Author Topic: United Cherokee Nation  (Read 110918 times)

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #45 on: June 18, 2009, 03:27:01 am »
Here we go again.  Another Cherokee Shaman. They always talk about not needing paperwork, and not being on goverment rolls, etc.  Its not really about having a CDIB ( Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood ) or not.    Its about how they act, and what they are trying to present themselves as. They weren't raised Tradional, and weren't brought up like that in real Indian communites.  So why do they act like that?  And what poor repesentations they make themselves out to be!  Kind of reminds me of the old Cowboy and Indian movies from the 50's  One would think that in this Information Age and the Internet, that they could at least try to do some basic research.  Sometimes, I like to think that these Cherokee frauds  are really just joking.  But they are not.  I really think some of them need real phycological help.  Why are we the only ethnic group where all this misrepresentation takes place?  I think Educated Indian was on to something he said a while back in reference to some of these fradulent groups being created just to discredit Indian people.  It makes me wonder sometimes.  With us Cherokees, its a damn shame.  The real 3 tribes are like 3 needles in a haystack compared to all these hordes of  fake Cherokee tribes and groups.  I heard there was like 200 or 300 of them running around the country acting like fools. 

Its that they are acting like complete morons and disrespecting the heritage and culture of a great and proud people.  All that they are doing is making a mokery of our heritage.  Look at this clown dressed up in his living room.  Is this dude serious or what? The way these people portray themselves is freakin embarassing to Cherokee people.  Well, thats it for now.  I'm pretty sure I'll come across more misrepresentaion of  Cherkoees.

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #46 on: June 20, 2009, 11:41:49 am »
I noticed somthing on the powwow listing for the United Cherokee Indian Nation that was very disturbing.  They have a powwow that just passed.  But I noticed that on their flyer for that powwow, they have a picture of the official flag of the "Cherokee Nation" in the top right hand corner of their flyer.  Its like they are using the offical flag of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma to legitimize themselves and promote themselves. Are they allowed to do this legally?  Does anyone here know about these kind of things? Do the flags of Indian Nations of Federally Recognized Tribes have any kind of copyright protection or anything like that?

Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation/Red Hawk
« Reply #47 on: June 30, 2009, 04:33:34 pm »
This man who claims to be chief of this group, Red Hawk, is no different than the group he leads, a fraud.  He came to the Williamsburg area years ago claiming to be a Hawaiian prince/chief/royalty.  Don Harris who is CNO and Dr. Rose Beckmann of the area met him when he was a fake Hawaiian.  He took a job at Fort Cherokee Native American Indian Arts & Crafts store in Williamsburg.  While he was working there, he gave out cards to people stating he was the store owner and Cherokee.  He was also guilty of stealing from the owner who soon fired him and then successfully sued him.  The owner is deceases, but his daughter is not and remembers all of this and has no liking for this fraud.
If you go to
you will find he claims many different nations as his background.  He gives his name as John Poundstone, which it was not.  He used the name because he found it on some rolls and tried to claim an identity with that family. 
When you read this, you will soon know this man is a fake.  He can't deny he posted that, he posted his picture on it. 
Many of us contacted some of the speaking engagements he had and informed them they had hired a fraud.  He threatened to sue us, but of course, he could not since he has no real Cherokee blood. When he joined the Virginia First People's group to go after Dr. Beckmann, he claimed an entirely different family line and had become a full-blood Cherokee.

IMPORTANT: John Poundstone is NOT Ed Laughry and is NOT accused of any of the wrongdoings that Laughry is. They simply used the same name of Red Hawk at different points.

[edited to add "important" note - k]
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:59:32 pm by Kathryn »
William Graywolf

Offline woodowl

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Re: Ed Lawry/Laughry - Here we go again
« Reply #48 on: August 29, 2009, 04:02:56 pm »
He's supposed to be participating in a show in Richmond this weekend. Now he's telling the Richmond Times Dispatch that's he's a member of the Cherokee tribe of North Carolina.  That could only be the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (the only legit tribe, anyway) and they have no record of him as a tribal member.
I suspect there will be complaints to the paper.  The story was in an article by pop editor Melissa Ruggieri on Thursday, August 27.

