Author Topic: Grandmother Dawn Sky Weaver also known as Rev. Marian D. Hartsfield  (Read 5514 times)

Offline Pono Aloha

  • Posts: 141
Grandmother Dawn Sky Weaver also known as Rev. Marian D. Hartsfield, DRS and as Kuia Atarangi Tui Tuia/Kuia, Grandmother of the Nation of Waitaha, had served on many organizations NCNW, AIDS Coalition are two, as a steward in many communities and of Mother Earth over the past 60 plus years. Her indigenous American ancestry is Cherokee and Blackfoot. She recently learned that one of her ancestors may have been on the Choctaw rolls. She is of mixed blood African, Native American
and Irish.

Anyone know anything bout her? She is coming to Hawai'i.

Re: Grandmother Dawn Sky Weaver also known as Rev. Marian D. Hartsfield
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2012, 07:30:07 am »
I could have sworn there was a thread started on this person by Sky, but I cannot find it now.
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Offline Pono Aloha

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Re: Grandmother Dawn Sky Weaver also known as Rev. Marian D. Hartsfield
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2012, 07:31:34 am »
She is one of the 13 grandmothers, but I'm not sure if that is the original grandmothers or some offshoot.

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Re: Grandmother Dawn Sky Weaver also known as Rev. Marian D. Hartsfield
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2012, 04:06:36 pm »
Hartsfeld may or may not have ancestry, but her ideas seem lots of vauge thrown together pan NDN or Nuage stuff.

Seems to be in contact with or friends of Zephier AKA Golden Eagle and the UFO and 2012 nonsense.

Selling masks she claims were blessed in ceremony.

Beyond that, mostly travels to meet who she claims are elders. I don't see any other ceremony selling, but someone must be paying for all the travel.

Until it failed recently, she ran a company called Beyond All Limits.

She claims to be of the Waitaha Nation. This is some very recent pseudo science about a supposed Chinese migration to NewZealand before the Maoris. Obviously this claim is designed to undercut the Maori, but there's no evidence for it at all.

And I notice that someone else claims recognition by supposed Waitaha, Keisha Crowther.

In 1995 a book by Barry Brailsford, Song of Waitaha: The Histories of a Nation, claimed that the ancestors of the "Nation of Waitaha" were the first remembered inhabitants of New Zealand, three groups of people of different races, two of light complexion and one of dark complexion, who had arrived in New Zealand from an unspecified location in the Pacific, 67 generations before the book was written. The book was written at the request of the Waitaha people and was a recording of their oral legends and stories, including the aboriginal people they met on arrival in New Zealand, and their eventual downfall after invasion by North Island Maori. The subject matter in this book has been very controversial and the subject of massive political and tribal debate in New Zealand. Many deny that Waitaha ever existed.

Although a series of further books, web sites and events have been based around these claims, they have been widely disputed and dismissed by conventional scholars. Historian Michael King noted: "There was not a skerrick of evidence – linguistic, artifactual, genetic; no datable carbon or pollen remains, nothing – that the story had any basis in fact. Which would make Waitaha the first people on earth to live in a country for several millennia and leave no trace of their occupation."[2] This broad statement runs counter to the oral history of those who claim descent from Waitaha, but represents clearly the established political position on the subject of archaic Maori tribes who are said to predate the main migration of Maori from Hawaiiki, normally dated around 1000 years ago.

Offline Pono Aloha

  • Posts: 141
Re: Grandmother Dawn Sky Weaver also known as Rev. Marian D. Hartsfield
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2012, 10:25:41 pm »
She is not one of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers