Author Topic: Dragonessa's Latest Work  (Read 18373 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Dragonessa's Latest Work
« on: February 28, 2006, 11:58:16 pm »
Seems she's so obsessed with defending Churchill she's decided to start a website solely for the purpose of attacking me. Her letter is below. I actually left the more childish parts out. Believe me, I couldn't make this nonsense up

"force mulitplier" <>  

...bear with me while I put together a blog outing your libelous attack on both myself and WC.

....I would be inclined to say that you are a hang around the fort baby killer, which would explain your irrational hatred of Ward Churchill, who has no love of the rapist, genocidal US military, as you well know.  I sure hope the paper doesn't "blame the victim".  I'd hate to think the AmeriKKKan army's incredible record of genocide was given even more efficiency by ndn participants pimping their traditional ways to help whitey better rape and pillage the world....

But again. That's just based on the title.  I will need to see the paper itself before I can make an accurate assessment.

Oh, and you're just gonna love this:  I am a disabled veteran, so I know what I am talking about when it comes to the murderous, honkey army that only a subservient, imperialist, scholar/warrior-slandering puppet could love so well. Just wait til our readers get a load of what I have seen firsthand.  They are gonna wanna tear down the Fort with their bare hands by the time I am done, so you might want to look for somewhere else to hang around.  Rabid, running dogs tend to get taken out to the barn there, Old Yellow.  Or is it Cujo?  Yellow seems more appropriate, in light of your cowardly and all too common ad hominem attack on WC.

BTW, any suggestions you have for blog title are more than welcome at this point....

I'd like to keep Churchill's name in the title so that anyone doing a search on his name will see your association with him.  And I am sure you can just imagine how many people search that name every week.  Ahh, the site hits are gonna be glorious!  And there your name will be with his for as long as I keep the site up, which I promise you, will be a very long time.

Maybe you ought to get to work on a scholarly paper challenging whatever it is that you find so despicable about Churchill's politics....

Hey, now there's a title!  Alton Carroll....a Loogey-Obsessed, Drooling Bellecourt Flunky.

No.  That's too long.  Sigh.  Back to work.

Here's to getting to know you sooooo much better, Alton. You non-females are always such a giggle!

All my Love,
Ms. D"

In all serious, I'd like to open the floor up to suggestions for the title for Dragonessa's blog about me. This should be quite fun. Where's Mibby when we need him?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Dragonessa's Latest Work
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2006, 12:14:10 am »
My reply to her:

Miss D,

See the website. We're having a contest for the best name. Not that I think you'll care for any of them.

As for me, it's not easy to kill babies when you teach at a former Freedmen's College (one where more than 90% of the students are low income AND minority.)

Or for that matter were in the Medical Corps doing medical equipment repair.

Damn those Army grease monkeys who repair incubators and sterilizers for surgical tools! Don't they know they're baby killers? Don't they know working in hospitals is part of genocide?

PS. Still too lazy to read the Natchat link I see.

To think of all the good you might accomplish instead of wasting your energy on this...

PSPS. My diss is now a book from a university press, one that's been praised by Tom Holm no less. Be sure to attack him as a "baby killer" too.

And then get ready to be knocked over by the gale force of laughter from NDN Country.

Bye now, this should be entertaining. And any hits your site gets will just drive up the number of visitors to NAFPS.

Offline Mo

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Re: Dragonessa's Latest Work
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2006, 02:32:15 am »
maybe she should call it "yes i would love to be the first person fined for internet libel."

It's illegal to annoy
A new federal law states that when you annoy someone on the Internet, you must disclose your identity. Here's the relevant language.

"Whoever...utilizes any device or software that can be used to originate telecommunications or other types of communications that are transmitted, in whole or in part, by the Internet... without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any person...who receives the communications...shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both."

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Dragonessa's Latest Work
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2006, 04:10:20 am »
How about :"an idiots guide to defending people who don't need defending."? Wait, iyt doesn't have Churchill's name in it. Drat. But I bet Churchill wouldn't be impressed by her childishness and "more Indian than thou" attitude. He's at least a grown up.


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Re: Dragonessa's Latest Work
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2006, 05:09:09 am »
This may work 'Churchill Anonymous" a chat/blog for those who are addicted to fakes and who are in denial!

Uncovering The Inner Child Who Worship Churchill
Professor Al's Freedom of Speech is a NO NO when it comes to Churchill
Churchill on a merry go Round Called Denial

ROFLMAO           Wado  "O Childish One"

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Dragonessa's Latest Work
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2006, 06:15:12 pm »
So far she's not annoying, she's just fun to laugh at. For example, her letter:

"bear with me while I put together a blog outing your libelous attack on both myself and WC."

Libelous? No no, look it up in a dictionary, it's called disagreeing.
"I would be inclined to say that you are a hang around the fort baby killer"

Wait a minute, both she and Churchill are vets. So is she calling herself and Churchill "baby killers"?

"which would explain your irrational hatred of Ward Churchill"

Hatred? Somebody buy this woman a dictionary. I agree with some of what Churchill has said, disagree with other things.

The Contessa is sounding more like GW Bush than Churchill. Apparently she "doesn't do subtlety."

