Author Topic: Sunke Temple Trust/Dennise Neilson  (Read 13228 times)

Offline AnnOminous

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Sunke Temple Trust/Dennise Neilson
« on: February 08, 2013, 06:57:53 pm »
I'm starting a new thread on this group and person in connection to the Leah Sampson/Standing White Buffalo thread is a very strange website.  Sampson's connections seem to be through her fb friend Dennise Neilson, whose self-description is:
About Dennise
Sacred Two Spirit to IsIs, Head Bear Clan Mother of Tiamat Ki Earth.
works with Sun Ke Temple Trust
Found on Web site

On the Sunke Temple website, in the FAQ section, there is the question "What is the Sacred Canupa?"  Here is an excerpt of the response:
“The sacred medicine that must be smoked in the Sacred C’anupa is the Tree of Life, Kaneh Bosm [ie marijuana].  No other medicine qualifies as the Breath of Life.  The sacred C’anupa is also known as the sacred Womb of our “Divine Mother.’  There are no stems (penises that are allowed or permitted to penetrate our ‘Divine Mothers’ Scared [sic] Womb).

There is a youtube video interview of Dennise Neilson (it's over 2 hours long) here:
I'm only a few minutes into listening to it, and so far s/he has talked about holding sweatlodge ceremonies and supporting sundances while being a firekeeper (I wonder what the Pablo Russell connection might be).


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Re: Sunke Temple Trust/Dennise Neilson
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2013, 09:07:43 pm »
Another bizarre "Sovran" sovereign scam.

They aren't fond of Calgary police or the Child at Risk Response Team.

Looks like I can't .pdf their secret papers that are password protected, but anyone can get a password and user name for access. The "Business Card as Proof of Constructive Trustees Breach of Trust - Trespass" has the Calgary police and child protective services business cards and pseudo legal stuff.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 09:14:08 pm by Epiphany »


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Re: Sunke Temple Trust/Dennise Neilson
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2013, 09:23:23 pm »
I clipped their business card breach of trust trespass page & put together in .pdf form here.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Sunke Temple Trust and Dennise Neilson/Walker AKA "Two Spirit Sage"
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2013, 05:05:17 pm »
Thousands of hits come up in a search, but the good news is their FB page only has 68 likes.
Their website lists one of their "clan leaders" Mary Blackshear, now calling herself Isis Mary Blackshear, and Dennise Walker AKA "Two Spirit Sage Walker." At some point she is or was named Neilson. They all seem to be putting Isis in front of their names, capitalized IsIs. Walker shows up at poetry slams in the Alberta area. I doubt if she tells the poetry fans about her militia group.

The other good news is, even other Nuage sites call this BS.

....Just over three months ago Thomas Hughes (Sasquatch hybrid) included me in a conference call with "Sun Son", a.k.a. Momma Sophia, a.k.a. Maryjane Blackshear. The conversation led to me moving from B.C. to Alberta to work with and stand beside her and as well protect her in some way, if I could, from the scathing criticism she was receiving from some of the Red Nations people regarding her claim of being the Head Clanmother of all Nations ! Quite a claim indeed....

A few years ago Maryjane Blackshear answered her call and began documenting herstory as the 'Divine Mothers Temple Scribe' and she shares that when she was a little girl another version of her, Isis, appeared often and guided and prepared her for this stage of her life when she would step up to tell the world the truth of the first genesis and how we are, who we are.

Maryjane has significant scientific evidence of her m-DNA and that she is from the A negative humans born of the earth, the key to the mysterious bloodline's from the earth and through the Kaneh Bosm / Cannabis - our apparent true tree of life, because we share the same DNA- hence breatharian Genesis Sunfire, (i think his name is) living off sunlight and water...hmmm.

