Author Topic: Lawrence Agecoutay aka KaNeeKaNeet  (Read 64420 times)

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #30 on: September 11, 2005, 06:21:00 pm »
The above statement would anger Indians and I have to say, i've been hearing it alot lately! ?
Along with the rest of what is there. ? It is fuzzy warm prose. ? It paints a picture that is not real. ?  Wicca is very recent it was created by Gerald Gardener. ? Some would say it is not real ? LOL and I have to agree, much of it is not real because it too is a developing BLEND of other things. ? It certainly has not been "shadowed" by anything its all over the place and it has nothing to do with Druids other than I guess it's just being further blended with that too. ?

I can say that as I'm a crankyWitch - not a Wiccan. ? I have problems with lots of things due to all the blending and lack of people doing it that don't know their history regarding such things. ? Saying that there are so many things in commom with "Native American Practice" and then throwing in Druidsm and Wicca etc... in - is nonsense. ? Indians have nothing to do with
these things the comonalities you say exist only appear that way on the surface. ? It shows again the common thoughts of those who do not understand other people and their ways for if they did, they would respect them. ?

There was another post that bothered me on the board here:
""One thing that had occurred to me maybe you have all not understood about the people who go to these NAFPS is that they have been raised in a culture where people only truly value what they PAY for. ? They are simply not set up culturally to learn by observation and respectful listening to someone who has not formally asked a fee in a workshop or similar setting. ""

So are you saying that because you think people are "culturally" conditioned to only trust what they have paid for that it should then be ok for them to go listen to a Fraud operator give a presentation? ? How would you like to attend an Herb class and later find out the person had no clue what they were teaching? ? What if someone died from having the wrong information given to them? ? What if someone paid to go to a sweat and died? ? It happens, it has happened and it will continue to happen and it is why groups like this
one and others out there exist. ? To inform. ? Activist appear online and in person. ? And of course people

will get miffed over being found out. ? You're cutting into their income. ?  No, we don't need to change, they do.

Is stated: ? "They are simply not set up culturally to learn by observation and
respectful listening to someone who has not formally asked a fee in a workshop or similar setting." ?  

The same person that made the above statement is now taking the ? ""you have all at least motivated me to finally get the Lakota Declaration of War against cultural exploiters out to some of the worst of the plastics around these parts. ? We'll also have a good opportunity to raise this in discussions with locals next year, when the Canadian Residential Schools Survivors group is here."" ?

One thing you will see real quick and you may notice reading other threads here.. ? When you start approaching people regarding Frauds in the community you may get opposition. ? Tou may be attacked. ? You may be verbally accosted, possibly physically accosted by supporters and sometimes spiritually attacked as well depending on the makeup of the group you are encountering. ? You will also possibly be threatened by lawsuits. ?

Usually the person you are initially informing the community about or discussing while doing research on them will come forward, make a general or fru-fru statment, then fade back to the background while they let their supporters do all the speaking for them - and usually women I have noticed. ? I do wish that person luck in going after them just keep in mind that some people don't like being found out and will use many types of tactics to get you to shut up. ?  

I do appreciate the posts on the Moors as it has caused me to start delving into that history.
I am the first to admit that I do not know it all and it is that fact that keeps me surrounded with books and bookmarks. ?

Don't forget to read: ?
Or this one ?

take care.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by AstronomyGal »

Offline vikinglady

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #31 on: September 11, 2005, 08:08:11 pm »

One thing that had occurred to me maybe you have all not understood about the people who go to these NAFPS is that they have been raised in a culture where people only truly value what they PAY for. ? They are simply not set up culturally to learn by observation and respectful listening to someone who has not formally asked a fee in a workshop or similar setting. ?

I think that most of the "people who go to these NAFPS" at some point or other in life have visited a church for some kind of ceremony. And I doubt very much that they didn´t appreciate the ceremony because it was for free. I also doubt that anyone of them taking the Holy Communion thought "Geez, I´ve better put some money in the hand of that priest so that I get a proper blessing!" I am also sure that anyone of them would perfectly well be able to learn by respectful listening to someone who has not asked for a fee.

