Author Topic: hello. my name is Carsten. (another racist meltdown thread)  (Read 57347 times)

Offline Carsten

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hello. my name is Carsten. (another racist meltdown thread)
« on: April 03, 2013, 05:06:12 pm »
hello.  my name is Carsten.

I can offer only to help the boards with people in Denmark , which is where I Live.   but I happened to come across the forums because a person I happen to know in person was questioned in a thread in here so it was the main reason I joined to speak up for him on his behalf , lost contact with him  myself  otherwise I could have made him aware of the thread in question.

if any one needs information about people living in Denmark.  new age gurus,.  healers and such.  I can offer to look into it from here.

also if people claims to be Native American  and have relation to here , I Might be able to find out something , since I know people with affiliations , with tribes in mostly Lakota  rez. 

it wont be much I can do but I do support the agenda of the forum ,   all I can say in general is there is  very very few legit people in the new age realm here in Denmark. 

most are frauds.  only people with approved license to practice ,  zone therapy and herbal medicine is to be considered trustworthy here.  and these are easy to find out about.  the state approved  them and know them like a doctor also is easy to check .

feel free to ask for my help.  however since I was just speaking on behalf of someone I Know then I wont be so dedicated to reading the forums ,  most takes places elsewhere in the world too so really not something I will be reading trough everyday however you can PM me if you need information  which I can access more easy from Denmark ,  know the people or can check or call people even otherwise I wont be using the forums that much.

regards, Carsten. 

Offline Carsten

  • Posts: 33
Re: Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2013, 01:42:50 pm »
it is sad but to be honest I think its a war you can not win.,

you know I always wanted to go to the lakota reservation and other parts of the world to meet different cultures.   now in age 40 and how the world looks now I think its too late ,  only thing I would gain was to see broken cultures and maybe see parts that still exist but are forced to either die out or adapt to the modern world.

you can never stop new age frauds taking advantage of native american spirituality .   you can maybe educate people so they wont fall for it.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Re: Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2013, 02:45:34 pm »
it is sad but to be honest I think its a war you can not win.,

you know I always wanted to go to the lakota reservation and other parts of the world to meet different cultures.   now in age 40 and how the world looks now I think its too late ,  only thing I would gain was to see broken cultures and maybe see parts that still exist but are forced to either die out or adapt to the modern world.

you can never stop new age frauds taking advantage of native american spirituality .   you can maybe educate people so they wont fall for it.

I sorry but why would you make this statement!  :o only thing I would gain was to see broken cultures
I happen to live on my reservation in MY HOMELANDS! I love my home lands,
I am not broken! nor I am NOT dying out!
You so need an education on the tribal people of this land. I dont mean to get upset but is the white folk keep trying to
kill us again. We are Bicultural today because we are very adaptable people which show or strength and braverly of my people.
I live my culture everyday and know my way of life and my people are the fastest growing population
in both North and South Dakota. Plus my people still speak their langauge and live their culture.
We know that there are problem brought on the the americans but we know that going back to the culture
is a way to heal ourselves as a people. We have a total Lakota language immersion program for our children because
our language is important and culture is something we live each day.
Let see i am bout 20 years older than you so if you think 40 is old then i would look at myself and get back to living.
I know we will never stop the lost ones who are looking for a center and those who take advantage of them but
if we do not stand up and say no then we are at fault. I say no to abuse and fraud.
I am HERE I am ALIVE ! I am Lakota and Dakota! 
In Spirit

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2013, 04:15:45 pm »

Hej Carsten,

na sodan, du kender Winterhawk flygtig? A loose contact, or even a lost contact?

You're doing quite nice PR jobs for someone who's supposed to be a 'lost contact':

Carsten April 2012
I met a african native american a while ago here. really amazing that you can find such person right here in this town but I did.

we talk about things but I never spoke with him about myths or any really spiritual matters. and havent seen him for a while.

now I know that there is a lot of stuff on the net. and most is properly just false information. think one has to meet someone from a specific culture and get the insight orally.

