Author Topic: Jacob Pedersen AKA  (Read 13391 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Jacob Pedersen AKA
« on: December 02, 2017, 05:08:57 pm »
Got a request about them. European ayahuasca peddlers in Denmark and Spain who only use their first names. This bunch is a tragedy waiting to happen if it hasn't already. Extremely dangerous and reckless. Here's one account of someone going thru it.

We each have seven pills in our hand with instructions not to eat them before we are told.-..our pills, which contain a powdered substance meant to prepare the digestive system for the ayahuasca. Without this MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) the DMT (dimethyltryptamine) in the ayahuasca brew would not be orally active. There is some MAOI in the brew, but to make sure we get a potent experience we prepare our stomachs 20 minutes before being served. Then there is a guided meditation which prepares our body and mind for the journey, while we wait for the pills to take effect.
We each get called up to the facilitators (who insist they are not shamans) one by one and get our brew served in a wooden bowl. 
....I tried LSD many years ago, these patterns did not frighten me or perplex me as such.
....I am no longer scared of dying, having been plagued by thoughts of suicide for the past ten to fifteen years or so. I let myself die.
....I can’t move. I am in a vegetative state, drooling, sitting in a wheelchair. Am I insane? I am insane. This is what insanity is. My fingers curl, my lips are moving about my face in spastic cramps, my mind is curling in on itself as insanity takes over. 
....Oh well, I guess I will have to live with it, I was going to commit suicide anyway. This is my punishment for taking my life and death into my own hands.
....One of the participants is having a tantrum, yelling and screaming. The medicine is giving him a hard time, something he needs to go through. Another participant is also having a rough experience, she is asking to be taken away from the house and get in a car immediately. Still under heavy influence I cannot help the situation....Maybe I am going insane anyway. 
....At some point I asked for another bowl, which was readily served to me, I just cannot remember when. There was no “purging” in my case, while many other participants had been violently vomiting....

And the European dilettantes running this.

Jacob has a dark past with extremely destructive behaviour as a drug addict, criminal, lying, cheating, stealing and deeply unhappy person....
Mireille suffered for years with severe depression with extensive self medication as a result and has been treated by the mainstream system without results....

Well of course, depression and addiction and criminal history make you qualified! Mireille first started taking it a grand total of five years ago. Not training with it, but being treated. It's like trusting a mental patient who began their treatment five years ago as your doctor.

Jacob claims to be an "ayahuasquero, yoga instructor, hypnotherapist, journalist...participated in/assisted/facilitated at hundreds of Ceremonies in and out of the Amazon Jungle which he visited numerous times during the last 12 years and received extensive training in facilitating ceremonies from native Shamans in Peru."
None of their alleged teachers are named. Elsewhere they argue there are very few Natives teaching this because they prefer to go work in the cities. That suggest it may actually be partly other Europeans they learned from.

"....We have now arranged hundreds of ceremonies at retreats of 3-8 days in length, with ceremonies of about 12 and occasionally up to 18 participants."

Traditional ceremony is one on one. Pure cash grab.

Most of the ones taking this should never have. They're taking it for frivolous reasons and making silly claims about what it does.
....I had experienced a lot of difficult emotions, particularly fear, which had shown up as anxiety, low-moods, a lot of physical pain and imbalance, difficulty with intimacy, and an overactive mind.

....On monday after the ceremony I was a blank canvas, today I have a new job and a new house in the country 1.5 km from work.

....I think I have spent my whole life trying to fit in. Then I encounter a group of people I had never met, on an island I had never heard of. And I feel like a part of the group.

....During the trip, I got another 2 cups and every time I felt I slowly was coming back to a reality check, fate demanded that Jacob looked at me and offered me another cup to which I had no doubt that I should accept. [It's a traditional sacrament, not a cheap high.]

....I must admit that my curiosity was put to the test.…it was the wildest experience I ever had....

