Author Topic: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha  (Read 133212 times)

Offline raven

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #60 on: March 23, 2006, 05:00:05 pm »
After spending countless hours researching all this, I want to ask you if you have the manual why are you not doing something about it?
First off I need the physical proof to go to the authorities. I don't have it.
You have the manual, and it was given to you by who? A acting member or former member? So who is better to do something about this than yourself.
So why should the responsibility fall on me when it is you who has started this thread and it is you that has the manual, not me.
You know much more about this group than I will ever be able to find through research.
So what I want to know are you are member of this group and are you in here as a guest to obtain any knowledge of what some of the members may know about this group? Because that is what I am getting from this side of the room. For all the postings you have made, it would make sense to me that you would be a member in here and not a guest. Are you not trying to expose these people ?
Please explain to me so I don't misunderstand what you are saying and doing.
It takes physical proof before the authorities will touch anything such as this, heresay won't cut it.

Le Weaponnier

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #61 on: March 23, 2006, 07:47:14 pm »
After spending countless hours researching all this, I want to ask you if you have the manual why are you not doing something about it?
First off I need the physical proof to go to the authorities. I don't have it.
You have the manual, and it was given to you by who? A acting member or former member? So who is better to do something about this than yourself.
So why should the responsibility fall on me when it is you who has started this thread and it is you that has the manual, not me.
You know much more about this group than I will ever be able to find through research.
So what I want to know are you are member of this group and are you in here as a guest to obtain any knowledge of what some of the members may know about this group? Because that is what I am getting from this side of the room. For all the postings you have made, it would make sense to me that you would be a member in here and not a guest. Are you not trying to expose these people ?
Please explain to me so I don't misunderstand what you are saying and doing.
It takes physical proof before the authorities will touch anything such as this, heresay won't cut it.

Here's a website I think you can order it on CD or DVD....

Le Weaponnier

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #62 on: March 23, 2006, 07:51:17 pm »
Thomas, Trish's site has a list of these groups worldwide, with all the locations and the names they use.

And the scary part is, some of these groups are CHILDRENS "study groups". One of them, the Warrior Youth Dreaming Study Group, is listed here.

The ICSS seems to be a front group for the Deer Tribe.

For which agencies to contact in Canada, I'll leave that to our Canadian members to answer.

ICSS also is in Toronto

Offline raven

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #63 on: March 23, 2006, 10:10:07 pm »
Le Weaponier,
I believe I was addressing a question to Diane. So what is your point here as far as giving me a site to order the manual? That I should spend good money on some material,  that still will not get me past square one with evidence. That has to come from active or former members which I am not, are you?
Why are you not registered and with all your posts I believe you are beyond a guest, it's like someone who comes to your home, after awhile they know where the refrigerator is at?
So what is your solution to this problem? And what are you doing about it?
One thing I could do is register for the conference next year and attend it in Santa Fe. Then hopefully if I am lucky become a member, go through the motions then I would have something to go on. But a manual in itself is not going to get the attention of authorities, and the fact I live in the states and not Canada makes the case a little harder for me to sell to the authorities. Don't just point your fingers to look here, draw the map out.

Le Weaponnier

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #64 on: March 24, 2006, 12:26:07 am »
 I made a mistake.

You had typed to Dianne:
"First off I need the physical proof to go to the authorities. I don't have it."

So with that in mind I showed you a link to get physical proof.

Offline raven

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #65 on: March 24, 2006, 12:34:27 am »
That is not proof of the law being broken. Authorities will not touch that. The only thing proven is yes it is fraud against native culture, however it does not show proof of any laws broken according to family laws. But I will attempt to contact Staphanie Wadell and discuss her forum that she teaches.

Offline yellowthunder_bolt

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #66 on: March 24, 2006, 02:48:18 am »
Thanks all for all these sites and they are useful only as to the content... I NEED EVIDENCE. I believe Diane Harris has it after all she said her "friends" gave it to her, so as it may be a wrong assumption
, I will choose to make it anyway. These "FRIENDS" who gave you,Diane, the manual apparently has first hand knowledge HEY?? You seem to have a lot of knowledge and up to date with this "Q" group.