I do know the legend of the pipe and how it was brought to the natives of the lakota tribe. this I know for a fact is correct and its described in lots of books both by whites or natives themselves.

I am interested in finding genuine myths legends stories etc etc from all tribal cultures but most my interest is in the lakota tribe. I relate to them more since I met a person once that thought me some few things and I also relate to the inuit culture since it looks a bit alike and is located closer to me. greendland being a part of Denmark .

can anyone here help me find stuff to look into that is verified and genuine ? not so much if its from one culture or a other just more that its known to be original teachings from aboriginals , africans , natives around the plains and off course from inuit and also more exotic indians around the world . aztek or these from peru and such.

been into search for some insight in these things for a while but problem is that most stuff is written and understood by whites. and not given by the people themselves .

thanks for any pointers or helpful links

ps, how are all doing btw ?

Carsten April 2012
this guy here lives in my town

he is african native american. . wrote a book about history which is what we discuss and the medicine wheel and dreams we been into.

I have not met him for a while and I would like to study some more on tribal cultures where african culture and traditional lakota teachings are most vital for me.

but all myths . all spiritual believes are useful. in this context.

and thanks. I been reading the forum once in a while but not had time to post anything really the last couple of months.

Carsten April 2012
"Dry Lips" said:
I had to google "African Native American". Never heard about it before!

me being only interested in the lakota tribe I was not even aware of that either before I met him. but its interesting and gives a more wide picture of how things relate over there.

Carsten May 2012
I got a hold of his book (again) from the library Circular thought. I can sense its correct and relates to what I been told by other natives I met. but the more myths and things I find around from various cultures would be helpful because he covers a lot of stuff in the book.

btw its a good book. you should take time to read it. author nomad winterhawk. title: Circular Thought.

Emphasis mine

And is this you, too?

This is the "Nordic Arms' Forum.

Entry by user: Cmay, dd. torsdag, 10. januar 2013 19:51

Tilmeldt: 6. januar 2013
Indlæg: 551
Interesser: overlevelse i naturen.
Geografisk sted: vejle omegn

det er rigtigt nok vi her føler os meget adskilt fra naturen . jeg har mødt flere indianer herhjemme. nomad winterhawk har jeg snakket med over et års tid mens vi gik lufted hunde for han gik samme rute som jeg går med min hund hver dag. jeg lærte at lave sweatlodge ceremonier af en vi havde til at bo her i byen og afg hakita najin jordan . ham som boed her hed flemming og er i familie med hawk druin som jeg har været til en del kurser med. [...]

This is right we feel closed out from nature. I have met many Indians here at home. I have talked to Nomad Winterhawk over the year while we took the dogs for a walk, and he walked the same tour as I did with my dog every day. I learned to do sweatlodge ceremonies and we lived here in this town [...] He lived here […] and was in a family with „hawk druin“ [?] when I was at some of the same courses.

Offline earthw7

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2013, 04:59:34 pm »
Oh My! Carsten it looks like you have been leading us down the wrong path.
My name is TaMakaWasteWin I am hunkpapa, Sihasapa, and Oglala Lakota
this fraud does not speak for my people.
What do you mean he was doing a sweat lodge ceremony who gave him the right?
There is a lot you have to learn, and what is an exotic indian?
I want you to know that the story (our Story) that is wrote all over the internet
and in books is not the whole story. 
In Spirit

Offline Carsten

  • Posts: 33
Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2013, 05:47:41 pm »
yes this is me.  I was the person writing these post years ago.   I can give you short detail  about the natives I met here since you seem to be interested in that. 

nomad is a lost contact.  moved away half a year ago or so.  cant remember. maybe a whole year.   was interested in reading his new book.  this site came up while searching and I Wondered a little about if he was legit or not or if even it was the same person I Met.    so therefor I joined.   as you can read elsewhere.

hawk druin was the first sweatlodge leader I experienced.  I would consider him "odd"   since he is only half blood and the teachings is new age fraud ,   he does work in Denmark and he is currently  involved in something personal development for dentist and worked in a hospital  but his claims to be a medicine person is highly questionable.