The cultures we live in *do* value the spirituality and ceremonies they can participate in for free. It happens every day in all religions. The problem is that Native American spiritual beliefs have never had the same dignity as "real religions" or beliefsystems created by non-Natives. If they had, every single person putting up money for a so called Native ceremony would find it strange or even offensive.

People are gullible, yes, some of them. I happen to think that most people have enough sense to wonder what is going on if the priest is standing by the church door demanding an entrance fee. So where does this "common sense" go when a faked medicine man asks for an entrance fee to his "church" - a sweatlodge?

The problem has nothing to do with the way our culture value things that are for free - the problem lies in the way our culture value the right for Indigenous peoples to have the same status as any other people in the world.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #32 on: September 11, 2005, 09:18:44 pm »
Pere Cabra and Willow:

First, PC, is that your real name? Or another one you made up? (For those who don't realize it, it translates roughly as Father Goat. But pere is French and cabra is Spanish. Cabra or cabron is also widely used in Spanish slang as an...interesting word.)

OK, PC, it's the OBOD you're part of, not the UAOD. An oversight on my part, and I'll edit that out so no one else reading my posts gets the wrong ideas about you. Still, as Linda points out, there are lots of problems with the ideas the OBOD pushes. Being a part of them seems like the worst way to help Catalans.

And why the post in Catalan? I don't post in Ndeh, Annika doesn't post in Swedish, even Barnaby takes care to explain English slang that Americans might not understand. It's spam, and it's gone.

That did seem like a step back. Thanks for the invite, but I'm overworked as it is. And I doubt I could do much for Catalans, since I have no power to affect Spanish govt.

"Let me ask you: do you really believes that all things can be told the same way, with the same words..."

Never said that. I (and some others) just pointed out you were imitating what you think is a reel reel super spirchul way that Indians supposedly talk. But you haven't done it, for the most part, since that first post. So don't try to pretend it can't be done.

Oh, I liked the joke about Bush. So I take back what I said about you being humorless.

"nothing hypocritical in pointing out there's a whole heap of great big juicy fraud types that you seem to not be targetting, like the companies behind any of the products of these people.  That's just how I see it, could be an Aussie thing.  we tend to go for the biggest guy lol."

That's not much of an excuse. Like not going after rapists because there are serial killers out there. No reason you can't go after both, except that those with expertise in capturing rapists are better off using that skill on the rapists.

That analogy was deliberate, since many spiritual frauds ARE rapists, and sometimes child molestors, in addition to defrauding huge numbers of their money, in addition to spreading lies, in addition to doing huge spiritual harm, etc, etc.

Perhaps you're fortunate in that your people never had any frauds besides Marlo Morgan spreading falsehoods about your traditions. If you had, you might see that spiritual frauds are the biggest source of falsehoods for American Indians, and that makes all our other problems that much harder to solve.

We have six years of practice in going after frauds, and more than a few successes, such as being used as a reference on more than 300 sites, having EX--Nuagers as members who do an awful lot to help on this issue, and being the target of silly attempts to threaten "libel" lawsuits not much different from your silly talk.

Willow, we've had threats to sue about once a month ever since we started. Without exception, all of them were pure hot air said by people who don't know the law and only want to shut up critics. There is nothing even vaguely libelous in anything we've ever said, and I challenge you to find it. Posting someone's email? Perfectly legal if they put it online themselves. It's only a crime if you urge others to harass them by email with threats.

I'm glad if you're passing along the Declaration to the plastics in your area. I'd be even happier if you'd let us know who they are.

BTW, yall is is said all over the US, including Texas. And horses WERE Native to the Americas. They just got killed off by the Ice Ages.

One more thing: I'm starting a thread on a fraud named Rainbow Eagle whose on his way to Finland, and if any on your board want to join us in writing or phoning, glad to hear it.


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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #33 on: September 12, 2005, 12:16:58 am »
G'Day folks,
I genuinely thank you Al & Linda for your posts.  Yep, I am going to cop it when I get in amongst the problem, but that's nothing new lol.

