Author Topic: Test Topic - FAQ - Kiesha Crowther AKA Little Grandmother  (Read 153134 times)

Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 37
Test Topic - FAQ - Kiesha Crowther AKA Little Grandmother
« on: December 27, 2010, 06:29:31 am »
I thought it would be a good idea to put up something here we could play with and alter. Nothing is intended as 'final', but just as a starting point which can be completely changed if necessary. Please post ideas, corrections, additions etc so we can work this into something that is good to put up on the main board.

Kiesha Crowther FAQ
Frequently asked questions and index of
topics covered in the original NAFPS thread

"Each student must be encouraged to take responsible measures
to confront teachers with unethical aspects of their conduct.
If the teacher shows no sign of reform, students should not hesitate
to publicize any unethical behavior of which there is irrefutable evidence.
This should be done irrespective of other beneficial aspects of his or her work
and of one's spiritual commitment to that teacher"

His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Letter to the Sangha on Western Buddhism)

[changed title of thread from "FAQ" to " FAQ - Kiesha Crowther AKA Little Grandmother" - kpn]
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:41:28 am by Kathryn »

Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 37
Kiesha Crowther FAQ Index
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2010, 04:42:28 pm »

Click on the Quote link above the text-box to go to topic:

Biographical story / elusive lineage / Who is Kiesha Crowther - Little Grandmother?:

The Tribe of Many Colors:

What the genuine Native American people and their supporters say about Kiesha Crowther:

Fake claims of support from tribes/nations:

Alleged channeled messages in 'Sioux', and direct teachings from alleged Ancestors:

Kiesha allegedly guides several hundred elders in ceremony:

The unfolding belief in a FAKE White Buffalo Calf Woman:

People Kiesha 'quotes':

Seminars, Workshops etc

Workshops by Kiesha's friends which echo her teachings (or vice versa):

Sacred Travel - A profitable enterprise!:

Kiesha's associates and their business:


Letters from Little Grandmother-(Admin):

Kiesha,  the New Age Profit:


Wild Inaccuracies and parroting of 'New-Age' topics.

Ex-believers and members share why they turned away:

Dangers of simply "Changing the Channel":

A puzzling attitude towards truth by Kiesha's followers:

Controlling and malicious behaviour of 'Veetkam W. Rentsch'
- Tribe of Many Colors site Administrator:


Brainwashing elements in the videos:

The Depth of the problem:

Crystals and Crystal Ceremonies:

Web-hosting/design of Kiesha's site:

Links to sites and Videos

Kiesha will have a book for sale!:
« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 02:20:28 am by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 37
Biographical story / elusive lineage / Who is Kiesha Crowther?
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2010, 04:56:03 pm »
Biographical story / elusive lineage / Who is Kiesha Crowther - Little Grandmother?

Crowther's false claims in her official bio:

"Kiesha Crowther, also known as “Little Grandmother,” was initiated as shaman at age 30 by her mother’s tribe (Sioux/Salish), and has been recognized by the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders as Wisdom Keeper for North America, responsible for guiding the “Tribe of Many Colors.”("I'm the blondest, whitest, youngest Wisdom Keeper all over the whole group")......."

Full text at:

2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther
Link to video 1 of 10:

2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther 2/10 :
(Starting at 5:12  minutes/seconds into video) 
"....I carry the wisdom for Nine Pipes. He was a wisdom keeper that lived many hundreds of year- a couple hundred years ago. I am of the lineage of Spotted Owl. (pause) I am Chikala Uchi. (pause) I am Little Grandmother. (pause) I am great grand daughter of Chikala Lota and Chikala Jensen. (pause) I am daughter of Tinjan Chala and Father Mato....

This is the closest she's come that I know of to saying who her supposed relatives are. Still pretty vague and unclear, throwing out lots of names that sound impressive to people who aren't familiar.

