Author Topic: Walter Renz  (Read 185994 times)

Offline Keely

  • Posts: 103
Walter Renz
« on: July 12, 2009, 11:33:05 pm »
Warning to Tecumseh Brown Eagle/Abdul Muhammed/James Oliver Johnson 111


From: Chief WALTER T. RENZ

To Whom it comes to their Door,

The person below Mr. Johnson /TBE is not Native American. He uses 7 different Names. And is using bad behaviour as well towards the real Native Americans. We searched for any Native blood and could not find any in his decent. Its time for him to stop all contact with any Government or Tribal Nation using Native name of any kind. We have given the notes to the F.B.I. on him as well. His terrorism is to stop today. It bothers the Elder Chiefs in Canada to no end as well.
Thank you for support.
Chief Walter T. Renz/Graycloud Longtail

Mr. Johnson III,
After looking over all the files and records we have and have gotten from the researchers that work with us. I have to tell you that Watts does not match your Ancestry. Or the Johnson's you were claiming.. No Native Blood what so ever has been determined by the Tribal Nations on your family history.
Your continuous yelling at the Elders and Chiefs , is not one that a real Erie Chief would do. They have said for you to stop calling them and stay away. They have no use for you.
We have spoken to you on the Erie name you are using to benefit your pocket. Close the web page it will not benefit you no more.
The Shawnee name you claim is not given to you in a traditional way. The Shawnee will be getting this note as well. With your copying of the Tecumseh words on the web page you have. This is a slap in the face of the real Tecumseh with your behaviour.
Do not contact us or bother us with your ideas or Casino. We do not want it or need it. Also do not bother the Chiefs in Canada as well. Remove all the contacts you have with the Chiefs and Elders as well. It is so ordered.
This is the last notes that you will receive from us. Any more contact from you will not be looked on as a good thing.
So Ordered this 8th day the of April 2009 of the above.
Chief Walter Renz/Graycloud Longtail

I realize this is a old post and a old issue, but why would anyone quote about a wannabe by a wannabe? Chief Walter Renz/Graycloud Longtail? Helllloooo isnt that screaming wannabe?  His "tribe" is named "morning star shawnee" and to make myself perfectly clear, this IDIOT has claimed to be of the Black Bob band of Shawnees, and is using the Longtail name... My family is of the Black Bob band, and my grandmothers maiden name is Longtail, who the hell does this sideshow freak think he is?

If anyone knows this fraud, let him know I am looking for him, all 250 pounds of his wannabeness...

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2009, 09:58:21 pm »

Others are looking for him and wondering????

Offline Keely

  • Posts: 103
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2009, 10:16:19 pm »

Others are looking for him and wondering????

If anyone knows where he is at online... please notify me... we will confront him on his lies about being related to us...

Here is where he has posted some of his messages and I have confronted him:

This guy is one of the biggest frauds I have come across online...

Offline Keely

  • Posts: 103
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2009, 03:39:04 am »
I realize this topic was moved to "research needed" but I got the goods on this fake...

This Walter Renz has been online claiming that he is "Chief Gray Cloud Longtail" and that he is from the Black Bob Band of Shawnees, that his ancestor is Henry Longtail and that Henry was a "blood chief" who was told by the US government not to go to Oklahoma but to go and make a "new tribe" and so he went to Ohio and made a tribe called "Morning Star Shawnee"  he also claims the US government changed the Longtail name to Wallen....

I am so freaking angry with this flake it is not funny...

Here are the facts of this...

My great grandmother is Anna Longtail, her brother was Abraham Longtail aka Jake, now Jake is the father of Henry... and I know for a fact none of them are "cheifs" and there aint no such thing as a "blood chief" futher, they lived in Oklahoma and not in Ohio... this side show freak Renz has made up dates for their births and their deaths... I know where Jake and Henry are buried, and it aint in Ohio..

How far are these fakes willing to go? They are trying to steal our ancestors names and put funky stories with it to try to make it look legit.

Everyone should do checks on their ancestors names, just google them.. and see if your family is under attack as well..

These frauds will stop at nothing, they are disrespecting our ancestors, and they dont give a dayum about it...

These kind of people need some serious professional help...

