Author Topic: Global Alliance of Shamanic Women Entrepreneurs  (Read 8867 times)

Offline nemesis

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Global Alliance of Shamanic Women Entrepreneurs
« on: September 14, 2010, 07:52:50 am »
Oh dear.  I suppose that this kind of thing was inevitable, but I feel sick and very concerned having discovered it.

As a Shamanic Woman you are a
Divine Feminine Leader
an Oracle
a WisdomKeeper.

With all that you are in the everyday world
we've designed AsWeConnect as the go-to place for Shamanic Women
to connect and grow in your personal and professional life.

Will this be the year that you have your “big breakthrough”?

AsWeConnect is the FIRST and ONLY Professional Spiritual Marketing Alliance founded and run for YOU by successful shamanic women entrepreneurs...

AsWeConnect's curriculum is delivered via monthly 60-80 minute training calls.  Every month we'll reveal ONE TOPIC at a time in simple, easy to use strategies, information, checklists, templates and specific “how to” details.

The sessions are designed to help you implement systems and structures that support your Presence Online and in the Community you serve. The calls are recorded and posted in the Members area within 48 hours of the live call.   

Some of the topics that we will cover are:     

Connection -Shamanic Journeys

Online Marketing Immersion

List Building

Profitable Preview Calls

Creating Email Campaigns

Automated Structures

Online Business Systems

Creating Signature Speeches

Strategies to Create Your Information Products

Planning and implementing Teleclasses/Virtual Events/Retreats

Online Advertising Campaigns

Creating Powerful Joint Venture Partnerships

Strategic Planning

more here

For Shamanic Healers, Teachers, Artists, Therapist, Astrologers, Spirit-Rich Women Entrepreneurs

The Global Alliance of Shamanic Women Entrepreneurs is a membership website that launches September 2010.

Shamanic women can join the site for a nominal investment and have access to classes, resources and templates together with done-for-you marketing products.

This alliance offers training normally found in high-end coaching programs yet is tailored to meet the needs of a shamanic woman in business.

AsWeConnect's curriculum is delivered via monthly 60-80 minute training calls.  Every month we'll reveal ONE TOPIC at a time in simple, easy to use strategies, information, checklists, templates and specific “how to” details.

AsWeConnect Members have access to marketing experts (myself and 11 strategic partners)  in support to evolve a stronger presence online so the shamanic woman in business can “go be seen by choice not by chance.”

Our mission is to advocate for, educate, and connect shamanic women leaders in the holistic healing modalities.

AsWeConnect’s vision is for communities to recognize AsWeConnect as their most trusted resource for building strong viable healing practices that make a difference in the lives of others.

You are a Divine Feminine Shamanic Leader...

As a leader you are invited to join in this journey...

In October I start a monthly series of teleclasses called “The He{ART} of a Shamanic Healer in Business".

I'll interview YOU as a leader who has established a strong viable shamanic healing practice.

From the interviews I'll create The He{ART} of a Shamanic Healer in Business Series which will be offered as a product in Spring 2011.

Fourteen shamanic teachers [YOU] are invited to join me as a co-creator of this anthology project.

Come share your story (career vs. calling aka chicken soup for the soul) about your journey as a healer who stepped into the light, proudly carries her drum and hangs out a shingle as a shamanic teacher in today’s modern world.

AsWeConnect is the FIRST and ONLY Professional Spiritual Marketing Alliance founded and run for YOU by successful shamanic women entrepreneurs...

As Shamanic Women in Business our task is to inspire healers to up-level their business practices through a dialog of change that brings renewed wisdom, clarity and focus.

As contributor to this anthology you will be listed as one of the Shamanic Women in Business (SWIB) advisors here at the Global Alliance of Shamanic Women Entrepreneurs.

This work cross promotes with Sandra Ingerman's, strengthening the Shamanic Teacher's Alliance and our presence as strong well-trained teachers out in the world at large, in a sea of change.

During the last decade we witnessed the business of being a healer changing with ever evolving technology; AsWeConnect is the place shamanic women can learn the business of healing for today’s modern online world.

Each of us brings varied life experiences that enhance our healing practice, and many more are being called to this path. These are the everyday women who want to hear a grounded voice that speaks to walking the path of a feminine shaman with courage and conviction.

As a strong leader and oracle I am inviting you to join this circle, to provide mentoring to the group on how to effectively be a soul based entrepreneur.

Are you ready to join be a strategic advisor?

Here are some of the benefits:

Your photo, bio and website listing on the AsWeConnect site.
Mention in the Alliance marketing materials
Generous savings off the AsWe Membership investment
Strategic Partner Affiliate Commission as a participant in SWIB series
Strategic Partner Logo for use on your website
Invitations to special events, telesummits, retreats

What I ask from you:
Write one chapter for the anthology.
Participate in one (1) Interview or panel discussion.
Cross promote this alliance with the tribe you serve (i.e. blog, FaceBook, Twitter)
1 Group Q&A discussion quarterly.

Time Sensitive: To join the SWIB I need a written commitment by you no later than September 10th, 2010. I would love to schedule a 15-20 minute call with you so we can talk more about this project.

If you are fired up as I am you can easily schedule time to talk right away by clicking the button below!

Brilliant blessings to you,

Michele Bailey-Lessirard
Founder & Director
Global Alliance of Shamanic Women Entrepreneurs
                “Be seen by choice, not by chance”
Facebook Page:


There's more info about the various advisors if you scroll down on the page in the above link.

Sandra Ingerman is prominently featured as is Michele Bailey-Lessirard who is the founder of this initiative and who owns the following website
and her resume is here

another link

I would be interested to know what people think about this.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Global Alliance of Shamanic Women Entrepreneurs
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2010, 04:40:08 pm »
Pure marketing pretending to be enlightenment. The woman behind this, Michelle Bailey Lessirard, strikes me as lost and floundering around looking for one quick fix after another. Besides frauds like Ingerman and Harner, look at who else she lists as having taught her, a grag bag of unrelated claimants offering one vague or nonsensical approach after another.

Some of these make me laugh at loud. "Intensive" or "advanced" training that last three whole days, or even one day? (And in one case, taking them three times, since the first two times apparently didn't work.) Nonsense like "soul collage" or "spiritual alchemy"? Since alchemy was long ago proven to be a failure, why choose that name?

And what the heck is "heart centered depossession"? Sounds like they teach you to do an exorcism of your own feelings...

Gotta love all those marketing courses passed off as spirchul too.


SoulCollage® Facilitator taught by Seena Frost developer of the process...

Touch Drawing™ Teacher (process developed by Deborah Koff-Chapin)

....Dance of the Heart, one-day breathwork experiences

Vision*Keeping Workshops and Teleclasses

....SoulCollage® Facilitator Training with Seena Frost

Making Death Your Ally- a shamanic approach to Death with Robert Moss

Spiritual Alchemist Training with Caroline Myss, Ph.D.

Feng Shui Mastery Intensive with Jami Lin.

Barbara Brennan School of Healing

Barbara Brennan Healing Sciences Weekend Workshop, Boca Raton

Facilitated integrative breathwork sessions with Wendy Limber, LMFT, Director of Solutions Center for Personal Growth from 1994-1998.

Graduate of East Coast Two-Year Shamanic Teacher Training program

Five-Day Soul Retrieval Training -Mending the Fragmented Soul

Graduate of FSS 3- year training program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing

Medicine for the Earth with Sandra Ingerman, MA attended these Five-day gatherings:

Shamanic Middle-world Training with Betsy Bergstrom

Advanced Heart Centered Depossession, Curse Unraveling and Space Clearing

Five day Intensives February 2006 and March 2009

East Coast Three-Year Program in Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing

Two Week Intensive Advance Shamanic Training with Sandra Ingerman, MA and Carol Proudfoot

Harner Shamanic Counseling Certification with Sandra Harner, PhD

Soul Retrieval Training with Sandra Ingerman, MA

The Way of the Shaman Shamanic Journeying, Power, and Healing The Basic Workshop in Core Shamanism  (3 times)*

Shamanic Extraction Healing Training

Shamanism and the Spirits of Nature Training

Shamanic Divination Training

Shamanism, Dying, and Beyond Training*

Marketing Systems and Brand Development Training

Barbara Sher's-WriteSpeak Program

Kendall SummerHawk- Millionaire Mindset Marketing Coach

Money, Marketing and Soul Intensive, Tucson AZ

Success Club Coaching Member

Money Archetypes exploring your Money Story

Branding with Archetypes Workshop

Elizabeth Purvis 2010 Abundant Business Mastermind Group and Classes.

Multiple Streams of Coaching Income-the Pink Spoon Method with Andrea J Lee

Blog2Book Marketing and Build a Better Blog with Denise Wakeman

Podcast Training with Leesa Barnes

SmartArtist Telesummit

Andy Wibbels- BlogWild workshop

Get Known Now Mastermind group with Pamela Slim and Suzanne Falter-Barnes

Sheri Gaynor- author of Creative Awakenings

Past Member of Society for Marketing Professional Services 1985-1993

Eupsychia Institute -Alchemical Training in Soul Based Psychology and Healing

Embodying Spirit Breathwork and Conference Orlando

6-Day Breathwork Training Intensive

Weekend Breathwork Stuart, Florida

Mystery School Sessions June 1998 - November 2000

Inner Christ Path sessions with Jacquelyn Small and Don Gill 1997-98

Dreamwork gatherings with author Joan Mazza, MS

Certified in hypnosis by the National Society of Hypnotherapists

Ordained Minister through Universal Brotherhood since 1997

Teacher's certification “Joyful Child Parenting Training” with Peggy Jenkins, PhD author of The Joyful Child and Nurturing Spirituality in Children.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Global Alliance of Shamanic Women Entrepreneurs
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2010, 07:17:56 pm »
And what the heck is "heart centered depossession"? Sounds like they teach you to do an exorcism of your own feelings...


"Shamanic Entrepreneurs", "Spiritual Marketing"... tragic. This stuff satirizes itself.
- "Investment for shamanic coaching sessions with Michele run $250 per hour" Over the phone.....

- "This type of coaching is not therapy or healing." .... Right. Because as far as I can tell she's not trained in either.
Note the "You are a unique and special snowflake" marketing approach. I wonder how many sad people she sent the "You are one of the chosen few!" letter?  Probably a lot, because I'd assume she's bright enough to know not many will take her up on this.

Pay her $250 an hour and maybe the spirit guides will tell you. Sad, sad, sad. OK, yeah, unintentionally funny, too. There's not even a pretense of spirituality here, just "ancient techniques" for... making money. I think she'll get a few desperate people with more money than sense, but I think even the shameons who make a pretense of being spiritual, of being healers of some sort, would be appalled by this degree of crass commercialism. But I could be wrong, maybe instead of seeing her as a fringe character to distance from, the less crass shameons may see her pushing the offensiveness so far that people will take less offense at their actions. We live in interesting times.  :o


Actually, thinking on this more... How different is this from James Arthur Ray and the other Nuagers pitch that the more you pay, the more "spiritual" benefit you receive? I think I was slightly thrown by something so blatantly un-spiritual using the term "shamanism" when it's obvious it's nothing of the sort. I need to think more on what makes people willing to fork over such obscene amounts of money to characters like Ray, and how that compares to this woman.

For one, Ray presents a far more professional and successful image (Er, well, he did before he killed those people. And before he cried in court he has no money, just a lot of drugs). She seems quite amateur by comparison. The nons in feathers and facepaint usually market themselves to the hippie crowd. Ray markets to those with quite a lot of "disposable" income. Maybe she's trying to be the middle class version.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 12:45:23 am by Kathryn »

Re: Global Alliance of Shamanic Women Entrepreneurs
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2010, 09:36:35 pm »
Yeh, she's just trying to capitalize on what's already there, engage them into using her as the portal and she can make a bunch..

there really is something very wrong with life that so many people are searching in any way they can afford to to find some sort of meaning, purpose and contentment.. mixed with the 'now' attitude of these generation.. it takes a lifetime.. not a weekend.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline clearwater

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Re: Global Alliance of Shamanic Women Entrepreneurs
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2010, 10:42:08 pm »
Hmmm ... smells a lot like cloaked christianity to me ... where lots of so-called christians can bascially buy their way into heaven. What's the difference? This stuff would appeal to a lot of dissillusioned "pro-active" church people who ain't gettin their spiritual fix from the church. Got enough bucks and you get to feel really REALLY special with these folks. Heck, you can buy all sorts of spiritual perks. That's how the church operates pretty much, too, it seems to me. So what they're doing is like being in a church, sort of. If you're broke, well to hell with you LOL. I mean, do they also offer scholarships for folks who are broke? </sarcasm>. What a hodge-podge of new-age B.S., with a little feminism thrown in for good measure and marketing appeal, IMHO and without going too deep there. Spirituality® Just Ain't For (rich dominant culture) Dudes Anymore™ (apparently).  ::)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Global Alliance of Shamanic Women Entrepreneurs
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2010, 12:33:12 am »
Here she is trying to steal and redefine "indigenous", "elder" and "native"  >:(  :

"Michele Lessirard - Are you ready to be an Evolutionary Elder? It’s to be an elder of the new –> new indigenous people –> native
to the present –> native to the noosphere as well as to the biosphere
–> a guide through the transition to Homo Universalis –> a
guardian of the tree of life –> a welcomer of all generations –>
one who assists others to find their life purpose.

September 5 at 11:26pm"