Author Topic: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire  (Read 99757 times)

Offline goozih

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #105 on: October 19, 2010, 08:38:09 pm »
This is getting way too old, Please leave the buffalo out of this! Do I dare ask what is the real story behind Micheal, Ramona, Corine, Comes with fire? I honestly think this is a waste of energy! All I know is some very special people see the buffalo as a sign of the sacred so I take notice. I think the people on this site are doing a very important service in exposing the desecration of sacred things but this seems ridiculous. Please  leave the buffalo in peace.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #106 on: October 19, 2010, 08:49:53 pm »
I agree with you to a certain extent Superdog.  The only problem is, these animal, spiritually significant or not, would likely not survive if they were released.  They've depended on human interaction since they were calves.  I don't like they idea that they are on exhibit...that leaves me with a very yucky feeling.

To me (and still this is purely an outsider's opinion), this is all the more reason to let 'em go and the longer they are kept captive the less living as buffaloes they will do.

But I'm just on the outside looking in, I just know that if I were in the "caretakers" shoes I wouldn't have wanted the responsibility of trying to humanize a sacred spirit or that I would even have the right to "keep" them unless they chose to stay with me. 

I'm sure my solution sounds impractical...and it probably is....but sometimes what's right isn't always the easiest choice.  Only the outcome will serve to give us a yardstick to judge the actions of those involved by and in this case....nothing looks good for all involved, no matter whose side you're on.  But I also know I'm probably not right either...I'm only human after all.   ;)


Offline Ramona1

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #107 on: November 10, 2010, 04:08:58 pm »
Fayette birthday party plans for white buffalo escalate dispute

By Richard Robbins
Monday, November 8, 2010

When someone throws a birthday party for a sacred white buffalo, no one expects a war of words.

But a ceremony planned for Friday in Fayette County marking the fourth birthday of Lightning, a rare white buffalo venerated by the Native American community, has brought to a head a dispute between its Pennsylvania keepers and an ancient Lakota Indian warrior society based in South Dakota.Mike Spisak of Farmington, who oversees the animal's care, is planning a ceremony Friday starting at 11 a.m. to mark Lightning's birthday.

"If people want to bring drums, they should bring drums; if they want to dance, they can dance; if they want to bring food, they can bring food," Spisak said. The ceremony will be "free-form" and will include a traditional Native American "sweat lodge" around sundown, he said.

Duane Martin Sr. of North Dakota, Strongheart Warrior Society headman, says he wasn't invited to the party.

Martin claims he was misled when he was in Fayette County a year ago for a thank-you ceremony for the 2,000-pound buffalo, who lives alongside a 3-year-old black buffalo, called Thunder, on the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort property in Farmington.

"You don't capitalize on animals that come here, naturally," said Martin, who chastised Spisak and Mark "Kingfish" Wassler of Uniontown, president of the nonprofit First Nations, Inc., for "raising money off the buffalo."

Spisak, who uses the Native American name Hawk Goodfire, said that's "not true."

"There are a lot of people who would like to exploit what is happening here," said Spisak, who is part Native American. "I brought Duane Martin Sr. here to see what was going on. He decided he was going to take over."

The Strongheart Warrior Society, which once counted among its members Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull, said in a press release last November that it would "oversee protection for the sacred white and black buffalos."

At the time, Martin commended Spisak and Wassler for watching over "the buffalo and the traditional protocols."

"They have been with the buffalo from the beginning, and can help to ensure fairness and balance are practiced going into the future," Martin said of Wassler and Spisak.

There is no longer peace between the factions.

In a phone interview, Martin denounced Spisak.

"We are the Indians," Martin said. "That is how white America treats the Indian, by lying to him."

Spisak said Martin "seems to think I answer to him. I will be damned if I will listen to Duane Martin."

Spisak said he and Wassler are waiting for word about federal 501-c3 tax-exempt status for First Nation. Their goal, he said, was to raise $100,000 to place traditional Indian buildings on the 50 acres of land given to them by Joe Hardy bordering the Mystic Rock golf course, about half a mile off Route 40. Wassler was not avalilable for comment.

