Author Topic: Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan, Chuluaqui Quodoushka, Chulukai Quodosha  (Read 133173 times)

Linda Wall

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #45 on: March 20, 2006, 02:54:39 am »
 I should have thought of this before.
Is this ok what I am typing from the "Quodoushka" manual?
I just realised it is a bit offensive and I don't want to upset anoyne. So if this offends anyone please, please say so.

I have no problem with what you wrote. I don't think this is a place that too many kids will frequent.
In some cases, the information is more important than the risk of offending a few tight asses.
What you posted so far is scary. I can't believe that they really can teach this legally.



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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #46 on: March 20, 2006, 04:26:14 am »

As far as I can tell, it's just the same stuff you'd find in any How to Sex Manual, fancied up with words like "Fire Trigger" instead of G Spot.
"Anoint with oil" instead of use lube.


Yes, I've seen those instructions before. almost word for word. Typical New Age stuff. Rewrite it and sell it. Some fool will buy it.

Dianne Harris

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #47 on: March 20, 2006, 03:03:22 pm »
Quoting from the Deer Tribe manual:
"The Chuluaqui is the primordial life force energy from which everything is created. It is the inner most essence of all beings. It is the Whirlwind Serpent Fire of sexual creation. With this life force acccording to ancient legends Wakantanka, the Great Spirit (The Everything) experienced the realization of duality and saw itself as the receptive creative force of the universe and the active conceptive force of the galaxy. These two energies came together in the total union of their emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and sexual energies and with their life force and experienced full sexual merging which is the Quodoushka. From that and from there, it created and birthed itself into all forms of all things and created life as we know it today.

Quodoushka is the total sexual merging of two energies coming together in perfect harmony. Fully merging their energies in doing this, more life is created between the two. when human beings come into total emotionmal , mental, physical, spiritual and sexual harmony with a lover, a cohesive union is created and the Chuluaqui Quodoushka energy is experienced. In this state we become one with the everything. This high energy state allows for healing and wholeness for
both human beings. It is when you truly know each other because there is no separation.

The teachings presented in this handout are a part of the ancient traditions of spiritua lsexuality from the Sweet Medicine sundance Path. These Ancient
people seemed to truly understand the agnificence and power of their sexuality and had discovered ways to bring balance and harmony to their lives through the use of sexual energy.

The ancient tribes taught children about the beauty of their sexuality at an early age. Children were taught about the sacredness of the sexual union and the importance of honoring the people they chose to connect with.

When the children reached puberty they underwent a special initiation ceremony, after which the girls were brought to a Fireman and the boys were brought to a firewoman. These highly trained medicine men and women who specialized in teaching "Fire Medicine" (The ancient knowledge of spiritual sexuality). The young initiates would then study with their fireperson for several years during which they would be taught about all aspects of their sexuality. The young ones made love with the Fireperson first and, were taught not only all the techniques for using their physical bodies, but also to develop and use their sexual energies. Thus lovemaking could become a beautiful, intimate, energixzing and harmonizing experience.

Sexuality balances every aspect of our being:emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, and catlyses the full expression of our being. It allows us to experience our naturalness. Sexuality helps heal past pain and pain tapes stored in our body as blockages in our energy flow.

These wheels, keys and knowledge offer an alternative and enlightened approach to sexuality as well as some beautiful ways to bring new understanding, openess and healing into this area of our lives.

The Quodoushka Level 1 Workshop is designed for you to understand the catayst energy in your body and how to use it for wholeness, healing and to find your naturalness within your physical body. You could say that it's your "Owners Manual" of how to keep your physical body vibrant, healthy through the full expression of your life force, your catalyst energy."

My notes on this:
you will note above the idea of children being initiate by adults sexually. I have BIG problem with this. Everyone I have shown this to, can see how a
pedophile would see this as justification for molesting children. They were all repulsed by it.

This was on the whole an easy one to type in. A friend found me a text file from a website on "CHI" or "QI" ? Which is a common asian term for universal energy.

It began:
"The "Chi" is the primordial life force energy from which everything is created. It is the inner most essence of all beings. It is the wind of sexual ceation. With this life force acccording to ancient legends..."

You get the idea, for much of it all I had to do was cut and paste the words "Chuluaqui Quodoushka" "catalyst" for the words in the original article, and add in the section on children and the last paragraph needed a bit more work.

Finally how the "ancient legends" knew about the Galaxy is beyond me. My friend tells me the concept of a galaxy wasn't discovered until the 19th century.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by educatedindian »

Offline yellowthunder_bolt

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #48 on: March 20, 2006, 08:56:23 pm »
I am appalled at the last few postings. Not only are you perpetuating the sick and perverted teachings of this bunch, I am unable to understand your reasoning. Hey we don't have to go to thier site we can read it on NAFPS. Diane Harris says " it's not all that bad BUT I can see how your friend MIGHT be grossed out by SOME of it". IT'S NOT THAT BAD???? well than what is this thread all about. Women getting raped, children getting molested all in the name of traditions that DO NOT EXSIT. Give me a break.

