Author Topic: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire  (Read 99773 times)

Offline ComesWithFire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #75 on: December 14, 2009, 11:37:09 pm »
So I guess the day this reporter came to the thank you ceromony he was told the same thing.  Something does not sound right here..........
Why was this not corrected then????? Surley someone else on here sees this and also questions the reason. The reporter must have been told who was attending that day and what/who they where when they where introduced. I mean would it not make sense that the right information was to be given that day??????

Ceremony held for white buffalo at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort
Monday, November 16, 2009
By The Associated Press
FARMINGTON, Pa. -- Native American songs and dances welcomed a sacred white buffalo to his new home at a sanctuary established at a Fayette County resort following the closure of the zoo where he was born.

About 200 people took part in Saturday's ceremony to thank owners of Nemacolin Woodlands Resort in Farmington for buying the white buffalo and another black buffalo born at the nearby Woodland Zoo in Farmington, which closed last month. The animals are now on a 50-acre parcel on the wooded grounds of the resort.

Mike "Hawk" Goodfire, appointed by the Lakota tribe as caretaker of the white buffalo, led a program that featured talks from several elder members of the tribe. Nagi White Owl, ambassador of the Sovereign Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, was among those who came from far away to attend.
"We need to open our eyes, our ears and our hearts and come together to respect all," she said. "The white buffalo born to white nations means fulfillment, a coming together of all nations."

The white buffalo "Lightning" and the black buffalo "Thunder" spent the ceremony resting in a wooden sty overlooking the site, occasionally standing at the sound of drums and voices or strolling around the area.

Joe Hardy, founder of both the resort and 84 Lumber, was presented with a feather from a bald eagle as well as Indian blankets.

"This is phenomenal" Mr. Hardy said. "I am impressed. This is such a great day for all of us."

The resort also plans to establish an American Indian interpretive center.

In Lakota lore, White Buffalo Woman was sent by the Creator to teach the people to communicate with the deity through the prayer pipe. When she left, vowing to return, she was transformed into a buffalo calf of different colors, and the birth of the white buffalo is said to signal her return
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 11:46:28 pm by ComesWithFire »
If you cannot run with the big dogs then stay under the porch with the puppies

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #76 on: December 15, 2009, 12:21:04 am »
actually, the reporter who wrote that story did not talk to anyone. The story was written without interviews and there are many points of contention in it. Intelligent people understand fully the media writes for sensation. It doesnt mean anything. That is, of course, until someone gets ahold of it and tries to turn it into something it never was. Then it gets blown up into something it never was, hurts people and causes problems. Yet another attempt to discredit using made up and/or misinterpreted information to satisfy someones ego and arrogance.

Offline ComesWithFire

  • Posts: 39
Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #77 on: December 15, 2009, 12:54:06 am »
Then why did you not correct it sooner???  I am sure you have read it over and over and over and saw the mistake..............why did you not correct it sooner.
You took the time to place it on your buffalo messenger website if the information was wrong then why did you not correct it??? Duh!!???
Yes you do have a way of placing trouble in peoples life.
Buffalo Messengers website
look under the buttons for buffalo articles (top row) then click on Post Gazette 11-23-09
I can almost asure everyone that this to will disapear.............Truth is truth
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 01:21:53 am by ComesWithFire »
If you cannot run with the big dogs then stay under the porch with the puppies

Offline bls926

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #78 on: December 15, 2009, 03:45:22 am »
ComesWithFire, why do you keep insinuating that the link to Buffalo Messengers or to specific things posted there, will disappear? You've done that twice today. Reply #70 and Reply #77. The Buffalo Messengers website is not going anywhere. All the newspaper articles, statements from the Elders, endorsements for what Hawk is doing, the interviews, Hawk's blogs are there for everyone to read. What is your problem? You are trying to cast doubt on someone without facts. Your actions are troubling to me and to others here.

Offline ComesWithFire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #79 on: December 15, 2009, 10:39:55 am »
My actions are troubling? Well lets see a newspaper article that Micheal Spisak AKA hawk good fire etc........states that the information is wrong ................if that is true then why did he place it on the website? Why promote Mistruths. Why did Micheal Spisak not correct it before, The newspapers do have R E T R A C T I O N S ...........
I do have a problem with people blaming the The Herald Standard for this wrong information, they had to get it from somewhere. I mean The Herald Standard just did not make it up. Read post 67 as you can see they think The Herald Standard is to blame when in fact it was whomever held the Thank You Ceromony . They only printed the information that they where given or that was given out.
I do not have to cast doubts for as any one can see Micheal Spisak promoted The Herald Standard article on his website.
I asked once again if the information was wrong why promote it when it should have been corrected sooner? Why did the invititation to the Thank You Ceromony State the same thing?
One would think that the correct information would have been presented and since the information was out for a good while surely someone else noticed the mistake?
Unbelieveable really .............more smoke and mirrors
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 11:11:31 am by ComesWithFire »
If you cannot run with the big dogs then stay under the porch with the puppies

