Author Topic: William Bungard AKA Ricci Bungard AKA William Little Soldier  (Read 54438 times)

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #30 on: March 28, 2008, 03:44:20 am »
He's real small fish compared to some of the PA groups though. Lenape Nation P.A. and the EDN has done far worse when it comes to ripping off people for money and

Well perhaps its high time these too were exposed for what they are...although I know many who have fought the EDN previously...but a few people dont really make much difference...but once exposure is spread far and wide, maybe we'll get some results....what we cant do however is sit back and do nothing....small fish or not...these small fish grow into big ass fish with teeth!
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Offline Kevin

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2008, 05:07:25 pm »
3/28/08: 11:20 AM - contact with Ky NA Resource Center Person:
My contact was out of town, on her cell phone, said she would be back sometime this week end, the info I snail mailed should arrive today. She said she would get back in touch with me. I expect this outfit to be pretty tight lipped and not show their hand to anyone once they set a course of action but I have no doubt they will 'reach out and touch someone' as they say. As previously posted, they went hot after the fake 2 bears once they got wind of him and raided a flea market and confiscated some eagle feathers one time.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #32 on: March 28, 2008, 05:47:09 pm »
That's awesome's appreciated...thank you.

Im still waiting for a bunch of folks to get back in touch with our office...but we've had a horde of info sent in...Im just trying to get through it all right now.

With Respect,

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Offline tree hugger

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #33 on: March 28, 2008, 06:44:09 pm »
It's nice to see you all trying to stop LS. I have to say though, I've been at this years and I have contacted everyone I could think of. Who knows maybe power in numbers will work.

Most of the information is on those links to AITF. I do however have some things that were sent out that will not be posted on a public forum.

I'd like to get back to the original post here. I'm a little troubled at the fact that it was stated this was an anonymous source, when it's obvious where those images came from. This same person has done this to me on at least two other forums, that I can verify. I do know what else he sent you, at least I have an idea. I've gotten the same things sent to me for three years now. I'm sure the picture you mention is of me and my dog, correct?

This person was also a member here until right after this thread hit. Seems he deleted his membership after I posted the link to the photobucket those images came from.

All I'm trying to say is, don't you agree that this type of behavior is just as bad as what some of these fake and fraud groups do? This was an obvious attempt to slander me. LS is old news. This continued discussion of LS is an attempt at damage control over the "anonymous" sources part. It was obvious who the source was. Anyone could click on the documents and see who they belonged to. And yet once I posted who the informant was, no mention was made of somedudeinohio. I find that a little strange.

Please be cautious with your sources and check them out before posting things on a public forum. I'd just like to suggest that everyone check out the source's history, too, before dropping anything else out there.


However unlike him, I will not give out his real name or location.

If you get some contacts on LS, feel free to Pm me for the non public documentation I have and I'll be happy to send it along to the proper agencies again.


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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2008, 07:02:51 pm »
Thanks for that Tree Hugger, I thought something wasn't clicking just right. But then I tend to be suspicious by nature. And we have had some unusual activity recently.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #35 on: March 28, 2008, 07:24:20 pm »
As I already mentioned...I made every attempt to check the source our info came emails came back as undeliverable, I also ran a trace on the email source to check the IP it came from...and got nada...I posted the info here to see what other peoples take was on the info I had been given, as we had heard of Little Soldier previously and obviously, I wished to see what others knew...and once you posted the fact that you knew the source...I asked you respectfully to PM me the source...of which I've heard nothing from you.

Now I did not know the woman mentioned was a member here, or indeed yourself...of which I removed the name as soon as you requested it although we are looking into the claims....I also apologized for having it there. Im not here to cause an issue...but to find facts...and to do all is needed to stop these having many people work together to achieve it...nothing can be done alone.

So obviously when we receive info stating this certain woman helped this certain man gain fake tribal stats etc...we want to find out more...and since we couldnt find out too much...I posted it here...which is the place people come to gather info, and to seek the truth via other members knowledge and thru their searches etc. If you feel I did the wrong thing...well you have my apologies...but I did what I thought was right under the circumstances. I cannot remove info given as I feel it may not be 'suitable' etc..but I did however remove much personal information and pictures, as I did feel at this stage it was inappropriate to post such things. Incidently the picture was not of a woman and a dog.

As for the behaviour of our source...I cannot comment on that in all honesty...we receive alot info to our office mail...and much of it, when the email is traced, comes back as being an inactive account....and considering the contents of much of the material forwarded...I understand this...just as I understand people here wishing to remain annoymous...which is the right of us all. You say you found it strange that no one mentioned the ohiodude etc you mentioned...? I did...I asked you to PM me...and as I said did not. I wished to look into this...and you claimed to know who this person was...I may be many things...but a mind reader I am not :)

You have written that ohiodude is also The Rebel? And Beaderman? I find that difficult to comprehend since I have contact via mail with Beaderman on occassion...and if he were to pass me info...I dont see the need for him to create a fake email account to do so....but then I am open to all suggestions and will look into this also today. My intent was never to offend anyone here....merely to find the truth regarding Little again you have my apologies.

If you have any info that may help...please email our office: For the attention of Tsissy

With much respect,

There are no leaders in Unity

Offline tree hugger

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #36 on: March 28, 2008, 08:17:59 pm »
With all due respect to you as well..

You could have used google to find some information. As for contacting you privately, this was put on a public board. I feel it is best to respond in public. I have nothing to hide, never have.

I do not go off half cocked, I know what I'm talking about. If you choose to believe it or at least check it out. It's your decision.

You had joined my forum on March 24, you then shared your login info with his IP address.

Did you bother to even click on the link I posted?

I'm not going to get into the drama, but I find everything you say impossible to believe.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2008, 08:32:24 pm »
Yes, we check all our information out obviously...and again..this is why I brought this topic here, since there was little we could find that had any weight.

