Author Topic: United Cherokee Nation  (Read 110300 times)

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #30 on: March 15, 2009, 04:35:07 am »
Ken Cloud Dancing Andrews

Hi, My Cherokee  name is Cloud Dancing,, a.k.a. Rev. Ken Andrews Ph.D.  I am a Cherokee style Shaman  My many talents include a Spirit Guide, Healer, registered & ordained Minister (non traditional), also as computer Wizard.

My great grandmother, considered a Shaman by the Cherokee in the mountains of North Carolina, handed down this gift through my mother before I was born, and told her that I would be born with a veil over my face, as she was, the sign of a Shaman.  I try & hope to use these gifts as they were meant, at all times.

I don't know if this guys been mentioned in here or not.  But he can be added to the list of Plastic Medicine Men!  Thats pretty funny what he says.  "I am a Cherokee style Shaman."  I guess he's trying not to mislead the public.   :D

Offline GhostBear

  • Posts: 31
Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #31 on: March 17, 2009, 12:23:41 am »
Well, seems I ticked someone off....I visited the link posted for the UCN and then a link from theirs to another page......both pages had a prayer that has historically been attributed to Yellow Lark from 1887.  On both pages an individual had their copyright below it.  I emailed the webmaster on the UCN page and posted in the guestbook on the other page that it appeared the person was taking credit and please give proper credit.  I was nice about it and not confrontational about it.  The person took offense to my comments and said that if I had been there before I would have seen their copyright belonged to something that had been deleted.  If that were true, then why would it be the same "mistake" on 2 different pages?  My grandmother always told me that guilty dogs barked the loudest.....

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #32 on: March 17, 2009, 01:21:40 am »
Wow, they are pretty touchy.  I just checked the link your talking about, and Runningbear already posted a reply.  My experience with these people in person and in email exchanges are in many cases  a similar story.  They never admit to their mistakes and have a comeback for everything. That’s the problem with these New Agers.  They don’t have anyone to answer to except to themselves and their own egos.

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #33 on: March 17, 2009, 01:59:13 am »
Runningbear has a whole webpage full of so called awards to himself form others.  I can’t really grasp what these so called awards are or what they mean?  Here’s his awards page linked form his main website, Running Bear’s Den.  He also has a lot of poems and sayings that he has signed.

Offline mamaduck33

  • Posts: 26
Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #34 on: March 17, 2009, 10:01:58 am »
A 14 yr old girl who is from the EB Cherokee came to me about them last December.  Her Mother is enrolled Eastern Band but neglected to enroll her daughter and she has been in and out of several foster homes away from her family and tribe.  She didn't have a clue on how to enroll in her tribe.  She joined their group on myspace and instead of encouraging her to enroll in her own tribe, they told her that she couldn't since she was no longer living in NC, but that they wanted her to join theirs and told her that they needed her and any other natives who could get proof that they are in fact native.  I became concerned when she told me this and about this group and she forwarded the emails between her and them to me.  They were asking her very personal family questions and even offered to fill everything out for her if she gave them her families info.  They wreak of exploitation. 


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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #35 on: March 17, 2009, 05:08:53 pm »
Looks like awards for web design, pretty doesn't always mean substance.

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #36 on: March 17, 2009, 09:49:55 pm »
As far as I know, as long as she has at least a 1/16 Blood Quantum and is a Baker Roll Descendant, she should be able to enroll with the Eastern Band.  But since she’s underage, her guardian might have to sign her paperwork.  I would contact the tribe.

Does anyone know the story on enrollment in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians? Because I have heard conflicting information.  Do children have to be enrolled before a certain date, and/or, is there a residency requirement?   The website does not mention that.  The United Cherokees Nation  tries to present themselves as a Cherokee Tribe for disenfranchised Cherokees all the time.  They often use legitimate Cherokees as token Indians to make themselves look more legitimate. They prey on vulnerable people all the time. 

Offline GhostBear

  • Posts: 31
Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #37 on: March 18, 2009, 01:21:59 am »
Wow, they are pretty touchy.  I just checked the link your talking about, and Runningbear already posted a reply.  My experience with these people in person and in email exchanges are in many cases  a similar story.  They never admit to their mistakes and have a comeback for everything. That’s the problem with these New Agers.  They don’t have anyone to answer to except to themselves and their own egos.