Offline Don Naconna

  • Posts: 257
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2009, 06:52:13 pm »
Its interesting how frauds steal identities and many get away with it. You know your family history and I read your response to Renz. If identity theft is a crime, why isn't it a crime to steal a family history. We saw what TBE did and apparently Renz did the same thing. What right does he have to call TBE a fraud when he is no different, I think he's pissed because he's been out frauded by TBE and wants to get his own casino license...

Offline Keely

  • Posts: 103
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2009, 10:10:17 pm »
I wish he would get on one of these message boards so I can cyber slap the crap outta him... I would love for him to try and debate me about my family! He wont even answer my emails..

It should be a crime to steal ancestos.. I can understand when people do research that they can get their family information wrong, but these people are deliberatly lying and changing facts..

People should start doing google on their own family names, specially the old names... and if a person has posted in a genealogy message board it will hit and you can see what is written without having to be a member of their boards...

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2009, 11:27:41 pm »
I wish he would get on one of these message boards so I can cyber slap the crap outta him... I would love for him to try and debate me about my family! He wont even answer my emails..

It should be a crime to steal ancestos.. I can understand when people do research that they can get their family information wrong, but these people are deliberatly lying and changing facts..

People should start doing google on their own family names, specially the old names... and if a person has posted in a genealogy message board it will hit and you can see what is written without having to be a member of their boards...

This is what our research has yielded about this topic:

   He claims to be the Chaliawa ( Cat) Nation). Which we did a web search before and this is what we found.
Black Bob (person)
Black Bob/Wa-wah-che-pa-e-hai is the name of a Native American
Native Americans in the United States

Native Americans in the United States are the Indigenous peoples of the Americas from the regions of North America now encompassed by the continental United States United States, including parts of Alaska and the island state of Hawaii....

Chief may refer to:...
. He was the chief of a Shawnee

The Shawnee, Shaawanwaki, Shaawanooki and Shaawanowi lenaweeki, are a people native to North America. They originally inhabited the areas of Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Western Maryland, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania....
 band, originally a part of the Hatha­wekela division of the Shawnee. Known as the Chaliawa in French term Chalaqua. About the year 1826 they separated from their kindred, then living in eastern Missouri

Missouri is a U.S. state in the Midwestern United States of the United States bordered by Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska....
 on land granted to them about 1793 by Baron Carondelet, near Cape Girardeau
Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Cape Girardeau is a city located in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri and Scott County, Missouri counties in Southeast Missouri in the United States....
, then in Spanish

Spain or the Kingdom of Spain , is a country located in Southern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula.The Spanish constitution does not establish any official denomination of the country, even though Espa?a , Estado espa?ol and Naci?n espa?ola are used interchangeably....
 territory, and removed to Kansas

The State of Kansas is a Midwestern U.S. state in the Central United States of the United States of America, an area often referred to as the United States "Heartland"....
, where, by treaty with their chief, Black Bob, in 1854, they were given rights on the Shawnee reservation in that state. Under Black Bob's leadership they refused to remove with the rest of the tribe to Indian Territory
Indian Territory

The Indian Territory, also known as The Indian Country, The Indian territory or the Indian territories, was land set aside within the United States for the use of Native Americans in the United States....
 in 1808, but are now incorporated with them, either in the Cherokee Nation or with the Absentee Shawnee or in Ohio

Ohio is a Midwestern United States U.S. state of the United States. As part of the Great Lakes region , Ohio has long been a cultural and geographical crossroads in North America....
 with Morning Star Shawnee Nation/Chaliawa who are documented in 2007 as Blood Decent. (From the Access Genealogy website And the Ancestry Book of the Family of Decent.)

Chaliawa (Cat Nation)
Chief Walter T. Renz
1121 Clayberg Rd. Lot89
Greenwich, Ohio 44837
Phone 419-895-0088

Black Bob/Wa-wah-che-pa-e-hai is the name of a Native American Shawnee Chief. His band was originally a part of the Hatha­wekela division of the Shawnee. It was also known as the Chaliawa (in French Chalaqua). About the year 1826 they separated from their kindred, then living in eastern Missouri on land granted to them about 1793 by Baron Carondelet, near Cape Girardeau. It was then controlled by Spain.

They removed to the area of Kansas, where by treaty with their chief, Black Bob in 1854, the United States gave them rights to land on the Shawnee reservation in that state. Under Black Bob's leadership, in 1808 they had refused to remove with the rest of the tribe to Indian Territory.

