Author Topic: Mark Robert Lumaye AKA Shaman Swadwa AKA Gothi Thorbjorn (Central Oregon Coast)  (Read 47127 times)

Offline catbus

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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2012, 01:47:32 am »
[Shadow of Man's] response to someone asking for more direct info:

Please understand, Terry, that this is not about enticing people towards investigating the society nor is this cheap bait to recruit support. I have taken particular measure so it is difficult to contact me directly in the past; circles of assumed names and temporary email accounts.

But there is enticement there. It is deliberate. What I am saying, in so many words and complex meanderings, is that there is a truth in motion. An undercurrent to what society is familiar with. It is there, it is functioning, and it is potentially dangerous. We are equally at risk, should I begin speaking the particulars and should you begin learning them. Such is the unseen light, such is the unspoken lore.

And the message is this. I could tell you. But it is much more important that you find out for yourself. And that, you can find out for yourself.

I dangle the carrot, not so that you might bite at my hand... but that you might be motivated to find the garden yourself.

Lol, that entire quote has "ESOTERIC" stamped all over it. If I didn't know better I would have assumed such a quote was from some newage guru playing the stereotypical and condescending "enlightened/ascended master" act...
« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 01:58:04 am by catbus »


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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2012, 03:02:48 am »
Here is photo of Rachel Hayward - in this bio she doesn't mention Swadwa as she does here (She lists The Education of Little Tree as a favorite book.)

She also founded a shamanic sound healing troupe named Shemaya.
Another member of that group:

Swadwa sounds like someone to stay clear of. Wonder where he'll emerge next, I'll help keep an eye out.

Personally, I think his "I dangle the carrot, not so that you might bite at my hand... " etc. is a lot of b.s. :)

Offline catbus

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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2012, 04:08:00 am »
She lists The Education of Little Tree as a favorite book.

Listing that book as a favorite is an immediate 'clueless new ager' red flag. A book written by a liar, a fake-indian who wrote about his fictional childhood and his fictional cherokee grandmother, based on romanticized stereotypes.

Swadwa sounds like someone to stay clear of. Wonder where he'll emerge next, I'll help keep an eye out.

Personally, I think his "I dangle the carrot, not so that you might bite at my hand... " etc. is a lot of b.s. :)

After that quote, I tend to agree. The whole paragraph is quite a condescending, ego-driven, and arrogantly 'esoteric' response to someone's inquiry about his organization. I kinda get the impression this figure doesn't want to be contacted or to give direct information because he will have to be more upfront about what he is about, and consequently, would make him and his practice less 'mysterious'...

Offline catbus

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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2012, 06:16:54 am »
I found a video that he made. It is called Etaminua...

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2012, 02:22:18 pm »
Swadwa says:   
November 5, 2008 at 5:48 pm   

[...] I am an Etaminua, a traditionally apprenticed Tsinuk Indian shaman, and I often wonder why these South American ???traditional shamans??? make such dubious deals with these ???shamanic vacation tour guides???. I guess the first thing we teach aboriginals is capitalism.

Emphasis added by me

That last phrase suggests very strongly that he is white.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 08:07:40 pm by Ingeborg »


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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2012, 02:54:17 pm »
Relationship Status:

I Think This Will Happen in 2012...
    The Veil Will Fall


    Between Planes

:) I'll dig around more in the Shadow of Man 2012 forum postings later today, he does strike an arrogant, condescending, "I know something you don't" tone in most of it.

Is there a way to grab a copy of that video? Since he seems to disappear web stuff often. Ingeborg your catch on "I guess the first thing we teach aboriginals is capitalism." is brilliant!

Offline catbus

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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2012, 04:59:19 pm »
Swadwa says:   
November 5, 2008 at 5:48 pm   

[...] I am an Etaminua, a traditionally apprenticed Tsinuk Indian shaman, and I often wonder why these South American ???traditional shamans??? make such dubious deals with these ???shamanic vacation tour guides???. I guess the first thing we teach aboriginals is capitalism.

Emphasis added by me

That last phrase suggests very strongly that he is white.

