Author Topic: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"  (Read 54831 times)


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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #30 on: February 05, 2006, 09:20:51 pm »
What a way out there group or should I say"tribe". I have read all the threads and am very disturbed at what I have read, seems as though they are now working toward changing thier name. I did look at the pictures of this Oliver Loveday and must say they seem to be predicting a coming event of some kind. However one may see them, they appear to come from a disturbed mind.
 Mr Edwards and his past use of the word "Yonega" leaves one to believe he is a racist against the "white" people and appears to be brainwashing those who he has authority over??? to believe the "yonega" are a threat to thier  little group?

My question is how do these fakes get a not for profit status and what can be done to stop these types of people from taking tax payers, which by the way Mr. Edwards comes from all races including the "yonega", money.?

I am in a postion to do what needs to be done to stop this , just show me the way.

I googled "Oliver Loveday" and found where he calls himself a Cherokee elder and spiritual leader.
I find that hard to believe as they would not approve of what he is doing.

                                   Thanks for all this info.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #31 on: February 05, 2006, 11:25:45 pm »
I took a longer look and found even weirder things about him. He claims to be a member of an extinct "tribe". Anyone Cherokee want to comment on this?
"Iam a descendant of the Ela-tsa-ye (Elijoy) tribe.
It doesn't exsist anymore.
It was a part of a band of tribes called Ani-yun-wi-ya.
Today, we are called Cherokee.
That means "Mountain People" in the Ojibwa language.
How do you make sense out of that?
Oliver Loveday"

I couldn't find any reference online to either Elijoy or Ela tsa ye other than his claim, except a few place names in Tennessee.

And here's a presentation he made at a college, not exactly traditional.
"Spirituality in the Yoruban and Native American Traditions
Friday, Nov. 9, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 11, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Peace Learning Center, Eagle Creek Park, 6040 DeLong Road
The PLC will be hosting workshops to share the wisdom and raise awareness about the Yoruba People and Native American spiritual practice and ceremony. Exercises include a sweat lodge, building an altar for Nature Spirits, creating Prayer Sticks and participating in a Running Ceremony. Presenters include Oliver Loveday, an artist of Cherokee descent, and Naeemah Jackson, an initiated priestess of Oshun in the Yoruba Ifa/Orisha religion."


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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2006, 07:44:42 pm »
I have never heard of this tribe or that that word structure in Cherokee, Ela Tsa Ye that is.

I had read that the word/name Cherokee comes from a Choctaw word that means cave people.

Kinda odd that if this tribe is extinct then how is it that he is still around. It would seem to me that he too would be extint if he was from this tribe. What do I know.


Offline yellowthunder_bolt

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #33 on: March 05, 2006, 10:59:20 pm »
Well it seems Green Corn is not up and running this month. Could it possibly be they hav been shut down. I hear many recieved and email stating that if they wanted Green Corn by snail mail they would have to subscribe to receive it???$$$$.

Also there computer would not allow them( or thier server) would not allow them in to change from Feb to March.??? Wonder if the OTTER VILLAGE IS TUMBLING DOWN???

                                               Wado Thomas

Offline raven

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2006, 05:40:31 pm »
I believe the reason why there is not a March issue of Green Corn is because there is discord within the group.
And does it not take someone that is literate to be able to write out a newsletter?

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by raven »

Offline yellowthunder_bolt

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #35 on: March 10, 2006, 05:47:47 am »
 Well the fox is headed for his hole and the  coyotes are right on his tail!! Check it out. All CKY members will have to subscribe to "Green Corn"  which will be a Bi monthly print for the price of $10. The group has grown so large it is more economical, they will receive it until the funds run out.

The "Green Corn" site will have highlights and post notices only. HMMMM.

Thats not what I hear around Burnside. You gotta be lonely Jerry. and not only that where are all the Clan Mothers?

Perhaps softspeaker/Star can do the writings for you, her writing is very pictures and now that she is alone she will have more time to travel and be by your side for the 6th time.
I'll really miss "Green Corn"            Thomas

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #36 on: March 10, 2006, 06:35:45 pm »
It's pretty obvious that Edwards is blowing smoke, outright lying. Online is much cheaper. It doesn't cost a single penny to send out a newsletter. A website is less than a hundred a year. Printing out severla hundred newsletters and mailing them would cost twice that EACH month.