And yes, strictly for dilettantes.
We have teamed up with Lucia Yoga Which owns a retreat center in the beautiful surroundings of National Park Sierra de Grazalema near Ronda, approximately one and a half hour drive from Malaga...
In addition to the luxurious environment, with no less than five swimming pools, the amazing chef with vegan food as his specialty, rooms with ensuite bathrooms, magnificent views...

This is disturbing....
 We have facilitated ceremonies to high profile politicians, business people and celebrities. And we take deep pride in absolute discretion.

Their advertising slogan is safe, authentic, and powerful. I'd change it to reckless, fraudulent, and so powerful they don't know what they're doing.


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« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2017, 03:46:09 am »
He is Jacob Pedersen, his company is Aya Healing, S.L.

Urbanization Pueblo Campana, 50, 29651 Las Lagunas de Mijas, Málaga, Spain

Date of establishment: 11/23/2016

Business Activity
Constitution (2017-01-18): The realization of yoga, pilates, meditation and tai-chi activities The realization of massages, including sports Realization of courses related to the previous Realization of excursions through groups-

Number of Employees
 Between 1 and 9 employees

Annual turnover
 Less than 2 million euros

(google translation of)

Spain and ayahuasca:

Spain is the country with the highest concentration of ayahuasca detentions in recent years, many of which have been brought to court.


The Danish High Court has stated that the importation of ayahuasca in Denmark is illegal and, moreover, the use of ayahuasca as a sacrament in religious ceremonies is not protected by Denmark’s religious freedom law.


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« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2017, 03:52:08 am »
Myth: That a group is legal because it has a site, and their ceremonies are available on Facebook. If it were not legal, it would not be available on line. If they were illegal, they would already have been arrested.

Reality: False. People conducting ceremonies in countries where ayahuasca is illegal to consume should be aware that they would be seen as violating the law. They might get arrested in the future.

Offline Sparks

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« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2017, 06:30:15 am »
Got a request about them. European ayahuasca peddlers in Denmark and Spain who only use their first names.

He is Jacob Pedersen, his company is Aya Healing, S.L.

Both names also here (article in Danish), while the other two are listed with first names only, here too:

Offline Sparks

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« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2017, 07:24:12 am »
They are on Facebook:

BUSINESS INFO — Launched in 2014
MORE INFO — About — Ayahuasca Retreats in Denmark and Spain

STORY — Since our foundation in 2014 we have served thousands of cups of Ayahuasca and has developed an unique approach combining the traditional structure of the ceremonies with modern psychotherapeutic tools and spiritual knowledge. Spirit of Aya consists of thee partners - Mireille, Daniel and Jacob and a group of volunteers helping out at the retreats.

My emphasis of the names of the three business partners.

Offline Sparks

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« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2017, 07:53:12 am »
It will be interesting to observe if they will let educated indian's review stay visible:

Al Carroll reviewed Spirit of Aya – 1 star
14 hrs ·
Dangerous and fraudulent, run by white Europeans appropriating the culture and spirituality of indigenous people. See more at newagefraud dot org/smf/index.php?board=7.0

Spirit of Aya Al Carrol has never been at a retreat with us
Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Al Carroll is a multitribal Native activist group of researcher that warns the public of exploiters and imposters posing as Native teachers and healers. Spirit of Aya has never named their alleged Native teachers. Their actions are exploitative, for profit, and racist. They are UNSAFE, INAUTHENTIC, and done for cheap highs by dilettantes.
Like · Reply · 9 hrs


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Re: Jacob Pedersen AKA
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2017, 05:41:46 pm »
43, Male

From The island Fyn - Denmark

I work today as a journalist, but has a dream about making a retreatcenter

My newest hobby is multiple orgasms.

I can teach you about hypnosis, yoga, tantra. And bad behaviour :-)


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Re: Jacob Pedersen AKA
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2017, 05:52:03 pm »
Mireille is Mireille Loumann Lykke.


