Author Topic: Garrett Duncan Navajo Illuminations "Navajo Shaman"  (Read 7431 times)


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Garrett Duncan Navajo Illuminations "Navajo Shaman"
« on: October 11, 2018, 12:04:34 am »
Recognizing & Honoring your Inner Native

Do you love watching: Dances with Wolves or Last of the Mohicans?
Do you own a rattle, drum, walking stick, or feathers?
Do you dream of flying with the Eagles, Hawks, or Ravens?
Do you smudge using Sage, Cedar, Copal, or Palo Santo?
Do you dream of running with the Wolves, Buffalo, Horses, etc?
If you answered YES, to any of the questions above, chances are that you have been Native American in a past life.
Garrett Duncan, Navajo Healing Facilitator will assist you in recognizing your INNER NATIVE. He will tune into your spirit and share with you TRIBAL AFFILIATION and perhaps a NAME and/or give you insight from this time.

He has done events with "Jim and Sue Graywolf" ( - $222 for a "shamanic healing intensive" weekend.

Facebook events

The Sacred Blue Flame was gifted by Shiva and the Galactics.  It is used to clear energy fields by using the blue flame frequency to transmute. The activation will be performed within the energy levels of the participants, and will be facilitated by Shiva and Star Energies.

Featherway: Sacred Journey


The Egyptian & The Navajo

Establishing your Shamanic Resonance

Navajo Healing Circle

I have been given a directive to utilize ancestor energies and ask ancestor spirits to step forward within a sacred space. The space will be created utilizing Cosmic and Star energies.

Energy fields will be cleared prior to entering the circle. A guided meditation will introduce the ancestral connections and allow the healing to take place.

A feather intention ceremony will also be conducted. Messages will be brought forward as well to those in attendance.

Garrett was born and raised on the Navajo reservation. His clans are the Bitter Water clan (mother) born for the Red Running into the Water clan (father). His maternal grandfather's clan is the Mexican clan and his paternal grandfather's clan is the Many Hogans clan. He is from the small community of Sanostee, New Mexico.

I'm an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation.  I was born and raised with the tradition and speak the language.

Currently, I am a Section 184 Specialist with ENG Lending in their Native American lending division.  My office is based in Denver but we are a nationwide lender of the program.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Garrett Duncan Navajo Illuminations "Navajo Shaman"
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2022, 09:59:51 pm »
I sure don't claim to be an expert on Dineh tradition. I know there's dozens of healing specialties. But this screams a lot of Nuage busswords, not NDN.

Garrett will provide additional techniques that include;
the double sword technique, extractions through Feather-puncture, cord removal through scooping, and using your swords as a wand and antennae.

Sacred space will be created to allow practice in a safe setting. In addition, an energetic healing chamber will be created to heighten energies and intention ceremony will be performed in the chamber.

And this, same link:

Recognizing & Honoring your Inner Native

Do you love watching: Dances with Wolves or Last of the Mohicans?
Do you own a rattle, drum, walking stick, or feathers?
Do you dream of flying with the Eagles, Hawks, or Ravens?
Do you smudge using Sage, Cedar, Copal, or Palo Santo?
Do you dream of running with the Wolves, Buffalo, Horses, etc?
If you answered YES, to any of the questions above, chances are that you have been Native American in a past life.
Garrett Duncan, Navajo Healing Facilitator will assist you in recognizing your INNER NATIVE. He will tune into your spirit and share with you TRIBAL AFFILIATION and perhaps a NAME and/or give you insight from this time.

And WTH is this:

For the Love of Dragons

In collaboration, Garrett will introduce the Dragon essence line. In the class, participants will receive annointments of three dragon essences.

They are: Dragonheart, Mystic Dragon, and Master Galactic Dragon. Insight will be provided on each energy.

A Dragon journey will be conducted to meet your personal Dragon guide. You will receive guidance from them in addition to a name. The class will end with reflection and sharing of individual dragon journeys.

This mentions him being born in 1981 and claims he became a "shaman" in 2008 at age 27. And says he's an ambassador to Sasquatch. Then why doesn't he use the Dineh name for them?