Author Topic: Stuart Wilde  (Read 16570 times)

Offline truthbeknown

  • Posts: 6
Stuart Wilde
« on: June 07, 2012, 06:20:01 pm »

I'm pretty sure, that Stuart Wilde ( is a fraud. he charges a lot of money for seminars and gadgets like stones and garlic oil, which he "encoded" with special frequencies.

there are several sites, where people post their very bad experience with this person.

he's currently promoting a las vegas gig where he again promises to do healings, which don't work. I was at a supposed healing once and nothing happened, he whistles some tunes and held his hand on our chests, that's it. later he didn't want to talk to or see anybody. he seemed glad, the job was done and the money in the bank.

please share your experiences and discuss this fraud.

thank you,

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Stuart Wilde
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2012, 09:49:11 pm »

Offline truthbeknown

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Re: Stuart Wilde
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2012, 11:26:25 pm »
SW now claims to have the "Christ Codes" and healing hands. he seemingly does his healings for free. but he does them conveniently where he likes to hang out anyway. if he's a hands on healer, he should try africa or india. but that doesn't seem to net him gullible souls who might attend his overpriced seminars.

he was recently on coasttocoast and was ducking the question about his false predictions. like this one he did live on Friday 5th November 2004:

Today Stuart Wilde appeared on Coast to Coast with George Noory. He was alarmed because he had a recurring vision of a huge earthquake that would happen off the coast of Seattle the next day 6th November. Before he told of his vision he stated that he had already had 30,000 other visions, 200 of which he had documented on his website, and when asked how accurate he was he replied his visions were 100% correct.

Well of course the next day nothing happened in Seattle.

or this one:

In an article called "Jolly interesting times", SW wrote:

The Brits are spending billions on the Olympic games in London in 2012, which is very sad, as the games will be cancelled in the summer of 2010, so it’s load of smakeroolies down the drain.

the Olympic games didn't get cancelled.

how about these ones?

He predicted a big earthquake in L.A. in 2009.
He predicted a huge pandemic in 2010.
He predicted, "planes would fall out of the sky" in 2011.

major fraud.

Re: Stuart Wilde
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2012, 12:17:09 am »
Before he told of his vision he stated that he had already had 30,000 other visions, 200 of which he had documented on his website, and when asked how accurate he was he replied his visions were 100% correct.

30,000 ? 

I'd like to know how he kept count of them..  4 little marks and a slash through for the 5th?
And they're all 100% accurate? 30,000?

I left my house today, the vision I had of my car was 100% accurate, it was right where my vision saw it
parked the night before. The vision I had of my keys was 100% accurate too, they fit in the lock and opened
the door just as I had seen them do before..

 I've had like.. probably a billion or so visions.. but poor me, I didn't keep count.. How's a person keep count
of so many visions? And what if you run out of paper and a pen.. or what if the calculator breaks..

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Camilla

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Re: Stuart Wilde
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2012, 07:57:55 am »
30.000??? almost nothing... the link here below reads he had 100.000  ???
"...In the last twelve years he has had over 100,000 visions..."

I was just wandering about that "garlic oil"... here in Italy we use it to dress pasta ;D

Probably he's one of many tricksters and frauds, but it's amazing (and scaring) if people really follow and PAY him....
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 08:12:19 am by Camilla »

Offline Freija

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Re: Stuart Wilde
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2012, 11:41:14 am »
I've had like.. probably a billion or so visions.. but poor me, I didn't keep count.. How's a person keep count
of so many visions? And what if you run out of paper and a pen.. or what if the calculator breaks..

Maybe he has a vision of how many visions he has had??   ;)
I wonder if they are numbered. Is it possible to ask him for vision 24.567....?

Offline truthbeknown

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Re: Stuart Wilde
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2012, 01:49:01 am »
anyone did his healings and has a field report?

thank you.

Offline truthbeknown

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Re: Stuart Wilde
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2012, 04:58:42 am »
Here is a list I composed of Wilde-beast's failed predictions.

1/ Live on Coast to Coast, 05 November 2004, after stating he had already had 30,000 visions of which 200 where documented on his website, and he was 100% accurate, he talked of his recurring vision of a huge earthquake/tsunami that would happen of the coast of Seattle the next day 06 November 2004. He also sent this out to his mailing list on 04 November 2004. Also posted on his website 01 November 2004 (and now mysteriously removed), which ended with “I think Microsoft is okay as they are inland but Boeing looks vulnerable. They have just started making fighter-bombers for the government, rotten karma for Seattle I reckon. Never mind.”

I guess with this one, he lost his 100% accuracy rating.

2/ In article called “Jolly Interesting Times”, he wrote:
The Brits are spending billions on the Olympic games in London in 2012, which is very sad, as the games will be cancelled in the summer of 2010, so it’s load of smakeroolies down the drain.

Surprisingly, this didn’t happen, neither did the false flag attack at the Olympics that he predicted once the summer of 2010 came and went without the London Games getting cancelled.

3/ 19 August 2011, Petrol Visions, Some visions are very insistent they come back every few days. There’s a petrol shortage coming. I’ve recently swapped two petrol cars for three diesel ones. I have to have a couple of extra cars for my staff. Eight or nine years ago, I posted a vision that I saw of a cow walking through a gas station that was deserted. So the failure of fuel supplies has been a long time in the making.

Apart from not following his own mantra to remove clutter, live simply, we've not had a petrol shortage. He mixes up a shortage with fuel supply failures. If we had a fuel supply failure or petrol shortage, then we would have issues with diesel as well. So his 3 cars would be useless.

4/ 18 August 2011, Japanese Rice Eek!, I've said for months now that the radiation in Japan is way worse than the government admits.Rice futures jumped 40% yesterday in Japan as people are hoarding uncontaminated rice, food riots are coming as the sushi bars close.

Sushi bars still open, no food riots in Japan.

5/ 23 September 2011, Stock Market Crash, I first saw the stock market crash in 2001, traders were running in panic across the floor of the New York exchange. I’ve seen the same sorts of visions many times since. The recent volatility in the markets are the first rumblings of the huge Dow Jones earth quake. Last night I saw a vision of the S&P at 280.70. The Dow index is about ten times the S&P, so it would be down at 2807 if the S&P got to 280.7. The Dow has come down recently from 12,800 to 10,700 so down 8000 more points from here. Sadly pensions will be wiped out, but most of my readers have taken action on this disaster scenario years ago.

Easy in hindsight to predict stock market crashes that happened in the past. Currently, S&P 500 is at about 1350. In September 2011, it was at a low of 1131, after quite a poor quarter. Ol’ Wilde-beast was just reacting to media stories over the Eurpean debt crisis. Since then S&P 500 has climbed and flattened out. The Dow is currently at 12600. The Dow was at just under 1100 in September 2011

6/ 2010 predictions, Planes stop and war ends as do mobile phones and the Internet. I first saw a vision of sheep at Heathrow grazing by the tarmac in 2006. The recent stoppage of flights in Europe because of volcanic ash seem to be a forerunner to the eventual cessation of all air travel. I saw a vision recently of a boat at sea with thousands of people on the decks, it was very crowded with people sailing back to their homeland. I’m not sure what halts flights in the end but a breakdown of the navigational satellites due to an exceptional solar flare might do it.

Well, if you drop too much acid, you do get visions in your head, but they don’t predict the future. While certain planes utilise GPS for location information, they all have backups methods. Not all planes use this method, so failure of satellites would not cause plane flights to halt, though disruption would occur. Very little of the internet is dependent on satellite, and the original concept was a distributed network to survive nuclear war. Mobile phones require cell towers not satellites.

7/ October 2009, The rapid collapse of the dollar from 1.50 to the Euro to 3.60.

Currently about 1.3 Euro to 1 US dollar. I guess Wilde-beast has a different definition of rapid. Since 2009 the US dollar has fluctuated between 1.2 and 1.45 Euro to 1 USD.

8/ 22 July 2009, Benny the Rat has taken two major hits in seven days. His ghoul protection broke down. The Beings said he on the way out (exposure) re: pedophilia and the abuse of children. Nasty stuff. Vile.

Well, he’s still pope. I guess the Beings don’t really care how long these things take.

9/ 12 August 2011, I saw a terrorist attack in France a few times, it’s not happened yet but there has to be a new “false flag” attack to distract people from the collapsing markets and as an excuse to impose martial law. I love France but she’s in the hands of political criminals—collapse is certain, sad but true.

France still seems OK to me. I was there recently and it wasn’t under martial law.

10/ 22 September 2009, The End of Las Vegas, When I was in Las Vegas at the Labor Day weekend I was surprised to see the casino so empty. There were people around in the MGM Grand on Saturday night as there was a Def Leppard concert but once that show tipped out by 3 am the place seemed deserted once more. We know Las Vegas falls as we have seen that in the Aluna many times, I used to think the Hoover dam will burst, it provides the power for LV. I wrote about that four or five years ago. I’m fairly sure an earthquake hits the Echo Bay Road, which is twenty or so miles from the dam. If you are a sophisticated investor and you trade CFDs a short on the LV casinos must be a good play as trade is bad and the economy is never going to recover and if the earthquake happens you’ll hit the jackpot.

LV is still there. Funnily enough, Wilde-beast and his cronies love attending their sham-scam-fests at LV., latest one was in September 2012. One was held at LV early September 2009, before the above “vision”. Why would you go to LV if you “know” (as he says above) LV falls? If you know the date for it, wouldn’t you tell your followers/supporters?

OK that’s it. I could keep going forever with his failures, but why? It’s all the same, wild ass guesses, neither predictions nor visions. Just too much booze and drugs, and the feeling of power over the thralls by keeping them in a constant state of fear with apocalyptic statements. Then it’s easy to reel them in with events and products where he can teach them to save themselves for lots of smackaroolies.

The Silent Watcher


Offline truthbeknown

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Re: Stuart Wilde
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2013, 04:02:30 am »
Here is an indication of the contradictions that Wilde-beast spouts during his ramblings on his website.

On Nov 23, 2012 in an article titled Gaia & Her Earthquakes, he writes:

Logically one might imagine earthquakes are random events, but watching visions I’ve come to wonder if Gaia (the spirit of nature), has a plan and that her plan is sometimes stymied by the dark forces.

I once got an earthquake prediction to within four hours, in the Gulf of Mexico and my friend Khris Krepcik got the Chilean earthquake (2010) also to within a few hours, of course these may be coincidences, but what if the earthquakes exist in a parallel world just before they happen here. Three other earthquake predictions of mine proved dismally inaccurate. I did see the tsunami in Indonesia, (Sunday, 26 December 2004) but I thought it would come sooner than it did, it occurred in Sumatra and I thought it was in the north east of the US.

Then a few days later, Dec 1, 2012 in Assange to RT: Entire Nations Intercepted Online, Key Turned to Totalitarian Rule:

In the system I watch in trance, the foreign power is the Golden Gods. It may sound dippy, as how can an invisible force take out a solid 3-D building say? Here’s how. The building is bricks and mortar, but inside its intrinsic reality it is mathematical, fractal codes, if a superior force changes the codes in the quantum field of the building it will burst into flames. I’ve been shown this spontaneous combustion a number of times, I didn’t know it was possible . Once I saw a vision of an industrial installation blow up in another country. Three hours later I heard, “T.V. Mr. Wilde”. There it was on CNN still burning.

The Beings can pinpoint/deliver an earthquake to an exact spot to within a two-hour time frame. It is very convincing. I was shown the location of a tremor that would occur between 10 pm and midnight. I looked it up on the earthquake monitor. The earthquake was a 4.1, at 11.50 pm on the exact spot.

So, in the 1st instance, Gaia is responsible for earthquakes and can sometimes be stymied by the dark forces, ghouls. These are the ghouls that Wilde-beast says are very powerful, but you can stop them by dropping your trousers and mooning them. He and his mates have also killed billions of them by firing purple dots at them. It would follow that Gaia as the spirit of nature would be massively more powerful than Wilde-beast and his cronies, and should be able to completely erase all ghouls. Confused. That's what he wants.

Then in the 2nd, the Golden Gods control earthquakes and they can deliver an earthquake to a precise spot within two-hours.

Wilde-beast and the Kreep have got Gaia earthquakes right before (too bad they never published anything about this before the events). But they can then blame the ghouls for why they get some predictions wrong. Except that the Golden Gods control earthquakes and are super-accurate, and obviously not impacted by the ghouls. Maybe the Golden Gods have massive butts that moon the ghouls constantly from all directions and keep them scared. And Wilde-beast has confirmed he knew about an earthquake before it happened, and that it did occur. Again, too bad that he didn't publish this information before-hand.

The Silent Watcher is 100% accurate in predicting earthquakes when I announce my predictions after the earthquakes occur.tounge

The Silent Watcher