Yes, I think he is basically white. The fact that at one point he was involved in Chinook Nation tells me he probably does have some Chinook ancestry; Chinook Nation has no 'blood quantum', they simply require that you prove you have a Chinook ancestor from one of the census. As I explained, the tribal nations out here were hit by the small pox plague harder than anywhere else; and fullbloods are kind of rare in this region.
'Blood quantum' is an aspect of cultural politics I prefer to not to argue about. It gets controversial and distracting sometimes.
However, it does seem quite problematic that 'Swadwa' is posing as some ultra-traditionalist and even calls himself an "Elder", despite the fact that he has parted with the tribe and only represents a reconstructed idea of an etaminua. I believe one should be raised in the culture and designated an elder and spokesperson by their own tribe, if they are claiming to be a traditional Elder, spokesperson of that culture, etc, etc. Otherwise it is really just disrespectful, arrogant, and misrepresentation. So he is chief/elder of his 'clan', but has severed connection to his tribe, but the average person is just going to think he is a Chinook elder when he states he is "traditionally-apprenticed Chinook Shaman, elder/chief of the canoe clan". Some of his posts only say "Elder" and even leave the canoe clan part out. These are misleading claims, all made in attempt to give him 'credibility' and draw him clients, patients, students, etc.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 12:00:06 pm by catbus »

Offline catbus

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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2012, 08:03:09 pm »

Haven't been able to find any archives of his past Weebly blog, would like to read this essay he had up in the past:

The Time of the Cleansing By Etaminúa Swadwa We are in what is called “The Time of the Cleansing”, or as the Sioux call it, “The Great Purification”.

I found it and will post it below. It appears he is really trying to establish himself or views himself as an elitist visionary, one of the great shamans who will supposedly be able to save the world, and also a prophet who sees the future. This guy seems very delusional to say the least...

Swadwa wrote:

We are in what is called “The Time of the Cleansing”, or as the Sioux call it, “The Great Purification”. The earth exists in cycles. At the end of each cycle is a period of cleansing, re-alignment or balance, not only for the planet, but for all life upon it as well. Each cleansing is a lengthy period of earth changes. Historically, we are aware of a number of periods of significant earth changes filled with great disasters. We will see a great deal more of these “earth changes” as the current cleansing continues, including but not limited to weather and weather-related disasters such as floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and unusual weather, and also disasters such as earthquakes, tidal waves, plagues, and droughts. These things will happen not only in areas where you would expect them to occur, but also in unexpected areas.

The earth changes prophesied in the current cleansing are a series of earthquakes, floods, and great storms - many disastrous events. Along with the Earth Mother's changes, all that lives upon the earth will also experience changes, including man. There will be disease and mutations, many of which will be caused by man's own tampering. We will also see increased acts of terrorism and armed conflicts throughout the world - as the saying goes: we are all connected. Much of this has been predicted from many sources for many years – paranormal as well as scientific.

These events will not happen all at once, in one disastrous day of destruction. It will happen over the course of years. It has already begun and will continue until between 2012 and 2027. The length and severity will depend upon us – how we react and respond to these events. The one thing that must be realized here is that the Earth has energy and intelligence. She is our Earth Mother. Mankind has done a great deal of damage to her, and we need to make amends for this as well.

The physical plane is not the only realm to be affected – the “thin veil”, as it is commonly known, between the physical world and the spiritual world will tear wide open, and there will be more spiritual activity during the remainder of the cleansing than there has been in the last few hundred years or so. This activity will not only cause hauntings to become more numerous and hostile, but there will be far more cases of bonafide possessions and demonic activity.

This is a time when shamans, spirit warriors, and other people who are knowledgeable in handling spirit will be of utmost importance. Be wary of psychics who can see spirit but do not have the knowledge or training on handling spirit, as often their attempts to perform exorcisms have little or no effect – or worse, have the opposite effect by actually strengthening the invading entity’s connection.

The Lxuiná? of Chinook Indian mythology are a supernatural race from the shadowlands. They are known by many Pacific Northwest tribes to torment mortals from time to time by using their supernatural prowess. They most often arrive in the world of man by way of a fog that moves in from over the water. However, my Chinook ancestors are the only ones I know of who took the battle to them by way of a Chinook war party entering the shadowlands to rescue the abducted sister of a young Chinook chief. This was when my Chinook ancestors discovered that the Lxuiná? are deceitful and will cheat and lie to gain what it is they desire.

In a vision, I have seen these shadowlanders coming during this cleansing, creating a great deal of havoc and bringing chaos. Defeating them will take skilled shamans and spirit warriors, which there are very few of. The battles with them will be sporadic, depending on their limitations of when and where they can appear.

According to the legends, these beings have many supernatural powers including controlling the environment, mental and spiritual influence, and even inhabiting the bodies of the dead. They will be here to bring chaos, and the greater the number that arrive, the greater the chaos that will result. However, their power is limited to the darkness of night, for they lose all their strength with the arrival of Grandfather Sun.

My experience with them has taught me that anything is possible where they are concerned, as with many demonic forces, and that shamanic and spiritual warfare will be the best defense against them. And, from what I have learned, they may be the same race as the Fomorians of Celtic Mythology.

Being an Etaminua (Chinook Shaman) I have foreseen that entire process of the cleansing, including that the severity and length will depend on how soon and how well we respond and make all the right changes that will help us prevent some of the hazards, for this, as with any cleansing, can be the end as we know it. All life living here is depending on what we do to minimize the events. With this information you can see how shamans and spirit warriors will be of significant value in the upcoming years.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 08:06:12 pm by catbus »

Offline catbus

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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2012, 08:21:43 pm »
Considering the nature of his writings quoted in this thread, and also his work in forming various organizations, I wouldn't be surprised if we will be hearing more about mr. 'Swadwa', his apprentices, and/or his white following, in the near future here in the Pacific Northwest...


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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2012, 10:59:01 pm » (I was not signed into Facebook when I found the following)

Activities and Interests
Native American, Chinook Indian Nation, Native American Times, Shamanism, Yes I am Native American and no I don't live in a teepee, Big Mountain Coffee House Roastery, The Oregon Paranormal Society, Hauntings / Haunted Places, Most Haunted Live, R.J.'s Worlds

Photo here is like the other one we've seen, highly altered.

How did I find him? Found this:

Robert LuMaye
Watching another one of these damn paranormal television shows and the people experiencing the haunting, contact a paranormal investigation group and again end up with trying to live with the haunting activity. Its time that these people contact those who can actually resolve the haunting like Shaman Swadwa – someone with over twenty years experience in resolving such things -
Oct 20, 2011

Pen names R.J. LuMaye and M. Robert LuMaye

Shaman of the Northlands

A brand new series of shaman stories involving a Scandinavian shaman named Bjorn

The Shaman Adventures is by far my favorite stories, for they are based on the myth stories of my Native American ancestry. With this in mind, I hope you, the reader, can see the passion I feel for these stories, as I believe in our mythology. – R.J. LuMaye
« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 11:59:48 pm by Epiphany »


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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2012, 12:15:31 am »
In 2000 in Pacific County, WA Mark Robert Lumaye changed his name legally to Spirit Cougar

Offline catbus

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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2012, 12:35:07 am »
In 2000 in Pacific County, WA Mark Robert Lumaye changed his name legally to Spirit Cougar

Yep, Robert Lumaye is (or was?) 'Swadwa'.

So much for staying so 'mysterious'.
Also, he probably heavily alters his photos like that to maintain a sense of 'mystery', plus swirly colors and whatnot perhaps go well with the whole pseudo-mystic new age hippy vibe. The last chapter of 'The Shaman Adventures' is 'Lady Mystic', with a very scantily-clad lady on the cover. I wonder if 'Lady Mystic' is loosely based on fantasies of his apprentice, lol...
« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 12:37:55 am by catbus »


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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2012, 12:47:43 am »

A now inactive company out of Lincoln City, Oregon called Two Shamans, with Spirit Cougar and Silver Fox

Offline catbus

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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2012, 12:54:24 am »

A now inactive company out of Lincoln City, Oregon called Two Shamans, with Spirit Cougar and Silver Fox

Lol, 'Cougars' and 'Silver Foxes'. The saying is that Cougars are older women who target younger men, and Silver foxes are the older men who target younger women.

Look out single young people! Two Shamans are on the prowl! lol...
« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 12:56:02 am by catbus »

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Shaman 'Swadwa' (Central Oregon Coast)
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2012, 01:04:15 am »

Very well done, Epiphany - congrats!

Could this be our tom-cat on the prowl, too?

Mark R Lumaye was born in 1964. Mark currently lives in Creswell, Oregon. Before that, Mark lived in Long Beach, WA from 1999 to 2003. Before that, Mark lived in Long Beach, WA from 1998 to 1998.