Here is some more reading about the same BS
I have copied and pasted into this email the letter I sent to Governor..
Thanks, Bruce.
PS. also attached is copy of letter..
TO: Governor Ernie Fletcher
FM: Bruce W. Brading
Chairman of Board Circle of Wisdom Unity Conference, Inc. & Bingo Treasurer
Kentucky Native American Heritage Commissioner
Kentucky Center for Native American Arts & Culture, Inc. Board & Treasurer
American Indian Heritage Museum, Inc. Board & Treasurer, & Bingo Treasurer
CEO/Founder of American Indian Register of Kentucky (Committee of Unity)
Kentucky Original People Chair (Committee of Unity)
Child Welfare Chair (Committee of Unity)
Rural Health of Kentucky Chair (Committee of Unity)
Legal and Legislative Member (Committee of Commission)
Recognition and Criteria Member (Committee of Unity) and Committee of Commission
Research, Education and Development member (Committee of Unity)
Spirit of the Land, Inc. Board Member (Kentucky’s Oldest Native Organization)
Red Crow Indian Council, Inc. President (Kentucky’s Second Oldest Native Organization)
Ohio Valley Native American Warriors and Veterans Society, Inc. Member
Ohio River Native American Inter-tribal Council, Inc.
RE: Resignation of Tom Jones Chair of the Kentucky Native American Heritage Commission
DT: August 2, 2006
I have asked for the Chair of the Kentucky Native American Heritage Commission to resign. The reasons are discussed below in this letter.
I am still asking for his resignation and will again ask for that resignation at all Commission meetings in which I am allowed to attend. I also issued a Vote of No confidence be placed in the next commission meetings agenda and will continue to issue that at each commission meeting in the future.
I have been an active Native American Indian Person of Decent for over 54 years in Kentucky.
Seeking first office as early as 1974. I have joined in almost every effort on behalf of the Native American Indian people of Kentucky. My Life has been dedicated to those Issues. The Native American Indian people of this state are still waiting for time and the history of this state to be rewritten. We need for this state to catch up to us, and give us the truth of our existence. My people have always known of their Indian Heritage and we have lived in this State before the introduction of Europeans and the Laws we now live by in this Commonwealth.
I am asking that you Governor Ernie Fletcher please read what I have to say.
Almost all Issues of the Native American Indians of this state have fallen to the Circle of Wisdom Unity Conference, Inc. I have been elected seven years running as Chairman of the Board of the Circle of Wisdom Unity Conference. My life as Chairman of the Board of this Organization is a large part of my path and dedication for those I feel are my family. This statement is not an easy one, but true, I have dedicated my life to work for the people. Not one People, not one Tribe, not one section, and not one region, but the entire Native American Indian community in the Commonwealth. That does also include Federally recognized, State recognized, and all those who are descendants of the Original people of this Commonwealth. In he Circle of Wisdom Unity Conference, we have over the last 9 years worked and talked with each other and have a better understanding of all concerns over the entire state of Kentucky.
I work for all the Organizations and Committees I function on, whether they are as a member of the Commission or the Circle of Wisdom Unity Conference. I wish you to know that the Tribes, Organizations, Groups, and Individuals of the Circle of Wisdom Unity Conference do represent over 85% of the Native People of Kentucky and our goals have always been for Native American Indian people as a whole in one community of Kentucky.
I do now, and still will continue to work in all areas of Native American Indian concerns no matter what happens here or with the issue of the Commission.
I work for Recognition of Native American Indian Peoples; I work for Grave Desecration, Health and Welfare, Education, Child Welfare and Housing, all on behalf of the entire community of Kentucky. I also have and will continue to work with the Kentucky Native American Heritage Commission as I see this as a major effort for the future of Kentucky. But, I do need you to understand some of the issues taking place in this state at this time. I also need you to know why I ask for the removal of the Chair of the Commission.
In Kentucky, Unity has taken on almost all issues for the Native American Community.
The Chair of the Native American Heritage Commission at many meetings spoke of support for those issues. He spoke of, spoke of, and each time ended up doing nothing.
Unity Committee’s have functioned almost entirely alone for several years. We have received no issued statements or support from the Commission.
