being Cherokee I can only speak of Cherokee. I did find this article perhaps it will shed some light.
Resolution No. 14-00 was adopted by the Cherokee National Council in 2000 to establish policy in response to the numerous individuals and entities claiming to be a new Cherokee tribe, clan or association. This resolution reads: “BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CHEROKEE NATION, that as a matter of policy the Cherokee Nation shall not endorse, acquiesce or support for federal or state recognition any other group, association or club which identify themselves as a separate tribal identity for purpose of having a government to government relationship because of Cherokee ancestry.
Leon Jones, Principal Chief and Dan McCoy, Tribal Council Chairman, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians testified in front of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hearing on S. 611 in 2000. You can read the transcripts.
“However, there are also many groups seeking recognition that by even the most liberal standards absolutely do not qualify as historic Indian tribes. The federal government is tasked with the difficult job of distinguishing between the "wannabes" and the legitimate groups. This is particularly problematic for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, as a large number of the petitioning groups use the word "Cherokee" in their name. Below is the list of groups that have actually petitioned the Bureau of Indian Affairs for Federal Tribal Recognition who either use the word "Cherokee" in their name or who claim to be Cherokees ….

“In my state of North Carolina we have well known groups seeking recognition that can not speak a single word of their claimed Indian language, that can not repeat to you a creation legend that is unique to their people, that have no dance, or song, or burial practice that is unique to their claimed tribe. Even if you found a one hundred year old member of their group, he or she could not speak to you in that tribe's language because it never existed. What is it that we are preserving in this case? What would this "tribe" do that would be unique or different from any small town government? These are not insignificant questions.

I know what you have heard about Kentucky, that there were no Indians there. That is a lie. The Cherokees lived there their "Capitol" was Burnside, KY. Most lived below the Cumberland River. Shawnee owned most of the are above the Cunberland. A white man, named Filson, was a land speculator, and in order to sell more land in KY he wrote a book, which he sent to europe to entice more whites to KY to buy land. In his book he said that there were NO Indians in KY, that it was owned by an ancient white race, and the Indians stayed away from KY. Well, of all thing Filson was killed in KY, by of all people, the Indians that were not there. I am from Lawrence county where there is a small town called Cherokee. My folks came from what is now Perry County, but was then, 1887, it was Clay County. The village my Grandfather wasd born in was Telequah, Ky, Now it is Viper.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------I was born in the Cherokee Nation, in Kentucky, at bleast it was in the 1600 and 1700's. That doesn't make me a Cherokee. I am 3/16 Cherokee by blood, I would not be a member of a Federally recognized tribe, if I could. Reason: God has blessed me and my family. We have everything that we need. I have grown up in the white mans world, and have lived, and been accepted as such. I would not accept federal benifits under any circumstances. I don't deserve it. I have had many blessing that recognized Tribal members have not had and, never will have. I have had good jobs, owned several homes. bought many new cars, and many more things than I can name. I just want to be close to , and help my Native Brothers and Sisters. God Bless them all. I have heard that the CNO is great at accepting those who are willing to come and fellowship with them as long as no strings are attached, and as long as you don't ask to be enrolled. That's enough.
So there is/was a Cherokee Nation in Ky?
Wado, Harold
I have also emailed several people as to these posts.