Author Topic: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"  (Read 48241 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« on: November 07, 2005, 03:12:58 pm »
First claimed to be a Cherokee medicine woman trained by John Pope:
"In the Bay Are in 1977 after he and he groupie of "tuffs" came to a Conference on Native American
Healing, I discovered that he was/is also known as "Rolling Blunder"... hmmm that may have been 1978. He was in good company however, with another "phony" by the name of Oh Shinnah Fastwolf, who claimed to be a Cherokee Grandmother, who did healings with Crystals. HOWEVER, just a couple of years earlier, she was a "folkie" in the Chicago area, according to C. Fastwolf who doesn't appreciate his name being used by some fraud. ? Ms. McKelvey stole the Fastwolf name from an actual Native American (Lakota) family in order to giver herself some credibility with her crystal healing scams.
Be Warned-- Tresspassing on First Nations Spirituality By Alice Beck Kehoe
"Calvin Fast Wolf, an Oglala Lakota living in San Francisco, objects to a woman he met years ago as Penny McKelvey, now using the name Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf to sell a "spiritual community of healers." McKelvey charges nine hundred dollars for a week in Glacier National Park. Fast Wolf is an old and honored name among Oglala, says Calvin Fast Wolf, and he considers his family insulted by her business"

She has a group of what she calls "accomplices", her white franchisees or disciples. How's that for being in your face about being thieves, and people still falling for it?
"When she opened her retail store, Planet Earth, in Manhattan in 1985, she met Oh Shinnáh Fast Wolf, a renowned Apache-Mohawk teacher, with whom she has maintained an apprenticeship for eighteen years. Oh Shinnáh dreamed the Spirit name Deep Arrow Woman for Ms. Simone, as is the tradition of her people, and performed a naming ceremony for her. Today Deep Arrow Woman initiates her own apprentices who form the back bone of Moonfire Meeting House as the Deep Arrow Lodge....Together with Oh Shinnáh, she leads groups of non-native participants on an annual quest for transformation called The Journey of the Waters, an ancient cellular healing and initiation ceremony of the people called Apache."

Her "cellular ceremony"? They travel by carpool to natural springs.

"Deep Arrow maintains a spiritual counseling practice in Southampton and Manhattan and facilitates "A Circle of Women" from Montauk to Manhattan. Locally and nationally her work includes: facilitating workshops, circles and retreats; creating personal rituals for clients; and conducting ceremonies for individuals and communities. Deep Arrow's ministerial work encompasses wedding ceremonies and other life observances. For more information, contact her office at 631-287-9000 or email her at
Ms. Simone is an educator, New York City and State licensed teacher with over 30 years of experience, author, certified teacher of Creative Technologies, ordained minister, Certified Hypnotherapist, member of the International Association of Counselors & Therapists and The Guild of Wholistic Practitioners, and member of the Sisters of the Violet Flame, an order of women who practice the ancient Egyptian traditions of Isis and the Essenes."

I'm sure the hypnosis comes in handy. Mixing alleged Egyptian rituals must too. ?

The name "Deep Arrow" is pretty darned funny. I'm sure she has ? spiritual sisters named Pondering Spear, Shallow Tomahawk, and Quizzical Bullet In the Head.

Just wait, the names get siller.

"Denise Ellis-Dancing Flower"

OK, I have no problem with you being out of the closet, but do you have to be such a stereotype? Where are your friends Flaming In Public and Swishes Down the Street?  

"Bright Owl" was one of Laduke's people before she was a McKelvey clone. Not too bright for a wise owl though. Owls are an omen of evil and bad luck among Apaches.
"Bright Owl's stewardship and guidance are based on many years of experience and study with teachers such as Sun Bear and OhShinnah Fastwolf, Ram Dass and the Course in Miracles. Some sweat and other ceremonies are also led by students of Bright Owl....
MOON CEREMONY: This ceremony comes to us from OhShinnah and is a 40,000 year old ceremony practiced by women worldwide. This ceremony occurs on varying levels. First level is open to men and women, however each level therafter is open only to women and requires prerequisites, as it carries all those generations of female energy and honors the Goddess."