"Nobody is raising funds off the buffalo," Spisak said. "Nobody."

Spisak, who weaves a fantastic tale of visions he said he received relating to the animals, said his job was to "make sure the buffalo is not exploited. If I'm exploiting them, I'm doing a very poor job."

White buffalo are exalted in the Indian culture. Spisak said he believes Lightning and Thunder, both of whom were born at the now-closed Woodlands Zoo in Farmington, were sent to help pacify and heal the world. He said he prays with the animals daily.

Martin, upset to learn that he wasn't invited, said he would attempt to travel to Farmington for the ceremonies.
For those who do not know who Duane Martin he is
Canupa Gluha Mani (Duane Martin Sr.), headsman of Cante Tenza Okolakiceye
Strongheart Warrior Society of Lakota Nation
« Last Edit: November 10, 2010, 04:10:44 pm by Ramona1 »

Offline Ramona1

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #108 on: November 11, 2010, 07:51:39 pm »
Spisak said Martin "seems to think I answer to him. I will be damned if I will listen to Duane Martin."
How very disrespectful and arrogant of Micheal Spisak to answer like that. Offending a headman of the  Strongheart Warrior Society in public just shows many what Micheal Spisak is all about, himself.

Offline G2U

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #109 on: November 12, 2010, 07:01:13 pm »
Cante Tenza Statement on Mike Spisak aka "Hawk Good Fire", First Nations, Inc. and Protection of Sacred Buffalo
by Lakota Oyate on Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 3:46pm
.Cante Tenza Okolakiciye - Strong Heart Warrior Society?
Free & Independent Lakota Nation?
Box 512, Hill City, South Dakota 57745? | ?605-454-0449 or 605-517-1547?
Cante Tenza Okolakiciye: Traditional Strong Heart Warrior Society of the Lakota Nation Statement Concerning Mike Spisak aka “Hawk Good Fire”, First Nations, Inc. and Protection of the Sacred Buffalo in Pennsylvania
November 10, 2010
Cante Tenza Okolakiciye also known as the Strong Heart Warrior Society of the Lakota Nation is an ancient Lakota warrior society that honors Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull among its members. Based on Pine Ridge Reservation, Cante Tenza, works tirelessly to protect the Lakota People, enforce and restore treaty rights, civil rights, and sovereignty of Native people, and protect Native culture across Turtle Island.
In November 2009, Cante Tenza was invited to Nemacolin Resort in Farmington, Pennsylvania and asked by Mike Spisak aka “Hawk Good Fire” to lend their endorsement and protection for a white buffalo and black buffalo sacred to the Lakota People that are being housed there in a 40 acre enclosure.
Unfortunately, just a year later, Cante Tenza is now alarmed by the violation of traditional protocols and agreements made concerning the two sacred buffalo, use of the Lakota Inipi or sweat lodge ceremony that has been practiced on site, as well as public statements and actions of Mike Spisak, who claims to be the buffalo’s overseer.
Cante Tenza’s concerns are three-fold.
1.? We are concerned that traditional protocols (ways of doing things) are not being observed regarding the raising of money in the name of the two sacred buffalo and also regarding participation in the Lakota Inipi (sweat lodge) ceremony.? Mr. Spisak and others involved with the buffalo such as Mark "Kingfish" Wassler agreed to honor these protocols as explained by Lakota Cante Tenza and Tokala warrior society representatives on their visit to Nemacolin in November 2009.
2. ?We are alarmed that a non-profit organization is being created under the name First Nations Inc., and this organization has appealed for 501(c)3 United States tax status to raise money in the name of, or that will capitalize on, the existence of the sacred buffalo and displays of Native culture located next to the buffalo enclosure. ?Such activities are inappropriate for association with the sacred animals and appear to contradict the organization’s own stated vision, “sharing of Indigenous principles, traditions and wisdom rooted in the Original instructions given to all Nations.”
While often difficult for non-Natives to understand, activities that raise money in the name of, or capitalize from, sacred and traditional culture is considered exploitation by Native people.
And if the stated vision of First Nations is to be taken seriously, then why are they already ignoring the “principals, traditions, and wisdom” of the Lakota People that has been explained by the traditional Lakota warrior society known as Cante Tenza?
We offer the idea there are ways to create an organization that honors traditional ways of doing things, and without U.S. Government oversight.? This seems to be a gross lack of imagination on First Nations, Inc. part that has alarmed many in Indian Country and is being watched by traditional Lakota Grandmothers on Pine Ridge.
3.? We are saddened to see the statements of Mike Spisak concerning Cante Tenza and Cante Tenza Headsman Duane Martin Sr. (Canupa Gluha Mani).
In a November 8, a Pittsburgh Tribune Review article by Richard Robbins entitled Fayette birthday party plans for white buffalo escalate dispute, Mr. Spisak was quoted as saying,
“That’s not true” regarding the raising of money in the name of the sacred buffalo.? Also, "Nobody is raising funds off the buffalo," Spisak said. "Nobody."