Dianne Harris writes," I can see how a POTENTIAL molester could grasp at this and GO ON TO MOLEST CHILDREN AFTER being in the "Q".

A childmolester is not taught how to be a child molester, THEY are in this group because they aready are one. By printing this crap you have posted now tells them where to go, if they didn't already know. Any person with a conscious, morals, and a healthy way of thinking of knowing right from wrong, would NEVER be in this "Q" crap in the first place.

I   endured years of incest and rape and I can tell you these sick people know what they are doing. "It IS   GOOD FOR THE CHILD " tells me how very, very sick and dangerous these people are and where are the parents???  What is happening to these children is murder of the soul. They will grow up fragmented, lost and much much more.

Dianne states "its GARBAGE  but I will post a bit of it" hello, hasn't this whole thread been about this??? If it is "GARBAGE" then why post it??? And now we have "where can I get this manual?" HUH haven't you heard enough on this thread?? All this explicit postings is exactly how people get pulled into this pervertions. Example" for the curious".

Linda  states" this isn't a place TO MANY kids would frequent" "where can I get this manual?"

Well I am a member of this forum and have heard enough about this perverted "Q" group. I DON'T need to read the sick details.  Do you not realize that by posting these details ect., you are in fact doing the very thing this "Q" group is doing?? teaching bull crap.

Al : How can I go about alerting the authorities about the using these children as simply sex objects???                       Thomas

Le Weaponnier

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #49 on: March 20, 2006, 09:39:35 pm »
 I tihink you missed the point.
While some of us do know that these workshops are bad, none of us really had much more than third hand information.
What she is doing is showing us the ACTUAL facts.
Sure it's not pretty. I think that is her point.

Maybe now someone will get tough with these people and do something about it.  They have been teaching these workshops for over a decade, and so far nothing has stopped them. There's a lot to be said for shock value.

Also you misquoted Linda, she did say "I don't think this is a place that too many kids will frequent"
but she did not ask where she can get the manual.
Dianne asked because she's taking the time to type it in and wanted to make her job easier.

With all that said, Dianne's tactics do seem to have worked.
You, yourself, ended your message with "How can I go about alerting the authorities about the using these children as simply sex objects"

Offline yellowthunder_bolt

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #50 on: March 20, 2006, 10:55:08 pm »
Le weaponnier:

No I have not missed the point at all!!! I stand FIRM by what I gave posted. You are right Diane stated" I just finished reading the manual" however it was you that stated "Can you post the manual? I've heard so much about it, that I'd really be interested in seeing it."

I am very much aware that this group has been around for years and in many different forms. I am also VERY aware of where I go, in the state I live in, as it relates to abuse of children, women, and men. But What about a national level???

SHOCK value, having walked my path, NOTHING SHOCKS me. Having said all that, we all have a right to our opinions. Thank you for yours.


Offline raven

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #51 on: March 21, 2006, 02:03:42 pm »
One thing we all agree on, is that the group up there in Canada is a loose cannon.
I am not familiar with the system on how it works up there, but if some of these people are therapists, I would begin with going to the ones that issue out their license that are permitting this teaching. There also has to be some family laws in Canada that need to be contacted. I will research today and see who and what is up there.
At first reading I was laughing because I found it pretty amazing that people that are involved in the group have some disturbing issues. But on the other hand it does sadden me to think that there are people out there that do make it easier for those that are child molesters. It falls into the same groups as men running lodges that do the same thing to women. It goes beyond the money issue, it is a serious moral issue.
I don't think that thunderbolt was wrong in expressing how he felt about the whole issue, it is a group of some pretty sick people. I think it comes down to what is tasteful and what is not.
Perhaps some of the words could have been coded so that we as adults would know what the word is but if someone with a child in the house that has access to the computer and site, they may not pick up on some of the words used. I am only expressing an option here that would not compromise the information, yet also not offend anyone.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #52 on: March 21, 2006, 03:28:37 pm »
Thomas, do what anyone would do when kids are in danger, get Child Services on them. Tell them this cult openly urges that kids have their first sexual experience with an adult, and thus any cult members (or even people interested in their workshops) are likely predators.

If that doesn't work, talk to the cops, to the DA, and to reporters. Get somebody to look at this group long and hard.

On another note, I think the way Diane posted the manual might have given you the wrong impression. On first reading it sounds like her own words, that she's promoting the cult. So I slightly altered her post to make it clearer she's only quoting, not approving what they do.