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #80 on: December 15, 2009, 11:52:25 am »
dont you get it? No one cares. Newspapers typically get things wrong, or write a story in a way they think will sell papers. It is simply a non-issue, you are trying to make into an issue. Were they contacted? Um, yes. Were they told about mistakes and asked to correct them? Um, yes. Did they fix them? Um, no. Who cares? The gist of the information is correct. People are learning about these two sacred animals. The message is getting out. Thats the point. OK, I wrote it up wrong in the initial invitation. My fault, I accept the blame and apologize for my mistake. However, Nagi is an Ambassador. For the Elders Council. Nagi is on the Elders Council. Nagi does work tirelessly to help her people. Nagi is a recognized Elder. Was the mistake noticed? Um, yes. Was the mistake fixed? Um, no. Because no one cares. It is a common mistake, made many times previously and will probably be made again. It is a simple mistake, that really causes no harm. Until of course someone takes and and runs it up a flag pole, turning it into an issue it never was. Notice how no one is chiming in about this? Because no one cares. Has the Elders Council been contacted? Um, yes. Has the Nation been contacted? Um, yes. Has Ginger Brown been contacted? Um, yes. Is this being corrected (which by the way is the issue)? Um, yes. This is a Cherokee issue being handled by the Cherokee. It certainly is not some earth shattering event or news that need be touted and spread worldwide. Nor does it need to be converted into a baseball bat and used to beat me with.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 12:13:10 pm by hawkgoodfire »

Offline bls926

  • Posts: 655
Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #81 on: December 15, 2009, 01:38:44 pm »
This is the Invitation for the Wopila Ceremony from the Buffalo Messengers website. As you can clearly see it states Nagi White Owl Ambassador, Sovereign Cherokee Nation , Oklahoma .
So if thats a mistake then Buffalo Messengers and whoever put together the invitation are the ones who need to apologize for giving out the wrong information.
Heres the weblink

P.S. if this weblink suddenly disapears then please email me I have it copied in full and would be gladly to send it.

Then why did you not correct it sooner???  I am sure you have read it over and over and over and saw the mistake..............why did you not correct it sooner.
You took the time to place it on your buffalo messenger website if the information was wrong then why did you not correct it??? Duh!!???
Yes you do have a way of placing trouble in peoples life.
Buffalo Messengers website
look under the buttons for buffalo articles (top row) then click on Post Gazette 11-23-09
I can almost asure everyone that this to will disapear.............Truth is truth

(My bold in the above quotes, as this is what I'm addressing.)

Anyone not familiar with what's going on would think things "disappear" off that website on a regular basis. They don't. For you to say things like this is wrong. As I said last night, you're trying to cast doubt. You have an agenda and it's definitely showing.

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #82 on: December 15, 2009, 02:04:18 pm »
if I may, allow me to make this abundantly clear. I am the one who is at fault here. I used the wrong nomenclature to associate identity. That is my fault, and I am deeply distraught over that. Never, for one moment, did I or anyone else think that simple error would get so blown out of proportion. One entity provides politically, the other provides physically. They both work hand in glove, and often individuals are incorrectly associated with the other entity. It happens, is known to happen, and is understood. The relationship with each other is tender and fragile. This malicious rumor mongering has the ability to break that relationship. Who then will feed and care for the 15,000 or so they care for now? Using someone as beautiful as Nagi, as giving as Nagi, as humble as Nagi, simply to discredit me is nothing short of disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 03:53:24 pm by hawkgoodfire »

Offline ComesWithFire

  • Posts: 39
Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #83 on: December 15, 2009, 09:25:07 pm »
Your very big mistake caused the Cherokee Nation to step in. I have no idea how they found out. But like I have stated you had many chances between the date the article came out till now to correct it on your website and you did not. So its you that has caused this problem not any one else.
The Truth always comes out in the end. I in no way try to put the lady down who came out she is just another victim of a confused mans world. everyone should now question anything the article contains.

Simply stateing that if Micheal Spisak had gotten his information right in the first place then this very big mistake would never had happen.
And Micheal Spisak you will never shame me because you really do not have that power, you really do not.
red-road hawk.........I remeber that well........ :'( ;D
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 10:17:31 pm by ComesWithFire »
If you cannot run with the big dogs then stay under the porch with the puppies

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #84 on: December 16, 2009, 12:54:54 am »

The Truth always comes out in the end. I in no way try to put the lady down who came out she is just another victim of a confused mans world. everyone should now question anything the article contains.

I have never ran away from anything and first of all I have no desire to be around you . Now when you present an Elder instead of an older than I will listen.

that is a statement made by you, Dec. 14, 2009 @ 12:14 am, post #4 on a thread you started "Cherokee Nation official warns of fraudulent groups"

Now there is some truth. It sure looks like you are "putting the lady down"
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 01:05:35 pm by hawkgoodfire »

Offline ComesWithFire

  • Posts: 39
Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #85 on: December 16, 2009, 10:25:23 pm »
I just let others be aware of an article that was published in a newspaper. I did not mention any names. YOU DID. I have never once spoke bad of anyone other than the actions of you Micheal Spsiak hawk good fire or whatever you are calling your self now. BUt it's just like you to lay blame on someone else. Fact is you made the mistake and never once tried to correct it. There is a comment blog on the same page as the story you could have placed something there.
This article that has been out since Nov. the 16th 2009 so you had plenty of time to correct it but you did not ,instead you placed it on your website and promoted it. ( still are)
So what else is in that article that is not the truth. How can anyone now believe anything.
So once again it was/is your actions that have once again caused trouble and pain in someone else's life.
It's strange how this article came to me because this was the first time that I have ever bought that newspaper........Maybe it was meant to be.
For once did you ever think that maybe you should not be where you are??? After all was it not someone else who got the messeage first about the buffalo then before they could get things together you took it upon yourself and ran with it............
Maybe the buffalo are trying to shake you.............for would they not try and stay where they were born............the orginal owners jill and Sonny where good honest hard working people...........not rich by far....... but still they took wonderful care of the animals and they loved doing it.
These Buffalos are trying to shake you off and you do not see it.

maybe you need to just leave then in peace.................let them be .........
If you cannot run with the big dogs then stay under the porch with the puppies

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #86 on: December 17, 2009, 05:18:00 pm »
The questions about the article on Nagi White Owl were asked and answered repeatedly. Several of you need to learn when to let something go.

I hasten to add I see plenty of signs that NWO is widely accepted as an elder by her community. But there is one thing that bothers me, what seems to be a serious error in judgement. She's repeatedly endorsed a dubious character.

At and and

This beautiful woman approaches life with respect, honor and compassion. Her high energy and obvious knowledge of ancient healing ways are the traits of a true healer.
Grandmother Nagi Whiteowl
Native American Elder
Cherokee and Lakota Nations


And if you look at what Almine is selling online.

"Sacred and Ancient Symbols to Open Access to the Infinite Mother and Father
Sacred and Ancient Symbols to Open Access to the Infinite Mother and Father II
Sacred and Ancient Symbols to Open Access to the Infinite Mother and Father III
Interdimensional Photos of Almine
Personal Development"

Her links and what she promotes:

"Institute of Applied Mysticism
School of Arcana forum
Spiritual Journeys
Almine Websites
Belvaspata Official
School of Arcana
Almine Healing
Ancient Shamanism
Animal Healing
Ascended Mastery
Ascension Angels
Astrology of Isis
Divine Architect
Earth Wisdom Chronicles
Incorruptible White Magic
Mystical Kingdoms
Way of the Toltec Nagual"

Almine also presents herself as an expert on pipe ceremony and medicine wheels for the Lakota, though I don't see any sign she sells ceremony.

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #87 on: December 17, 2009, 06:37:50 pm »
what can I say? Folks would have to contact Nagi to answer these questions. I have been known to have run with some real wack-a-loons in my past. When I realized they were out of their twinkie mind, I hit the bricks. They still come back to haunt me now and then. I dont endorse them or their behavior, but because I knew them I am usually guilty by association. I know Nagi as an honest traditional woman who works tirelessly to provide food and clothing to the Cherokee People. Previous associations I cannot speak of.

Offline Ramona1

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #88 on: May 12, 2010, 02:48:24 pm »
I used to visit the Woodland Zoo many times after the white buffalo was born with my family. We always paided the admission price and went threw the zoo by ourselves. After they closed I was wondering how the buffalos where doing and I had heard that the two buffalos had a calf before they sold and moved from the Woodland Zoo. Well, I got my answer on another forum Woodland Indians and I have learned that the calf did not make it (live) And according to Micheal Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire AKA Sunkawitko someone believes ( althought they say they cannot prove it)  that the white buffalo is not the father of the calf that was born to the black/brown female buffalo.
that young calf didnt make it. he died a few days after birth. although unproven, it is believed the white was not his father
read down to post #496
How can this be, since the Woodland Zoo only had the two (white male) (black/brown female) at the zoo in the same pen? Why would they even make a statement like this? Is he now claming another virgin birth?

Offline Ramona1

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #89 on: May 16, 2010, 11:48:28 pm »
Pennsylvania Department of State 

Cease and Desist Orders
The following is a listing of outstanding cease and desist orders issued against charitable organizations, solicitors and fundraising counsels since 1996. These organizations  cannot legally solicit contributions in Pennsylvania until they register with the bureau or provide the bureau with evidence that they are excluded or exempt from the law.

Organization                                                          Order Dated
Buffalo Messengers, Farmington, PA 15437                                                10/27/2009