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #49 on: August 29, 2009, 07:42:43 pm »
As you know we are going through many exciting changes. One of the main reasons that the United Indian Nation (U.I.N.) was formed, was to bring all people of Indian Blood together that did not belong to a Tribe.

   Therefore we are not going to segregate our people into different Tribes. What we will have is State Clans, Clans that will consist of any Tribe. Example: such as, Cherokee and Sioux may be placed in the same Clan.

So now they are taking it upon themselves to put Cherokees and Sioux in the same clan???  I guess it makes sense, haha (yeah right).  Considering that most of these fake Cherokees poorly immitate the ways of Sioux and Plains Indian tribes.  They are really nothiing but a disgrace and an insult to true Cherokee and Sioux people.

Offline AppGal330

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Re: Ed Lawry/Laughry - Here we go again
« Reply #50 on: August 29, 2009, 09:57:20 pm »
He's supposed to be participating in a show in Richmond this weekend. Now he's telling the Richmond Times Dispatch that's he's a member of the Cherokee tribe of North Carolina.  That could only be the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (the only legit tribe, anyway) and they have no record of him as a tribal member.
I suspect there will be complaints to the paper.  The story was in an article by pop editor Melissa Ruggieri on Thursday, August 27.
just an fyi...this is not the same guy...this guy really is from Cherokee, i've seen him perform there and he's got a ton of vids on youtube about making different crafts...he's pretty much a regular over there as a performer....guess there's just a ton of folks named Red Hawk out geesh google the name sometime a gaziiiiillllion hits :o

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #51 on: August 30, 2009, 12:09:28 am »

I'm assuming this is the story your referring to.  Its well know by now that this man is a fraud.  Anyone can call the tribal enrollment office of the Eastern Band of Cheokee Indians and ask if he is enrolled or not.  I already have.  He is not know in Cherokee communities in NC, nor is he an enrolled member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in NC, nor the Cherokee Nation or the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians (both based in North Eastern Oklahoma, nor is he decended from any known Cherokee tribal rolls, nor did he grow up in any tradional Cherokee community.  What he HAS DONE is stolen and misappropriated the Cherokee name for personal gain. 

I don't know any Cherokees from NC that say they are members of the "Cherokee Tribe in NC".  They are the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

Anyone can call and ask for the enrollment office and ask if he is an enrolled member.  Sometimes they may ask you to fax your request in.
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
828-497-8196 FAX

Tribal Government Switchboard

Just for the record, has anyone really looked into his true heritage?

Offline E.P. Grondine

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #52 on: August 30, 2009, 09:13:11 pm »
Why are we the only ethnic group where all this misrepresentation takes place? 

Finally something besides the Walam Olum and Burrows Cave.

I don't have any answers, but I do know some questions.

I don't know how the Cherokee Nation is going to handle it, but there were those who hid out or "passed" during the conquest, and those who moved to other areas, and now their descendants are left with holes in their lives.

The frauds offer to fill those holes, and go on to preying on those with spiritual hunger not satisfied by other religions. Or sometimes it works the other way around, they start with the spiritual hungers, and then go on prey on the stranded.

Until the nations develop some ways for relating to those outside the tribal roles, (and perhaps the Stranded would be better than PODIA, given the currently operating bq rules, etc.), and I have no idea of what they will be or should be, of filling those holes, the frauds will flourish.

Aside from the stranded, what of the European who wants to explore/study Native American spiritual systems?

Every nation will have to face these problems, now and into the future.

When I raised these questions before I was told of the three recognized groups that form the Cherokee Nation. And I know the three recognized Cherokee groups that form that nation have immediate pressing problems, but it appears that this is among them.