"who has no love of the rapist, genocidal US military"

Wait again, she just accused CHURCHILL and herself of taking part in genocide.

"I'd hate to think the AmeriKKKan army's incredible record of genocide"

Yep, she does it again.

"was given even more efficiency by ndn participants pimping their traditional ways"

So all Native vets are pimps? The Contessa just managed to insult, oh, most NDN males and more than a few females.

Including Churchill. Including Carter Camp and Robert Warrior and a lot of other AIMsters and activists.

"to help whitey better rape and pillage the world"

Poor miss The Contessa. She has quite a bit of self hatred too.

"I am a disabled veteran, so I know what I am talking about"

Not really. You're calling yourself a participant in genocide. In other words, The Contessa is admitting to being a Little Eichmann.

"when it comes to the murderous, honkey army"

There's that self hatred yet again.

"that only a subservient, imperialist,"

ROFLMAO! The members of the Conservative Students Union that tried to get me fired sure don't think to seem I am.

"could love so well."

Obviously she hasn't read my writings about the military yet. Too lazy to do the research, since some of them are already online at

"Rabid, running dogs"

Wait a minute, is she seriously quoting from the MAOISTS, Chinese Communists?

"Maybe you ought to get to work on a scholarly paper challenging whatever it is that you find so despicable about Churchill's politics"

Nope, not going to happen. I refuse to indulge her wish that we make Churchill the issue.
"Hey, now there's a title!  Alton Carroll....a Loogey-Obsessed, Drooling Bellecourt Flunky"

Bellecourt flunky? So where's my paycheck?

Once again, she's pulling a George W Bush. She doesn't do subtlety. I criticized both Churchill and the Bellecourts, and pointed to good things both have done.  

"You non-females are always such a giggle!"

Is it just me, or is The Contessa obsessed with pointing to being a woman repeatedly? Maybe it's not that obvious when you see a photo of her.

Or maybe she's desperately trying to insist she's not being childish. If so, it's not working.

It's just making us laugh at her even more. Sorry, The Contessa. You haven't won over any of the poor dumb NDNs. None of us want the leadership of a would be Great White Revolutionary.

The Maoists are dead already, even in China. What you believe is not just quaint, but laughable.

Offline johnbishopjr

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Re: Dragonessa's Latest Work
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2006, 12:31:30 am »
Howsabout we call her what she is, a plain ol racist? I know if I tried to call someone Black an Uncle Tom, I'd be called out on it. Only someone Black can do that, and this Dragon Lady (using the term loosely) is bein just plain racist with those hang around the fort bigoted cracks.

Here's what I say she shold call it

White Wannabe Churchill Lover on a Rampage.

Cuz thats what she is, a wannabe. Just like those twink wannabes want NDNs to be like they want em to be, she wants NDNs to all be like loudmouth Churchill.

White Wannabes Want Red Indians To Be Red Commies, Just  Like Her

Offline raven

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Re: Dragonessa's Latest Work
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2006, 03:17:16 pm »
Though this does not apply directly to Dragonessa, it is more on the topic of Churchill. Could you please enlighten me about his speech at the U of C back Feb.2005. Wen he was discussing the "little Eichmann", say for instance those that work in corporate jobs. Does some of his earnings come from the parents of his students that do work in corporate jobs? And if so does that not make him also guilty of what he accuses others? Or have I misunderstood what he was saying?
Also does he have minority students or on the most part many being white from middle and upper income families? Just wondering. Thanks for any input.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Dragonessa's Latest Work
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2006, 04:00:44 pm »
I believe it was an article he wrote, "On the Justice of Roosting Chickens" as well as another, "Sometimes People Push Back" where he made the Little Eichmann remark. He likely has made it elsewhere in speeches.

In his articles, he was referring to those he considered architects or support personnel of US imperialism, "technocrats" or people in US foreign policy or corporate bureaucracies, for example someone who worked at the World Bank, or for AT&T overseas.

UC Boulder where he works is a somewhat elite school, not exactly the Ivy league, but pretty well to do. While there are a lot of urban NDNs in Denver, there are few in Boulder. I visited the town when I was stationed at Fitzsimmons Army Med Ctr, and it's not exactly working class. It's almost as well off as Vail or Palm Springs. I don't know of any stats done on Churchill's students, but it would surprise me if the majority were not white, as well as from at least upper middle class backgrounds or wealthier.

Offline raven

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Re: Dragonessa's Latest Work
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2006, 04:38:02 pm »
Thanks, Which will now lead me to, what is dragonessa's blog site? I went through the posts and either overlooked it or it wasn't in there.
After going through her posts here and how she writes and thinks, reminds me of many of the wealthy white students that protested the viet nam war. Ironic how many native people fought in our  wars so people like her have the freedom of speech to be racist against us.


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Re: Dragonessa's Latest Work
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2006, 04:49:08 am »
I have only seen a couple of these blogs, but from what I have seen they are not discussions, they are people with fixed ideas that go on rants and have no intention of changing their views.They do not make a lot of sense. This Dragpmessa doesn't make a lot of sense in her post, I hate to see the blog. frederica