As a consequence, many among the graduate student body are reluctant to speak.”

However, other students voiced how these issues with Driskill were “open secrets” spanning years.

“I started asking people to talk about these things because it was not fair. We all needed to be treated equally. The more I looked into it, I found that the white (students) were given the best treatment in the program,” Berenice said.

Some students noted the coursework for Driskills’ classes was a “dictatorship” and was overly time-consuming, similar to “working a full-time job.”

“After several months of demands that changes be made, little has changed, and most alarmingly, Driskill is still teaching in our program, despite our extensive grievances concerning their classroom practices and their treatment of graduate students,” they wrote.

Driskill could not be reached for comment, and the faculty in OSU’s WGSS program declined to comment on the matter.

As reports of mistreatment multiplied, students like Khan, a graduate student assistant for the WGSS department began urging a thorough investigation and accountability from OSU.

Khan said Driskill doesn’t take any feedback from students, regardless of whether it’s positive or negative, which leaves no room for improvement of open communication for the graduate students with their professors.

As the mistreatment continued, Gomez called Cherokee Nation to see if there was any kind of familial connection, which, regardless of enrollment status, can define whether or not an individual is of Indigenous descent.

This sparked an investigation by the Tribal Alliance Against Frauds, a watchdog organization that dedicates itself to exposing individuals who monetize identities that they have no claim to.

“We expose ethnic frauds pretending to be American Indian people or ‘tribes’ when they are not. We are researchers. We gather facts. We are the whistle-blowers,” their website states. 

Driskill has claimed to have Cherokee, Lenape (Delaware) and Osage ancestry. They have also said they are not federally enrolled in any of those tribes.

Driskill identifies as queer and Two-Spirit, a blanket term used in various Indigenous languages, which describes the various nature of gender identification and their role in their community.

This identity involves having both a masculine and a feminine spirit to describe their diverse sexualities, gender identities, roles and how one may come to express them. However, it is not recognized as a blanket term in all Indigenous tribes.

Driskill earned their Ph.D. in rhetoric and writing, with a concentration in cultural rhetorics from Michigan State University. They have gone on to publish books “Walking with Ghosts,” which was nominated for the Griffin Poetry Prize, and “Asegi Stories: Cherokee Queer and Two-Spirit Memory,” a finalist for a Lambda Literary Award in 2017.

In a press release addressed to OSU from October 2023, TAAF accused Driskill of falsifying their Indigenous identity. They claimed to have “hundreds of unimpeachable genealogical documents” to prove that Driskill was falsifying their identity.

The TAAF also called for OSU to “fire Qwo-Li Driskill for academic dishonesty and ethnic fraud, unless Driskill makes a public statement admitting that they are not American Indian at all and gives a public apology.”

Oregon State University doesn’t have any policies set in place to vet potential staff or faculty when applying for positions that teach specific subjects dealing with identity like Two-Spirit queer studies.

“OSU does not consider race or ethnicity in admissions or faculty recruitment or promotion,” stated the Vice President for University Relations and Marketing Rob Odom in an email.

“This goes back years and it will continue to reverberate. OSU has to be held accountable. The allegations of (Driskill’s) fraudulent identity go back to 2009. OSU had been notified of their false Indigenous identity,” Gomez said. “They have harmed so many students with zero repercussions.”

Speaking out also comes with the risk of vulnerability. Gomez, Berenice and Khan all expressed various instances of suspected retaliation on Driskill’s behalf.

They felt Driskill was using their identity as a trans nonbinary queer and weaponizing it in a way of accusing the grad students of intolerance and discrimination.

These tactics, however, will not keep the students silent. The student activists are made up of various intersecting identities such as queer, trans, Indigenous, Black and brown among others, and they say they know what it’s like to have to fight to be seen and heard.

The graduate students suspect that Driskill spread inflammatory rumors around the WGSS department about the student activists who reported Driskill as having bigoted views of trans, queer and Indigenous identities once Driskill realized their own behavior was no longer being tolerated.

Student activists are taking online action in the form of petitions like the one on, calling for the removal of Qwo-Li Driskill from OSU faculty.

These students who came forward said they are dedicated now more than ever to see that justice is seen through, the grad students explained.

At the moment, Driskill is still a professor at the university for winter term.
Frauds / Re: Teo Alfero - Castaneda disciple - very active
« Last post by Sandy S on October 17, 2024, 09:59:19 pm »
If you remember there is the Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers which Teo Alfero of Cleargreen and his (again so-called) Wolf Connection raised  $26,329 in pledges with a Kickstarter campaign to take a few wolf dogs to Montana to "be with" the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.

It looks like Teo Alfero only learned of Carlos around the time he was dying, and didn't come to LA until after the old man was dead. So he's a veritable babe in the woods who never met Carlos and must rely entirely on what he read and what he's been told.

Makes me wonder what Teo Alfero  another Tensegrity facilitator is doing.

Teo spent 3 years under the mentorship of Master Coach and author Larry Pinci. Larry Princi was the author of "Sell The Feeling".   I would think one would want to sell the product... but Sell The Feeling claims to "show readers how to evoke the essential feelings that motivate people to do business.". OK. So after three years studying this stuff what feelings is Teo selling? 

He is into donations.....  Wolfdogs ....  and kids.

Other "Tensegrity facilitators that have bios .. like Teo Alfero and Guilhem Morera are steeped in new age money making endeavors.

From various posts on

13 grandmothers info here on NAFPS includes
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