Author Topic: Peter Jan Koning Winnoway AKA Winnogway AKA Hennie De Gode  (Read 18746 times)

Offline kosowith

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Peter Jan Koning Winnoway AKA Winnogway AKA Hennie De Gode
« on: August 17, 2009, 08:20:46 pm »
This is one of those times when a person is really made aware that there are some certifiably crazy people out there focusing on Indians and Indian issues.  I absolutely believe this man is mentally ill, but this is what we deal with, especially in Europe.  Both of his posts were sent to approximately 200 people around the world including almost every web site or address he could find that referenced Indians.  I deleted the list before posting this as it was almost 3 pages long.   It is hard to read and his Dutch is as bad as his English, so take if for what it is worth.   With the quickness of his rebuttal, (?) I assume he must have been inundated with angry responses.  I also hear that some people were concerned enough to report him to the serve and the local authorities in his area.

> Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:33:04 +0200
> Subject: international warning against the hopi
> From:

 dear odawi porter and people of the longhouse open letter all hopi supporters

 international warning about the status of the hopi and their land.

 I am the traditional leader of this world.
This is my statement:

the leadership of hopi is of. hereby i declare by traditional intenational law the hopi land an open land. I can resque all land and  life however the hopi refuse to show respect for me, agknowledge the  fact that i can do so but do misuse my leadership and my person for to  resque the land and to get anything they want from me. My leadership will no longer tolerate this. there fore my leadership wil wait until  hopi begs for mercy to me and surrenders to me inlusively. I have been waiting very paitently for them and the do not deliver.  they think they have the right to religiously torture everyone inclusive their supporters and to create fasism but will not deliver on the posiveness nessesety to resque the world.  if the hopi are not able to deliver the peace that is now possible  becouse of me they are also not alowed to dedliver the war by means of  fasim becouse they are incompotent. they are a failed people and still want my leadership without pay and  also to torture me religiously.

 I have sett them an ulitmatum but they do not deliver on the paece.  threfore their autority is totaly of becouse it became useless.  they are a failed people and therefore they do not have the authority over their land any longer. I am the traditional white leader of this world and i advise strongly and proclaim the tradtional dutch order to withdraw from hopiland and to no longer suppport hopi untill they do deliver on the peace.

 we know that the hopi tradtionally make a slave status for they  supporters religiously. this was alowed by us to for they had a high promise to us for this world. therefore we became hopi supporters to help them in their task.  however we do no longer tolorate any antipathy by the hopi for they failed to respect us and at the same time did not keep they twears and promisses.  for those that do not belive this message to be absolutely true I chalange them to reasearch thoroughly the situation and to test the hopi leadership.

 I advise the peole of the longhouse to evict the hopi form their land  and to withdrow negotiations from the hopi.

 your traditional leader. - peter jan winnoway
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 23:06:28 +0200
> Subject: international traditional law and leadership
> From:
dear people,

 I have to admit i was impatient when i wrote this letter to the dalai lama and to tai situ and to many others.

 i am realy this worlds traditional leader.  this takes a lot of efford.  I installed international tradtional law.
 the law was at war for thousants of years and was so obayed by the people. this gave a lot of problems so land and life became to be in peace is possible becouse they can now obay the international traditional law. The effect of this wil be that land and life will be saved. (if they realy do) it is your life to that is at stake with the threat to land and life by means of the environment! Now your may be save. and am waiting  untill i receive an answer from my leader winnogway. i think he is with hopi but he may as well be now with the australian aboriginees or the africans. He may be a christian priest or in tibattan monostery he is very smart. He tought me the law and i do my thing with it. he can resque all land and life and i can not do it in his way.
the hopi are good people and do not deserve withdrawl of their support. sorry to have asked for this.
 for people to whom this letter is confusing ( all of them?) i give you my websites adress to study the real thing: http://back/to/landlife
  i resque al land and life so all of mankind. I explain alittle how that feels.  i saw a comunityposter volunteers wanted: resque a life for the comunity! I said to that poster: i resque them all any volunteers?
  do you know that some people talk with their alias?  antroposofische psychiatrische behandeling: koud water, warme liefde de varende katholieke heiligen: we drijven het uit........

with joyfull greetings,
peter jan winnoway
« Last Edit: July 23, 2015, 02:00:23 pm by educatedindian »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Crazy Europeans
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2009, 10:15:57 pm »
Oh my.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Crazy Europeans
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2009, 02:42:15 pm »
This seems to be him also. Just a portion of his rant included, the parts where he describes himself and who supposedly trained him and his claim of the Hopi role in all this.


imperialism juridically feafeted.
winnogway , Feb 10, 2005 @ 21:16 GMT
nucliar war over juriddically.
The nations must be sovreign to garantee the practice of resquing the land throuhg the desision right to the freedom to be a caretaker for the land.

And thritfully say: I love the land. Until now this was in law not possible. No one now is a caretaker for the land, they only trie to live a as a caretaker ( or not!) in their totalally closed juridical cage. and cannot be a caretaker of the land thie suns doughters and and cannot guarantee anything to thoise suns and doughers and those generations that may come from them. On the contarary, things are gettoing wuse all the time! And they wonder why! If there is no freedom there is nopossiblity to do anything good in the direction the history of your family aught to go. it goes the other way, the distructive dirtection for your kids! only the freedom the winnogway savetyprocedure gives: that no registration is valid anymore for those that shoose for this familiesThe carefull by national state organized escape to freedom of its man woman and childeren will give them the choice to guard the liveland wilst it stays alive.

without that specifivc freedom that gives the freedom to the real and true responability that belongs to the true and real ongoing reality posibility on the land.

emporor of this world I want you to publish my book in all news papers before you may meet me in an fair and freidnshipwise hones negotiation meeting. otherwise I cannot accept anny apointment or visit from you. I do not beleive another start for our deal to reque the land and the people than that.

I want you to be happy about our contact and the results.

I am a king poor that neds an independant nationa and position in this world, independant also from you as far as I can and need for the dynamics of the things to come: the regrouping of mankind. I do not want to live luxurie myself. I anly want to live in leam homes and the way it was in pre >stonenage times. In a reservation on the irisch countryside.

I need to rule several new industries for that independance that i need. I want to have a good and helpfull relationschip with your family.

I want to explan that all people must have a chance to be able to resque the land freely. Therefore the lifetime of land and life must be streched by good economics.

The goods must be ok....

Aquavit a purely ruling water.

I want to have enaugh to fulfill my purpose: the resque of the land. I myself do not need al too much.

THis world' seconomy starts with hepfthreadweaving

a man may say.

I want to own the product hemf industry, each country must have limeterd richt to the salt tax. ( be realistic!) the coalmotor produce I want to share that with you, the bioplastic industrie and I need al media of news and information.

I need to start the selection of all creations seeds so in time our food supply will be guaranteed again. This needs to be mechanicly and i know how. I am the highes inventor to the new situation there is....

I need to have a nucliar banking state and I am very good in the basic theorie thereof I believe.

The man in the moon is happy.

He is a father, a medicineman, a storyteller, a lawgiver, a writer and a laughingman.

He has found the winnogwayland and life safetyprocedure. His storyteller name is he who wins the road.

I publish and train people to be out of national state law, I am an inventor and tell stories....

Europeans are aboriginal. Traditional decisions are taken by consensus on the basis of wisdom. If there is no consensus the decision does not take place within that group of people and the trouble remains to later the time to take a disision is better. Or the man may be doing it on his own. He has to keep the village peace. For the group the law applies that no one is disregarded in favour of long term togetherness for the power to take care. The best leadership is from wise man that want to stay poor. Hopi do so of their caretakers reason. The story of the small ear of corn is very important. For to succeed in taking the economical decisions in this world the aboriginals must work on their knowledge over this and all swear to pover wealth as the Hopi have done long ago and still do....

Hopi has the basis- initiative in this world.