We quote from these frauds own words all the time here, in order to hang them by their own lies. This board does have an auto feature not allowing four letter words, but for threads like this one it's still best to keep kids away.

Dianne Harris

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #53 on: March 22, 2006, 08:32:26 pm »
I am appalled at the last few postings. Not only are you perpetuating the sick and perverted teachings of this bunch, I am unable to understand your reasoning. Hey we don't have to go to thier site we can read it on NAFPS. Diane Harris says " it's not all that bad BUT I can see how your friend MIGHT be grossed out by SOME of it". IT'S NOT THAT BAD???? well than what is this thread all about. Women getting raped, children getting molested all in the name of traditions that DO NOT EXSIT. Give me a break.

? Do you not realize that by posting these details ect., you are in fact doing the very thing this "Q" group is doing?? teaching bull crap.

You're right. So much better we bury our collective heads in the sand. Let someone else deal with it.
Let other people get conned, swindled, molested in the name of keeping this forum safe for viewing.
I'm sorry you were offended. But my purpose was to show how bad this stuff can be.

I spent time typing this stuff in, to enlighten people, not to teach them the "Q".
Thank goodness I didn't do some of the really yucky bits.
My posting certainly got a reaction from people didn't it?
Imagine if that was all across the Internet.
They don't want this stuff out there. If it was available to the public, more people would complain, charges might be filed, less would attend the classes. People like the Deer Tribe Metis might get stopped!

Maybe that's why in a lot of them you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. (the other reason is that it makes it difficult to take them to court after you have signed one without puttting yourself liable for a court action)

Dianne Harris

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #54 on: March 22, 2006, 08:41:01 pm »
"On another note, I think the way Diane posted the manual might have given you the wrong impression. On first reading it sounds like her own words, that she's promoting the cult. So I slightly altered her post to make it clearer she's only quoting, not approving what they do."

It took me a moment to spot the change. I agree, it does read better. I thank you.

I seem to have set a proverbial cat among the chickens here with this haven't I?
But then, I think it's an important enough topic  to justify the means.
I will hold off posting any more of the manual for now, unless I get asked to continue. If I do, I shall edit the language a bit. I did consider doing so the first time, but wanted people to understand that this was just a crude manual, using slang instead of acceptable terms.

I wish someone could stop this stuff legally and save us all the effort.

Dianne Harris

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #55 on: March 22, 2006, 08:43:06 pm »
One thing we all agree on, is that the group up there in Canada is a loose cannon.
I am not familiar with the system on how it works up there, but if some of these people are therapists, I would begin with going to the ones that issue out their license that are permitting this teaching. There also has to be some family laws in Canada that need to be contacted. I will research today and see who and what is up there.

Did you manage to find anything out yet?
If so, did you act on it or can you post your findings here.

Offline yellowthunder_bolt

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #56 on: March 23, 2006, 12:38:25 am »
Standing firm here:
I have been busy today getting together my list of contacts concerning the "Q" group. I do need assistance from this site.

I have some links but need more.

What are the names of those we definitley know are envolved.

Where can I find in writing the abuse of these dear children.

The manual ,Diane would be very helpful ,not only the content but the author, copywrite date ect.

I know these groups are all over the world and Harley Reagan is 'THE BIG CHEESE" , but if we are going after one lets get them all.
Get me all the info I can possibly use and I have no doubts my resources will take it from there.

Offline raven

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #57 on: March 23, 2006, 02:05:24 am »
What I am finding out is that it doesn't just include those in Canada.  There's a guy in Austin TX. that goes by the name Phoenix, he is a "3rd level wiccan priest in the woodland tradition of wicca. He is called to bring the wisdom of pagan tradition from both Europe and N. America (Chluaqui-Quodoushka) to the people in this society."
There is also a International Conf. of Sacred Sexuality  workshop Jan 2007 in Santa Fe, which features many speakers. The Quodoushka site lead me to that. So where does one begin? With those out there presenting the workshops or from the source of where they were taught.


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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #58 on: March 23, 2006, 03:27:54 am »
This has been quite a read!!

Thomas I have some connections in the licensing of professionals, as well as other resources so leave me a message and I'll sure walk by your side.
I'm sure all of you have wondered if any of the "Q" group is posting on this forum?? I know I sure wonder.

So there is a lot of work and research to do. May we all walk side by side  forward.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Chulukai Quodosha
« Reply #59 on: March 23, 2006, 03:40:31 pm »
Thomas, Trish's site has a list of these groups worldwide, with all the locations and the names they use.

And the scary part is, some of these groups are CHILDRENS "study groups". One of them, the Warrior Youth Dreaming Study Group, is listed here.

The ICSS seems to be a front group for the Deer Tribe.

For which agencies to contact in Canada, I'll leave that to our Canadian members to answer.