In 1856 they were moved to Oklahoma Indian Territory, before the outbreak of conflicts over slavery in Kansas. In 1858 the Federal Government removed their Federal recognition away.

The Chaliawa Nation in Ohio are families who chose to live in the traditional way.

Offline ny1

  • Posts: 17
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2009, 01:17:29 am »
I checked that ohio address's a trailer park...if that gives you any sort of lead or ideas about Renz.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2009, 01:22:31 am »
I realize this topic was moved to "research needed" but I got the goods on this fake...

This Walter Renz has been online claiming that he is "Chief Gray Cloud Longtail" and that he is from the Black Bob Band of Shawnees, that his ancestor is Henry Longtail and that Henry was a "blood chief" who was told by the US government not to go to Oklahoma but to go and make a "new tribe" and so he went to Ohio and made a tribe called "Morning Star Shawnee"  he also claims the US government changed the Longtail name to Wallen....

I am so freaking angry with this flake it is not funny...

Here are the facts of this...

My great grandmother is Anna Longtail, her brother was Abraham Longtail aka Jake, now Jake is the father of Henry... and I know for a fact none of them are "cheifs" and there aint no such thing as a "blood chief" futher, they lived in Oklahoma and not in Ohio... this side show freak Renz has made up dates for their births and their deaths... I know where Jake and Henry are buried, and it aint in Ohio..

How far are these fakes willing to go? They are trying to steal our ancestors names and put funky stories with it to try to make it look legit.

Everyone should do checks on their ancestors names, just google them.. and see if your family is under attack as well..

These frauds will stop at nothing, they are disrespecting our ancestors, and they dont give a dayum about it...

These kind of people need some serious professional help...

More research on who the original "Longtails" are and since you are a "Longtail", you are originally Erie and were adopted into the Seneca Nation, therefore making the Longtails, Seneca according to our Great Law. :

Erie is a short form of the Iroquian word "Erielhonan" meaning literally "long tail"" and referring to the panther (cougar or mountain lion). Hence their French name was Nation du Chat (cat nation). Their other Iroquoian names - Awenrehronon and Rhilerrhonon (Rhierrhonon) - carry the same meaning, although the Huron muddied the situation by using Yenresh (panther people) for both the Erie and Neutrals. Other names which seem to have been used for the Erie were: Atirhagenret, Chat (French), Gaquagaono, Kahqua (Kahkwa) (Seneca), Rhagenratka, and Black Mingua (Dutch).

The French called the Erie Indians “The Nation of Cat” because of the cat pelts the Erie Indians used to make blankets. The Erie Indians belonged to the Huron Iroquois branch. The name “Erie” is derived from the word Erielhonan, a word that means, “ long tail” in the language of the Iroquois.

Erie (?r'?) , indigenous people of North America of the Iroquoian branch of the Hokan-Siouan linguistic stock (see Native American languages). In the Iroquoian language the word erie means “long tail” (i.e., cat), and, therefore, the Erie were referred to as the Cat Nation. In the 17th cent. they inhabited the region E and SE of Lake Erie in the present states of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. They then numbered some 14,000. Although they were sedentary farmers of the Eastern Woodlands area, they exhibited some Southeastern cultural traits, such as the use of poisoned arrows and the building of palisaded villages. They were traditional enemies of the Iroquois Confederacy, and in 1656, after one of the most relentless and destructive Indian wars, the Erie were almost exterminated by the Iroquois. The surviving captives were either adopted or enslaved by the confederacy.

ERIE, Indigenous People of North America

?r??, indigenous people of North America of the Iroquoian branch of the Hokan-Siouan linguistic stock (see Native American languages). In the Iroquoian language the word erie means "long tail" (i.e., cat), and, therefore, the Erie were referred to as the Cat Nation. In the 17th cent. they inhabited the region E and SE of Lake Erie in the present states of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. They then numbered some 14,000. Although they were sedentary farmers of the Eastern Woodlands area, they exhibited some Southeastern cultural traits, such as the use of poisoned arrows and the building of palisaded villages. They were traditional enemies of the Iroquois Confederacy, and in 1656, after one of the most relentless and destructive Indian wars, the Erie were almost exterminated by the Iroquois. The surviving captives were either adopted or enslaved by the confederacy.