This isn't the only revelation that resonated in my heart as well as my intellect. She claims to be the one referred to in the bible "Out of Israel and the line of King David shall come the Saviour" - her grandfathers name was Israel. On one side of the family she is from the line of King David and on the other the Hamilton lineage. After writing her manuscript which you can access in her website's the private user name and password...(ignore the signatory portal) user : ConstructiveTrustees and pass : breachoftrust

....And the One Peoples Trust and UCC - Uniform Commercial Code stuff - for heavens sake...Maryjane already has, since 2009 claimed all the resources and Trusts and Collateral Accounts and has apparently already anaihilated the UCC and everything Admiralty or Merchant Law, and, she has already resurrected all the People from dead corporations to living beings via the Sunke Temple Trust....

In Lak' Ech

Executive Administrative Assistant to Isis Maryjane Blackshear ~ 'Maitreya'

Download The Trust Documents: PDF File Link Here

Posted by enerchi at 2/06/2013 03:33:00 PM   

AnonymousFebruary 6, 2013 at 4:01 PM
Another bullshit trust

AnonymousFebruary 6, 2013 at 4:43 PM
Are they putting something other than fluoride in the drinking water in North America, like loopy juice for instance?

So, if these guys did it first before Heather et al's OPPT, who is our leader now?????? Do we get to chose? Doesn't sound like it! So much for being free.

Listen up both of you trustees or what-ever-the-hell-you-are I for one DO NOT WANT OR ACCEPT YOUR DIGITAL CREDIT SYSTEM - thanks but NO THANKS!

So would you kindly take that idea and shove it where the sun don't shine, sideways preferably.

Thank you so much.

Gee this is getting weirder with each passing day. The Mayans said that people might go mad after 12/21/12 an it looks like its started fellas!

RepliesAnonymousFebruary 6, 2013 at 9:03 PM
Thank you very much, but I'll never place my trust regarding legal matters on someone who can't even spell "experiences".

AnonymousFebruary 6, 2013 at 7:14 PM
whatta crock a shit !

AnonymousFebruary 6, 2013 at 7:27 PM
lmao.. lucifers trust fund!

AnonymousFebruary 6, 2013 at 9:15 PM
Great news folks tomorrow I, Mr. Anonymous ,will announce my own trust with paperwork. It's called the THIS IS SOME TIRED SHIT TRUST! It's worth the toiletpaper I'm going to write it on. Spread the word!

RepliesAnonymousFebruary 6, 2013 at 9:40 PM
Better be HQ TP :0

RepliesAnonymousFebruary 7, 2013 at 4:06 AM
Exactly right. Beware of false prophets and all that crap who proclaim they are acting in our best interests. Why should we trust them just because they say so when we don't know them from Adam or Eve? One thing this has done is convince me that the other trust is a half baked one too. I'm wondering how the recent one can say its for-closed on the who kit and kaboodle when this one has done it already? Nice trick to imply if you don't get it then its not for you meaning they've covered every base.

There's an elephant in the room. Or two.

AnonymousFebruary 6, 2013 at 11:10 PM
the reaction section could use a bullshit and garbage category which is where this one fits in

AnonymousFebruary 7, 2013 at 4:11 PM
What makes you think this trust isn't anymore legitimate or untruthful than OPPT? There are so many lies out there; now we have TWO groups trying to bring the truth out. And I am grateful that they are doing this work. Who cares which one is real? We don't need any leaders. We are our own leaders - my HEART is my leader. I will read these people's information with an open mind, and silently hold my light waiting to see which ones comes to fruition.

Maryjane says one important thing that apparently many of you didn't hear, if you even listened to the second interview. She said we have to love each other and stop back stabbing and treating each other unjustly, since we are ALL ONE.

It seems to me that if you don't like this information, then don't read it.
And I was raised a long time ago by an old adage: If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all. Sure you are entitled to your own opinion, however, you are not entitled to berate and denegrate other people's opinion. Why can't we agree to disagree? Why can't we keep an open mind? And why can't we just sit patiently while all these people do their legal trust thing, while we sit and gently yet firmly hold our own personal Light.

AnonymousFebruary 7, 2013 at 11:23 PM
More fairy tales.