If you know someone personaly who are involved with this sick bunch and molesting children, ect. than by law you are required to report it, or morally you are as quilty as they are.

Pick up the phone , call the child protection services and they have to by law investigate within 24 hrs. Give them names ect. Now thats here in the StatesI am not sure of the laws in Canada. Any one there know?  YOU MUST HAVE FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE, PICTURES, VIDEOS ECT........

Dianne Harris

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #67 on: March 24, 2006, 03:28:21 am »
After spending countless hours researching all this, I want to ask you if you have the manual why are you not doing something about it?
First off I need the physical proof to go to the authorities. I don't have it.
You have the manual, and it was given to you by who? A acting member or former member? So who is better to do something about this than yourself.
So why should the responsibility fall on me when it is you who has started this thread and it is you that has the manual, not me.
You know much more about this group than I will ever be able to find through research.
So what I want to know are you are member of this group and are you in here as a guest to obtain any knowledge of what some of the members may know about this group? Because that is what I am getting from this side of the room. For all the postings you have made, it would make sense to me that you would be a member in here and not a guest. Are you not trying to expose these people ?
Please explain to me so I don't misunderstand what you are saying and doing.
It takes physical proof before the authorities will touch anything such as this, heresay won't cut it.

As much as I would like to be able to do something myself, in my small town, I cannot. Even if I could, I am sorry, but I am not confident enough in myself to do this.
The manual was loaned to me on condition that I personally do not do anything with it. My friend told me he's afraid that it would come back on him as he had to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

I am not a member of those people and I wouldn't want to be. Much of what I have found, I have researched on the Internet. My friend only pointed me in the right directions. My goal here is to open others to the information and let nature take it's course. If that's not enough, then so be it.

Dianne Harris

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #68 on: March 24, 2006, 03:36:07 am »
Thanks all for all these sites and they are useful only as to the content... I NEED EVIDENCE. I believe Diane Harris has it after all she said her "friends" gave it to her, so as it may be a wrong assumption
, I will choose to make it anyway. These "FRIENDS" who gave you,Diane, the manual apparently has first hand knowledge HEY?? You seem to have a lot of knowledge and up to date with this "Q" group.

If you know someone personaly who are involved with this sick bunch and molesting children, ect. than by law you are required to report it, or morally you are as quilty as they are.

Pick up the phone , call the child protection services and they have to by law investigate within 24 hrs. Give them names ect. Now thats here in the StatesI am not sure of the laws in Canada. Any one there know? ? YOU MUST HAVE FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE, PICTURES, VIDEOS ECT........

I know someone  who was involved with them but is no more.  I have no direct knowledge of them molesting anyone other than the implications in the manuals. I was lent the manual by someone who had a copy. He said he had to sign a non-disclosure agreement  and doesn't want that used against him. What his relationship to the group was is something I don't know and don't want to know for his sake.

Dianne Harris

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #69 on: March 24, 2006, 03:39:34 am »
Standing firm here:
I have been busy today getting together my list of contacts concerning the "Q" group. I do need assistance from this site.

I have some links but need more.

What are the names of those we definitley know are envolved.

Where can I find in writing the abuse of these dear children.

The manual ,Diane would be very helpful ,not only the content but the author, copywrite date ect.

I know these groups are all over the world and Harley Reagan is 'THE BIG CHEESE" , but if we are going after one lets get them all.
Get me all the info I can possibly use and I have no doubts my resources will take it from there.
 ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  Thomas

The author of the Manual I believe is Harley Reagan, but I could be wrong. There is no author credit or copyright date that I can see.
There are included articles with it.
They are credited as cf Ray Stubbs, "Tantric Massage" and the teachings of SwiftDeer in Jamaica 1993
and "Tribal Wisdom, an Interview with Harley 'Swifdeer' Reagan" by Richard Peacock

I do not know if this is a complte manual or not.

