Author Topic: Tanja Fehlauer & Francis Billington AKA Tonya & Grey Wolf  (Read 122131 times)

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #45 on: February 12, 2007, 07:22:07 pm »
Yes, it should be very interesting. I don't believe the story T/T/T told there in 2005. How could a person get married without any documents on her hands? How could she own a house? And what about the need to present a Social Security No to renew a driving license? That would automatically transfer all housewives who never held a job or self-employed persons into pedestrians, I suppose. Also note that the posting says: her alleged mother wants to be able to enter the USA while she is supposed to be living there since 1989.

I assume T/T/T's posting in that forum indicates that she has problems with telling the truth and that one should be thinking very hard when she as much as gives one the time of the day. However, that posting does blow quite nicely the legend of a Cherokee mother, and in her own words. So if T/T/T and FB or their followers keep checking this site, the legend might get changed once again to a Cherokee father.

Offline Mo

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #46 on: February 13, 2007, 12:27:30 pm »
from their yahoo group:

There is an outfit that revels in the name of "New age fraud forum"
who are watching everything we do with a critical eye and ready to
pounce with the most spurious and stupid statements about us or anyone
else who crawls up their noses. They have a habit of twisting what we
say rather like naughty children at school and mostly target anyone
who has an interest in Native American spirituality or culture who, in
their ill considered opinion are not entitled to get involved with
anything to do with this subject either because they are not Native
American, or are Native American but they don't believe they are. Well
spies can run in both camps and some of the things they have said
about us are so stupid and ill informed you would think they were
written by some peevish little girl thowing a tantrum and throwing her
toys out of the pram! They are radical to the point of being anti
religious and rascist and have no true concept of spirituality,
tolerance or what it means to walk side by side with others of
different beliefs or faiths. This Forums main fear is that people like
us are selling their culture and yet they do nothing themselves to
protect it and when they hear that we have contibuted funds and given
other support to Native American charities and causes they refuse to
believe it. They even monitor our websites but since everything we do
is given freely and not for profit and our web shops only sell the
genuine articles from recognised Native American suppliers and our
other products which are not Native American always state the origin
they are wasting their time. I mention all this because they made the
mistake of trying to contact our Elders for confirmation about Tonya's
status and quite rightly they were told that it is none of their
business where she belongs and that goes for me too..
Understanding. Forgiveness. Tolerance. One Universal Great Spirit, and
all paths lead to the Creator no matter which path you follow.
Love and unconditional blessings to you all


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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #47 on: February 13, 2007, 01:51:17 pm »
oh dear oh dear oh who is sounding peevish! pot calling the kettle black i think! Sticks and stones and all that jazz eh?

I am certain that no matter how much Mr Billington likes to think he can appropriate our history,our customs,our spirituality there is just no way he can do this for the simple fact he is not a native...only a Native American "born" can understand this. And only a Native American "Born" would understand why one just cannot mix up Native American customs,spirituality,crafts etc with those from other "religions" like witchcraft,wicca Druidry(is that the right spelling,you get my gist anyway). It would be as bad as us Native Americans going into a Jewish/Christian/Catholic/buddhist/ place of worship and combining the whole lot together and saying..well you have to accept it guys cause you know I am right!(and i have to say I borrowed this analogy from a very dear friend of mine)   

As for being radical, hmmmmmm,well I thought being radical was to be a sore thumb thinking outside the mainstream. I see no radicals here, I see a whole group of Native Americans defending their race and spirituality

Anti-religious and racist eh? do I see a non native attacking verbally a whole race of people who are in fact defending their spirituality and race!  Or is this the actions of a man who has a bad case of verbal diorhea

"things we have said being stupid and ill-informed"

Well, poor Mrs Billington and Mr Billington....only things the members on here have seen are those written by the happy couple.

And is it ill-informed and stupid to understand our own culture and spirituality.

Oh, and we do absolutely nothing to protect our culture,well blow me down with a feather...guys...we are doing something majorly wrong somewhere...I reckon we ought to get a few mig fighter jets and bomb the blazes out of people who take the "bleep"

Given freely and not for profit eh?...guess that means Mr Billington does not get paid for giving Pyschic Readings in Regalia on TV? On a THursday morning folks if you are really really interested!     