AnonymousFebruary 8, 2013 at 10:56 AM
If I were to choose who seems more REAL to me, Mary Jane or Heather, I would choose Mary Jane. Heather talks like she really can't relate to people in a common sense way at all, and give a straight-forward answer. However, Mary Jane has a REAL answer, in common language for any question asked to her.
I hope it is true, that we are free, but again the question arises....WHO is going to ENFORCE these changes?

AnonymousFebruary 8, 2013 at 1:10 PM
I suggest a mud-wrestle between Mary-Jane and Heather to decide who gets control...... ^o^

AnonymousFebruary 8, 2013 at 4:51 PM
Sounds like a contradictory and deceptive Treaty to me, just like so many others. But this one takes the cake which basically implies 'All you people are all free as long as I (Mary Jane Blackshear) is the ultimate Queen of all existence.

Offline Latvia

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Re: Sunke Temple Trust/Dennise Neilson
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2015, 05:39:48 am »
Does anyone have anymore info on the sunketemple trust? Other than their FB page or website. All I know is Mary is also referred to as Sun Son or Isis, but not the Isis of what we think in the Middle East. Apparently they are still telling everyone that something divine is going to happen and that it will be beautiful...whatever that means? *shakes head*

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Sunke Temple Trust/Dennise Neilson, Mary Blackshear
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2015, 12:38:00 am »
Blackshear v. Canada, 2013 FC 590:

Blackshear v. Canada, 2013 FC 590 (CanLII)
Date: 2013-05-31
Docket: T-533-13 
Citation: Blackshear v. Canada, 2013 FC 590 (CanLII), <> retrieved on 2015-04-16 
Cited by 2 documents
               Date: 20130531
Docket: T-533-13
Citation: 2013 FC 590
Vancouver, British Columbia, May 31, 2013
PRESENT:   Roger R. Lafrenière, Esquire


[1]               Her Majesty the Queen in right of Alberta, the Minister of Justice and Solicitor General of Alberta and the Deputy Minister of Justice of Alberta (hereinafter referred to as the Alberta Crown) seek an order to strike the Second Amended Statement of Claim under Rule 221(1) of the Federal Courts Rules (FCR), on the grounds that the pleading does not disclose a reasonable cause of action (Rule 221(1)(a)), and is scandalous, frivolous or vexatious (Rule 221(1)(c)).

[2]               The principles applicable on a motion to strike are well known and not in dispute. On a motion to strike out a pleading under Rule 221(1)(a), the applicable test is whether it is “plain and obvious” that the claim discloses no reasonable cause of action: see Hunt v Carey, 1990 CanLII 90 (SCC), [1990] 2 SCR 959, [1990] SCJ No. 93 at paragraph 32 (QL). A pleading may also be struck out on the grounds that it is scandalous, frivolous or vexatious pursuant to Rule 221(1)(c) where the pleadings are so deficient in material facts that the defendant cannot know how to answer: Kisikawpimootewin v Canada, 2004 FC 1426 (CanLII).

[3]               On a motion to strike a pleading on the grounds that it does not disclose a reasonable cause of action, those allegations that are capable of being proved must be taken as true: Hunt v Carey Canada Inc 1990 CanLII 90 (SCC), [1990] 2 SCR 959. This rule does not apply, however, to allegations based on assumptions and speculation: Operation Dismantle Inc v The Queen (1985), 1985 CanLII 74 (SCC), 18 DLR (4th) 481 (SCC) at 486-487 and 490-491. The Statement of Claim should also be read generously with allowance for inadequacies due to drafting deficiencies. However, the Court need not accept at face value bare allegations, factual allegations which may be regarded as scandalous, frivolous or vexatious, or legal submissions dressed up as factual allegations.