And why not just mail the newsletter to people who don't have email? I think we can take credit for Edwards refusing to send GReen Corn by email. He knows every goofy lie he tells will get taken apart by us and laughed at by traditionalists.

And probably he just wants (or maybe really needs) the money.

I don't think it'll do him and his little power base much good. People inside this cult in the making will just CONTINUE to pass Green Corn along to us.

Offline yellowthunder_bolt

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #37 on: March 14, 2006, 07:47:13 pm »
 Well questions need to be answered.

I must say some of these answers are not only inaccurate but amusing. One only needs to read these threads on this site to see the discrepancy between what the fact and answers given on the site. Will there or will there not be a "Green Corn?"

Offline educatedindian

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #38 on: March 15, 2006, 06:03:42 pm »
Yeah, pretty amusing the way he's trying to weasle his way out of his own past lies, and just manages to create new ones.

"This is the land of the Thunderbolt Cherokees...This is the land of the Chickamauga."

Sorry, no. The Chickamaugas were further south and haven't been around sicne the 1760s.

"10. ? I've heard some talk about the star nations. ? What do you think about them?
That subject goes deep. ? In short, absolutely. "

What the...? Does anyone understand what Edwards just said? Including him?

Hey Jerry, you need to write COMPLETE sentences to make sense.

"11. ? I've heard you recommend "the Education of Little Tree" as a good book to read. ? Don't you know it was written by a white guy?"

The problem isn't that he was white, he was a white imposter posing as Cherokee (which may be why Edwards likes him.)

He was an unashamed white supremacist, a KKK leader who bombed Black churches and murdered demonstrators and wrote George Wallace's "Segregation Forever" speech.

"And your point is?"

You really can't see the point Jerry? You really think a white racist murderer is a good source to learn about Cherokees?

"We tell people to look at the story, the lessons, the content. ? It's a good story."

Actually it's racist Indian-hating garbage. Its lessons are awful. It's almost like Holocaust Denial, making the Trail of Tears and the boarding schools sound not so bad.

"Why in the world would such respected Indian people, such as Graham Greene and Tantoo Cardinal, appear in the movie if it weren't something good?"

They also appeared in Dances With Wolves, and most NDNs think that's an awful movie too.

"Indians that can look past the negative hype can see the real value in this story."

Yes, the real value of the story is just how badly whites will try to pretend racist lies about NDNs are true. The real value is also in how some whites with a little distant NDN ancestry can think racist garbage from frauds like Forrest Carter are "real value."

"13. ? What kind of government do you have in place? ? Do you vote?
What you might call a pre-contact tribal government, and no, we don't vote. ? We have in place four chiefs, or Ukus. ? The Principal Chief has the final decision - he is 'where the buck stops.'"

Another would be "Cherokee emperor" it seems.

"we do have a well-ordered system in place that eliminates an imbalance of power and provides for the removal of any self-serving leader."

Are you kidding? You just said you have virtually ALL the power. And lots of people DONT like your group, but you expel anyone who disagrees, and you shut down your own forums rather than let people see your lies.

In other words, it's set up like a dictatorship.

"Our citizens are fully aware that the Clan system we have in place is not the 'traditional' system in the true sense, but they also understand that it is a part of their ancestry that we cannot recover."

Nonsense. Every ACTUAL Cherokee tribe has all seven clans. You tried to set up seven and FAILED. It's all there in your own online group messages from your "chiefs".

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #39 on: March 17, 2006, 03:30:33 am »
Maybe the chief should look into a new line of work. Hey Kola, how bout selling used cars up here my way. Bet you could make a good living selling our old ponies.

Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #40 on: March 30, 2006, 04:28:07 am »
This isn't about the KY band.  I've been searching the frauds to check on an Arkansas group called Water Hollow Band of Chickamauga and ani yunwiya confederacy.  
I've noticed Manataka has links to them.  They have a ceremony I never heard of and I questioned them about it.  I asked a few people I know that are CNO.  They've said the ceremony was wiccan.  I don't know much about wiccan.  I do know I'd never been taught about such a ceremony.
I contacted this Susan Bates and did I get blasted.  She was really ugly.  Since then I've gotten a whole bunch of hate mail from people telling me she's done so much for the Cherokee.  That she's a recognized elder of the western and eastern bands.  She's one of the few recognized native american colonists.  I've had one email tell me I better watch my back.  Another one say that the CNO "Cherokee Nation (in Oklahoma) has nothing left. NO heart. NO soul."  
I have no idea any bunch could be nastier in email than Manataka, but this one was.  
Anyone know anything about these people?  
William Graywolf

Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #41 on: April 09, 2006, 04:17:47 pm »
Until yesterday I had not heard of this group. ? A new friend emailed me about them. ? After what she has said of these people, they are just as bad as Manataka and maybe becoming very dangerous. ?
Here is what she wrote me and two of our friends. ? She wished to remain anonymous. ? I respect that. ?

Osiyo Waya,

I am feeling a need to share something and hope it is okay that I send
it to the three of you. ? At first I thought about posting to the list
but then I decided not to. ? The following is something I have *never*
written about up until now. ? This is difficult.

I was sucked into a Tsalagi organization a few years back that changed
my life forever. ? The concept of the organization was what drew me to
it. ? Undocumented and/or documented Tsalagi people seeking to learn our
ancient Tsalagi ways [to "fit in" somewhere]. ? The problem was not with
the organization but it was with the organization's leader.

The leader had alterior motives. ? He is still a menace to this day. ?
The leader appointed himself as "principle chief" and "white priest" of the
organization simultaneously...for life.

The organization first started out with the concept of being a "nation".
 The name of the "nation" was conceived solely by the leader. ? Later,
after having trouble with some "rebellious" members he decided [by
divine intervention, so he said] to change the name of the organization
to something else.

It was apparent to me that the leader of the organization was not what
he appeared to be. ? The "red flags" went up almost immediately after I
had joined but I remained just to observe. ? Eventually I became heavily
involved in this organization and *deeply* attached to the people
within it. ? I was appointed to a "high position" within the organization after
the leader had a "falling out" with the one I replaced. ? As a person in
a "high position", I dealt with many people within the organization and
grew to love them very much. ? They were my extended family.

Once I was appointed into the "high position" I took it upon myself to
try and protect the people from the evil of this man. ? I did everything
possible to protect them. ? I knew the people were being brainwashed and
mis-led. ? I tried desperately to intercept and/or divert his evil...all
through the help and guidance of Creator. ? I prayed continuously. ? I
felt a strong need to protect those who were unwary and susceptible to
this man. ? The leader of the organization was the head honcho but he
told the people he was not the sole decision-maker. ? The "tribal
council" supposedly had ultimate "power" but that was false. ? All of
the people in the "tribal council" were "'yes' people" except for me, my
husband and one other [who were also booted out]. ? Whatever he says
they agree to.

When I suggested that any TRUE "nation" should have a constitution with
elected officials and spoke of it publicly within the organization I was
"marked" as a "traitor" by the leader and was soon banished by him,
along with my family, without ever having the opportunity to defend
ourselves to the people. ? The leader had told his followers not to
contact us in any way, else they too would be cast out and declared a
"traitor." ? Most of the people I had grown to love did exactly what he
told them to do. ? The people I was closest to turned their backs on my
family and I. ? This hurt me *very* deeply, it literally devastated me.
I had no way to cope. ? I sunk into a deep depression. ? Finally I
realized that the only way I could move on with my life was to view it as a
great loss. ?  ? I felt really STUPID [not nearly a strong enough word] and
degraded for allowing myself to become so emotionally attached to
people on the internet. ? I had opened up my heart to everyone and they
 shunned me ? when they were told to do so. ? Apparently the words they
shared with me were empty words. ? Mine were not.

That organization and the leader are still active to this day. ? The
organization's name has been changed AGAIN
[after my family and the other one were removed],
they have acquired "tribal lands" now [in Kentucky]
and have been awarded non-profit status by the ? federal government. ?

When he was seeking "tribal land" back when we were involved, the
leader approached my husband and requested that we "donate" a
chunk of our property to the organization. ? My husband refused. ?
This made him angry and was probably another underlying ? reason
for kicking us out. ? We were not under his control. ? Anyone who he felt
threatened by, people who had some knowledge of our traditions were
kicked out. ? My family and the other who was banished with us were the
only ones he demanded that no one contact.