As for your personal opinion of are very much entitled to is everyone else...Im not here to score points with people.

So, shall we move back onto to the topic at hand...Little Soldier? The topic posted initially?...not why I posted, how...what time of day it was...I have answered your questions raised respectfully...and I removed your name from this thread as asked...without question I might add... and with all due respect, Im not the one here making an issue out of this.

This is not a place for a personal slanging match, if you wish to take up personal matters with me, based on the simple fact your name was posted here as it was in information we annoymously received, my email address is posted on this thread.

With respect,


Added note; If I had an alterior motive as you seem to be suggesting...I would not have removed your name without question.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2008, 08:35:30 pm by Tsisqua »
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Offline tree hugger

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2008, 08:41:20 pm »
I have no personal opinion of you, I don't know you.

I am not attacking anyone, I have every right to post in reply to things said about me and the sources.

I'd like to remind you that the information you have on LS is from me, and as I stated I'd be happy to provide further documentation.

We aren't straying from the original reason this topic was started, we are just getting to the heart of it.

Deflection noted.

Offline Kevin

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2008, 09:06:50 pm »
-maybe some info is best relayed via private message, aside from the Eagle feather(s) issue, if it can be used to nail him with

Offline tree hugger

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2008, 09:33:18 pm »
-maybe some info is best relayed via private message, aside from the Eagle feather(s) issue, if it can be used to nail him with

Huh? I offered to send the copies of the permit. Only to reliable sources.

I'm not taking anything private, this is public. I have no desire to do that.That's exactly when things get misunderstood and manipulated. It's painfully obvious what is going on here. If you really want to help taking out LS this sure isn't the way to do it.

You all have people here that start drama, and believe me I'm not one of them. I only joined to see if I could help.

This had nothing to do with LS. This had everything to do with a duck and run. If you don't care to even look into what I've said, that's fine.

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2008, 09:51:16 pm »
This had nothing to do with LS. This had everything to do with a duck and run. If you don't care to even look into what I've said, that's fine. You all have people here that start drama, and believe me I'm not one of them. I only joined to see if I could help.

Which is why I posted this here...not to 'duck and run'....but to gain info on Little Soldier and to try...with the help of do something about him...which is the nature of this forum...or perhaps Im mistaken.
There are no leaders in Unity

Offline tree hugger

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #42 on: March 28, 2008, 10:07:17 pm »
This had nothing to do with LS. This had everything to do with a duck and run. If you don't care to even look into what I've said, that's fine. You all have people here that start drama, and believe me I'm not one of them. I only joined to see if I could help.

Which is why I posted this here...not to 'duck and run'....but to gain info on Little Soldier and to try...with the help of do something about him...which is the nature of this forum...or perhaps Im mistaken.

Well, I don't see how you posted this about LS. Would you care to respond about your sources?

I think this is a great website, but not for personal issues. You still have not responded to the facts that I have set out here.

When you base your facts on assumption, that isn't a good thing. That in turn will make this site into something I'm sure the owners won't appreciate. You know this person sent you this with the intention of making me look bad. If you truly wanted to expose LS you would have found out that we were doing it ages ago.

I think your motives are clear, JMO. Do you mind responding about sharing your log in info with this person?

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #43 on: March 28, 2008, 10:21:52 pm »
Tsisqua and tree hugger

I'm sorry but I am not understanding some of what is being said here.

I think I understand what is being said about LS , but the allegations about The Reble/ somedudeinOhio/beaderman are so vauge I'm not even sure they are allegations, and I also have not managed to follow why either Tsisqua or Treehugger would feel anybody else was accusing either of them of ?anything ?? --- it has just gone right past me.

This may be my fault and if I took the time to read through all the posts on this subject in the AITF and all the posts by some dude in Ohio, maybe, I could figure out what has got the two of you feeling how you feel, but I don't have time to do that , so I want to ask something... Please...for those of us who aren't psycic or plugged into every message board in cyberspace 24/7..... if something happened on another message board and you feel it is something that is relevent to alerting people about frauds and abuse, could you please make your accusations absolutely clear with a few breif quotes showing what happened and include a link and easy to follow directions to the points of interest, if it is buried in a lot of other stuff. That way anybody who is interested can confirm it happened. If you did this together with a  clear explanation as to why what you are reffering to has you thinking this is a problem , it would be really helpful.

Why is it important who sent what to whom and what the IP address was and why is it  relevent that TheReble dis membered themself when this thread started ... ? Is someone suggesting they are really LS ? A secret supporter of LS ? Are you saying maybe LS bumped them off ...  ( JUST KIDDING ? i THINK ? ) Geepers I don't know what you are saying and I'm not sure anybody else does either... What has any of this other stuff got to do with LS or anything else in this thread ?

All this melodrama I can't even understand is starting to make me grumpy. Please please if all this is really relevent make it easier for me to follow... 

Maybe I am dumb, but I am begining to just not read some threads posted in by some people, because I can't follow what 1/2 of what they are saying, and I can't see why it matters
« Last Edit: March 28, 2008, 10:27:16 pm by Moma_porcupine »


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Re: Little Soldier
« Reply #44 on: March 28, 2008, 11:38:37 pm »
LOL MP, I think the bottom line is that it is already a work in progress, and has been tried without any results. The fish is not big enough nor worth the money and effort, work it would take for a trial or whatever they would decided to do if anything. I seen a couple thrown out of Court without prejudice. Reason being they were Incorporated. One was I think ELN or Thunder Mountain, but just one individual, and it was thrown out also without prejudice.  If everyone is going after the same man, it would be reasonable to share information. See what's new, what's old. What's been already accomplished, what has not. And what didn't work. But lets leave the rough stuff at home.