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Etcetera / Re: how did we miss this one?
« Last post by Sparks on Today at 06:32:04 pm »

There is a thread on her since November 26, 2022, with 48 post so far:
[Nibiiwakamigkwe AKA Kay LeClaire AKA Kathryn Le Claire in Madison, Wisconsin]

In post #48 I posted the link you are referring to on July 06, 2023.
Etcetera / Re: Hopi and "Blue Star Prophecy"
« Last post by Mirror on Today at 05:59:25 pm »

Continuing; I follow Hopi tribal rules, and only Identify as Moqui. I met a woman at a taco shop in Oregon and kinda overstepped and called her out as Hopi-Moqui, in a nice way.
She was shocked I could tell by observing her in a few short minutes, she vented a bit.
She had tried to join the tribe, but didn’t fit their membership rules somehow. She said So I guess I’m just a Mexican lol.
I always recommend Chicano literature to people on the search, even people of mixed blood from anywhere. The narrative really helps people understand things.
That are not politically correct to talk about.

Keeping on the topic,
Biophotons are more visible to the naked eye, when that eye is subjected to oculocutaneous albinism. My eyes are hazel, in the right light they glow green. People be tripping on that.
My grandma had a Gold Impala, I hope someday to have one myself. My aunt traded it for a firebird lol.
Sometime, I may do a dissertation on Skinwalkers. Utah is loaded with em.
Etcetera / Re: Hopi and "Blue Star Prophecy"
« Last post by milehighsalute on Today at 05:17:17 pm »
our hopi "cousins" may have some public dances as do we, but also like us the majority of pueblo religion is very private

as discussed here before, pueblo medicine, knowledge and prophecy would never have been divulged to a non-pueblo

but as usual the white world would rather believe another white man than a pueblo

on top of that....many whites have a problem with religious privacy, they cannot stand that we will never share many things with them so they make it it up as they go along

hell, i am pueblo and many things arent even meant for me to know

the arrogance of the pigmentally-challenged just cannot accept NO for an answer when it comes to matters of religious take ANY info out there on hopi ways with the grain of salt

It’s funny the way you make jokes about pigment and salt. Let’s not forget UAP and how Chicano slang mirrors native language. Don’t take offense JD Aragon okay!l he doesn’t mean it.

Say hello’s to 5th world

if my slang is anything chicano its because i live in the southwest.....i myself have chicano (american beaner) blood flowing thru my veins as well as native.....and i grew up in a chicano neighborhood and like many natives in the southwest i have a spanish surname

no cop, teacher or boss ever asked me whether im native or bean, but it never mattered to them and for the most part out on the streets it never mattered to me either though i was raised in a n8tv household (taos mother and jemez stepdad) and we were notorious powwowers

in denver, a relocation city, the natives mostly settled in southwest denver or northeast denver.......many also scattered in the west and north side proper.........the thing about denver is you just might meet someone from just about everywhere as far as the native community goes

as far as chicanos go.....they are just as diverse as many other groups......californios, tejanos, genizaros and valley chicanos (colorado) and im sure many other areas have differences in local cultures.....and while we all share some slang and stilos there are many variants or completely different words/pronounciations altogether my boy (see thats one we all share and natives here say it too)

anyways back on topic...while hopis may not be as private
Etcetera / how did we miss this one?
« Last post by milehighsalute on Today at 05:02:39 pm »
this is why i am in favor of possibly expanding board to a few new topics

one being arts/music/cinema

and one being scholastic/activism

there are actually quite a few things i found on the net about this woman......from what i understand is she held native positions and even had housing paid for and paid speaking gigs
Frauds / Re: Roy Wilson - Medicine Wheel Tribe
« Last post by debbieredbear on Today at 07:10:06 am »
Roy Wilson died. His group of white pretendians is still active, but he's gone.
Non-Frauds / Re: Bret Benally Thompson
« Last post by milehighsalute on February 11, 2025, 04:55:20 pm »
benally is a common navajo surname
Research Needed / Re: Bow Hacker
« Last post by milehighsalute on February 11, 2025, 04:52:32 pm »
i asked a friend and they told me that the native memory project is legit and it is project of both natives and well meaning whites.....they told me that all stories are approached and handled very respectfully ....... so i take that as someone made some connections and verified this man in rosebud

at least that is my guess
Etcetera / Re: Flyers & Handouts
« Last post by educatedindian on February 11, 2025, 02:56:06 pm »
Sure, it can be reposted anywhere anyone thinks it will do good. That's true also for anything I put in the forum. Others may have different wishes for what they post in here, so I'd ask them first or look for a statement about it.
Etcetera / Re: Declaration of War banner campaign
« Last post by Sparks on February 11, 2025, 05:47:47 am »
This was a good idea that no one picked up. Maybe it is possible to revive it?

There are two topics in here with identical titles (Declaration Of War Against Exploiters Of Lakota Spirituality):

The URL I've been using for text links is

That link now goes to The article has been moved to this URL: — For more links, check the topics above.
Etcetera / Re: Flyers & Handouts
« Last post by Sparks on February 11, 2025, 05:37:31 am »
Some I've been working on for Europe that anyone is welcome to copy, repost, hand out at protests, etc.

A very good list. I suggest it be revised, especially as to dead links in the 'History' and 'Spiritual Beliefs and Traditions' sections.

The ignorance in my area (Scandinavia) is endless. I'd like to post this to certain Facebook groups.
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