The actions of Mr. Spisak and others involved with the buffalo indicate otherwise.
In June of 2010, Cante Tenza contacted Mr. Spisak to express concern over raising money from a book written about the sacred buffalo and containing interviews with Native Elders entitled “Message of the Sacred Buffalo” which is sold for $14.95 on multiple websites including and The book is authored by Marci Lynn McGuinness with First Nations, Inc. We attempted to share our concerns about this book but they were actively rebuffed.
In October 2010, Cante Tenza became aware of the development of the First Nations corporation and their desire for U.S. non-profit tax status in order to raise $100,000 for a so-called “Indian Village” located immediately adjacent to the buffalo enclosure.?
Cante Tenza communicated to Mark Wassler, President of First Nations, Inc. (
l) ?how these actions were not consistent with care for the sacred buffalo and violated the original agreements made with Cante Tenza.? Cante Tenza never agreed that a nonprofit corporation was a good idea, and in fact, our concerns went unheard and phone calls now remain unanswered or unreturned.
These two incidents also aggravate the existing concern that the buffalo (and future Indian village) are being used as a tourist attraction and financial draw for the multi-million dollar Nemacolin Resort. Nemacolin currently advertises a wild animal zoo, shooting range, and other “adventure” activities for its guests. The white buffalo is also mentioned on the Nemacolin website under “Wildlife Habitats” (
The Lakota People offered a year ago to provide hay and other resources needed by the buffalo for their well-being.? Money does not need to be raised by a corporation to take care of these sacred animals.
Mr. Spisak also said, “I brought Duane Martin Sr. here to see what was going on. He decided he was going to take over.”?
Cante Tenza was invited to Nemacolin to make sure that traditional protocols were being observed in the care and treatment of the buffalo.? At the same time, there were concerns expressed by multiple activists in Indian Country about inappropriate behavior in the Inipi – or Lakota sweat lodge led by Mr. Spisak – a non-Lakota.
In our November 16, 2009 press release sent from Nemacolin, Cante Tenza explained in clear detail the reasons for our participation:?
On Monday November 16th, Cante Tenza the Strong Heart Warrior Society of the Lakota Nation, announced the warrior society will oversee protection for the sacred white and black buffalos living at the Nemacolin Resort near Farmington, Pennsylvania.
Cante Tenza Okolakiciye...and the Tokala Okolakiciye Kit Fox Warrior Society sent representatives to the Saturday Wopila (thank you) ceremony to protect the ceremony and its participants and to ensure traditional protocols are being followed related to the Inipi (Lakota sweat lodge) ceremony and other sacred aspects regarding the care of the buffalos and the donated land for their sanctuary…
…We want to bring our Lakota Elders to visit these sacred beings in the months to come. Ensuring traditional protocols are being followed will help to support the visits from our Elders and Elders of other Indigenous nations.
At the time, our announcement was met with some criticism from activist organizations in “Indian Country” because of concerns about Mike Spisak.? In essence, Cante Tenza shielded Mr. Spisak from attacks and controversy so he could better understand traditional ways of doing things and reconsider if his behavior was consistent with traditional protocols.? For example, he was asked to stop running sweat lodge ceremony because he is not Lakota and does not understand the Lakota language and lifeway.
Cante Tenza clearly communicated to Mike Spisak and Mark Wassler the protocols involved for Cante Tenza support.?? Mr. Spisak was eager for endorsement from Cante Tenza to legitimize his involvement with the buffalo and when this support was offered, he gladly accepted. ??
As a sign of his word, Mike Spisak prominently displayed the Cante Tenza warrior symbol on the webpage ( along with our November 16, 2009 press release.? As of November 9, 2010, the symbol and press release were still on the website.
Spisak said Martin "seems to think I answer to him. I will be damned if I will listen to Duane Martin."
Mr. Spisak did in fact agree to “answer” to Duane Martin Sr. by his acceptance of Cante Tenza endorsement and support.? Duane is Headsman of Cante Tenza and has also communicated the interests and concerns of the traditional Lakota Grandmothers he is responsible to on Pine Ridge.? For Mr. Spisak to now claim he is somehow unaccountable to Cante Tenza and the Lakota people seems to be a contradiction.
In consideration of the previous information, Cante Tenza must honor its responsibility to the sacred buffalo, and take action as needed to bring balance back to this situation and correct the violation of agreements that has been undertaken by Mike Spisak and those of First Nations, Inc.? We hope that those involved reconsider their plans and return to honoring traditional protocols that have been shared by elders and knowledge keepers to ensure fairness and balance now, and for future generations who may experience these sacred animals.
For additional questions or support please contact Cante Tenza Headsman Duane Martin Sr. at 605-454-0440 or 605-517-1547.?? We can be found on Facebook as “Lakota Oyate”.

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #110 on: January 24, 2011, 07:09:44 pm »
Cante Tenza Statement on Mike Spisak aka "Hawk Good Fire", First Nations, Inc. and Protection of Sacred Buffalo
by Lakota Oyate on Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 3:46pm
.Cante Tenza Okolakiciye - Strong Heart Warrior Society?
Free & Independent Lakota Nation?
Box 512, Hill City, South Dakota 57745? | ?605-454-0449 or 605-517-1547?

a white guy, posing as a woman, representing a made up organization, speaking for the entire Lakota-Dakota-Nakota People. On what planet?
Here is the author of the above statement:

This is used as an attempt to discredit me? Really? Really? Pathetic. What gives anyone the right to step up and claim authority? Because of the buffalo? Consider this:

The White & Black Buffalo...should this be all Lakota?
The White Deer...should this be all Cherokee?
Trees dying from the top down...should this be all Haudenosaunee?
Animals turning white...should this be all Algonquin?
Raven bringing light to the world...should this be all Athabascan?
The Blue Star...should this be all Hopi?

These things, and much, much more is happening here daily. People being healed, mentally, physically, emotionally. No one People, Race, or Nation. This is for all our Relatives, regardless. Your choice. Continue to believe the lies, gossip and rumors because of ego and arrogance, or believe what is right in front of your eyes.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 11:04:54 am by hawkgoodfire »

Offline Ramona1

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #111 on: January 25, 2011, 02:17:11 pm »
Micheal Spisak AKA Micheal Thunderhawk AKA Hawk Goodfire AKA CrazyDog  or whatever you are calling yourself now ( BIG RED FLAGS WAVING ALL OVER THE PLACE WITH ALL THEM ALIAS)
You had no problem with them when they came out in Nov 2009 and gave their support to you. The fact is the statement was posted  all over the internet including this forum ( which was posted by another member)
  Now that Duane Martin Sr, Headsman of Cante Tenza has had the time to really get to know what you are all about he publicly denounced you and does not support what you are doing or what you really are all about.
" The trickster preys on guilty confused people who don’t know who they really are, but he is powerless against people who have to courage to acknowledge and confront their shadows."
Quote from "How to Recognize Nuage Tricksters:How to Make Them Reveal Their Tricks"
I strongly urge people to read this article