Spies in both camps eh?! always wanted to be one of those James Bond girls!

Have a good day all


PS: This IS Linda Lou for the spies who are watching..... :P

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #48 on: February 13, 2007, 04:50:55 pm »
Heh. Thanks Mo: obviously hit a raw nerve or two. It's always entertaining to watch newagers lose their cool when you deflate their self-importance or hit their bottom line.

from their yahoo group:

"...everything we do is given freely and not for profit..."

*cough* That memory of his is getting worse.

...guess that means Mr Billington does not get paid for giving Pyschic Readings in Regalia on TV? On a THursday morning folks if you are really really interested!

I am really, really interested in that. Which channel?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2007, 04:55:32 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »


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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #49 on: February 13, 2007, 07:50:31 pm »
Probably on the Comedy Channel. Cudos to Mo on this. What doesn't make a bit of sense is if her mother lost her documents in 1989 why wait over 15 years. It would seem that for a destroyed passport you would notify the place where you obtained this. I would think Germany keep records of issued passports. The ones here are good for 10 years. The Social Security card may vary with the State. They do not use them for ID here for Driver's Licenses. And it depends on how old you are to be without one. They started issuing these to newborns about 30 years ago. I really wonder what the bottom line of all this is. frederica

Offline loudcrow

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #50 on: February 15, 2007, 10:07:13 am »
This has to be the most fascinating thread I have ever read in this forum. First of all, this is the first time I have ever known anyone
who has been accused of being a fraud, to post to the forum in an attempt, although feeble, to defend themselves. The evidence that
has been presented here is overwhelming and points to a guilty verdict in my humble opinion. For a while, iI did find myself giving these
two the benefit of the doubt. but the more they posted and the more evidence (words from their own mouths!) appeared, I found
myself in a state of shock and could not believe they would insult the intelligence of the Native American community.

I've done some investigating of my own and will share what I have uncovered:

1. The word "hount" is German. The English word is "haunt". Perhaps one of our German members can verify this as I am not
    a German speaker myself and know you cannot always rely on Internet translations. If I am mistaken, I apologise as it
    is not my intention to present false or misleading information.

2.  Pushican/Lighting Bear/John Colbert/John Corbett, etc. appears at various esoteric venues in Germany and professes to be
     a Comanche Medicine Man. Please recall the "teachings" where FB refers to this individual. Being the curious type, I telephoned
     the Comanche Nation. They are quite familiar with this man and have assured me he is not an enrolled member of their Nation and
     definitely is not their medicine man.

3.  I contacted some individuals in Germany who have knowledge about and/or work on their Little Paradise Healing Project.
     (Please forgive me if I don't have the correct name for this project.) The man who goes by the name Little Crow is
    actually one Solomon Ben-Ami and is of Jewish/British extraction.

4.  I contacted the Blackwater Band of the Lower Muskokee regarding the certicates FB has so proudly displayed on his
     website. They have informed me their tribe (which is actually a clan) perfomed a wedding ceremony for this couple
     because they had been led to believe T/T/T was American and Cherokee. Although they would not go into any great
     detail, they told me their was an incident in the UK between this couple and some recognized Native Americans. T/T/T
     was asked to provide them with proof of her being part American and proof of being Cherokee. When the proof was not
     presented, they had no other alternative other than to revoke their Honorary Memberships and have since turned their
     backs on this pair.

Because the people I have spoken with are "innocents" in this case, I will not reveal their names on the Internet. If anyone
doubts my words, please contact the aforementioned yourselves for your own personal verification.

The facts and their own words speak for themselves. Neither of them have proven anything to anyone that shows us, the
Native American community, to be in error or to be ill-informed. Quite the contrary.

Crow with a loud voice

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #51 on: February 15, 2007, 11:10:33 am »
1. The word "hount" is German. The English word is "haunt". Perhaps one of our German members can verify this as I am not
    a German speaker myself and know you cannot always rely on Internet translations. If I am mistaken, I apologise as it
    is not my intention to present false or misleading information.

