Author Topic: UNISA Teaching Falsehood  (Read 17278 times)

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UNISA Teaching Falsehood
« on: May 26, 2006, 02:36:17 pm »
I found the following quote in an archived thesis entitled "Religious Thought of Emmet Fox in the Context of the New Thought Movement" by a Maré Venter, submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Literature and Philosophy, dated 30 November 2004, to Prof. J. S. Kr[ch369]ger in the Religious Studies Department at the University of South Africa. The quote appears in Chapter 4 ("Ken Wilbur: The Spirit of Evolution"), page 82 (however in the .pdf file as posted online the page is numbered as 17), Paragraph 4 (emphasis added):

""What Wilber and others are stating has been confirmed in Eastern traditions, as well as by cultures, tribes and groups such as the Native Americans, to which Roy Littlesun belongs."

This thesis can be viewed online and the quote above is in Chapter 4.
Now all the students of religion at UNISA, and anyone else in the world who may be doing research on any of the topics convered in this thesis, may learn from, refer to and quote from this document, the "fact" that there is a group known as the Native Americans, and Roy Littlesun "belongs to" said group.

A relatively minor point, for most people, however it could become a foot in the door for Al to make a stop in his next speaking tour if he goes to South Africa.

According to the homepage of the Dept. of Religious Studies at UNISA:
The Department of Religious Studies teaches religion. We emphasise the following aspects:

knowledge of the facts about religions
empathy for and understanding of religions as expressions of the human search for meaning
the willingness and ability of students to think independently and critically
the training of students to do empirical and historical research
Farther down the page, it is stated that "...we do insist on an attitude of respect for the beliefs of others."

The Head of Department is Prof J S Krüger, who holds the following degrees: BA(Hons), BD (UP), Drs Teol (VU, Amsterdam), DTh (Unisa)

Prof. Krüger's telephone number is (012) 429 4523 and his email address is

I suggest contacting him about the errors in this student's thesis.

It might also be a good idea to notify Prof D Burger, the Director of Research at UNISA, c/o

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by admin »