Erie-  After the Erie Indians, from the word meaning "Long Tail", referring to the wildcat.  Known as the Cat Nation.

Erie as in Mountain Lion
Erie as in Erie Canal, Erie Street and Erie Boulevard were named after Lake Erie. Lake Erie was named after the Indian people who lived along the lake's southern shore---an area  where mountain lions were abundant. The lions were called Erielhonan, meaning "long tail" and the Indians living there were called Erie or Cat Nation.  In 1600 some 14,000 Eries lived in villages between what is now Buffalo, NY and Sandusky, Ohio. In 1656 they were almost exterminated by the Iroquois League. The surviving captives were either adopted or enslaved.

Erie (tribe)
The Erie (also Erielhonan, Eriez, Nation du Chat) were a prehistoric group of Native Americans, related to the Iroquois, who lived from western New York to northern Ohio on the south shore of Lake Erie. They were ultimately destroyed by the Iroquois, who adopted some of the survivors into their own group, these being primarily absorbed into the Senecas.

The names "Erie" and "Eriez" are shortenings of "Erielhonan," meaning "long tail." The Erielhonan were also called the "Cat" or the "Racoon" people. They lived in multi-family long houses in villages enclosed in palisades and grew the "Three Sisters"â€"corn, beans, and squashâ€"during the warm season. In the winter tribal members lived off the stored crops and animals taken in hunts.
Fur trade and Beaver Wars
In the competition in the fur trade, the Erie alienated the surrounding tribes by encroaching on their territories. They also angered their eastern neighbors, the League of the Iroquois, by accepting refugees from Huron villages that had been destroyed by the Iroquois. Though rumored to use poison tipped arrows, the Erie were disadvantaged in armed conflict by having few firearms (If the Erie used poison on their arrows, it would make them the only tribe in North America to do so). Beginning in the mid-1650s, the Erie and other tribes were in battle with their enemies, the Iroquois. As a result of this war, known as the Beaver Wars, the tribe no longer existed as a unit, but dispersed groups survived a few more decades before being absorbed into the Iroquois. It is said that some Erie fled to the Carolinas. Members of other tribes also claimed later to be descended from refugees of this defunct culture. There are also members of the Seneca people in Oklahoma who still claim to be descended from the Erie nation.

Erie is a short form of the Iroquian word "Erielhonan" meaning literally "long tail"" and referring to the panther (cougar or mountain lion). The Eries were also known also as the "cat" or "raccoon" The French name for them  was Nation du Chat (cat nation).

The End of the Erie

By 1654 the Eries had also become a target of Iroquois raids, principally from the Seneca towns at the western end of the Five Nations territory. The Eries's location astride the Lake Erie plain put them in a position to block Iroquois efforts to reach rich hunting grounds in the Ohio Valley and thus made them an object of concerted Iroquois attack. Weakened by epidemics, including smallpox, in 1637 and again in 1639-41, and lacking the firearms acquired by the Iroquois from Dutch traders, the Eries succumbed to a series of onslaughts culminating in their dispersal in 1657.

Some Eries may have fled to the Carolina lowlands and formed the group known in the 1670s as Westos. One band is known to have remained in the Ohio Valley until 1680, when it finally surrendered to the Senecas. This band and other Erie captives were adopted by the Iroquois, and their descendants were among those Senecas who began to resettle in the upper Ohio Valley  in the 1700’s.

Offline Keely

  • Posts: 103
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2009, 04:58:40 am »
I realize this topic was moved to "research needed" but I got the goods on this fake...

This Walter Renz has been online claiming that he is "Chief Gray Cloud Longtail" and that he is from the Black Bob Band of Shawnees, that his ancestor is Henry Longtail and that Henry was a "blood chief" who was told by the US government not to go to Oklahoma but to go and make a "new tribe" and so he went to Ohio and made a tribe called "Morning Star Shawnee"  he also claims the US government changed the Longtail name to Wallen....

I am so freaking angry with this flake it is not funny...

Here are the facts of this...

My great grandmother is Anna Longtail, her brother was Abraham Longtail aka Jake, now Jake is the father of Henry... and I know for a fact none of them are "cheifs" and there aint no such thing as a "blood chief" futher, they lived in Oklahoma and not in Ohio... this side show freak Renz has made up dates for their births and their deaths... I know where Jake and Henry are buried, and it aint in Ohio..