The leader of the organization seeks to maintain total "power" over the
people and will do anything necessary to keep it that way. ? If anyone
rebutes him he will kick them out. ? His weapon is the "sense of
belonging" people are so desperately seeking, afterall that is what
keeps them there.

More about the leader, he is a drug user. ? He openly told a handful of
us that he uses drugs but he claims he does it solely for Spiritual
work. ? That's a bunch of bullshit!! ? I know of no one who has to use
drugs to commune with Creator! ? He can not be with Creator in full
capacity?! ? hmmm ? What does that tell you?!

How these FAKE INDIAN people work. ? They may have Native American
heritage but they do not follow TRUE Native American ways. ? They set up
an organization that appeals to the unsuspecting, unwary and naive then
they give those people a sense of belonging. ? It is this "sense of
belonging" that appeals most to people, especially undocumented Native
Americans!!!! ? Once the people are suckered into the organization they
are soon brainwashed. ? [I never was...I could see right through the
facade.] ? Eventually, when the leader feels that he/she has full
control of the people [power] he/she will then begin to interject certain
conditions for remaining within the organization. ? These "conditions"
may be membership dues, genealogy research fees, land funds, all kinds
of things to draw-in money. ? The ultimate goal is power and money. ? The
"power" is self-appointed but it is the people that allow it to grow.
It is also the people who supply the money!

The man's name is Yona/Yonv Edwards and the group name is now
Cherokees of Kentucky-Chickamauga. ? Yona/Yonv Edwards does not
identify with his yonega name but it is Jerry Edwards. is the group's website.

The group was first called "Unified Free Cherokee Nation" [UFCN] then
"Southern Aniyunwiya Nation" [SAN], then "Cherokees of ? Kentucky"
[CKY] and now "Cherokees of Kentucky-Chickamauga" [CKY-C]. ? With each
name change there was a new philosphy presented on their website. ? The
old websites have been removed. ? The group readily uses yahoo groups
for their communication. ? I do not know what those yahoo group sites are.

Here is a website that has a note written by Yona Edwards. ? Scroll down
the page to read his words. ? With this website you will be able to see
what type of things he is involved with.


William Graywolf

Offline educatedindian

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #42 on: April 09, 2006, 04:58:30 pm »
I'm gonna repost what that message on that last site says, in case they decide to take it down later. Apparently Edwards posted it when the group was still "United Free Cherokee Nation".

"Osiyo Jason,
This is Yona. It has been my intent to get to you sooner, but, since we received the Zynergy, we have been busy. I can not tell you how much I love the product. It is all I have read and been told, and more. I have to admit, I am working with the higher dosages as it is my intent to work in the higher frequencies and do my part in the Shift of the Ages. Finding you and your products was no accident. I already know who I am and what I am doing here on the Earth Mother. This product is just another gift of Spirit to accelerate the evolutionary process so that we may accomplish all we have come to do. Wado, (Thank you) for your sincerity and work. My wife and I are taking the Zynergy and there is an incredible peace beyond what we already knew. I look forward to trying other products as well as being a distributor. Incredible, beyond words, and powerful, it will open you up and let the Light in. Thanks again.
With Respect
Yona, Principal Chief
Unified Free Cherokee Nation [Please visit their brilliant and inspiring Website.]
Osiyo Jason,
I want to share a little more of the results of the Zynergy. It is so powerful and healing there is no way to describe it. I can only share some of the attributes it has brought to "LIGHT" with me. At the physical level, I will be 54 years old on the 28th of July. My back was hurting constantly. I lived in pain. Just a couple days ago, I was telling some folks who were here about the stuff and my wife said, "You know, you have not complained about your back pain for a while now". Remember, I have only been taking it for three weeks. I also have what I call a 54 year old prostate. My stream had slowed and I was seeing old age and maybe cancer on the horizon. Anyway, in a short period of time, I am experiencing, well, let's just say, a real stream of relief. I know how a race horse feels again. At the higher levels, my frequency has gone up quite noticeably. I am clear, I am open, I am achieving the next step in my spiritual evolution. I will say this about that. We are in the End Cycle of the Age. We are going to experience the Shift of the Ages in the not too distant future. It is no quoincidence that the information and the White Powder has re-surfaced at the time it has. We need to move through things as quickly as possible. The Universe in its wisdom, its balance, is facilitating the next natural step through folks such as yourself and your company. Wado (Thank You), not only to you, but to all the Alchemists that are out there seeing that it is available. Chee-Quay-You, (Love)
Yonv, Principal Chief
Unified Free Cherokee"