Offline fraudchaser

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #70 on: March 24, 2006, 04:47:58 pm »
Maybe I am looking at this all wrong, let's see Diane has the manual and a friend that was involved in this group, but is too afraid to speak up because she lives in a small town. Well there is a D.A. there am I right? So what is Raven suppose to do with just say a manual?
So what is the problem with going to the DA?
If you have that much fear, then even more so to contact them (DA) Well that's my opinion.
I think the solution is in front of your nose.


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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #71 on: March 24, 2006, 06:11:26 pm »
Some statements are just not adding up here:
Please enlighten me.

Diane states:"I heard that these people have drugged women and had sex with them without thier knowledge" Who is the source you heard this from and perhaps they can be of help. I think thats called "date Rape" ecstacy.

Le Weaponnier states:" I've heard of this before too, it's the old "internal massage gag" and than he went on to explain what it ment. So Where did you here this, what is interesting is I've been around for quite a few years and heard a lot of things but never "internal massage gag"???? I would say you are very up to date on these things. Any names you can share??? post me a private message.

Diane states:" I know someone who was involved with them, but no more." How about these folks , Diane. And this friend that signed a non-disclosure agreement  is afraid of retaliation. Can you explain more about the type of retaliation. He told you he didn't want that used against him, is he still a part of this sick bunch??? Many things can be done without given a name. It doesn't matter where you live, it's amazing what you can do on a computer hey???

I do agree Harley Reagan is going to be hard to stop, and yes there is a possibility of repercussion. I for one am Cherokee and a warrior and I will not be intimidated by these scum bags.

Sarah how about sending me a private message from this board and letting me know who did these things to you. It is not traceable. No one needs to know who e mailed me anything. So having said all that lets put our moccasins where our mouth is.

Remember Raven??? When we went after the CKY "Cherokees of Kentucky, go read the thread she was intimidated by a law suit.ROFLMAO. These people are notorious at intimidations, "BLOWING WIND".

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #72 on: March 24, 2006, 11:24:17 pm »
Diane, as far as those no-disclosure agreements, that's a common tactic used by dangerous cults. But they never work. Courts do not allow those agreements to hide evidence of a crime, esp ones as serious as abusing children or drugging and raping women.

Those agreements did not protect the Moonies, Scientologists, Children of God, or Michael Jackson. No reason they would protect H Reagan or his inner circle.

My thanks to Thomas for being so willing to take this on. But still be careful. This is a heavily armed cult, don't forget.

Offline yellowthunder_bolt

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #73 on: March 25, 2006, 04:29:08 pm »
Al, Thanks so much for your concerns.

Yes Harley Reagan is a very dangerous man. The fact that he is heavly armed says a lot in itself and all the "goones" around him sounds a loud message.

It would be helpful to have the info. in the order as to how it all started. I am unable to think of the word I want to use but  starting with Harley unless there was someone above him on down to the "Q" groups..... Thats as clear as I can make it.

Thanks for all the responses and help as to directions to go... I KEEP THINKING OF THE CHILDREN. I have emailed John Walsh and waiting to hear back from him. The fact they are saying this is Cherokee is another avenue that can be gone down...                                      Thomas

Dianne Harris

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #74 on: March 27, 2006, 12:23:03 am »
Diane, as far as those no-disclosure agreements, that's a common tactic used by dangerous cults. But they never work. Courts do not allow those agreements to hide evidence of a crime, esp ones as serious as abusing children or drugging and raping women.

Those agreements did not protect the Moonies, Scientologists, Children of God, or Michael Jackson. No reason they would protect H Reagan or his inner circle.

My thanks to Thomas for being so willing to take this on. But still be careful. This is a heavily armed cult, don't forget.

The Moonies, M.J. and th others all have one thing that the average Joe does not. MONEY
Most cannot afford to go into court. I agree you're probably right that non-disclosure agreement is not going to hold up. However, just to get into a court of law would be beyond most people's assets.  I cannot afford to do it, neither can my friend.

I'm also getting a little tired of being pressured by some of the people here. I am trying to help out yet some people seem to be getting at me for it.
I agree it's a serious issue. But it's beyond what I can handle.