I know a person from peru ,  he cant remember anything from his first two years but born native peru indian and is just as cultural Danish as all other Danes are.  nothign special about hom other than he is from native herritage .  he works here and has no interest in his own culture and try to blend in with us danes.   i count him as native indian.  the people I met from greenland I count as inuit. 

then there was a half blood canadian indian here in my town as well ,   he did not take interest in that however and was only  half blood but did have relations to family in canada  he moved back to .  he was nice.  he did instruct me in running sweat lodges ,  however it was in spite I think because he had a problem with hakita najin jordan wanting to run a sweat lodge seminar .   

adn off course then I have met him ,  hakita najin jordan ,  is the lakota spokes person here in denmark and he and his wife lives in copenhagen and does sweatlodges and tell about their culture  here in denmark ,   I know the people who are adopted by  him ,  which was after the lakota declaration of war  against exploites of native american spitituality  went back home and thought non whites  the ceremony , sweatlodge . as a protest.

he is the only legit full blood I know around here.   I am not aware of any other in Denmark that him but everyone knows who he is since he was a major influence in this friendship community  , tipi,.dk.

I never made any money on doing ceremonies.  I spend money instead.  I never pretended to be something I am not.

hakita najin jordan was not exactly popular for making this sweat lodge seminar either.   however for reasons too many to start listing I did pick up on this  and used for personal benefits healthwise but never  ever as a commercial aspect.

its friends healing us self.  no money involved.   you might not like it.   but then your beef is with a lakota spokes person  teaching us this and not me.

however if I once found out haikta was  a fake.  which I find not likely.   then I would reconsider the experiences I had with this with that in mind.

nothing secret about me.   what do you want to know  ?

Offline Carsten

  • Posts: 33
Re: Re: Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2013, 06:01:44 pm »
it is sad but to be honest I think its a war you can not win.,

you know I always wanted to go to the lakota reservation and other parts of the world to meet different cultures.   now in age 40 and how the world looks now I think its too late ,  only thing I would gain was to see broken cultures and maybe see parts that still exist but are forced to either die out or adapt to the modern world.

you can never stop new age frauds taking advantage of native american spirituality .   you can maybe educate people so they wont fall for it.

I sorry but why would you make this statement!  :o only thing I would gain was to see broken cultures
I happen to live on my reservation in MY HOMELANDS! I love my home lands,
I am not broken! nor I am NOT dying out!
You so need an education on the tribal people of this land. I dont mean to get upset but is the white folk keep trying to
kill us again. We are Bicultural today because we are very adaptable people which show or strength and braverly of my people.
I live my culture everyday and know my way of life and my people are the fastest growing population
in both North and South Dakota. Plus my people still speak their langauge and live their culture.
We know that there are problem brought on the the americans but we know that going back to the culture
is a way to heal ourselves as a people. We have a total Lakota language immersion program for our children because
our language is important and culture is something we live each day.
Let see i am bout 20 years older than you so if you think 40 is old then i would look at myself and get back to living.
I know we will never stop the lost ones who are looking for a center and those who take advantage of them but
if we do not stand up and say no then we are at fault. I say no to abuse and fraud.
I am HERE I am ALIVE ! I am Lakota and Dakota!

wll I seen some documentaries about poverty in the rez. know from people who been there and been adopted and lived there for long time its not the culture you might have hoped to see that you will see.

I honestly have no need to go see poverty in the US.  I feel very sorry for what happen to native americans.  but I feel sorry for all poor people as well.   

 I was meaning in the words I said a  very poor people ,  as far as I know the native americans are among the most poor people in the us.

have no need to go see that.  poverty was maybe the right word instead of broken. 