Oh brother (excuse the phrase.) Pseudo-feminism alert. See below, she admits this "ceremony" came from SWITZERLAND.

"You will need to bring a grass mat or a comfortable natural fabric blanket, warm clothes, mud boots (depending on the weather) and a special stone that will carry your own beautiful golden dream and will stay on the land."

Can I bring my Wonka Bar Golden Ticket?
"The Moon Ceremony was gifted to her from a Swiss woman."

McKelvey also sells a CD about Hopi prophecies and is base in that center of indigenous people, Southhampton on Long Island.

She also works with a long list of other frauds at UFO conferences.
Zecharia Sitchin, Robert Ghost Wolf, ? Oh Shinnah,
Hunbatz Men, Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, David Icke, Robert Morning Sky.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf&q
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2005, 06:06:16 pm »
I know she claimed Cheyenne for a short while too. She came to Seattle and two Northern Cheyenne AIM members went to hear her speak. They said she was not very bright---even for a white woman. (This was the jist of THERE words). They spoke to her afterwards and she must have decided against calling herself Cheyenne after that.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2008, 05:50:57 pm »
Update on Oh Shinna Fastwolf

She's got a current website claiming Apache and Mohawk selling a new DVD.

DVD preview:


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Re: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2013, 02:05:05 am »
Quote from "Oh Shinnah", in the book Legend of the Rainbow Warriors:

There is a prophecy that states a time would come when Indians would reincarnate on this planet as part of the dominant society, which is white society. The Indians' spirits would incarnate in the dominant society to change the attitude of that society. So learning native ways is very natural to them.

In this prophecy, these people would wear feathers and beads, and communicate with the flowers. The flowers, it is said, would guide them, and support them as they walked their life paths. Once you learn to communicate with the flowers, you will be led from flower to flower to help you eliminate prejudice and hate from your life.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2013, 07:58:19 pm »
Translation: Hippie "flower children" turned nuage yuppies are willing to pay a lot of money to be told they're really NDN.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2013, 03:11:30 pm »
The problem is they make up our history and culture which ends
up being a lie as they make a living off the Native people shame on them
In Spirit

Offline RedTailCoyote

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Re: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2013, 11:48:59 pm »
I just had the chance to watch the video; it was recommended by some trusted friends.  After watching the first place I came was here.  It didn't quite "smell" right.  Glad to know my intuition was accurate but sorry to see yet another video that's being mass produced with misinformation.

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2013, 03:11:18 pm »
Translation: Hippie "flower children" turned nuage yuppies are willing to pay a lot of money to be told they're really NDN.
which leads to the problem.....notice they wont go to an indian to tell them that they are indian.....and if they do it will be a sellout exploiter indian........they hate being told NO

i know a guy.....stupid twinkie.....built a sweatlodge in his yard and has inipis with a bunch of other chicanos....he does not ever like hearing that he doesnt have the rights and always looks for ways around it........he blames white people alot for the way things are but if you ask me he is a spiritual colonist too........and he prides himself with hanging out at the indian center and such....most indians dont even know what this guy does...

BUT......even if every indian in town told him it wasnt cool.....and told him they you really think he would stop?

Offline verity

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Re: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2021, 12:54:26 am »
I don't know if she is still alive. There are rumors that she has died but also that she is alive and in a rest home.

In the book "The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder: As Experienced by Alberto Villoldo, John Perry Barlow, Larry Dossey, and Others" she says she had a long time relationship with one of RT's sons Buffalo Horse.

She says that RT/ John Walter "Rolling Thunder" Pope was a womanizer and that eventually she had to stay away from him (RT).

Offline verity

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Re: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2021, 06:52:47 pm »
Her active apprentice is Lorraine Simone aka "Deep Arrow Woman". Simone runs the Moonfire Meeting House and Women's Mystery School

In the 1960s Penny McKelvey was part of the folksinger duo George and Penny McKelvey. She was also known as Penny McIntyre McKelvey.

On a 1976 Montana marriage certificate as Oh Chinnah Fast Wolf she said she was born Jan 8, 1934. She said her father was Doowaholi Fast Wolf and mother Kahasuna McIntyre. I believe that her actual maiden name was McIntyre. She had been married twice before this marriage.

Along with her facial features, two things I see that persist through the decades - she wears her hair in very thin braids and she does a distinct shaped plucked eyebrows.

Offline verity

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Re: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2021, 04:33:12 pm »
I hope that someone eventually tells us what her birth name is.

We know she is a fraud. We know that she was "Penny McKelvey" for a time. One of the many ways we know she was Penny is because she has kept the phrase  “A Folk Singer’s Folk Singer” in her bio. This phrase was used for her as Penny in newspaper article about a folksinger award she won. She has also used this in her current persona.

We also know because her former husband George McKelvey is quoted in an article about her (see the uploaded pdf Interview)

There would be three more marriages, including one in 1955 to George McKelvey, now owner of George McKelvey's Comedy Club in Denver.
While McKelvey was in the Air Force, Oh Shinnah stayed home with their daughters, Heather and Fawn. A professionally trained singer, she also performed at cabarets in and around Chicago, where the couple lived toward the end of their seven-year marriage.
"She was always very up, seemed very vibrant, and had a great lust for life," McKelvey says. He left the marriage, he
says, because she was also "very unstable - lots of moods and impulsive behavior."

Sometimes she styled herself as "Penny McIntyre McKelvey" during this marriage. She has also kept the surname McIntyre on a later marriage certificate, assigned to her mother. Keep in mind that some information on marriage certificates may not be true. Her claim that her father's surname was "Fast Wolf" is not true.

Who was George Samuel McKelvey married to in the 1950s while in the Air Force? He was married to a JoAnn Blanche Scheer. JoAnn was divorced.

My current theory is that "Penny McKelvey" was a stage name. Married surname plus a chosen first name for her folksinger career.

Because she kept the surname McIntyre at times I wonder if that is her birth surname. "Scheer" could be the surname of her first husband, who she claims was abusive.

So was she JoAnn Blanche McIntyre? I don't have enough proof yet, but it looks possible.

Offline verity

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Re: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2021, 04:47:21 pm »
1965 .pdf uploaded here is of a newspaper article about "Penny McIntyre McKelvey" using that phrase “A Folk Singer’s Folk Singer”.

Offline Diana

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Re: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2021, 06:37:34 pm »
Yeah, I saw those too. Also there were a couple more and she lies about her age. I'll have to look at them again but she put her birthdate down as 1941 and 1944 on a couple of marriage licenses.

Offline verity

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Re: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2021, 07:17:11 pm »
Yeah, I saw those too. Also there were a couple more and she lies about her age. I'll have to look at them again but she put her birthdate down as 1941 and 1944 on a couple of marriage licenses.

Lies about her parents and is shifty with her birth date. Birthdate varies on marriage certificates and in other public records.

One of her new age ads included "prefers to be known as one without a personal history".

Some good past photos of this white lady,%20Oh%20Shinnah%22

I see the surname "Chang" also for her as a possible married name.

The name "Dolores Krieger" shows up often, Krieger invented "Therapeutic Touch" ( ) and she and our lady did the new age circuit together.

Offline verity

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Re: Penny McKelvey AKA "Oh Shinnah Fastwolf"
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2021, 07:40:35 pm »
Another active apprentice:

Minthé Water missionary, known as “ the Water Shaman ”, Minthé was born in Wallonia (Belgium). Adopted daughter of Oh Shinnah Fast Wolf, in the Apache Tradition, she received from her the “ Warrior Woman Initiation ”. Her Apache name is “ Hatch Oh Neh ” (Standing Strong Woman).

Google translation of Minthé's site says she was "adopted" in 2013.