Errm, the internet was not quite wrong, but also not quite right. There is no 'hount' in German language (the German word 'Hund' and the English 'hound' go back to the same root), the equivalent in meaning of the English 'haunt' is 'umgehen/verfolgen'. I assumed that Ms T/T/T intended to go either by the nick of 'Huntingwolf' or 'Hauntingwolf' and failed to look up the correct spelling, and also, in case of 'Hauntingwolf', was not too sure about the meaning of the terms, as both 'haunt' and 'stalk' can be translated as 'verfolgen'.


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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #52 on: February 15, 2007, 11:22:55 am »
I am not an expert by any means but I do know that to some degree Austrian German speakers have a different way of talking German.

I happened to find this web site with Hawk Hounting.

As her mother is Austrian maybe this explains the spelling.



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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2007, 12:17:19 pm »
 ;D that the same as Elvis saying..aint nothing but a hounddog ;D ;D

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #54 on: February 15, 2007, 12:59:04 pm »
I am not an expert by any means but I do know that to some degree Austrian German speakers have a different way of talking German.
To a degree, yes. Sometimes to a greater degree so that Germans, Austrians and German speaking Swiss people have coined the phrase of "the common language which divides us". However, the 'Duden' is the same for all German speaking countries (and includes entries of 'exotic' sounding words used in Austria and Switzerland), and there is nothing like 'hount' in there. It would also be a most unusual spelling in German (the 'ou').

I happened to find this web site with Hawk Hounting.
Oops - I'd put that down to 'great minds think alike and fools do seldom differ' ;)

As her mother is Austrian maybe this explains the spelling.
I don't think so. Mr B himself mentioned his wife went to school in Germany, and the differences between Austrian and German dialects are largely not in spelling but in the use of altogether different words, like e.g. whereas we say 'Tomate' (tomato), the Austrian say 'Paradeiser' (from 'paradise apple), our 'Kartoffel' (potato) is 'Erdaepfel' (earth apple) in Austrian.

.is that the same as Elvis saying..aint nothing but a hounddog
Yep - or as in the 'Hound of Baskerville' (shiver). English language today uses the word 'hound' in a more limited way, my dictionary says it means  hunting dog or villain, and in idioms like 'ride to hounds' and 'hound down'. On the other hand, we've also given you the term 'Schweinehund' /shvinehoont/ ;) which used to be the term for a dog used to herd pigs.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #55 on: February 15, 2007, 04:36:43 pm »
This has to be the most fascinating thread I have ever read in this forum. First of all, this is the first time I have ever known anyone who has been accused of being a fraud, to post to the forum in an attempt, although feeble, to defend themselves.

Oh, there have been others. Scarlet Kinney's my favourite.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #56 on: February 16, 2007, 03:48:26 pm »
It's pretty amusing how the Billingtons' hysterical angry denials only increase the number of people who see critical information about them. Also pretty funny to watch them prove themselves incapable of being the spiritual and ceremonial leaders they imagine themselves to be: People as immature as them would never have been entrusted with leading ACTUAL Native ceremonies. Then again, outside of the Stomp Dance, everything they do is Nuage, not Native.

Their memories are getting more bizarre. When did they ever say "none of your business" about their alleged elders? They wouldn't even say what tribe the alleged "elders" allegedly were from.

So obviously the Billington's OWN followers contacted the alleged "elders" and got a hostile rude response no actual elder would ever give.

Since they're monitoring this site in the manner most Nuage frauds do, desperate to shout down criticism by making up very silly lies about us (Hint: Try reading the About Us section.), let me make this challenged that I know they'll see:

Name your alleged "elders" and ask them to defend what you do. Any ACTUAL elders would gladly defend people they've taught. Only frauds would hide or be as rude and hostile as you're claiming yours are being.

Crow, thanks for all the research you did. Quite a first post. There's more on "Lightning Bear" in here. He's one of the more bizarre ones.


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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #57 on: February 20, 2007, 05:51:40 pm »
EducatedIndian..did you get a reply to your challenge?

I found an interesting article today with regards to Cherokees...seems the official ones are hunting down the non-official ones.


Offline tawodi

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #58 on: February 21, 2007, 12:33:45 am »
Siyo to the forum.  I am an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation.  Though I do not now live in Oklahoma, I never make a trip up without going out to the grounds.  The advertisement for this supposed "stomp dance" is one of the most sickening things I have read and I thought I had pretty much seen and heard it all when it comes to glut of pretend Cherokees.  The stomp dance is sacred just as much for WHERE it is held as it is for who the leaders are.  And nothing these people wrote about what they plan to do is anything but the most grotesque form of disrespect and mockery. 