And the mainpage of that site:
"Welcome to Zeropoint Technologies and our newest initiative, Almira Mastery Systems. We are here to assist in human transformation, to raise the vibratory frequency of the human body and mind, to open new and higher channels of awareness giving you access to pure information specific to you and your highest purpose, to help you find equilibrium in a fantastically and exponentially accelerating world of energy, and to share with you powerful methods, tools, meditations, teachings and alchemy for self-empowerment, and perhaps most importantly, the responsibility necessary to handle such power.
Indeed, we are very confident that we'll be introducing you to the most potent self-empowerment "program" the world has known since the ancients faded into an observational background and more or less encrypted their knowledge. It's simple, powerful and true, and above all, it works. How do we know? Because we were given the blueprint to create it and the opportunity to test it with a group of people throughout the majority of this past year.
Chances are you have found us in your search for white powder gold (or you were looking for it under its more modern tag, monatomic or monoatomic gold), which served as both the basis and the method by which we ourselves retrieved the necessary information from "higher realms" to piece our system together.
Nature is often reluctant to reveal Her secrets, but for those who tread the labyrinthine corridors leading to Wisdom with sincerity of heart and clarity of mind She will roll away the stone and reveal the simple and beautiful treasures there concealed. Mystics of all ages and the world over probed its depths and left the clues and keys strewn everywhere, most often in plain sight.
The conduits of knowledge for Western Culture between olden and modern times were the European secret societies, the Templars, the royal scientists, the learned Church luminaries, the Jewish sages, and the mystical Islamic teachers and alchemists. The repository of their hard-gained knowledge exists within living libraries, and the keys to those vaults are obtained through the proverbial Grail Quest. The end, always elusive, is never the objective. The journey is the only thing that matters."
More from them:
"Alchemy in the context of materials which proceed from noble metals was, is and always will be the release of stored potential energy, qualifying that energy and with one's intent imposing a given state of being. Alchemy is not a recipe as much as it is a configuration, never has been, never will be, and even if it were, it will not work precisely the same way for any two people. It's a chain of operations performed upon material substances that are tuned to the fantastic multiplicity of dynamics of a given environment coupled with the infusion of Spirit Intelligence. That infusion of Spirit Intelligence is the Divine Union, the "coitus" of King and Queen to create the Divine Child. This is the Sacred Marriage of legend and arcana.
Related Articles Our Alchemy Intro to Monatomic Elements Physics of Monatomic Elements White Powder Gold Kirlian Photography Philosopher's Stone Alchemy Elixir Of Life The Lightbody Monatomic Gold"

Offline yellowthunder_bolt

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #43 on: April 09, 2006, 07:34:09 pm »
 First thanks to whoever came forward and spoke up about the inner workings of this group. I am sure there are many more who are afraid of this man and scared to speak up. We have all said all along this is a very dangerous group.

Now I am not a chemist but it seems there is a lot of doulble talk concerning this drug. Could this be Meth??? Or does anyone know what it's contents really are?

Wander what other web sites are there? I've also heard he is a heavy drinker, and phisically abusive. And I think these things are the tip of the iceburg.

                                                                                 Wado  Thomas :( >:(

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: More on "Cherokee of KY Chickamauga"
« Reply #44 on: April 10, 2006, 01:45:01 pm »
Now I am not a chemist but it seems there is a lot of doulble talk concerning this drug. Could this be Meth??? Or does anyone know what it's contents really are?

I think he's talking about "white powder gold" or "monatomic gold", the latest newage nostrum. Almost all Google results for those phrases point to UFO conspiracy nutters or health frauds. A few years ago when I saw that a local health food shop was selling oxygen pills I thought I'd seen everything, but apparently not. If what he's taking really contains any gold at all it will almost certainly be having no effect whatsoever, since gold is almost completely chemically inert. I wonder if he bought it from this guy.