It also seems to me that even if you stop one fraud, others will come along, until the fundamental causes are addressed by some means. Again, I have no idea what those means should be, one means or multiple different means. But I can see a need for them.

It would seem to me that some responsible people in every nation need to think through these questions on a fundamental level and try to come up with some  answers.


Offline oh gee hna luh

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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #53 on: September 01, 2009, 07:04:26 pm »
I called tribal headquarters attorney generals office in Talhequah, and they didn't seem to be to concerned with these people. That kind of concerned me, they are nothing more than con-artists, and scammers, but they didn't feel they needed to be concerned about them. I'm taking this obviously too personal I guess. I think UCN and others like them are just preying on people who have mixed Cherokee blood. In my case, family research stops at my grandmother, (no she was NOT a Cherokee princess), G Grandfather was illegitemate, and left my grandmother when she was very young. What little they had of him, was destroyed in a flood, so if someone in my situation, who wanted to try to enroll tribally, and couldn't because they could not meet requirements and proove lineage, these voltures are right their waiting for that unknowing person to fill out their application and in 20 years they have a "legal binding court document" as he says. I think that is sick and vulgar and I thnk the guy and others like him need to be locked up, or flogged, which ever comes first.

Offline John Poundstone

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #54 on: December 10, 2010, 11:24:38 pm »
In short, your statements with a web link to one of my postings on Saponitown are both absurd and defamatory.  On the message board you have made statements claiming that I am a man known as "Red Hawk" even claim that my photo on Saponitown is the the same as his.  I have lived in MN, FL and Africa for the past 20 years.  I have NO connection to Mr. Red Hawk or his lecture series.  So to confuse my families genealogy with his and then use "inconsistencies" in those to call me a fraud or even him is dangerous and ludicrous.  I would not be surprised to hear he sued you and this forum.  I do not know him and will not speak for him.  I speak for myself.  Call Lind Carter at Saponitown as she is easily available via the website and ask her of my identity.  She knows me from numerous long phone calls and knows of my work in Africa and further KNOWS I am not the man you claim in VA. 

I will expect and demand a full retraction of your suggestions that I am him or that he has anything to do with me and my family.  John Poundstone is my ancestor and it is the name given me by traditional naming ceremony within my family (Pounding Stone, as I use Poundstone for short in social settings.)  There are NO Poundstones on any Cherokee Rolls for your information, period.  My Cherokee ancestry is found related to Lucille Little in the rolls and that is only one Great Grandmother of four Great Grand Parents of Indian blood.  My Mother was a Shinob...Ojibwe for you white people who's family live in Rez communities in Northern WI and MN as well as the Twin Cities.  My Father's side who are Pritchards and Poundstones are Shawnee (yes with some enrolled and in OK live and deceased), with a branch of Lakota and the stray Cherokee intermarriage.  We are modern NDN's and City NDN's known in NDN circles in Minneapolis (MN), WI, SD and OK.  Now...who the heck are you?  I trust that you will be honest as to your mistake and remove me and any reference to me in this forum.  What you do here is dodgy at best but maybe someone must do it...There are far too many fake shaman/medicine people out there selling services.  I do NONE of those things and indeed only lecture in metalsmithing classes at universities...not related to Indian arts!  Again remove me from your little verbal war with Mr. Red Hawk immediately.
John NOT...Red Hawk...Poundstone

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #55 on: December 11, 2010, 07:11:08 pm »
As Al posted in the other thread:

IMPORTANT: John Poundstone is NOT Ed Laughry and is NOT accused of any of the wrongdoings that Laughry is. They simply used the same name of Red Hawk at different points.

Offline Sparks

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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #56 on: February 16, 2022, 04:05:11 am »
As Al posted in the other thread: …

This is the other thread:
[NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN: Chief Red Hawk aka Ed RedHawk Laughry]

Offline Sparks

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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #57 on: February 16, 2022, 04:16:56 am »
This URL has been cited and referred to several times:

The United Cherokee Nation is still very active, and is now located at

Seems that "everyone …" can join: