Author Topic: ELIASE Yenageta AKA Eliase GRAYWOLF  (Read 23812 times)

Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 357
« Reply #15 on: November 14, 2013, 09:59:41 pm »
eliase/elijah yenegata: he keeps turning up on he is claiming to be cherokee..and also still claiming to be a marine, until he was being questioned by a marine he changed it to being army...his back story is that he was such a badass lakota warrior writing GOON and PIG on all the cop cars in pine ridge, and that the tribal govt was afraid of him so he joined the marines and was a badass with a purple heart and an EOD specialist...yeah right fatboy.......he usually shows up to flag everyone's posts about him being a fraud

i went to the russell means memorial, it was my place of work so i alerted school security beforehand, he has a district wide ban on ANY denver public schools campus/property since he was kicked out of the dps powwow and for creeping around east high school

anyways....after another round of him talking about being blood related to "uncle russell" and claiming to be his "favorite nephew" eliase yenegata did not show up to any of the 4 events held in russell means honor......NONE of them...

good thing too because many of that family really want to have a good talk with eliase....and none of them even know who he is except for hearing stories about this dipshyt running around the internet telling everyone he is close family....amongst other lies......needless to say they are not amused with ethiopians claiming kinship

on SAIM:
talked to few "members"......funny they were all white kids talking against "the illuminati" rather than indian issues, one of then was on facebook posting pictures of russel means referring to him as "the GOD russell means". i dont believe any of these SAIM idiots even met the man. most seemed to distance themselves from the infamous ethiopian dogsex boy and refrain from invoking the wrath of SAIM when they go around starting fights on the net now.

that dojon "banks" kid has been pretty quiet......found out he is a thinblood PODIA who is mexican and pomo.....and he had the nerve to show up at the national AIM convention after founding his fraudulent "SAIM" and pitched the idea around for them to legitimize his "SAIM" group and was pretty much laughed out of there

that philip meshekey idiot has been badmouthing john trudell BEFORE fact checking........funny because they were (according to thier own words on the net) claiming to be related to trudell.......he is bashing trudell for "being a snitch" on issues that happened before he was even born due to trudell appearing in court. YES trudell testified...FOR THE DEFENSE. word through the grapevine (from people who were there) is that this meshekey kid and this dojon kid were as the younger generation says.."all over john trudell's nuts".....apparently even following him around like lovestruck fans at a museum until trudell turned around and joked that they were like puppies chasing his tail. i guess they didnt take too kindly and trudell ceased to be one of their heroes after that.

so fastforward to a few weeks ago, this meshekey kid thinks he has the right to call someone out on things that arent his business and apparently lost alot of his own followers/friends because of it. then veterans day rolls around and he said some very disrespectful things about vets and especially ndn vets. really seemed to piss alot of people off with his radical talk and ended up with his oh so classy "fuck the vets" statements. he didnt really even try to state his fact he relished in people being pissed off at him......he also claimed that the people who should be honored on veterans day are the ones from the AIM wounded knee incident, alcatraz incident and the D-Q UNIVERSITY OCCUPATION......WHAT? is this guy on crack? were there bullets flying at D-Q? from what i been told the so called "occupation" was a ragtag group of mexicans and whites playing injun that had some shouting matches with school security. i know AIM didnt take it seriosly and a few other groups refused to even take part when they scoped the situation and just assesed it as a rat infested hippie commune and figured they had better things to do.

he also seems to be white mexican and annishinabe, and OBSESSED with contrary clown. *PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG* but i do not believe annishinabe even have a contrary clown society? he is on videos claiming to be a sacred clown and has some stupid indianized afro-poet group called backwardz medicine (who people first heard of from eliase when he was going around saying he was one of them and how they were all heyokas) not one to question someones indianess until i think they start providing misinformation.

he puts up pics of different clown society up.....even called the koshare thunder dreamers (he is mixing up clown roles by tribe)...........and even hints that weed is "medicine"

sorry but i dont know of a single traditional ndn who will approve of marijuana as "medicine" and "healing"..........most probably wont care if you want to get high....thats YOUR business but please do not hint any of it is in any way traditional medicine *(my opinion)*......must be why they perform at reggae events......lets see them come try that crap out here at a powwow during intermission

basically a bunch of nobodies who like getting high and hearing themselves talk and pretending they are plugged in and connected so they sound like somebodies......what can i say....its california
« Last Edit: November 14, 2013, 10:01:37 pm by milehighsalute »


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« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2014, 06:11:54 pm »
His registered business trade name in Colorado has expired:

Trade name    native dreams
Registrant name    eliase e yenegata
Status    Expired    
Formation Date    01/31/2013
ID number    20131074164
Form    Individual
Renewal month    November    
Expiration Date    02/01/2014
Primary residence or usual place of business street address    aurora, CO 80010, arapahoe, United States

His description of the business was "lakotah style jewelry dreamcatchers"

In public records via

Name:    Eliase E Yenegata
Birth Date:    7 Jun 1979


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« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2014, 09:07:25 pm »
One of Eliase's heritage claims is that he has a Cherokee ancestor named Mary Elizabeth Stone. His claim is garbled, confusing to read, laced with insults to his readers, but I've figured out who I believe he is talking about.

