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Frauds / Re: Sandra Ingerman
« Last post by debbieredbear on July 13, 2024, 06:04:44 pm »
This woman is still around and doing workshops. 
Frauds / Re: Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird of Sedona
« Last post by Sparks on July 12, 2024, 06:12:03 pm »
A few updates to Adam DeArmon's Facebook and Internet presence. Fraud is still going on at a grand scale:

Facebook Page: [Adam DeArmon] [NOT AVAILABLE]

(Link to: [Adam Yellowbird DeArmon]) [NOT AVAILABLE]

Facebook Profile: [Adam DeArmon] [STILL AVAILABLE]
Present description:
Eagle Condor Project
Consultant for International Center for Cultural Studies - ICCS
Consultant & International Ambassador for International Center for Cultural Studies USA
Event Planner/Coordinator for Foundation for Global Humanity
International relations for Oklevueha Native American Church [NO URL GIVEN]
CEO & Founder for International Center Of Spiritual & Ancestral Wisdom
International relations for Earthdance 8 International Multicultural Gathering [NO URL GIVEN]
Minister for International Center Of Spiritual & Ancestral Wisdom [SEE TWO LINKS ABOVE]
Earth Custodian for Nature [NO URL GIVEN]
Went to Fairfield High School Fairfield, IA
From Baltimore, Maryland
Became a member [of Facebook] August 2007 [Adam DeArmon • 114 subscribers • 28 videos]
[Adam DeArmon Legal Fund $40,330 USD raised] > > > [NOT AVAILABLE] > > > [NOT AVAILABLE]

Facebook Public Group (6 members): [Freedom for Adam DeArmon] [NOT AVAILABLE]

Facebook Public Group (Now 666 members): [Plant Medicine Advocacy] [Name Changed (several times)]
About this group:
Consultations 30 min $150 1 hr $250
Law & Order
State Laws Federal Laws
Ancestral Spiritual Laws of origins
Laws of origin of each plant medicine
Native American Church’s
Religious freedoms
Cival rights
Should every one use plant medicine
Policy and proceeders
Cultivation & Preservation programs
Backed by a team of lawers
Research & Legal fund
Workshop weekends
legal venues for plant medicine
Building a national and international Ancestral Plant medicine dialog.
[Location] Sedona, Arizona
[Names three past years; newest first]:
Plant Medicine Advocacy
Peyote Church Support
Adam DeArmon Religous Freedom
Adam DeArmon Law And Order
Freedom For Adam DeArmon
Medicine Nation Rising
Medice Nation Rising
Peyote Church Support
Here is how they gradually were found out:

Karima Manji wanted it all for her twin daughters, Amira and Nadya. And she found a way to help them get it: financial aid earmarked for Indigenous kids. The fact that they weren’t remotely Indigenous wasn’t going to stop her


Canadian woman gets three years’ jail in first ever sentencing for a ‘Pretendian’
Karima Manji, whose daughters accessed over C$150,000 in benefits for Inuit residents, pleaded guilty in February

Many more details and interesting links in the article.
I received accounts from those who've known Dawn a long time. It's confirmed he has zero ties or Native ancestry at all.

Dawn's impersonation began in 2015. It's pretty much a game for him. He lives a comfortable middle class life most of the time, just like his parents. But online he plays at being NDN and plays at being a white supremacist hoping to get as many to talk about him as possible.

There's some speculation it may be mental illness and worry he could be drawn into something dangerous. Some who've known him a while are angry with him over his games and harm he's done.
The article I quoted from is referred to on the Radical Anthropology Group's Facebook page:

Also on Mastodon:

There is a 1:24:45 background video around, it can be seen at two places:

Ahnishinahbayeshshikaywin: a worldview practised by the Oji-Cree of Lac Seul, Ontario November 8, 2022
Archaeologist Alicia Colson and GP and mental health researcher Sophie Redlin will be joined by a panel of Oji-Cree anthropologists, scholars and artists (via ZOOM) including George Kenny, Michael Auksi, Mary McPherson, Adar Charlton, John Bonnett and Susannah Cass.
Welcome & News / Ahnishinahbayeshshikaywin — OUTSIDERS PREPARE TO VISIT INSIDERS
« Last post by Sparks on June 28, 2024, 07:09:39 pm »
A very interesting news article which I hope I will be able to follow up:

On the Tracks to Translating Indigenous Knowledge
A team of researchers will journey by railway to Lac Seul First Nation in Canada to better understand alternative ways of seeing the world.
25 JUN 2024


Next year, a team of Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers will travel 27 hours by train from Toronto, Canada, to Lac Seul First Nation in the northwestern part of Ontario to engage with Knowledge Keepers. For two years, they have been meeting over Zoom as part of a seven-member Teaching Circle.

Imagine joining the team as they journey from Toronto’s Union Station. They will leave behind a vast urban world of more than 6 million people as they savor the last stretches of the lush Carolinian forest.

The mission of the Teaching Circle, envisioned by Lac Seul First Nation co-author George Kenny, is to articulate a worldview held by Indigenous cultural Insiders. Insiders are people like George who practice the worldview called Ahnishinahbayeshshikaywin (pronounced Ah-nish-in-ah-bay-esh-shi-kay-win), which Outsiders—such as many anthropologists—tend to define as “animism.” The term Ahnishinahbayeshshikaywin encompasses practices that establish a relationship between places and people; these reflect a belief in souls, spirits, and the existence of human souls through eternity. Since mountains, rivers, land, plants, and trees are animate, all of these have souls.

In traveling, team members will not only cross physical landscapes. They will also achieve a deeper understanding of that parallel world inherent in the knowledge Lac Seul Elders hold. This knowledge has survived and been adapted amid settler-colonial efforts to manage Indigenous communities and create a viable Canadian state out of a patchwork quilt of settler communities and Indigenous peoples.

But first, team members will go within to prepare for their destination.

The team’s Outsiders will engage with Ahnishinahbayeshshikaywin on its own terms. Through direct experience, Outsiders will come to see the relevance and significance of what Lac Seul community members have to share. As part of this journey, the circle will consider how Insider worldviews can be translated for Outsiders, listening in a way few Outsiders have done.

The term 'shaman' is used and discussed (my boldings):

[…] Armed by a sense of inevitable “progress,” Outsiders brandished formidable legal and cultural weapons: Their interpretation of the Indian Act of 1876 delegitimized First Nations by depriving them of a sense of self-worth. Many spiritual ceremonies were banned. Nevertheless, my (George’s) father, an apprentice shaman, told me that ceremonies such as the Vision Quest and the Feast of the Dead continued to be practiced through the 1870s and into the early 1930s.

John Kenny Keesic, my father, was an apprentice shaman to Allen “Amoo” Angeconeb, one of many medicine people (Anishinaabeg Mushkikiewak) who were teachers (Kekinoamaged). (“Shaman” is an Outsider imposition.) My father taught me aspects of Ahnishinahbayeshshishikaywin from my birth until close to the time of his passing in 1980.
Non-Frauds / Re: Native Hawaiian Resources
« Last post by Sparks on June 27, 2024, 07:26:59 pm »
Seems this site is where you now find Native books (and other items) from Hawaii:

The Facebook page is gone. The other site now redirects you to:
Busta Kristina Bräuer Özel runs a practice for supposedly traditional Hawaiian massage and so-called Hawaiian “Feng Shui” (Hawaiian Geomancy) in Bremen.

Her business address (German):
Short documentary about her activities (German language, can be converted to English via auto-translation):
Her current YouTube channel:
Her old YouTube channel (Contains videos by Tamara Ho'okahi):

English Website about the concept:
Tamara Ho'okahi's Website (German):

Busta Kristina Bräuer Özel is part of the social media fan-group "Baboji-Army" around the Saarland right-wing esoteric Baboji/Radikale Erleuchtung/Radical Enlightenment (Andreas Dengel) who is committed to a variety of religious traditions (Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, Abrahamic Mysticism and Neo-Paganism)

According to his own statements, Dengel also had contacts with right-wing extremist parties in Germany such as the AFD and NPD/Die Heimat in the past.
Religious traditions serve him and his followers only as tools and are not taken seriously as traditional teachings. They are used for personal development and the implementation of social goals in society.
According to statements in his videos, Dengel sees himself as a follower of the tradition of Julius Evola's fascism, anarchism and rejects democracy as a political system.