How far are these fakes willing to go? They are trying to steal our ancestors names and put funky stories with it to try to make it look legit.

Everyone should do checks on their ancestors names, just google them.. and see if your family is under attack as well..

These frauds will stop at nothing, they are disrespecting our ancestors, and they dont give a dayum about it...

These kind of people need some serious professional help...

More research on who the original "Longtails" are and since you are a "Longtail", you are originally Erie and were adopted into the Seneca Nation, therefore making the Longtails, Seneca according to our Great Law. :

Erie is a short form of the Iroquian word "Erielhonan" meaning literally "long tail"" and referring to the panther (cougar or mountain lion). Hence their French name was Nation du Chat (cat nation). Their other Iroquoian names - Awenrehronon and Rhilerrhonon (Rhierrhonon) - carry the same meaning, although the Huron muddied the situation by using Yenresh (panther people) for both the Erie and Neutrals. Other names which seem to have been used for the Erie were: Atirhagenret, Chat (French), Gaquagaono, Kahqua (Kahkwa) (Seneca), Rhagenratka, and Black Mingua (Dutch).

The French called the Erie Indians “The Nation of Cat” because of the cat pelts the Erie Indians used to make blankets. The Erie Indians belonged to the Huron Iroquois branch. The name “Erie” is derived from the word Erielhonan, a word that means, “ long tail” in the language of the Iroquois.

Erie (?r'?) , indigenous people of North America of the Iroquoian branch of the Hokan-Siouan linguistic stock (see Native American languages). In the Iroquoian language the word erie means “long tail” (i.e., cat), and, therefore, the Erie were referred to as the Cat Nation. In the 17th cent. they inhabited the region E and SE of Lake Erie in the present states of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. They then numbered some 14,000. Although they were sedentary farmers of the Eastern Woodlands area, they exhibited some Southeastern cultural traits, such as the use of poisoned arrows and the building of palisaded villages. They were traditional enemies of the Iroquois Confederacy, and in 1656, after one of the most relentless and destructive Indian wars, the Erie were almost exterminated by the Iroquois. The surviving captives were either adopted or enslaved by the confederacy.

ERIE, Indigenous People of North America

?r??, indigenous people of North America of the Iroquoian branch of the Hokan-Siouan linguistic stock (see Native American languages). In the Iroquoian language the word erie means "long tail" (i.e., cat), and, therefore, the Erie were referred to as the Cat Nation. In the 17th cent. they inhabited the region E and SE of Lake Erie in the present states of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. They then numbered some 14,000. Although they were sedentary farmers of the Eastern Woodlands area, they exhibited some Southeastern cultural traits, such as the use of poisoned arrows and the building of palisaded villages. They were traditional enemies of the Iroquois Confederacy, and in 1656, after one of the most relentless and destructive Indian wars, the Erie were almost exterminated by the Iroquois. The surviving captives were either adopted or enslaved by the confederacy.

Erie-  After the Erie Indians, from the word meaning "Long Tail", referring to the wildcat.  Known as the Cat Nation.

Erie as in Mountain Lion
Erie as in Erie Canal, Erie Street and Erie Boulevard were named after Lake Erie. Lake Erie was named after the Indian people who lived along the lake's southern shore---an area  where mountain lions were abundant. The lions were called Erielhonan, meaning "long tail" and the Indians living there were called Erie or Cat Nation.  In 1600 some 14,000 Eries lived in villages between what is now Buffalo, NY and Sandusky, Ohio. In 1656 they were almost exterminated by the Iroquois League. The surviving captives were either adopted or enslaved.

Erie (tribe)
The Erie (also Erielhonan, Eriez, Nation du Chat) were a prehistoric group of Native Americans, related to the Iroquois, who lived from western New York to northern Ohio on the south shore of Lake Erie. They were ultimately destroyed by the Iroquois, who adopted some of the survivors into their own group, these being primarily absorbed into the Senecas.

