Author Topic: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"  (Read 54823 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #60 on: July 08, 2006, 05:14:58 pm »
Poor Jerry Edwards, he keeps hanging himself with his own words, one Freudian slip after another. I think he admitted at least half a dozen times here that he is NOT Cherokee.

"Grandfather tells me to just keep on keeping on."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't think of a single example of a Cherokee leader, spiritual or otherwise, referring to grandfather repeatedly. It sounds like Edwards is imitating Nuagers who imitate Lakota.

"There will be a time where you realize just how important the work this Family is doing"

Nice of him to admit to not being an actual tribe. I kept thinking of that cult from The Omega Man, The Family.

"I am told that you want to experience you Tsalagi heritage and that will come more as time goes on."

Nice of him to admit they are NOT Cherokee, at least "not yet."
"You should know, I have been contacted by folks from the CNO, the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. The people who contacted me are Traditional who have studied our website."

Interesting. I'll try and see what Richard Allen has to say about that claim. Remember before that he claimed the CNO had oral historians agreeing with his claim about Yawahoo Falls? Then he never would say their names or office.
My main fear here would be that he might be in touch with Wm Anderson's bunch claiming to be Keetowahs.

"Because of the approach that was given to me from the beginning"

The beginning? But you were kicked out (or left) when after first tried to set up the UCN.

"There has also been a backlash in that, the full bloods on the reservations have been hesitant"

Oh brother. He doesn't even know the CNO has no rez and hasn't for many decades.
Or could he be referring to me? I'm neither fullblood nor live on the rez.
"An example of that is the attacks we experience once in a while by narrow minded self righteous people like the one who runs the Native fraud sites."

Yeah, I guess he does mean me. Interesting how he has to engage in RACE BAITING of fullbloods, appeal to their fear of fullblood NDNs. I suppose he could've seen my photo, and some have mistaken me for fullblood before. Not other NDNs, but whites have.

"Are you interested in anything more than your day to day lives and is this just some curiosity to you. I have many people who apply for citizenship ask if we will help with their genealogy. that seems to be one of the first things they are interested in."

That tells us, again, his group is mostly PODIAs.
"i think that is in part the answer to the question as to why people are so quiet here."

Yeah, they just don't know any better, and the "Im so spirchul" routine he lays on them intimidates them. Or many of them could just be only slightly interested.
"I have been contacted by the Priesthood, the Adawehi, (Ah-dah-way-hee) of the Cherokee Nation Proper."

I recall a conversation in here about that alleged Keetowah society in NY, where Richard Allen mentioned an account of all the Cherokee priesthood being killed off several centuries ago.
In any case, it's not like the CNO has official govt priests on the payroll, like what he's implying.

"time will come when the cultural aspect of things will come."

There he goes again, admitting they are not Cherokee culturally, at least "not yet."

"We have been doing this for 7 years now. There you go, 7, a sacred number and no coincidence"

Is seven considered a sacred number by the Cherokee?
"You should be proud to be part of this Family."

Again, admitting to not being a tribe.

"If you are not, you are not paying attention."

That'd be my guess. Many of them joined and read the stuff once a month, that's it.

"i pray you are absorbing all you read and allowing it to work in your hearts. You notice I did not say on your hearts."

That sounds like a fortune cookie.
"That may sound silly,  let's get to being Indian people."

Again, he Admits to they are Not NDNs, only want to be.
"Make a dream catcher"

Wrong tribe bubba.

"If you want to be Indian"

Again! ;D

"i want to see this Tribe become and experience the Indian aspect of who we are."

And Again!  ;D
The Indian aspect? In other words, you admit most of what you do is Not NDN.
And not even saying Cherokee anymore, but generic Indian.
"Does anyone know what a Stomp Dance is?"

He really has to explain that? Quite an admission.
"PS, by the way, for the new folks, you have four chiefs and two clan mothers at this present time. I am Yonv, (Yoh-nuh) the Principal Chief, there is , who is the principal speaker to the Principal Chief, there is  who is Right hand to the Principal Chief, you have Chief Giga Tali who is the Red Chief or War Chief and Clan Mother RiverHawk who is Bird Clan Mother, and Clan Mother Red Sky who is the Blue Clan Mother. We do not have the other Clans covered yet with Clan Mothers"

Only two clans now? They seem to have lost some. Earlier they'd reduced from seven to four.


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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #61 on: July 08, 2006, 07:38:03 pm »
 ;D AL, you have hit this right on. It is obvious he is grasping at straws. I had to laugh at his saying the CNO was interested in his site, WELL YA, they were notified of his fraudulant ways and checked it out for themself!!!! And to state " they were very interested as his teachings were not far from the REAL teachings", Give me a break ;D, Jerry nothing you say is Cherokee, and they are going to teach you traditions that are 10,000 years old. YOU? Thats not the way of things bud. Shows your stupidity even more. What they told you was get the site down and quit spewing ignorance in the name of Cherokee or They would do something about it!!!!!