I tried to get the whole subject up as a feature piece when I was at the local paper, the gubbas in charge just said they could not see there was a story in it...yep...that's part of what you're up against too.

What I need from you folks is ONE person who is here in Australia who I can get quotes from about this who is one of the good guys, i.e, not a NAFPS.  Its not one any of the people I know with the ancestry are up to or qualified to comment on, I'm certainly not.  Because I'm in the AJA tho whatever I write if I do it properly, the union covers me from lawsuits.  Thats however why I have to be careful what I publish about any individual in a public forum like this (or Ghostchild for that matter)

The folks I immediately want to investigate and write about are William TwoFeather (thanks for his contacts as I was looking for those last year to go gettim) -- can you tell me more about him? email it please to, or details about anyone else.  That way you can be as frank as you like.
* The Sanyassins/Osho (appropriating elements of Native Culture for a nasty fusion and also pretend to be greenies, major economic force in Byron Bay)
* Byron Essences
* Grandmother Windhawk
* Covens in Armidale (very nasty fusion of sex drugs and black magik, claiming to be Celtic, appropriates elements of "native" cultures -- I've gone face-to-face with this mob again and again.)
* The Dreamcatcher industry and shops retailing them -- you know I've always thought the ones that are for hanging on rear-view mirrors are particularly silly, after all, you aint supposed to be asleep and dreaming when you are driving.

If anyone has a reputable contact for matters relating to Wicca, that would be good.  I have stayed right out of that loop since tackling the Armidale mob directly a few years back.  Anyone tells you a coven can actually kill you with ritual magik is giving them too much power, but they will make life very unpleasant.  things like break into the house and leave blood spatters on stuff etc.  nice.

Oh and re that Lakota posting, perhaps what you missed is I was trying to say very gently, that he should not steal that native artists work, and tried to take it right back to the basic idea which is shared by many peoples (not just the Lakota) of how to make something in a sacred manner based on your own inner creativity.  Bundjalung use smudging (called smoking tho, which is confusing for readers so I use smudging when speaking to a North American as they know what it means then) with green eucalyptus leaves etc (you'll notice I did not specify a herb mix),  my (Metis) mother taught me the four directions stuff.  The Celts had the four elemental kingdoms too, and I was not aware that it would be wrong to tell someone how to make their own bracelet in a sacred manner based on this simple knowledge I was raised to believe is the common birthright of all peoples.  so I am sorry, I acted with good intentions.

Oh yeah, and there IS a huge issue with appropriation of Aboriginal culture. for one, how many gals have you seen playing didjeridu??  and how about dot painting?  and the fact almost all the big galleries are owned by gubbas? Oh yes, and then there's the ongoing destruction of all the sacred sites, from Kakadu to Timbarra.  Read at Jinta, you'll see.

There is also a big issue with fake fuax greenies.  If it walks like a duck, but smells and laughs like a hyena, it's probably not a duck.
Cheers y'all


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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2005, 05:13:02 am »
Well this is all certainly exciting, isn't it?!?

Perhaps I misread a recent comment regarding getting others to fight "my battles," but I need no one to speak on my behalf. And about Women coming forward to speak? Are you actually suggesting Women should not speak their opinions? Because, again, what you're alluding to is a convenient fantasy on your part to label Moon and myself.

EducatedIndian, no actually I didn't read those links, Moorish Science doesn't matter to me, nor any of this celtic, gaelic,wiccan, etc., etc. stuff.  All Religion is Archaic and redundant in my eyes.

What I think you're missing is the moor unity site has nothing to do with Moorish Science.  I actually know very little about the Moors, what I do know is the person that runs that forum has a good heart, is non-violent, respectful, and open to learning.

Once again about the names... I have nothing to do with giving people those names. As for my name, it's not a name I chose for myself, as I said; and I never would've chose a Haudenosaunee name for myself, noting that I do have Haudenosaunee blood in me. You can call me this Christian Name all you want, but I'm not even Christian. LOL

... for the most part your words have not been constructive, your second post was for the most part, but your personal comments are cruel and petty, particularly to someone who is hormone imbalanced. Communication is communication honey, regardless of the venue, and if you were standing here talking like this to me I'd respond just as I have. If I take something personally, if I get defensive, that's my problem. Don't forget you're doing the same thing.

If you weren't being so heartless, if you were being consistently constructive in a positive way, I would not perceive your words as "an attack," but so much of your dialogue is negative. I don't have any problem with your message or your concerns, it's how you're expressing it, and it's your intent, and that is also why I'm on the defensive.

About the High Treason, do you know what High treason is?  it means an attempt or the act of undermining the Sovereign. Consider for a moment, that in fact Kaneekaneet is who he says he is. If he is, then this would be an act of High Treason, especially because it is legal for Indigenous People to grow and trade or sell this plant or any other. If he's not who he says he is, then coup on me and coup on Moon. Personally, I don't care if he is who he says he is or not, I know where I stand, and it is not beside any leadership; inherent or otherwise. I am a Two Spirit, a Sumogett in the making, my place is beside the Women and Children.

If franzone is Ghostwolf, we have talked about him before, and we have also talked many times about our position (Moon and myself) about anyone who would abuse, manipulate, or exploit any person, or Sovereign People. It is unacceptable, and is no different than a gov't exploiting a People, or how the English language is so wrought with non-english. But I would think that People would atleast be given the chance to take responsibility for their actions without having people snapping and spitting and threatening and taunting them, like what you all are doing here. I'd say shame on you all but that's Christian too.

As far as disclaimers go, I had written something yesterday, but it was in anger, so I'll redo it in a couple days.

As for DreamWalkerAwake, I don't judge People based on their affiliations, maybe he hasn't found a better group to talk about Druids??? I certainly won't write someone off because of another person's opinion, speculation, or "catch of the day for the pack."  I make informed decisions based on knowledge and Experience.

Lastly, Saq Be: not that I need to justify my choices, but I linked to them based on their MS, and that it says there that Mayan Elders requested such a forum exist. the Mayans are blood-related to the Haudenosaunee (Or Iroquois, Six Nations), and that to me is something important. If I learn the place is crap then it'll come down.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #35 on: September 12, 2005, 12:29:10 pm »
Oh and re that Lakota posting, perhaps what you missed is I was trying to say very gently, that he should not steal that native artists work, and tried to take it right back to the basic idea which is shared by many peoples (not just the Lakota) of how to make something in a sacred manner based on your own inner creativity.

'Inner creativity', in the sense you used, is a completely modern, Western, Romantic concept. See Lionel Trilling's Sincerity and Authenticity.

Bundjalung use smudging (called smoking tho, which is confusing for readers so I use smudging when speaking to a North American as they know what it means then)...

See, that's exactly the problem. You don't know what it means yourself, unless you've lived in a Bundjalung community for a long time. There was absolutely no way the random hippie you decided to advise was going to understand it. Taking one practice out of context, calling it something different, saying it's essentially the same based on superficial similarities: hey, presto! What's 'theirs' becomes 'mine' because it 'feels right'. That's what twinkies do and it's an insult to the people you profess to respect.

The Celts had the four elemental kingdoms too

Forget everything you've learned about 'Celts' from neo-pagan sources. It's romantic tosh at best. Forget that 'it's all the same at the core' idea too. It's also a modern, Western concept derived from the non-scholarship of Jung and Eliade. You've used it in exactly the way that twinkies do: to legitimise your appropriation of other people's practices. If it walks like a duck...
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #36 on: September 12, 2005, 01:26:31 pm »
... for the most part your words have not been constructive, your second post was for the most part, but your personal comments are cruel and petty, particularly to someone who is hormone imbalanced.

OMG! Like a grumpy teenager, you mean? You're certainly acting like one.

I make informed decisions based on knowledge and Experience.

As you say yourself, you don't have much life-experience[/b], so please listen to Al and the many others here who have vastly more experience than you in the field of fake Indians. Al's trying to help you: if you knew anything about Indian communities you'd know that mockery is a way of letting people know they're doing something wrong. He did explain that.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #37 on: September 12, 2005, 01:35:30 pm »
'Dreamwalkerawake' recently posted this on the forum:[/url]

They are, in the words of their own ancestors, the redskinned wasichu.
They are those that, being anybody, prehave to be it putting on brilliant titles. And excluding. They are convinced that the a spirituality of the Indian Nations - if this really exists - is something that is already possessed for having been born where they have been born. This is true Ignorance. Then they, not possessing it at all, are afraid of those whoe they fear because they imagine that want to stole it.
But nobody can stole them what they did not possess.
I wonder that their mixed blood is betraying them. They perform like the wasichu. I know many. They have attempted for me to take the life and the culture of our people many times. In fact, they are the pressing finger in the trigger of the hotchkiss in Wounded Knee.

Talk about spitting the dummy (ie having a childish tantrum)! What a poisonous racist lunatic.

Offline kgirl_7

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #38 on: September 12, 2005, 02:34:44 pm »
'Dreamwalkerawake' recently posted this on the forum:[/url]

Talk about spitting the dummy (ie having a childish tantrum)! What a poisonous racist lunatic.

Wow. Did you really say that DreamWalkerAwake? Wanna explain?

Offline Scott Brainard

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #39 on: September 12, 2005, 03:02:09 pm »
"They are convinced that the a spirituality of the Indian Nations - if this really exists - is something that is already possessed for having been born where they have been born. This is true Ignorance."

*If* "it" exists?  




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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #40 on: September 12, 2005, 05:00:11 pm »
I'm proud to see that you have had a deep work of investigation about me. Well, something in what I said is knocking at your door?
If you had really investigated, you will had reached the site, and going to the page "authors" you should find my name (Pere Cabra). So, educated, I hope this will answer your question. You can rest.
It's very interesting to look carefully to the authors list.... you'll find one of you: Standig Eagle, yes. The one that A.I.M. itself calls a fraud. And it really is, as I said to the publishers. They meet in the publishers office for a week - all payed - and wrote the book in a week! hahahahahaha!!!! If this is not a fraud, let me say it!
This is what you need to persecute!

About OBOD, the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, those people that believes in all that Mr.Philp Carr-Goom says: I forgot I was - and probably I am - a member of the forum. Yes, two years ago, a publishing company contacted me to ?  ?  ?  ?  entrusting me a work: the translation to catalan and spanish of the "book of teachings" of a druid society in england. This society was OBOD. Not knowing who they were I was initially convinved.
My grandmother and my mother grandmother and my granmother grandmother had been recognized witches, and so it was my father grandmother and, for me, it was a question of honor my elders.
In Catalonia we have an ancient tradition of witches and wizards, and our spoken tales are plenty of it. Although the roman empire and the catholic church has persecuted it. Nevertheless, it is our true inheritance.
Not knowing who OBOD was I accepted the work of tranlation.
Philip Carr-Gomm himself contacted me by internet and sent me all (or quite all) their published texts so I could start to translate.
And I did it. I did the first chapter, I did the second chapter, I did the third chapter... and I did not did the fourth chapter.
After a discussion with the publishers, I sent a very polite letter to OBOD asking them to search another person to do the job.
The reasons I argued were:
1.- What OBOD explains is a misunderstanding of the true wisdom of the witches, wizards and druids as I have received from my elders.
2.- I did not agree with the opinion that all the druidic wisdom was inherited in the british land and that their were the only inheritants.
3.- I did not agree with their melting pot of knowledge from around the world: egyptian, gnostic, greek, maniquean,... and tibethan, buddhist, shintoist... and also native amreican, off course.
4.-I did not agree with their intent to convert historical sacred sites - as Stonehenge, for instance - in their own creations and, them, in their true only inheritors.
5.- I did not agree with the masquerade they converted the druidic ceremonies.
6.- I did not agree with their interest in the liturgy and the ritual and the obedience to the forms, to the protocols and to the hierarchies.

During the few months I did the work I tried to share at their forum, although - being not british - I found a so respectful welcome as I have had here.
I tried to post there and to share my opinion to what - since my point of view - was a misunderstanding of important facts, as those related with gnosticism and the Jesus Christ life. Although, it seems that there are allways people that likes to shoot others and that are ready to crucify them if they are not "on the rule".

After all, I left the forum (investigators, tell me if my amendments to them are still posted.. or if they have erased- as you did - what I have posted there). I still have not received an agreement for the three first translated chapters.

What moreeee......mmmm.. don't remember if I have posted in any other site.... mmmm, yeah! are you interested in ? gender disphoria??? I have shared too at the society.... let me think..... mmm. Don't remember more. Oh! yeah! there are some paintings done mby me to sell at: ...If you find something else, please let me know.

(note to educated: Pere is not french, nor spanish, nor italian, nor english... but catalan... the correct translation is Peter. Cabra is a catalan surname than means Cappra, yes. The name is too a gift from my grandmother and it is to honor her that I'm named like this... it means, if you want, "The cappra that goes upside the mountain", and has a symbolical meaning because I was born in january 6, so I'm capricorn, and capricorn of ascendence, and being born the six, it means the mountain.).
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by educatedindian »

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #41 on: September 12, 2005, 10:18:51 pm »
Thanks Barnaby, I see what he's offering me, and I'm learning from it.

Thank Al, not me.

Willow Aliento

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #42 on: September 12, 2005, 10:28:33 pm »
One of the big nasties you want who are pushing fusion Nuage wankery around the country here are DMG Media international (Australia) Pty Ltd.  They run the Mind-Body_Spirit_Festival franchise -- a big event in Sydney and a big event in Melbourne every year, plus side events at bangalow, Gold Coast and other places sometimes.

The two Native folks who get in the media regularly for being at these events are William Two Feather, and a woman called "Awahoshi Kavan", who claims to be Cherokee-Slovakian, and is based in Italy where she runs a healing centre.  her thing is tuned crystal bowls (healing through sounds), and she sings in what a journalist in Melbourne said she claimed was was Cherokee.

I have sent an email to the Mind Body Spirit Festival head office in Sydney, asking if they are going to have any Native American teachers or crafts at Sydney for this year's (November), as there is information from the Elders of the Nations which they need to hear if they are having that element present.

In my research, it turns out that the Native American element is one of the things that routinely gets mentioned in media reports of these events.  I can explain this, having been assigned to cover the bangalow one a couple of years back when I was on-staff at the local paper.  The reason is they are one of the few healers there who makes any kind of (relative) sense and it is possible to take even remotely seriously.  There is something sad about those things, which are not festivals, but trade fairs, full of stuff a journalist cannot by nature take too seriously like the crystal singing bowls stuff.  But I was so peeved by what William had at his stall, I didn't speak with him and he didn't get a mention at all in my piece, instead I gave the guernsey to a woman "chanelling" drawings of gullible folks "guardian spirits for $30 a throw ($40 US).  Anyway, I will let you know how I get on, with the Oz MBS, but it would be good if one of the UK members could see if the British franchise is also DMG World Media.  I expect it is.

About William, I have emailed the Mescalero Apache for guidance from the Tribal Council on how to approach it.  That's just how its done under the Tribe Law here.  I'm sure you'll all appreciate that it is respect which makes me hesitant to act on mere say-so, without speaking with the Tribal elders first.

Cheers folks

Offline educatedindian

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Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #43 on: September 12, 2005, 10:33:04 pm »
A final few things for you, John:

"All Religion is Archaic and redundant in my eyes."

Talk about spitting on your ancestors! ?

"What I think you're missing is the moor unity site has nothing to do with Moorish Science. ? I actually know very little about the Moors"

What I think you're missing is the obvious: "Moorish Science" is far better known in the US (and probably Canada. Sorry, but your "fictitious country" arguments doesn't change the reality one bit.) So as long as you have the site, most will probablu mistake one for the other. And I'm sure the MS racist nuts will try to use your site as proof of the spread of "their" people, if they haven't already. ?

"As for my name, it's not a name I chose for myself, as I said"

Actually you explictly said you DID give the name to yourself. Very disrespectful.