The root cause of the problems that threaten life on earth is the concept of land title acquired and maintained by force. Since modern civilisation is based on this concept, it does not hold the key to peace.

Our original hopi land title is based on permission.

We received that permission from Maasow, the guardian of all land and life who holds it in trust for the Creator. This it is implemented by the forces that create this universe. Regardless of differences in culture and tradition, true aboriginal title throughout this world is based on a similar relationship. To usurp aboriginal title by deception and force, then build an empire on that basis, is to oppose the forces of life and ensure the eventual destruction of that empire. The united states of america has become such an emperor.

Grandfather martin gaswesheoma ,sacred stonekeeper Hopi.

One law will follow one law only all other laws are forever changing. Grandfather dan katchongva, Hopi.

We are all actors grandfather titus. Hopi

Sacred Stonekeepers.

Stonekeepers have sacred stones with petroglyfs that are proof for the ownership of the people of the land.

Hopi has never been overwon. The americans must surrender to hopi sovereignty.

and the colonies to all aboriginal sovereignty and go back. Nuclear war and destruction is waged from america as a base always and the only solution is that they go back and they must or otherwise the attack will continue....


I learned from honest people and dishonest people. some of them the most important for my study where americans that hold on to the possessing force to the last. Tom tarbet an american aboriginal supporter helped me a great deal. And late prof Jovan owe started when i was fourteen and found that i could not live the pre stoneage way. Not to hurt nature. It could not be in the industrialised country that my country had become. Then I decided to change all that stood in the way of my life and to combat the destructive forces themselves. I kept my decision also by going to the Hopi and meeting people there for they kept their agreement with Maasow. I thank all those that helped me over the years, al friends aquintences and knowlegegivers....

Offline Superdog

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Re: Crazy Europeans
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2009, 05:03:50 pm »
This is as far out there as I've ever seen.....but also pretty entertaining.  I googled his name and came up with nothing, but for some reason it seems familiar.

I'll have to keep looking.


Offline Superdog

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Re: Crazy Europeans
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2009, 05:13:53 pm »
Ok found a few things.

Here's his website:

The name he signs on there with is Peter Jan Koning Winnogway.  Good luck reading's as garbled as the rest of it, but there seems to be more insight into his psychosis of being here to rescue the land, why he's got a thing against hopis and other crazy messages.  It's also got copyright

Peter Jan Koning is his real name...Winnogway is two things...his leader and also his true name because he is the true leader of the world.  Apparently the Irish know about it and he's angry at the Hopi for many things, but most of all for not contacting him and telling him that he was the true world leader all this time....seems he just discovered it.

Truly out there stuff.

« Last Edit: August 18, 2009, 05:18:07 pm by Superdog »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Crazy Europeans
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2009, 05:21:41 pm »
This is as far out there as I've ever seen.....but also pretty entertaining.  I googled his name and came up with nothing, but for some reason it seems familiar.

His name isn't familiar to me, but that white teenager who tried to proclaim himself "King of the Sioux" comes to mind. This guy's thought processes and writing are reminiscent of that Jervis guy who wears the teddy bear on his head. Sort of like if you put both those guys in a blender and pressed "crazify".

There were some really bizarre emails going around the net five or ten years ago, from someone who claimed to be a time traveler looking for help. A friend's husband decided to engage with the guy, trying to figure out if the guy was truly nutso or someone playing a prank. Never figured out which it was.

Whatever this guy's story is, I'd keep the sharp objects away from him.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2015, 04:33:13 pm by Yells At Pretendians »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Crazy Europeans
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2009, 04:40:40 pm »
Winnoway just spammed us with letters under the name Hennie de Gode, but using the same email address that's further up in this thread. Here they are, followed at the very end by my response.

1st letter

publick notice Monday, October 26, 2009 1:30 PM
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Hennie de Goede" <>

my letters with the names winnogway and peter jan koning
have been published on your website.

I inform you that there is an official discussion going on between the
mohawk office the six nations and me.

I have been veru usefull for the six nations in the past and their
thanks is officially very great and they are helping me now to write
to you and to correct your error of publishing my letters and my name
and references.

I challange you to immediatly contact the six nations office and to
request full imformation about my use of me for the six nations.

I am highly honored by them officially. and the request you to take
ALL information out and to discuss no more.

I rerquest an emidiate responce.


2nd letter

Re: publick noticeMonday, October 26, 2009 1:40 PM
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Hennie de Goede" <>

ps oren lyons will  and is taking it up for me if he will be
thouroughly informed.
> winnogway

3rd letter

Re: publick noticeMonday, October 26, 2009 1:58 PM
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Hennie de Goede" <>


4th letter

Re: publick noticeMonday, October 26, 2009 5:37 PM
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Hennie de Goede" <>

ps tony conzales ex director of the treaty council and now AIM can
stand in for me that i was usefull for the six nations and that i am a
rational man, however emotional at times.



My answer:


First of all, it is not my website. I am one of the moderators.

If Oren Lyons or Tony Gonzalez with to contact me, I am certainly willing to listen.

If you have any evidence the information on the site is inaccurate, please tell us how, exactly. We don't remove information simply because someone doesn't like being criticized.

Nearly everything at our site about you reposts your own words. Do you wish to withdraw your claim of being the traditional leader of the world, with power over the Hopi and Six Nations?

Offline NDN_Outlaw

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Re: Crazy Europeans
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2009, 05:33:52 pm »
Two thoughts: The further from the source the crazier it gets and secondly this yet another reason weird people shouldn't surf the Internet drunk.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Crazy Europeans
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2009, 10:43:24 pm »
Got another message from "winnogway" AKA Hennie de Gode. Makes about as much sense as usual.


to nafps,

I know i am not understood by your website therefore i make this my
statement and it is my my very point:

"The parcilnumber is not alowed to rule the earth."

Well thinking polite people may know what to do with that line and i
am open to respectfull questions.



Parcilnumber shows up online only as something he keeps posting in guestbooks.

Re: Crazy Europeans
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2009, 11:29:23 pm »
Parcilnumber.. isn't that something I would give to UPS or Fed EX??  :D
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Offline earthw7

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Re: Crazy Europeans
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2009, 03:15:04 pm »
I don't know what it is but this guy
is way out there.
In Spirit

Offline Freija

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Re: Crazy Europeans
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2009, 05:58:21 pm »
Parcilnumber.. isn't that something I would give to UPS or Fed EX??  :D

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Peter Jan Koning Winnoway (was Crazy Europeans)
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2014, 10:42:26 pm »
Today we are seeing some truly crazy pretenders. This guy is back and up to the same. I included his name to warn people away. His email followed by mine.


I am now named by the hopi indians 'the eternal pahana again'.

you may tell this on but not publish.

peter jan koning


I'm pretty certain if you wanted it kept secret you would not have emailed almost 300 people.

Of course we will publish your claim. It is important that people realize the kind of destructive nonsense claims Natives deal with all the time.

The same as before, I strongly urge you to see the help of mental healthcare professionals.

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Peter Jan Koning Winnoway (was Crazy Europeans)
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2014, 02:58:44 pm »
i may not be hopi but my mom was pueblo so is everyone on that side of my family

i never heard of a "stonekeeper"

what the hell is that?

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Re: Peter Jan Koning Winnoway AKA Winnogway AKA Hennie De Gode
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2015, 02:08:39 pm »
Koning is back after almost a year's absence, this time sending some very unsubtle death threats.

This was completely unaltered, typos and all. Sent from an account with the name "Greek Asasaslo."


my dearest lyar all caroll, I am winnogway, the purifier, the eternal pahana again, the killer of all non-sjamanic peoples and I am the light and the truth and the road on earth for I save the earth this way. that is the truth. every aborignee american has a right on 10 mln for the times after the purification to prepare for this victory.

many indians go the red road and are neemies of the earth I however go the black road for I am the traditional leader of the earth