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2013, 06:08:15 pm »
Wow Carsten. Busted!

So you, a white man, feel a desperate need to learn Lakota ceremony, and now claim to have been taught how to lead sweats (by a fraud). And you came here and gave us a different story. Your not the first culture vulture to think they can show up and fool the "exotic indians" [sic]. You should be ashamed of yourself. 

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2013, 06:13:31 pm »
you might not like it.   but then your beef is with a lakota spokes person  teaching us this and not me.

You have committed offenses by supporting frauds and trying to lead ceremonies you have no right to. You have shown you do not understand who can and can't represent Native people. What you are engaging in is called "blame-shifting" - you blame the people whose culture you are harming for your own choice to do harmful things.

You mention the Declaration of War, so you can't even claim ignorance here. It sounds to me like you knew that the consensus of Lakota people is that the ways are not to be given to white outsiders - and you are a white outsider - and you chose to do it anyway. You chose personal gratification and illusion over respect.

You have disrespected the very people you are trying to emulate. Do you have any idea how hurtful and wrong that is?

Offline Carsten

  • Posts: 33
Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2013, 06:15:42 pm »
Oh My! Carsten it looks like you have been leading us down the wrong path.
My name is TaMakaWasteWin I am hunkpapa, Sihasapa, and Oglala Lakota
this fraud does not speak for my people.
What do you mean he was doing a sweat lodge ceremony who gave him the right?
There is a lot you have to learn, and what is an exotic indian?
I want you to know that the story (our Story) that is wrote all over the internet
and in books is not the whole story.

I never lead anyone down a wrong path. 

I never took money for making sweats for anyone else.  I use this to heal myself and even spend money on it. 

hakita najin jordan should be legit. 

if he is not.  then native american friendship community might want to know about it.

however it does not change the fact I been given a way to heal myself.   spirit might tell you more about who I am and why I do what I do and did.

I am not taking money. I am not claiming to be anything I Am not.

its a tiny part of a other culture ,  the sweat I had a chance to do for myself.   

you do not even know half of what I been through in this life.   but I can tell you one thing.

new age frauds is something I do not like very much ,  I was retired  because I got very sick  around sixteen years ago.

I spend tons of money trying to get better.   

then I got this.   I used it.  I am now better.  not cured.  however better.

no point in time can you point your finger at me for doing anything at all,   that your own people did not do worse with ceremonies .

I am not the one charging money for it.  I am not the one claiming to be medicine man and conduct ceremonies. 

its half bloods , or even full bloods coming here to my country who does that.

now you have a problem with me for trying to heal myself ?

you know albert white hat then , being ogala ?

Offline Carsten

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2013, 06:58:56 pm »
you might not like it.   but then your beef is with a lakota spokes person  teaching us this and not me.

You have committed offenses by supporting frauds and trying to lead ceremonies you have no right to. You have shown you do not understand who can and can't represent Native people. What you are engaging in is called "blame-shifting" - you blame the people whose culture you are harming for your own choice to do harmful things.

You mention the Declaration of War, so you can't even claim ignorance here. It sounds to me like you knew that the consensus of Lakota people is that the ways are not to be given to white outsiders - and you are a white outsider - and you chose to do it anyway. You chose personal gratification and illusion over respect.

You have disrespected the very people you are trying to emulate. Do you have any idea how hurtful and wrong that is?

I found this after the seminar.  I was told that he was instructed by elders to teach this and it was supposed to be in one semiar ,  it did not make profit  but however cost was covered.

it was not popular either in the Danish native american friendship community. 

this is why a other ,  half blood offered to teach me for free.

so I got it a strange way. 

but let me ask you this then ,  why do you think I needed to do this and what do I use it for ?

you have no idea who or what I am .

I do understand your pride of your ceremonies and culture.  I Am not taking more than someone from your culture gave me.   I use it for healing of myself.  not for personal gain  neither money.

I do also understand its a sensitive topic. 

however please , consider asking spirit ,  why did they lead me down the path I was .

you have to understand one thing first .   that person I was at the time ,  would do anything to get better.  no question .

but also the person I Am now reflects about the life I had.   I do want to warn others about new age in particular.

I can not ,  and repeat not  claim in anyway that I was given any special insight in native american culture or anything but in fragments from various people I met that are maybe some of them genuine and maybe some of them not. have a idea of something.   

I NEVER claim to be a medicine person. I Never claim to have had anything other than the few instructions I had  in the sweatlodge  by two persons. 

I Never ever take money for it but use it among friends  for healing.  even pay for the whole thing my self. 

as I said already hakita was not very popular for doing this. however he did this in spite of this lakota declaration war on spiritual exploiters  of lakotas because ,  he is married to a white person.  he know white adopted people who also run sweats.  sundancers.    how can he support the idea that white people cant  be part of this ,  with respect off course. 

however without the ceremony  I could not heal myself like I did.   wont tell you what I suffering from  but I can assure you that  if you had the same condition  then other peoples accept would not be the most important thing  and I am grateful  for spirit to have taken me down this path. 

but you can as said go speak to spirit about this .  then come back.   I have no problems with my life or what I been through  and know deep inside that I never ever insulted spirit by  trying to heal myself neither did I ever exploit your sacred ceremony. 

but I had to do it a other way than usually would be more acceptable to your people.  at that time  I cant go there.  I cant find anyone with a open hart at that time ,  that could have shown my ANYTHING that could have healed my this way.

had I for some reason met a other person.  that had something with same healing.  well....then I had picked that up instead. 

go here
join and tell them your concerns with this matter. 

they would know exactly who hakita najin jordan and his wife marianne is. 

you can take it up with the person teaching me this instead.  now sure he still is alive but they will know  be able to point you to him . .  but you can at least  get this out of this conversation that I Have as said nothing to hide.  no reason to.

however I would be happy if you do ask spirit first in this matter.   , not as in a general matter but in my case. this case.    then see if spirit would maybe explain you why sometimes things are a other way than you find acceptable.

all I am asking for.   let spirit be in on this.   before you assume anything about me , as a person or pass judgement on me or my actions in this life.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2021, 09:57:31 pm by NAFPS Housekeeping »

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Offline Carsten

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2013, 08:05:11 pm »
yes it seem to be hakita najin jordans profile. 

cant confirm all the information in it but some of it.   need picture to verify  it is him but the most of it is well known facts about him .

they founded danish/lakota friendship community .,   everyone knows him  in that forum.  he had a major influence on this community and all people who been in the US with tribes  would know him too .  they all know each other.

he was old when he did this seminar I am talking about.  the last actually.   then he stopped. 
I did not know he was dead but could have guessed it because he was so old as he was. 

as he was a sundancer each year its held.  in rosebud.   there would be someone knowing him here I would imagine. 

he had the scars to prove that in anycase. 

 its a long time ago. ten years maybe . 

there was a documentary made on the rosebud reservation too ,  which he had a hand in the making off .

 anyone from rosebud who might know him then  ?

Offline earthw7

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Re: Re: Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2013, 08:23:57 pm »
so you seen a document of Pine Ridge  ::)and made the decision we are all in the same boat
Remember there 14 Lakota-Dakota-Nakota reservation plus nine Canadian Provence of
the Lakota-Dakota-Nakota Nation each have their own way. Why do White people judge
and believe everything from Pine Ridge? maybe its white thing! I am from the Standing Rock Reservation
and very proud of that fact. The land of the Hunkpapa and Shiasapa.
If you know anything-OH WAIT YOU DONT!
Each tribe is different economically so you cant make a general statement that we are all
poor, the Seminole own all the Hard Rock Hotel across the world.
I cant believe you would make racist statement like that but wanting to know about us.
As far as adoption i bet that are lying we have so many people who claim adoption maybe you should
read the adoption belief of the tribes. Most who say they are adoption are not really and most likely frauds
In Spirit

Offline earthw7

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Re: hello. my name is Carsten.
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2013, 08:40:46 pm »
Are these your words........................................................ :o

I am aware of this issue. check out hakita najin jordans response to this .. I can tell you that he went home and made a one time event , paid for as a course where he did teach twelve people how to do a sweatlodge themselves.

this course was paid for by us attended. we got a little more from them than I can see how they can have made any money on and I do know what they got out of it since I know the people who made this possible. it was nothing that made them rich I can assure you.

I was the leader of the sweat we where supposed to run ourself. hakita left the lodge at round three at let me pour the fourth round while his wife where the firekeeper.

I met him later at a private ceremony where he did not bring his pipe and we used mine for that healing ceremony. so he has no problems with my pipe either.

I knew a native american close to where I live that told me that he did think that I needed to pay for a course to learn that so he told me before hand all I needed to know in hopes I would not waste money and time on this course.

however I knew before that course I had to be there and was supposed to be the leader of that sweat we should do ourself. spirit told me a year before.

after that event I gave a pipe to a Danish sundancer and told her that I was doing sweats myself in all modesty and privacy if people where interested in it and asked how she felt about this issue about non natives doing sweats and she thought it was a good thing I did.

then I know now a ceremonial roadchief that does'nt seem to have a problem with me doing sweats , in fact his wife told me it was something I should be doing by myself.

so......I have no problems with what I do. and can point out people that gave me permission by name with a native background if anyone asks me at a sweat where I got my knowledge and they can judge it all they want from this .

its not like I been on the rez and been adopted and had many years of training behind me but if anyone has problems with this then they can ask the persons I can point to for their reasons and also go speak to spirit about the matter.

I do however feel very very strongly about this issue and would love for new age to leave that alone. ceremony is not to be taken lightly but you can get away with lots of things if your honest. however being honest about these things in my book needs also a permission from spirit and a permission from a native american on some level if you plan to do sweats.

my opinion on this is that if you can find a person who will allow you to do this then all is fine. its not needed to be a person that are native but just a sundancer that made lots of sweats before and I feel this way because its dangerous and should not be played around with.

if someones spirit guides are native americans and they like to be honoured by performing some ceremonies and also that someone meets up with someone that can show how its done and knows this by hart then I see no problem with it no matter how white ones skin is.

what I do see a problem with is the people who blend tarot card readings and native american traditions they read in a book in a blend that is far from honest in anyway to seem more interesting to clients.

there is one really important issue at hand here as well...we NEED the native americans wisdom and how to learn to respect our earth more. that wisdom can come from just about every other tribal culture as well but we need to work along with each other regardless of skin colour or gender or age to start acting more responsible towards our nature and this needs to be done now.

I only take from the native americans what they give me . nothing else. however as said I also feel strongly about their culture and I see the things I got from them over the last fifteen years as a gift but also something I need to help protect if I see some new age guru pissing on it and we have some of these here as well. I might not be the right one to do this but if a situation comes where someone hands out a phone number for a paid for sweat done along with some new age stuff I will call them and ask them not to do this because its simply not the way it should be done.

I also was told to teach others about this and maybe even how to run sweats themselves but i did not find anyone yet that I would think where seriously dedicated yet so I did not do this yet. however I would never ever teach anything to someone I could imagine starting to charge for it and mix it with other things like healing and tarot card readings and crystals and new age stuff.

I am aware that some native americans do not agree with this tht I stand for and do . .....but as said they can then go speak to spirit about it if they have a problem with me and what I do. or ask some of the people with native background that showed me how to do this. I can point to two instructors and a few that just seems to not have problems with what I do. I wont namedrop here anymore than just hakita because he is the lakota ambassador of Denmark -.
however I also feel its a sensitive subject and we should respect their opinions those who feel things are not the way it should be. they after all just protecting something sacred .
In Spirit