Author Topic: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?  (Read 168801 times)


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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #105 on: March 31, 2007, 05:08:51 pm »
"We consider CDIB cards (Certificates of Degree of Indian Blood) issued by the BIA in the U.S. as a continuing genocidal effort by the federal government"

That kind of hysterical claim signals to most NDNs that this is being said by someone who has little idea what true genocide is. It makes it far harder for nonNatives to take it serious when NDNs talk about *actual* genocide.

The "not wanting recognition" bit is often a way to avoid admitting they could never get recognition anyway because the ties to actual Native communities or ancestors are often very distant.

Many of the "southern Metis" or "US Metis" groups (outside of the actual Metis communities in the US living near Canada) often are just heritage groups of PODIAs passing along misinformation and sometimes Nuage ideas. The practice of PODIAs calling themselves "Metis" comes straight from Nuage exploiter Hyemeyohosts Storm, who incidentally is now in hiding from child molesting charges according to ex members of his inner circle.

I personally never heard of this individual until you brought him into the picture. I searched the MSN data base and this individual was not listed. I do not know that he ever was affiliated with the MSN. And if he was the MSN has apparently taken care of the problem.

 I do not disagree with you the recognition issue, because anti Indian institutional discrimination is a built in fact of life when dealing with government jurisdictions. 

The forced removal of Indigenous children from their families and placement in residential schools exemplifies assimilation as a form of genocide. .......No reason for hysteria!

Today's genocide

Tribal dis-enrollment and the blood quantum issue are spreading throughout Indian Country like a deadly cancer, eating away the cells of our existence....

Written by:
Tamra Brennan
Director of NDN News

[Note: A childish insults of yours was removed.
Also please include links in the future, and only post a whole article if it directly relates to the topic and is otherwise unavailable. This thread is wandering off topic quite a bit because of your habit of responding to questions with angry rhetoric that doesn't do much to clear up the subject.]
« Last Edit: April 01, 2007, 12:26:03 am by educatedindian »

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #106 on: April 01, 2007, 05:03:24 am »

Instead of putting in things that have no bearing on this topic, why don't you answer the questions members have posed?


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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #107 on: April 01, 2007, 05:09:24 am »
Here is the link:

[Note: Once again removed duplicate information. Even though the article is off topic and BH only posted so ot so he could yet again avoid answering questions, I've left the link.]

« Last Edit: April 01, 2007, 01:21:59 pm by educatedindian »


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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #108 on: April 01, 2007, 05:22:03 am »

Instead of putting in things that have no bearing on this topic, why don't you answer the questions members have posed?

Asking questions is one thing, but hostile interrogation is another. A lot of what has been generated on this forum has had angry overtones. The issue needed to be addressed and that is why the thread wondered off subject. This is my last post.

[Yet more insults removed. I'm sure we all see BH's pattern, avoid questions, insult, and run.]
« Last Edit: April 01, 2007, 01:24:57 pm by educatedindian »


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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #109 on: April 01, 2007, 02:32:06 pm »

Even though there are many, especially in the USA, who fraudulently use the term Metis to try to achieve recognition as Aboriginal people, we Metis people, like many of the other Aboriginal peoples who have had their names misused, take offence at your attempts to gain credibility on our coat tails.

I know that there are many people who try to claim status, as Aboriginals due to a lack in their own lives and Cultures.

This does not make it acceptable to claim the efforts and blood of my people!

We are not just a mixed blooded people.  In my own case, my Cree relatives also Respect my being Metis, based on Cree and non-native ancestry, history and Heritage.

Also, there are real Metis people, living in the USA, who descended from our own Metis people, and who would also likely take offence at your abuse of our name.

Why don't you just call yourselves mongrels and leave it at that!


Offline lostcherokee

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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #110 on: April 01, 2007, 06:13:20 pm »
If has been said the SCN of ky has been  around for 114 years but yet you choose to stay remain hidden,why

Not until recently has the SCN of ky come forward saying you are a real tribe ,but yet you had to go to Fletcher to get a so called state status,why you have been a tribe for 114 years.
   BH you come to this forum to set the members of the forum striaght,but yet most the questions you will not answer,why
 You say to contact Tribal headquarters, if you need further proof of our genuineness so they can answer some of these questions,but yet you cant answer the same questions because it goes against youre instinct,why
If if you are on here talking and tring to set poeple straight you should have permission from tribal headquarters already to answer any questions asked,   do you not have permission.

If you know tradition  then you know most if not all NDN's are big on respect to other people and respect to themselfs and with respect you have honor which goes hand in hand

 so with that said respect youre self and us either answer the questions  or honor youre word

which was       This is my last post     
   but you posted again


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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #111 on: April 01, 2007, 11:43:22 pm »
Well, I have a question I have been thinking about. Why would one Tribe try to join another tribe in an entirely different state because one supposably has "federal recognition". Someone explain to me exactly how that works, since I believe Nations or Tribes have their own rolls. I asking because here recently another group from South Carolina or Georgia was joining the Southern Cherokee Oklahoma and that is what The Southern Cherokee of Kentucky did not too long ago. I am aware of Absentees but this is not a situtation of Absentees. If you established your own continous active cultural and political activities since the 1900's, why? I don't think the letter of Oct 2006 really explains this. frederica

Offline Ric_Richardson

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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #112 on: April 02, 2007, 06:55:30 pm »

I recognize the desire for those people who, discovering their Aboriginal ancestry, wish to learn more about their Heritage and find ways of "belonging."  My advice to them would be to go to the established Aboriginal communities, that they have descendancy from, use Respect and learn about the Culture of their ancestors. 