Ninepipes (generally spelled as one word, not two) was a name or part of the names used by several Salish leaders. This was about 100-120 years ago, not "a couple hundred." They were some of the smaller chiefs, not known for being medicine people as far as I know, though likely respected as wise counselors.

If she claims Spotted Owl's lineage, that can be checked. He was from Pine Ridge. There's nothing on the other names I could find online, but saying who her great grandparents supposedly were should help.

I still find it very strange she hides who her alleged relatives are almost all the time.

(?) Spotted Owl1,2,3,4  (M)
(1868 - ), #40948
Pop-up Pedigree
     Also known as (?) Hinhan Gleska.1,2,3,4 The nationality of (?) Spotted Owl was Oglala Lakota Sioux.1,2,3,4 (?) Spotted Owl was born in 1868.1,3,2,4 He was the son of (?) Shell Boy and (?) Hopper Horse.1,2 He was listed as "daughter" and residing in the home of (?) Shell Boy on the U.S. Indian Census Rolls taken on July 1, 1892 at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, White Clay District, Shannon Co., South Dakota ., USA.1 He married Mary Hawk Woman after July 1, 1892.2,3,4 (?) was listed as the "Head of the Household" on the US Indian Census Rolls at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, White Clay District, Shannon Co., South Dakota, USA, on July 1, 1894.2 (?) was listed as the "Head of the Household" on the US Indian Census Rolls at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Wounded Knee District, Shannon Co., South Dakota, USA, on June 25, 1895.3 (?) was listed as the "Head of the Household" on the US Indian Census Rolls at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Wounded Knee District, Shannon Co., South Dakota, USA, on June 30, 1896.4

Children of (?) Spotted Owl and Mary Hawk Woman
(?) Bloody Mouth b. Apr, 18932,4
(?) Sits In Sight b. Mar, 18964
[S556] 1892.
[S269] 1894.
[S561] June 30th 1895.
[S158] June 30th, 1896.

Pop-up Pedigree
     Also known as (?) Hinhan Gleska.1,2,3,4 The nationality of (?) Spotted Owl was Oglala Lakota Sioux.1,2,3,4 (?) Spotted Owl was born in 1868.1,3,2,4 He was the son of (?) Shell Boy and (?) Hopper Horse.1,2 He was listed as "daughter" and residing in the home of (?) Shell Boy on the U.S. Indian Census Rolls taken on July 1, 1892 at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, White Clay District, Shannon Co., South Dakota ., USA.1 He married Mary Hawk Woman after July 1, 1892.2,3,4 (?) was listed as the "Head of the Household" on the US Indian Census Rolls at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, White Clay District, Shannon Co., South Dakota, USA, on July 1, 1894.2 (?) was listed as the "Head of the Household" on the US Indian Census Rolls at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Wounded Knee District, Shannon Co., South Dakota, USA, on June 25, 1895.3 (?) was listed as the "Head of the Household" on the US Indian Census Rolls at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Wounded Knee District, Shannon Co., South Dakota, USA, on June 30, 1896.4

Children of (?) Spotted Owl and Mary Hawk Woman
(?) Bloody Mouth b. Apr, 18932,4
(?) Sits In Sight b. Mar, 18964
[S556] 1892.
[S269] 1894.
[S561] June 30th 1895.
[S158] June 30th, 1896.

FYI - LG on Swedish National Radio - This is a nuance I'm not sure I heard before.  The host kinda guides Kiesha into the topic and Kiesha agrees/implies that Kiesha is a channel for 'Little Grandmother'.   ???

Direct URL to audio on this page:

How many kiesha crowthers can there be from Sanford, Colorado?

Evidently prior to being summoned as the savior of the world she was a humble artist and poet.  On her bio there is no mention of her super powers.........

Having obtained Kiesha's maiden name through a public research website I contacted CSKT's enrollment office @ (406) 275-2750.  They have no one, NO ONE enrolled with Kiesha's maiden name.........

Kiesha Rae Crowther................

....................DISCLAIMER - this is personal information  included on the above website.  NAFPS in no way condones the posting of or misuse of personal information such as this.  We are merely diseminating previously publically posted information.

Crowther's assistant and longtime friend Jennifer sent a message to one of the members here. In it, Jennifer makes some new claims:

Supposedly they now admit Crowther was NOT recognized by either Salish nor "Sioux" councils of elders. Jennifer in fact admits that Salish elders specifically do NOT recognize Crowther.

However, she also claims that Crowther was recognized as a "shaman" by a single Salish elder named Falling Feathers who, conveniently for their story, has recently passed away...........

.........One of the things that struck me....the "recognition" at 8 years old that she talks about happened at a pow-wow of all places............
For people who don't regularly attend's not uncommon to give some sort of recognition to relatives when they visit the community from far away.  It's not a form of "shaman recognition".  It's being a good host and treating outsiders in a good way.............

Searching backwards online I found this snippet from June 29, 2010

"""""Recently at the age of 30, Little Grandmother was made Shaman-Wisdom Keeper
by the Sioux and Salish tribal grandmothers -- a great honor. """""

""""Growing up with a profound love and respect for all creatures, Little Grandmother went on to achieve her degree in Animal Science and has worked as a wildlife specialist/rehabilitator for many years.......

...I went to a Colorado site that matches Volunteers up with Rehab Center and they said
RE:   Slv Wildlife & Endangered Species Rescue Center, located in Sanford, CO. ::

""""Have never heard of them............

« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 09:31:22 pm by Kathryn »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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The Tribe of Many Colors
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2010, 05:06:31 pm »
The Tribe of Many Colors

The Tribe of Many Colors website:

...We are the tribe. We are the Rainbow Children. We are the Tribe of Many Colors prophesied to come in the time of great change when the world would receive her blessings, and we the children of this planet would receive our enlightenment....

....more soon.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 02:08:54 am by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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What the genuine Native American people and their supporters say about Kiesha
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2010, 05:08:15 pm »
What the genuine Native American people and their supporters say about Kiesha Crowther

Official Statement from Salish Elders Regarding Kiesha Crowther
(click on link above this quote box to read in full) 

"You don't stand a chance
Against my prayer
You don't stand a chance
Against my love"

Excellent video in response to Crowther's lies:

I have been researching this "little Grandmother" and I have to say the video  that was also posted in the revious post needs to be spread far and wide. As First People it is time we join hands and together fight these frauds! :-[

The final version of the youtube video for the above text is at

Thank you shadowfax1920 for posting your extremely EXCELLENT video that everyone who is interested in KC should watch.

My family is Lakota. My cousin married a Salish and she and my grandmother live in the Flathead. She has shown pictures and video of this woman and her claims, and no one knows her or heard of her. .............She is making other claims about how the Salish in the Flathead has made her a shaman over their people now. This is a lie as no one here hears of her....

EBC has only a handful of Elders.  I spent last night talking to them on the phone.  They have never heard of Kiesha Crowther.  WolfHawaii knows the people I know, he can call and confirm my findings if he wants.  I called a few elders this morning as well, no knowledge of her............

I'm sorry Kiesha. I grew up on the Flathead reserve. All of my family are scattered every where there. I have them from Arlee all the way to Polson, going east to west, and no one knows of you. I have spoken with tribal elders who have no idea who you are. At pow wow, I asked around to see if you were made a shaman over our reserve and our people. I had people laugh in my face.

This is something you'll not be able to clear up in a paragraph or two on your web site. The reason I and others have called you out as a fraud, is because you are stealing from sacred teachings and new age-ing it up. You are combining the ancient teachings with teachings about skulls and the I AM consciousness from the St. Germaine teachings which has nothing at all to do with our culture or beliefs.......................

I'm on the phone with a member of the CSKT Culture and Elders Committee.  The Culture and Elders Committee protect the intangible cultural resources of the tribes including language, songs, stories etc.  The tribal Elder I am speaking with states she nor any other Elder or elder have met with nor do they condone the claims and actions made by Kiesha Crowther......................

I am an enrolled member of the Lower Brule Lakota Tribe, South Dakota.
A lot of people do not understand why what Kiesha Crowther is doing, should bother the oyate. As a first nations woman let me try to explain. First off, I have no problems with new age beliefs. I can honor and respect that belief system, but it has no place being mixed in and taught with my red road traditional teachings handed down by my ancestors. We do not subscribe to these teachings of the I AM presence, channeling aliens, digging up and burying crystals, communicating with angels, etc. We also do not sell our ceremonies, or charge for them. It's sacrilege.........

"Do the names Sun Bear, Wallace Black Elk, Oh Shinna Fast Wolf, Brook Medicine Eagle, Harley Reagan Swiftdeer, Buck Ghost Horse, or Mary Thunder mean anything to you? Well, they should..............
It seems that in time the name of Kiesha Crowther - Little Grandmother will be added to this list..........

To steal from NDN people in any way is such a travesty, as they have died just to keep and to have the right to practice their faith.................

Contact details of the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes:

Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes
42487 Complex Blvd.
PO Box 278
Pablo, Montana 59855
Phone Numbers:
Headquarter: (406) 675-2700
Toll Free: (888) 835-8766
Fax: (406) 675-2806

and more numbers here, entire list


« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:43:32 am by Kathryn »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Fake claims of support from tribes/nations and elders
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2010, 05:22:33 pm »
Fake claims of support from tribes/nations and elders

"she has been recognized as shaman of the “Tribe of Many Colors” by the spiritual elders of many indigenous tribes and peoples including the Cherokee, the Cheyenne, the Hopi, the Inuit, the Aboriginal people, the Waitaha, the Maori, the Maya, the Zulu, as well as the lamas of Nepal and Tibet. Gifts and medicine from these peoples began coming soon after she was initiated as shaman at age 30"

Then why can't she name even one alleged elder who supposedly supports her? .........................

It turns out she has spoken with Lakha Lama briefly, while in Sweden. And of course he said kind things to her, which is how Lamas are. If you ask for a blessing you'll receive it. This in no way means "recognition",...................

"When I was 30 I received a call from the indigenous nations of North America and an elder told me it was time to become a shaman, a wisdomkeeper"

Gawd what a best a sincere misrepresentation.

I wouldn't doubt that someone called her and told her that (although that sounds dubious even of itself), but the idea that there is a collective "Indigenous Nations of North America" plays upon that old stereotype that we're somehow all the same and IT'S NOT TRUE!

Just to reiterate in case someone is browsing by and reading this thread and not a member of the board

There are over 500 different Native American tribes across the US and Canada each with cultures that are tribal specific and communal and DO NOT do things as a "collective".  Especially when it comes to spiritual matters as spirituality is once again communal, tribal specific and often tied to the land and is different on a case to case basis. 

She DOES NOT represent any indigenous nation in North America let alone all of them.


..........................Who Recognizes Her as Shaman?
Kiesha was initiated into shamanism by Falling Feathers and Grandmother Lota in addition; she has been recognized as shaman of the “Tribe of Many Colors” and gifted medicine from the elders of indigenous tribes and peoples including Three Bears, Sister Wolf, the Cherokee, and Cheyenne individuals, (not the entire Nation of specific tribes. As well as Grandfather Kimmey of the Hopi, the Sami grandmother, the Aboriginal people, the Waitaha, the Maori, the Maya, the Zulu, as well as the lamas of Nepal and Tibet. These gifts began coming soon after she was initiated as shaman at age 30 and have been coming ever since.
Kiesha’s elders are not from just one tribe—She is being guided by the elders who comprise of indigenous people’s all over the planet, as well as receiving direct teaching from spirit guides and indigenous elders past of several different peoples from different traditions.....................
....................................Whether or not people know who Kiesha is on the Flathead reservation makes no difference, in fact she was not raised on the reservation and would not expect them to know her in the first place. Kiesha was made shaman under the guidance of a Native American named Falling Feathers but she does not represent any Native American tribe nor intends to.

"As well as Grandfather Kimmey of the Hopi, .......

What the... "grandfather Kimmey of the Hopi"...

John Kimney, a white man who calls himself Eesawu, was formally asked by the Hopi Nation to quit posing as a keeper of Hopi prophecy. The tribal preservation office was especially angered by Kimney making money off his claims about prophecy. Kimney at first agreed to stop, then reneged on his promise.

"Very recently, Kiesha called the tribal council office to inquire about her official standing in the tribe. She was told that Falling Feathers had not acted with the permission of the tribal council—therefore she was not recognized officially by the tribe. You can imagine how shocked and dismayed she was to find this out."

has anyone any info on this "falling feathers" person?
does s/he exist even?

I checked the obits for CSKT back to the first of the year.  Kieshas handler claim falling feathers recently crossed however there is no mention of such a person.

.........And as Sky and Al have posted multiple times now: There is zero evidence that "Falling Feathers" ever existed.

The passing of an honoured Elder, heck, the passing of any member of a close-knit tribal community like we are discussing, would not only be noted in their records, it would have been discussed openly. It would be noted in the tribal newspaper and probably the local mainstream papers, as well.  The death of elders is not the part of tribal ways that is kept secret.

Ok, we can at least put together a much more real picture of the Council of Continental Elders.  Just as educated alluded to, there's a bit of a mistranslation of that particular title, it's not completely off, but not completely correct either....

Well, it's good that Kiesha may be rethinking her approach by taking down the site.  By reading through her latest statements I am dubious this is really an awakening............

« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:44:43 am by Kathryn »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Alleged channeled messages in 'Sioux'
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2010, 05:46:46 pm »
Alleged channeled messages in 'Sioux', and direct teachings from alleged Ancestors
Here is a quote from that website:
"I personally have witnessed Kiesha receive teaching messages in Sioux (which she does not speak) from ancestors past." (under subtitle:Who Recognizes Her as Shaman?)

How is this person able to identify the language Crowther is "receiving teachings" in?  Does (s)he know this language?  Is it recorded and then played back for someone to translate?

....Who exactly are these spirits and elders that she's laying claim to (other than Alejandro Cirilo Perez, which is simply not true)? If she receives messages from them it would be great for her followers to know who and what these sources are exactly, right?....


« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 02:10:04 am by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Kiesha allegedly guides several hundred elders in ceremony
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2010, 05:49:41 pm »
Kiesha allegedly guides several hundred elders in ceremony

"....this first day of ceremony the heavens truly opened and a these pillars of light I had been seeing for some time began to grow outwardly... until soon they were one large pillar. Many people felt when it happened-- there was a gasp or an intake of breath........."

« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 02:10:26 am by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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The unfolding belief in a FAKE White Buffalo Calf Woman
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2010, 05:52:04 pm »
The unfolding belief in a FAKE White Buffalo Calf Woman

In this 'Response to misinformation on the web', the anonymous writer talks about how their group thinks Kiesha Crowther is the incarnation of something very important. Also, i've heard this story some time before about how she would be the fair-haired child from some alleged prophecy. A friend of mine suggested the possibility that they might actually be talking about "White Buffalo Calf Woman". I do know that the site admin Veetkam has recently put a video about White Buffalo Calf Woman, on the Tribe of Many Colors Facebook page (which only has 6 select videos), and also on his own Facebook page for his own 'Crystal Sun' spiritual therapy thingy (which has a lot of different videos). Perhaps he hears more about what goes on behind the scenes, so there may be a connection.........................

Anyway, this is the same video as the one Veetkam uploaded on Facebook.

Oh this post get more comical each day,
No the Lakota/Dakota have no propecies of a
a fair haired girl, no there is no connect to our
white buffalo propecies.

Here we go...more people starting to believe this crazy idea that she's White Buffalo Calf Woman "returned"..............

Actually from LGs pages here (this page has been changing at least daily since the 24th as the truth is coming out)

Kiesha herself says "These people regard her as the incarnation of something very important—which Keisha has never wanted to make public or to give weight to. Frankly, the weight and responsibility of what many of these peoples regard her as frightens her."..........
..............then she can make a video and say  'so they are calling me White Buffalo Calf Woman returned, and who am I to argue with the elders in the Continental Council'...........  

« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 02:10:48 am by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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People Kiesha 'quotes'
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2010, 05:55:35 pm »
People Kiesha 'quotes'

Don Alejandro - Wandering Wolf

.......I have often heard of Perez Oxlaj, actually he recently said in a interview that nothing will happen in 2012. I haven't seen the interview but have read a review about it, which i think is good. You can find it here:
....This is an excerpt from one of her talks where she talks about 2012. Starting at 00:55 she talks about the Mayans and a minute later she mentions grandfather Alejandro. Now this grandfather Alejandro Cirilo Perez recently said in a pay-to-watch broadcast (at ), which really tens of thousands of people have watched, that all these New Age pundits who claim to know the Mayan calendar have got it wrong, and that there will not be some kind of 'shift' in 2012.
But yet, she still mentions him as if he's a key proponent of the 2012 movement.....

« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 02:11:10 am by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Seminars, Workshops etc
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2010, 05:57:51 pm »
Seminars, Workshops etc

Prophet's conference

.......This is an opportunity to voice opposition to the exploitative activities of Kiesha Crowther, AKA "Little Grandmother" by calling or emailing and requesting that they terminate their association with Ms. Crowther.......

Remembering Who We Are: The Way of the Tribe of Many Colors
When: 13.11.2010 - 14.11.2010 10.00 h - 04.00 h
Where: Sedona Creative Life Center - Sedona
Category: Kiesha Crowther - Little Grandmother

Remembering Who We Are: The Way of the Tribe of Many Colors
In this intimate and rare retreat, Shaman and Wisdom Keeper Little Grandmother will share with the group keys to shifting individual awareness and living from the heart for the coming times--based on teachings given to her directly by the ancestors and Mother Earth. The workshop will feature hands-on practices in nature, working with earth energy,and will culminate in an earth healing ceremony that the group will co-create on Sunday afternoon.
This workshop will present a rare opportunity for participants to receive personal guidance from Little Grandmother regarding their own unique healing color and animal totem, and to participate in transformational ceremony with a heart-attuned group.
More Information :
Space is limited to 100 participants, so reserve your place early.
Early registration by September 25, 2010  : $250
Registration by deadline of November 12   : $295
For questions, and to register, please email Azrael at
*Participants will arrange their own lodging/accommodations. There are many motels, hotels and campgrounds in the Sedona.

(So the intake for this seminar of 12 hours of 'teachings' will be at least $ 25,000.)

« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 02:11:29 am by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Workshops by Kiesha's friends which echo her teachings (or vice versa)
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2010, 05:59:16 pm »
Workshops by Kiesha's friends which echo her teachings (or vice versa)

I am familiar with these workshops called "living in the heart", "opening the heart", "awakening the heart" etc...................

« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 02:11:46 am by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Sacred Travel - A profitable enterprise!
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2010, 06:01:20 pm »
Sacred Travel - A profitable enterprise!

...the ICA (run by Adam Yellowbird - member of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas) is involved in what is called by some 'Sacred travel'.....Here's an article on it:

".......Egypt is magical and mystical and full of vibration and life. I am so excited to experience this place in the physical after being taught so much about it in the spirit realm. My heart is beating with more fervor and more passion just speaking of this place and recalling all of its gifts and promise… What an opportunity this is for not only me but for all those who will attend. Miracles are waiting to happen-- this is a promise!"
...........NO sound was heard in the burial chamber of the Great Pyramid as a tall, slender woman lay down in the pharaoh’s pitted granite sarcophagus, her flowing silver hair spreading beneath her. Her dozen or so companions in the dank room lifted their arms, palms upward, eyes closed in meditation.
As was prescribed in the training of priests in pharaonic Egypt.

Although a lot of people do not believe in the presence of spirits, they would still be able to feel the vibes/energies/intuition or hear "the inner voice"..........

« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 02:12:02 am by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Kiesha's associates and their business
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2010, 06:03:07 pm »
Kiesha's associates and their business

Continental Council of Indigenous Elders
The Return of the Ancestors Gathering
ICA (The Institute for Cultural Awareness)
Adam DeArmon (Adam Yellowbird):
Bernard Perona AKA Drunvalo Melchizedek

The Return of the Ancestors Gathering
Northern Arizona April 18-28, 2009

The Institute for Cultural Awareness presents a historic International multicultural gathering and sacred pilgrimage welcoming Indigenous elders and future wisdom keepers representing the voice of Mother Earth, beginning Earth Day weekend, April 18-28, 2009 throughout Northern Arizona. The heart of the gathering will be the 4th reunion of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas. The intention is to unite and share the invited wisdom keeper's visions and prophesized ceremonies for peace and harmony for Mother Earth and all humanity.

Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird is one of the speakers. We have a thread on him here:
ETA: A writeup about the planned event by DeArmon. Very nuagey in tone:
Site for their "Return of the Ancestors" event:

thread about Crowther, DeArmon, and others associated with this group here:

Above info taken from:

....3. This so called Continental Council of Indigenous Elders is nothing of the sort. It's a fraudulent organization, run by and for frauds. This is them:

It's Adam DeArmon AKA "Adam Yellowbird's" organization. He's an exploiter and white imposter selling phony ceremonies out of Sedona....

Apparently another director of this "council" is Bernard Perona AKA Drunvalo Melchizedek. We have a thread on him in "frauds", and a search turns him up in many threads:
"Last year Institute for Cultural Awareness sponsored Bridging the Americas — Reuniting the Eagle and Condor Gathering in Peru. During this event, ICA's President, Adam Yellowbird committed to host the Return of the Ancestors Gathering in Northern Arizona in the Spring of 2009. This gathering will also host the 4th reunion of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas, a Council formed by Mayan Elder Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, "Wandering Wolf". "
- from Bernard Perona's website:

Above Info taken from:

.......There's these two people sitting next to her in one of her talks though: at 06:00, there is someone called Priscilla Wolf aka Sister Wolf. And at 01:30, there's this man called John Kimmey.
A search for Priscilla Wolf turns her up at some UFO sites. She says she is Apache/Spanish. Comes across as an eccentric grandmother. I doubt she has the resources.

Now John Kimney OTH, he's an established and dedicated fraud and exploiter of Hopi traditions and ceremony seller, even been warned repeatedly by the Hopi Nation.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:39:17 am by Kathryn »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2010, 06:05:15 pm »

Here is the 'Urgent Message' - "Response to Misinformation" that is on Ms. Crowther's, Tribe of Many Colors web page.

Dear Friends of Tribe of Many Colors
"I personally wish to address the issue of what is being written about me on a particular web site (fraud site)...........


"...But Kiesha does not presume or pretend to present traditional Native ways and wisdom to the public. What she is speaking of goes beyond indigenous prophecies and wisdom,..."

If you check the urgent message, it has changed a bit, she has backed up from the native american claims a lot and added the samis and so on and changed the text in the form that is more over all "information" and actually "corrected" some parts of it to be harder to drown with one sentence like in the first version...

If you check the urgent message, it has changed a bit, she has backed up from the native american claims a lot and added the samis and so on and changed the text in the form that is more over all "information"...

« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 02:12:47 am by Spandex~Atom »