"... for the most part your words have not been constructive, your second post was for the most part, but your personal comments are cruel and petty, particularly to someone who is hormone imbalanced."

You MUST be joking.

By your crackpot claim, I can't speak honestly to women at certain times of their cycle.

"Communication is communication honey"

What? Is that a typo? "Communication honey"?

As opposed to "hand signal molasses"? Or "eye contact karo syrup"?

Sounds messy...

"Don't forget you're doing the same thing."

LOL! Actually I'm not taking any of this personally, which is what really ticks you off, doesn't it?

"If you weren't being so heartless"

Is this where the violins start playing? Shouldn't there be telethon numbers flashing on the screen?

Once again, get it through your oh-so-ultransensitive head:

If you can't handle the mild teasing that is typical of Indian Humor (you do understand what that is, right? You do know Indians and not just Nuagers, right?), then how do you expect anyone to take you seriously as a proponent of Native sovereignty?

Like it or not, your self description and your co founder's silly photo will be endlessly mocked as proof that Natives don't deserve self rule, along with Agecourtay's silly claims.

"About the High Treason, do you know what High treason is? ? it means an attempt or the act of undermining the Sovereign."

Hey John, Agecourtay is NOT a king or an emperor. Neither is any other Native chief.

Read some history. PLEASE. And not just obscure and useless arguments like "Canada is a legal fiction."

Native chiefs and other leaders become leaders by ***following their people's wishes.***

Unlike European kings and emperors, they don't seek out power, demand total control, hold themselves aboive the law, or insist their people follow them like sheep, etc.

Native nations are (or should be) sovereign. But not Native leaders. It was Louis the 14th who said "I am the state", not Louis Riel.

"Personally, I don't care if he is who he says he is or not, I know where I stand,"

Reread your own sentence. The first clause completely contradicts the second.

"and it is not beside any leadership; inherent or otherwise."

Then why promote him as an alleged chief?

"I am a Two Spirit,"

Sorry, but you are NOT. Two spirits are SPIRITUAL leaders, and you proclaimed your people's faith as "archaic". I realize some gays (including some Native gays) mistakenly think two spirit=gay, but it doesn't. It can be, but it doesn't have to. Many two spirits are gay, but most Native gays are not two spirits. Is that clear? You should know what you're talking about, above all of the sake of your own causes.

"As far as disclaimers go, I had written something yesterday, but it was in anger, so I'll redo it in a couple days."

That's decent of you, to admit your mistakes. ?

"Lastly, Saq says there that Mayan Elders requested such a forum exist."

Could be, but Saq Be has no Mayan elders on it. Just a white guy pretending to be a Mayan elder.

"If I learn the place is crap then it'll come down."

Good to hear. So just to let you know how it's crap:
Saq Be is basically Carlos Barrios, a white Guatemalan posing as a Mayan elder, and a couple naive white guys in New Mexico who've fallen for him. For all their noble sounding proclamations of what they plan to do for Mayans, there's no sign of any of it happening. All that's happened is that Barrios tours the US selling faux ceremonies.


  • Guest
Re: KaNeeKaNeet: Anishinabe Chief?
« Reply #44 on: September 13, 2005, 07:45:48 am »
There is something sad about those things, which are not festivals, but trade fairs,

Yes Willow, you're right...
In Catalonia we usually have the visitations of a french  lakhota singer that's been born in Lyon. Don't remember now his name... but I'll ask for it.
There's some years ago, a friend of mine was "invited" to visit a TeePee camp in the forest near Girona, to the north of Catalonia. He related me that the TeePee had a ground of tropical wood !!!??? and that  pipes of heating were under the ground of wood...!!!???  and that there was an "occult" cavern under a pool... the door was a  waterfall ... and that the waterfall could be stopped with a command at a distance... you passed under  the waterfall and you accessed in the cavern...        hahahahahahahhhhh.... inside the cavern there were tibethan paintings in the walls, egyptian paintings, Scandinavian runes on the floor, Celtic symbology... also there were rooms of massage, sauna...  hahahahahahhhh...
Fortunatelly, the TeePee camp did not suceed and now they do not exist.