Rural health Committee of Unity has made all meetings with Rural Health of Kentucky, and ensured Native American Indian descendants as part of the Federal Dollars designated for Minorities in Kentucky.
That money came here as a federal Grant and was only being used for African America’s, Spanish, and Asian. The Unity conference responded with a committee and meetings to ensure our people would be helped with the Money. The Commission did not help, did not participate, and even voted not to join Unity in these efforts. Unity Committee Members have for three years been the only ones to attend all meetings and subsequent dealings with those of authority in the State for Rural health.
Child Welfare Committee of Unity has been in over Eleven Court Cases in four years. We have attended five meetings in Frankfort and became part of the stakeholders of Kentucky a grass roots to child Services. We have been all over the state of Kentucky. Testifying on behalf of Indian Children and their rights as Indian Children. We have worked for Native American Indian religious rights as well. For Native American Indian Children’s rights for proper Foster care homes. We have instituted through the Committee of Unity the Families Program to enroll and have Native Families place them on a list with the state. To take the classes and become Foster Homes, and Adoption Homes because we needed to help the state comply with the Federal Child Welfare Indian Act. Again the Commission was asked to join this Committee, even asked to send a representative to Courts. Asked by A Judge who quoted “Were is the Commission in all of these cases?

. But, Again the commission being made aware rejected any participation and made its usual statement. We have no authority; to entire such cases, and could or would not send anyone.
Kentucky Original People Committee of Unity has operated since 1974 under first Spirit of the Land, then Coalition of Original People (A joint committee of OHIO, INDIANA, and KENTUCKY) lasting to 1999, then moved as a Committee of Circle of Wisdom Unity Conference in 2000 as Kentucky Original People.
This Committee has handled over 58 cases of grave desecration and reburial in the State of Kentucky. Again the Commission was asked to respond with help and backing. That help was refused until 2005 at a commission meeting in which Tom Jones stated and took a vote to place a commissioner on the KOP Committee of Unity to assist us in our efforts. To this day August 2, 2006, this has not happened.
No other Commissioner other than myself functions on behalf of the state on those issues. Kentucky Original People as a committee of Unity has for all these years handled all grave issues. I must clarify one item of this KOP Committee. We do not handle those issues applied to NAGPRA laws. Any NAGPRA claims by Federal tribes and the KOP Committee of Unity steps aside unless asked to participate by Tribal Governments. We have been asked five times to help, and in those cases we worked with the Tribes to ensure proper care and reburial of the remains.
As a Commissioner of Kentucky I felt totally discounted when informed that the commission was not seeking any legislation at all in 2005. I issued several statements about this and was informed the Chair of the Commission had made this decision. There was no discussion or asked for input from anyone else. There was never any discussion in the commission. Unity discussed this and voted that any and all legislation that we had already prepared by reintroduced and ran again. I did respond to the Chair of the Commission my opinion that any lying down for even one-year in which nothing was done was bad and we needed to continue the other two house bills that were already presented in previous years.
To me a whole year wasted was extremely bad for all. After much debate and emails with Reginald Meeks a Commissioner and House of Representative of Kentucky the Grave Desecration Bill was re-introduced in 2005 but again failed by five votes. But, I felt it was necessary for the Native American Community to be there and show we are still working for the people. Most Native American people of this state are Democrat or Republican, but when the issues of this community come to bear we are Native American Indian first, political choice second. We worked with Tom Jones and the Unity Conference voted to vote republican when you were elected. Tom Jones made statements and promises to this community on your behalf that you would work for us and assists us to solve some the issued we have in the State. We filled our commitment to you with our Votes. Tom Jones did not fulfill his commitment to us by his words, by his actions. He has done nothing he promised. I have minutes of those Unity Meetings and his words as spoken to the community. He has not fulfilled anything stated.
As a Commissioner appointed for a four-year tern by Governor Paul Patton I have been informed that I am still a commissioner until my term runs out. I may not be re-appointed by you but I will continue to serve until I am removed or my term expires. As a commissioner I am still in favor of the Commission, and hope to keep the Circle of Wisdom Unity Conference behind the Commission one hundred percent.
I feel the Commission needs the support of the community it represents.