A summer meeting at Dengel's was planned, but it did not take place because his apartment burned down. See Bräuer Özel's posting in the comments section on the fundraiser for him:
Old annoucement für the summer meeting with Bräuer Özels commentary about it:

Dengel's YouTube channel (German):
Frauds / Re: Guillaume Carle, Confederation of Aboriginal Peoples
« Last post by educatedindian on June 26, 2024, 01:58:10 am »
"He’s not just your average imposter – "Grand Chief" Guillaume Carle is the king of the “pretendians", a French Canadian who made a small fortune creating his own fake First Nation and issuing phony Indian Status Cards to thousands of other identity thieves."

Police allege Carle was behind the creation of the Confederacy of Aboriginal Peoples of Canada (CAFC). The group created the CPAC card (Confédération des peuples autochtones du Canada) that claimed its holders would benefit from rights guaranteed to Indigenous people in Canada, particularly in matters of taxation and hunting, “causing monetary prejudice to users.”

The victims, who paid membership fees, were not only left with monetary losses, but also with what investigators termed “invalid fees,” such as initiation fees and other charges for use of the cards, police alleged.

The Sûreté du Québec said seven searches were conducted since the investigation began. Police seized documents related to these accusations plus firearms and ammunition that were not legally stored.

Carle faces several charges including fraud over $5,000, possession and use of forged documents, unauthorized possession of a firearm, possession of a firearm without a licence, negligent storage of firearms and receiving stolen property....

....The leader of a self-described Indigenous organization that distributed fake Indian status cards is facing three sex-related charges involving a minor, court records show.

Guillaume Carle, 59, has been charged by Gatineau, Que., police with inviting or inciting a minor under 14 to touch a third party for a sexual purpose. He is also charged with touching a part of the body of a minor under 14 for a sexual purpose and for being a party to a sexual assault....

The charges were formally filed on Sept. 12, court records show. All three charges stem from incidents alleged to have occurred between March 1, 1988, and April 30, 1989, according to court records....

An investigation launched by Indigenous Services last fall into the use of fake Indian status cards has included interviews with three Mohawk communities and Canada's border agency, according to a document released by the department.

CBC News reported earlier this week on the Confederation of Aboriginal Peoples of Canada (CAPC) which provides members with cards the group's leader claims bestows the holders with Indigenous rights to hunt, fish, cross the border and obtain tax breaks for purchases. According to lettering on the cards, the holder is also entitled to "trans-border trade and mobility rights in North America."

How dog DNA helped expose a suspected tax scam involving fake Indian status cards
The cards have no legal standing but to the untrained eye could be mistaken for federal government-issued Indian status cards.

Indigenous Services's audit and evaluation branch contracted auditing firm KPMG in October 2017 to investigate the use of fake Indian status cards used to obtain tax breaks on purchases of goods, according to department spokesperson Martine Stevens.

A final report on the investigation is due by the end of the month.

KPMG was required to meet with the band councils of Kahnawake and Kanesatake, which sit near Montreal, and Akwesasne, which straddles the Canada-U.S. border about 120 kilometres west of the city, according to a statement of work document provided by the department to CBC News.

The statement of work document, titled Status Cards, also requested KPMG meet with the Canada Border Services Agency.

The document also stated that any employees of contractors or subcontractors involved in the investigation required "secret level" federal government clearance.

Cards have no legal status
Indigenous Services Minister Jane Philpott said Wednesday Ottawa takes the issue "very seriously" and has acted to stop the use of the fake cards.

"We were aware of many of the issues that were raised [in the CBC News story] and have already taken action against the group in terms of asking them to cease and desist the practices which have been troublesome," Philpott told reporters on Parliament Hill.

A federal government-issued Indian status card on the left, and a card distributed by the Confederation of Aboriginal Peoples of Canada on the right. (CBC)
The department's auditing branch asked KPMG to look into "anomalies or irregularities" involving the use of the cards and submit findings and recommendations based on the investigation, according to the document.

The Kahnawake police force, known as the Kahnawake Mohawk Peacekeepers, told CBC News they had seized about 100 fake cards from CAPC members attempting to score tax breaks on purchases ranging from appliances to vehicles....
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