NO ONE is going to tell you about the stomp Dance, which was your agenda there. YOU don't know!!! You were wanting that teaching, sorry bud, not going to happen...

Very alone and lonely hey??? Not getting any messages from your "family". They have all left,  not even a wife anymore, hey??

"you can be taught to be an ndn, even if your not." How ignorant are you??? :o

Otter Village gone, all there down the tubes, Burnside and Puluski County police on you tail???? No where to run??? Just a lonely yonega/white man(your words not mine) sitting there with his cup of coffee, waiting for an e mail from somebody, anybody....... :-/

                                                                    Weheli :)

Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #62 on: July 09, 2006, 07:37:29 pm »
Sorry I was out of town yesterday.  
My friend who is CNO and also a friend of Trish's was the person who contacted Yonv.  He told him very politely his site was fraudulent and incorrect.  
This was the extent of his CNO contact.  Yonv did ask questions and expected to be answered.   He gave away that he knows NOTHING.  Absolutely NOTHING.  
It is amazing how he took the information that his site was a fraud and turned it around to claim the CNO is in contact and going to give them information.  He's grasping at straws in order to keep his dwindling followers.

 :o  How does such an idiot gather any kind of following?
William Graywolf

Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #63 on: July 10, 2006, 06:06:31 pm »
Here is a note from someone I've known just a short time.  Seems the man's group is falling apart.
I know his websites are down.
[i]It was so good reading your post, the silence about these groups has
been held for so long. I know I was embarrassed to say I had been taken
in. and must confess that my name should have been gullible. (don't
know how it would be translated into Tsalagi) not pretty I'm sure.
They can sound so credible and when they do foolish things you want to
believe that is just their lack of knowledge from what was hid from
them. I know the Cherokee group I belonged to in Ky has fell apart.
Jerry (Yonv) who calls himself a Uku goes up on the hill with his pipe to
do ceremony. I saw practices that were blatantly Lakota but not Cherokee…
His sweats for one.   He just left the lodge with men sitting there who were
doing this for the first time to go in and finish watching the scifi channel.
He is addicted to science fiction and aliens. He claims we come from Pleiades
in a ship and signed on for this mission to create the sacred hoop. He
is a highly evolved “entity??? in this human body but was a "walk in" and they took
Jerry out...(not far enough though.)
He is uneducated but has the gift to remember all he reads so can quote a book
at the drop of the hat.  It is still erroneous information.
He went into hiding and used the 'Real Human Beings" as his new site and now
feels comfortable enough to come out.  He and his wife who passes herself off
as a Clan Mother and is a Sicilian Strega (witch) by her own words.  They are
setting up a new Cherokee of Kentucky site again. It will not last long since he is
now under investigation and will reap what he has sown.
It is so imperative that we are careful before we join up that we actually know
the person and who they truly are. The problem is they infiltrate so
many Cherokee groups to solicit for members .I just joined a prayer
group and wondered why some of us are receiving hate mail and then
recognized one of his members is also a member of this group so he
gets his information from many sites.
IT will be along time before I can trust again but never someone who uses the
title Peace Chief, Uku and the Principal Chief of a small group of people. I know
first hand that the CNO and Eastern Band are so political that you will not find
acceptance there either so it makes it that much harder when people looking
for community and are taken in and used by charletans[/i].
William Graywolf

Offline Raven_Walkingstick

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #64 on: July 11, 2006, 01:12:48 pm »
In response to the email sent to William. It is sad that people have such a strong desire of the need to fit in that they compromise their own beliefs to follow those that are defiantly dilussional.

I myself have tried to stress to people, that they will not find their spirituality in someone else, but it starts within them.
The CKY is a prime example of what was discussed under "People don't donate enough".
Edwards himself is one of many exploiters out there that are taking advantage of the issues that many in the urban areas are dealing with.
I myself would rather be alone than to be a part of a group, which uses manipulation, lies, and threats. Those that belong to the CKY would be better off joining a bowling league. At least they could all enjoy a social enviroment without all the insane teachings of a person that has some serious issues. His extreme behavior speaks volumes, a man that has a low self esteem. ? Hard to be a leader when dealing with personality disorders.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Raven_Walkingstick »


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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #65 on: July 11, 2006, 06:29:53 pm »

I was reading your last post and noticed that it said his new site is called "Real Human Beings". Are you able to obtain a link to that site, or is it still being constructed? I have not been able to find it.

                                                                       Wado Weheli :)


Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #66 on: July 12, 2006, 01:13:20 am »
Apparently he is having someone constructing this.  I'll let you know when I hear anything more.
William Graywolf

Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #67 on: July 12, 2006, 02:50:40 am »
I just learned that Yonv is in Burnside for now.  I also learned he did not get his not for profit statis and has NOT reported that he has collected OVER $15,000 at this time for land and "tribal affairs".  

This came from a current member of his group.  

William Graywolf