I do feel in my opinion that Unity is more reflective of the Native People of this state as those representatives are elected by their Organizations, Groups, Non-profits, and Tribes with a vote on the Board of the Circle of Wisdom Unity Conference, Inc. Every Voting Board Member of Unity Conference does reflect the views of some portion of the Native American Indian population. I do not feel that many Commissioners can issue such a statement as their appointments are solely at the discretion of one of two people giving advice to the Governor for those Appointments. They are not elected or given the right to represent by any Tribe, Organization or populace of Native people. I am asking for you to consider this as a change to the Commission. The Commission does need to be more reflective of the people of Kentucky. You have the authority to change this by asking for nominations from Unity, and choosing the Commissioners as they represent the people of Kentucky.
I am not satisfied with the direction or lack there of, by the Chair of the Commission. The Commission has set idle while the Circle of Wisdom Unity Conference and its committees have taken on all the responsibility of the Indian People of the State. Unity and its committee have taken on each issue and responded on behalf of the people for well over Ten Years that Tom Jones was at first Vice-Chair and Now Chair of the Commission. He states he is active for the people but those words have never come to anything substantial on behalf of the people. He has talked, and talked, but done nothing. This is wrong. I have often asked why the Commission has not worked to amend its Legislation to include the authority to represent in all issues for the Native American Indian community of Kentucky.
I am the founder and Chair of American Indian Register of Kentucky (A committee of Unity). This committee took over a database created by me in 1978 and continuing today. Houses some 495,000 Indian records from over 37 States. It is also a genealogically connects some 10,765 Individuals in the Sate of Kentucky into over 743 Families interrelated by Blood and Native Heritage. The American Indian register also has since 1980 joined the State and Federal Census Bureaus working on behalf of those people to ensure they know their rights in recording themselves on the Census as Natives American Indian people of Kentucky. I take pride in the facts that in each of those three census years. 1980, 1990, and 2000, our Native American Indian Population has doubled each ten-year period, rising to over 30,000 in the 2000 Census. This committee is responsible to get the facts to native descendants of their Rights on the Census and how to correct their status and be counted. We have, we did, and do, and will, and again in 2010 show we are still here in the state and growing. AIR of Kentucky will someday enroll or have genealogical data on over 70% of the Sate and all its families of Native Origin. It is one of our Goals of Unity find a way to recognize our people.
Unity is still committed to the Recognition of all tribes, and People of Native Decent in Kentucky. I sit on both the Unity Conference Committee and the Commission Committee for this issue. I have spoken with several Commissioners and related the wishes of Unity and we still wish to work with the commission for that day of Criteria and Recognition. This is one of our major goals for 2007. We need the Commission to also work in some direction for the people. As a chair of the research, education and development committee I have placed several hundred hours on legislative research to help the commission and unity for all issues. Marty Martin the president of the Circle of Wisdom Unity Conference has also worked tremendously hard for the Commission recognition Committee and he is not a commissioner. Unity Committees have done again over 90% of all research for several issues of what the Commission needed for House Bills.
All the above Committees and issues are still today handled by Unity alone, and have been for years. While the Commission talks, and talks, and talks and still talks some more, never ending talk. The only Bill passed by legislation was to create the commission and make it a permanent part of Kentucky government. But, even this Bill was pushed and helped by Unity. We sent emails and letters, and phone calls, some several thousand, of our representative in the House and Senate. Each Unity member made those contacts for this bill to any and all in Frankfort in a five-day period before the vote on this Bill.
I have been elected Chairman of the Board for Seven Consecutive years of the Circle of Wisdom Unity Conference. I have only served as a Commissioner for the last three. I worked with the commission as of 1999 on two committees at the request of Tom Jones. My efforts even in the commission have come to over 8 years of my life. I am asking for the Commission to stand for what it is or should be to join the people of Kentucky and to work for all issues on behalf of the Native American Indian community as a whole. It is not right to sit idle will others work. The issue for the Native American Indian Community should reflect in Legislatively passed laws and is gains for the State from Border to Border. I will remain to my path and dedication to the people of Kentucky.
Thank you,
Bruce W. Brading
To all that I know here, and elsewhere on the Native American Indian Path,
May the Creator bless all.
Bruce W. Brading