This does take time and patience, but could lead to a better understanding of their own Heritage.  I definitely have problems with people not taking the time to learn about their own Heritage and, using their own misunderstanding of what they would like their Culture to look like, creating structures that bear little resemblance to the Culture of their ancestors.

I also take offense at the misuse of terms, such as Metis, which are too often used when some of these groups are unsuccessful in gaining acceptance of the Aboriginal people of their own Heritage.

As a Metis person, I have learned about our history and Heritage and attempt to Respectfully pass these teachings on, to our next generations.  The blood of my ancestors permeates the land on which we live, with the memories of battles won and lost echoing through the valleys and forests to this day.  For a long time, our people were not recognized by governments and it was through the efforts of some of our dynamic people, that we have gained Constitutional recognition, by Canada.  We have been known as the "forgotten" people and were denied many Aboriginal Rights, such as a land base or any of the other Aboriginal Rights that we continue to fight for and often win.  When our people joined the armed forces, in WWI and WWII, they were denied Veterans Benefits given to non-native Veterans, even though they were credited with serving with distinction.

The reason that our Culture has gained official recognition, is largely due to the fact that we have continued to live our Culture, in spite of extreme efforts to force us to assimilate.  Even the community, in which I live, was used to relocate our people by force, in the 1940's.  The main language of our community is Michif, which is a blend of Cree (Nehiyawin), French and English.

In being Metis, my father always told me that I should always Honour and Respect the family members that I have, who are Status Indians, since all Metis people have relations on Reserve and are only Metis, due to being part First Nation.  I have had the priveledge of meeting with many of my family, on various Reserves, including at Mistawasis (Big Child), where my wife and I were Honoured in being danced out in the Grand Entry of the annual Pow Wow, and being introduced to the Band as a returning Band member and his wife.  As my Grandfather came from Mistawasis, but became "enfranchised" as a Canadian, in order to join the army in WWI, many people remembered him with Respect.  Between the World Wars, he married a Metis woman and raised many children, four of whom he took with him, when he joined the military, in WWII.  It is to Canada's shame that many Reserves were reduced in size, in order to give land to non-native Veterans, following WWI.  Aboriginal Veterans, both First Nation and Metis were not given lands or other Veterans benefits, and have only recently had the opportunity to regain the Rights as First Nations people, which had been taken away by joining the War efforts in WWI. 

For this individual, who chooses to go by the name BuffaloHeart, to claim to be Metis, to me is offensive and is likely an attempt to gain credibility by claiming our Heritage and History, which he has not lived.  Even using the MNS as a acronym is offensive, since I belong to the MNS (Metis Nation Saskatchewan.)

With Respect to my Ancestors.

Offline lostcherokee

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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #113 on: April 15, 2007, 03:40:18 pm »
part of there letter to the people
  The good news is, we have received our federal number and have been requested to send in the remainder of our documents and rolls.  We will need everyone's paperwork in by May 1st to send to Washington.  Please tell your friends and family to get theirs in.  After they receive our roll, only descendants of our enrolled will be able to enroll.  This is the last chance for many of us.

and now offering this in there group
My brothers and Sisters,
Several of you have contacted me for copies of our seal. If there is an interest I would like to offer our seal on T-shirts, sweatshirts, coffee mugs, cutting boards, ceramic tiles, license plate frames and clocks with all proceeds being donated to our Nation. An example price: $10.00 +shipping for a coffee mug which would have the SCN seal on one side and your name written in English and Cherokee on the other, T-shirts with SCN seal $20.00 +shipping . If folks are interested I will post a complete merchandise and price list. All merchandise is Sublimation printed by a professional printer. This could be a way we can support our Nation and show our Native pride.

Offline lostcherokee

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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #114 on: April 24, 2007, 04:17:36 am »
Heard from Fletchers office today and they said  the southern cherokee nation of kentucky is not state reconized, now if the state will do something about it and make them stop saying it.....but they did go on to say they are working on a criteria for state tribes andhow the native american heritage commity is working with them,but the only problem is that SCN cheif manfox is a vise chair of the commity

Offline lostcherokee

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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #115 on: April 24, 2007, 03:32:18 pm »
just my oppinion but based on the hole state recognition and other things .
its time to move them to frauds...........


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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #116 on: April 24, 2007, 03:43:13 pm »
"My brothers and Sisters"--

Has there ever in the history of humankind been an instance when that phrase was not a premable to "gimme yer money"?


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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #117 on: April 24, 2007, 03:47:54 pm »
Seems mostly what these groups are interested in, they call it operating costs. I remember at one time one of the "Chiefs" in Arkansas was making more than Chad Smith. frederica


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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #118 on: April 24, 2007, 04:51:45 pm »
Who asked them to "operate" a faux nation in the first damned place, I wonder?!  It should cost them plenty. 



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Re: Southern Cherokee Nation of KY?
« Reply #119 on: April 24, 2007, 09:09:37 pm »
I think LC is right, if they can obtain become State recognized it is legal for them to sell their crafts under the Arts and Crafts Laws. Plus a non-profit organization, which most of these are are tax exempt. frederica