I don't know if Eliase is actually related to this woman. The Mary Elizabeth Stone he is talking about can be found in census, marriage, and death records - she is always listed white. She died 20 Jul 1911 in Tennessee. She was married to Thomas Dorety (his surname spelling varies) in 1851 Montgomery, Tennessee. Thomas also white, his father said to be from Ireland.

Here are some examples of family stories found about her online:

My great grandmothers anglicized name was Mary Elizabeth Stone. As the Trail of Tears was passing close to Clarksville Tennessee Montgomery
County, my great grandfather and a friend approached the tribe to try to get wives. The 2 girls may have been sisters and also the daughters of
a chief or medicine man or tribal elder. Once it was arranged the 2 Irish men one being Tom Dougherty smuggled them back to the
Clarksville-Dotsonville area. I hope to have information soon that might contain Mary's Cherokee name.
Unfortunately because of prejudice, Mary's grandchildren were kept busy any time Mary tried to tell them about her life and family.

Looking for Mary Elizabeth Stone - the rest of the story is Muddled. Census of 1900 indicates that she was born Jan 6 1830 in Kentucky. She
told the census taker that her parents were from Kentucky. The basic story is that Thomas Dougherty(Dority) and a friend rescued Mary Elizabeth, her brother John and another girl from the Trail of Tears the night before. Mary married Thomas and they homesteaded in the Clarksville/Dotsonville area.

Another story has him meeting her in Idle(?) Georgia during the gold strick innorthern Georgia - both stories have her father(ancestor) marrying a Cherokee princess although the Georgia story has her a descendant of Powhatan Pocahontas daughter. the
Georgia story is less plausible but I can't rule it out.

Maybe Eliase grew up hearing these stories. But now that he is an adult he needs to know that romantic Cherokee princess stories are common, and that they are not proof of anything at all.  For his own genealogy he needs to start by gathering records on people living today, then work back step by step, connecting each step with record documentation, at least census.

Eliase writes of a Mary E Stone #10096 on the Dawes Roll (The Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory, 1907). That Mary Stone was 25 years old.  Mary Elizabeth Stone of the romantic Cherokee legends was 77 years old at the time.

Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 357
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2014, 12:49:39 am »
Soltahr Tiv-Amanda
6/17, 8:17am
Soltahr Tiv-Amanda
Thank you so much for this info. He was at a benefit I held in 2012 to get goods to take to PineRidge. Actually, he was rude, and unfriendly to some of the other folks I'd invited, as well as the guests. I decided after that evening to not invite him to anything I was doing, ever again. He has a scarily forceful personality, my radar went off the moment I saw him, as we'd made arrangements via email.
This info comes as no surprise, though it saddens me to know that someone is doing  this, he even told me he had relatives at Pine Ridge! Thank you, and if you see my name associated with him, please know that I am not.
Again, thanks. Soltahr, Tiv-Amanda
Soltahr Tiv-Amanda
6/17, 10:55am
Soltahr Tiv-Amanda
I read a post on one of your links, no one has contacted me about this/him until now. I did not refuse to return calls or anything, again, I didn't know who this man was until he showed up for my benefit. I also admit that the stuff he was selling was really pretty crappy, not at all like the wares I've seen on Pine Ridge. Please, if anyone needs to ask me about him, I'm happy to share what information I have, though all that I read is what he was claiming at my benefit. He also had a number of folks along with him who were pretty disruptive as well. Again, respectfully--thank you for contacting me, I've been sending aid in various forms to Pine Ridge, I would not ever want to be seen as a fake myself. I'm African American, and understand people who try to dupe others.
MileHigh Salute
6/17, 6:40pm
MileHigh Salute
 I will make sure that it is corrected. It was second hand information and some people i had working with me contacted somebody, it is possible they contacted wrong person. Thank you for your response and to clear that up.
Soltahr Tiv-Amanda
Soltahr Tiv-Amanda
Thank you. I have also posted your letter to a website where he is also plaguing the Wiccan community, as well as apparently stalking a woman who bought something overly priced and expensive from him, that fell apart soon after.

Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 357
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2014, 04:31:39 pm »
heres a few of many pics....eliase goes by nativerenigade

Offline milehighsalute

  • Posts: 357
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2016, 09:17:06 pm »
so eliase disappeared for awhile but raing his ugly head again.....his "native dreams" company is now called a&e creations

he is now claiming dave swallow is his grandfather....and trying to come back on vending scene.....not under my watch he wont

Offline educatedindian

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« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2020, 12:17:11 am »
Empty threats from him, both legal and violent, but not credible. First him then my response.

Eliase Graywolf <>

We are going to sue u for slander ......of our work .........we are going to hurt u & your family's when we are done with u u will have nothing left

Amusing, and not remotely believable.

If you wish to make your case and give your side of it, go ahead. We will post anything you send, in full.

u focus on hurting people for no reason  other then to cause  pian & hurt to others  u must not be in in a good way seeing how the red road is to bring others  together  u would know  this if u were  real  natives   witch u are  not.

You seem to have trouble understanding.

How do you respond to the evidence that you are an Ethiopian imposter?

That you claim relatives you don't have and endorsement from Native leaders who never heard of you?

That you threaten critics. Your first message was an obvious threat of violence against us, including against our families. Not that it's credible.

And I'm unsure of what the poor spelling and grammar is supposed to prove besides making it clear English isn't your first language.