The names "Erie" and "Eriez" are shortenings of "Erielhonan," meaning "long tail." The Erielhonan were also called the "Cat" or the "Racoon" people. They lived in multi-family long houses in villages enclosed in palisades and grew the "Three Sisters"â€"corn, beans, and squashâ€"during the warm season. In the winter tribal members lived off the stored crops and animals taken in hunts.
Fur trade and Beaver Wars
In the competition in the fur trade, the Erie alienated the surrounding tribes by encroaching on their territories. They also angered their eastern neighbors, the League of the Iroquois, by accepting refugees from Huron villages that had been destroyed by the Iroquois. Though rumored to use poison tipped arrows, the Erie were disadvantaged in armed conflict by having few firearms (If the Erie used poison on their arrows, it would make them the only tribe in North America to do so). Beginning in the mid-1650s, the Erie and other tribes were in battle with their enemies, the Iroquois. As a result of this war, known as the Beaver Wars, the tribe no longer existed as a unit, but dispersed groups survived a few more decades before being absorbed into the Iroquois. It is said that some Erie fled to the Carolinas. Members of other tribes also claimed later to be descended from refugees of this defunct culture. There are also members of the Seneca people in Oklahoma who still claim to be descended from the Erie nation.

Erie is a short form of the Iroquian word "Erielhonan" meaning literally "long tail"" and referring to the panther (cougar or mountain lion). The Eries were also known also as the "cat" or "raccoon" The French name for them  was Nation du Chat (cat nation).

The End of the Erie

By 1654 the Eries had also become a target of Iroquois raids, principally from the Seneca towns at the western end of the Five Nations territory. The Eries's location astride the Lake Erie plain put them in a position to block Iroquois efforts to reach rich hunting grounds in the Ohio Valley and thus made them an object of concerted Iroquois attack. Weakened by epidemics, including smallpox, in 1637 and again in 1639-41, and lacking the firearms acquired by the Iroquois from Dutch traders, the Eries succumbed to a series of onslaughts culminating in their dispersal in 1657.

Some Eries may have fled to the Carolina lowlands and formed the group known in the 1670s as Westos. One band is known to have remained in the Ohio Valley until 1680, when it finally surrendered to the Senecas. This band and other Erie captives were adopted by the Iroquois, and their descendants were among those Senecas who began to resettle in the upper Ohio Valley  in the 1700’s.


The world wide web is not the expert on all things Indian, nor is it a expert on my people or my family. There are people with the surname of Longtail families in the following tribes: Ho-Chunk, Omaha, and Crow, this information comes from the US Indian Census 1855 to 1925... and I am not of any of the tribes mentioned.

Each tribe has their own creation stories.. and each family has their own stories of how they got their name.

One of the biggest problems there is when one uses too much of the internet for their resourse is that the information one gets is only as reliable as the person who wrote it... There are hundreds of books out there, many online, and who wrote those books? The white man... and many non truths are involved in those books..

One great non truth is about Bluejacket.. who was reported for many years to be a white man named Marmaduke Van Swearingen, captive of the Shawnee...  until DNA testing was done... and it proved that Marmaduke Swearingen was never Bluejacket... but yet today, you can find a lot of reference that Bluejacket was this white guy named Marmaduke..

Dont rely on web searches... ask.. because my family was never Seneca, Erie or anything other than what we are, we are Shawnee...

Offline Keely

  • Posts: 103
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2009, 05:03:56 am »
I checked that ohio address's a trailer park...if that gives you any sort of lead or ideas about Renz.

There are some nice trailer parks where we live... but it is my understanding that where he lives is [deleted]...

[Al's note: You may not have intended it to be so, but your message had a racist slur.]
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 02:24:49 am by educatedindian »

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2009, 11:02:04 am »
"Dont rely on web searches... ask.. because my family was never Seneca, Erie or anything other than what we are, we are Shawnee..."


I don't doubt you are Shawnee, although it is known fact by family histories, that many of us are a mixture of other Indigenous nations, and can never truthfully say we are purely of just one nation. That would be an insult to our ancestors and of who they are. It is a known fact that the Shawnee as other nations, did inter-marry with other nations, in your case the original Longtails were Erie who were adopted into the Seneca, whom also intermarried with the Shawnee. There was at one time a reserve in Ohio, in the 1800's called the Mixed Band Seneca-Shawnee of Lewiston. They at the time of removal, joined with the Senecas of Sandusky, when they went to Oklahoma, and are now known as the Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma.
That is the facts and not based upon some white man's history as you suggest. So you were not always along with many of us what you are identifying yourself as today. As many people and nations were brought, into our Confederacy, the Six Nations Confederacy, and were of another nation before. I know our traditional laws well and know how they work.

Niiki from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
« Last Edit: July 16, 2009, 11:35:21 pm by Niiki »

Offline Keely

  • Posts: 103
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2009, 05:28:03 am »

I know tribes inter-married... but my Longtails are not Seneca. This insistance that one of our family names is Seneca is starting to insult my family who is reading here...
One other surname in my family is PANTHER, are you going to tell me what tribe that comes from? Nearly every tribe has that surname or something much like it.. but it will never mean everyone with that surname is related.
Now, surnames are a common thing, but two hundred years ago, Indians didnt have these surnames, they didnt have middle names either, surnames is a whiteman thing... when some Indians got surnames, they would use a parent/grandparent name, or pick one from someone they knew... My tribe did not have surnames as a common place until the 1850's. Even in Kansas census records of the Shawnee, some still go by only one name.
Eastern tribes had surnames long before the tribes futher west... We have Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, they didnt have last names... those were their names.
The name LONGTAIL did not become a surname in my family until right before the Civil War, and that was long after what you write on the Seneca's.
Please dont argue with me about this subject.

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2009, 10:34:24 am »

I know tribes inter-married... but my Longtails are not Seneca. This insistance that one of our family names is Seneca is starting to insult my family who is reading here...
One other surname in my family is PANTHER, are you going to tell me what tribe that comes from? Nearly every tribe has that surname or something much like it.. but it will never mean everyone with that surname is related.
Now, surnames are a common thing, but two hundred years ago, Indians didnt have these surnames, they didnt have middle names either, surnames is a whiteman thing... when some Indians got surnames, they would use a parent/grandparent name, or pick one from someone they knew... My tribe did not have surnames as a common place until the 1850's. Even in Kansas census records of the Shawnee, some still go by only one name.
Eastern tribes had surnames long before the tribes futher west... We have Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, they didnt have last names... those were their names.
The name LONGTAIL did not become a surname in my family until right before the Civil War, and that was long after what you write on the Seneca's.
Please dont argue with me about this subject.

I do believe that Walter Renz has since responded to your email. Also I do want to remind, that since you are Shawnee, you are a cousin under the protection of the Confederacy, and have no voice on your own. As Walter Renz is also under the protection of the Confederacy and any further attacks by you will be viewed as an attack on the entire Six Nations Confederacy. When Walter came to us , he came here to help protect sacred sites, which no one can fault him for. He also has no interest in Casinos or Casino money at what has been suggested here. I would suggest that this entire post on Walter Renz, be removed from this group and disabled. And Keely whatever words you have to say to Walter, since you do have his email, telephone, and address, that you carry that on with him directly and not on any message board and any of your relatives you have felt this same way towards Walter.
And because Walter is also living in the trailer park he is, is no indication of what kind of a human being he is. Get real!


Niiki from Tyendianga Mohawk Territory

Offline Niiki

  • Posts: 216
Re: Walter Renz
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2009, 10:37:24 am »
Subject: My decent of Blood
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 02:48:05 -0400

I am sorry hear you feel that I am not who I say I am.
Have you spoken with Darrel Larney of the Absentee Shawnee. Or with Andrew Warrior of the Absentee.
I asked personally not to be given a card by the Absentee Tribe. But to help the people if they need me. I am very real and wish you well on your path of peace.
If you check with the Federal Government records. You would find that Longtail name is blood decent Chiefs. If you know history that the Chiefs all left Oklahoma. Longtail/Wallen , Big Snake/Foster , Blue Jacket/Barnet and so on. All left in 1858 from Oklahoma.
Black Bob father to Abraham Longtail
Abraham Longtail-AKA- William Henry Wallen Born 1845 Kansas Died 1912. Berried in Belmore Ohio East Cemetery
Henry Longtail-AKA-John Walter Wallen Born 1875 Died 1920 of T.B. Berried in Belmore Ohio West Cemetery Great Grandfather Had one son Isaac Leland Wallen
Standing Turtle Longtail-AKA-Isaac Leland Wallen Born 1903 Died 1980 Berried in Shiloh Ohio
Isaac and the Clan Mothers choose me to be chief. Being his sons were not interested in the Traditional lineage. His Daughter my Mother fallows it today.
My use of the name Longtail was given to me by 4 of my Family that has passed away. Isaac Leland Wallen-Grandfather his Mother.
 Nina Pearl Foster(Sarah Biggs)/Wallen/Johnson-AKA- She Is Wise Born 1880 Died 1970 Great Grandmother-Daughter to Big Snake 3rd Isaac Foster(Biggs)-Great Great Grandfather
Mary Lowella Maroah Cooper/Mapes-Aka-Running Spirit Born 1873 Died 1972 Great Grandmother-Daughter to Daniel Cusac Cooper( Family members is berried in Findlay Ohio-Cooper Cemetery
Lovie Mae Mapes(Cooper decent) -AKA-Love of May Born 1903 Died 1987 Shiloh Ohio Cemetery -Grandmother
My Mother is sill alive and her name will not be put on the net.
She never put her ancestry on the net.
My fathers side was August Renz from Germany that moved to Minnasota that ended up in Kansas Married to a Shawnee woman
Ended up in Kansas Reservason. Ran a trade store with the Native Peoples. Him and the wife moved with children moved to Europe in 1858. That the Family ended up in the Concentration Camps in Germany. That Hitler killed them and few served. Out of 12 children only 6 lived of my Fathers Brothers and Sisters.
If you wish to play Hitler. And put me down as some want a be. You should first confront and talk to the one you are choosing to play God over.
I am documented and Elizabeth Longtail (Henrys Sister) Family decent stand with me. They live in Findlay Ohio area. Elzabeth's land in Kansas was taken by City on claim of Iminant domain.
Blue Jacket's Family lives about 5 mile from me as well to Document the Chiefs all left Oklahoma in 1858.
You had said Henry Longtail born 1907. He is a different one in history. Not the one I claim.
(he claims that the government told Henry not to go to Oklahoma but to go and start a "new tribe.)
 Keely I have never said this to no one. You should not lie like this.
The Shawne started moving fromKansas in 1854 to 1856. Before Bloody Kansas. Check your history.
Renz is full of lies, and I have been confronting him on message boards where he has spewed his lies as well as sent him a email of which he has not responded.
Keely you and I have never been in contact on message Boards that I ever remember of. I did receive your email and was working on this reply to you.
And I will pray to the Creator for your Uncle to get well. And I wish you peace as well.
I have passed this on to Elizabeth  Longtail's family as well.

Keely wrote the fallowing below to Canada and is claiming I am lying. When the Absentee an other Tribes and Nations have the facts. That Walter T Renz is very real. And Documented. I am not or the Chaliawa people looking Federal Rec. Though we speak Nation to Nation with Canada and The United States of America. Protecting our Ancestors and the Mounds. And much more. In the good will of the Native People's.
In peace
Chief Walter T Renz of the Chaliawa (Cat Nation)

Fallowing was writte by Keely
You can pass this along to whomever you wish.
I recently, as of three days ago, learned of this Walter Renz... this is because he is using my family to boster her claim of being Shawnee Indian... He is using the Longtail name and it is not his to use.
My great grandmother was Anna Longtail, she was married to Daniel Squirrel, my grandfather was Isaac Squirrel and my father was Lemuel Squirrel... Now Walter claims one of his grandfathers was Henry Longtail, and Henry is the son of Abraham Longtail aka Jake.. however, Jake was my grandmothers brother, thus making Jake my uncle and Henry my cousin.
Walter claims that Henry was a "blood chief" but there is no such thing with the Shawnee people, he claims that the government told Henry not to go to Oklahoma but to go and start a "new tribe", the Shawnees began removing from Kansas in the 1860's... Henry was not born until 1907 so Walter had to lie about when Henry was born in order to fit his story... thus he had to lie about when Abraham/Jake was born as well... there are records from Jake that he was 14 years old when he went to Oklahoma.. he lived there and he is buried with family there. There is the Longtail Cemetery of which most of the Longtails are buried there, my aunt Eliza who married a Brown is buried there as well as my Uncle Moses Squirrel.
Renz is full of lies, and I have been confronting him on message boards where he has spewed his lies as well as sent him a email of which he has not responded.
My Uncle James Squirrel is one of our tribes former chairman, he has been in ill health but Uncle told me to go after this idiot.... and the other Longtail family members are watching online to see what happens.
Renz issue was partly moved to the board of "need research" I posted in there that no research is needed, the guy is a fraud...
I would knock this guy out if I ever met him in person... do you have any pictures of him?