Oh he even deleted the comment I posted in his guestbook.  Considering it was a respectful request and he deleted it.....I found that amusing.  I personally liked his "questionnaire" to post...the question "Do you have Native American Ancestry?" or something like posted "I have always felt I did."  No yes the did, but they felt it.

If it was a "mistake" that he had deleted something else and forgot that his copyright was there, why would you make the SAME mistake on another page?

Offline mamaduck33

  • Posts: 26
Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #38 on: March 18, 2009, 05:24:13 am »
As far as I know, as long as she has at least a 1/16 Blood Quantum and is a Baker Roll Descendant, she should be able to enroll with the Eastern Band.  But since she’s underage, her guardian might have to sign her paperwork.  I would contact the tribe.

Does anyone know the story on enrollment in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians? Because I have heard conflicting information.  Do children have to be enrolled before a certain date, and/or, is there a residency requirement?   The website does not mention that.  The United Cherokees Nation  tries to present themselves as a Cherokee Tribe for disenfranchised Cherokees all the time.  They often use legitimate Cherokees as token Indians to make themselves look more legitimate. They prey on vulnerable people all the time. 

I am EB on my paternal side and she is allowed to enroll.  She is 1/4 and qualifies to enroll and she doesn't have to live there.  I have given the info to  her new guardian to help him enroll her.  But was completely disgusted that the United Cherokee Nation lied to her and tried to use her. It wasn't out of ignorance of the enrollment qualifications either.  the person in charge of their myspace group and profile stated in the email that they would be willing to do something that they weren't supposed to do to get her enrolled with them and to keep it between them.  very shady.

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #39 on: March 18, 2009, 03:56:44 pm »
I think this all ties into the idea of dilution of Tribal Identity talked about by the Wannabe Task Force; 

False tribes use elements of the names of real tribes in order to confuse the public and bolster their legitimacy. 

The average person in America is not going to know the difference between the Cherokee Nation, the Eastern Band, and the United Cherokee Nation. If I went to my local shopping mall and asked people randomly, I’m pretty confident most, if not all the people, would not know the difference between “True Cherokee Tribes” and “Fake Cherokee Tribes”.  To most people, they would  just all be Cherokee Tribes.  From what I hear, the United Cherokee Nation does a lot of recruitment online, and at their so called cultural events.  Here’s some event they did in Georgia.  When they do events like this, most people just see them as representatives of “a Cherokee Tribe”.

Offline AppGal330

  • Posts: 5
Re: United Cherokee Nation
« Reply #40 on: May 07, 2009, 06:42:54 pm »
".... German who immigrated to the US during the Pennsylvania trade married one of my ancestors (Cherokee). I have a coat of arms, it's really cool. "

Well, there's a common 'blooper' made by people that are doing geneological research. Probably got the "coat of arms" from some huckster org. that prints them en mass and prints your family name on them. Coats of arms were not given to entire families--but to individuals! You could say something like "my g.g.uncle William was granted a coat of arms by so & so and i've found a copy of it"...but its not YOUR coat of arms just because you descended from him!

Oh and Raven Crow...good work!!!

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #41 on: May 29, 2009, 11:46:46 pm »

Another Cherokee fraud from the United Indian Nation
Is she kidding or what?

She calls herself Red Road Warrior "Rain Warrior".  AKA Erica Milford.  She even when as far as to put up the same silly picture on her myspace page.  What a joke!!

"I spend a great deal of time reviewing the proper practice of walking the red road. Our heritage is our legacy, what we don't use we loose. I take my heritage into every day I am a traditionalist. I have set up pages that go over our regalia and what a spirit guide is. My mission is to help people to connect and to get to know themselves, the native way."

 ~Rain Warrior

And here she talks about spirit guides.

Why do all these Cherokee frauds talk about walking the red road?  These New Age frauds that try to pass themselves off as Cherokee are such a joke! 

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #42 on: May 29, 2009, 11:49:45 pm »

Spirit Guide Link

She's still young and hopefully still has time to come to her senses, and does not wind up living a lie like the frauds that taught her.

Offline Diana

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Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #43 on: May 30, 2009, 05:07:54 am »
I don't know much about the Cherokee nor do I really care about them, but is this a girl dressed up like a man? Very strange.

Lim Lemtsch


Offline wolfhawaii

  • Posts: 293
Re: The United Cherokee Indian Nation
« Reply #44 on: May 30, 2009, 05:10:56 am »
It's probably too late already.