Though I sincerely doubt Tonya has any proveable Cherokee blood, that in fact isn't even an issue as far as the authority to lead a stomp dance.  Blood cells and brain cells are NOT interchangeable.  "Indian blood" or the everpopular "Indian in my heart" drivel make me laugh.  You need an "Indian mind"!  One that has spent years learning what you have to know to be a caller.  And if you somehow have convinced yourself that your "blood" is enough, I have a proposition for ya.  How about you let me perform a triple-bypass on you!  After all, my great-uncle was a Cherokee doctor.  MD, that is.

I'll be in England in April for ten days, GW and T.  Do you have the courage of your convictions to try to defend your actions to a real Cherokee in person?

Offline loudcrow

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Re: Grey Wolf & Tonya
« Reply #59 on: February 21, 2007, 05:36:28 am »
I am not holding my breath waiting for FB or T/T/T to come forward with proof of her being American and Cherokee.
This will not happen in our lifetimes. It is abundantly clear T/T/T is 100% German, has a German passport which
indicates a birthplace in Germany and obviously thinks we are blooming idiots because we don't buy into her
fairy tale(s).

I haven't quite figured out what the story is with FB. I am assuming they ask for identification when
going for a marriage license in the UK, so I think it's safe to say FB should know darn good and well T/T/T
is German born, German raised and probably never stepped foot in the USA. Indeed, that explains her
German accent. So tell us, FB, have you neglected to check out T/T/T's story yourself, is this wishful
thinking on your part, or are you living in LaLa Land too?

I neglected to mention the people I spoke with concerning this pair said a differant story was relayed to them
from T/T/T. My sources say T/T/T claimed to have been born on a reservation in Georgia, has no American
birth certificate but does have a piece of paper from an elder documenting her birth. Curious minds need to
know how she managed to get from Georgia to Germany without the birth certificate which is needed in order
to obtain an American passport. I'll answer that for you, T/T/T. It didn't happen. There are no Cherokee
reservations in Georiga. Never have been. Never will be. You HAVE to have an American birth certificate in
order to obtain an American passport.

I am also puzzled about the post T/T/T made in reference to her Native American mother having problems
with US Immigration and Naturalization. How does that work exactly? I'll tell you how it works. Her mother
is not American! That's how that works, T/T/T! Or do you have an explanation for this? I would certainly
like to hear it and would like you to know I have always been rather fond of soap operas.

Another mystery is how her mother manages to work without a Social Security Number? How does she
pay taxes? I'm sure the IRS would like to hear about this.

Tawodi is quite right. The fact this pair would take it upon themselves to combine Pagan, witchcraft, etc.
with the Stomp Dance is positively vile. Neither one of them has the necessary training to be a caller,
dancer, etc. and, no doubt, could not answer any questions about the Stomp Dance should they be asked.
And since when is a non-Native permitted to lead a Stomp?

FB, you may have convinced yourself T/T/T is American/Cherokee, but you have not, for one minute,
convinced the Native Americans and Americans who view and post on this forum. I understand your need
to protect your wife and family, but please don't play us for fools in the process.

By the way, FB and T/T/T. one checks with the Tribal Enrollment Clerk of the Nation to find out if someone
is enrolled, has applied for enrollment, etc. They don't check with the elders unless they are asking something
like, "Do you know so-and-so?" Furthermore, I have never heard of any elder telling someone "it's none of
your business" when asked if someone is known to the Nation and/or is enrolled or not.

Quite rightfully, this pair has been placed in the Frauds Section. If you want to "save face", give us some
verifiable proof T/T/T is American/Cherokee, FB. Wake up and smell the coffee! This forum is not a
Yahoo Group and is viewed and posted by honorable members of the Native American community and
their non-Native supporters. The real supporters. The ones who stand by our sides through thick and
thin and aren't making a buck off our backs. The ones who don't run around bragging about what they
have done to help our people. Until then, you two are right where you belong .. in the Frauds Section.

P.S. Ingeborg, do they really teach "Crystal Healing" in the Universities in Germany? That must have
been that "Crystal Healing 101" class I neglected to take!