[4]               The allegations set out in the 84 page pleading are for the most part unintelligible and consequently difficult to summarize. The Plaintiff states that she is the “Divine Mother of All in/of Creation”. She also claims to be the only one authorized and qualified to fill the See of Rome. The Plaintiff is seeking damages against the Alberta Crown and the Federal Crown on behalf of “Tiamat Ki-Earths Kaneh Bosm Signatory Tribal Nations’ and “Independent Spiritual International Signatory (ISIS) Nation Estates” in an astronomical amount of over one hundred and eight quadrillion dollars. The Plaintiff claims damages based on breach of covenant, breach of trust, fiduciary duty and obligations, false imprisonment, and other injustices.

[5]               The Plaintiff also requests that the Defendants immediately cede to her original and final jurisdiction under Ancient Clanmother Laws; liquidate all global assets into Equity through the Bank of International Settlements; immediately acknowledge her as The Divine Holy Mother and cede to her Matriarchal Society; inform and teach all ISIS Nations Estates about their inheritance; cease and desist all blasphemy against the Divine Mother, the Queen of Heaven, delta9Lucifer; announce in both private and public statements acknowledging her return as The Divine Holy Mother; act in compliance with All of The General Executrix Administrative Orders; and guarantee the restoration of her All Signatory Tribal Nations and each and every ISIS Nation Estate to their immortal, pristine, peaceful, blissful and abundant lives....

[9]               The Second Amended Statement of Claim has several of the indicia of an OPCA strategy including:

(a)               Bizarre naming motifs - within the Statement of Claim, the Plaintiff refers to herself as:
(i)                 The Divine Holy Mother of All in/of Creation (style of cause);
(ii)               Both God and the Rule of Law (page 1, last paragraph);
(iii)            The bearer of the sacred C’anupa Peace Pipe which is the Treaty of Life (page 52-53, paragraph 239);
(iv)            The Head Bear Clanmother of Tiamat Ki-Earths Kaneh Bosm Tribal Nations (page 80, paragraph i);
(v)               The Mother of the Independent Spiritual International Signatory (page 80, paragraph 1);
(vi)            The sole Crowned Heir Temple Thorne Scribe (page 81, paragraph k);
(vii)           The Isis Genesis’ Return of the Dragon Queen by Divine Blood Terra Covenant (page 81, paragraph k); and
(viii)         GEA of the Deed of the Private SUNKE Temple Trust
(page 81, paragraph k).

(b)               Unusual document formalities and markings are used; for example, stamps from the “DUL” court suggesting the documents have been filed;

(c)               Unusual specific phrases and language: “Signatory ISIS Nation Estates” “DNA-Land patent “delta10mDNA”;

(d)               Reference to obsolete, foreign and otherwise relevant legislation and legal documents: “The Camel’s Eye Treaty 408 A.D.” “Ancient Clanmother Laws”; and

(e)               An atypical mailing address: “Tribunal for Tiamat Ki-Earths, Divine Universal Law Courts, DUL Charter Territory Calgary Alberta”.

[10]           As noted in Meads at para 590:

…when faced with truly baffling OPCA materials, a court may take the approach applied in Kisikawpimootewin v Canada, 2004 FC 1426 (CanLII) at para. 9, 134 A.C.W.S. (3d) 396 and strike a proceeding based on incomprehensible arguments and allegations, where the defendant is “left both embarrassed and unable to defend itself” and the court faces “a proceeding so ill-defined that is unable to discern an argument, or identify any specific material facts.”

[11]           Although not an OPCA claim, this proceeding is based on similar incomprehensible allegations....

[13]           Finally, the Plaintiff has no standing to bring an action based on collective rights of aboriginal peoples. Rule 121 requires that a party who seeks to act in a representative capacity must be represented by a solicitor, unless the Court in special circumstances orders otherwise....


1.                  The Second Amended Statement of Claim is struck out, without leave to amend.
2.                  The action as against Her Majesty the Queen in right of Alberta, the Minister of Justice and Solicitor General of Alberta, Jonathan Denis, and the Deputy Minister of Justice of Alberta, Ray Bodnarek, is dismissed.
3.                  Costs of the motion, hereby fixed in the amount of $500.00, inclusive of disbursements and taxes, shall be paid by the Plaintiff to the Attorney General of Alberta...