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Re: Jacob Pedersen AKA
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2017, 05:56:22 pm »
Mireille is Mireille Loumann Lykke.

Correction: Mireille Lykke Loumann


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Re: Jacob Pedersen AKA
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2017, 06:01:44 pm »
cosmetologist Mireille Lykke Loumann

Despite just 21 years, Mireille already has one years of experience as a qualified cosmetologist. Mireille and her boyfriend Daniel moved to the Costa del as two and a half years ago when she started the cosmetology program. Here she was a year, and then the couple took home where Mireille finished her education at a Danish cosmetology school. In October 2006, the couple moved back to Costa del Sol again


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Re: Jacob Pedersen AKA
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2017, 09:14:54 pm »
Daniél, 37: Body Therapist

Daniel's past has been characterized by confusion and a worldview, where money and status were parameters for the worth of a human being. But a prison sentence back in 2011 started his spiritual development, which quickly revolutionized his way of seeing the world and starving, he began to gather knowledge through literature.


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Re: Jacob Pedersen AKA
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2017, 09:36:43 pm »
His name is Daniel Vargas. So we have Jacob Pedersen, Mireille Lykke Loumann, Daniel Vargas.

A greeting from Daniel Vargas from the Spirit of Aya team who just came out of the jungle:

Hi all you fantastic people. ??
Greatings full of love from Peru, where i just finished my retreat.
It has been some hard but educational weeks. I had a lot of hard ceremonies where i had to work with a lot of my own bad patterns and negative self belives. It has been some intens cleaning and i really had to work hard with my own fears and anciety, which are feelings that i have deep inside. It was hard, but needed.

Spirit of Aya March 2 Facebook


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Re: Jacob Pedersen AKA
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2017, 09:41:59 pm »
Their claimed teacher:

... with the shaman Don Enrique who is the one who taught us a lot of what we know about Ayahuasca and the medicinal plants in general

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Jacob Pedersen AKA
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2017, 12:15:42 am »
He needs his own thread. One of the major figures commercializing ayahuasca. This place he runs will supposedly train you in 8 weeks.
You can see the clients are all white foreigners all playing dress up, playing NDN.
Notice also they call it shamanic, but also call it curanderismo, simply because curanderos are often mixed ancestry and often buy and sell for profit.

Shipibo seems to be the trendiest form of exploitation at the moment. Sometimes you see colonial set ups like this, white foreigner run for other white foreigner tourists, with Shipibo as the lower paid wage laborers.

These spirchul tourists have almost as ridiculous romanticized ideas about the Shipibo as they do about places like Qero. The reality is different.

erhaps surprisingly to those who have only experienced Shipibos involved in touristic enterprises, the Shipibos were not always as peaceful as they are presently, nor was their use of Ayahuasca solely employed for peaceful purposes. Prior to the 1960's, the Shipibos were actively involved in warfare with outsiders and sometimes with other Shipibos. According to Michael J. Harner in his essay "Common Themes in South American Indian Yage Experiences," anthropologists have studied the Shipibo Indians of the Ucayali region of eastern Peru and have reported that a common function of Ayahuasca-taking by shamans is to reap revenge on their enemies. He reports that Shipibo shamans believe that taking Ayahuasca permits the shaman's soul to leave his body in the form of a bird which then can fly to a distant enemy at night. This bird then changes back into the shaman's human form so he can destroy the sleeping enemy. Under the influence of the Banisteriopsis drink mixture, the Shipibo Indians often report seeing giant anacondas, poisonous snakes, and jaguars. Less frequently, other animals are observed in their visions. In addition, Harner reports that often a shaman, taking the drink, believes he acquires giant snakes which are to be his special demons to be used in protecting himself against other shamans in supernatural battles. According to Harner, the Shipibo shamans, under the influence of the drug, believe they imprison other persons' souls with supernatural boats whose demon crews are led by a yellow jaguar and a black puma.