Offline Ramona1

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #112 on: January 25, 2011, 02:51:59 pm »
Here is the statement that was posted on Buffalo Messengers Blog. Its still on their site which is very misleading to people who read it thinking the Cante Tenza Okolakiceye
Strongheart Warrior Society  still support Buffalo Messengers.
More tricks?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Cante Tenza Okolakiceye
Strongheart Warrior Society of Lakota Nation


For Immediate Release: Monday, November 16, 2009

Contact: Duane Martin Sr, Headsman, Cante Tenza, 605-517-1547

Announcement Follows Traditional Native Ceremony at Nemacolin Sanctuary

Farmington, Pennsylvania - On Monday November 16th, Cante Tenza the Strongheart Warrior Society of the Lakota Nation, announced the warrior society will oversee protection for the sacred white and black buffalos living at the Nemacolin Resort near Farmington, Pennsylvania.

Cante Tenza Okolakiceye, which has included famous Lakota warriors such as Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull and No Ears, and the Tokala Okolakiceye Kit Fox Warrior Society sent representatives to the Saturday Wopila (thank you) ceremony to protect the ceremony and its participants and to ensure traditional protocols are being followed related to the Inipi (Lakota sweat lodge) ceremony and other sacred aspects regarding the care of the buffalos and the donated land for their sanctuary.

"We are honored to come here with direction from the Grandmothers to ensure balance and traditional protocol is followed related to the recognition of the sacred white and black buffalos," said Canupa Gluha Mani (Duane Martin Sr.), headsman of Cante Tenza. "These beings are sacred to our people and their colors of white and black show us that we must all return to balance through the renaissance of traditional language and lifeway."

Cante Tenza will ensure the 50 acre buffalo sanctuary which is free and open to all people continues to be welcoming to Native people who would be concerned traditional ways are being honored on site.

"We have welcomed Hawk Goodfire (Holikachuk,Shawnee) and Mark "Kingfish" Wassler (Shawnee) of Buffalo Messengers into Cante Tenza to watch over the buffalo and traditional protocols," explained Canupa Gluha Mani. "They have been with the buffalo from the beginning and can help to ensure fairness and balance are practiced going into the future."

Representing the Tokala Okolakiceye was Louis Janis, who along with Martin are both Tetuan Oglalla Judiciary Council members.

Elders of numerous Indigenous nations have been coming to honor the white buffalo since its birth in November 2006. Both the white and black buffalo were transferred to Nemacolin in mid October of this year leading to Saturday's ceremony that included visitors from the Lakota, Shawnee, Oneida, Mohawk, Cherokee and Crow nations. Strongheart's announcement adds another level of significance to this historic event.

Canupa Gluha Mani said, "We want to bring our Lakota Elders to visit these sacred beings in the months to come. Ensuring traditional protocols are being followed will help to support the visits from our Elders and Elders of other Indigenous nations."

More information about the buffalo can be found at on Myspace at and on Facebook at

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #113 on: April 06, 2011, 01:06:02 pm »
Susan Ferraro emailed me and said she is no longer associated with Spisak or Buffalo Messengers in any way, shape, or form, and does not endorse or work with them as of January 2011. The BM site still has her name listed as one of their reverends. She describes what she did as running an interfaith service and prayer circle, but as she puts it, wants some distance between her and Spisak to regain her credibility.

I've asked her to repost her full statement.

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #114 on: April 06, 2011, 09:46:04 pm »
"Susan Ferraro emailed me and said she is no longer associated with Spisak or Buffalo Messengers in any way, shape, or form, and does not endorse or work with them as of January 2011. The BM site still has her name listed as one of their reverends. She describes what she did as running an interfaith service and prayer circle, but as she puts it, wants some distance between her and Spisak to regain her credibility."

There are not now, never have been or ever will be "reverends" with First Nations Inc. Buffalo Messengers. Ferraro was here, Ferraro is a Reverend, however, this is a non christian, non organized religion organization. An interfaith prayer service was attempted, but failed. Your statement makes it appear we employ or provide Reverends. We do not. No ordained leader of any organized religion will ever be permitted to take control of these two Sacred Animals and the message they bring to All of our Relatives as long as I remain. This is Native and will remain Native.

Ex girlfriends. They will be the death of me yet. Maybe I should go gay? Good god......
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 10:03:22 pm by hawkgoodfire »

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire
« Reply #115 on: April 06, 2011, 10:04:47 pm »

There are not now, never have been or ever will be "reverends" with First Nations Inc. Buffalo Messengers. Ferraro was here, Ferraro is a Reverend, however, this is a non christian, non organized religion organization. An interfaith prayer service was attempted, but failed. Your statement makes it appear we employ or provide Reverends. We do not. No ordained leader of any organized religion will ever be permitted to take control of these two Sacred Animals and the message they bring to All of our Relatives as long as I remain. This is Native and will remain Native.

Pretty easy to see how others could think otherwise.


The Buffalo Messenger Family cordially invites you to participate in a women’s prayer circle to honor our Creator’s instructions for women of all faith traditions to join in prayer with all of our relations and begin to activate the energy of the sacred feminine with the pure intention for the People of all Nations to return to a spiritual path of living. Please make the time to make a difference . All life is a Sacred gift from Creator. Let us leave our children and all of our relations with the gift of a better world to live in. Mitakuye Oyasin.
Where: Nemacolin Woodlands Prayer Lodge site at Millioke Meadows
When : Every Sunday
Time:    1 to 2:30pm
Come with a clean heart, grateful mind, humble spirit and with the faith of a child.
Please call with any questions :Reverend Susan W. Ferraro 412-973-6300.


That apparently has been up on your site for months if not years. I'm guessing you'll be taking it down soon since Ferraro has publicly stated her desire to no longer be associated. Her last email to me said (in very flowery language) she will not go into the details why. Will you say why, or do you choose not to?

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire
« Reply #116 on: April 06, 2011, 10:30:02 pm »
Pretty easy to see how others could think otherwise.


The Buffalo Messenger Family cordially invites you to participate in a women’s prayer circle to honor our Creator’s instructions for women of all faith traditions to join in prayer with all of our relations and begin to activate the energy of the sacred feminine with the pure intention for the People of all Nations to return to a spiritual path of living. Please make the time to make a difference . All life is a Sacred gift from Creator. Let us leave our children and all of our relations with the gift of a better world to live in. Mitakuye Oyasin.
Where: Nemacolin Woodlands Prayer Lodge site at Millioke Meadows
When : Every Sunday
Time:    1 to 2:30pm
Come with a clean heart, grateful mind, humble spirit and with the faith of a child.
Please call with any questions :Reverend Susan W. Ferraro 412-973-6300.


That apparently has been up on your site for months if not years. I'm guessing you'll be taking it down soon since Ferraro has publicly stated her desire to no longer be associated. Her last email to me said (in very flowery language) she will not go into the details why. Will you say why, or do you choose not to?

It isnt difficult to see who wrote that. I'll give you a wasnt me. Flowery....that was polite! It was up for a few months, and was removed immediately upon her departure. As always, I will continue to take the high road, until I am pulled back into the mud and the blood, where I will fight back. Suffice to say an attempt was made and that attempt failed. A union of spiritual understanding and organized understanding could benefit all in immeasurable ways. Not the first to try, not the first to fail. Hopefully, her involvement ends here. She is no longer involved in any aspect of First Nations Inc., and has effectively burned that bridge. That of course will be up to her and her future behavior.

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire
« Reply #117 on: April 08, 2011, 08:20:23 pm »
You have a knack for making any thread you comment on all about you. We didn't try to make this thread so, you did. You brought up topics publicly most people realize they'd have been better off asking us by IM.

The only source I have for saying Ferraro is involved with Smith is you. She won't comment. So no correction is needed.

And yes, your legal name is Spisak, so we'll call you by that. We have no idea of the circumstances of your alleged Indian name other than your account. None of us here are part of the group that calls you Goodfire, so why should we? For that matter why be reluctant to have your father's name?

excuse me, I beg to differ. I didnt make the thread about me, you wrote it, I didnt. You asked a question and received an answer. You wrote the thread it would appear, with the specific intention of providing information about a known predator.

Yes, your source on Ferraro is me. However, if you intended to disregard my answers, why did you ask in the first place? The circumstances of my "alleged Indian name"?  I dont need your permission and certainly dont need your approval.

 It has been shown, repetitively, I am real, I don’t sell ceremony, I don’t abuse anyone. [Libel, defamation, threats] You have been told, and shown, I am not a fraud, an exploiter, or thief of culture. Yet, you insist on trying to come after me. [More threats]

[This post and the four that follow were moved from the thread on David Smith, when Mr. Spisak insisted on hijacking it to, yet again, make it all about him and launch a series of unbalanced blanket accusations and outright defamation.]
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 03:43:44 am by educatedindian »

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire
« Reply #118 on: April 08, 2011, 09:29:33 pm »
You got a ton of idiots who may pull the love & light bullshit when you go after them, but believe me I aint one of them. Get off my ass, before I climb into yours. You have been told, and shown, I am not a fraud, an exploiter, or thief of culture. Yet, you insist on trying to come after me. Back the fuck off me asshole. Is that clear enough for you?

From what I've seen, our 'usual suspects' only very rarely give us love&light BS, Mr Spisak. As a matter of fact, many of them will seek refuge to four-letter words and unsavoury suggestions. Errrm, IIRC, most of those who do will start giving us a crash course in bad language after they were moved to the fraud section.

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire
« Reply #119 on: April 08, 2011, 09:57:59 pm »
[String of childish insults] Do you think you can get away with attacking anyone at anytime and there be no consequences? What you do for some of the Relatives is commendable. Trash Like Crowther & Medicine Eagle. But when you come after legitimate people, your not helping the Relatives, your hurting them. And when we finally get pissed of at your rumors, gossip, innuendo and lies and lash out you actually attempt to use that as proof we are fraudulent. [More childishness] You dont know me. Some of you do and know this is bullshit. [False accusations and outright libel] [Threats] I will respond. And you can flat damn guarantee it wont be by holding your hands and asking you to politely leave me alone. We got a saying where I come from from. Step up or step off. [More childishness, aimed at both nafps and his critics indisrciminately] You know why you havent been successful? Because there isnt anything to "expose". But no, that aint good enough. [More blanket accusations] And when I snap oh well, there ya go, see we told you. You could serve a purpose, and provide a meaningful service. This aint it. You want to know me? My door is open. 15437 is the zip code. This is a tiny little place, doesnt even have a stop sign. [Number deleted. We don't post personal phone #s.] my cell. Been plastered across the net for years now. I got nothing to hide. [More indiscriminate personal attacks] You have no clue what I have done in service to the People, for the People. What I continue to do, quietly. I need no attention, no accolades for what I do. But you will not denigrate me and make deprecating statements based on nothing more than rumors and gossip. There are consequences. And not the romanticized Hollywood consequences. There are more indigenous ways of handling these things. There are those like Smith and other child rapists, abusers of women, sellouts and predators you should be spending your time on exposing. There are those who live the right way, do things the right way. Elders have been spoken to. My actions speak for me. We were a warrior people, and we responded to threats and dishonor in an extremely decisive way. We didnt get together and have a prayer circle with a talking stick when someone started acting like a dick, then approach them with tobacco and politely ask them to be nice. Our response was to stomp a hole in the asshole who so richly deserved it. Thats traditional. Thats native. Thats indigenous.  
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 03:37:58 am by educatedindian »